land had out Reduction Prices :vri or no. mo baton PM!!! W loan. Business strictly conï¬dent- ial. H. C. HAIILL, lot 57. 600. n leon. Inlay P. 0â€"4141- am BORROWERS-LWO m loaning money on real estate mortgagee at the lowest current rates. The bus- mudonoinour ownomconnd flu principal and interest row-id tomwithoutanyoxpmeof ro- mltttng. We also purchase mort- gages and debentures. T0 INVES- TORSâ€"W0 invest money for cunts on mortgagee, also upon municipal dobenturea, investment. stocks 7 and bonds. HcLAUGHLIN b PEEL, or. coming- “ sup-on a 3 random UNDERSIM are prepared to loan money on Farm. Town nnd 711133. Property, at the very low- at rates of interest, private or company funds. IcSWEYN IILDON, Solicitors, kc“ Ontnflo Bank Building, cor. Kent and Wil- liam-eta†Lindnay. In Oman“ ov- Barristers. to" Lindsay, cry Honda. Dr. Day: Wormhifl! ucrifloo.†“But when is he now?†Yolanda ukl. ,ha" hectboutintvlflly; Ibo fool: than she cannot b‘oar Lady Nora’s n» words and flgndfloqutnt continents umch longer. ‘ - "I 'vu ubout to an you. my “a," [for ludyship answer! may. but with . rather frightened (lune. uni flatten-m gasp. “Dull†has do- ddod. I believe. to go â€" for a. um. "on. has he?†'Yolando comma. In dismayed tones and with Burned .“w w---â€" confused way. “And so I dun any It I! on for the best. love, um. --" “Oh. no. no! You mustn't think clot 3 am unwilling or unprepared to [o with him anywhere â€" uny- w. M Non." Yolundo do- clu'eo. her aye- .hlning through her «on. "Dolla- muatn't think um. Iwouldnotgo anywhereinthowldo world with him. It. is onlv my duty to do so. and I am most willing md happyï¬o :0. Lady Nora" -- with a loving little smile and drawing near- «abuzmdtryingtouummonup courage to kiss her husband’s moth- er for his dear sake ,â€" “but for leav- ing poor aunt Kcreï¬." ‘. “My dear child, you are under some misapprehension. or I fear Tl naven't expressed myself very clear ly. I am so dreadlullv worried and uput by all this!" Lady Nora says. W» crying with suppressed anger Atacama and recollecm he: 1m “and chub only just in tune. "I was than to all you when you interrupted mo. low. that, when my '03 had on!“ added to 1093. England at cum. I. undo all his arrangements suddenly. â€we himself no tin. lot louvo-uklnn of ’50 ' "Has (on. My Nora Thewordnmutte'rodinscry of such wild, incredulous doqmir. tint Lady Nan. fairly qugiln. m â€"‘ v-â€" -â€" "Ho wont to no you Yolanda." Lady Nora doclarel My â€""ho did indoodâ€" wont. to your homo in Rutlxmd Gardens, but found you weren't ot homo, you know; and, itwujustattholm. hohod no time to eomcdownhmtomv good-bye: but he will write, at bu writter" " '1!- had no timo'!" repeat. Yo- lande, in slow. homo tones. "He had no timetouygood-byctomo. and he has gone and 'left. m,vith- out a. word of farewell! " . ""He handwritten to you, or will write to you immodiotoly. E. as- sured nu that he would, Yoluxde dearest." Lady Nor; says, trem- bling and frightened out of dl ol- sumption or mectation. "I declare I thought she had gone mad and would tear me to piecw2".her lady- ship ma. telling the story alter. Wards. â€She sat still for ever so long. staring at me in such a. fright- ful manner, with her face as white is mus And her My dark eyes ï¬x- ed and glassy!" “Gone and lett. me without even one word!" Yolanda repeats slowly over and over; and then she gets up leebly and heavily, and, still whis- pering the dreary word “Gone!" to herself. make- her way slowly over to the open window, sud stands then m out. with a dull. apa- thetic gm. “Dearest. child. it in hard for you. I knew it would be quite a shock to you. Those partings no such tryb ing thingsf! Lady Nora says, fol- lowing her with her little babble at shallow sympathy. “Of course it. in a dreadlul blow to me," she goes on. in bitter. complaining tones â€"“per- fectly dreadful. All my hopes were naturally not on my son’s marrioge. and now they are every one destroy.