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Watchman Warder (1899), 8 Oct 1908, p. 5

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king , or idney 1.25; 'much pt hanme it. and a 19! fun and m I {'5 my recipe Custard Pie :- L.._.____. Hated, a. little alf pint of new . then I '818 om Ava, be at M‘ «“1 zbind". en 1” 1 widson Smith’a Filb- [ly I coald sen ya ya, and started ‘ > m execute Doors, DOdWOI‘k CsDORA’ OF JRSE.” â€" long.” :an be : time. ’olish CO. yourself how our W‘ hum Oven achinery night” KEYS GREEN Phone 14-3 Mill E ammo; The Uundersigned has received in- structions to sell by public Audion on the premises, Lot 10. Con. 11, Eden on Auction Sal-e ofFam Stock and Implements On all sums over $10.00, twelve months’ credit will be given parties furnishing approved joint notes : thpt amount and under, cash. A d19- ccum of 5 per cent. will be allowed for cash on credit amounts. : Proprietgr. Sale at one o’clock and without reserVe as Mr. Magee has' given up one of his {arms and must dispose of the above_ 0118 1 lam Buggy, . Light wagon. - Cutter. Sett bob-sleighs. 9 sett barrows. Stock rack, Horse power, tumbling rods, coup- lings. starts, all complete. Sawing machine, new. Speed jack. ' Stoning machine. 2 setts single harness and numerv Ems other articles usually found on a STOCK: 6 thoroughbred cows in calf. 1 2-year-old heifer in calf. 2 2-year-old heifer calves. 5 steers 20 months 01:1. 8 steers 8 months old. 1 heifer, rising 2 years. All the foregoing are thoroughbred. 5 high-grade Durhams cows in calf. 3 year-old heifers. 3 heifer calves. 1 high-grade steer calf. 14 breeding ewes, Leicester. IMI’LEBCENTS . The An C.P.R. trains stop at the farm. the following farm stock and imple- ments ; THURSDAY, OCT. l5 The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions from Mr. J. R. Magoo. lot 1, con. 13, Manveg-s, to sell by public auction on the pre- mises, Lake View Farm, on Dispersion Sale of Farm Stock and ‘lmplements Navy and black directrie effect, spacial ........................... 5.00 1'5 per cent. off furs Friday and Saturday. Ask to see our special Fur-lined 50 inch Coat with real sable trim- mings ........................... 49.50 E. E. W. MGGAFFEY, Biack mare, 4 yearr old. Bay mare, 7 years old. Bay mare, 6 years old, and foal. Bay mare, 2 years old. Brown mare, 12 years old, road- Black Broad Cloth Skirts, reg. $7, special ....................... 5.00 7 Black semi-fitting 50 inch Beav- er Coat, regular $12; special...$10 Latlies’ Tweed Coats; 3 styles, regular 7.50 and 38, special 5.00 Misses Coats in dark green and ml and navy, regular 10.50, spec- Ladies’ inavy. black and green semi-tight, fitting, regular $15, special ......................... ‘. 1 2.50 Ladies green Beaver 52 inch Coat, selfostrapping, 11.25 sale $10 same styles in black, brown and navy. Ladies’ goats and Skirts are being made in» every section of our store affording oppor- tunity for selecting equal to any Other source hereabouts and offering the world’s best merchandise atthe lowest prices at; which goods of equal quality can be procured for anywhere in this country. For Friday and Saturday we offer some shining examples of value giving which cannot fail to impress the careful observer i with the money saving possibilities afforded in this store. i Impressive DiSplay of Fall and Winter Goods The McGaffey Store SECTION TWO \‘Q‘WW 5|Sl YEAR. HORSES. Auction“:- 9138M this 3rd day pf October, There are large beds of qglcksand on 1 08. . Kent-st. west, from the corner of ALEX“ MONTGOMERY- Suasex-st. to the hospitel. This Clerk Tawnship or Dalton, Sebrlght : sand has been the m of e greet P. O.‘ ‘ 'deal of trouble to the council because it percoletee into the never. block» , Eingugtheeewa-pipee.t£Jthe NTARIO nonncUL'rmL EX- 001m mm last M - "- 0 . Chalmers stated that this qiilckaend‘ HIBITION. was ten treat deep in the low piece 011 owingtotheehengeinthedeteot ground justthieewotthehoepitd Thanksgiving Day-to November 9th.'a.nd that mammoth were the opening of the above exhibition located along the M .,m only will take place at 7 pan. mummy-heme otuto Mae eever November 9th. More will out woe~todflttimm please take notice that en exhibits attached device _ w.