{14-3 of medicine for only 12¢; (stanps) on or before Oct. 30:12. er dothxs to make known the wonderful merits of this noble remedy. You inhale (see above cut) clouds of hcaï¬n Carbohted Pin: Vapor. etc. int every air wage of the Nose. Throat an Bronchial hes, healing the mengbrane and curing the disease. Cures scold m a dayâ€"Cures Cat- arrh in stew weeks. For remedy on above ummmm. , , i we will mail pos paid to any addreï¬o on asunen’a INHALEH. together with two hot- Anglo snervcu Chemical Corporation, 32 Church St. Toronto. ALL FOR 12 CENTS 91 Kentâ€"If... ALL BUSINESS 0! this nature strictly private and conï¬dantial. EXPENSES 0F LOAN kept down ft‘o the lowest possible point consis- tent with accuracy and necessary re- quirementa. MONEY TO LOAN on Mortgage at lowest current rates. I HAVE ao- cess to the cheapest money market in Canada and will give my patron: the beneï¬t thereof. Iron Pipe. MULEHNAN EU. Apple Pam's, Plow Points Lanterns, GU NS, W. GREER, {JAS. LOW, Special Agent. Managc Ofï¬ce Hours 9 am. to 4.30 pm. VICE PRESIDENTS W. H. Clark M. D. R. J. McLaughlin K C. DIRECTORS W. H. Stevens B. A. S. Amour B. J. Lytle Rev. N. Hill F. C. Taylor A C. Chittick McLennan THE VICTORIA [DAN AND SAVWGS 00. Head Office . Lindsay Ont. Authoriz d Cum] $300,000.00 ubiig from n humorist“ I Input: condition of tho blood. 9 cumin-limitl- A medicine that nets directly at the same 'time on the Stomach. Liver, Bowel: nnd Blood. It cures Dyspepsia, Bilionsncu. Constipation, Pimplen, 3011:, Bell- nche, Salt Rheum, Running Sons. Indigestion, lrynipelu, Cm, Shingles, Ringworm or any Jinan I s a purely vegetable System Renovator, Blood Puriï¬et and Tonic. J. H. Sootheran, PAGE TWO FARM [BARS Gfazed Sewer Pipe. Portland Cement Fire Bricks Fire Clay] PRESIDENT «W. Flavelle Grand Introduction offer flatdware, Coal and Iron r BITTERS (EURDOQ non 'J. w. Raj M. D. CO. ‘derto introduce LAND AGENT. AMMUNIIION BLOOD Lindsay, Ont. EMS. LOW, Manager. DR. JENNER'S ‘aERMlCIDE VHALER an_d move that It .vil] radically :urc (atarrn RIFLES W hips The list of entries in swine was Reached_1729 X ‘ . conï¬ned to four exhibitors. but the BO esBrought superiority of the stock could not be 11 5'8 disputed. Messrs. W. P. Gv. King ‘-‘.I expect we shall getâ€, 12 aegis f.) with Mr. Thos. «Russell divided the cheese to-day" said Salesman 1‘31 honors in the Yorkshire class:.....G. kin of Cameron, before the sale 0 H. Mai-k made a clean sweep in Friday. Mr. Parkin‘s hope “a Berkshires. while Mr. Wm. 'l‘horn- shared by several other salesmex ; dike did the same trick in Tums. but in. vain. The buyers could nc ,: IN THE HORSE RING be cmoled or coaxed into biddin more than 11% cents, and when th salesmen refused it, they were whi; pod into line by a. buyer’s motion t adjourn. Buyers Flavelle, Whitzon, Fitzge; . Mariposa was the camping ground ' of the first imported sire ever brought into this country, therefore we naturally expect improvement to emanate from that section. Therefore . - we were not surprised at the exhibit 3211:; Egglgï¬ntgrcgéfssf sapresï¬ of equines. The expert judge had getald began the bidding at 11 * passed judgement upon the many which in a. couple of rounds wi draft class prior to the advent 0f 11‘ in the ï¬rst W's hand I; the _W.-W. reporter. but what re- called 40!. 5 factories and “is ' mained was certainly among the fused. Whitto‘n’s oï¬er ol the re best. In the class~for general purâ€" met a~similsr fate C I digm purpose. Mr. Fred Carsoani-alen was an better. The president Quoted ‘5: easy Winner wuth the best groomed 12} paid at Peta-born a day or tw: pair of Prince Erskmes that we have before, but the buyers countered i) ever seen, Mr. Arthur Washington declar- they had bonelxt m 1 was second was a good team, chat- that price, nor om more “4" nut and bay in color, that would ex- 11*; and am NW mm cell il‘ï¬ttcd for the fairy Mr. John ton 31:8}: ‘ ‘ *' _ . Stacey showed a. nice pair of bays «m, m â€not so m â€.g by Auchtertool‘ 9.11 Prime Erskine. remarked theme. ,‘ 2 Mr. Wm. O’Hara. offeredsnattrsc- ‘mmï¬ï¬ngmwmhw ï¬ve pair of bays 82114er AI- â€momma i?“ n, . i The showing of short and long wool sheep was also minus in ent- ries. The exhibits were all highâ€" class. however. In Cotswolds Geo. H. Mark showed fourteen head and captured the honors easily ......... The class for Leicester‘s was ably repre- sented by entries from the flocks of Messrs. John Cullis and Seth Meth- ercll.