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Watchman Warder (1899), 28 Oct 1908, p. 13

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richer than cloth, collar we can’t. get II'iCh, dark would never 1:: $50 School hou- I from village a. {station Upâ€"to- Salary $375- D. -â€" FOR 3; 'or year 1910: econd-class pro- ARRIE :: $60 with rich lining: A township a commenco 31". Ly longer I ‘ 42.50 ‘--â€"} ust Ki?! Fell, ionic CM! 1133103 very â€"Miss Anetta Bradshaw. Toron- to, is the guest or Mr. and Ira. J83. â€"mss Kirkpatrick. of Town“: is the guest of town friends. â€"Miss Adams, 0'! TorontO. is the guest of her aunt, 103- G" A' Little. â€"_\rr. D. Moynes, of Hamilton. is spending a. couple of days at his heme on Wellington-8t. "Mr and Mrs. Herb. Williamson Spun Thanksgiving Day in Toronto. â€".\1'r. D. Hall, 0! Peterboro, was a holiday visitor. Libs. T. Sadler and Miss Florence E3125 were at Lorneville yestqrday. mum. gtables, Windsor, visited her bTOLhL'r‘, Mr. Wm. Peel yesterday. â€"â€".\h‘s.Â¥ H. Cleines and Jack spent ”the holiday in Port Perry. â€".\Iiss Gussie Crandell was avisi- in? in Fenelon‘ Falls yesterday. -17r. and Mrs. Wm. Maunder visit- «I Mariposa friends yesterday. â€".\Irs. Weldon, GIenelg-st., was in Port I‘crry over the holiday. â€"An>c-ng those who were in Peter- boro from Lindsay yesterday were: Savior McHughz John Carew, F. A. McDiarmid and son, H. A. Holmes, J 03. Oulette, Fenelon Falls, Cecil Primeau, I. Connell, R. Ren- nie, H. Frampton and others. â€"Mrs. W. Irvine was in Port Per- ry over the jholi'day. . “Lurhe Thomas spent Thanksgiv- In; at his home in Cre68well. ‘â€"Dr. and Mrs. Irvine were in Cart- wrizrht yesterday. â€"â€"-)Irs H. H. Fudge!- gave a. lunch- eon on Thursday in honor of Miss Haxelie, 01 T01 onto, whose marriage takes place next week. Miss Valdal Bonnick was also the hostess of one of yesterday’s luncheon at McCon- key‘s for Miss Flavelle and her brnllei-smaidsâ€"Toronto GIO‘be. â€"The Misses Lizzie and Chris Gra- ham and Alex. Fitzgerald, of Peter- boro, returned home to-day after spending the Thanksgiving holidays with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Giaham, Durham-st. â€"?\1iss Vedra McNa'bb, who is at- tending Peterboro P"siness College, is spending the Thanksgiving holi- days with her cousin, Mr. Geo. Mc- Elroy, town. â€"â€"Capt. Gillies, superintendent of ti. Home Life Insurance Co.. Toron- to, was in town Saturday and spent Sunday with his uncle, Mr. Norman Gillies. Cambray. â€"Rev. G. R. Welch is in Montreal for a few days and upon his return will attend the Baptist convention at Hamilton. â€"Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Knight. .md Master Victor Knight visited friends in town over the Thanksgiving holi- days. â€"Mr. and Mrs. Lou Wickett and child spent Thanksgiving in Little Britain. â€"Mrs. Robt. Dixon, Cedar Brae, 015., is visiting Mrs; Perry, Queen- â€"Mr. Robert McGregor, of Montre- al, in visiting his brother, T. R. Mc- Gregor. â€"Mi§s Nina Allen, teacher at Nestâ€" hton, spent the last three days at. her home in town. nâ€"Hiss Moofiey, of Toronto, spent tho holiday» with Mrs. Harold Rooney. From Tuesday's Daily. â€"l[iss Mary O’Brien, Downeyville, was a. visitor in town. â€"Mrs. W. Brethour and baby, vis- ited Ma-nilla friends yesterday. -â€"Mrs. John Davey has returned home after visiting in Marmora. 'â€"mss Ida Lafaley, of Dunsford, spent Thanksgiving in town. Druggist A.Higinbotha.m ome particular barga us in brushes costing from 25c to 75¢ We have a new ~stock which affords not only rare selection, but also saving in cost. you could not select :5 bottei' tune than now to choose a hair brush. THURSDAY. 