The entire herds of C. W. Haas- }lp, Fairbairn. and John Aldous. Feat-lea Falls, will be sold by public auction at the Syndicate Farm, ad- joining the limits of Fenelon Falls, Shorthorn Cattle Dispersion Sale mungâ€"A PAIR OF NEW MACK kid glows. Owner may claim )thv sum: at The Warden FARM FORS “LI-\LE OR 'l‘() R] â€NT Near to town. Apply at tms got -7 Twelve bookmakers were arrested on; the J sung-ice. race track at New To All Women: I will sendtfree. with full instructions, my home treat- ment which positively cures Leucorr- lwra, Ulceration, Displacements, Fall- ing of the Womb, Painful or Irregular Periods. Uterine and Ovarian Tumors r growths, also Hot Flashes. Nerv- ousness, Melancholy, Pains in the Head. Back. Bowel's, Kidney and Bladder troubles where caused by wealmees peculiar to our sex. You can continue treatment at home at a cost of only about 12 cents a week. Hy book, v“ Woman's own Medical Adviser." also sent free on request; Write toâ€"day. Address Mrs. M. Sum- .tl. Box ‘563 Windsor. Ont. York. FOR SALEâ€"TWO THOROUGH- bred Jersey cows, due to calve this fall. Apply to Robert 'l‘oole, Omemee, P.O. TEACHER WANTEDâ€"FOR S. S. No. 7. Fenelon, duties to commence January 1, 1910. Apply stating salary and qualiï¬cation to Charles Hare, Sec.-treas., (with recommen- dations), Pleasant. Point, Ont. of the choicest nursary uLuukï¬wmcn on ml! direct, to your custuumrs. This L (mo of the advanm as our men have over jubimrs. Wu G ARANTEE Ihe deliwrv nl’ trees in GOOD CONDITI- 0N mui UP w CONI‘RAO'J.‘ GRADE. Wril-~ fur particularswPelham Nurs- cry t :..,, 'l‘uronto, Ont. Please mention thus :uptar. _‘ g â€$343 ‘ ._â€"- ‘_‘--- Good Fay WesEly. Oftflt gFree. Exclusive Territory. 600 Auras cry amok; 953- B‘ultmd Winterâ€"“inn“; In [Jud- uy omd surrounding country»: not!» relicsb'm ngum to urge order». {up nurs- “at Mon Standard Block Buchanan 81“.. Toronto can“. _-_ ‘Iihâ€"oiu'k 'o'qprloo. . Wu also handle 80. an. 90-6†contract! Writ... 'phono or who as yoqr order: , 0mm M on man-gm. We require I. doped“: u follow: :â€" I'I‘OOK -‘ DIMII'I‘ IILLI'G ‘ IIOIHIID Iron .00 to 000 - 156 w sham I'm 000 to so. - 100 pa- slug loom 800 to O! - Ila per than Our Ono Dollnflao ru- oont. of _ .h---.“I‘ '0R SALEâ€"A QUANTITY OF dry tamarac wood cut in 4-foot length. Apply Thus) Henry, Yel- Thursday Oct. 21 For Sale by Boxall Matthie ' Lindsay Ont. ‘ VA WINDSOR LADY’S éPPEAI. fort. If you want the best range you’ll buy the Souvenir. Our free booky tells the reasons why. Send a. post card for it toâ€"day. GURNEY. TILDEN CO.. LIMITED HAMILTON :9“ W Winnim Calm Vancouver are just as near perfection as ranges can be built. Their con- struction is an absolute guarantee of fuel economy and cooking com- PATRIAROHE CO. Eâ€"Jinnri o ’ ‘ mums N “'.‘:’°3L;’2:"u‘t WE 2WAHI;% AGENTS WANTED FAQ! at Thos. Cashore, of Registered commences at 1 o’clock Auctioneer '5‘:st Harry Murby reports trade steady to anew for we qunllzy teederi. unseem- mou to medl m tracker: and 1mm teed- ersure slow 0: sale. Mr. Mus-by on. tlml’ullowlug prloea : Beat floors. to 1080 the. each. at 3% to «.50; boat steers. 800 to 900 lbs. each. at $3.50 to 83.85; [00d atoekers. 500 to 709 lbs. each. at 82.75 to $39.5: common awoken. 82 to 32.25. Milken and apt-Inge". Receipts or mllkers and sprlngera were not large. James Armstrong Son Loucht 20. for whleh they paid trom 835 to $55. Sheep and Lamba. . The run or sheep and lambs was large and prices were easier. as follow: : Ewes. sold at $3.50 to $3.85. or an average price of 83.75; rams, $2.50 to 82.75; lambs. 