â€"the latter exhibitor selling nearly all his prize animals ............ In Shrops. Messrs. John Campbell and Geo. McKag'ue divided the honors with some high-class representatives of this breed. One of the features that did excel was the magniï¬cient display of house plants and cut flowers. They were certainly worthy of the highest praise. In the classes devoted to fruits some ï¬ne fall and winter apples were exhibited, which with several entries in craib apples completed the exhibit In preserved fruits there was a nice though small, range of jellies, pickl- es, etc. The dairy exhibit was the poorest that ever came under the eyes of tin judges 01 this fair. There were hard- ly more than half a. dozen entries, and the space devoted to this de- partment presented a woe-.begone ap- pearance. The same condition of af- fairs existed in the class for home- made bread. The quality was all right. but the shortage in entries was depressing. Perhaps the wet weather had more to do with the falling off in the number of entries in the main build- ing than anything else, but certainâ€" ly the number of exhibits were not up to the high standard of former years. It is equally true that the entries made were of the ï¬rst quali- ty and well worthy of the closest inspection by the interested spectat- or. The ladies’ exhibits were not so numerous as in former years, while in several features they excelled so far as Quality and inventitive genius was concm'ned. At the same time it looked as if the ladies were content to rest upon their laurels and. cease to repeat their efforts to make the pioneer fair the success~it should be so far as feminine creations are con- cerned ago. This being the case it is all the more deplorable to see the pie- neer society pining away year after year until it has a struggle ‘ for existence, being from the cold neg- lect of its own people. It is not lain to the board of directors. who de- vote a great. deal of energy and time and trying to stem the tide of ad- versity of realizing what success iroally means. When the next annual meeting is held it will then be up to the breeder and wealthy agricul- turist to be present and say whether the pioneer fair will be a. feature for future generations or on the other hand cease to have an existence. It will be for the future to reveal what the ultimate end of the pioneer so- ciety is to be. may not be generally known, even to many residents of that township, that the Mariposa Agricultural So- ciety was the pioneer society in Vi;- toria county. Under its auspices the first county fair was held in the Vil- lage of ()akwood nearly forty years The Pioneer Exhibition Seems to be Losing its Grip on the People 0 the Banner Township The annual fair of the Metriposa Agricultural Society was held on Wednesday of last week, and to say the least was hardly a. success. It MARIPOSA FAIR FELL AWAY IN ENTRIE AKD ATTENDANCE THE MAIN BUILDING “Their cheese was not so good u remarked the president. “The next thing you will batching us that they were further from Hou- Buyers Flavelle, Whitzon, Fitzger. ald, Cook and Gillapie were present. The two latter got no cheese. Fitz- gerald began the bidding at 11}, which in a. couple of rounds Was 11% in the ï¬rst hidder's hand. He called 4 or 5 factories and was re fused. Whitton’s offer of the sama met a. similar fate. Cook did no better. The president quoted the 12* paid at. Peta-bore a day or two before, but the buyers countered by declaring they had bought none at that price, nor offered more 4 than 11%, and. citing Napanee and Pie» ton at 8}. 1 But the Expeeted 12 Cents was not Reached â€"1729 Boxes Brought 115-8 ‘-‘1 expect We Shall get 12 news for cheese toâ€"day†said Salesman Par. kin of Cameron, before the sale on Friday. Mr. Parkin's hope was shared by several other salesmen, but in vain. The buyers could not be cajoled‘ or coaxed into bidding more than 11%L cents, and when the salesmen refused it, they were whip- ped into line by a buyeP's motion to adjourp. J This is the verdict of all people who have given 'the pills a fair trial, and those who are sick and can ob- tain new health and strength thro- ugh the use of this medicine. Do not waste money and further on- danger your health by taking any substitute. See that the full 118.1118 Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People is printed