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Watchman Warder (1899), 20 Oct 1910, p. 16

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A Couple of travelling musiciansâ€"- a, violinist and a harpistâ€"played the town up one day last week. - The Omemee Rifle Association held its regular "shoot" on Saturday a!- ternoon. There was a. good attend- gigs? and the markununshii) showed marked ‘ improvement. Titers was keen competition for the prizes: In the 200 yards seven shots in one minute match, the first prize ' was A mangold weighing 26} lbs. in on exhibition in the wlndow of Mr. Jos. T. Beatty's store. Who can produce an equal or a. greater ? Mr. Charles went up to Lindsay on‘ a business trip Friday. 1 As the season for deer hunting] approaches, our local huntamen show ' symptoms of Northern fever. The Presbyterian are making great pmparations for their Anniversary Services on the 30th and 3131‘. lusts. Miss Fair 1m for her home in Pet- orboro, Friday, and Miss Barkley for her home in Lindsay. Miss J ewett is occupying the res!- dence lately vacated by Miss Minnie ling. On Thursday evening, Mr. W. Elliott, I.P.S.. of Toronto. on old Omemee boy. entertained and in- structed a. large gathering in the Assembly Hall of the Collegiate with his lecture on. “Nature through a camera.” Many expressions of ap- preciation bespoke the efforts of Mr. Elliott. On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Eaton came down from Toron- to in their private car, “Etbnla.” Mr. Kennedy. of Sturgeon-3L. had the roof of his blacksmith shop made ruin-proof last. week by Mr. 'A. mn- '.l‘he pupils of the public school were out of classes on Thursday and Friday. the teachers being in at: tendance at the Victoria Teachers‘ Association meeting at Lindsay. Principal Walker. of. the Normal gave some excellent addresses on the subject of Arithmetic end Mr. Birch-arc! a. Valuable paper on Spel- Mr. John Bennett has been loading n car 0! household affects. etc.. Ior Hanitoba. where he and his family expect to remove to this week. The daring aerial artist gave the spite of the Methodist church anoth- er coat of paint. Hr. Isaac Richardson. of Mill- hmok. was a busy man for two or three days last week. receiving hogs. cattle and lamb at. our nation tar which he paid out the mtg mount 0! .9500. muamee‘ 0a.. 11“ 1916.. = Emmi- pa! Hanan. oi the Bis-h 39mm. )9“ on Friday eV'aninfi tar Elam. his tor-mm."- abode! He is bringing his MM and enacts to town and win reside in Mr. Bennett‘s vesNence on Sturgeon-st. . » x "a, returned mom a two months! trip through Weetefn Danna Hon- day morning. In conversation with u Warder report Mr. Graham stated that of an the cities in the west af- ter Winnipeg, Edmonton promises to be the greatest City. This «mam? mflhwest at Eamontofl, kmwm as the have River distrust. he mum, "is the best in the wumry and m: “semen Is {mum ta 5% a gféat can: it». Saskatmmv. the unhâ€"emity ea: Hg 91 Samwhpwam trams mm {9 Omemee Rifle Club Did Some Excellent Shooting Returns From Westernâ€"“q Tripâ€"Two Months Away? ‘. J. English. Scam were as IOOOOOthouQIQOuI g...” o 00......"000‘00 I Ouanouo‘ :. Graham, of the South mun 0" ~18 .18 ,17 17 19 Get a. 81 or a trial bottle to-day. ’ Write the D.D.D. Laboratories, Dept. LW.W., 49 Colborne-st.. Toâ€" Does it seem to you that you can’t stand another minute of that awful, burning itch ? ~ That it MUST be cooled ? That you MUST have relief ? Get a. mixture of Oil of Winter- green, Thymol, and other soothing ingredients as compounded only in D.D.D. Prescription. ' The