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Watchman Warder (1899), 31 Oct 1907, p. 12

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We! the mm: here have their Mom: com. and Wis has at lat. not. Minty, of Lindsay. visited at llr. Geo. M's last week. ‘ His. Len Philip, of Flavelhs’ std! spent Smdny with her c'ousin, Kiss Joyce Poguo. A‘number o! the young people from this vicinity attend!!! the tow) mp- \ GLANDINE Mr. Harms, of Oakwood, occupied the pulpit here on Sunday afternoon. szng to the weather being unfav- orable, service was poorly attended. Miss Ida Graham. teacher of Crew- We‘ll. spam Sums.“ with His: Mmon Davidson. Mr. '1‘. Brown was a guest at the model farm on Sundcy last. Hr. C. Courtney and 1119: Irene 13 reporting a visitor at Dr. Grant's, yon- correspondent made a mistake and wrote Mrs. McCord. 1t, thou” have been Miss McCordâ€"a charming young lady from Uncle Sam‘s country. who is so favorably impressed with our pretty little town that she makes yearly visits hero. A large number of our young peo- ple attended the fowl supper in the Methodist church at Oakwood last Miss Lillie Gilchrist leaves this week for Sault Ste. Marie, where she will “sit with her sister, Mrs. Hugh Mc- Kinnon. She will be away about three weeks. Mr. Archie Kirkland has gone back to Toronto haVing funy recovered from his recent illness. Woodville is the right. place to come to regain ho-a'nh and strength. Mrs. Gus Prouse and Mrs. Nellie Campbell visited with friends at El- don Station last week. Miss Alice Campbell left last week for Oakwood, where;she has accepted a position with Pascoe Bros. Miss Alice will be greatly missed by her many friends here, as she was a Very great hvorite with all the young people of Woodville. Capt. N. L. Patterson visited Bea- Yorton last Saturday on business. The Council has let the contract of building the wire fence on the west side of the agricultural grounds, to W. HcKee. Mrs. McNaughton and Mrs. Mc- Pherson, both of Chicago, visited at Hrs. (Dr.) Grant's, last week. Hrs. Hugh Stoddart and Mrs. Joyce, of Beeverton, visited with friends here last week. Dr. Galloway was in Beaverton last week on professional business. WOODVILLE A petition will be presented to the (‘ouncil at its next meeting asking that honorable body to submit a local option by-law tn the electors of Wondville to be voted on at the roming municipal ehction. We under- stand the petition is largely signed. Hrs. Neil McDougal is visiting ye- !a'ives in Oshawa. P'INGERBOARD . Stank) Gillson has returned to Toronto to wunbinuo his college work. Mn. Harrison Mark is visiting re- ]atnoe in Orillin. Hr. Chas. Tait spent a few days last week at. Mr. Caleb H1ck':=, \‘a- lermm. M are glad to hear that. Mr. Nor- man lease is able to be out again after being confined to the house for over a. week. Interesting Items Gathered by Correspondents and Re- porters from Around the. Neighborhood. THE WEEK’S NEWS of the COUNTY and DISTRICT If so, THE WEEKLY SUN, the Farmer’s Business Paper,wflluchweckbeof$pednl Intuuttoyon. W Subscribe NOW for The WEEKLY SUN THE WATCHMAN-WARDER r Only$1.65 ‘ ls Farming Your Business? to lat Jan., 1909, IN communal 'l‘fli even- Tomatotoobtunwhhadc onlypeflectwordolG-odso‘mwfiagthem. “all: only mmmm Andby Rev «uwlmmma lirPeekom.whooooloM fi‘wflu’mhm I‘m | OMEMEE ! The Upper Canada. Bible Society hold their annual meeting in them gthodist Church Sunday evening last“ Pres., Mr. J. McCrae ; Vice-Presi- dents, Revs. Teney, Peokover