35 to $5.60 per cwt.. or an average of $5.40 per cwt. Veal Calves. Market steady for veal calves.‘at $3.50 to $6.50 per cwt. __ Wm. Harris reports prices of selects at $7.75, fed and watered. and $7.50 t.o.b. cars at country points. Mr. Harris re. ports too many good-framed, strong hogs. weighing from 170 to 180 1133.. that are not more than half fat. Farmers are certain- ly making a. mistake in not ï¬nishing their hogs properly. for they can well afford to do so at present prices of hogs and grain. East Buffalo Cattle Market. EAST BUFFALO. Oct. mâ€"Cattleâ€"Re- ceipts. 350 head; fairly active and steady; prime steers. $6.75 to $7. Vealsâ€"Receipts, 250 head; active and 250 lower, :8 to $9.50. Hogsâ€"Receipts. 2000 head; slow; light. 50 to 100 lower; others steady; heavy. $8.15 to $8.2); mixed. $8 to $8.20; yorkers. $7.40 to $8; pigs, $6.75 to $1135; roughs. $7.20 to $7.35. Sheep and Lambsâ€"Receipts, 2000 head; active; sheep steady, lambs 10c higher: lambs, $5 to $7.35; Canada lambs. $7 to George Rowntrce bought 270 cattle for the Harris Abauolr Company. as follows: Butchera' stems and heifers. at 86 to $4.70: cmva. $1.60 to $4.45; bulls. 83.36 to $3.50: reading amen; at “.10 to 84.60. Exporters. None cm sale. excepting a very tow buns. which sold at. from u to 84.80 per cm. NEW YORK, Oct. 12.â€"Beevesâ€"Receipts. 561; nothing doing; feeling steady. Dress- ed beet steady, at 8176s to 1134c. Exports to-morrow, 20 quarters of beef. Calvesâ€"Receipts. 659; market quiet, steady; veals, $7 to $10; no strictl’y prime here; throwouts, $5 to $6.50; grass- are. $4 to $4.50; westerns, $8; dressed calves quiet; city dressed veals. 10c to lï¬séc; selected, 16c; dressed grassers and buttermilks, 6c to Sc. Sheep and Lambsâ€"Receipts, 2415; mar- ket slow, but steady; 3% cars unsold; sheep, $2.50 to $4.50; lambs, $6.50 to 8'1; I“ prime here. Hogsâ€"Receipts. 218;; reeling steady; r.â€"... -7 Hogsâ€"Receipts. 218;; quotations. 38 to 38-30. Toronto Live Stock. TORONTO, Oct. l2.â€"â€"-The' railways reported 94 carloads of live stock at the city yards. consisting of 1396 cat- tle, 2155 hogs, 2484 sheep and lamb: and 156 calves. CHICAGO. Oct. 12.â€"Catt1eâ€"Reccipts. 11.000; market steady: steers. $5.60 to $8.80; cows, $3.50 to $5.25; heifers, $3.50 to $6; bulls, $3 to $4.85; calves, $3 to $9; stockers and feeders. $3.75 to $6.50. Hogsâ€"Receipts! 11,444; market steady; choice. heavy. $7.95 to $8.10; butchers. 31% to $3.10; light. mixed. $7.40 to $7.65; choice. light. 81.70 to $7.85; packing. $7.70 to $7.90; pigs. 87 to $7.25; bulk 01' sales. $7.65 to 37.â€. Sheep and Lambsâ€"Receipts. 38.000; mu- ket steady; sheep. $4 to $5.50; lambs, a to $7.10; yearungs. $6 to“. CAMBRAY FOWL SUPPER. Does hot roast goose appeal to you ? Try ours and other tooth- Oct. 25. Supper at 6 ofclocthro- gram at eight. Speakers, Rev. H. v. Mounteen‘ and Rev. w. Elliott. elocutionis't, Miss. Elsie Richardson, vocalists, III. J. E. Parker and Mrs. I". F. Loosemore. Music by 'choir. Tickets 35c and 20c. Cables Steadyâ€"United States Mar- kets Generally Easier. LONDON, Oct. 12.-â€"London cables to: cattle are lower. at 12c to 13%c per lb. for Canadian steers. dressed weight; re- frigegator beef is quoted at 1154c to 111;“ per . Cornâ€"Spot quiet: new Amer-icon mixed. via. Galveston. 6‘. 