very first drops STOP that awful burning instdntly! The first drops sooth and heal ! The first drops give you a. feeling of comfort that you have not enjoy- ed for months, or perhaps years. Take our word on it u’your local Apples are rather a, poor crop in th'a sec-Hon, this year. “‘0 are having ideal wéather at pre- sent and {armors are busily engaged in doirg the fall work. Miss McKay. of Woodville In visit- ing at the home of her grand-mother. Mrs. A Jumieson. Mr. Northey, o! Fenelon Fain: spent Sundw last with friend. in this vrdnity. Mr. Willie and Miss Effie McMillan. or L. (2.1 .apart. the week and at. their respective homes. GLENARM Glenarm, Oct. 18. â€"- Rev. Mr. Lord of Fenelon Falls. occupied the paint here. on Sunday last. and delivered twn excellent sermons. . Owing to an- niversary services at Hartley our attendance was rather small in the eVening. Mr. Steel went to St. And- rew's. Penelon Falls. on Sunday. Miss Louisa Spence returned on Saturday last from a very enjoyable three monthle tour through the urea: “est. She spent most of the time with old friends at. Isles, Al- berta. ‘ Mr. and Mn. Dan Brown. of Lin! say visited old friends here. on Sun- dew last. We are pleased to state thnt Mrs. A Jnxvirson, who has been ill for a short tin-e, is now wavering her us- ual health. _ o Juti.rl}i.’1‘jl‘8y ,.....11 133 Jlurry Magee ........................ 10 24 'S. Hum.“ .............. . ............ 9 2 in. G'eney ...... ..., .............. 9 21 5.1. u wont. ......... 8 15 [Ire 70.4., ._ . ..... . ..... 1.3 we Our citizens were treated to a slmw .m the pnbiw sheet MW cveu‘ng when two Italians with beers end tunrtoms each, tore up the dust. w-mzed anzi wrestled the beers. Bruin then "clim’t the pole and no hreakee glasses." The- coat of the‘ entertainment was according to your1 ability in money or eatables. There were two specimens in female attire who made the round of the houses scliciting. Mi Sham a J Lamb “1 A: W139 n. F, Johnson G .l'ee “ 'I‘he apeculator'm the west is 314- most sure to make money. A m bought at from fifteen to twenty dob law an acre is a sure mvee meat in aluxost any tut-strict; Lots that We bought in Saskatoon seven years am; Iona few dbllat‘s a foot we new being sold for thirty and forty thousand dollam” White in Winnipeg and Calgary Mr Graham mat with semi 916 Lihdétu ham all :10ng mil in mm timbhmt manning Edmonton as aggreat metropolisz" Is Your Skin on Fire? andthaywiIIsendyou triali uunnx $19-$11}! \‘fl‘fl‘l‘ 11““ PH!!! 1'.“ \1“\1\\l 1“ H!“ “nun-.1221“ n1 v.21“ n nan-MI. 2!!!!“ng 11 "ago-g -‘ Euifl'd \‘fltflii‘ 1 :‘fifiQt‘ :18 :14 x14 :14 .18 1? 138 8? 25 evening. with Ir. Smith at! m Mr. Walker mocha: spent lat week pith his parents in llama-ooh It. Russell Smith spent liondey in Among those who attended the funeral from a. distance were: Mr. and Mrs. A. McArthur and daughter, Miss Mabel, of Woodville ; Miss Mac- Phetson, o! Bracebridge, n niece ; Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Md, of Woodville; Mrs. Richardson and son Ix. J. MacRae, or Woodvllle; Mrs. MacArthur, of Eldon Station. Much sympathy is extended to a!) banned one: and friends. Miss Velm Autumn spent part of last week in My with routine. Mrs. A. E. smith qpent lat week at Hex-thy .wlth Kr. and In. Don- Those who mourn his loss are his wife ‘uid daughter. Mrs. Wm. '1‘. Mclzeie. o! Oakwood, and brother Donald, of Kirkfleld, a. sister, Mrs. fiillan. of Toronto. | Kirkfleld, Oct. 17. -â€" Death visited 'our neighborhood on Tuesday morn- ing. at 11.80 a.m.. and called away one of our oldest