and Mc- Culloch; Secretary, Mr. J. '1‘. Beat- ty; Treasurer, Mr. J. Bennett; Re- positor, Mr. R. J. Mulligan. Ad- dresses were then delivered by Rev. J. H. Teney, who gave the [allowing reesonswhythemehouldbeauni- versal circulation of the bible; the edumtional value of the won! which the pastor, Rev. B. M. McCuIIOCh, Mr. J. T. Beatty, secretary of the local Society. then presented the ne- port for the year, showing the total donations for the year to be about 8106. Following this came the elec- tion of officers. which is as follows: when the different. congregations of the villagi assembled to Rear nadâ€" dresses delivered by the resident cler- gyman. Though the evening was un- favorable still a good audience gathr ered. The meeting being opened by On Wednesday noon of last week the residence of Mr. Robert Hod-gso-n narrowly escaped being destroyed by fire caused by a. spark from‘the kit- chen chimney igniting the shingles. The fire had gained considerable headâ€" way before being discovered, and had it not been for the heroic eflorts of Mrs. Hodgson by keeping the flames under su-bjections until the 8.5-: sistzmoe of Dr. McthaiI and others,i‘ arrived, their home would soon havei been reduced to ashes. The farmers in this vicinity are Very busy at present storing their winter produce. Some have their root and apple crop safely housed, and the average yield is fairly good. ton, and Mrs. (Dr.) McPhail, went to Port Perry last week to visit Mrs. McPhail, sr., who was recently strickâ€" 611 with paralysis. We are pleased to report she is improving favorably. Regret is being expressai that Mia: Nellie De Lury has sent in hpr roi- ignation as teacher of this schocl. Miss De Lury has proved herself an efficient and kind teacher, thereby en- «tearing herself to both pupils .and parents. Mrs. Rundell, of St. Mary’s, spunt a. few days of last week the guest of her brother, Mr. Thomas Jewell. Mrs. James McDougal, of Canning- MANILLA Mr. Seth Jewel}, of Liskeard, New Ontario, was suddenly called to the bedside of his brat-her, Thomas. who we regret to roport, has been confin- ed to his bed now nearly four weeks, and is very ill. So hopes are unper- taimd for his ruovcry. Mrs. W. 1. Edwards and Mrs Mr- Phail took part in the concert given :1: OaRWJ :1 I-- 4. wee}; nearly finished. The roads are In ox- cellont condition at present for rub- bet-tired buggies. Evidently the correspondent, of last week has a. thorOUgh experience in fast and slow driving, also in en)- harassment. Slow driving being preferred until the back curtain of the buggy shps up, then the embar- rassed driver applies the whip and prefers fast driving. ris hue purchnaad a no“ picture whine mad outfit, with 3mm ‘90- tion of films and cantanpua 31V- moon is filling into Elna 1 Moving Picture Show emu. L. 'Mclimdry. and um remit MW had . fine time. . E. Robson, F. and C. Bellingham. and Violet McKmdry. and Hours. F. Among the number frog) town who attended the Jackson adoption W6"- Rev. Mr. Lord left on Monday for Grafton. and intends returning with his family the list of the week. Mrs. Swanton, of Bethany, is the M of Mr. and Mrs. R. Lee this Mr. Barry McKendry, of the GMT 3., station, was relieving our agent for a few days last. week. M-iss E. Ferguson and M. Christian of Lindsay, attended the reception at Pleasant Valley last week. A number of young people fromi town attended the D. and F. ball in! Lindsay on Tuesday night. Mr. Norman Martin, of Irondale, tici home for a. few days this week [ Col. Hughes. of Lindsay, was re- newing acquaintances in town last Saturday. Miss E. A; Hand is visiting friends in Toronto' this week. