The following is a brief summary of the prize list. Our readers who are interested should apply to the secretary of the fair, A. P. Wester- velt, Toronto, for a complete list: In the horse department there are classes for Clydesdales, Shires, Hack- neys, S'tandaId-Ibreds, Thoroughbreds ponies and heavy draught horses for which there is oï¬ered $3,300 in priz- es. The $2,000 offered for beef cat- tle goes to Shorthorns, Herefords, Aberdeen-Angus, Galloways, Devons; and grades or cromes. The dairy shorthorns, Ayrshires, . Holsteins, Jerseys, Guerhseys and grades com-o a magniï¬cent horse SHOW: Special attention has been given to provid- ing accommodation to: the judging of the different classes of stock and besides the ring ,or horses and beef cattle there are now separate judg- ing rings for swine and sheep each with adequate seating. During the pew: gimme abet» $559,099 was gimme an an addima $9 1319 fair building: Beéide§ previdï¬ag mmwd and impfaved 366951133963: 1399 has sat} farmer dépflftffléï¬tfs at a»: mu. glam: judging arena and about nae, htmdml and ï¬fty hem {stalls have been plaégd in the am part Whisk gm: splendid fasimias fer A splendid opportunity to supple- ment the regular revenue 0! the farm is oflered to those who can compete for the large cash prizes which will be given at the Ontario Provincial Winter Fair to be held in Guelph on December 6th to 10th, 1909. About $14,000 will be oner- ed in prize maney in the diflereht de- partments which include the princi-i pal breeds of horses, dairy cattle,‘ sheep, swine and poultry, and also seeds. The fair comes at- a comm: ient season when the ï¬tting can be done during the slack time of fail and early winter: while the few days: spent in Guelph with the exhibits: is a pleasatit and pmflwbie eutiï¬g: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1909 THE FARMERS' OPPORTUNITY. m mu; wwwâ€"wwma hr am» or by mu“ to town Imb- uflhorl. 250. pa: month. By mall a «name poms In Canada or the Irma Empire. 09 961' m. The Watchman-Warner (Weekly) '1 per your in advance; $1.25 it odd during the your. Postage to Uniud Staten. mu - Daily or Wamhman-Warder WIIKEV INNS! “WWW“ H WQIWQ RHWNQQ W {a Wmmm-WMW mm: (In. Lind-a CAPITAL STOCK PAID-UP - - - 33883700 Reserve Fund and Undivided Proï¬ts“ .3 5,355,809. Deposits by the Public.................., ..... 41.000000 Total Assets ...................... ' . 4 ........... 5!,000 000 Special Attention Given :6 Savings lacuna: ROBT. R088 ’ THE DOMINION BA K luau auuu. imam lam» DUNOON’S Is the silent one which a mm W struck by his mm Wption and judgement. The knowledge of the qualities and general chat-antes Bf om- 71-66mm acquit-ed through M. so‘na test and exp'ét-ience with this goods themselves will remain iii H56 mind Innger than anythiflgw w: say i'n our aï¬ï¬‚buncbméflbfl; m wt npcwse ‘of the flick that Mir iBWi‘n may mast rm Ngh gummy we sun; hat flan-am ï¬bm hkbés‘izmnlly ï¬lib- Msm‘ng a mammary. The Best Argument Cub-avian“ lam DRUG “8R! Tmphann 07- m nit Joseph Hunter took ill in the jail on Sunday and the jail doctom' at- tendance was necessitated. > The trouble was wifh Hunter’s stom- ach. Since the trial he has been in fair health, only, and seerns down- cast. HUNTER WAS ILL. Mr. and Mrs. W. Weldon have been visiting friends in Prince Edward cdunty. Miss Mabel Bryant is home again. Mrs. Ware, sr., spent afew days with her son, Mr. R. J. Wave last week. Mr. Brandon and sisters, of