00103153 8!. 1W: If You Need" A Hair Brush Personals Lindsay â€"â€"Mr. Harry Frampton, linotype operator with the Chatham Planet, and Charlie Frampton, .of Toronto, spent Sunday and Monday in town. -â€"Mr. Arthur G. Hooper, of Rid- Iey College, is spending the Thanks- giving holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ‘C. A. Hooper, Col- -â€"-Miss Marjorie Ross, of Toron- to, spent ThanRSgiving with her par- ents. Wr. and Mrs. Robert Ross, on Bond-st. borne-st. â€"Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Miller and child, of Toronto, spent the holiday in town, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ferguson. -â€"-Mrs._ J. S. Barnard, of London, is visiting her mother, Mrs. R. Wil- son and sister, Mrs. C'. E. Perkins, Regent-st. â€"Mrs. Ford W. Moynes and moth- er, Mrs. J. Coburn, have returned from Toronto, where they were visit- ing with friends. â€"Mr. Newton Staples, of Victoria Road, spent Saturday, Sunday and Monday in town, the guest of his, aunt, Mrs. J. S. Moynes. â€"Miss Tilly Mann is the guest of Mrs. T. Gillott, Millbrook. Before returning she will visit. her parents in Apsley, Ont. ‘ -â€"Mr. and Mrs. A. B.‘ Parish and daughter Carol, spent Sunday and Monday with his parents, at their home at Powles’ Corner. 'â€"Jack Bigelow, grandson of Mr. Obadiah Bigeluw, of this town, has commenced a course in railway tele- graphy and freight and passenger ac- counts at Mr. Paton’s school. This line afl'ords a. wide field for young men and in due time we will expect to see Jack well to the front. â€"Miss Maud McGill and niece, Miss Marguerite SniaIe’, of Toronto, spent a. couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nelson, Queen-st. â€"Miss Alice Cinnamon, of McDon- ald Institute, Guelph, is spending a. few days in town the guest of her parCnts, Mr. and,Mrs. D. Cinnamon. -â€"Willie and Jean McIaughlin re- turned this morning to Toronto af- ter visiting at the home of Mr. F. W. Sutclifl’e. â€"Mr. Wilbert Staples, of Toronto, was the guest of his mother, Mrs. T. D. Staples, Glenelg-st.., over Thanks‘ giving. â€"Mr. Ross Workman, of the School of Practical Science, Toronto, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Work- man over Thanksgiving. â€"Miss Bell. Maunder, of Toronto, spent Sunday and Monday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ‘Frank Maund- er, Victoria-ave. â€"â€"Mrs. Stewart and son, of Toron- to, are the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mills, east ward. â€"Mrs. Geo. Cornish, of Peterboro, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Ray. â€"Miss McDiarmid, Bond-st., re- turned }rom Toronto Saturday, where she spent a. few days. â€"Miss Ila. Sawyer spent the holi- day in Peterboro, the guest of Miss Alice Neil. -â€"Mrs. Blackwell, of Toronto, is the guest of relatives on Lindsay- â€"Mr. Neville Sharpe, of Torontoi spcnt Sunday and Monday at his home on Fair-ave. â€"Miss Phyllis Workman, of Toron- to, spent a. couple of days at her home in!town. â€"Mr. Frank Gregory. of Toronto, spent a couple of days in town with his mother. â€"Master George Gage. of Toronto, spent the holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gage. -â€"lf.'1u Lila. Mon-rm, of the Belle? ville hospital. is spending ; few am at her home in the east ward the ‘gueat of her parents Mr. and Ira. iJas. Morrison. â€"Mrs. (Rev.) Perkins, of Exeter, formerly of Lindsay, is the guest of friends. â€"Miss Viola Preston, who is at- tending Normal school at Peter- boro, spent;a few days in town. " Indispensable in the ’ family, a â€"Mr. Roy Lamont, ' of Campbell- ford, and friend, Mr. Tait, spent Sunday and Monday in town. â€"Miss L. Lawrence spent Sunday and Monday with friends in Toron- to. ' Monday in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hussey. â€"Miss Mary Pepper, teacher at Seâ€" bright, spent the holiday with her parents in town. â€"Mr. and‘Mrs. W. 