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Watchman Warder (1899), 23 Oct 1902, p. 12

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Hi] AN mamom Qumran SHROPSHIRES FOR SALEâ€"I have sevm Thqroughbred jugular“! Shear-ling Shropshire Rams that I will sell cheap. Price from ‘6'! to ten dollars each. according to I‘m!- ity. GEO, McKAGL'E, Chilling- . ton. or Lot 10, Con. 13, Marimba. WANTED IMMEDIATELY.â€"A Ward laid for the,Ross Memorial Hos- pital. Apply during the day to the Supefinpendent.-â€"43-2._ iANTEDâ€"General servant: 8‘ W wid to suitabie person. 5 ply to Mrs. A. B. Terry. Kent-$1 FARM FOR SALEâ€"That valuable farm comprising 250 acres at land. situated on lot 5 and the north west quarter of lot 4 on the 9th concession in the township of Ver- ulam. On the premises are a large frame house and kitchen; frame barn and stables, 65 by 80; log born 60 by 30, and other outbuild- ings. There is a small orchard and- three good wells on the premises. There are 175 acres in a. first-class state of cultivation, forty acres of excellent pasture land where stock can always have plenty of water, while the remainder is a. tamarac swamp. I! this property is not sold it will later be leased for a. term of years. For price and all particulars apply to W. DAVID- SON , Bobcaygeon.â€"42-3. BORSE FOR SALEâ€"Weighs about 1000 pounds, 12 years old; sound; drives single or douue: will be sold cheap.‘ Apply at this om- FARII FOR SALE OR RENTâ€"4n tho Township of 098, 200 acres. 170 cleared. Upâ€"toâ€"datn brick dwelling; three (runs barns with stone loundations; good stables. hog pen and hen house; three wells; good orchard and small fruit; farm well fenced and close to school. For further particulars .pply to Watchman-Vader 0m“.â€" FARM FOR SALE.â€"North “halt Lot 6, Con. 12, Township Emily, 100 acres; soil sandy loam: goad grain and stock farm; will be sold cheap; terms easy. Apply at Watchman- Warder oflice. â€"42â€"4. ., POR BALEâ€"Iago residency: on Col- "ARM FOR SALE.-â€"North half Lot 22, Con. 7, Eldon, 100 acres : under cultivation, balance first-class hardwood and cedar. For further particulars apply on the premises, DUNCAN HCARTBUR, Kirkfield 1’. (1â€"424. 315m 818 ; week tolling 0“? moth. Lam damnd. Write for 'm '11) RENEâ€"For 1» turn at yuan, that W10 tum of 200 m, being lot 25. Concession 10, A't. Min! Inn. St.- bhmprdnnlnmr. Forpub doubt. uppb to McLAUGELIN. mom I: PEELâ€"86. Fulfil-£0.70”? , Kent-st.â€" â€"-Newcastle correspondence of tho Orono News: Miss Milligan of Li: t?- say. is visiting at her cousins. 12:94. Thostlhuglas. émYEDâ€"m lot 1a. .con. 2, Somervfllo, one three-mold hail- TEACFIER WANTEDQâ€"For S_clgool TEACHER WANTED.-â€"Applice.tions will be received up toVNovem‘ber 15th. by Union School Section No. 2, Eldon and Haripoea, for a. tea- cher holding secondelass, nonâ€"pro- fessional certificate. Stnte salary expected and enclme testimonials. Personal application preferred. 1‘. McARTHUR, sec-um” Grass Hill 1141â€"42-4. TEACHER WANTED.-â€"l“or 8.8.,.13. Somerville. for 1908; third-class certificate. Address applications to WILLIAM TIPLING, sec..treus., Fenelon Falls P.0.â€"43-3. . , ' TEACHER WANTED.‘â€" For school section No. 18, Man‘posa‘ known as Port. Hoover School for 1903.- Ad- dress applications to -C-. MIT- ‘ CHELL, Little Britain P.0.