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, of Lindsay, spent a few hours in town last Sat- urday. Mr. Chas. Junkin. of Cannington, spent a few days in town last week. visiting town. Master Donald Sutherland, of To- ronto, is visiting friends in town. Miss Jessie McKenzie visited at. her home in Glmrm last Sunday. Lindsay. were guests of Mr. mm. A. J. Gould last Saturday. Miss Ethel Mark left on Saturday for an extended visit to friends in Rochester. Mr. and Mrs. Jae. Jackson, of Pleasant Valley, held a reception at their home last Friday night for Mr. and Mrs. Jack J ackson. who arriVed home from their wedding trip last week. The bride (who was formerly Miss Nellie McNevan) received the guests. She was attired in a. hand- some wineâ€"colored peau do souirgaown, and was assisted by Mrs. Jaa. Jack- son, attired in a smart black frock. Guests were present from Inmubray. Gmsshlll, Lindsay, Fenelon Falls. Kirlcfi'eld and Glenarm. Mr. aners. Jockson are both well known :wd respected, and their many We joined by the scribe extend their very hearty congratulations. ‘ Mrs. Holmes and Miss M. Holmes; of Lindsay, visited Mrs. R. J. Moore} St. Andrew's Sunday "School hold annual children's day service last Sunday. and it. was a. decided suc- cess. About fifteen of the children occupied the choir seats and treated the audience to {couple of splendid voluntarviee. Rev. Mr. Lord also ex- celled himself in a beauuilul address to the young. Mrs. W. Barclay left on Thursday (or a visit to her pmnu in lieu- ford. 'Mr. Norm‘m McLean, o! “‘oods‘lle called on town friends on Friday. Mr. J. MCDhrmdd, of I‘ulaum Umve called on {fiends in town 4;: Mon‘ day. Mr. Norman Ever-son 1ch met. wee} for Kearney. Miss A. Smitherham. or 'J oronto, is visiting With friends in turn. 3 Mr. T. H. McKillen left on Mon- dny for Mount. Forest where he he: accepted a position as manager in a large grocery store. Miss Hagéio and. Master Rulpl' Campbell left last week for theiyr home in Hidden. Mr. Glo'ver. of Toronto. e-pent Mon- day in town renewing old acquaint- Coboconk over Sum!» Ly. WW‘ rum aomy m w . fifimfiwu-Nfi.‘ “a, moth” jg um: fo' .thg . «JduiB. 0mm; or nonw- ‘mrtbm districts. Hours. G. Beta ”3,- W gum ”uh her clamor, ‘o-t Lindsay; w. J. Ferguson. 01 80' 1m. 'oampveu. ma: mph" Wt 18m, 0pc, T. B. WAG. E0311“. mm tor Clovehndwm. tom J. M0306 and A. E. Bryson. 0* mne- hex; aim, was Kauinéhna. who me, will be loomed near r-ysart» has been sariously m “to: some ume. mhna Messrs. ReV. JUF. Teuey, J- The Library meeting; which was t«a a safe return. while Hecate. Rev. J.‘F. Teoey, J. Sherwood and H. Mtty, of the vd-l- lage, purpose hunting in Parry Sound. We wish them 0. pleasant. (Mic with 9M withouf ‘u «v < . has vendetta! "Monm- “msgn'muuwum who makes Wk m with In. Mom Dr. mun. Won. of rum lj. M11001: W “ m- oug-h. were guest-an ”Sunday. with nu. my” my. ll! ‘0" on Sufi nu. Cochran. men» may A ”maul:- way t9 Sam M were pleased to see them new“ lag ughpqgu xe‘a'm‘ Ibuhky for w mm V1" “Fur!!- wuw-u-V' . -, _ WNMOQWVMMWWM In. Ahmmdm. m won-dorm «Man-m “mtqhwdmwwnuw ammo“ Jinn-mt- Miss Chara. 