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Watchman Warder (1899), 22 Oct 1908, p. 10

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". vâ€"(m uyululs, one - _ ___ W. ‘ um, My w. u cunu man to thank you and horse that beat him, only got second - ,__-_ “ms «us that pretty nearly every day it was the directors and officers for court» money in the free-tonal! here, being called into {requisition by one 0,. oth- esy and kindness shown to the judg- beaten by Gracie Pointer, The best Look gentlemen! Call and see! er of the party for cuts, bruises, ‘es and others attending the fair. time made at Mentord was 2.14. our new samples of worsted and serge burns, or some injury or other. 3 ; With best wishes for your continu- . A severe cold. Geo. Curtis says. is before placing your order M is wonderful how quickly Zam~buic dd prosperity, I am very .what kept Harry K. {rom winning . . - takes the soreness out of cuts, burns. Truly yours. the 2.17 race at Delormier park, B- Connor, tallor, Kn-kfield. bruises and injuries, and on our 5“,. ROBERT VANCE, Montreal, this week. The Lindsay vey it earned golden opinions from Ida, 0nt., Oct. 15, 1908. horse had t0 (1'09 Gilt “WP the “Nit UPHILL. all who had occasion to try it. I beat. W ~__ Pres have found it very fine {or skin dis- . _ . ! They're kicking in Toronto about hmllblage is hfyg’gi'ag: thfiregh 88.58, and I can Strongly recommend HORSE ‘AND BDGGY STOLEN: the hOlding of 3 mt at Duflerin Hr. Sievewfight, of Toronto. Sap ,it as a. household balm." On Monday about ten o'clock park this week. It is said that the Vice is held morning and evening on Mr. Lascelles Scott. one of the Mr. T. ’ljaV'idson, of Little Britain. obiiectiOndis that too many meets are gm, leading GOVernment analysts says :â€" accompanied by Hrs Marcla , drove o be "8 he! in TorOnfD- ~ This will 3;“ 25:; Sgdzfii be 2:: imy’ “ I have no hesitation in certifying int and bug- damage the sport by Causing the m beginning at 7 p m Thg the entire purity of Zam-Buk, which gy ' . 'meets to be stale with the publicnn building is Very cosy “in" inviting in my opinion is excellently adapted he the future meets will go unpatroniz- with its bright lights youthful f°r Skin mums and diseases” I When he was ready to return home" “- choir. and earnest minister It has Zam-Buk cures cuts, scalds. bu?“ ' been said that the two buildings no brmm' m, scalp 3°‘es' "‘3‘ ed to fin“ mt his horse and buggy, a” M “pp” 3“"? K" 3"" “‘° phm con afl‘ord to be without are “70"“: “emu absmses' Chap?“ was zone. It is supposed that some “3°" °‘ “‘9 W" “m- W m the church and the school. Uphill Places» ¢°1d 80m. “00" DOiSOHiDS- one has stolen the outfit. as unmitm 0“ 'Snmm- While in town ‘ his a. well equipped and up-to-date'chronic abscesses, etc. As an em-_ um no traces of any broken m‘hc height from Mr. W. A. Ween, ‘ m1. We feel a just pride inboth brocation it relieves rheumatism to show that it broke lose and ran the well-known local horseman. n ‘ flaw uplifting institutions. neuralgia and sciatica. All drug- away. He at, once notified Chief 339 young brood mare, one was of The woods around Uphill are par- gists and stores 3"“ at 50 cents 8' Vincent who is on the lookyut for Holman. She ha been bad 50‘ timbrly attractive at this time of b”, °“ mm zam‘Buk 0°" T°’°n' the horse and buggy Mum Property 01-Mr- “600- 1 an year, to, for price, 3 boxes {or $1.25.! It is g light ° an Old earth is a. pleasure to see, Send one cent stamp (or dainty same In sgnshining coat of red and ple box. cred one with ' I I Ii . 