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Watchman Warder (1899), 21 Oct 1908, p. 5

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3AXHTY or: e to calv. this, [ACRES ON ’5? stock;‘ :usmmers PS 0“? men ks, Cambny [will requir. i’ch u; in L Henry ,ouse, 1m ”chard m )1!) the to“ Y 0! Damn. mall capital, le take up [$8. 'd to select, '9 exacting, D RENT.- Karim. Rabid 1m; :1 grain or may. to)! Two 3004 ml ”ables. Jinan or: 9! In)“. * o! m. ' Liam. t0 Gutfit areas 0! .ed near sta- :es even the apita] some t, I WILL 51' TERMS. \FOR PAY- ed feet ’up- line of tho “ay, between it is my me to the ad the pure n the out terms and with. . or without Will 5.11 to W. A‘ d, Ont. 'E SET 0! n the ’1" men. If this hi. -FOR 8. 3; to come. pply steak m to Chat. t~h mom int, Oat. Boww, M ’lease 1] THOROUGE ’8 0’ W- house and as “”6 pply ‘0 VOOdVflIOD ate farmer arried r4. 11, 13011.11, or less, 140 mentiol', 3 "km: Warder Wants FARM FOR SALE Lindsay Branch, B. E. WALKER, President ALEXA‘: DER LAIRD, General Manager way With equal facility. C {‘3 U 5% TRY B U 3' N ESS Every facility afforded to farmers and others for the transaction of their banking business. Sales notes will be cashed or taken for collection. Bfii‘iliil‘lfi BY MAIL A°°°unts may be opened by mail and monies deposited or withdrawn in this mm with eaual facilitv. . 122 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE [his farm will be sold at a. bargain on easy terms. go<s<;ssion. For particulars write ‘ D.Iw1cEacperno}Exeeutors of the H. Wilson Estate T. A. “(11501) CANNINGTON our. Consisting of 100 acresâ€"mote or lessâ€"barn only, known as :Iu- Wilson Farm, being lot 1, Con. 8, Eldon'on the town line be- :m-z'n Mariposa and Eldon, 1 mile East of Grass Hill Station. I . Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England Victoria Loan Savingsjg ”'0 ”am, THURSDAY, Gog-0313'; 21 1909 Offioe hour! 9 to 5.80- I1~:m=e:â€"â€"â€"They do good baking are easy on fuel, make '«Hrlwn work easier, are well made and durable, and are HIV guaranteed. If it is aSOUVENIR, itis all righa. Office Hours : 10 to 3 o’clock. Saturdays 10 to 1 o’clock. transacted. . Savings Department at every Branch. Branches of the Bankin every Province of the Dominion. A general Banking business HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO Capital Paid Up Rest Undivided Profits Bank of Montreal Boxall Matthie SOUVENIR RANGES ESTABLIIKID 1895 WILLIAM FLAYELLE. Wildcat are Popular Favorites. ESTABLISHED 1817 See them as “tux-day oycnin‘l, 7'30 to tl'IOHI 7 JAMES Low, Mauser Work Wonders Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Reserve Fund, - 6,00 0,000 . Holmes, Manager Manager Lindsay Branch $I4,400,000 $0,000,000 ESTABLISHED 1 867 26,617,628 . Black, $2l7,628 on fuel, make Immediate Hamilton. Out” Oct. 14,=»â€"Oatherv ma Balton died this morning at the Aged Womens’ Home. at the age a! 1-10 years. She having been per- hapa the oldest'woman in Canada. From England she came to this country when a small girl and re- membered Hamilton when it was a transit-less forest. Mrs. Bolton's bright up to a couple a! years ago _ One hundred and twentydive than: sand bricks were put in the teams. It is 9:19 hundred and thirtyd‘ive me long and six feet high. 110 YEARS OLD. Mr. Jaex Baldwin, commuter, and men 9! Lindsay. returned from Kirk: 3916 yesterday morning, Whéffi they erected a brick fence areund thé pro= perty of 15:5. Wm. Mariam. For Infants and 011M 1» KM You MMImM After being mined, it is only ne- cessary to " square up ” the mica before shipping it to the manufac- turers‘ Mica is used ldrgely in the from of stove doors, in lanterns, and in the construction of electriu light bulbs .of certain kinds‘ SURROUNDED BY WA LL. Considerable mica. has been taken out already and gotten in shape for shipment. It is expected that a. good shipment of the mineral will be made'this week. The mica will be sent.to Ottawa, where it will be used for various purposes. Mr. J. D. Grant, of Lindsay, pass- ed through Renfrew Monday on his way to Killaloe’, where he and Mr. J. R. Shannon, of Lindsay, have a good producing mica mine. Mr. Grant is a mineral prospector of much ability and has managed to unearth many a fine property. The mica mine at Killaloe is one of the latest additions toms holdings, the property being, taken over about four months ago by Mr. Grant and Mr. Shannon. For some time past they have had a gang of men at work and the outlook has shown itself to be good. Not only is the mica present" good paying qualities, but the v ' also are such as to allow of its /being taken out in good shape, ,and when everything gets go- ing. rightly it may yet prove to be a. worthy addition to’the industries in the Killaloe district. The Renfrew Journal has the fol- lowing to .say of two well~known Lindsay citizens : NAPANEE VISITORS. A