Canâ€" nington, spent Sunday with Miss Ed- na. WObS’tGI'. Mr: Arehur $398193, 9? Reeliweed. hats hem visiting hig sister, ME; Wz (Hark: Megs»; Jag Weed am Jag; Han: @eék' resuméd laét week we? 5396M: iag §eme wakes 13 ï¬ne west: MP: Albert Wars 13 again renewing acquaintancea in this neighborhaad, Miss Tankia mtertnined a. number of friends to tea. on Batman! even- ing. Mr; and HEEL E; Sudda’ey; 8f Bum River; are; vï¬itiag Mfg; Maxim's aï¬ ï¬féf-jéflt: Miss Millef, of Lindsay, taught the junior room in out when! on Wednesday if! the abéeï¬Ã©e of Miss Ca: Mm ï¬che! Avery “handed the Babsaygéea fair, C-ambray. Oct. 11.â€"'I‘-he Women's Institute held their social evening on Oct. 6, at the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Walden. There were one hundred present.' Mr. Laosemore, of the Standard Bank, Lindsay. acted as chairman, and Was much appreci- ate-d. An excellent program. consist- ing of music, reading, recitations, a]- so violin music by Messrs. Louden and Tompkins, was given; A dainty lunch was served, which brought a very enjoyable evening to a close; 0! course some students spend more. but they head not; there is seven mouths' summei' vacation. in which money may he earned to assist in deireyihg the expenses of the course. The old idea that {arming does not require technical education. has been exploded ; and it is now recognized that there is no profession in which accurate knowledge of best methods and the most favorable conditions counts for more than it does in the various departments of farming. He rams†imgasa Hem an! mm ma: $8 3919 mm Hanan: “2M? mum 1: mm; in: Bus % 8 mm m w W M 8% WWW mam mngh m 9 am WW M m 9mm «mum; mum. Wm M! a! â€wave. WWW Rankin. mum. ‘tmm mm mm tm. nravmms mi ta wmuur m w a mm mm Hm warms. mum“! at BMW mm" m- hnakw. TM unahnmnra â€mum came u "We Maker. qua hundred and twenty ta 0; hmdrm and mu dallam being a modamta mtmm. BBishEï¬B eeanw m Maw m: seats}: New 53‘ a" Gist-w m 1m“ mywum calm We; Sin-om. gout!!- ‘ downs, Donate. mm 8qu {011mm ï¬rsdeaov crosses and win $2,000 .in prizes.'1‘he swine exhibi- ltors get $1, 400 for their exhibits of «Yorkshiree, Berkshires, Tsmworths, ‘ Dr. Wiilism' a Pink Pills Were ori" grades or crossss and bacon hogs. As sinafly a preaciption used in the I pure seed is now recognized as neces- doctor’ a private practice and their sary to successful farming, growars befleflt to mankind has been meress- ‘ 3 of these are ofl'ered 9900 as an in- ed mm thousand fold by their beins| ducement for them to make a. good Placed on general sale thduéhout display; Themoultry department has the world with the doctor's own di- growï¬ tb be the biggest poultry rectibiis for use. They are entirely show iii Wade. and breeders Show safe and "contain no opiate or habit- great ‘eï¬â€˜chflï¬ï¬sm iii competing I'm- 75311558 dings. k g ‘ $3,000 p‘Hze money. Dr: willia‘ms’ Pli‘ak Piiis an} a, mu- WY: teak 19m famfa at ting Mm, £3 mm m- “ maxim an gugw‘gm} Emma gnu “Ham a! maxi m $88K; The mum! in: auswwtg BMW 9% wmmly way: mg- 8% HM; um mug; )ï¬ete 101'! CAMBRAY Manager. . ’ on Friday. Oct. 8th, Mr. and Mrs. William Wright, of Brock, were made the prqud possessors of a ï¬ne baby girl. Mrs. Neil'Clark, o: Cannington, is being entertained for a few days at the Home 6! Mrs. M. McQueen}. We are please?! to report that Mrs. George Coone," who has been quite ill is improving fairer-ably. Mr. William Fqster, of Lindsay. wheeléd over~to Hamill; Sunday and was the guest of his brother; ' Mn. Allan McLean went to Toron- to hst week, having obtained em- ployment as overseer in the D. C. McLean lumber yards. ‘ ‘ The engagement is announced of Judge D. DeLury, formerly of Man- illa, now of Minneapolis, to Miss Lizzie Allen, of Sunderland. The marriage takes place on Wednesday of this week. ‘ . Manilla, Oct. 1-1.