'Miller, of T6- ronto, spent the holiday with fricnds in town. â€"Mr. W. Mulvaney. 0! Toronto, spent Thanksgiving at his home in town. ' â€"Mrs. R. Corley spent Sunday and Monday in Toronto with Mr. and Referring to “Teddy" Heard. the Fenelon Falls runner, who won third place in the Peterboro Examiner road race, the Examiner says : The junior race was a triangular battle between Edwards, ’l‘ovey and Teddie Heard, Len Nesbitt' s Fenelon Falls voungster, and the three had a mer- ry fight all through the fix e-mile course. . . .. The race wasa hot one from the start. Edwards, the ultimate winner, went out at once, ,followed by Tovey and Heard, of Fenelon Falls. Others hooked on to the three out in front, fora while, but lound the pace too hot, and most of them dropped back rapidly, while behind them again the twenty or more youngsters of the rear guard were having all kinds of fights and changes of places among themselves. Out in front the three leaders had the hardest kind of a race. Each took his turn in leading and for the whole distance there was not much between them. 'Heard took the lead near the city, but was overhauled by the other pair, and could not pull down their lead, although he was al- ways in threatening distance and ran a grand race. . . Heard, the Fene- Ion Falls starter, finished with a strong sprint that brought forth re- newed cheering. . . . Teddie Heard of Fenelon Falls, the third man, has wen some races around the Cataract Village and looks likea comer. " THE SOUL'S AWAKENING.” The new premium picture given to all subscribers to the Family Herald and Weekly Star, of Montreal, is cer- tainly a beautya _ " TEDDY ” HEARD A COMER gine was thrown into a field, s’even cars left the track, and the roadbed was torn up for some distance. Con- ductor J. Atkins and Brakeman M. Fox were badly shaken up and had a narrow escape. London. Ont., Oct. 26.â€"An extra G.T.R. freight train of ten cars was derailed yesterday afternoon at a crossing between Wyton and Fair- field, the engine striking a cow that was asleep on the track. The en- FREIGHT TRAIN WRECK ED. I take “ Fruit-a-tives " occasionally still, but I am quite cured of a trouble that was said to be incurable. I give this testimony voluntarily, in order that others who sufi'er as I suffered mav try this wonderful medicine and be cured." (Signed) MRS. FRANK EATON. “Fruit-a-tives” are sold by all dealers at 50¢ a box, 6 for $2.50 or trial box, 25c â€"or sent post-paid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. After Suffering Tortures For Years, This Lady Found Happy Relief In “Fruitva- fives”; ’ ankville, Ont, June nth, 1908. “Ihaveteceivedmost wonderful benefit from taking‘Tmit-a-fives.” I sufi'ered for years om headaches and pain in the back, and I consulted doctors and took every remedy obtainable without any relief. Then I began taking ”Fruit- a-tives” and this was the only medicine that ever did me any real good. I took ‘ several boxes altogether, and now I am entirely well of all my dreadful head aches and backachcs. Only Medicine Ihat » Did Any Good THE WATCHMANâ€"WARDER. LINDSAY. ONTARIO. MRS FRANK EATON -'J_I’n. A. Donn min-neg but even- -â€"Mr. Albert ' Duck. of Toronto, lug uw- visiting'friends in “spent the holiday with his parents. Mr. and In. J 01in Duck. mack-sh, sputthohondayvithher m

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