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Watchman Warder (1899), 31 Oct 1907, p. 5

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glory of the day’. 1'.- z’t button ms gm of 51m; Egg mush mm m Wmng u: we 58 9 mm mm glvnht: M "‘1 63%“ F" W m the mm and it nilton spectaw' "' rot to be windo- r- 819108 of splenhr, the cho rubhn, lift”! and GM, I'- tfead. awn-om fat? and dimâ€"- Be coming o! R?! '8 o! mbfic . m with ! and In my mm nd confidential ’ oothem the morning, in a. robed in dark... 3 of the mono, tomb; of mm, editor 0! at. so om» 2m with a big LOAN kept do“ dbl. Point comb. Rs limerick of His feet I money 31?. my Nunavut! m Intro“ E 99 (I) 5" H. I! 55, salé 45c M and all shades of plain vel- ‘ms. 52c, sale 42c. ”3:85 “Gd Table Linen, 45c, for ,h' 35° for 68c; reg $1.10 sale M- ’98 $1.5a1e 750; .81. 25, an. he Patterns Plaid Dress Goods in "Hone effects, reg. 806. Dale 37‘:- IOper cent. ofl‘ all Dress Goods not “honed on this list. 78 shades Velvet Bedford cord, N;- D. my” 0! IN: AW 7“, â€"..__.. 7‘ 43,152. Naylor 40, J. Lytle 85. Ah ' sentâ€"F. Callaghan, 'J. Graham, J ‘ ‘ O’eonnell. . I» O . ' ‘ _ ‘ Form IV. -â€"Germ. ~ ~ . . G Knowlson 80, W. Phelpa 73 J Ross 55' Pinky's Black Venetiln Cloth. H. .135, ale ‘1. am Granite Cloth, 44 inch. r98. ll, .19 680. Mia's black, blue, green, and album, reg. 60c., sale 480. May's Ladies’ Cloth, brown. HM rod and black, reg. 880. sale Dress Goods and Silks Path Peau de Sole Dress Silk. "-- gay-mew ”1548. i315 ;:v::::â€"::‘::‘::::7:;::;_:::-:â€":::::‘T::::::::T,â€".-. -:-::: mom F"! PM"; 79 “5395 {Bass 6 film. m: .101 318 uni: an: my» w: w Mummies :‘8. man: ::-. : Qw’fifl Dam:- fihdé; 79 ‘565 N11 ”a I; ”15:“ :.:9: 20:“. II mm “9916 “I‘M. g mils.” :‘fig “1' "mm: ::::::::: mum: 3m: :1 9M km mad frigate Geller ”mm; 48 hash reg. .58. me W “’th ”What SBWS. m: .33; “I." ::::::::: ::::::::: ::::::: my em 08 all Pm me metered In this 1m. “3038' OWW‘J‘". 10 ‘9 16 m: m: .7259. I!!! 222:2: 223:: mu: 151 "hoe M Tu. Q! 1 f3: bher “P W! 1: that is the Stock number of does not need a. bkerp the foot dry. Rem th Th are made of storm- waterproof inter- 85‘" hav_e triple goles “A_ PS. sole leather {“3838“me dour guarantee We“? Pair sold. .55” sale .....:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;::;;:;3 333:: um: um; mamas: ;;; mpg 49mph": Coat. with Weafiom Sable Gene. m. .44, so! my 99a! .Imknt, $1.23ng 515919 cams. revere and em. 34 inch goods are new, and bought at 50per cent. of! regular prices. made to WOW wholesome, health- by Mr. L. R. Knight. Value, $15.50. In! unusemen-t, good reading, proper: Dressing cue, value $5.00. _ / entertainment, educational advmtag-l Leather “um, 31%»: by Kr. L. A. 0 9 ea. etc. Yet these lines are mrnurphy, value $2.00. Ladles Mantles and Furs "n how men 3,0,... mu, 9g 37. 50, sale ......... 