'l‘lleufurrow ' lies fresh ' this year A SECRET BALLOT‘ 3:33:11“: awhiefmm by It will be ' Remember there in no numbered ,0, ha ' m is years that are past have been.” ballot this election. It is secret. left in Thedry mtherhasmade plough- Your vote cannot be traced, .3 it'mf’clwk- Wmmcha- In the Mazatlan is so- taco]. We feel a. just pride in both brocatic than uplifting institutions. “.3ng ”woodsaround Uphill are _gxstsam timing-1y attractive at this time of box, or file m. to, for 901d earth is; pleasure to see, Send on In sunshinjng coat of red and ple box. Md green, tie furrow lieefi'esh;thisyea.rASEcn 7 win he ' Rm Oct- 17.â€"The Pmbyterlan church in this place is in charge of Rev. lit. Sievewright, of Toronto. Ser- Vice is held morning and evening on alternate Sunday‘s. On Sunday. It. and Mrs. W. T. MacRaw are visiting friends in Fuelon Falls this In"- H. E. Turner, oi Kirkfield, at 2 9.11:. Sunday. She leaves to noun hu- loss a. beareaved husband. hlgfiter, and two sons. We ah (ha them our deepest sympathy. Its. Alex. Miles is visiting at her kother's, Mr. Geo. Ashman. Era. F. Feat! and daughter, Helen, Visited friends in Toronto and Can- ln’ngton last week. A concert was held in Bolsover 0:500! house last week. A few of our young people attended and re- port a spiendid time. can: terribly until rene'véa by'ééafzii. lilo common): was performed by the yurs old, and has lived in Toronto in: sometime, but. on account of her ind health came out here to visit when: she was taken ill and has suf- Oct. ISLâ€"The funeral of the late Mrs- Johnston, wife of Mr. James Johnston. of Toronto, died at. her sister‘s home, Mrs. Hector McLaugh- iin, gt an early hour Friday mom- hx. The deceased was thirtyâ€"seven 3k. and Mrs. George Staples fled friends in Cavan last week. Ir. John Dundas has sold his farm I to 311:. Edward Lang. Hr. Richard Wilson is busy ce- nnenu'ng his fine large stables. mm. Rem Mr. Adams preached a. very; interesting sermon on Sunday. Oct. llth. . Some of our boys have returned home from the west and report good chap: up there. Don't forget Oct. 26th, and come om and give a good vote to Mr. C. J. Thornton, the people's candidate, for 1:. L. Borden‘s hnnmf, nnncawvo- I will [them to secure it. I u“; nu" ucuu uuu. W1” r“-._-- V. vi frequire a large number of masons to go on with the Work. ’ Col. Sam. Hughes, of Lindsay, held a political meeting in this place on ' ‘ The ladies ‘of Uphill came out in such force to greet him ’ that it would have been small won- . paler, fearing a possible; *suffragette demonstration. To do] l-hirn justice no outward sign of tre~l pidation crossed the gallant Col~ onel’s countenance, whatever his out- ; wand feelings may haVe been, and the ladies of Uphill feel assured that’ when they want the ballot Colonel‘ do all in his power to assist; J Thornton, thé people 5 candidate for 1‘ L. Borden‘ s honest Conserve» five government. The dag has come when Borden will reign 0 ';er When Wilfrid will be swept 0 '91- von- der shore. â€" - â€"--. um. mutwc, U1 . . Longford; Mr. LOVe, a former tva- (From our own correspondent.) ’Cher. and Mr. Martin, who has hap- ,pily recovered from a. serious illness LDLFFORD, ibut is still looking rather frail. a . Next week we ex ect to see a. lar 9 Oct. 7.â€"‘Mr. Norman Wilson has: p g . !increase to the population of Uphill. gin-e to Toronto to attend medu‘al' _ , . Mr. A. Gilmour is about to begin the “D539 ‘1 “'3 W’Sh hzm every suc- foundation of his new barn and will Um. I,,, v. . â€"â€"_ COUNTY CORRESPONDENCE KIRKFIELD PAGE TEN ballot this election. _ it. 1â€"3 were? Your vote cannot be traced, as it could when the numbered ballot was use_d. You can vote as you wish box, or from Zamâ€"Buk 00., Toron- to, for price, 3 boxes {or $1.25. "ivw' '_-__- r°â€"â€"vâ€"‘“UU .yuu. ( thing to take along. I obtained a ,Success of your fair. I; supply in Fort William, and very_°f all I attention! outsxd wellJt was I did so. I may say t°~ I “130 W131! ‘10 “18 that pretty nearly every day it was the du'ectors Mid officers called into {requisition by one or oth- 'esy and kmdness 31101"! 