â€"-43-2. TEACHER WAN'I‘ED.-â€"Female. for the junior department. of Coboconk Public School for the year 1903. State salary. Applicationé receiv- NO’I'ICE T0 CREDITORS. â€" In the Surrogate Court of the County 0! Victoria- Purauut to the Revis~ ed Stamta of Ontnrio, 1897, Chap. 129, Sec. 38, the creditors of I Mandyen. late of the To p o! Melon in the County of Victoria. tumor. deceased, wlm died on or about the 14th day ul' September, A.D. 1902, are mwirod on or before the 8rd day or Nmemâ€" her, AD. 1902, to send by post prepaid to Hm. NcSwoyn a; Weldon, Undeay P. 0., Solicitors for John S- HcFaflycn and Geofrey George Vuwtone, Executor: of the estate of the said Angus McFad- gj‘ugm «Sun or grey- W W01 giving information lending to “I. yen. their christian and surnames. addresses end occupations, full pmlars of their claims. and the nature of the security (it any) held by them. The said Executors shall, after the said 3rd day of No- vember, AD. 1902, be at li‘berty to distribute the assets of the' said deceased, or any part thereof, among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they have then notice, and shall not be liable for the assets or any part thereof so distributed to any person of whose claim such ex- ecutors have not had notice at the time of such distribution- Dated at Lindsay this 6th flay of October, AD. 1902. MCSWEYN . WELDON of the Town of Lind- say, in the County of Victoria, 80- licitors for John S-‘McFadyen and Geoffrey George Vanstone.-â€"4.1â€"4. tended to. Section No. 2, Ops, ”(mm-class certificate. Duties to commence January 1st, 1903. Apply stating salary expected. to l. W. THORNE sec-treat, Lindséy P.0.-â€"43-3.~ ed to Nov.’ 15th may DOU- GHTY. secretary, Coboconk P.O. ”TUE 10 mm 3330“. Auction“. 0‘3‘ Ont. sue- pro-99“? “' i Maxie “mm. W.- uvod Inch tho : "all... II.- B..- llold by that-thou. I “be! Mag an 1-kuâ€" m lad inc-pt“ .Ilb do. on tho Chippewa Rondâ€" Otlur Cd... and luau“... The wanna. Lemorie, aim started for Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.. whé-e she was arrested and brought balk, and is detained by the nuthorim pending an investigttion‘. THE MURDERER HAS ESCAPE'). CREDI’I‘ORS.â€"Pumut to tho 30-- Han no":- sum. “vim Unknown Italian Shoots Two Bridge Workers and One Dieg. 1 : Sault Ste. Horn, Oct. 21 .-â€"John 1-). Griffith. an iron worker for the (find. an I ridge Comlauy. uhouo home is zeiimcd 1 ‘ in (‘amdaig~ N Y . 1: nd 1'61 (‘sagen..ol Momâ€" :Tul. qu. .. un; band by the Canadian :7- idso (0., were hoth shat yesterday by an Barium, name In nown. (: mm dncd arum enacts of (h.- shot In weriw'd. He is a man 0! 1101:. ’50r27yearsofage. Crap on , it is thought, will recover. ' The shooting took place just out- side the toun limits in a section 'nwsn as Ha'ivnvilfo. in . shack .0”. by on Malian. and one Lizzie Hemorio, who liwd with him. The deceased. Griffith and Peter Cragrn, am! the murderer, wtnt into the houscykept by Lomorie. and af- ter partaking more or less freely of a keg of Leer on the premises. got in- to some misunderstanding. whim re- su‘ted in the murder of Griffith and th: wounding of Cragen. by the Ital- Ian. 0 MURDER AT THE“SOO” The murderer immediately made good his escape. Samantha, A.D. 1902. a. requir- donorbdm‘thoarfldsyolflr nabs. A.D. 1902.10 and by point prepaid. to m m b, Weidon, Liam P.0.. Solicitor- !or Hearing... Shields. Adam:- W on the Estate at an aid W1}- liun' Lewis Shields, their christian and aux-nuns, mares-e- and occu- muons, (all patient-n. of their October, Al). 