86 00 any. the Y.M.C.A. has always been 2 razorsâ€"one by Mail a Hubble. am. Na“ and Black A“ woo] gem, Cloth names, neatly active. They believe a sound bully.I Senior and Junlbr mmfimflhlp tick- trimmed with braid and self strappinge reg {'19. Dale 09130 a well developed healthy phyalque. 15 etc. by Y.H.O;A. one step toward health or heart and Boys' sum Watch. value $6.50. mm “mm Mantles, 48 inch trimmed wlth silk draw braid and mm. mg $15 75, sale I18. 60 lama Padr mum shoes. by Robin-on m. Dark \[ixed Tweed mantles, with gm and bfdfifi eallar‘s 7 m his lawman road rum to- 69 7 8!"! .3“qu 17 mches lung. 1’9! .9; “19 .....; 3...“ ;....; ;;;;;; n; .7395 6‘? (“firm”) m (limited '6? Km. by “’5 6W5 QM! New): run and Tweed 1119mm. Emu 8 ta 1% years, reg; u the benefit derived tram the welding Lump; Mb Table Linens ,k. 5" -5 1° . ’the young men and thus otter pmc-g The Valuable prizes ones-ed for ma “Wk Tweed S xrts, reg. .ul , 8a, ..................... . ................ ~ ‘1.” ti“! m deing counts, attmtion events were an dmphy in m. L. A. um and Blue Ladieg’ Cloth Skirts. reg. 82-75. sale ............ 31-38 to the' forces and mocictioua um Murphy’s window «as week .nd a. W skirts in navy and grey, and black ”d W» ’08- “'50 tend to drag down and degrade. lauded: . ‘ 8618 ...................................................................... . ............. '2.” At this time, space is l! H to Premium for ‘1'000 lite I Q mudies' Cloth 1‘18in Black and Navy Skirts, reg- 35-50. me $2.75 describe to any extent. the cam-ts poucy in Federal we 00., presented “Wk Tweed Skirts, reg. $2.75, 3318 ............ ' ....... 50M and Blue Ladies" Cloth Skirts, reg. $2.75, cud-d Skirts in 11an and grey. and black and g “ Wu :1th in Lindsay during» this week Wt us m our new premises. We h M J good assortment 0f Furs, Mantles. Underwear, Clothing, Carpets, HouSe- furnishings and Blinds. m are Holding a Spaniel 8510 all this week. Don’t fall to Visit Us. 5 Shoe House °f Quality and Fair Dealing. whed Table Linens, 60 inch, 5. for 30¢ ; reg. 50c, Dale 38c; :. Bale 47c. 100 Shaker Blanket., 10.4, m. .1.10, we ............... 88° 30 pieces Flannelette, reg. 80, sale lb. ........................... Bo Black, Gray and Mixed Factory Yarn, reg. 550, sale 48¢ Thanksgiving Sale OPPOSITE TERRY’S RESTAURANT The 74 KENT-sin, are in Lindsay during» ge'ring, reg. ~6c, for 5c. Beehive Yarns, reg. 10c, for Sfic. Berlin Woola, zephyr Wools, u Shetland Flags, m. 9c, for Sc. M 7 01, ll»- Sll 11- 0;. It 1.5".-. ‘V’ B} ck S'lk 'B . . a 1 lousos, reg .2 50. J‘m“ 48. E Graham 47 I 31-01;. sale 2. } s ’ .nshiro 47 P. Perrin 45, E. Mc- . Ladies Wrappers. m- 31.50. Isle Hansen 45. n. Giboon 48, H. An- 8135. Reg. $1.25. sale 81- derson 48, T. O'Loughlin 42, M. Ladies’ Knitted Corset Covers, in Mark 42. Jackson 4:3. Annie Pat- grey, cream. and white, regs. 28c, sale ton 42 W. AFallig 37, M. Webster 32, 240 reg. 48c. sale 89c.