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Watchman Warder (1899), 23 Oct 1902, p. 11

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t ion. a“? t ”309““ ' heal! Bantilul New Silk and Flannel Waists km the latest arrivals are one of “Chomest lots of dai nty, fashion a"I‘Shirt Waists ever shown in Lind- ‘ogxen's Skirts of Oxford Greyfiiool {nae cloth. with rows of cording from waist to flare, tailor snitch- ing on flare, regular 34-00- 3.“ while they last .. .. m.- just an ifikling of what in? box back Coats of non]. trim doth, 40 inches long. now colhr, tailor stitching, :ined 5 75 (khaughout. black or grey. at. .1 Chm-en’s Reefers of heavy Woél {ride cloth. high storm collar. 1:858 buttons, sizes 101' girls '4 to 10 years. choice of navy or. 23, red shades. only .............. o W’s Coats of grey zebiline cloth, m collar, 42 inches long. semi- itting back. an excellent 8.“ by at Monte Carlo Cost for go- ‘ w 9! black beaver cloth, we!” , satanna lined. 30 W with loose box plait in may 1 mg ‘ the lamest apprOVed style. triad moderatelv at, ........ ‘1.“ ' ' ”new WIS of Others here m many 3mm styles that cannot 26%;: U'ibed Come in and we wil s themtO‘ Von Lt, $3. "'3 “S4 00, 54-50 85.00 $550 $6.00,, .1.” 57-90 and omen’s Skirts of brick or grey homesrmns, some with cording iron Waist to flare and also on _mre “they. with five tucks Wm hands of black satin: these would hegood” value at 36 em? gm at cm c'u‘z" lager new styles 01 muuuc Wu." .uâ€"q bust American fad, colors buck} grey and fawn, beautifully made‘ the swellest garments you: saw, come and see them at $13-50. $15-00 and............... o «Natty New York Street flats esllown in our Millin‘ery ' Room this week. ‘ , The Safe Satisfactory Store able arid stylish at Women’s Skirts 400 Kinds 3.48 Our first Month Shows How Eager The People are For New Goods. '3 Waists of Plain h leis, fine quality. beau y' With tucks and new m med with buttons. lined tb'°“‘ L, all the newhshadeS. such as 11, scarlet. navy, FOYal: and Blues, h1ackgalso White, 99" Extra at 4.89 styles of Monte; Carly: “731.:er qud st, of flannel. tinted shed with rows of amid, line-d, a real Ivy or red. regulfil‘ fir: 3.38 2.25 All thats new in 'Neckwear For Men and Boys. Its not often you get the. oppdr- tunity to trv such Christmas Neck- wear so eady in the suson. That's your privilege here just no N. The Neckwaar Manufactures shipped out: stockg‘for Christmas a little. too soon, so we're going to place it on sale and sell it all out. quickly. Scores of new shapes, patterns and- colorings to choose from at 12“, 156, 200, 25c and 500. Caper-mes of Grey Lam: trachan. Electric Seal! $18.00. ' Women’s Coats _of __33la.ck all lengths and sizes. $28.00, $30.00, 33250 Grey" Lamb at‘ $48.50. You will likely be surprised when you look over our Glove and Mitt stock for men and boys. Almost every wanted kind is here: W'ht,L ther its a heavy working mitt at 256 or the fine silked lined dreSS glove at $1.50. ‘ We show many others between. Caps for Men a dren of Persia Electric Seal. Grey hint! at before buying. . . ‘ Sable Boas and Ruth, assocted leu- gths' and shapes, at. $70.50. $8.00, $10.00, $11.50, $14.00. $15.00 and $18.00. . Electric Seal Buffs, assorted shapes and lengths at $1.50, 32. $2.50, $3.75 and $5. Beaver, Thiket, Black Opposum. S7, ‘and Russia Stone Martin $6.50. Our stock of new Furs for Women and Children is now coniplate. Here is just. a. hint. about prices. The goods are all guaranteed. See ours Women’s Black Satanna. Wm, m'cely made. daintily finished with fine stitching and cording. trimmed with mantra! muons, fast black. stylish AndeuuNe. $1.25- ‘ Ready With New Furs. one of New York 8 prettiest styles in‘ a silk tan‘eta. waist is this lone, on body and shows, the lower phi-t. of waist with open-work stitching across the- waist. 1ront,g_iving_..~a.. }ectric Seal wii 13.!“ at $65.00- We have all the New Idea Patterns at 15c Each. pretty em; any come in my, royal and pale blue. wane and Gemini-l priced mommy at, .. ............. Black Satan: Waists [.23 chain This is Glove Time Men and Women and Chil- Pcrsian‘ Lamb, Astrachaii, Seal, Beaver, Neutria. and 1115 at $2 up _to $10. with Stone Martin «‘01- of Black Astral!“ 1 sizes, at 324. 