Y. OCT. 20. am the telephones used by us have bed: manu- it is a guarantee that '5 give satisfaction to t was tn satisfy the far- spcnt $l0.COO in dc- dcvelopinz out 1317 Set. which contains to-dmc fg-ntures o! my ended to my»! the IB- mral scnnce. a» mum! whammy now what ya» mt ‘i‘ha m; and Hm M m 19w: onnnnrnx! a most interesting and but which we have just M which we will be m y9\LFBEE_- .1: not. sons. So much time 55“ rscrves more than W71 r a full description of etc story of the organi- phone Company from the last telephone is 'thing deï¬nite to wpxk organize a community- book costs nothingâ€"- we will send it PKLB. Banger r’ comfort and attractive- .rc rapully drawing to s de stoves in Can- vhether you wish improvements in he comforts and' at; NITURE I 's adder Necessary. N! and Clear one Lines iAlll Enjoyable are Store Build Rural W m: ff‘Yl'DhnnCS used by we Milly 5Cm “Chamï¬oa†and “Peninsah The :5 0‘53! Lindsay Q “WUM‘ “a 227 m Balanceâ€"Old Boys , , Excursion on Fair Day BUT A meeting of the South Victoria. Agricultural Society was held in the council chamber Saturday Moon, sï¬ending sbme $1,600 on repairs and in spite of theiextremely bad weath- er the society still has a. balance of almost The boy scouts have at last been organized in Lindsay and that the movement has taken a strong hold on the boys was shown by the large crowd present on Saturday night. when a meeting was held in the Y. movement and that he thoukght that every boy should join that move- ment as it would ï¬t them both phy- sically and morally for the battle of life. Mr. J. . G. Roma in his opening address stated that being 0. boy scout was not merely wearing the uniform, " but each scout must be preparai to do his duty. doing . the work cheerfully and Willingiy. To Dr. J. A. White was in the chair, and in his interesting address stated his great interest in the boy scout movement and that he thought that a... .... . , _ address stated that being a. boy S. Kitenener, H. 0011an E. “on“ scout was not merely Wearing the M. White. H; McLehIIa‘n D. no: uniform. " but each scout must be. Lean. - A. Warner. U. antenna 1“ prepared to do his mgty. doing ,the Rattan E. M60111. A “noâ€. W. work cheermny and «111mm. To Magi. c; mwmm' J. ‘mm; be a good scout you must be pmâ€" meâ€. 13-. Dough}, R: NEE“ G; pared to take the unpleasant With RMâ€, H wmlwseh F‘. SCUM). U the plt’nszmt, the hard wuh the easy Nugenit. 'M; Nehemiah-1;, L. ’1)“: duty." aid . . K ‘ ‘ ‘ ; He thvh gave yam muswwuns m gargy?31?Ԥggï¬fg‘ $1; $135!? ï¬e khnl-lylhm showmg the mama» ‘ ' kinds vi knots and the manna and time in whieh they gheuhi he wed; pmmgnng smug “my; Then he bEBt‘wied w explain the . . mun? law in very Meaï¬uï¬m and M 9‘ V9?! wthuslastie 3‘99““ 9’ moulds mm; as that: hi! the Dew â€â€œ9 ?“F§‘§F99 PM“ “ï¬f‘ï¬mï¬ were [mm a gem! uhdmtahmhg a? “9“ }“ Seeretary “WSW†Sam the Mm. which they mum have {a hm “3th “£93993 ‘9 959959 -° . 7--..“ in“ ma helm“ at mun: purebred ï¬EGéK ‘RP IRWFH “ nu :- lug up m whan may Meme hey scams: There 19 naming in 131989 laws imam. mm, diaeimine. 93mm mm; m an 9916». all being laws um would make the 9369M am a hens? and “saw! “16-. $1 a boy scout is caught mums % lie he is at one deprived a! his haw and u kicked out " at tha «gunman and the punishment, m swear-ins consists of pouring cold watev down the offender's neck. -- l -A- x__ .5 av rw" -Y command 0'! seven or eight boys and the diï¬erent pins, indicating these positions were also explained." The art of bandaging. in connec- tion with ï¬rst aid to the injured. was then explained in a. very clear manner, which showed a perfect un- derstanding or that valuable art. manAY. OCT! â€0 Ikith patrol leader is the smull matters wm Vect- Enrolled» . in Lindsay Mr. Rosser also explained that be- ‘fore you become mucout. (the ï¬rst month you are known ns a. tender- foot, when you learn these essen- tials) you must know either the morse or semaphore signalling and also must learn the surrounding country. The meeting then closed with en« rolling of forty-four enthusiasts, the following joining the movement: Geo. Tilly. S. Hepburn, E. Coombs. W. Piersay. W. Clark, J. Waller, H. Marsh, J. Haugh. L. Campbell. 