1 ,er of the party for cuts. bruises, es {“31 othersattendmg ybums, or some injury or other. It! W3" W3? wxshes for W ‘is wonderful how quickly Zam~buk ed prosperity. I am very takes the soreness out of cuts, burns. Truly you bruises and injuries. and on our surâ€" ROBERT ‘ way it earned golden opinions from. Ida, 0nt.. Oct. 15, 1906 all who had occasion to try it. I â€"â€"â€"â€"....____ haVe found it very fine {or skin dis- ease, and I c_an strongly recommend.HORSE AND BUGGY 9" fancy college style and some are made Overcoat PRICES $5.50 to $10.00 SURVEY OUT FROM FORT, WIL- A word of thanks in due season ne- , . ver comes amiss. Mr. Johnston Elâ€" LIAM TAKES THIS “ORDER‘ US, President of the South Victoria FUL BALM- Agricultural Society, has received a Zam-Buk the xavorite household Very appreciative card of thanks from balm is now adopted as “ The Doc~ an Old exhibitor. Mr. Robert Vance, tor n by law parties in SUx-veying OF Ida, Ont. . MT. Vance has CXhi‘i parts of the Dominion lands. 'b‘md at L139“? for thirty-eight. Mr. Henry Hall writing from Fortlyefi'rs and WI“ 00130 again. He William says :--“ Having proved how ,- wrztes as follows : ’ jbeneficial Zam-Buk is in cases of Johnson Ellis, President of the S.‘ cuts, skin injuries and diseases, I de-.V-A-S- 3 . ' ' termined to keep a. supply handy.! Dear Snr.-â€"-Now that the fairs are 1 Being engaged to go on a survey I nearly all over for this year I wish V thought it would be a. most useful to congratulate you on the great : thing to take along. I obtained a Isuccess of your fair. It was the best 4 supply in Fort William, and Very_°f all I attended outside of 'I‘oronâ€" , well.lt was I did so. I may sa. t°~ I also wish to thank you and l NE GOVERNMENT situation in Canada from confedera-étion c tion to the present time. He struck up in fa. sympathetic note among the m9; [-6 t. fjority of his audience by declaring you te that eVery lady should have a. vote Libera or a voter. Now, where is Dr. Wil~ of On: son ? The man who has the last tion 1) word has a great advantage. Poli- draw 1 ticians! A word in your ear. young Make friends of the ladies. “ The as the hand that rocks the cradle is the tion. hand that rules the world.” lin um 3 18.th; be “119a to mom site:- sugeu no go on a survey I "‘3 it would be a. most, useful to take along. I obtained a ,3“ . Fort William, and very_°f 'as I did so. I may say to ty nearly every day it was th‘ o‘requisition by one or 0th- 931 rment. Full of STYLE, and full of ; flue imported cloth. A gentleman’s were: Mr. Wm. McRac-g, of AND lAM-BUK cheaper thiswife v a '_ mrgvu 8 new M outfit. u... “â€"vuulvu A; I “V -v â€""‘l"“‘ {that along by obstructing it‘at every? ",Where has the money gone ‘0 P stage. Then he continued the comple- 001- Hug‘ht‘s' addross. although 'tion of the whole edifice was summed ‘SOHIGWhflt lengthy. was listened to ‘up in the national policy. a No“v_"iwith the utmost attoniion through {-6 the speaker, “ would some of.°ut. and the people seemed to think you tell me what help Laurier or the-[that his address was too short. Liberal party rendered in the making The meeting terminated about 9.30 of Canada a nation in this direc- o'clock after singing the natiopnl an- tion ? ” Laurier was trying to them. To your numerous readers I draw the wool over the eyes of the would say, don't forget Monday. Oct. young men of the country by posing 26 is polling day, and don‘t forget as the man who made Canada a. 1221- where you vote. and be sure and' tion. He had neither part nor lot vote. This will be your last chance in the matter. for awhile. ' HANDS PR! . to _. ---V yvldq’ , auu 90“.