- ‘ “Oh, he will come back to you by- and-by!" she says coldly. "You my be sure he will. Lady Nora; you an 'hi|‘;- mother â€" you have every ad. I do not know what. I shall do. or â€v! shall bear it!" ' _,.She is genuinely crying now -- st least, dolefully whimpering â€" and Yolanda, with n rigid. calm face and dry eyes. look: at her in dull won- derment. She is honestly amazed at tie ride; of Lady Noru'i loving and grieving so much u to weep at lo.- “ her son._ "My dear child, it is perfect non- sense- to talk of Dallas’ coming back!" My Non rejoins angrily and excitedly. â€Dallas can’t come back with all his prospects mined!" -â€"and Lady Nora. sobs hystericallv. Yolende looks at her a little con- temmuously. She seems to herse‘f to have grow: old and calm and passionless in these last lew minâ€" utes. The discovery that Dalls‘s hrs not. Wen felt Dim†Blight rozrnt or pity at deserting her form-1‘ seems to have dried up every feelimr in her heart but scorn. Her nerves are calm now in a dull, utter hopeless- ness. and the hot, vim pulses are chill and slow. “Have I done anything to ruin your son?" she asks quietlv. "He untried me only for money; and that he should have had freely â€" as freely as it was possible for me to give it to him. I will give it now if he will let me know â€"â€" or my soli- citor know â€" where to send it. to “It. isn't of the least use; he Won't accept it from you! He said so." Lady Nora. interrupts shat-uh" “I begged and prayed him to listen to reason," she goes on, biting: her lip, and trying rather unsuccessfully to control her temper. “I said to him. ‘your wife is verv Well OH, and it is perfectly insane of vou to refuse at. least so much for her money as you are legally entitled to. She will be very rich by-andâ€"by,’ I said. ‘and will have a large income, and you and I shall- bc’in abject poverty -â€" utterly beggareg and ruined, all through‘thrisi unlortunate marriage!“ "W9 I can not help saying it," her lady- ship adds, in an outburst of‘ spiteful feeling. “My son has been most ~Sant-09-DU’1‘0M cruelly and unfairly treated both by ifronl Paris to 8m you and your trustees. Mrs. Gimme! purse of 8200.000 _.â€"â€"'- .1 , .__. m. It is onlv my duty :l I am most willing tad , Lady Nora" -- 71th ‘ smile and drawing near- 1d m to nummon up is: her husband‘s moth. u- mke â€"- “but for leavâ€" course. 1°“ The allowance mud. to hill under yourw 1min! r camâ€"“him ï¬rst instance. was simply: myly! I do not want!“ that 113W hm y-I on was'vnot. in his conï¬dence. H I have I mud m5 cruelly?" ‘--._ a- - “How?" Lady Non ropes". 1n a high, sharp tone. but. feeling by no means sure 0! her ground. “My dear, how can you all nu? The ï¬rst duty.“ o Woman is to live peaceab- ly with her husband - is it not? Weâ€. that hove you damn? 0! course you were (not that. my door. no you think all women aren’t jealous, or hown’t cause to be. more or less. of their husbands? Such lolly to give way to one'u feelings ad lat mbody we them! You got no pith. m mono ‘â€" only blunt sod Mon. Awomanvholoomhcrhumdin always counted in fault.