3011in Visited in town friends on Monday. md Mrs. F. A. McDiermid. o! . McEleroy, o! Oakwood, call FENELON FALLS Clark, of Sand Point, is successful cap: FALLS the stable, he was kicked on the aide en left on Mon- of the head. The child narrowly eo- ast where be m capod carious injury. and as it. was. asmanagerin. hehasbeonl-aidup forafew dayu. We hope Alex. will soon ubé his bright Master Rulpl- little sell again. week for their Mrs. N. J. Mifchell is recovering, L-.. BALSAM LAKE. 0! Chem By the way the mug:- The tamer: of- this 106$“? W mu: from whom Mr. Eloome got the busily engaged in nu plowing Daley, has bought Hr. Thou. llvers' evfl omen-indication 0! bad luck. tum ct this place And so it proved to be. or at least. niunqgiohrrmhuntum- odtoher human: 0mm. after ”3““anme Notlo'lC-‘O Wafe'mnthl'itim.’ Eleémreeuvdamw from Galilean; which mad that unan- M o rmsifbma WI poxhadhndedthwrlterulamfly Hr. (hub-human Among thaw-1* vb" M mtfithlr.nwtnnmp- MhLmJM._ _’.'_’;; held in St. Johns Presbvterian the freaks generally quit life belore ohumh next Sabbath, Nov. 8rd The Imb“! “‘9 cityâ€""V’Iich Shows awr- Rev. Mr. HéGregor, or cums. will- m" mom“ of SW on the put occupy the Pulpit. both anemoonaml“ "w f” To show that we‘ are evening. The afternoon and evening a“ talking simply from prejudice we services win begin at 2.30 and 7.00 “m "0m the Pearl»! oush Exam- iner as follows :â€" .m., respective! . ! p y ' ' I Mr. Edward Electric. taxidermist. is CAMBRAY the centre to which naturnlly grand- A meeting 0! the Women's Institute “to animal freaksâ€"animals cod bird. wfll be had at the home 0! lira. nc- 0' peculiar formuon. markings or mm, on Nov. em a 2. so p ..m coloring- Ha he just completed tho Discussion on “How to Brigitta: an mounting 0! n my are specimen of Whiter Evening. ” by In. w. B. W common rod-bros» robin. This Feir; and a. paper 90 "Ifivufiong of Mien!“ member at the thrush Wémen to Suva Work. ” by Mrs. hmily. is :11 white, except warhead (Rev) Mr. Mrs. Frank Webster 0! the typical and for lamination. and m. J. Wu. All at cox-um- Tm. mama ammo was caught by 1y anvitnd to “tax! the“ when. 5 m from 0.11m. who m _ m uni-um in the rhinity ’ -"--'- v---- ”'3 "C v lvvv -v -V "I p, marines. anu luau unw. v. m. --___- - . cm. m spending the holiday in R. We, councmore tees and commissions, 822.50, for 4 bolts, 01; 1- Kirkneld. ,. -â€"â€"â€" s. 3. emu. W on brush BURNT RIVER. ‘39,“) n Miss Lillian Suddwby is visiting in mvioâ€"Mnconoohle-Jl‘hnt E. 1". Toronto. Hopkins heve‘ the ditch donned out a Mr. and In. '1‘. Home. 0mm. and . culvert pm. urea the road v spent last week in Burnt River. between 10:. N00. 12 and 18. in the Mrs. Briebln end Mrs. Martin vis- 7th cones-don. itedJn Clark inst week. meâ€"DeviI-Thnt Hr. nuanc- ' Mr. Chard. Lindsay. called on 0M0 mange“ the Government. mthc Meade last week. m.bufiding of the bridge ‘OVel' Burnt . Miss Jordan, Lindsey. la visitins “v“, on the ninth conceealon. her gmndfather, Mr. Dodd. Devaâ€"Cuewâ€"Thnt ‘2 be given '1‘. Mine Roxie Bettie is visiting in To- Bryenl to be spent on the road. ronto'. meâ€"Knconochieâ€"‘mut Council Rev. Mr. Cook, Cobooonk, conduct» adjourn to meet at can or Reeve. CRESSWELL Thank-offering services are to be held in St. John’s Presbyterian church next Sabbath, Nov. 8rd. The Rev. Mr. HoGregor, or cums. will occupy the pulpit. both afternoon and evening. The afternoon and evening services will begin at 2.30 and 7.00 p.m., respectivelyu _ friend. The Rev. A. J. Terrill. of Green- bank. Methodist minister. conducted a. short service at the residence which was followed by the usual serVicee o! the society at the church, in which Jenemiah Lapp, o! Lorneville, apro- minent minister of the society, took the lending part. in which he