1m. Futures steady; Oct. as me. Dec. 53 3d. ~ Hansâ€"Short cut steady. 57: 8d. Baconâ€"Cumberland cut quiet. 68:: short rib easy. 688; clear bellies ï¬rm. 68: 6d: shoulders. square. firm. 598 6d. Lam-American reï¬ned quiet. 62: Me New York Dairy Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 13.â€"Butterâ€"Steady. unchanged. Cheeseâ€"Flf'tn, unchanged. Eggsâ€"Firm; western. extra first. 280 to 5c; first. 2435c to We: seconds, 23c to 24¢: storage. fancy marks, 25c to 2535c: do., ï¬rst. 24c to “Base; lower grades. 18c to 230; no receipts to-day; exchange closed . ToroMo Gum Morn». WM“. toll. om..........¢m to 0.... Whu‘. M. huh ..III...OI1m I... What ‘00... bu.“ "noon on 00.. Ry“ bu“h.| uuoooooouoonu o n 0|" Buckwhnt. bunhol 070 on B.rl.yl t’u." I.......|Illl.o om 0" Pen.o buuth ‘oooooounuooo o m ' o“'| bUIhO' oloooloolltnlvoou 0" 0“ Toronto Duh-y Mow-hot. ~. utter. ooporator. dairy. lb. 0 :3 “HOP, I‘Ol‘. lOI...u-u.‘.ub‘u o 1, Button. ontmory. lb. rollo.. 0 28‘ '.... Butter. ore-mow. laudsâ€... 0.36 Choooo. now. lb.............. 0 13 018% Elm. om loto. donn....... 0 26 Honey. oxtroctod 010 .... leorpool Grain and Produco. LIVERPOOL. Oct. 12.â€"Clooln â€"Spot quiet; No. 2 rod western wlntor. I Md. Futuroo steady: Doc. 7o mid. March 7: 101. Mn); 711 Md. 7 , ThiChIago when pl! m cloud to day (Columbus Day). but whoa: at cum «nu-u wn «awn;- buoyuu. Wlnnlou Options. M Winn! October when cloud 1‘“ gig? chum-«raw. October on- W Whimt-Ootobor Mic bld. Mb» “33053336? N369. December mu. r o. my I560 m. ' Tue ‘ y Event". Oct. ‘M Liverpool. 17:...“ tutum clonal to ma huhor than roundâ€. corn higher. leml VIM» Futum Nan High- “. 0M6... chadâ€"Liv. Ouch « -th«¢ Quotations. ‘ New York Live Stock. Feeder. and Stock." WI Main? """ Chicago Live Stock. CATTLE MARK ETS. Butchers. Hogs. dressed ads. 10c to rassers and 2415; mar- rs unsold: 50 to 87; I†as stead)†E- yams-w! l3! Mrs. Hugh McKinnorn .and Miss Martha Spence visited with friends in Glen'arm over Sunday. Rev. Wesley Elliott, of Oakwood, preached in the Methodist church here last Sunday. Miss Lillie Gilchrist was one of the judges of fancy work at the Beav- erton fall fair last week. ,. Mr. John Murchison,_general mer- chant of this place, was judge on butter at the Beavertbn fair last. Mr. J. A. Campbell made a busiâ€" ness trip to Toronto last week. Mr. C. E. Weeks rented his home to, Mrs. Webster, of Kirkï¬eld, for the winter months. Woodville, Oct. 11.â€"-â€"Mrs. D. K. Campbell and her daughter, Sadie and son Angus, of Vancouver, B. 0., visited with friends here last. week. week. He informs us rthat the dis- play of but/oer at that fair was one of the best he has ever seen. -m-T§iHâ€"p§o;gâ€"féié ehthums' tie over Gin Pills. Quite naturally, for she would be dragging out a miserable existen ce, instead of being the p: ture of health, had she not taken these pills. tense pain. I doctored continually and received sometimes temporary relief, but nothing gave me permanent relief ung'lAIAvyas pasuagled _to ‘try Gin Pills . Ifevery woman, who has Kidgey or Bladder Trouble, could go to Davisville, Ont" andtalkwithMrs. A.Simp,son they would do just as she didâ€"take Gin Pills and cure themselves. _ â€"“For 14 or 15 yars I had Kidney and Bladder Trouble, suï¬'ering a]: tima in- great relief, and after taklesg one box I was completely cured and now would not be without them. I can high recon» mend them to all who suï¬er tom any form of Kidney Trouble.