deputation from ‘Napanee was in town recently inspecting Lindsay wa- terworks system, streets, etc. It is understood they were so pleased with everything they saw that they are to endeavor not to introduce the Lindsay Men Have Producing Mica Plant In another column a. poem from the pen of John C. Hurd’ock, a tal- ented young farmer from Scotch line, Verulam, is printed. CASTOR IA For Infants and Ohm has secured a. ranch of three town- ships and,will at once stock it. For that .purpose he is bringing 400 heifers Vfrom Ontario for breeding purposes. A FA RMER POET. est enthusiasm and warmth, being cheered to the echo during parts a! his masterful address. He was glad to be home 5.31m}, and _felt that the opportunity had “rived (of Nov; Scotia to set an Min Worthy of herself and one fihléh the nonunion would be proud wmmthquonut mm AWMW. Halifax. NS” Oat. “ANN in years has an address been listened tb with more interest. and . eu- thueiesm than that given by Mr. Robert L. Borden, dfter the con- vention of the nominating commit- tee of the Connervativee here to- day. It wa’e the leader's first poli- tical speech and visit to hil con-ti- tuency einee hie return from Europe. and he wu‘recdved with them“,- A doputatlen from the Peterboro “’3th Commissioners will visit Lind= say éarly next week and will in: spec: the ozone filtration plant here. Paterboro ls greatly laterésted la the alectrleal tlltratlan. Nlagara Falls ls another Canadlan town whlch will 99nd a deputatlon to Lindsay because of thls purlflcatloa plant. CONVENTION IS ANNGUNC’ED. There is 9.150 nboth copper and nickle in the neighborhood. and 150 tons of mica has been uhippeii dur- ing tha‘paet three Months. COMING TU LINDSAY. ore and also for their interests, that may lead to the early development 01‘ the mines and create a new Gowg'an- do. or Cobalt in our midst. The parties interested are, Messrs. Geo. A. Wintermute, of Sandwich, Ont., J. S. Austin, of Essex, and Capt. Ross Anderson, of Tory Hill. These gentlemen, we understand, haVe already yeceived offers for the From the examinations made gold takes first place worth $65 a. ton, followed by silver, oxide of iron and sulphur, the last named forming, fif- ty-two per cent. of the whole, and being worth $8 a ton. Minden, Oct. 16.-â€"-We are assured that the reports of a find of precious metal near the railway, only three miles from Tory Hill is no. fake story by any means. A few gentlemen satisfied that they were possessors of a mining interest of great Value, employed Mr. K. J. Sunstrome, of Detrcit, paying him a high salary for his professional ser- vices; who, as consulting- engineer, thoroughly examined the holding and who reports,- from careful aways made. practically a. whole hill worth $129 per ton. There are millions of tons of ore, and the richness seems to increase with depth. Many of Lindsay’s sidewalks are in a. bad state of repair. The system of laying sidewalks with planks lengthwise should be abolished, ex- cept in the suburbs. Rich Find of The house of Mr. Kells, Ridout- st. was badly gutted by fire recent- ly. TWO-HEADED LAIEB. A box containing a two-headed lamb was received recently in Lind- say. The lamb was dead and was sent here by D. McRae, of Kirk- field, to be stuffed. HOUSE GU’I‘TED. WOODEN SIDEWALKS Metal Back North i The prosecution introduced evi- dence showing thatismnelli, Mim- bem and an unknown companion. an Italian. were in a restaurant at. Hana eybury on the awning of July 30 for supper. In leaving. an alwrcas “on arose ovvr Bpanuiii refusing to pay for his supper. Min: Show, the waiter. a youth or 16. grasped him by file coat while two other Chum men tried to prevent the prison» leaving the place without settling. Spanoiii drew a. conduct: dagger and plunged it into the body of King Show. (lath mulch; almost instant- ly. Another Claim. who at- tempted to interim. was slashed norm the hand. ’ Judge W! W "11th the Drum! and the Jury were out only a chart time baton ”turning with a mm a! annular. North Bay. Oct. 12.â€"At the as- lizea toâ€"day Henri Spanelli was found guilty of having murdered Ming Sew, 1 16-year-old Chinese Waiter, in 5 Haileybury restaurant on the evening at July 80 last. J udge Rid- den mupended sentence. ! Just how the unfortunate affair happened no one knows, as it was not witnessed by any person. It is surmised that Stolicker was struck by a freight train from Lindsay in charge of Engineer R. Young and Conductor J. Ashton. ' GUILTY OF MURDER. week ago hogs sold for $8.25 per cwt., ,the highest price ever paid in Lindsay. The drop in price is at- tributed to the fowl season being now in full swing. Another drop is expected next week. . FATAL ACCIDENT. AAatal accident occurred Wednes- dg’ evening, about 9 o'clock, at the Grand Trunk yards at Belleville, the victim being James Edward Stolick- er. a yax‘dman. Hogs have taken a. considerable drop in price and sold Thursday for $7.50 per cwt. live weight. A DROP IN PRICE. THOUSANDS OF PLEAS ON BE- ‘HALF OF MRS. ROBINSON. Ottawa, Oct. 12.