~ J. A. Padget 20. Absent-W. Knowl- Ladies’ Vests and Drawers, reg. son, M. Knowlson, G. Pee}, A. Cin- 28¢, sale 236; reg. 52c, sale 47c; namon F Jackson . ~ reg. 85¢, sale 690. ' French ' Fleets Blankets in white and grey, L. Rogers 81, J. Mu 1»h\'..33,F. 10-4. reg. 81.15. sale 95c. Jackson 76, H. Philp m. A. Gamw 10 per cent. of? all Wool Blankets 68, P. Spratt 67, G. Mitchell 66, D. W. Pufler 60, R. Nugeut 56.1%. M31- bm‘gaim days. - , ‘ ' r lnr 56, C. Donald 55, H.Mc11w.ghlin 'â€"â€"-â€"â€" , 54, M. Knowlson 49, M. llroxenshire " 48, V. Wray 48, F. Melisa 48, W. 17-....- mania Knowlson 46 v. Bailey 46,13 Gr; Ladies' White Silk. Blouses, fine tucking, reg. $3.60. 03.10 88. Ten pieces 0mm (hound Polka Dot Wnpperetto. very special, rag. 156, .10 18°. Germantown Black, white and grey Scoto fin- Fifteen Dark Coloring-I, reg. 15c, French Wimp- peretteu Yarns, Wools whammy-s reg. mesa ma: um; um; ::;;:::::;;: :z: .4: 40 mm 3318 €91”; m' .445 9018:: .88 “name revere and eufis. 94 iaeh 9193018! 3: “HR”: 323:3“ 321:3“: “SSH“: .69 a” ’B m: .101 M8 uni: :::::: .8:6‘ “55‘ 1 fl 9148 an. n; mama no as. was.» ”is; U 13mm: ::::::::: ::::::::x "mm: .18. Y Scoth {111- 5. fiishop 37, Innis Patton 28, H. Flavelle 27, M. Mark 21, A. Cinna- 00. for Sicg mon 19, R”. Wilson Wools. and, Form III. A.â€"Gra.mma.r. ‘0’ 8“» , J. maveue,77, v. PmstOn 67,. M. :, 10c bunch. Jordan 67, W. Spence 65, L. White» .'_______ side 63. A. Nokes 68, 1!. Cinnamon â€"â€" 60, M. Peppqr g7,_F._J. Reed 57, â€" n 13-!“- "38338:! 04:40 "1" 393' media 03$ 9! has meet, ‘ 5 and em mm mm read. 1; M9 mice 1mm here and Man rem $11 distance I} miles: m up...-. 7-, kin 28, 0. Mark 26, G. Thompson 25, E. Henderson 20. 8. Fee 19. ' Commercial Formâ€"Seniors. Commercial Law. ' . .11. Broad 78,_ A. Mon 67, 1],. Duck 60, I. W 55, L. Annâ€" strong .53. J '. .Johlitt ‘42. H. Haynes 42, H. Haynes 42, W. Gray at. $5 sentâ€"H. Thurston", L‘Frain. :. . Awuvtwvâ€" 'â€" H. Jacksonfll. O. E. ‘arcoe58 11- 1). Way 56, V. Lawrence ‘55. N. Marsh54, M.Begg 50,Eml[.Mc- 113501148, V W47} Parks 47, N.Arm'atcug44§. 'fim 4:2 8.8th 38,18. Shielda88, 1. Par- ”ILAâ€"“An Form I.â€"-Latin. L. Fania 98, 1!. Carroll 92, HF. Gillis 90, A; Sproule 88, L. Brien 86, N. Edwards 85, N. Thurston 84, C. Primeau 84,- W. L. Parkin 83, H. Naylor 81, H. Guiry 78, H. Mercer 78. B. Mex-Bop, 77, 78. Fianna 75.‘V. (3110eg 75. T. O'Reilly 67, A. Hugh- es 66, G. Carroll 65. R. Thurston 64.,W. Anderson 68. E. Manbb 63, W. Robertson 68,1“. qghghan 61, A not! \I vv, E. May-bee 57 N.’Pee1 45, R. Fania 48, M. Naylor ,40' J_. Iiytle 85. Ah- ham. 43, L Wood 41, 0. Tamas 40, C. Sutclifle 39, W. K. Anderson 88 H. PM!!! 78. G Kitchen 77. A. Car“ 69. P. Bmtt 60. L Wood 68. L. W3 67 0.0'Nai1167, D. W. Pm 67. R. Hardy 66. H. Mc- Laughlin 64, R. Wil non 60, 0. But- clifle 61, V. Bailey 60. V. Way 60, H. Fianna 59. C. Nugent 57 M. Tolime 55, J. Bishop 55. L. Kay] 55, J. Murphy 51. K. Anderson 51, 1!. Fame 51.R.w1[illnr 49. 