spoke of the many virtues of his life-long A family of five sons and one daughter are left. to mourn hil death. He was a consistent member of the Society of Friends. The funeral on Fridw was attend- ed by a large number of ncquaintan- ces and friends, many of whom had come long distances to pay their last tribute of respect to a. good man. The deceased'm born in York County on May 18th, 1826, in the then wilderneso township of Eut (:willimbury it} 5.1“!” occuphd by the family, hoax-alarm on_which an uncle resided. The Vnearedt of the other settlers 1-th eight miles ”my. the two neighborhoods .bemng connect- ed by a bland patch through the .forest. He came to Muiposa in 1846, and in 1852 moV'ed in to the farm on which he died. He married in 185-1 Cecil-in Terrill, who predeceased him eight years. LINDEN VALLEY On Wednesday, Oct. ”2821! were passed away Mr. Clark A. Birchu-d. ans 0! Mariposa's oldest and most highly respected citizens, after u day's illness, fit. his late residence, lot 23. con. 11.‘ Mr. McGabey. Union Crock. has rented Mr. Finney’a farm, Mr. Fin- ncy having moved to Mr. 11ch- chie’s farm at! service in the Methodist church on â€"" __ ____’___ Sunday. Miss Lena Miller has some to LINDEN VALLEY MEETING OF Bridgmorm for the winter. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE. Miss Brooks of Bobctwgaou. “I The Linden Valley meeting of thy mending a few days in our burs- West Victoria Women's Institute will Mr. John Tinney uld children. ”‘9 bo hold on Thunday. Nov. 'Zth, at visiting in Undsay. 2.30 p.m.. ut lira. Bali Terrill's ms. '1‘. N. Rumrford. 0! St. Lha'rinco, and Miss Graham, of ‘ Mrs. N. J. Mifchell is recovering, though somewhatt slowly, from her accident. Mater Alex. Ross, son or ur. a. F. Ross, met with an accident. on Saturday last. While attempting to NOV. 1 . have taken place on Hominy, n UCL. 98. has been postponed until Friday. idlaw were in $0" 9' 5‘“? um- way to saw M“. of ‘WEDDING AT CHEMONG VILLAGE A happy event was celebrated ;t (among Indian village on Wednesâ€" dav, Ott. 16th. when John Tobico. the popular fishing guide, was mar- ried to Miss M Cause. of Midland. Rm: Dr. Metzler, o! Bridge-north, performed the commony in the pre- sense of about. fifty guests. The bride was assisted by Miss Lizzie Tobico. ulster of the groom, and Wm. Park- er. 0! Midland, supported the groom} After the marine a most enjOyuble; oociul time was spent. Mr. and Mrs. Tobico will reside at. Cbemona. A WHITE "ROBIN RED BREAST." Ml natura’lly land up in Peter- borough. Being a city 0! the dead, HORE HOVING PICTURES FOR PHI‘ERBOROUGH. Peter-borough seems to be of the opinion that 'if they can't make bus- iness move Evely than they will at. least have some semblance M life, and so they ore going in very ex- tasively‘ for moving pic‘mreo. R?- oently a, fine new build-tag m equip- A company has already been formed and will open business shortly. pad {or a moving picture entertain- ment. and this was in addition .to one M doing business there. Now, min, negotiations are under '8! to give still another moving pk.- turo show to the "Megaphone City." Diocusstonâ€"fl‘he Best Way to Spend the Long Evenings. Paperâ€"Household Worries and How to Overcome Them. Mrs. J. W. Hancock, Mrs. A. Giles, lira. C. Knight. John Hague, tor work 321; A., B. Townsend, for postage nod mum, and {or services re appeal court, 820; 8. SW“: , ac- ' A- Gun . IJJU V'...‘a" . fol- punâ€"Wham» the loving accounts be paid: Fenelou Falls Star, for printing tax bills. 