} one, Th C010!) I t , . . ..' 1. ladies that there could be no more‘ e e hen gtuc om 0‘ h“! , _ characteristic. rattlin nod smv‘chv' M" Wm. le pleasing feature Of the "we?” to es. He spoke for fulfyin houlr andih‘i‘s handed ‘ H the Colonel than to haw their pre- a. halt. taking up iu-m hv he,“ of noted by the o sence. ‘ the indictment against the (:ovcrn- ings 00» "0" d G33. McC‘aug‘ht-y ‘thon “scored th“ ment; their brokc-n promises, their ll ’° :1“!an 20;, the" 7°C as “d reckless extravagance and wastdub Inas‘ elu ”Pen rtures m the lace 0‘ muss of tho p00pl9'5 mom-y; lht'i!‘ inâ€" lltheir promise 01 retrenchment and . . . . . . I _ . sane immigration policy m paying, ‘1 l economy in 1896. Another thing he 3: odd f . . _ fl - !called the attention of the audience mini"? 3, fr t-(Xk {Jinks-{if tuhnfictsxr I .. l to was. the claim of Laurier and the! - ' e- . on g- 1 ‘ arâ€" g; F. ' . , ‘cluding their action in shark-Hing I :fith th: clgl'mirgni'azf tchoenfgxiszaggg‘: :the new Provinces of Alberta and - . riff fr )1 which th e untr lread ' ’ Liberal party to havmg made (‘stnâ€"l ( n e 0 V 1" 8 .V â€" . :Snckatch ' ' - 1 . f vcanada v-gs laum'hod as a nation; ‘ ewan Wllh achoo 11l“S or % C ‘ l m * ads. a nation. and in order to show ‘ what, right Laurier had for such int rf: n' . . ,. . . h ‘ . _ lboasting, the speaker took the people! e (re (9 in Olonncml rig ts, m isufioring ; their ‘ shielding and penâ€" ,‘sioning of political refugees; their . I .ing up of Canada as a. nation, wasfwm “thigh 98131.05’ ease the 'QUOSUOH ,the building of the ORRâ€"how Lau- f “8' 9 ,. 2’3“ ‘d “‘9 m°"°~" . “"3“ ,rier and the Liberal party helped rom ‘ ‘ ‘l'f now the question ‘5 ll “FL, - John; .1.... I. Ihe ne". step Said h a“ Ii "0. ‘ . - e: in the build‘ I 1 * present. The meeting was called to order shortly after the time ap- pointed, (7.3O o'clock p.m.) by elect~ mg Mr. James McCaUg‘hey chairman, who in a short address thanked the audience for the honor bestowed on him when they asked him to presidel at a. meeting in C01. Hughes’ inter~1 est. He then complimented the Col-li one] on the number of ladies present,, some of them from quite a distance.§ saying that it was a good omen of ' ‘bis success at the polls ; and told the, ladies that there could be no more pleasing feature of the meeting to the Colonel than to haw their pre- seme. A Rousma MEETING AT UPHILI fl_--â€" at of SERVICE, because it. il en’s coat every inch of it like Father's 35!) on Lindsay track last fair day. Tex. u Rocker. however, captured second money. A]. Proctor owns the Tex- as horse now and thinks he, has . 1 numbers to his meeting. He saidlu‘t}v :the chairman had voicvd his sonti- 0pm Iments truly when he said that there 50'} [’was unthing more pleasing to (‘01. “f?" ‘IIughes than the presence of the ln- “"“1 .dies at his meeting. The present-0U)“- :‘ol‘ the ladies lent a charm to any! gathering, political or otherwise. l.. . This was the Occasion for cheering and hand clapping, which lasted for some time. After quietness was re- stored the Colonel said that he was delighted to meet so many of his old friends and thanked them from the bottom of his heart for their kindâ€" After paying an eloquent tribute to the foresight. courage and pom-ver- ence of the great statesman and 1h» true architect of building Cunuda in- to a nation, Sir Juhn A. Macdon aid, and no one hoing present to represent Dr. Wilsun, Col. Hughes was called upon. After ---. ....°..m. , _.-....