residents, Mr. Malcom Fraser. Deceased was in his sixty-seventh year. He will be greatâ€" ly missed by all who knew him. bOth young and old, and will be always remembered for his many kind acts and deeds. He was a. inithiul mem- ber oi the Presbyterian church. The iuneml services were held at his home on Thursday, at 2.00 p.m., cohduct- ed by Rev. E. E. Turner. The re- mains were interred in Bolsover cem- | In England and Paris women take 1pl'id n having beautiful hair. Every ‘Cana an woman can have lustrous and luxuriant hair by using SAL- VIA, the great American Sage Hair Tonic. Higinbothnm sells a large bottle for 50 cents. and guarantee; it. to banish Dandruff, stop falling hair and itching scalp in ten days. or money back. An Old Resident - of Kirklield Dead PATON.â€"On Sunday, October 16. 1910, to Mr. and Mrs. .Douglu W. Paton, 237 Wellesley-at.. Taran- to. a. son. Every up~to~date woman should have radiant hair. There are thousands of women with harsh. (acted. characterleas hair, who do not try to improve it. I The next sale win he held in a 1couple 9! weeks' time. when in ad- dition to the usual commission stock there will be 17 head of fancy‘ bred horses and a cal-load of cut- ters oflerod for sale. Mm new Edwams‘ "w Wk knbwn karma“. Marked that‘ he never baton saw no much Nikolas: stock offered at a sale in this mun: ty. Buyers m there hem {my tunes arena and they certainly were in a buying mead when n is known that the gals mulled $4,149, Every: thing said mu 5 tw-b «am am 001% um Ma put up on eammiasmm Me: !1)©fiahiԤ string eat em“ hams net: we! mmm Three wrung mew brought, gm: Thea: m heua‘m up 33M? Game at Meet: wand: mm szrald Mm: mm as high as 560 each and mm be: mad um figure mm- sewn Mad of «mm mm; .13 42‘ I on the following Monday it they do not prove to be as repmntad. The hot that only one horse came buck an account of not being properly bmken shows how careful the pm- pr'sewr is in his dealings; » ghee Fanning's repository was first established there have been many big and succeaalul sales, but the one held last Satdrday may be said to have eclipsed them an. Ani- mals or articles sold at Fanning's under the hammer may be rammed Will Make flair Grow ,“ , ,.-~ “in "" ‘TTFFE'WARR‘EI'Z. , 5:... mild Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Futuroo , .3 ' . | . Close Lowerâ€"Live Stockâ€"- [ e n o _ ’5' “'38 Latest Quotations. I . ve been ' muomzw Evenlnl. Oct. 18. r- Cameron, Oct. 15.â€"Last week Mr. Jas. Cook was up at. the village plowing some gardens. After tunab- ing he went up to Mr. Not-theott'e .shop, to see them installing Hr. Nonhoott’e new guollne engine, leaving his team and wagon outpide. The horses started south, leaving the wagon about 9. mile or so 90th o! round and were met by their owner at. the hill at Ops boundary. fl!» tongueandrecch. ’I‘heynnuhr w--- ..v...,. vâ€" to $9.15: rouglilfillwh 88240: goodfito choice heavy, 88.0 “I: pm. $8.” to ”$3; bull}:a of tum, ”kg. 1 ady n: cepâ€" ocemm'nu no : - tlve. mo to sun; in... ms to «.5: yurltngs. ".3 to “ 1..me M“ 34.50 to mo; nun uh to as. Chicago LM Stock. 7, CHICAGO. Oct. ”wattleâ€"Receipt. 7000: mnrket study: m. 84-5 to 37.”: Texas steers. 83.40 to ‘W: western users. $4.15 to $6.8): stock!!! and teedorn. 34.5 lo 5.60: cows tad m 83.5 to 840: calves. 87.2510 8.“. Hogsâ€"Receipt: 14.“: market Sc to 100 higher for light. 0M flaw: light. ”.9 to 83.60; mixeq. 88.53“”; ‘ljelVY. $3.13 A- n- .p, Receipts or ms he}. now In Milan: Sateen. ted tad waned. at 88.25. and $7.. to drovers. f.o.b. an st country points. Eu? Buffalo Ont“. Mu-‘ut. EAST RUFFALO. Oct. 18.