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Watchman Warder (1899), 28 Oct 1908, p. 15

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neat and ‘ing con- ;kisg of lost care- range of It prices very you We indsay T0 ER WM. WARREN In udiition to our complete Stock of hiuh- grade new goods, ue haxe ejust now some splendid \‘aluus in second- hand organs and sewing machines to “clear out for lack of space to .carry. One ladies’ bicycle new, very. Cheap. PiafiOS, Organs and)!! Sewing Machines i Special .1 Headquarters for stoves and hardware. William-st” Opp. St. Andrew’s Chuiols P. O. Box 217 - D. Ginnamon date stoves on the market. Ask 0': 1 ) v': 1;):1 the most lip-£0 to see the many improvements these stoves alone have. handle the celebrated line of atovas- 3:.d ta. 93:9. SWVES C? is?!) W 1 are 8 ' usmess Coll ege‘ ‘3 J, A. McKONE, PRINCIPAL Kent-st. “It Pays to Buy at Cinnamons Terms to suit purchaser. Dunoonfié in the throat is a. cold signal. The develOpeme-nt if not arrest- ed at once is rapid, manifesting itself in the form of a. cold in the head accompanied by a cough. Any of these conditions will yield most promptly to the corresponding treatment in the following trio of Sovereign Remediesâ€" Cough Not for coughs Laxacold Tablets for cold in head Red Cross Plasters, for deep seated coughs and chest sorpness THE BARLEY EABD FEELING Enter anv' Lime. Individual in>truction. Si x months training at oni- Business College made the dif- ,fetem-e. “has it; a, good invest- ment He thinks so. His ad dress is New Osgoode, Sask. One year ago, Mr. George Wakeman was earning about $100 per year as farm laborer. Now he is earning at the rate of $962 per year. “Peninsular” “The Champion” and “Pandora.” THURSDAY; OCTOBER 28,’ 1909; I and inspectour complete Wri be for particulars $962 DRUG STORE Four courses-â€" Preparatory Comm r~rcial Steno;§r~a.phy Telegraphy TM 2.95 W ater-st. SOLD AT- Phone 52 I 9C1! la. ngiwgzkfaicgaezfiefgggi OCtS'r 2%; ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Nelson McDonald â€"â€"I;izzie MECDOIIal-d 382. 'Jr. '111â€"-'?S"“"t satqu‘f-V i“ 1.3“” P957“ ”’8' Archie McDonald 345, Jplia Mom»;M;§f’“;gfp;i,;’:f"§f‘"gofgfgg‘yhuw if“ 343' 3'31” Mam“? 318' H’fltion. is the guest of Mr. Dougal arquhar McEacher 362, J Ohn‘ZMthâ€"xil . 1 , - o ’excellent program. I Mr. R. M. Parker spent-the holi- iday at his home at Dunsford. ’ Rev. Mr. Duckworth, of Knox {College, Toronto, occupied the pul- ipit of the Presbyterian church on u;g~-.v- .. v - , ._-.._’_ _ -V Pt. II. â€"- Archie Campbéll 197, Lloyd Brown 177, May Campbell 92 Sadie Burke. 87. Jr. IT.â€".TohnnM McLean 305, Mac Morrison 298, Archie MacArthur 277 Jessie McArthur 268, Farquhar Mc- Eachern 102 Stewart Mornson 98. I.â€"Geo. Roberts 136, Margaret Mc- Eachem 97, Hugh McDonald 89:, Eldon Station. Oct. 26.â€"R-eport of S. S. No. 7, Eldon for week ending Oct. 15: Class IV., Marks possible, 375; Jack McEachern 105. Sr. III.â€"Lizzie McDonald, 95c. Jr. ]II.â€"Arch~ie McDonald 104, J u- lia Mcanhern 101, Belle McInnes 97. SPECIALISTS In following disease" of men : Piles Epilepsy Dyspepsia. Asthma Syphilis Rheumatism Cata‘rrh Stricture Lost Vitality ' Ruptui e Emiss 1 0115 Skin Dis- DiabetesiVaricodele eases Kidney Affections sible send history and two-cent stamp for free reply. O'E‘FIGE .. Cor. Adelaide and Toronto Ste. Ham-3:10 to 1 and 2 $106. Sundays 10 mm. to 1 pm: Drs. Sager and White 25 Toronto is. D., Toronto, Ont Sunday. Mr. Blackbird? is the guest of his cousins, the Misses Manning. this week. A number from Hartlev attended the fovsl supper at Cambray and en- 'oy'ed a sumptuous supper and as en. He is unable to be with the mill this week and Mr. Sam. Mcâ€" KinnOn is taking his place. Mr. Malcolm McEachern was pitch- ed over thé edge of a. gang-way while steering the threshing machine into a barn and had some ribs brok- Mrs. McEachmn, of Toronto, who has bGCD. visiting for some time among friends here, has returned to Toronto. Hartley, Oct. 26.â€"â€"We regret to learn that Mr. N. McMillan is at present very ill. Mr. McMillan has been in poor health for some time, but we hope his more severe attack may not prove serious. :7 MiSS Maude Woollard spent Thanksâ€" giving- at her home here. Miss Effie McQumrie, our teacher, spent the holida" at her home at Ar- gy le. We believe we are to have a‘doctor come to our village to practice. We extend to 'him a hearty welcome and wish him every success in his Work. -“_~-- vvâ€" 7 .