75. .532 50 and $33 00 UN 95M .Black Asâ€" at, $2 6t0 °ff‘ 4.50 uuvw‘. wv “r t . THE POOR STREET LIGHTS ' Dr. Burrowsrâ€"Throu‘gh some bung- ling, misunderstanding, squabbling and fightingthe town did not get the electric light. Now it has practical: ly none at all. The excuse for w light is intolerable and cannot be‘ put up with. We want a better light. and a better schedule to operâ€" ate it_ on. It should be lit every dark night. The time has come for a severe protest. Council appeared to beprctty much nonplussed by the lighting question and' the only comment further_ was a remark that one could not: tell when the night was going to bedarkh It seems that Manager Graham' has been sick and that th'a accounted for! some of the recent 'defects in the service. BUFJROWS AFTER QHhLMERS ‘-A" i Ald. O'Reillyé'l‘he gangs are not satisfactory anyhoiw. At Sylves- ter’s they ring for arqwter of an hour sometimes when the train is away back -on the line or perhaps only a. box car is left standing there. This Raps peeple from crossing and is only; a delusion. ’At that point therearenohousesveryneartobe disturbed and the ringing is not nearly so incessant as at the Lindsay street crossing. If they are not promptly taken down I will order the commissioner to take them down. They are on the street. .. Aid. Robsonâ€"We have given the gangs 3. trial,:and they are not satâ€" isfactory. Isn't that it '.'_ Ald. McDiarmid â€" Perhhps in not answering our ‘last letter, the G.T.R. is giving us a dose of bur own medi- cine. We have dilly-dallied for three years with their request for better siding-accbmmodaticn. ~- The whole question of our relations with the company * sbouid’ be discussed. to gether.- - ' _“ ‘ '7 O .-_,..A nâ€"‘ Ald. Horaâ€"My horse is of more ner- vous temperment 1.han.othur9. l-ut I know he is alarm-3d at the gangs and; I think they are a. nuimnge.’ , u- unit-Dd It was fesolved 'thatth should be appealed to again "C "vu-xu uv--- , Ald. Jacksonâ€"Aid. Here is looking- after a team and one will be bought as soon as a, suitable one is found Dr. Burrows read a. motion to dis- miss the street commissioner. - He expiained that he 'did so as a mea- sure 01 economy. There were too _...... nn.nmi¢éinners and Chalmers manv commissioners anu mum“- should go. _ The mayor was handed the motion and asked, “Have you 9. wonder." “I don't know," said the doctor. “I have not asked anyone to second 'L.\ . Psxrz‘ows exnlained that he had given notice of a bylaw to amend the bylaw appointing the“ caretaker of but since there was no the fireball : sign of a, second team béing bought. he would defer the mgtion. 1 uuu u 315V n, _ “I have not asked “1‘50“" t" second In: Sass Sole Do Not Take Mach II- ‘V' and In Their Own mun Ald. O’Remyâ€"You are out of order. V n cannot over-ride a. “The Man on the Street." in the anyway. We, bylaw by a motion in that way. Mail and Empire says : Dr. Bmodei. I will change it. Some days ago the Board of Grain Wot-.byluv. I Enméun the non. John they cut one wire and next night both with the result that the gong. being on the double oellsyswmmang all the time. The one at. Syiveiter‘s crossing in all right. Atd. McDiarmiadâ€"The gangs are all right, but‘the people down there tampered with them. he first ngggxp Wkld. O’Relllyalt linearly a. year since we gave them permission to‘try them; If 'the company does not guard the‘croeemge we must send a solicitor to Ottawa. ‘imd lnslSt upon proper protection. ” These gouge were put up to see if theywvould do. and they do not.'but me only a. nuisance. ‘ Dr. Burrowsâ€"111388 right ’; it they arernot taken ddwneright away, take steps to get them down. Where been condemned in other places and the company stole :o. .mnrch ;on us When‘theygot the right to put. them in. We must be relieved of this ,in- tolerable nuisance at once. EtymIngbâ€"Hweask tohafirethc 801188 removed, the railway people m coupe from putting a. flag man there. We gays them o yea: in which to try tho songs, ‘ Ald. 0' _Beillyâ€"Ha.ve you heard from Mr. Timn about those gouge, It. Clerk ? Clerk Knowlsonâ€"Not sot. ' 414.0%!“ trite to lib min. I don' t blame the people who are oompMining. No member .o. oouhcil would put up with the nuis- anee for an hour. Ala. Jackeoxvâ€"Councll is jointly to blame with the railway people. We gave permission to pm. thme thing: Stewart vb O'Connor wrote for Yorkost property owners. that stag- nant water in the ditche- south of Kent-st was a. menace to health. They also asked that Hr. Ju. Ham- ilton get remlsion of hall-tho taxes on his houses Haiti-eyed by fire lut' summer. The same law firm stated in behalf of ”10 “fine near the milway (ringing on Mt «that. if the mg were not nub down. the court would he appealedfizo. " Council met in adjourned session on Monday night. Dr. Burrow: m0?