-Cttfloâ€"-Ro- celpu x0 hand: slow and unchangod. Vaduzâ€"Receipts 50 m; «an Ind ates y. Bozoâ€"Ilccelpu son hand: active and 10° to 16¢ h12Per: haw. M: mixed. yorker. Ind pigs. $9.90 to 9.95: mush. $7.65 to 8: sun. 86 to 87.8: duh-ht. 8.15 to $9.60. Sheep and lamb-Mu we head: £32,: :Jxoep active; lamb. slow: hubs. . do One hundred nod {my val calm new at $3 to 8850 per cwt. Show and Lamlu. Sheep. ewes. told u “.50 to $5 not cut: runs 83 to 8.50; lamb. sold u Iron #5.” to 8.35. Feeders. Feeders of good quality sold readily OI Itendy prh es. Stout. coo to 150 1b.. each. told “865:0“: ‘00". “103M150. uch. at 9 m to'flS; Itockerl. $4.25 to “at. Milken and Springer. Montreui and Quebec buyers were deck Izn'n to-dny. paying some high prices. The sonenl runge or figure: val from 350 to N. with on. choice Holstein cow nt 890. Butchers. Prime picked cattle sold u from 88.18 to 38. but we only hen-d or one cholco helm:- bringing the Inner price. bond. or good. £5.25 to 85.56: medium. “.90 to 85.15; common. “.5010 35: cows. 83 to “.35; cannon, $2 to 82.5): pulls, 83.50 to 8.50. Hon Activo and High" at Halal.â€" Oatflo Rudy. NEW YORK. Oct. nâ€"London and UV- erpool cable- quote Amateur cam. Study at lane to mm: per 1b.. are-sod welagt; refrigerator boot, low: to he not poun . TORONTO, Oct. 18.â€"The railwnys reported 105 cat-10nd: 0! live stock In the City Market. consisting o! 18“ cattle, 1145 hogs. 2047 sheep 5nd lambs. with 150 calves. 68?: mini. 'i'Iiiéi'RRIRRQJ 8 g : New York Dairy "whom NEW 955. 60!. Sikflmmhfitnfl. “‘3h‘we‘qo‘flw :on Page! rm mm wm mm: awn raéfim do... “at“! «my waltémotim we“ mull mm. vII‘: micaaa do.“ Qimuflm «a. Mono 00d o rung!“ common I». MI". 10%“ to mo EnIâ€"Qum: whmzw mim- mu. .Livorpool and Chiclgo What Fm Clue Lowerâ€"Live Stock- " Latest Quotations. Tuesday Eveumx. Oct. 13. Liverpool when: futures blond to-d M to 95d lower than yesterdny; corn to “d 10m, December when: at Chicago cm to-' (“5' 56C lower than yesterday; Dean“! 39’? 39¢ higher. and December out. 9 hléiier'.‘ Toronto Dam Market. mm ”wafer. dam. lb“ Him ”9“. 8H.'1lt|| nu Mg}? enemas. kg“: Ht. ““9“ m‘““¥: ‘ H“ in “CW1“ nuuuuunu '3” WM “GHQ! \|\||II|\'\ is _.\I§h! \ z ”'3‘ flag)“, CATTLE MARKETS. Toronto Livo Stock. 3:959;- m Wham» OIIIORI. “GHQ! unuuu‘ :ugunuuuuun Val Calvu. CAMERON. Dre? uuuu MI uunu uuuunuuu uuuuuun uuuuuuuu lltill!‘l‘|il!“ per was served in) after which awry dong-mu: time 'vm spent in trip- ping the light mantle tlll the early ham-1,0! the morning. Onsumnhymtlln. G-H.Dm mouthdphgtouthcin the “Where the Good Clothes Come From” In the blue and black melton and beever overcoat: we hnve a fine line at populer aces -â€"8.00, 10.00, 1200, to 16 00. With road made shoulders, raised seems, plain or diagonal Italian cloth lined throughout. uvercoatun the gnutemeld “y“ made from 2} to 6 ears oldâ€"we have a fine line oi 5” 3‘8““ “WWW“: “w“ "WM ““1““ tweed andyworsted Buster Brown suits in the or Silk lined throughout, silk faced, new shades and make. Pnces 6.50, 2 75 We find men appreciate a good thing and we 4 to 8 years oldâ€"we have the blue serge and have it in a fine line of Scotch Bannockburn botany worsted sailor suits which are 5 no tweed overconts. in the new shades, exclusive very popular this season. Price $6 and 0 patterns, convertable 00"“ for mild 01' stormy Boys’ 2 piece suits made from fine English weather. Prices 18'00' ”'00, “'00! 