‘ "' "-5.01": “‘me my HALLâ€"In Lindsay. on Tuesday, . baby was cross. poem!) and not! Oct. 13th, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. mcasion for cheering “1”va “'9“: b“ the 'lablets M“, Hall. Sussex-3L, a daughter. 18'. which lasted for Worked a great change find my IILtPG'Peu-rboroâ€"IO. er quietness was re- 0"“ ’s “1“" “d “app-V' Thh'sh {”‘CRUM.-In Lindsay. on Thursday. a! said that he was the Verdict of all mothers w o {the Oct. 15’ 1908. to lb. and Mrs. , so many of his old "5““ “"30 T“"""”‘ And ”at” ‘“ ' ' Ralph Crum, a daughter. Led them from the mothers have the guarantee of a . P art for their kind- government analyst that Imby's ()“vn HAUADERâ€"On 'I‘hurad‘ay. Oct. 1-), put in such goodlv Tablets an. absolutely safe _ that to Mr. and Mrs. Luke S. Malind- meeting. He sai.dp'~hl‘~" contain not one particle of. er. - mm ................................................ 2 dozen English Sweaters, all col; ors, regular price 82. for ............ 4 dozen Boys' Sweaters, regular price 50c to 75¢, {or ...... g. ........... 5 dozen Knitted Shirts, regular price 25c to 81. for 11’1" \ :3: W Octobe F gfi’égfiék‘fiéfi 'â€"___â€"‘_ %%%%%%%%%%%%%K Mr. Wm. Channon, of Oakwood has handed over the silver cup do nated by the Victoria Loan and Sav‘ 3....A h ‘ HA SIDS PRIZE OVER Lm-y contain not one particle of opiate or poisonous soothing stuff. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 25¢: a box from the Dr. Williams' Medicine (‘0. Brockville, 1“; INUI‘PENSIBLE To MOIMRS to Mr. A. E. Webster of Oakwood owing to a misunderstanding be» ‘ , tween the pmident, Mr. J. A. Wil- .. Hanson and Mr. Clunnon in ard I am satisfied that Rahv's Own reg 'lablets axe indispensible to moth- to the time of making the ”HIV- urS. " sags Mrs. Abraham Bomber.I ’_‘â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"- I’iorrovillo Mills Qua, and she: aIRTHs adds :-â€"‘ “Before using the Tablets my HALLâ€"In r 3.4---. â€"~ hak.. m»~ â€"A « mmsptusmu: TO momms The hours will be a all, and the class We something likeâ€"Len ‘free hand exercise. lilrht tppllmtus work with games of indoor errors are gt-nerally tl day. lad are com.- wu‘,‘ uvnuywv' eat leadership. li'is to be hoped and expected that all business men who are members or the association will take advantage of this 01388. and those who are not members will come in and join us, exercise in the gymnasium, where ho Moor hockey and baseball, etc. can rest his mind for awhile tram Set to thoroughly know his humans A large number of ladies attended associate through companionship on the Ladies' Auxiliuy meeting held the gym. floor, exercise those mua- yesterday. This society is promis~ clue and puts or the body which in: splendid support this season. are not brought into plgy during the They are deeply interested in work) business of the day. undm- "mm..- Al' on- “um-nu u "-nv- WI ‘ m u [in his business like a. goal: hour-3‘ o ‘exercise in the gymnasium, where ho ind can rest his mind for awhile tram businem’ toils. are and problems. get to thoroughly know his humans A amochteo through companionship on the the gym. floor, exercise those mus- yew cles and puts or the body which in: are not brought into play during the The business of the day. under comPGt- 0‘ ‘ an, leadenihip. It is to be hoped A‘ and expected that all business men Vite -L- -.._ m-AA- 5 dozen Men's Sweaters, regular price 75c and 81. (or ...... . ............. 4 dozen extra. heavy Sweaters, all colors, regular price 81 to 81.50. ‘Aâ€" 25 Men's Suits from 812 to $18 {or 2;: Men' 3 Suits regular prace :9 and $10. to clear ------------------- ....,......_... 15 Men' 8 Suits, regular price $10 to 312, to clear ._ Every Article of This The Followinn 8nd con-cococ-nuoOo-u v... nnt0-ocu. a heavy draught ugh, 2 arranged to suit caption torâ€"L}; work is casually Friday night. n minutes _lig‘ht [we given. Hr o'cuuu «canon-u Following are Some of the Articles are Offered for Sale. v _.