¢o.m; mmt‘fiepbcedbythis‘h - Thewhich W. M will! . m ,. that building: up be open for «mum ,yith,it.-. EWFOW figvéfi errors 61- oinissions correct- ed according to law. Dated this 8rd day ,of October. vised assessment roll, of the said municipality, to be entitled to Vote in the said municipality at elections for members of the Legislative As- sembly and‘ at municipal elections; and that the said list was firstposb- ed up at my omce on the 5th day-o! ! MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWN- ‘SHIP OF DALTON, COUNTY OF VICTORIA. Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the pers- ons mentioned in section 9, of the Ontario Vo-ters’ List Act, the copies reg-aired by said section to be so transmitted and delivered of the list. made pursuant to the said Act, of all persons appearing byrthe‘ last re- u~u~ all the valuable Farm Stock and it Im laments. Sale at 1 o’clock, and sult wit out merve. I this GEO. J ACKSON, Auctioneer 3 Mr. I have been instructed by the pro - rietor, JOHN W. ELLIOT’l, to sell by Public Auction on the premises, Lot 23, Con. 7, Ops, on MONDAY, OCT. 19 And I hereby call upon 8!! Voters Farm Stock and Implements All the valuable farm stock and im‘ plements, Sale at one o’clock and without reserve. See large bills. J 08. ME ERIN, Auctioneer Tuesday, Oct. 20 I have been instructed by the pro- prietor, GEO. J. WINK, to sell by public aurtion on the premises, Lot 4, Con. 9, Emily, on Auction Sale of Farm Stock and Implements Voters’ List I908 I have begn instructed by the pgqp 2 Specials in Men’s Pants, 2.00 for 1.50; 1.50 for ............. ..1.20 3 Specials in Men’s Underwear 45c; 65c ahd ............... 950 each AUCTION SALE I 3.75 Wool Blankets for 3.00: 4.50 line for 3.98; 6.00 line for 4.68. 1.60 Comforters for 1.40; 1.75 line for 1.50; 2.10 lines...1.85 for Carpet samples. 1.1; yds. long, suitable for mats, in Tapestry 40c, 500 60c; in Brussels 75c, 1.00; Uni‘ Carpeting 25c, 35c, 500. Carpet Rugs, 3 x 2%, 6.00 for 5.00; 3 x 3, $9 for 7.50; 3 x 3%, 10.50 10-4 grey and white Blankets speclal 90c; 11-4 1.25; 12-1 ..1.45- Blankets and Comfbrt’ers ;né remains there for in- The membersm! the management 908 {committee are: Warden Mason, of ,Fenelon Falls; Reeve Taylor Pat-kin. {of Fenelon township: Ree've '.I‘ H 9 {Watson of Mariposa, and County TPWN: ' (‘. erk McNeillie. ...... 8.75 515‘ and Miss Reta Pogue, which was 01 :heartily enjoyed by all. A M1031 m‘ Californian luncheon was saved to about thirty guests by was Reta are and Olrve Pogue. All thoroushly to enjoyed themselves. 1 Little Britain Oct. 4. -â€"A veryi ;plee.sa.nt at home was held at the re-l sidence of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Pogue, Wednwday, September 80th. in honor of Mrs C. E. Gumsby, of Los Angeles, California, sister of Him. Pogue. The rooms were pret- itily decorated in autumn tints. Dur- :ing the alternoon music was render- :edbyMr-s; W. Yeo, Ming. _Jenkins QUICK SAND BEDS. “At Home” in Honor ’ of Californian Visitor Eight cattle, {our pure bred I'olled Angus and {our Durhams have been purchased as an addition to the stock on the farm, and tests and ex periments will‘be made during the coming winter to see which is the better and most satisfactory brmd. it might be said here that the re- sult of the crop on the refuge farm this year was very satisfactory. and Mr. Robertson. the manager, is to‘ be congratulated. IL was also decided to add fiva o" res more to the orchard, making in a 1 a. ten acre tract for the grow-n); of fruit trees. It was decided to build a. drain from the refuge farm to the river, necessitating 1,000 feet 0! cit-nix? tilv. This will enable thirteen acres to be put under cultivation, which have hitherto been untillable, owing to the swampy condition of the land. The House of Beluga Management Committee met yesterday and busi- ness of considerable importance was consummated. - The Management Committee Met Yesterday . NEW DRAIN FOR ' HOUSE 0FREFUGE 3 Spécials in navy blue Dress Goods, 50c, 75c,......... . . . ....