“ . “I did not have m lac-bond." Yolandc minim. thinking not. 0! her hurried. pus-innate dead. but. of the yearning: of her heart, too loud and faithful toward. him who can! not for it. ‘ - - -â€"-- 3..-)...“ lor It. â€You did not In.†your husband at. Pentmth Place. nation his wishes and without his knowledge, because you wen jealous of ht. as {or Joyce Inn-u." Lady Non says nllghtlngly, “you have really made Indie lot out «nothing! Dallas would new compromise Joyce. who we: nlwnyn like n sitter to him. by m marked nirtntlon -â€" never! They were little We hearts when they were children toâ€" getherâ€"wennedtolwghnttnm- and I suppose they new no reason. even when Dallas was men-fled. fur discontinuing uch an innocent Mend- ship. And Joyceâ€"â€" Why. are you not nwnre thnt if things had £119 well, Joyce would have been dy Dunnvon long ago? Poor Dunnvan's sad death of courts blighted ell éJoyce's dearest hopes." Lady Non ï¬nishes with 3 deep nigh. "Yes; and it was no unfortunete he was not killed I. week earlier!" Y)- lande remarks. her dark eyes gleam- ing. "Poor Klee Hurrny’eogld then i have given his engagement ring to fCaptain Glynne with some better “Wlnt ring, Yolande?" Lady Non demands eagerly. “Did she give Dal- las tint. splendid ring?" "And dis- gustingly shabby and selï¬sh r1 him it. was to .now me to pledge my dis» mond stars for him, wggn he had such a valueblo ring in his posses- sionr†Lady Nora chinks. in uspasm of displeasm. â€The least. he might have done would have been to raise money on that, when he knew how dreadfully hard up we were." . â€"- wâ€" __-' “Yes." Yoiande upliu. with n Bitter smile and n burning flush 0! Shuttle and misery. "they W rings â€"â€" her diemond-nnd-eimghlre {or his red cameo. pledgu “brighter days in etere tantrum, when they can reward each other'e coutancy!" No sooner has she uttered this ing spoken it. To expose her hus- band's hithleseneu. to hlnme Ju‘ ridicule him, is eurely an unwitely deed of wiser and commonplace wiiely vengeance. Swittly u the mischief has been done. the seed in sown which is to briu forth n hitter harvest. Yol de in to regret those words with n vain regret. and they cost Joyce Hurray a coronet and blunt her ambitious career tor- ever. “You don't say 50!" Lady Nora “ya. looking excited. emu-ed. bright-eyed at the prospect of scan- dul; and even moment Yuletide feel- more and more ..alnm.l of mu. “When did this lmppen? When you Im at I’cntieath? To'o bed of Joyce. I .inust nayl Mm Hardly proper. you know. any“ n dirt.- tion so far, and with a. bridegroom too! It is foolish of an unmarried Woman to attempt thatjast style; it only spoils her chances." Lady Nora observes sagely; “and. though Joyce is a favorite with men, she is rather 'hunging on,’ you know. I shouldn’t wonder I: bit if she married wretch- edly, after all But as to Dallas," Lady Nora ds lightly“ “I Would advise you not to trouble yourself in the least. dearest. about a. piece of sentimental folly like that; men do get absurdly sentimental sometimes when one least expects it. I dare say he has almost forgotten his non- sense by this time. except when he thinks of his dear little wife. whom he has vexed. poor fellow!" And Lady Nora's daughterâ€"in-law acknowledges this pretty. hall-ban- tering speech with a. pron! cold glance. “3-16 ‘Thanks, dearest," Lady Nora spends graciously. “I shall be of some of your delicious tea.