†Weletyouu'yGinPillsbefox-eyo Write National Drug 8: Chemical Co. Dept. 8 Toronto, and a free sample of GinPiIlswillbesent yyoub returnmail. 50c.abo¢,6fot$2.50,atalldealen 2 Gin Pills are wonderful. SUFFEBEB l5 YEARS CUBE“ Ill ME MENTH WOODVILLE. Has. A. SIMPSON. The success of our Rug trade comes of getting the best. All the patterns are personally selected anâ€"d made to our special order. Every rug sold in this store is of good reliable make. All we ask achance to show you what we have and help you make comparisons. These are exceptionally good value. They come in colors of fawns. crimsons, ‘, These are of the Very ï¬n- est qualities with good tasty colors They come in floral and conventional designs. Wilton and Yel- Yet Rugs Tapestry Rugs We copy the following from the Woodville Advocate : S. J . Staples M.D., C.M., comes from Victoria county, Ontario, near Kirkï¬eld, where he received his Public school education later matriculating at the Lindsay C. I. MrfStaples then en- tered Trinity Medical College at T0- ronto. and after the amalgamation of Trinity with,'1‘oronto Medical Col- ' lege, in due course and with honors, attained his MD. C.M. diploma from Toronto Medical College graduating class of 1905. Dr. Staples practised in the east and west for three years. when he received appointment as sur- after a'two months' visit here. REDUCED RATES. m Presbyterian Bible clnSs 'wm Vancouver, Seattle. Portland, San givéa. social on Friday-neverâ€. - in Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego. the Mt 'of the church. Reduced one-way second-class ' Rev. Mr. Kennedy. 0’ the Dominica colon'ist rates in eflect daily until Alliance will speak in the Presbyter- October 15th, from all stations in ianchurch next Sunday morning and Ontario to above and other Paciï¬c S. L. Taube, senior member of Taube 5; Sons, eyesight specialists, of Toronto, will be at Woodville on Monday, Oct. 1-8th, 1909, and if there is anytning wrong with your eyesight do not fail to consult him at Queen's hotel, Woodville. A, Good, teacher in this placeâ€. re- turned to their home last Saturday geon for the Grand‘Trunk Paciï¬c, at this point. Dr. Staples is presi- dent, of the Biggar Board of Trade and one of the most energetic work- ers for the bettennentand expansion of Bigger."â€"Biggar World. W. A. Grant was a business visitor to the county town last weék. Capt. Patterson and Miss Kate Campbell called on .friends in Beav- erton , last Tuesday. Mré. Good and Mrs. Cameron. of St". Marys, mother and sister of Mr. after a'two months' visit here. 1319 .Preebyterian Bible class 'wiu givéa. social on l-‘riday-..even!n.. In the basement 'of the church. Miss Gertie Barnes returned Fri- day from a visit to friends in Cooks- town. Mr. J . P. mum. of Little Britain, moved to town last week and will occupy the residence-left vacant late- ly by Charles Robinson. A young daughter came to bless the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Thomas on; Saturday last. ' 3x3 1-2 for $20.00 3x4 for $25.00 ' -2x4 for $30.00 MM.