0. Jumea 48, E. Graham 47.31. Brok- onshire 47, P. Perrin 45, E. Mc- ’I‘he sauna ler the mess men am 1593 {ha YALGA; mm this menses at 189 win as at 194: The big Xanadu road rues up day (“famed”) were ermine tar as benefit derived new. the training mm and because they tamed a whebsm maraurawen $6 1065 Blessing spam and system“; swarm”! the m sauna. , r. a.-." "my 1:7711‘7V‘l“ "um um “Em an. cormt‘y mt. A m .7 ”W11” and Pm to NW mu. MON 1' ”WW totem we expand integmcoaoem AWMmtriamW hr that willdo good morally. muesl- an Boys’ Race. Mucus those enur- ly and mentally to the young men ed yesteldsy were? Hsrry Wuhan. 0! Lindsay. ‘ Russell Stevens. H. De“, Hover-d A visit to the Y.M.C.A. buildingiwmlamuon. sad Harry Measles. will convince anyone of the ‘ eaterv In the Sealer event. twelve or 15 prlsesnd efiort made to make the entries are expected. and these may1 building a. comfortable home for the Include 'I‘hombIH‘Y- M30!!! “10” young men of town and district. E!-'entered yesterday momdng were: tort is being efficiently made in all Percy Menzies, Percy Brown and Geo. directions to benefit and entertain Preston. Md expand that willdo ly and menu of Lindsay. A Visit to will convince Under “a able dimtiem at “Chew ""9“”; Wm. R. 0901‘. and the new Maia! dimotor. J, J, “mm. the My 'YJLQA. Mu taken on new mo and premix: to ppm, Md expand into a, m concern that willdo good morally. mama ly and mentally to the young men nus AFTERNOON Fem III, Baemr- Goodem. Two-'anda-iu" Mile Run {or Junior: ‘flvo Miles hr Seniors LINDSAY, ONT, THURSDAY, 3181‘ OCTOBER, 1907. â€"Grs.mmar. w. :Very . Preston 67,‘ )1. last year I: nee 65. L. White days. lit-.3 63, 1!. Cinnamon get speech F. J. Reed 57, bill, which .3591 45. R. Fania napalm and '2 we 919mm. \ Mu taken on 3303:: 4'“ ‘9 NW muemo O. m concern ANN: orally. phyfioul- the Boyd ' Weekly v-_...â€" 3; In has thoAnditor 1 m may for business.. Anâ€" is that the private ntembera Wtowthonnthwoi m obtaining Managua. 0“];ththth nests. WWW“ unset .tovorkuntil n.- my 3% togothol" at the end of next month. they will for the first. time have be. for. them the blue books which they ehould" luvs had opportunity to may for three months before Parli- amt. - One meson that so » little thonelntheeatlypcrtof we'mlatlntpheGavet-mnent é-ins when the- House meets; and .- tinues right throw}: the vmtiow LAURIEB THE UNREADY. ‘ The, delay takes place. became the Gave-lament is not ready with pub- repuirs and heard of no more for nearly two months. On the 18th 0! December the House adjoumed un- til January 9th. The House was in session before Christmas only three (ull weeks. If the Christmas ,adjourn- meat. is made at the sane time this year there will be only two week! Work beiore J nnuary. It some had- 19 worth while to call the House to- gether and start the Minty (or so _little work, especially a .the w of the whole parliamentary mg.