32.25; J Hoard. for rope; $4.90; The municipal World. for mm. 536.; E. D. Hand, to: advertising votars' list. 000“. '1.50; J.’ Blis- voters' lice m lol the Police Village of Klumouat be gdvauetorty doll-n out o! the licenses mod for use of the village. .Devuâ€"nacooochieâ€"Mt the fol- low” accounts he paid: Fenelon nu film-'0! 1‘“ m and and continued. By-llwl ' (or 10"?“ "u. ‘ All interested m cordklly invited. 3 annual election! were m tic-urn loaded down, Aâ€"hidin’ bitume- u. heart An’ wearin' o! a. Irown. A-mhn’ of my”! believe That I was com opprened. When may I, more than 11108! men. Btu by are LPN been Mensch. \ home anal-v vigitins her daughters. Mn. Jone. and Ira. lacDonald. of Eldon Station. This glad Thanksgivin' dn)’. When I my Malta's come to mum An' all my menieo- -suy. It mm to me the. dJy's‘ too shun By 'bout six walls or no N no to m the debt. 0' thanks The.“ most. surely owe. ‘ Thanksgiving Day 100 Short lliae Alice Campbell left tor 01k- wood Monday morning. where the has take! a position with Pascoe Broe., merchants of that Mac?- 1'“. p10“ through the passin’ S. L.‘ Taube, eyesight. specialist, of Toronto. wlllgbe at the Queen's Ho- tel, Woodvil‘lc, on Monday, Newmâ€" ber «.11. If there is anything what- ever wrong-with your eyesight, do not neglect this opportunity of con- sulting g, reliable specialist. HrsfMâ€"alcolm Campbell and In. G. PW spent Sunde at Lidon Stat- ion. Tilem'odust one thing cispurhin' A Sunday School convention for Bexley township may be held soon at Victoria. Road or Coboconk. A teacher with experience has been engaged for our school, which has been closed a long time. The child- ren are getting plenty of work to do and with good results. Here is the wav 0. letter goes from here to Coboconk. 0. distance of six miles: It goes from here to Kirk- field, that to Lorneville, on to Black- water, over to Lindsay, up to Feneo Ion Falls, and by stage to Coboconk â€"o.'bout 107 miles altogether. This is quite a nice ride for your letter. Aâ€"night school is has}; talked up The younu. people should get it going at once, and lose no time. It would other things. These nuisances should not be allowed on a public road. The government should put . stop to than instead of letting them run all our the country. On Saturday an automobile scared the horse driven by the mail carrier and tab. result was an upset. a brok» 9" 5038!. and a dirty mail bug and BothYBOOn Independent, F‘. Bootty having charged certain persons with disorderly conduct. Ileattv has 6v tormlnod to run his haul in u: ord- erly manner and a number or known abandon who no noisy sud diarep- uublo when in drink he will not give liquor to at any time. A gang of five m > o. disturbance mommy and theom strove fined two of them 85 each and coats, at the some time informing them that i! any further trouble was given no such leniency would be drown. The Rcven Lake Cement Co. has closed business for the winter. The men have not been pcid yet. Some are leaving 101' the enemies this wwn. Mrs. Smgster has been laid up for e few days with rheumatism. We hope she may be out soon. Messrs. Hiram and Geo. Height are engaged in the butchering trade. George can knock down a cow while he is talking about it. Hr. W. Sangster conducted Sunday school and service here as usual last SWday. ’ilr. ithelvey was killed here while drawing logs. Bis horses were scar- ed by an automobile. Imfiiluotberthck!‘ WANTED.â€"Qutlified teacher for 8.; S. No. 10. Haripoaa, for 1908. State salary and experience. Apply A. NOKEB, lamina. 