-. “-5“ sun- UUU‘ . daughter. have'CRUM'-ln Lindsay. on Thursday. Oct. 15, 1908, to lb. and Mrs. 3 Ralph Cram, 3 daughter. Own HAUNDER.-â€"On Thursday. Oct. 15. that to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie S. Maund- FOR SALE BY‘ TENDER. â€" HEB- ron church. situated two miles east of Moum Nor-ob, near Foir’s mills. deers received up to Nov. 12th. 40 per cent. or purchase money to be paid at time of sale. Seats reserved. Tenders received by: Wm. J. Grundy, Mount Horeb. ‘ er, a 5011. HIGG. â€"'I‘o Mr. and Mr Riggs. 42 Cambridge-st turday, Oct. 10th. a son. if 7.50 213.50 i 65: 125 T? 6.50 , macheduleotchuuisgivenbo- -w the boysvot 131138;; on! W A good program will} Hr. Frank Ritchie, the; hr :12 mi“... 1 dozen [Adies' ; 25 down Men's 11v of the bays' do acted to be present. L8 will be served ‘t program. All the V1 Mys. Sydney for their friend; will be Sa- -.- n‘ u.â€".. I." .puuu ...a Quo..~oo ... sxmmg uuv. atn.â€"â€"crean sale of farm stock and implements, the property of Mr. Dania! Finnegan, lot 12, mu. 2, Ops. Sale at one o'clock and without reserve. Elias “owes auc- tioneer. Saturday. Oct. 24.â€"B_v Elias Bow- es, auctioneer. Sale of household furniture on the marl-of munâ€"a Lindsay. Sale Winter Clothing. as Which linings. regu- ...... 3 ....... ........ $45 U ,0" other jewelry dcpeuds nu yum- 1 Knowledge of xIICh matters It Emmy '0 mistake base!- metals for goid 4m- uions for real Jun-ls. Hkre is the safe plan : come tn uq. We know 4]! about the quality of our mods and we give vou the lwnefi? of au- experience and our honest, vain» hion. Rings. Bracelets, Chains, Necklaces. So. our 14 and 18!: Wedding Rim ‘l-..:-._~ ' Shirts, What you see in 9.11in NOV. 5Lh.â€"Credit sale of price 15c, .omg... o..-.a..cn.---. - 0.. .n- .A..... regular a . verjr much reduced price. we doing this in order to reduce and our loan will be your main. Z...’.°..‘.‘.‘.’.'.‘L‘f 3.90 SALE REGISTER 88 Kant Street. (Turn doors we: Pvm Hm»: 0...... ...I_. THIS IS THE SEASON ‘.‘.‘...f.‘.’ 3.90 '. G. BLAIR blue LATEST STYLES .‘f.’ 25c “' ..8 00 “‘10. 50 lZéc 10c 10¢: 190 24.â€"B_v Elias Bow- Sale of household the markvt square, at one o’clock. 19th 190 19c 250 90 1.50 39c 10c mu “ct-that Quad inns "they w a.” We“ debt which the last t it with th 0!! the Do 100k cm“ The Inn EOVGI'Hmen ”I! thought. u. Ciple to pr. Sir Rn rail ” (‘3 theme 1} Sir Wilfr hits of in some mum: Mr. Gv-u, require m cm RSHl'lll as much w crowd was fathers, l) pendent s; matter on melts of l to the rm for a chum was young tativc of a he said 1"“ count. In it was timl Ir. 1-}. J capable r0 hood, tiui and after 3 wary 02' 1h Lam-jet (2‘0 ducting the called upun ing, was concl My 10 Borden and rally to the swell Co]. I the extvnt i Notwiihsu enthusiast ic litRmI mew”; arm was co: dam, and J distr it: t Ulwal‘ln hand a muffin”: m Hughm was Saturday nig that Village of suflkimu C Wing ruo “vex-temp L to that (list a fleeting u; not reach 10 gmdz Large Au; th?!‘(‘ I and sawmill is an “ is lit”:- eye and and (‘IH mar 1i!» beauty I pennant-w and ihv Many \i in sum ings 1 with ‘C IEU Th1. k . B. Th3 opini; amino most warm ownmi 1! 1h: upon 1! (Sided u tion is river h council 3 chmmg can lH’ ; md Ihn) council. Tm fie Police am; going to prop town to ho 1w “(5 {lldl'i'llla wtiCUlflrly 5: petty in Hm .- past and final would itnrmiur to the ('nurh i1 'hich Al F. A114 [alley is mm; ‘Me 0! Th“ 1‘: lay-st. and 1h. Hogan u the citizen: Wially tho: the moat rogu‘ Ald. McGeo prise on his {ll THURSDA )f

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