â€"â€"More than 3,000 postcards and several thousand let- ters reached the Department of J us- tice to-day, asking the minister to commute the death penalty of Mrs. Robinson, of Sudbury, who was found guilty a few days ago of mur- dering the .infants of her daughters. Another tramp was arreSted yester- day at Oakwood. He did not. an- swer to the descriptiOn of the assail- ant of- Mrs. McGin-nis. and he was liberated. Every vagrant in the vi- cinity is looked on with suspicion now. TRAMP AIRRE STEEL falling Hala- Dandruff Waikiki-tn (an an mow-7; m wmuw.u cabi “8“th Dbes hot Color the Hair Send 10:. name of pcper and this ad. for our beautiful Savings Bank nnd Child‘s Sketch-look. Etch bulk contains n Good Luck Penny. SCOTT DOWN! 120 Walnut-- St. Wat. Tan-b.“ WANT HER PARDONED FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS Wewishyoutoposflivdyanddkfineflymdenhndflnt Ayer’s Hair Visor does not afiect the colotdthehair,eventotheslighteet Persons with the whitest or the Wand delicate “MurmufieelymthmmeMndeamm-ka. fi Ingredients 0 Sabin". Tm scheme of mrganlsatlgn ins eludes the puma: by salary of com stables as members of the lam. and will probably mean the abolition o! the present tea system. some up: rammt will 3180 be made tor the training of the m It in under: stood that at tho first. town and my police lam will be drawn on tor mm m. Mr. Rom. the new chief. has had a long We in the Attorney-Geno:- Ill'l Inga-taunt and his ,mfi has been a moat W one. . For this purpose a central board may be appointed to whom the chic! would report, consisting of Mr. Cart- wright. Deputy Attorney-Genoa“ Mr. Eudo Saunders, chief of the Lt- cense Department, and Mr. Tingley. superintendent of the Fish and Game Depafiment. All three departments would thus be enabled to work in harmony and the Provincial palm could be called out to do duty in any branch of law quot-mt, The scheme, it is understood, com- prises an arrangement by which there will be a close co-operation al- so with the License and Fish md Genie Departmwts. It is understood that the Province for the purposes of ease in organiza- tion will be divided into two parts, Northern and Southern Ontario, each under a deputy. The names ’mention- ed for these positions are Chic! Mains, of Niagara Falls {or the south, and Chief Cal'beck, 01 Cobalt, for the north. These will be respon- sible to Mr. Rogers as chief. This appointment will be followed by a. complete reorganization ol the police system of the Province, the de- tails of which will be announced very shortly. Toronto, Oct. 1-1».-â€"Mr. Joseph Roâ€" gers, head inspector of the depart- ment of Criminal Investigation, was appointed Chief of the Provincial Po- liCe yesterday morning. fyled. HEAD OF POLICE FORCE. 0N FINAL SURVEY. The C.P.R. surveyors in town are completing the final suryey o! the C.P.R. grain route. 'lhis final sur- vey has reached as far as the north- ern boundary of the town. NOT THIS TIME. ‘Mr. Geo. H. Wilson, of Ops, re- cently met with an accident on the outskirts of the town by being thrown out of ms rig, which he claimed was caused by a bad mad. He wished the town to part of the damages sustained, but the 'I‘own Fathers can’t see things that way. Ald. Dobson stated that he under- stood that Mr. Wilson waited on the Ops township council as well, and that they had agreed to pay him 35 on condition that the town of Lind- say also contributed a like sum. Mr. L‘obson also thought that Mr. Wilson was road commissioner of that particular section of the road and the road should have been in good condition. The matter was ‘pert o! Ontgb- for nearly three months. with what is termed a drag- ging market. The dullness is hard to understand. as Canadian cheese the present season is probably the cheapest food product available in England: compared with meets, eggs and other products, and stocks or (hmdian‘ cheese in England are not heavy. Some say that the control or the market is in wrong hands, and others give as a reason that produc- tion of cheese in England the pre- sent season is very large, and that the trade has taken more to the home product. However, this may be, exports have met a dragging trade with few‘ opportunities for long profits. The average price, however, to the producer has been good and will compare favorably with every season up to‘ this time. CHEESE HAS BEEN AT 'ONB PRICE TOO LONG. It is stated by experts that cheele has never been sold so long at «he price since they have been ‘acquaint- ed with the export trade, as at pre- sent. Eleven and three-eighth: has now been the prevailing price in this TIME TO CHEESE IT

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