on the wrapper around every box. If you cannot get the pills from your dealer they will be sent by mail at 50 cents a. box or six boxes for $2.50 by Writ- ing to the Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. G BEEN RACE Donnel’ s John Brant. .1 1 Thorndike’ s Dolly‘\Grey7 2 2 3 Walton’s Anson 3 Best. time 3.00 Thousands of Lives Made Miserable by 3. Trouble Easily Overcome Thousands of people throughout this country suffer continually from nervousnessâ€"their blood is poor and, watery, their nerves unstrung and jaded. They are pale, weak, often troubled with headaches and dizzi-' miss, are exhausted with the slight- est exertion, and often feel as thou- gh life were a burden. There is on- ly one absolutely one certain way to get new health and strength, and that is through the use of Dr. Wil- liams’ Pink Pills for Pale People. These pills make new, rich, red blood, strengthen the nerves, and bring health, strength and happi- ness to. those who use them. Mr. D. W. Daley, Crystal City, Manito- ba, proves the truth of this. He. says :â€"“I have used Dr. Williams’g Pink Pills with wonderful results. Before using them I was “cal; and nerx ous; my blood was poor, I was; pale and sufl'ered with pains in thel reg-ion ol‘ the heart. Now after he! use of eight boxes of the pills my nerves are strong; my blood is pure and rich ;~ I have a good color and my heart action is regular. 1 think there. is no medicine can equal Dr. , Williams’ Pink Pills for these troub-i les." ' nize'thebeneï¬ts of breeding 3‘ ~‘ Rich. Woodley of Tyronekwon the coveted red ticket with a serviceable pair of blackssired by John‘m. Dr. Greg was second with his use:- ful pair of chestnuts ....... .In carriage horses over 15} hands MrJ'Iboa. Bowes Was on easy street with ‘-his Earl Staunton gelding. Mr. Geo. Curtis securing the place with a pro-3 V mising Keswick gelding. Pascoe; t. Bros.. showed a clever roadster by1 1 Canadian Star while Hogs Lytle’s bay gelding -was also outside the money ......... In the smaller class, 15} ' and under, Dr. Shier of Lindsay was . successful witli' a well groomed geld- ing sired by River King. Frank Hoadley was second with a nice ' Muckle Wilkes mare. Mr. Arthur l Webster showed a serviceable bay mare by Black Valentine. Mr. D. Sinclair showed a chestnut cob by Forest Boy that would pretty nearly win in its class. Messrs. George Graham and Frank Brandon showed two hay mares of the useful sort...... In the class for two-year-olds there was a superior lot of of entries. Mr. Frank Broad was an easy winner . with a grey colt by Black Mack. Mr. Wm. Downer secured second place - with a handsome chest-nut ï¬lly sired 1 by Keswick. Mr. Edgar Lytle was . outside the money with a ï¬ne Kes- 1 wick ï¬lly that was hardly in show form. Mr. J. E. Swain entered a nice chestnut with white markings. that was more of the Hackney stamp, and will be heard from later on ......... In the brood mare with foal contingent, Mr. John Stacey was an easy winner with a Gen. Brock mare and Keswick foal. Mr. Sid Willard was second with a nice Blue Bull mare and foal by the same sire. Mr. John Innis entered a good bay mare wit-h Hawley Chimes foal and Mr. John Degeer a black mare by Potentate with foal by Black Mack. SPEEDING IN THE RING The speeding in the ring resulted in a fast exhibition mile by Looking Glass in the open event and a hot race by John Brant and Dolly Grey in the green race. Mr. Crozier oflici- ated as starter. Following 'is the summary : . l3 â€SCAESH d FREE FOR ALL: Forest’s Looking Glass... Fanning’s Rod 0. ......... Thomdike's Dolly chy... Best time 2.19}. â€03“ NSH CHEESE SOLD HIGHER WEAK AND NERVOUS ‘Council will meet; mu 26th. ‘are appealed. and thit' said be granted him.â€"Carried. Mr. Smith accepted this ofl'or. On motion of Messrs. Hawkins and Best, Mr. Thos. O'Neil! q ENGINEER’ 8 CA SE SETTLED It was moved by Mr. Hawkins, seconded by Mr. Coulter that where- as difl‘erences of opinion have arisen between Ops council and their town- ship engineer, Mr. Geo. Smith, 0: L. 8., with reference to certain accounts rendered by him for the services re Ops drain No. 1., be it resolved that while the council desire to acknow- ledge thnt Mr. Smith has been care- iul and conscientious in the discharge of his duties in connection with the said drain and has shown himself at all timesto be a capable omcial, We consider that the sum of $30 wouldi be a fair settlement to make in full' of balance of all his claims to date. and that this sum be tendered to him as such. and further “If“ an; council consider his sequent most reasonable, that he and the respond- outs to any'druln appeal he afloied their choice of a solicitor in defend- ing- any fume awards which he make :n this township, when are appealed. and taut-sad h an..