- year. ~View little business was done last year before the Christmqs holi- days. Mr. Fielding delivered his hud- get speech confining the new tatifl bill. which was 'then‘withdmwn {or The Canadian Gazette iqsued . un- der date of Oct. 23rd, contains u. pro- clamation, which. stripped of its verbosity, simply means that the Dominion Parliameht will meet. on November 98th. . This date. way! our Ottawa. couga- pendent! is _a_. DOMINION PARUAMENI . MEETS‘NOVEMBER 28 THE RELATED SESSION A WEEK LATER THAN LAST YEAR. AND THE REASONS. LAURâ€" “V11 WI 8.9 NGVM '78 Burn '8. 6; m: u. f” dumb u. a. damn M. 3. Jam: 7‘. J. 31ml“;- all 73.? E'I'mwlvmm 71. A 8mg" 64. 3 Hana a4. a. mm- M. F Amott 62. l! Flatt 81-. O Haunt 5’1 J 0 “M59. FJBNW 57.9.19 Stewart 57, G Roger. 64, 0. lemon 54. 8. Sinclair 58 0. An- daman 52. G. Vroomm 81. L. Stac- 3"46. A. Greer 45. J. B. Pukorfli. Graham 48.11. E. Fisher 42, G. McInughlln 41, F. Mark 87, W. Marshall 87, N. Rich 85. B. Judson 84, H. J. Hogs 81, A. Patton 27, H. C. Richardson”. 1!.- Hui-on”. Absentâ€" A. Parkin. D. Edwards. ‘ E9“ 990 J' mm'gvg‘m 5.3." 9M9 It who down. and Mm‘ he «a emu. :1 mm mmmmmu in Man the ogum will be properly mum 9th. The House was in are Christmas only three - If the Christmas ,adjourn- . -a.tt sanctimeth ‘ ' and a, motion or such recommda- uon was ended unanimously. The “war at Mr. Reason". will he can!» [sued to Chief Bell's home In the meantime. The coat of tunbfmnce will be about .5. Ponies Asmmoa‘mm comm TEE; The Mn» and film“ Comm/ea with Md; Medea In the Ohm. resolved the new report: and passed routine mounts. be needed. and though .11 was very lavonbly impressed. The Council, however. very strongly Wand the system to the incoming Council. tion, the Council could not go: it: way chu- to purchasing the ”Item 9t anytime, although it. was felt to ml“. Tu W 'OUIG ”and ‘he For the We when nothing happms' number of the b0! {rm which “I. For the cares that leave no trace, alarm came, and would N90“ the For the love 01 little children, . name three limes. This gum would For «ch sunny dwelling place ; Th e re I IX [0 r be r t do away nth the neeesaxty for tap- For the altars of our (embers. Wlfi‘go 11011311303“ 0312:“. And the closets where we pray, S I108 Sto ['0 0 won move cos y. Take,‘0 i God d F the , 3’“ °“’ ‘3 “ ' 52 Kent 3:, 1.11113er Hr. Tilley, manager 0! the load Bell Praises this Thanksgiving Day. Telephone 00.. we: present with 11:. J lax-dock. and Dam Bell 0! the For the quiet, uneventful, fire brigade. was also in attudnncc. Bland m of our lives, _______________,_. On account of the flnnnchl condl- Fnr um 1mm of Hand. and Mich- ‘ Next N W. E. Baker’- 1h- mum. on upon m an no Non-luau mum and Munhwuulug 0031.0! “W. was Mud by the ouuoll la w to ma I‘m-pus ou lmtglllu o! on ohmic u'rr ulmw mulls”. Ur. “Wool: and hia- «our M would mun a, Wilma .l mu kind tor .840. 