â€"Death has again reminded Us that this is not our abiding place. We seek a city out of sight eternally in the heavy. This week. we chronicle the demise of the oldest and one of our most re- sipected citizens in the person of Mrs. Hannah Hodgson, relief. of the late John Hodgs‘on, who departed this life on Tuesday. Oct, 5, having reached the advanced age or 90 years, 1 month, 12 days. The de-* ceased was blessed with remarkable good health and strength all her life until a few days preceding her death, ways she saintly and peace: fully passed away. The. late Mrs, iteiigsea Was barn in slingshy, Yerkshire, an Aug. 1?, 19:19. Min. with her husband rams ta Canada. settling in Clark in the year 1853. isiiewiag the aseupatien of farming far twaatrthrea years in that team: ship and afterwards mï¬Vifig‘ to} Martina. where they spent the at mainiag years at their life. Two sons survive her, vim; Rohert. at this place. and William of Emporia. Kansas. Her husband preceded her some fourteen years ago. The fu- neral service was conducted at her late home on Thursday attemofln at 2.30, Rev. Mr. Dupl‘aw ofï¬ciating. A large and representative gathering were present, showing the esteem and respect in which the deceased was held. The pail-bearers were: Mes- srs. Asaph Edwards, Gear-38‘ Doug- las, Wm. Dixon, Richard Barry and John Kerr. The sympathy of a large circle of friends is extended to the bereaved. You can get Dr. Williama' Pink Pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a 'box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williums' Medicine 00., Brockvllle, Ont. M: m; F‘hmamam a mm; mm W?“ “a“ m "It! VFW-fl 9! Qt 49mm: than {I m at m hm Mm hm Mum“; ta m Yam at w Wham“ WM WWI he aw "WM t M wheat {Mme hank“ mm m an. tmmmm Mm am Why chm tn the manuamm â€mm to mm tram tudwmh m hm at “math. I Mama pate. mm mm- mgly Newman and mm mm mm with minimum: at the heart and vtoteht headaches. I tried several romedtaa. but they am not da use a hit at «and. I was advhwd to try Dr. “'Iluama' Pink Putin and did so. and th? use a! stem haul brought me back to perfect health and atmgth. I have since enjoyed the beat of health and cannot lay too much inpratae at this valuable medi- cine. hp. Wham Huh Bing w my £3 H92 Hanan m 81888 in as Win a; imam. as m mama? mum, BF Hm mg Hams m wk as in Hamigia; 3H Miss: in H; ‘g; memhm luamm m HHHHHHHH, as in em Mimi's. HM HHHHHB Hm BHHH; smug wad m8 33M! Hm! sum ms mania! Hf Hawaii HHHg mm! as Ms; H mm- !HHHH 8 Ezflï¬hum H“ t % HHQHHH'H H! 8883 Me. Hm mm EHMWHU HM $886 mum 199mm!“ Hm HHHHHHW Maggi“ mm mm HgBHHHH MANILLA. 31, Who was nursingJIr. Coppins. returned home to Lindsay on lion- Mrs. P. Northcott Visited Mrs. M. Maybe onBaturday Miu‘ Milken, of the Ross Hospit- On Saturday Oct. 9, a. visiior came tomatthe'home oer. aners. E. Hooey. .it being a. girl. 142:. W. Hewéie and Mr. A. McLean wane in town Saturday on business Mr. endure. DaveSmithwu in town on Saturday. Mr. W. Hepbum‘s sale on Friday 19.81: was a. 