- ed to amend the bylaw appointing Commissioner Ghnlmera but got no seconder. He promised to pursue his policy still further at a late meeting. The crossing gangs came in for sev- ere censure and the railway author- itia will be naked in no uncertain tones to take them away. Aid. O'Reilly said if thy were notpl'oml’t" 1y removed he would order the com- mie'sioner to take them dovn. for they were on the street. ' Council Will See to it that They Are Removedâ€"The Siding Question MR. CHALMERS STILL STAYS THOSE RAILWAY GONGS .Burrows Could get No §ec under to a Motion to Dismiss Him Titfin these columns each week. -- Many 9L9“! reugers are {also able tomvouch for cures which have come unfi’é‘r their own observation. This week "Liming" has received a letter from one'of'i‘is readers. Mr. B. Welter-son, .a. prosperous farmer living at Bru, in which he gives his own experience in the hope that it may benefit some other suflerer: Mr; Weltersen stys : "5.03118 «Seep ego ~I was enacting so igmtly froni rheumatism in my limbs that I was for along time unable. to do _any.work. I tried in many ways to. obtain a cure, ‘both by patént ‘medicin‘es’and medicine prescribed by ldoctors, but without obtaining any benefit " I saw Dr. Williams' Pink: Pills’"'anvertised- in the Logbcrg as being-1. cure for this trouble and determined to give it. 4 trial. I , bought ngZGfl boxes and before half of them were used 'I felt a great 'chuige for the better. ~ This improve- ment continued from day to day. and belore I had used all the pills I was completely Cured. Since that tinie trouble. Alter.- “ a fin several, other cases and no other suiodicine mm so beneficial to me. ’I feel itnmy duty to publicly give testimony to_the merits of this won- ldefiul medicine so others similarly aflicted.may 'be led to try it}; .The‘readers or Logberg have "10m; berm familiar with the virtues of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through the well authenticated' cums pobliahod gWin these columns each week. -- may a box or six boxes nor .2 writing direct to the DY. Wi? Medicine 00.. Brockville. Ont. If, you are weak or ailing; if your nerves are tired or jaded, or your blood is out of condition, you will be wise to use Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. which are an unfailing cure‘for all blood and nerve troubles. But be sure you get the genuine. with the full name “Dr. William? Pink Pills for Pale People" out)» wrapper a:- ound every box. Sold by all medi- cine deulers or sent post paid at 500 a box or six boxes for 32.50 by writimz direct to them. William! few dollars know expense than was first supposed, qould be entailed. Aldr Bore was» rebuked {or his tim- idity, and told to go on and get the jop.‘;.gompleted as he had ,hem authâ€" orized to do. An Interesting Story how u Icelandic Semen”: From‘ the Logbcrg, Winnipeg,lla_.n. Dr. Burrows objected to putting a. walk on St; Pull-ct. The board walk was good: for. yea-n. He prjotesbed against arranging for so may new A. few M on which cannot. walk: were orda'qd m withdrawn from the list to be Mug-used over min {or Walk! 01 (linen-ant dimen- pious. The mayor and Ald. Bore had been authorized to have the town clock set up, but yet brmnght Kathi!!- iat. Webster to explain why a few ,. Thé gas lamp It the hospital. will be moved east. to where the~drivo way comes out. . ' A14. 'kb‘floonâ€"I impose the r41- ww can mks unjust . Dr, ‘Burrowsrâ€"m can't do it, Alfi. O'quyâ€"Both‘ aides must .1» hard. I'wlll .neur aver giving piggy 15 feet of Durham street, Let the .wmmny buy prints property. I wq’uld, rather help them to do that thy: site'them the mad. ,It is not right that usmqn oectfionxol“ the pfoelé should Men for a. big cor- mtfion. and to sin the G.T.B. Midst-s 7; few dogma. . -(h'a'r whole matter will be talked of again... when damnation: will likely be Dr. Burrowsâ€"You are only the chairman and should not know any more than anybody else. CROWDED RAILWAY TRACKS Ald. McDiarmid said that the 0. TR. aiding: had recently been. no crowded with through freight. that Parkin. Davey. Cerew, Bathbun and the Flavelle mum; 00W had been unable to get. can down onto