10 no tweede and worsteds, with or without liloomel‘ 12-00 to eooeoooo ooooo o ssssssssssssssssss O mntpA .inovla nr dnnhln hmfrd variety (If B. J. GOUGH 8.00, 10.00 or 12.00 will buy you e fine Fall Overcoat in the Chesterfield style male from fine English cheviot ‘cloth, black or grey, Italian or silk lined throughout, silk faced, In the blue and block botany worsted suit: we hove valves tbat will dixcount the best a they are made by expert cutters, fitters and the most skilled work people in Canada. Pr eel 16.,00 15.,00, ll. ooooooooooooooooooooo C ooooooooooooooooooooo There's a smartness and a dash to our new There is always a shary demand for that Fall Suits that mark the wearer as a well-dress- popular raw edged, double laped seamed black ed man. These are made from fine English melton overcoat with wide lapels and hraai and Australian worsteda in the new weave, fitting shoulders, easy walking length $20 new shades, exclusive patterns and extreme At a close price .............................. values at 18.00, 17.00, 16.00, 15.00, 0 13.00, 12.00 and ....................... 8.0 affifffififlfif’?_,?ff’°°§_t§_ Plédf ,‘fréfn "WI." In. Wm. Fell-bu been on the lick lmtoroomotlmo. butwompleu- odtoboablotonhtoantahenow dpita holding an «edict low! sup- not be vary compliant! or carious time. but in now conddmbkv The good form of our clothes will im- press you. Styles for the coming seasons me within the bounds of grace and ()l geod form We see that every Suit or Overcoat we sellare perfectly fitted to the fig- ure, liberal and graceful lapels and broad sho- ulders. ~ ‘Men who pride themselves on their ability to select and wear good cldthes,-Correct C'lothes,‘-may now have the pleasure of seeing the choicest Models and the newest fabrics for Fall wear if they will call "Just for gloqk”. Boys’ 3 piece suits made from fine English "reeds and worsteds with or without bloomer Wafi‘of’sfifi t3 ?‘.‘: Wiff’ff’f.’ 3.00 Boys' 2 piece suits made from fine English tweeds and worsteds, with or without bloomer pants, single or double breasted, variety of patterns or shades, sizes 22 to 33. M2 50 Pnces 700 6.,00 5.,00 $4 to ....... Boys' 8 to 16 you oldâ€"we have a fine line Bunnockburn tweed overcoats with college co]- m in the new shades. Prices 8.00, 5 on 7.00, 6.00 to ........................... . Boya' Buster Brown overcoats made from fine English tweede in all the latest shades in stripe and check patterns, tab on sleeves and buttons tight to the neck with imitation lapels‘ ifif’ffiffi‘f’i"..7:‘.’f’.’:.‘i:‘.’f’:.f:‘.’f’.’.fz‘?f’ 2.50 aste 85° arugula hurls-hand tie. your 011010.850 hm dock and Implanents. the pro- 9.1.7~ at John may, lot 6. can. 0. Opt. 80.10 0.1: one o'clock and 0min; ad on Tuesday addressu willbegi _hynovn. J. P. Wilson of Way ind Mott of Oakwood. SALE REGISI ER '9 M 26 . --B}' Lindsay 1910 sale Stories at Less Than C: Every new odves (no M storivs. In amt). of mvidom in Meter-depict" twelve colors and m dominion is rec mac, WHHOUL 111" M of the con\onls- onus sketches. the nude. papers on i I! the fifty-m volume The ' prints {any two stories. The 8* the paper to Canaan that the stories cost I nnince. without rcckot stories cost The AnnOunm-mcnt many illustrated. S W particulars of 1 m hew features I m the paper. W “jams in m1. copies of cu Mons mm an he excelled ”mush 1 h( In 00mm Tm Nm In 0505M AND 0w Dres {or 1911. The subscrfl [asbional ism-Sacks Emnirc clot.) to Canada and the woollen wear and slum priced at 54 We mun-ails as comfurlau style from and the dis: and h wist'ma, W themâ€"leadi ersonl’oi two hand “'0 ea“ Rough gt‘ Lidia's wd 1 W012] lit \' outh wo ll HG

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