8. Robinson, F. Peck, E. Earle. H. Johnston, G. Flavelle, W. ï¬nancier. is"to b6 sent to Mr. Gauld. ol'To- ranto, who ,so oflcimtly judged the Mayor Begs stated that when" in Toronto he had called on the presid- entoltheVictoriaOIdBoysmre- gard to that society running an ex- cursion to Lindsay at fair time and this proposition seeined to' meet with considerable favor. Some dis- cussioa also took place in regard to building a driveway to lead into the grounds from Fairâ€"ave., but this ‘ M, a very enthusiastic: meeting a! the Purezï¬red Steele Agaaelmem held in ï¬eï¬retary meiï¬mie‘s emu hm ï¬atwday mamaea Q9 News the heldmg m moi? Buwbred sï¬eék we and emer- Buainess it was de= since that m gale be mm on Tues: any. tallewim the mm mum. Jan: 31. m1: _ __A- “A At thia years sale there was no department for- hoea and no em twice tea was charged, Tm yew it is the intention to and e depart: moot lor- pure-hred bags with the number limited to ten at each breed. and ea e, guarantee of good faith we well as to defray expenses. a deposit at $5 from each contributor must accompany the entries. The numb- er of cattle will be limited to" 80 headn ‘ All entries, pedigrees and deposits must. be in the hands 01 the secre- tary. Mr. D. Mamie. before Be- cember 1. 1910' left over until a. future meet- 3!; â€ï¬‚ (red Hy. Ortiz o! Shipley. Ont.. says: “ While at worl: I had the misfortune to run a. rusty nail un- der my thumb nail, to the depthwaf about one and a. halt inches. The pain was terrible and what I feared was that the 'nail, being so dirty and rusty, would set up festering and blood-poison. .I knew from pre- vious experience how good Zam- Buk was. so I cleaned the thumb, 'melted a. little th-Buk, and ran it. into the wound. The result who wonderful! It soothed the pain and the thumb actually did not swell. Zen-Bali kept away all in- flammation. I was able to go on with my work all the time. and in a tow days the thumb was as good as eyer. A balm which can do this should be in every working man's home." Zam-Buk is the ï¬nest form of †in- surance " for all workers. Its antl- septic power is so great that no disease germ can live in it; and 1! immediately applied to a. core or in- jury, O diseased patch, all danger of blood-poisoning is averted. Being composed of pure vegetable essences. Zam-Buk is an ideal balm essences, Zam-Buk is an meal mum for babies and young children. and mothers will ï¬nd it far superior to the ordinary calves. some of which contain harmful mineral poisons. rancid animal fats, etc. Zam-Buk is a sure cure {or ulcers. abscesses, cemema. ringworm. blood- polson. acnip’ sores, chapped hands, Cold sores. inflamed patch- as. bad leg, varicose Veins and nic- era. piles. cuts. bums. bruises. and ail skin diseases and injuries. Sold by an druggists and storekeepefs at 50¢ a box. 9 for $1.98; Post im from tam-13m: 66.. Toronto. [gr price; Avoid harmful imiiuions BUT WU! SAVED HIS M the amtatlea at diploma. meals and senehmm {a the ma: mung elm at the Sick enildm'a mama. Wane. mas mm 25911593. 9! Weeavme. was among 'aud substitutes; WINE A FREE mu. rim winners: tuning. loomemeuuooautho leaves have par-tun: hush. trlmunlng out all drooping branches to cocoons! an upright growth. all dead and dying wood and all sprout: except two or three at the Image“ tor renewing tho fruiting wood. In removing the m I purer pulling them rather than cutting them oi! cloooto the ground. and where they donotcomeolrendlywlthngoodnlg- orons pull! snore the soil atthobue done then than in the spring; when the gun and weed- hnro more strongly antenna their root! in the ground. This pruning awn: of all mpluwood ‘ 4â€".- -AA-fl Outflow Away of lunlw Wood ï¬lm Added W to am With the mat and goo-em I "command an nth-l am! om 7--.. -_ an... lulu- yluuun. u"... v- w.. Ind sprouts in the tall glm tdded strength t6 the roots for mama: and stimulating that part of the bulb nmlnlng.â€"Wymnn Elllott. Minneaou. Cum-o Capo For Hly. If you have much clover In: to ban- dle. provide you-tel! with I supply of h In w I'lll. |Ilr “g â€" â€"- mm; m. m «The {6 to w the hay In the burn in perfect looping .