44-4. Head Lake school is still in need of Successor to The Hurley Shoe Store Now we say GENUINE and w mean it fake. Exerything goes at exact cost for the he: afford to do this as‘ we bought at a rate or. the d( We wash to introduce ourselves to «very ma in Lindsay tad aumunding Country, and, in 0:1, start out by putting on a ‘ Great 9nd Genuine 30 Da COUNTY COURT AT OHEKEE. The county madatnrted held court We Havq Real Bargaing to Offer You. ( for Yourself and be Convinced OORSON'S SIDING WOODVILLE p.11 Wheat. bus Spring “116.1. bu. Goose Wh'nt. DUS‘ IUW ALEX. IIONTCOHERY. Clerk 'I‘p. o! D“!!! Dated this twentyâ€"eighth day our tober. 1907 4“- j 4 Cutters. nourl} new, 1 01d Cutter. 4 Lap Rubbers. Always home Saturdays A discount at the rate of 7 cent. allowed (or ash 0| c amounts. Voter-5' Lilt, 1907, Municipality at Dalton, (‘oumy of Victoria Notice is hereby given that line: delivered or tranSnzitted =0 unfi- Sons mentioned in Sec. 9 and|d the Ontario Voters’ List Act it. copies required by said sectiolsu be delivered n! the he" made W- suant t.) mid Act of 93.1 perms» poaring by last revised assess” roll of said municipality to be is titled to vote in the sav‘J moi pnlity at elefifinnc I'm nwm‘mfl ‘ -0 Fanning’s Repository I Saturday. NOV- 9th. io’clu -_ 9 GOOD coma Wedneadu-I‘ Thursday Oct.301umd31 RETURNING until find on It! Y _â€"-w nu m 3 tion Army's Annual R There are nu. useful "tick clothing, a. to ofler ( D 30 30! do well tome in good time. opens at the Barracks at 1 11.. Tuesday. Nov. 51h, and will a no morning, afternoon and m until ThUFHdBy. Nov. 7th u 10 if tummu‘y. Come qr]; Ind your choice. 15 Horses, min-d lot. 20 (Bows, due to calve in Apnl. 5 Cows, due to calve in March. 10 Steers. 2 and 3-year-olds. 1 Buggy. m-arly new. 1 Rubber 'l‘ire Buggy, new. 1 Two-seated Surrey. 6 Saw Single Harnm, new. 4 Sam Single Harness. nearly In. 6 Pair Ilorsp Blankets. 5 Bighop Robes. 2 Standard Robes, nearly new. 4 Ackermal Robes, new. 1 Set Double Driving Harness. my titled to vote in the sail main polity at GIG-“’10!“ in" "Uni“.‘fll‘, tlav Legislative Ascem‘flv am! It Municipal Elections, and that be said lis' was first nod-«3 31‘ £1 my office a: S laugh: on '3‘. N day of October, 190". and re” there on impation. Electors I called upon to examinemfl “St. and i! any omissions or 0“ - - -- uh - v errors are iouno umrm, “T immediate proceedings to ban OI mid errors corrected according to law November 5, 6 ("'0 NOTICE I it. This Sale t dollar. order ..n Thanks- giving n,» in Cm? Dd I‘m 0‘ 1 and 9" 7th at lo I- nn -1 90nd? 999 g . I h Mm Bank at llsike Red Clover Timothy Farmers may use nuri Chills at Mariposa, Sui hid, Blackwater. sq (heaven, ebc., FREE CHARGE to clean thcid ”Ion" Golden d callâ€"it will hit to you Intage. Will send quot: byreturn mail to any hard us samples. We are again prepan P7 the very HIGI like!) price fbr all gran cover and Timothy 833w us sample befOl‘t M Wheat for S‘ 1mm Static: goi‘lm yjadlfy a hum-ma" ' ' a; GI DEPART] Comforte: Chenille a all sizes. Every Depé through and UI up-t,o-dte Fall Our Dress ‘ in Venetians, mhs, Canvas V pedals Silk Wail designs in “1:“ $4.50 I bought lwfuru to sen] our “m derwear at la»: Fur Linec lining, with Al Blankets, sizes and Weiglf best washing ‘1 grey and wlnte See om white, rm} Ladies‘ 6 back, in plain checked twvwi by Act of Parli 'LE BRIT mm 123 CASH Underwe: “hyol lunatic» an 51%“ 3!)“

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