1902. lcSWEYN a WELDON oi the Town 0! Lind- say. in the County of Vista-h. So- nata-I {or the add Henriett- Shields.â€"41-4. , d the)“ hens-dry nos-tn}. or otherwise, wildcat to bind lsndsaooordisgtothslswotthe Province 0! Ontario, sre mind on or Wars the said dste to pro- duce to the said Solicitors. or send tothomby‘post,pnpdd.mnpu- Wofdlssidliensorincm- braces together with satisfactory evidace 'of the amount due thereon. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the said Administrstrix shall, alter the said 8111 any of November A.D. 1902. be gt liberty to distri. thym. claimaudthe-tmolthom ity (n agyrhglgi by mm, A” 'â€" www' Tenders wanted for STONE WEORK including cement work on foundations of buildings [or RAVEN LAKE PORTLAND CEHEN'I‘ COMPANY, LIMITED, a RAVEN LAKE SID- ING Plans and specifications at Commuw’ s Omco.18 King: St. West TORONTO, on Novanber lot. By «dot. 1-year-old m. 1 my hone "weighing 1400 poundl. . purpose hone. Sold gt. 12 o'clock HONDAY,’oc'r. 27th -â€" By Elias Bowen, auctioneer. credit. sale all hm stock and implements. an. 'in'operty o! Alden Puma. lot. 21, con. 7, l-‘enelon. Sale at. one o'clock and without. me. TUESDAY. OCT. 28th â€"- By Ella Bowes, auctioneer, credit sale of tum stock and implements, the property of Noun. Day. "Movie. Farm," Feoolon. The stock list. is lam .nd the animla all well bred. Solo st. one o'clock sharp. See FRIDAY, OCT. 81“; -â€" By Elk“ Bowen, auctioneer. credit sale of 11m stock and ilnPlementl. “It Pro- perty o! J. C. Argue. lot 14. con. 18. Sowille. Sale ut 1 o'clock " pd without. reserve. as proprietor his sold his Mrm.‘ WEDNESDAY, NOV. sunâ€"By Arch. Campbell, auctions". credit. sale 0! fun stock out! implements, the property of Hector HcEaclvrn. lot 16, con. 4, Eldon. Sole at one o‘clock nod without meme. 'nm stock not. 1- km and the implw menu ant-clan. See poster; THURSDAY. NOV. ochâ€"Unremrvod end“. sole of [(3ch stock. the property of W. A. Silverwood. lot 1‘. con. 8. ”mm. m Mk- wood. one hundred had 0! well- brodbediagutoerm233d8yeus old ; 15 helm-I. 2 and 8 you: old :‘ 10 youtlinga. The alpve can}: TUESDAY. OCT. without. we. Tho flock 000- m o! 8 horses. 16 head of at- ,..a.,14 m. 10 them-M im- ptowd Yorkshire pip; immanent Maw-414 FRIDAY 001'. 240:- By PM Brown, auctioneer. audit -10 0‘ tum stock Ind implenauu the , property of 1mm- 11. Ark-0.1“ 14.0013. 12, Norman. 1 new milch cow and cs". aunt class mikh cows, 4 1de m. 4 are in nut-elm condition and all good Durham grade. Two cows with cake: by thei- sido. onc'thor- oughhrod heifer lined by Seommun. one thoroughbred Durham bull. dark red. aired by Scotsman, 2 years old : one black more by lum- ager. 3 your. old: one heavy drau- ght colt rising. 2 you-- old. Solo at 10 o'clock. lunch at 11. Elias Bowen. auctions. TENDERS WANTED itock,themol .no'namomxo.