«ondition and will more “an arm“ me we. at me II! «pa-m FALL "MY PIUNINB. NS 4 I. 9. their own much papers and passing some whose ï¬tneu was questioned. This, with the fact that pupils m not passing out of the entrance room as quickly as was ex- pected has‘ resulted in congesting thstroocn to more than its espec- ity. The Board’s policy is to reguâ€" mm the; entrance end high school work so the number in each room will be more equal and to have n more systematic method of marking trust will prove eetlsiactory. Last week was convention week 0! the teachers of the County. The staff. Mr. Q. Simpson and teachers, attended same Thursday and Fri-lay at Lindsey. The kiddies did not ob- ject. There is no more greater mor- al' force in the land than the public school and we could we]! spare our teathere a. couple of days inr an interchange of thought on the prob- a ï¬nd it luvlnc u cement wdk plug! will add mun-idly to the camera! A nther compliant! and “IR-j riding on t W“ ward aim-Mon hu bun ousted hex-é driven by h†“319' whiqhthooohwlboudisnowwm Brow. when in m ling win}. Apparartly promotion: to way he Wit jolt“ 0“: higher M tram junior. rooms have paging over him, he " "‘ ' ' Kâ€"A‘uwrnmise Ops council met Oct. 10. when communications were road u lol- lowa : From inspector of prisons and pub- lic charities re an Ops patient ; from Times Printing Co. re 0, new county map: trout secretary Board of mm- wuy Commissioners. encloatng copy of order In regard to overhaul crou- mg at Kuwait‘s on the emu. town- ship but of Much Is to be no per a“: of m an. “twat-Mane!!! Post i from eoumy «Mk. attract Mm autumn re mum; of any per: min running {mama engine of me: making maehinvw “was any bridge or eulme “than! um laying Mask for its momma; We eammtma appointed {a mm: Hg with James Long re mm for damages ‘9 Moe my mama by“ taking gravel tram roadside wormed am "we; had viewed on; aim and mm to mm with m, Lena. am he shmlumv MM m an Imam“ “no, Mr- Lon: ma he would ho who“! «untied with ‘Mm w, Dayan. was mflhfly lutruond to have the work do». on to to detox he coutd [may tmnrovo the rood which was in very bad condition ot this point. Ur. Bayou further re- ported that tho work wu now near- ly completed. and the cost would pa about $80 or 885.- M and a Hall How. on Operating Tabla WM Could Not Rom â€no In The India! “rm“xrm nfld. Gumbel udM‘n’u.M ’4 GIN PILL. PASSED I'l' aggï¬Cbuncil Proceedingsé oét. 17. â€" m. J. L. New“ °‘ °‘“‘ Joan-{3, P. On motlo‘l of W. H. Sloan and P. w. Hickeon the report of the com- Ifleluoq â€" Sloan -- mt the rear. be appointed to represent the town- Ihlp nt the meeting on the Jewell dam In response to w. n. Fee’l notlee. Ely-law No. 695. mm; the clerk’- teeo under the dltehea and water- warn-“Act. as requlred by the stu- Mm "slammed.“ m m m dwlammn of ownership um prelim- {lam mum to he mm by the own- or human Winn. guhmueut we!!! and putt-menu M than 9! 081!!! under puma-m mm! to he shamed min» m- " mm. " in the wm'p nwmm turv ‘l-u-w“_ mn=ï¬tekm=ï¬ht m Mlew- my mounts he mm flag“ “any. m crud tram Nu W "1:90; (hem Grim. m ream um som- mmenm' Interim «Mm «manning m mm, wmngmwz‘ms W, H. mm wmt the tan-Mp at m on: amort- mamas an the Waum dram ‘ m. cop-had and Bowman. 9! Wm. «to putt!“ with .130. “Ml any m sanctum! or up be woven.» n! the 4th mum Im at 0;:- in an lat com. cu mama: um Ops council was to spam! at equal mount on the aid «ml. The money m'luuded ovu- to On trea- mm. and Wesley Walden. eon. tn um division. was instructed to spend the $960 in unveiling the add road. At the present time the road is completed. Council adjourned to meet again On Nov. 14th. Former Preacher at Queen-St. Church Vac-iii. u no u. WQ‘W'M in"! I ï¬rm. ll?! loom men n. It will he s pleuure to meet those who wish to improve their appearance through improving their hsir. All .desireé advice will be 'ven free, end the new and correct . styles in hair needs an heir dressing for Indies will be displsyed. -‘ _ A apecinl showing in are Toupees for bad or partidly 90. Come and have y« we the most bountiful hair needs in Ca BOXALL 6: MATTflIE Imperial Oxford Range 1 We csn supply your wonts st ressonsble prices in any of the following; pails, glass. putty, points, oils, hinges, locks, lanterns, axes, buck sew, , . we I, U :15. picks, mitts, all kinds. At this man of the year may twig! we required to ï¬x up before winter not: in ï¬nd any amides at Hardware we require. -= -' . Aék to see our Rad'iu‘xq Esme Header and My. Thought Ranges. -' .9 ‘- .- .. â€â€œth mhddh canvas gloves, tools. â€A“ of ‘ I “It LUurvvu Iv. H"""â€"" Come and have your hair behi'e'a hair needs in Canada. _ oolo. loud-y M. O. Q.ofw. www.m- “month. NW“ and PA-llLIAIENT swam “mu"mmrm nm‘uwmmu Wmuxfl.87. " hair, its preservatiori - and. 3.1an Duncan Home 119Mâ€. Gotcha» It mnbmk. mm“ "3‘ “L Tum". 0." ' “ “him“. I M la n C Homo. Wot» 0““ I. REM“!!! m MT! gentleméfl ' {who and