$1' Wradperettes reg. 12h, sale 100; yegulay 10c for....4.: ......... 8c Chiffon Collars, clearing various lines, 5 styles, regular 25c, sale 150 5 Bunches Tape for ............ 5c 4 Papers Pins for ............... 5c 4 Pairs of Boot Laces for...5c Shakers regular 10c for 8c. regular 13c for. ..... 11c 35c" ‘able Linen 25c 3 Lina! of “Towellingi. ”regular! 11c,su.le.. .. ..9cl 3 specials in fancy Hat Pins 2 for 5c; pearl So for Se, 20c lines ’for‘IOc. Back Combs, plain, wide band 10c, 20c, 35c. 3 Specials in side Combs, 10c, 15c and 25c pr. Hair Pin_s, bone, 6 for ......... 10c Barritt’s 3 specials 10c, 15c, 20¢ 10 Shades of 4 inch Taffeta Ribbon, 15c for......... . . . . . .121\rcI NEXT TO PHILIP MORGAN, Druggist Smallwares mp1. 1“ “cc-om 0-009-0- oouomucnoo 35 M Rod ”can. .00...“ 50...... ”-0.- 69 North m” toad-~00 cups-Ooh coo-con... 4o ' Bu m.fimnmmhmn¢ by tom's-16c; mgr-smug LINDSAY, ONT" THURSDAY. OCIOBER "8, l908 North Vern North 0pc Pine Grow 854 Cheese Sold at l2 3-l6c CHEESEBOARD now MEET. Mr. and Mrs. Pope will Map their residence in Lindsay On an to- turn h-om' their wedding trip. say. son of Mr. Wm. Pope, of Peter- ‘boro, took place in that city this morning. The ceremony was per- formed in St.. Peter’s Cathedral in the presence of a. number of friends. The groom’s many Lindsey trio-(h wish Mr. and Mrs. Pope a long and happy married life. A number 0! Mr. Pope's friends in Lindsey pre- sented the young couple with u. hono- POPEâ€"RICKARD. The wedding of -Miss A. Picard, daughter of Mr. Joe. Picard. Peter- horo, to Mr. George Pope. of Lind- .their bridal trip the young couple will live in 'Nr'onto. Mr. Robin- son’s many Lindsay friends extend their best. wishes. The marriage of Mr. Wm. Robin- son, ot Toronto, and formerly of Lindsay, to Matilda. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Williams, 01 Palm- erston, took place in the latter town this morning. On their return from The young couple left on the C. P. R. train for a short visit in Wood- stock before leaVing for their home in Armstrong's Point, Winnipeg.. sang, “ 0h Perfect Love," while the register was being signed. I Rev. J. P. Wilson, M.A., pastor of Ithe Cambridge-st. Methodist church, performed the ceremony. Miss lla- lble Winters. sister of the bride, was the maid of honor, while Miss 1!. Alma. Griffin, of Toronto, was bridesmaid. Hr. .Chns. F. Williams, 0! Queen' 5 University, Kingston, ee- sisted the groom. The wedding march Irom.Lohengrin and Mendelssohn were played by Miss Olive Perry, of Orillie, niece of ; the bride, and Master Percy Mulheml A pretty marriage was solemnized quietly at the home of Mrs. Jas. L. Winters this afternoon, when her daughter, Florence M. was united in the bonds of wedlock to David T. Townsend, D.L.S., of Winnipeg. was in the midst of them. The Mind struck with a. bevy impact and was brought to a. dead stop Immediately y the engineer. It was discovered that two of the cattle had been kill- led, and a number of other: were in- jured. The cattle that were killed Pretty October Weddings A herd of cattle was on the G ‘1‘. R. track east at Mariposa. statian last night. and the flyer, which pass- es there shortly after nine o’clock, crashed into the bunch. The engi- neer did not see the cattle until he The shape of the bucket would pre- I meted u' yet. WWW lance. as an infant of that age will do very easily, and alien into the bucket. G.T.R. Flyer Crashed Into Herd of Cattle---Two Killed mcm FOR BRUSH. I It is thought that the child ‘hadé reached for 9. brush that was gcross the pail from it and had lost It: ha.- doctor arrived life was {amid to he HEAD DOWNWARD. The child's moth» had lea the lit.