'l‘le device \soulzl 10 attached to one o! the tow: lens, out! would ltrllto the Oquivalalt of a 000 1b blow on the Hall. ”a a. clear duy the Itrlklng o! the bull caulvl be hetrdat a (finance of about. three miles. The cyutun would lound the number 0! the box mm which the DUNDAS 6; FLAVE‘LLES, Limited, We are proud to place this before you as a splendid type of our OVERCOAT Values. CLOTH :â€"Fine-looking, stout English Melton. CW-rihgh- grade velvet, hand padded. SHOULDERS :â€"-.Well set up, not stifliy padded, butfiaflored STITCHING -â€"-Fine even stitching of black' SilEthat won’t fade into an aged look Two lengths, 46 ; anE 50 inches. We believe it s unmatchable at the price See it. Judge for yourselves. Weldon m WNMW 0? [Wk NWT: ma hummus. 9136mm 0? PM”? 08‘ man. "ma mm an N0 DD- FIOI‘I‘." m OPIXION 05‘ Conan Th mom mam at m ’an 09m“ M on Weduaudmv; m l“! “‘3" “NWN1. pm. my! gum J. u Kym. G‘ COMMITTEES 0" ML MEET B. L. New. and 1' E. 'For the quiet. uneventful, Bland progress of our lived. For the love of friend: and neigh- bore, Pei-onto, children. husbands, wives; For the ever-present knowledge 'I‘hnt our Saviour is our own. On We doy of glad thankgfving Prat-cl rise to reach the throne. For our dear ones lifted higher Through the derkneqs to the lightâ€" N. Lawrence. Ourl to love and our: to cherish In deer memory ry, beyond light. For our kindred end nequnihtnnee. In Th heaven who lnfely stay. We upiizt our long of triumph. Lord. on thin mmmving 15.7. For me wonderful. iov kinda-s. winded hence by severe 19%. For” the leutry. area ad hopeful mi“ saw it a a one 11me ' Al this minded fem. kindne- chem. defended! Therefore. pull. to the throne. For the hour: when hence 1: ll»- And“ the unaided deal not uh. Bolivia.“ feel- oft huh urthluht dleel to the public the “mum: “ Mrs Temple's Ielegrom.” That moot riotous of Muskie; luc- eellee, ".lrs Temple's Telegram," to coming to the Academy of Katie on November 29, under the energetic and nrtistinmanegement cf Waiter "In. Temple's 'lell- grnm” In! been stunned with the emphatic approve) of New York, the no less emphatic approval oi Lon- don, end with the must pusitive ummendntion of every other curs. which it has ever pieyed ”It“. Napie'l Mum” nitro- u to m u faithful husbani is "or in telling a white “man ll all“! but ebluute uh it: Ill. ll ll! it the truth. Jack: Tun: h- hlrleut nu light New hl w in on“. Wheelin- mm x «l. initl evidential-old uh invents on Mother: [ltd him“ into a I'llt all!" MW name“: that In When «Mo. 91 am on Am «mi rum Calm one Mn mom. um will he «mm to, NO 133F101? WANTEN- 8m «mania tool: m n the probability 0! a mu. M0? and W om W them- ulvu “ final! mint a deficit in my department. can! the ma) com 0! opinion no that. ouch chairman Ibould look oloooly into his oxpoudltum lo a to prevent any overdraft. ' IDA” OF“ NIKE tumult-need m‘m Ma Mutual-uh m. Ann-mummwm‘ mum.ummmn= (By 1 HANKSGIVING nib-u up an ‘ inn II- "was Mn “Madman‘hm. ”In. Mple'c Mum" muo- am to the public the wastim: u n W! a faithful husbmrl is cur m “was a white mama ll “all: but emu-m; uh ie Hsvo you seen the new “Queen Quali- W’ 8m!- - .You win be M o- shoe fashions when yoh do. NUMBER 44 4000 0190:13th

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