â€"â€"v :“â€"râ€"'- - Mr. R. M. Parker, of Hartleyi andl Miss Jean Parker, of Bury’s Green. spent. the holiday at their-110nm at Lake View Farm. ‘ Miss G. D. Cathro spent the week- end, the guest of Miss E. Parker. Rev. Mr. Ci iarry occupied the pul- pit of the Methodist. church on Sun- day. Dunsford, Oct. 25. â€"â€"'I‘he anniversary serxices at St. J ohn’s church were well attended on Sunday. Rev Mr. Barber occupied the pulpit. -â€"Mr.' Thos. Trumbull took in the Thanksgiving excursion to Lindsay. Miss M. Johnstone, teacher of Mr. Pmntice's school, is visiting her parents at Bobcaygeon this week. â€"Mr. Samuel Welch, of town, was in Toronto this week on business. A partytof boys from Toronto are occupying Mr. Back's cottage on Gull Lake for the past few days. THE WEEK’S NEWS of the COUNTY and DISHICT Mr. and Mrs. J., J. Mortimer, of the Mi-nden hotel, return-ed last week after attending the funeral of Mr. Christopher Leary, of ~ Peterboro. Mr. P. Gainer visited his sister at V-alentia. last week. Mindcn, Oct. ~24.â€"Miss Walton and; her little sister Mildred, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Wm. Bake. Mr. John Bone went to Toronto on Friday last. All notices of meetings and entertainments to be held are subject to a charge of 250. for each insertion. will be charged at the rate of four c eats per line. ‘ . , SOPER 3* W HITE ELDON STATION HA RT LEY . DUN SFORD MINDEN. our own cormnondenu. ' A. O. Hogg paid a visit to Oak- iwood friends this week. ' I. Mr. Geo. Pascoe left last week for ;(.'alifomia where he has secured a. 1 good position. ’ Oakwood, Oct. 25.â€"Mr. and Wrs. I ReV. Mr. Tenkin; of Cam‘bray, con- 5: ducted both services in theVMeth'miist a: church have on Sundav and gave two ki very helpful addresses Mr. Wm. Lownsb'rough, of Lind- '0 say, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. We, don V 5 1": Miss Lena Wright is theguest of IX her sister, Mrs. A. E. m. ‘ ‘ J1 Mr. Gordon King spent‘the holiday A Social was held on the evening fol- lowing the proceeds in all amount- ing to $102. m5 Irv va- vâ€". We are sorry ‘ to learn that Mrs. (Rem) Elliott and Mrs. Jas. Pascoe are still on the sick fist. THE WA'l CHMAN7WARDER, LINDSAY, ONTARILL. The fowl supper and entertainment held in the Methodist church here on Thursday last was a. decided success. in spite of the disagreeable weather: _ Mr. and Mrs. Herron, of Wick, spetht Sunday with Mr. James Mc- Taggart. Mr. Alex. Black enjoxed a pleasant visit from his son Charles last week. Miss Mary Beecroft is home from Peterbo ro . ' A large number of young people from here attended the fowl supper in Seagrave last Mon-day night. Some of the young men lost a good deal of sleep over .the afi'air, es- pecially those whose lady friends live near the North Pole. . We are pleased to report that Mrs. Alex. McTaggart is now conVales- cent. Alf regret to learn that Mr. Allen Stuart is about to leave us and take up his abode in Toronto. Mr. Alex. Black spent Sunday at Mr. Alex. Ferguson’s. Mrs. Reesor.‘ of Port Sidney, is the guest of Mrs. Kon_k1_e_~. _ ' Miss Katie McKinnon and Miss Mary Thorburn are both home for the week end. Mr. Young, of Toronto, is the guest of Mrs. Ferguson of the 5th concession for the Thanksgiving ho- liday. Miss Carrie Ferguson is home from Toronto. Mr. Robt. Wood, of Toronto, is visiting- Sonya friends. There was a holiday at Braules school ,last week, when Miss Lexie Ferguson attended the Allin-DeLury wedding in Manilla. The Wom-cn's Foreign Missionary Society are holding- their annual thank ofl‘eflng services on Thanks- giving night. The Rev. P. F. Sin- clair, one of on? former pastors, is to deliver a missionary address. The Women’s Home Missionary So- ciety of our church is to be con- gratulated on their generosity in re- sponding to the appeal made by the Children’s Aid Society, of Victoria county. Mr. Walks, the new inspector, of North50ntario, visited the L'nfon school last week and reported the wot-k done there very satisfactory. Rev. Mr. Kc‘mkle goes to Omemee this week to engage in evangelistic services, and Mr. 'Currie of that place will take charge of the services here. The Peterboro preshytery is to be ccngratula'ted ’n being one of the first to start this great evan- gelistic movement. The skating club is to have their annual 'at home in the hall on Oct. 29. Great preparations are being made to make this eclipse all form- er entertainments. Scnya, Oct. 2v3.