- tle thing sitting in a' chair and went out tobungclothfisonflnhne. She was horrified on her return five min- utes later to find the blunt. head downward, in c bucket 0! water that had been standing‘nenrby. months-old “duucfltaer of 11:. and In. William . AW- W 90‘ cMental.y med thin morning in I. bucket 0! thel'. INFAM DROWNED IN PA". 0" WATER . FOUND BY HORRIHED MOTHER ROBINSONâ€"WILLIAMS. TOWNSENDâ€"WINTERS. on Monday From WI WU. Wmhwfl . Clothing and Furnishing Department wanna sent instant. Man‘ According to Facts are well and popmrlyâ€"kno'wn ’mlram, was published lat George Mc- town. and The Warder Jcins with Kayne. should be I. and D. J. Camp- their many friends in extending cox» bell 18¢. 2nd 8110“” be George Mc- gntulations. Mr. and Ira. Secto- Rogue. Ram shuttling. George M0- left for Detroit on their wedding Rogue was published lst. should be trip. I, and D. J. Campbell 151;. The marriage of Francis. daugh- ter .01 Kr. and Mm Ancil Mills. Caroline-st, took place this “taro noon at 8.30 o'clock to Mr. Arthu: Seaton, or tgwn. ‘jl’he ypung couple St. ‘Luke'l church. Downeyvmo, ‘ was the scene of pretty wedding tub. morning when Mia: B. Horrisey, tho daughter ot'l'r. D. Morrisey, or F4.- ily. was united in marriage to Mr. George Crowley, also of finily. Revm Father Hearing performed the caro- monyinthopmlenceotanumbero! friends of the contracting couple. I who the owner of the cattle 13. Ne:- es of flesh were discovered an we “heels of the paslenger ears, and the tram might easily have been derail- en tmin were greatly excited at. the sudden stop of the train, but their fears were relieved when the cause was discowred. It is not known were hit with tremendous {of-cc and hurled high into the air. The train crew went back, when the train was stopped and found the carcasses of the dad cutth. The passengers on Coroner Blanchard decided that” inquest m mm. The tune»- nl meats have not been co.- plated as yet. Bell Telephone line between‘ Lmdny ud Port Perry when the ad I.- cidem occurred. He was notified st onconndarflwdhomolam nth A peculiarly and lecture is tint only a few months 1303112 and In. Baker had o non killed by being n- ova- by the train. The parent- on ' chihfloas and how the “up.“ “patty or the entire mun-my. _l_[r Baker was working on tho new III hourly full oint- er‘tthatimoudthechfldmfi the tutor {or cbout five minutes. it {I «taunted. ‘ an outcry. Inn; bell: of uty “an and u was drowned without Using this to nab var. the Noble unort- o! the m‘ Of the large number of Men’s Hats found on the hat racks in the different Hotels of our Town during Fair Day, Sept. 25th, the greater number of the Hats had the‘nam’e of ”Dundas F lavelles Ltd.” in them, show- ing the appreciation by the right thinking patrons of the hotels in Lindsay for the DundasFlavelles Ltd‘., Hats INQUEST UNNECES SARY. CROWLEYâ€"MORRISEY. NDAS 8: FLAVELLES, LTD. SEATONâ€"MILLS. A SAD FEATURE. EBIIORS IN PRIZE LIST. Class 19. Shropshire sheep, 1 aged run. was published 1312 George Mc- Kague. should be I. and D. J. Camp- bell lat, 2nd should be George. Mc- Kugue. Ram shear-ling, George Mo- throughout. tion policy and showed its my wedmesses and the injustice of it. The broken platform of the Liber- al Government was reviewed by the speakers and it was clearly shown that the time for a change 'was at i From Wednesday. Dnily. Hr. Geo. A. Jordan and Mr. G. A. Manuel delivered excellent ad- dresses to a. sympathetic audience at Cnmbny last night, in the interests of Col. Hughes. 