their aiding; We had been 70 to 150 can 0! through {fight standing about. Better accommodation should be given the G. '1‘. R. People ob- ject to giving away any of Durham- at. Thenlandehouldbogotbyuie company to the loath o! the station. He did not favor (him away the street {or even that would aflord Only ltemporary valid. He moved that the solicitor give the , , 120â€"; L “on at“ Wolle, qu-u ; ho «blond. i That was my to Mill- m matte; in can ”aha courts were decided upo‘ “ninth notice would take time. The alderman did nottheniavororobjocttothepmr po'sal of the railway but merely aim- adamant-outlaw- undc ~Mviowottm m. moot. Ald. 07MB: mJYou know that the Rathbun company was uked to- sup- Plyittothotownandthutitm to be used in making public closet... Dr. Burrows-I am not. asking you. Aid. O'Reillyâ€"You are asking a question pertaining to my depart- ment. Dr. Burrowsâ€"The people who use it should put it into place. What Was done about that cement the town Was to get from Bathbun for 8031102 ltOTIONS O’Reillyâ€"HcDiurmidâ€" That tender- be asked for snowâ€"plowing. O'Rdllyâ€"Jaclmou-That the flour- ing bridge be put. into position. « anyway. Immhmspentallthq money there is, and what we spend from this out_ will be u. doflcit. Nobody seconded the motiOn to read the bylaw the first time. but the doctor said he would raise th matter again. HOW RE! IEF CAME â€"-Our {all stock has mived con. stating of bedroom and dining-room “unitary. {aiding onus. mantle beds. ‘bodswnfunndwun. 3:. WW I; am Benton nouns.â€" are cut'they be drawn to the ma- chine instead of being stored in the burn. and immediately cleaned and given a. treatmmt. of poisonous 3-3, thesameas Lhatusedinthemm tion of nursery stock. As to the smug in’ wheat. he states that .his department has constantly published information on the subjeCt “whinh reaches some of the more progressive 1m. Others.” he saw. “are so neglectm‘f at their own interests that, they take such chances of their own interests and go (onward in such a. haphazard way tint, it seems difficult to interest them.” - the bug can be exterminatar' provid- Ing the 1m deal with it annul- taneoualy an?! in ; drastic way. Mr. Dryden status that. on his own turn be has succeeded in exterminating the pest. and has been able to grow an (air crop of peas every year, and up tothepregentumehashadagood crop. He suggests that. after peas runiuw‘ndutha-W olthcpnbug. Yesterdayareply wu rescind iron the lining: of Agriculture. in which he 81de mt W. F. MCCARTY, TheOnePflceaotflermdFuris‘ha'. is NOT may ready made cloth the custom tailors’ ltsho gamma butnothis price At this season of the yearâ€"We have ample fuel on hand tokeepuswarm. Wehaveagmtstock of up-todste wearables {or menâ€"youths and boys There is no doubt in our minds that by next stock-taking we will be many dollars ahead on the year. So why should we not give thanks. We do and also most heartily thank our many friends and customers for their generous support and patronage Your money back is our best guarantee of goodfaith. .W. .W WE HAVE [VERY REASO TO GIVE THANKS Kat-st. Idem in now. 0! course values don’t fluctuate much in our business, but we an sch you non “Marilynow than during the Fur crush for‘lnaunce Alwsyo ready to corn you, but. uow'a g good flu. So. our nov- elties at tho Popular Jewelry Ready-to-Wear Clothing 'l‘wo Specials $5, $8.50, $l0. Suits $5 to $15 Overcoats 94.00 $17.00 M. J. ’ CARTER, TIE J IUILLII. -OURâ€" @fié m. 65 clonal. lad-ne- Bah. M homo, new trun- bun, coed .Mtbufldlngl. Bpludid mum at w and Victodu Harbor for verv moon-bk. For turther potion!”- Apply to 3- M. PORTER, Wgtfihmnl-erd. (I- am, Linda“. magmatic-mum. InVeruhmtown-Mp.100m90 mummwm Goo. dwdflne;!runohnrn90:40 w otonotomdctionzmin‘loru hudutflennddxhom. Alla rmchoothOmclo-otohhu. InOpoTownIup. “mic-bony.- “.100m.300dchyloan. cannula-mm“ 116mmhndx; bud dwdungflgoodrum Pa.- manual-M. nmmgmm m Dun-ford;100m.fllnlonhub hummus, Onodthbathruhth â€"Thevo_lcanoo(Souh-Iuo on wasnvmtum- FflRMS tor SflLE “(manhole My. Ifyou don't hawthisofir dwfii’hm’t ac- WMWM Yaboys' mam: Clothing for aka-1.110: al pins. .and if: mwflmm Wives have affinfid-omgoot chlfiedwaliasnsqnd WMWMM} newfashionsfor hophve been be muttochounseL' at!“ !!- Muir-“Iain Wcmmnlngflzhm to its! ALWAYS IN STOCK Newest Styles 6033‘: Cotton Boot Omani! “up (be PIG! m

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