-‘ A‘ Llâ€" I. n - MOTIONS CARRIED Hicksonâ€" Bestsâ€"That Mr. F. Hick- son and others interested clean out tke drain on the east side of 81;}! concession at lots 9, and 10, under the supervision of Mr. Hawkins, and that council pay one-third of the cost. ‘ On motion of Messrs. Hawkins anq Coulter, Mr. J. Jackson was reap- Qoigted collector for 1908,34“! Messrs J. Burnett and R. Jackséri were ac: cepted. as bandsmen. The appoint- ment was conï¬rmed by law. ENGINEER'S CASE SETTLE!) Mr. Eph. Pogue wanted some. gravelling done. and a culvert clean- ed out on the let quarter line 10th. concession. Mr. Hawkins said he would attend to it. It was agreed that each commissioner should pay for the gravel put on roads in his division by pathmastcrs and road- jobqors, when it. was taken from other than township pits. Bostâ€"Coulterâ€"That the petition of Fred Hickson and others to improve the drainage of Stoney Creek be re- ceived and ï¬led, and that the clerk notify the township engineer accord- in-gly. Mr. Best seconded the motion which was carried on condition that Mr. Clancy draw and lay the tile, ï¬ll in the ditch and level it for a winter road. Mr. W. J. Mag'ahey oflcgcd to put. in 225 25-inch tile on the west side of the 6th concossxon road at lot 14 if the township would supply the tileâ€"Accepted. on motion of Messrs. Coultcr and Hickson. Mr. Coultcr said that several had narrowly escaped accident there and it should be either ï¬lled in or gaurd- ed in some way. He thought Mr. Clancy’s offer a. good one. and mov- ed that. the council pay for the tile neay:nry,â€"about 1000. JWI 5. miss ANNIE wonmy. Petcrboro, March 319;, 1908. We will be at our Lindsay omce every Tuesday in the we 2k. Exam- ination free- TATE OPTICAL C0†inat'ion free. Peterboro and was advised to consult you. 1' have been wearing the glasses ynu ï¬tted for me {or some time. My bond- aches have entirely disappeared, and I attribute it solely to the use of your glasses; .. . ..... n nvt‘nnnv mCUBEAoommouzmy The 'I‘ato Opugal Company. and Salesman That broke ands, Flavcllc had added Cameron. Cambray and North Vcrulam. Then the too and in a few seconds. Mr. Flavour: had added Cameron. Camb- Vcrulam. Then my and North Dunnford. Palestine. Fitzgerald got d Maple Leaf. Whitton Runboro an Ruck, North Ops. Star, mm. nrnvm ()momoo and Marlposa. 8' a a we Stirling allow i1 than we mo OPS GOUNGIL PROCEEDIIGS Grove. 0"" OTHER MA'I'I‘ERS Cured Her Headache Lindsay.â€" t: Kent-St, Lindsay. We to all the attention of the general public to on! facilities form. painting. at Paint Shop is in charge of a First-Class Painter, md we a: only the best stock. We do all kinds of Repairing, and put you: my zoodsthebeforepainï¬ng. ltisagoodtime nowto bring them in. Al kinds of Vehicles built to ordet as usual. CHARGES MODERATE Pedlar G: Emmerson J. J. WET HERUP William-st, North fAll dnflWINIER fOOIWEAR Pedlar Wholesale and Retail Duler'u" . w! Pianos Organs . 3. â€"ANDâ€" .. 1-551; SEWING MACHINES ., fl From Best Mnkm =9 » Also Extension Ladders BLACKSIITIIS AND CARRIAGE ILKERS POD! 09 um sraeer Limos†OFFICIAL INSPECTOR G. r. R. rma SYSTEM Every Watch we sell absotutely (jam-m; prices BRITFON BROS WATCHMAN-WARDER‘ Wholesale and RetaiIBe'ue‘r'i. Gillespie W8 0U 5U / mm 10““ w 'Iv " ' in SU‘HS 1 P5" WW v.14 the very 10‘ ‘ dtwfl’m' at and suitable WNW w. E. 831117 .m Residence No. 4 MW. :103.m.t03Pm-i I. WUGH of Peter want Lindsay ï¬rst and M in cach_ month a Bill-n 'Houso. Hours LI. Consolation in E hug and Nose diam. l mm. graduato of To Mum Faculty, «hm musty UnivC Maud umber o! 0911 utm- "m of? Torénto Un . W College of Dent M an tha htest 1: 9 doped and prices ; (Oile- om Anderson _m‘_, M Voltch'o h‘ WES. W ï¬mwogfl' ll v: :1 â€â€˜1. 0' Eva-y art! “h... to don. m Xian i1 Roynl 00:} All tho la. : OflhooverG ., >eonu-Kenta IRVIN at tho Boyd WE. dutbt,L1ndaay. m “ ‘9“ “n" :Gaoss. Dentist, An 0-: qt noyu Dental Co gaming. dutilt m 3t m no. on Morgan' o! omce “waded 1110141898“ â€rum! county Barr nose u antall WA Ont