'great success. The crowd was not very large, but quick bid- dingbythosewhoweminneed of stock and implements soon 'had all things disposed at. , Mrs. .Maunder \isited her sister, Mrs. Sam Hepburn this week. Mr. Garner Maybee and Mr. E. Fell were at Fenelon Falls fair. Mr. Wallie Dunn has been busy ï¬ll- ing 31105 for the farmers of Powles’ Corners and Cembray during the last away visiting her sister, Mrs. Bea- cock, 0! Blackstock, returned Thurs- A 699918 at cm Cameron wens tgok pleaaurg. in a little rabbit hum one any 15% week. but we didn't see much game an their return, It is hopad that tum will be more by the 15th of Nov. Our sport: are: set- tius anxious for the time to. come. Our choir has ouoe more been 03‘8' mud and we trust by the last of thin month or the ï¬rst of next, will be able to furnish some excellent singing. Miss L, Campbell. who has been The “23:8; held their 13611me 598: men in the ï¬ethedist mum: of this 91369 on Oct, 7: Km fa Nersheeté seems to be 66: mg a. seed Mamas in the chewing line these days. m. A. W. Hewie and was P. Per: Hz were in team last; week. We Were pleased to bee Min Charlie Cupping who he. beeu conï¬ned to his home for the last two months, able to be at Mt“‘ Hépbum’s sale on Friday; Mr. A; McLean is busy these days buying gram. Miss Pearl Perrin left. on Thursday last for Gooderham. where she' has secured a position of teaching school. We wish her every success. Quite a few attended Fenelon Falls (air and all enjoyed the ï¬ne day. Cameron, Oct. 11.-The flno weath- er in staying with the farmers to lee them get their potatoeo all stored away. Potatoes are reported a. very heavy crop this your. 138M515“ Pump 89%: “Ezflmhgj is Wan km a “19thwa 8-. mm mm“; mm :4 Quatï¬mm‘e “919%? â€2%! m {$98 wmm 6mm“ Wm WK 7% m m mm WM“ 88%.. W m «9mm “"2 MW mm W Osman mm 085.. Jim mm «“0. HM†OWN W G. Mm flaw m. Maggi: New: «I Bank 1! «WWW 1 a mu Wham» H8 Rum Guam m. mm “mum aw. AM“ WWW M10. WW1!" New“ «a. mum mm: «a. Hurry Home 409 Bank Iâ€"domou Hardy. Gladys (Jenner. mm (mm. flyrll mum». Ema-t mu. Hamid Puma. Elmr Harm. Ru Brown. John 04:11:. Mm. Johnston. J'rtm- avynGordou 'l‘anwt. Elva John- \ stun. Bunch Fowl“, Audrey Gum. Bel-to Lamb. Ada Rm. mlvma Ru- therford. The low mark- und “and- in: In many can in due to inocu- lar attendance. It. in alum-t impou- alblo to she a nttsuctory report 0! a pupil who in olten absent â€"Noloon 0. Hart. teacher. 53%? TM! mm; at gamma mt 3an Mamet! m m BIKE“: inns kiié Many mm mum; in timing msm m Human, 3% the 6-1;: Lima. 5PM sunning 15mm um Ba main! m . ._ _ . _ "mam Mheiih a kw'héy. am away“ M. w: MM“ ._ _ ‘7 hrs s; Madam mwnuine'd a number 61" Hit» Indies at a. quilting on May afternoon. MW; at pm Rape, spent me wanna visiting: was in mm tawny. ‘ cansswmu. Cm‘sawall, Oct. 11. â€"Am the H5- item at Markham fair were: Mrs. E. W and family, Megan. Alex. (From our WWW! WM hi}! CAMERON Several graduates of Mr. Paton's school of telegraphy will accept po- titions on the Ottawa division 0! the G.'l‘.R. A letter was received this morning from Mr. W. pH. Ash- ald, Superintendent of Telegraph for the G.T.R., advising that they were short of operators and asking Mr. Paton how many mm available for positions. , IDEMA ND FOR OPERATORS: 'agreatconveniencehh ' the ï¬ndslt'opmed'n an names of two member; of?hmfly,flboth my ark: depodl' adrawchecbwadze'rownbww Windmï¬mmfam Who THE SMNDARD BANK I NHFIUIR "H‘NPFI P‘P! BIT")! L1,“!!! DIG. 4 368k for :upy at "Fishing and flhoot- mg." "Open Season's." "Spam: mom's Map." ‘1'. O. Hatch“. 