« THOMAS UCLA UG H Ll N suo’ a 12’ o'clock law said La had paid 319‘ sPASMODl‘ Joe work on New unmiu‘ and! ”Ember an Ium Chan“ is nan-3 tor i" nerd‘wg‘; hall that an. {nae Clerk was on ‘ “$15.23;“ Wm M to now: the Cterk thew” m moms: In W own: a! n. M. u deoc w. fi-flhhadoomtout the L ~~~~~ it” in nan-tract“: oonnf [gimme ‘ ., . mini. No}. by 3 It. Goa Conn". ton.» on the Fee urn, wanted “pa-uni or two into Drain No. 1 new the Mimo- cnuiou line. 11):: old read ditch had hen tine-l in hr- coatnotou. which flat on the outlet at the l .1". part of the farm. whim in lo'e' than flu W. He in Cut in :plank cu]- m1 Ulnar". but at was "act awn) IV (11 “(Hutu He had to In: hu- nld would have the benefit of 1b Ctbwlhe Kenn mid that it Ifll’t “a duty 0‘ (36 Cudwil t1; tun m but to drain to m m outlet on the Fee 1;:- EU north oi the {lace cmnplniu- ‘3 0‘ My" *. Cbmor. ll tfm vain-Pt next the W tonal worn :lca: We a would Nu." *. Cou'or ...... Ux u «- un- ot Ba... Qua“ m I Hw- khl no Inn was l'oqucn't' I to the In. (honor no outlet. D. 81mm aid um comflsint hid hen marksman the road M min; on John Lynch'- ur. hdnz vary degp and magew to :w travel. fie who told by Mr WM that it the Council provide-1 .it‘bk- tile tar the ditch the: would put it in us! fill in momma. me than in Mam ml should In “W to at once.....llr. Arne: mad. m by It. Hawk'un. “but Ir. Blu‘itt ;roc4nre suitable db and use that tho plane in repair- ed to [rt-nut Wino accidaoLâ€"Car- Ur. RicharJ Darts called ur- nt- ton'ufl. o! Chum“ to I mittlmcm cui- vefl. on the W con. line at '10: :53. it.” conveys- tue 'ttel' from the was! “do at the road, onto his Hare. M to tdlulr- leading to mid cm- vet! that diwrlal use water from “a «final course: 0'1.» Elia 11h?! mum!!!” Bantu “thin“ that If. Darke’s me ha! dial been be. law «no (bu-nil. and will *. Darke- th o‘tl: “tannin was: to proceed Itdur this mm on! Wamrsea Act and um on do Emmet. a! tie enema...“ motion 0! les- 13. taxi“ ad ligation. 812 was fluted. the Con-cu Influx the right 0 tag .8] dr“ night'- inn "can. “I: min- “ of but muting “(0 road and ”lit-ed. ' Gandhi; mint tuna: Roads. fl. Alia! Rem-n» wag urn-cm sud dank-d to m if the (cunt-i) would m his 850. pan nod honu Sundry mm astute. ILJu Robert-ammo! west bl! lot 15 mfinfilbmlk. not. Simon can “attain n 5 Inch tile m at scout 01 um: 0:00 (roam-clue nortflwardtouw week. and u the road would b- m mama by it: his thought the Council than“ has! at last; 815 I! not In would m the pants tad have the, rail‘lcn'ce. me [boa him grace to drum the Council ”I UAW -'ARDER op LINDSAY, on ‘ Tuesdav, Novel” ‘1 1902. at. tag COURT of HEW the utter had w ‘,'-. (ruins. He ind 001m n” Main :4. outlet 1! it Mug hlly chalked out and Chrfl the sticks and km: mu mm he removal at 'u. m: 0! tbs vmter cm...‘ ‘ novad. scanned by It. my, Ir. slum emu-mu an. ditch imp-cred u m u â€"£uried. evet. arisen near the mm. the main drain, which. it“ not been «mislead and hi "he! Wk. to MW‘ 31“ tile draina !m i“ k. Sluggett moved. non-h“! Patter-on, that the Rave II sis-ions Ame; at” ‘0‘ “ “on: the putt of Dmi- B 1 mum: at by St. saint-ion (MW, so that nil tile“ tam thr danced end-W '11: Clerk regard Mu , u ‘mmicable. on ”a“ “an .4.I'l' wank] mw‘» Several of the {12:23 :2 No. 1 men ”can? to m mmtivv ’ottionl of «odd than ruce. but will: b the In. tit: of water in the «hind it WM decided to dfln ti; out till next cum, em wBCfm-c )'°“ W " Tuesday. bowel- .1! a, _ Jay the until Collaretti :yk Furs Muff; 0’10 Inout Men' the 2.50

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