-..bâ€". The many friends of these popular young people are delighted to know that on their return they will take up their residence among them in the home village. , ena Staples, oldest daughter of Mr. Joseph‘V. Staples. The ceremony, which was performed by Rev. B. A. Whattam, took place at the residence of the bride’s father. The bride who was given away by her father looked charming in white silk and carried a. bouquet of bridal roses and ferns. The ceremony was a very simple but impressive one, only the immediate relatives of the con- tracting parties being present. Mrs. (Rem) Whattam played the wedding march. A dainty wedding break- fast was served, after which the happy couple {tick the train for To- ronto and other points, where they will spend their honeymoon. At the station they were met by a number of people who shOWed their good will towards them by showering them with rice and confetti. One of the prettiest weddings that has eVer taken place in Woodville occurred On Tuesday, Oct. 12, the contracting parties being er. An- drew William Grant, only son of Reeve and Mrs. Donald Grant, of this village and Miss Catharine Lex- Mrs. (Bra) McKay, relict. of Dr. McKay, who practiced modicum in Beaverton many years ago, and a: brother of our own townsman, Dr. John McKay, and her son, Dr. Mc- Kay, 01 South Africa, are visiting here at Dr. McKay's. iu the Methodist church in the even- An extra good showing of small sample rugs. Velvets, wiltons, axminster, brussell and tapestry. blue and green. Floral and conventional designs. GRANTâ€"STAPLES . At very special prices Sample Rugs HYMENEAL 2 1-4x3 for $5.50 3x3 for $850 3x3 1-2 for $10,00 3x4 for $12,00 WW2!" A " Coast points, via, Grand Trum: r'aflwa‘y 813mm.- Securo tickets and further inlormation trom anv agent of tho Grand Trunk. { Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines _ Special In addition to our or-mpkce stock Of high-grade new goods, we have just now some splendid values in second-hand organs and sewing machines to clear out for lack of space to carry. One ladies’ bicycle new, very cheap. WM. WARREN Phone 14 - Lindsay JOHN CAREW Lumber. Shingles, Sash. Frames and Doors; and all kinds of :Building Material, wmm.,at the right price NOTICE William-st, Opp. St. Andrew’s Ch urcl P. O. Box '217 MY. 00'1“!“ 14 Terms to suit purchaser. . m 3 bishop robes. 0 months. months. Sale Saturday, 4. Part of the H No. 7, in the 10th township of Manvon one William Brishin Bndbum, containin more or loss. 'l‘hi: mï¬ty of n-dm‘ ul Ifew pine trms. m highosl ur Wily m‘rvph-‘L particulars and mm upplv to Mush†WUGHIJS VHF 8.1mm! Lindsay. m. administrut “t. 0! William Hri‘ Lindsay, “Hutu-r ‘ fANMNG’S NOR 3. 11:0 southeast No. 9,_in the 11th township of Man more or less. Tin contain :1 Guamâ€! Oodu' ties, and so: very large quantity ; frame stable at About twelve non-s tune and balance of mall timber. The acid either with an mate therefrom W1 remove the same. portion of 101 N1 concession of 1hv l Vera. This is n s which (hero is n In ‘ ~1. South half of Q, in the tOIIDthiIJ “0 County of Du! 100 .cm morn orl â€party "who ' quantity of bar none coda. hum and a, large quanti . ‘2. Tho‘north ha! 3, con. 8. townshi gem. l'pon nus “(noted a saw mill both buildings and In good repair, 15115 Also a large, m house uron a stom- 6 mtic ' Hobos ‘ï¬mmj {mm W ‘11 tendvru u bin-end to t Wu! {\u'lH' o J‘Road Cart. if‘dozen Halters {0‘ 4 Honarch Robes NOVEMBER 30 head yearling 2 new Milk Cows 4 new cutters, < 2 set second-hand ‘ '1†horse blankets * Catt new single t 4m Sirsinglcs, 6 .mbber lap r 1m gelding by lbay mare b\ I; 50 head 301mg (:1 o a head, twoâ€"your ' lor th 10* propvrm 2.. 1.‘ipopamto mu m “49.1†1 nr Cf 19 horses, workers 1 bay gelding. WW 1 black gelding. in†h unequalled. “iii months' of sale only