â€"We are to have a skating rink in our burg this win- ter. A jointstock company has been organized, capitalized at a large sum, to put up the building and pay running expenses. This will be a good opportunity to invest your spare cash, as the dividends will be large. Shares can be procured from the directors in charge. Mr. Jack Ingram, Bobcaygweon. spent the Thanksux mg holiday “ith his sister, Mrs. Coulter. Inspector Thorn-bury, of Lindsay. paida basin-ass visit to Eldon Sta- tion one day last week” A Miss Isabelle Torrey, of Victoria Road, called on friends here on Sat- u-rday. Miss C. Mathi?son, of Toronto. vis- ited with Miss McEachern during the holidays. Miss Elsie schEachem, or L.C.I. spent the Thanksgiving holidays at her home here. The managers of the church have engaged Mr. Prouse, of qudville; to d9 "the painting, etc., on the church. ny McImn 347, Stewart Mor- rison 312, Mae Morrison 298, Jessie MacArthur 29", Archie MacArthur 291. I.â€"May CampbelL 235, Sa-die Burke: 212, Archie Campbell 201, Lloyd Bromn 198. OAKWOIOD SONYA. a sample bottle, and it- did me so much good I sent for a. $0 bottle, al- so a cake of soap. That is all I used and I am perfectly well, and I don't think it will return. I have advised several others to use it and the re- sults have been the same. ” (Signed) I. W. CORNS The resultsar'e the samein every caseâ€"D. D. D. Prescriptiou instantly Dear Sinâ€"I was a sufferer for about two years with eczema, on the legs and ankles}. I tried three or four different doctors and none of them did me any. good. Ilthen went to a.‘ skin specialist and he was no better. I 'm’s reading the “Sunday World" and I happened to seeyour. ad. I am very thankful that I ,did- I sent for D.D.D. Company, FOR D.D.D., GOT A TRIAL BOT- TLE, AND IS CU'RED OF EC- ZEMA. He Happened To See An Ad. BENSON.â€"In Lindsay, on Oct. 24, Edward H. Benson, aged 24 years. SlLVERWOOD.â€"In Oakwood. on Oct. 24, Mr. Albert Clare Silver- The account of the death of Clare Silverwood will be found in another coulmn. Master Ray Wehsterr son of Mr. and Mrs. Moses Webster was the vic- tim of a very painful accident on Saturday. 'last. While experimenting with a miniature cannon. it exploded discharging the powder in his face. His many friends wish him aspeedy recovery. in our village. Quite anumber from here attended the fowl supper at Cambray on Mon- day evening, and all report a good time. wood, aged 7 years. 21 Givens-st, Toronto. June 20, 1909. DEATHS . A reliable Sale of Genuine Bargains by the reliable and well-known firm of Dundas 81 Havelles, Limited The sale commences on Saturday, November 6th,'8 a.m. E HAVE PURCHASED THE STOCK 'of Forbert’ Son, of the Town of Lindsay, consisting of Men’s Clothing and Furnishings. No shop worn goods and ‘ no trash, the Firm being in business about six months. The stock was purchased at a low rate on the dollar, and will be offer- ed to the public on the same basis. TO THE CITIZENS OF VICTORIA COUNTY: Clothing and Furnishing Department ‘ Important Announcement FRIEDHOFRâ€"At Lindsay. on Oct. WEBSTERâ€"In Glandine, Mari- ‘ posa, on Oct. 21, to Mr. and Mrs. L. S. .Webstet.-u can. . hofl, Queers“ a dnughter. KINMOUNT. DUNSFORD, NESTLETON, Daily Service J ANETVILLE - - Open every Thursday A. B. MchlLL Manager, - 3113?};ng Interest allowed on Deposits of $1 and upwards. Interest allowed from date of Deposn to date of Withdrawal. . No delays in making withdrawals. We invite you to open 8, Savings Bank Account. Special attention given to accounts of Farmers, Drovers and Cheese Factories. Over forty per cent. of the shareholders of this Bank are Farmers. LINDSAY Transacts a General Banking Business W. R. TRAVERS, - Second Vice-President and General Manager THE F ARMERS’ BANK '.--At Incor mated by Special Act of Parliament. Member of the Can ian Bankers’ Association and the Toronto Clearing House HEAD OFFICE BIRTHS. SAVINGS BANK DE PARTMENT A CHARTERED BANK OF' CANADA. AND JOB-BRANCHES AT BRANCH AT OPPOSITE POST O FFIGE r- BALL .â€"-In the township of Vex-alum, «Wednesday. Oct. 20.13116 wifeol Mr. ErneatBall. anon. SMITH.â€"To Mr. and Mrs. Alex.- Smjth, Regent-st, a son, on Oct; 21. - EEARCEgâ€"At Lindsay, on Oct. 20. 1909.1:ollr. MMA. T4Pmm (amâ€"m anon. 360134234: Thur-day. Oct. 21, to Mr. and In. Dennis Scully, Emily, TORONTO OFFICE HOURS 9 AM. To 5 RM. PAGE H

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