†“You will stay and dine with us. 1 hope, Lady Nora," she says. rising. with a. courteous smile. “Allow me to show you to your room; and your maid shall bring you up some tea." _ shining, with the linen and So Yolanda takes her upstairs into the largest and best. of their spare rooms, which is, of course, in admir- able order and swathcd in flean can- co dust covers. which, _ being no- :13"; wflatly Non rapes“. in a sharp tone. but {mung by no a sure 0! her ground. My how can you uh me? The ï¬rst. in her husband - u it not? what hum you done? 01 c you were Jodou - we will Al..-‘ _'O “P- m V“ m (To be Continued and 050 9170 73' )ut has oflered to fly 3m Francinco for a everything in perfect lion of t! , nemg ne- 1g Spotless. t readincs's. :hc chmber he sunnlicd. l gentle. was sat»- glad W, Oct. 9.411» Ontario Cat»- m m amt-oo- WIN trunk Ford “lunar to tho Trenâ€" .- 11.. mum-at was ï¬t. nub at John A. Item-am. inn-hr W rositlon 01 mm of lot-J 0300-. which was ud- vmt b! “I. ““3 the cunt day of Jane- M. If. McAndrm can one. a who: at the Ontario Walngufc._ ham Palms-ï¬nk!“ b w 6! Lord Kitchen". pdpr to the huntâ€. Wm for Indig. whats h to flu command of the 01'!th ion-cu. Lord Robert- was do. . M d In: Majesty. Among other! pun-t were Gama. Iu Hammo- and Kelly- Knuy. sad Print. Secretary Knol- lys. d! In hdllhut m. Mr. Choc“ Int at the King's rig)! and 0a. Cochin on m- lnklty'n Inn. 6.. COIN. Inn“ to 150 Kb; 3 me from President Roonvelt, expressing the hope “at King Edwu'd would lend Ill nann- uncc in crating hand in Cm! Britain in the St. Loui- Exposition. Th- King repliod tht he would un- unr the W madly In th‘ an. kindly spit-n In which n n»- â€It. Atmconclukndnmthcdsb- owned nooscvclt. . Tho Kin. mot. in most diluting m 0! the Prelidat and W N: chug“ at seeing such distinguished gen-Ill pmt. Be- fore any other tout could be pro- posed. Hi: â€My announced amul- journment to tho making room. when he had a In" tdk with Gel- ":mls Corbin. You: Ind W.ood and .xcrsonally uprooted to them his gludnoss to Ice than in Ingland, "because." he add. “I feel we are not. only friend». but relations." At‘or Gen. Kitchener and his sun had been decorated with war medals. the Amt-titans took their leave. They all euhsm ucntly expressed keen Mea- sure at. met-Um. the King. wd grub- mention at his trunk hospitality end unassuming triaidliueu. New York, Oct. Ilaâ€"By those tnti- lately acquainted with the persona.) waits 0! Russell 8-30. it was admit- ted yesterday um. “IQ «audition o! themed ï¬nancier has for some am keen more critical than has bun u... Qentood. even by himâ€. and that he must: no. rot!" {m net". bust. nee- “to. Montreal. Oct. 10.-â€"At a wanting a! the directors 01 1.0 Sadeâ€: tor the I'roteoticn of Women and Clm‘si-cn‘ which was held yderduy morning. . ‘rcport was received to the 311011 that children were My fluted in. It. won-mater)! school- ol Monttora an! Mandel in Argentina Conan, 1h report stated that. boy of 7 had n» «and 20 lashes from s strap nud- dot! with mils. all on account 01 a childish failing. 91nd. aha. that othex children have 59m abused. A com- mitten win wait. a. tin layor to re- quust redraw. m A!!! mum Chum-MW m auc- nuu on“. nuth'fl' V '4 t'. R- KYLIE outâ€; at the Show Rooms and see 1 lactate you buy. Call MmII-‘mm Nervousnas, . wall)?" feet! of Grippe, Palpitation 0‘ the HmAnzx'nigGena'aJ Dc- hilitylnd allu'oublaarisingfrom nnmdmm system. Thusswhat the nerves. . have done for dothcsame I in. his. “but" Kurt sud M Elk lo: WW at tho bout ndWmmnthWb‘“ turd my most :11. They u‘mgh am hr Tho Iguana-Wu“ Stoves, Hardware Kan-It» “Fa-m 91:3 1 GflleSpie Co‘ m VIM-WARDER ï¬l‘qsbhyatchumon’s†Dealers in Boots and Shoes We are Headquarters for and Furnaces ï¬shing M {‘11in mi LIN DSAY BNNNNNNN. 5‘ Eâ€... prices at