539“. Lindsay Gas. 13 to Nov. 0‘ Tun†mumm- Mutt awn In Part Arthur Mm paint: in qulow and New limmwwk. ’ at. I! to In. G . 'a “Mom mmmwy In "Boo." Mmkoku manta. aw. VIA OSHAW A in a. big choice 0! decidedly new mlorlngl and News. all sizes. best pure wanted oops. real serviceable and at spec at] prices. TAPESTRY. RRUSSELS. VELVET AND WILTON CARPET SQUARES W Genuine imparted Scotch Lin~ alumni. hi variety 0! patterns. mmmmtea quality. luu yards wide. Per yaud.... 50C "(III IIIIIII III wII M II Pl Ice IIIII IIIIIII‘I III hautII IIIIIIIIII M IIIIIII II II" WI III II dIIIIIII' lie-II IIIIII IIIIWIIIII IIIIIIIIty IuII Inrm IIIII IIIIIII' where†â€(WWII "VIIIIIII IIIII 1 ma .. . swig“ 0;! stun?“ ‘m: Wimluw uhmlru. mu m u wu. um! "i NV g N «W m m weary spacialâ€. MN EMT! 1'0 YOU HWHBRBWYQUR HOME LLLEITHNQLARE 3881’ BOUGHT . . . TMWSEEQIALLOUGHT T0 9mm: . SUTCLIFFE SONS IT 15 TIME 10 BRIGHTEN UP YOUR HOME Scotch Linoleum. 50c Window 5m“. 50c 8mm: Cam“, 8! '3†OF CANADA 77 A Joint Account RITURI TIOKITI -â€"ATâ€" Single Fare lawn! Any- when LINDSAY Secure tickets and further inform- atinn from an Grand Trunk Agent or write J.D.Mcl§onald, D. P.A., Toronto- L. Mshb. Depot Agent W. R. Widdua. Town Agent ‘ To Huston Lukas. Funetang. M 0‘ â€W8. flidlmd, Magma-[await ï¬lm. mad, Mgdawaska to Parry Sound. Argyle to Cobocouk. “may to Haliburton, Sharbot We to Wabogie, via K. 1'. RV- points from Severn to North Bay inclusive; and certain points reach- ed by Northern Navigation Co. Return limit on all tickets, D? camber 4th. or until close of 116+ ““03. if earlier, to points reached by wanna-a. T0 99!“! in Temagamn potato Rattan, {so 9m Arthur and w a number of points â€â€œ3196 by Mirth; em Navigation Cog. 3159 to wane 9mm in Quebec. New ï¬rvmuwwk. Nova 899m and mine. Baum tickets at. IINGLE‘ FARE Oct. 18th to Nov. 6th OCTOBEE 9181‘ To Nova HUN TERS' Genuine wnul flllvd.(7m1u-t.. :10 inches wide. uul “3"unqu and reveulme. 3 MI rice poryud........’?(:. ..... p . ..... 50¢ Our meow Luau (Juneau. 8‘ min Ian . several pultm'ua, u. M I cl» Hmlity and u bumsrn ow [gar pair ....... 1.50 W? “WW1 “W WW mm“) fur kw“ my cum tuu. Amhicm ï¬ 0* Wï¬ï¬‚wuwl v 2 75 {mm m? Mr M r WWW! WNW $2.75 Lace Cum. 3! 1â€"2 Union Cupct. 50c BARRIE 14, Mtbea Musin‘ the age of t , .' day \x'ithOI .jn‘thc house. ., 9! three nmntj . with indig‘etï¬ to help he: - Mlets a‘ ‘lv Vanderful there is no me “is Ovm 'lablots {1 m well or "cstmir m. comes suddufl} Advice from a N To all 0 m young molm-r Coed motherâ€"1's :11“ h gdvioe of the 1110‘ Eh are of her liui.» 1" Mothers have rn‘ “m him onn' HI I «Capt. L ( in “ insuranw at! "Ext. AngUb Hm mpinnsbip In “Mug ycslvrui. Chaplain: , (â€It 4f : ‘1 ‘1 Falls, Wm: i while. =Vinaem M been ammtmc TI“: '3“ Mad“ zflr. John 4": “in? Mien-«Mn a on (2mm 12‘ -Ur8. W. L. nu eonk. is tho mum! law. Mrs. A. 1.. W01 man will Visit Tum mm parts harm". â€"Hr. G. ()u-run m town yoslvnlu; v-Iiss Murml Kml New York hut-spunk, mother in ‘mm. M covering from a {rut lWiued I‘m-mull}. "WW E. E. Mm: um um umrmm 6“ two wards ul' th Aid Hum-w in HM» â€"-Ill'. l'iwm, "I. â€NM! I‘urrin’s uh â€Mai I’luuelluu, w-day. “M NH:- mu‘ AWN wuwi wimmu I We leuu mu» ‘4 '4". Human: um: Wt. Nru- Max. NM NM Irtmdu in M new HIHW "Midi fl HM liflgin mum“ nut“: xx: Hm Mum ‘ B halve a m ‘8 not only § 86h“; particul “Hes costing: confld not, '_ ‘y_' ‘than now ‘ " Dr. Willianfll mam: From Saturdal “so Saving: Pew MHJIM Ht mother Ed 5:: on m (‘nl‘ 1'01