111'. B. B. Pier made a capable chairman for the oc- mion. , Hr. Jordan was received most his constituents, all of which, by th heartily and expressed his regret that manifestations of his audience, was Col. Hughes could not be present. ‘ agreeably accepted. He noted, however, that the colonel; One of the best political meet” could not be in two places at once eVer held in Beaboro was tit. and was conducting a meeting in brought to a. close. Conservative Meeting in-Cambray Village r the Government on civil'servi‘ r senate Moms. He spoke at , length on the timber scandals ‘ in not [mulling his pledges colleagues conducted the aflairs the country in general. Hr. Hac- donald delivered a message irom Mr. S. J. Fox, H.P.P., regretting .his inability to be present and express- ing himsel! heart and soul in the maniul fight of Col. Hughes against the graft and iniquity of the Laurier GoVernment. The speaker also tou- ched on the question of freedom of parliament and told the story of Col. Hughcs’ fight to obtain access to public documents. which right was refused by the leader of the Govern- ment. Mr. Macdonald was listened to with interest and time and again applauded when he " nailed down " his arguments. MR. G. A. JORDAN. _ Mr. Jordan was received most ‘ndthatthe 30‘: lessly smlandered {or the sake cl 1 inconsistencies of Sir Wilirid Laurier we I.” ,5!“ Wilt!“ public monies had been ruth- hep Gov money (ortheiriendsofth andthatthenurierad- MW ministration was not to be trusted tore attaining power. In pessinghe any - W on the bribery and hood- ling- o! the present Government and gave some apt illustrations of the manner in which Sir Wilfrid and his They are only doing what ' said. when the Conservative Govern- ment was voted out by the Conser- Vatives. and Sir Silirid will be put» of aside by the right-thinking Morm- ere with a little assistance given by the Conservatives. The speaks touched up the immigratiOn policy and W amount of graft in the North Atlantic Trading Co., and various other schemes adopted to blindfold the people in order to sa- tisiy the (Wax-ice oi ringers, bood- lers and grafters. He showed how Col. Hughes was the choice of the conVention and that the people still needed him; and he had championed the cause of public ownership, his c!- iortymregarding the Remedial Bill and his strong condemnation of the immigratiOn policy. He touched on his career as a soldier, his labors as .a statesman and his endeavors tor his constituentsnall of which, by th Mr. Jordan dwelt on the immigra- bond mt. ovum at; tho W01 x enormous hem-ow! than can. 00!. Sun. Huston. Conservative cus-' , did-M (or the riding at Victorh m§m 3» vent on wt 9,» a. Wharton. m schoolhouse ‘ was; crowded to the door- und a number!" “flu-08" of positions for abbot. ‘0! mm- m among the cudience. kind- and showed this by the un- It. Thomas Downey M . .9199- nor In which the lube W a dldchairmnn lortheoocasio. 'mtomdw‘ndhiamxivm rm MACDONALDn WP °" “w “”"3' °°m’ ‘ ' mission-u ; salary of $9.000 pot in 9"“ fighting humor. He ‘33 ’tures on tho ice breaker, " Mont- ‘t 111' beat. and mm ' aim ” and the.Arctic expadition. the 9°V°fnmt °'_‘_ civu .mi "“1 that the nubuc monies had been run... REABORO US'I'ENS T0 EXPOSURE 0f LAURIER MALADMINISTRA'I'ION QUALITY kind 70! business he cares to m Dr. Cownn' a good horse, Harry I, driven by George Curtis, won first 'place in the 2.35 race at Iona-ed “yesterday afternoon in straight heats. Incidentally the horse ea,- ries on a $400 purse. The racehnd thirteen entries. the cream or the 2.35 horses in the country, and the time'made, 2.18}. proves conclusive- ly that the son of Keswick traveh led some to win. it this part of the country all fall and has won considerable money for its owner. Easily the best in its cloa- around here, Dr. Cowaa decided io tryhbhorse in Montreal. Thattlo horse would gin a, good account of was a surprise‘to'manytohou that the Lindsay animal won the llarryl Wins Every woman knows she is shrewd leasly amended for the sake 0! keep money (or the friends of the Gov end that the Laurier ul- minietntion wee not to be trusted any longer; They ere only doing what the Tories did in 1896. he aim" .m ’aj..,4azsc'm" 7‘33; that the public monies had been unb- leasly squandered for the sake o! $400 Purse in EIGHT PAGES “.00 PER YEAR. 44",“; v

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