ti ways are relying on the other labor Janiou to declare a general strike. NOTICE TO INVESTORS. .â€" n hvo:!ewnntdmhnnmort- mhrndmwhichwomdh- pone ofupermhivingm torinvmttonetthcncpl centintuuLThmmmm guaranteed both atom indigestion. A purely vegetable sugar coated pill which can be easily taken by everybody. Cures headache, billiousness and E. GREGORY Mandrake Liver Pills Always reliable. Purely Vegetable. ySmall and easy to take Ready Mixed PAINTS The Canada Paint 095.; PRISM H ardware, Coal, Made from pure Lead and Oil. Mdemm M0.†J.G. Corner Drug Store 25c Per Box BRAND Highly amused at the girl’s patroniz- ing manner and not at all inclined to take her seriously. Emma looked at her with assumed gravity. “How's that, little sister?†she in- quired. “Please don't calf me ‘little sister,’ " objected Beth. “You' re always mak- ing fun of me." “My dear Beth. it is you who are always makinann or yourselt.†Em- ma told her. “Indeed I’m not!†“Why not laugh and play and just beaglfl-aml‘tomhoy? uteran. that's thanking; Ion are only eight- can. while“ have reached years at discretion, l'p twenty- ï¬ve, yon knot, T the end of the ï¬rst month passed in their new home Mrs. Brooks’ joy in the sudden and great change in her husband’s fortunes in the steamship company re- mained undlmlnished. Her mother Mrs. Harris, had come to look upon him with great respect and to be rath- or money on hand. and they found an apartment which so pleased them in a hotel where the arrangements appear- ed to be satisfactory that they decided to take it. Then Emma, with a light heart and a full purseâ€"which. however, did not remain long in its bulging conditionâ€" experienced for the ï¬rst time the un‘ alloyed felicity or shopping to he: heart’s content. and the tangible re- sult of her peregrlnations was a charmingly furnished nest. conspicu- ous among the objects in which was A: to Brooks himself. the exuberance of his optimism had worn off consid- erably.. He did not share to any ex- tent in the light heartedness of his wife, who diffused happiness and rip- pled It in joyous music on the piano and ln'songs that had smoothed out the creases of care on her father’s brow when she sang to him In the days at her girlhood. He had. become more and more thoughtful, with lapses at unexpected times into absentmind- edness. Moreover, of late, symptoms of his former lll humor and nervous irritability had reappeared. her coveted piano. She had followed Emma into her bedroom and was gazing 1n admira- tion at her sparkling eyes and her cheeks may with health. “1 am happy.†admitted Emma. put- ting her arm around her aflection- ately. “Do you know. dearie. I’m just be- ginning to know who and what you “Goodness, Emma, one would hardly know you!†exclaimed Beth to her one evening after d1nner.to which Mrs Brooks had invited her mother and sister. “Your dress is a dream. and at table you were positively radiant.†er. proud of her son-in-law. who had belied her dire prognostications and upset all her ï¬rmly rooted ideas and convictions by rising In the world. Ttwn'iflm ma'eturntogetupand' waits when aha had recovered nome- ‘ what from her Minion: They decided at her W to celebrate their good fortune forthwith by a banquet royal for two at one oi the fashionable restaurants. Baetily she donned her prettiest costume. and they set out. Never had ahe been no vivacious. never more charming. “Now." she raid joyfully. “you’ll be abletegetadreaeauitandlean have a piano." Thelack orapiano always hadbeen eauee tor keen regret. Then she began to consider how they might live more comfortably than they had been doing. Joe propoeed that they should avoid the housekeeping and servant problem altogether by living in an apartment hotel. He thought this would be within their means if they furnished the apart, meut themselves. He did not think it would cost more than living in a flat. Emma fell in with this View with ea- ger enthusiasm. Investigation proved the plan a little more expensive than they had har- gained for, but they had what ap- peared to Emma to be a fabulous sum CHAPTER IX. mumï¬m? ï¬rmwar- mugs-Inna»: “But Mrs. Harris was not to be sup. pressed by my dubbing from him. ‘ “Still.†she persisted. ‘51 think tor the money you are paying here"-â€" - “For the money I am paying here,†he retorted. f‘I'm satisï¬ed. it seem to methatthatiaanthereiatoit." dinner. Yes. on the whole, I liked the dinner. But it I were you, Joe. I‘d complain about your waiter." “What's the matter with him? asked Emma. “Rather impertinent andâ€â€" “That waiter anits‘me. and I haven’t heard Emma kicking,†out in Joe. Brooks was In dinner coat and bore other. external evidences of his pros- perity. which, however, was being purchased at considerable physical cost. for be had become thinner and was pale and haggard. The worry his new position ogcasloned him was plain to be seen, and he was In an em ecrably surly mood and as nervous as the proverbial cat. ltba'ately steal.’ was engaged In her usual pleasant oc- cupation or criticisingâ€"or “knocking." as Joe called it. ' “As I was saying to Joe," observed Mrs. Harris, turning to Emma _and Beth. “for a hotel of. this character the cocree Is not what ltjnight be. It’s terribly bitter. Otherwise I liked_ the “loan’tmderstandhmoamcaado- In the parlor Mrs. Harris at tan- ning herself. for it was a very warm day..8hewudressed1nagown 0: summer flnery that would have been more ,suitable to her bad she been. done! You know tho captain tad flu- u Ind been gone the. duo boron Joo know tho good news." “When m'they coming back? No! to: a month annoy.†“Joe says he doesn’t know.†“Isn’tltmnnythatwlthallhhlnck he doesn't seem continued? Emma beam. grave. “He’s worried. poor dear. and I can't make it out." she said. “Perhapo am so anxious to succeed in his new pod- '. ï¬fteen years younger. and she .. 1.x" ‘ aiâ€"X‘Iv’l‘!) 1' “So do I.†said Emma. “I wont to .thnnk him for Joe’s mine." ’ “You’ll do nothing of the kind!" 0:- ploded Brooks furiously. “1 not you- ,an to understand here and my that myhnsinensismybnsinen Idon’i want it dincnnsed with either Smith or Willlamn. What I’ve got 1'" not; no it in nobody! m but mind. At that moment the telephone he! runs. and Emma answered it. “Yes, right up.†she instructed the operator and. hanging up the receive: turned with an eager smile. “I’ve got a surprise for you.†she sgid. “Guess who's calling? Some one who wasn't expected for a month." » “Jlmsy.†cried Bqth. “Jhnsy Smith. mum back tron: Guatemala." Joe’s eyes widened. and the little color in It faded from his face. He was very much startled by this unex- pected visit. but kept sumclent contml over himself not to make the test too apparent. Now. it any of :61: have 36¢ anything “Yes. i an†be snapped. “I don’t play mm but i like to look 'em over. What of lt?’ “They’re awful." declared Beth. “That's exactly why most men steal money." “Well. dearie. Joe isn't stealing mon- ey or playing races. 00 don't get won- ried." commented Emma. a little madly. Mrs. Harris persisted. “Captain Williams any! that the “Why. Jot. what's the matter?’ in qnlredhlnwthgnnngnthmtnu- tonlnhment. He turned hh wan he. toward hex. end there was a look as at entxut: and-apology in his eyes, under which the dark circles appenred to have deep- ened, as he repliedâ€: “I'm tired and nervous. I think I'll walk down the street." “Oh, but you've got to take no to the theater." Beth told him. “Mother hasn’t seen the play at the Renal:- will take us and come for u won’t you. Joe?†“I suppose the capture with him." surmised Beth. ‘ Her mother expressed the hope that sauce. and you can’t get seam-not a single oneâ€"even from speculators. I promised to take her." - “Where do I come la?" Mrs. Harrls answered for her: “You just take us; call for us other the show. and put as on a car." “We slmply can't mlss this chance. can we. mammal†said Beth. “You “13 Captain Williams with him?" in- quired Mrs. Harris. “I, don't know." answered Emma. “I wonder what bring: hlm~heck1 He wasn’t expected for a month or It: 'ummmmmmm' cacti-elm. M “All M h" manual. Wand magnum-11' mom mom their arm Ill-'1 4°“ Ilmoywm a. world :- com: to!†“Wasn't It terrible about M on "with: walking out. of tho but Mummrnu M “I can’t w hov‘ n ma ell Mummy Ml." mum mocha. “m1: who then Isn’t 8 cm unearth arm-m." “Bd- tho nun who u" ‘1 tho W“Oh. l know-what .11me can: the dope sheet." and Emma. @1101. it I‘D. Mrs. Hum looked horriï¬ed. “Joe, you consul: mn’t mum-M In neonâ€"hora meal?†the Interro- better to" my about than mined men. thieves and { now: who go wrong?" “Oh. I suppose so." he acquiesced. I little wearlly. Emmnntedtoknow. “In an Inn plenty of an '0 think ltmr. Thomaâ€: u't ,Immm-tormnmum." “1 1d: sonny to: h!- wm. poor woman." â€marked Beth. “She'll have to stand most of the trouble." Brooks Jumped up Impatient». bit- ln: his mil. with annoyauco. “Whom m. not or this paper?†I" demanded. “I not the put with the It’- chaplimm‘uï¬tpl ï¬aï¬vï¬bfortlm. «we-an» ‘mbancflddincgunadptdpdu amok!" 'yn"iteun into 9013f“! MN up, with a lot of puma bluejacketl on board. looking for tvoublo. 80 the postponed their chute 0f WWW“ Indeï¬niteâ€. We had been delved so long by then follow!â€- “may." objected Beth. “Dart an than ‘them fell-Is: " , “Nor ‘ “No. Say ‘thm fenowl} " duo-1M dehnohdno mdm dneo; Icahn. utlymdthentoovuypcuu vbhuéubhdthamalm†. Hr. !. H. Wood. Crystal, m, “its: “Fucmflyunlwumfly with 7m pin- intho Liver. I 1nd anal. 60,0801! “tend me but yithout mucus Athstlmgdvindtotry W’s Ian-Liver Pint. wk! alter “Yon mean war!" demanded Beth. deeply inteneeted. “Not according to Hoyle. This game was just for conversation. Anyway, things looked a little bad. so we stay- ed there until one of the dons threat- ened to put an in Jail and burn up on: wnrehonnen. We were delayed a con- ple of weeks. nnd one morning the my 01‘ forty-two general-1nd that private- enw the United Staten cube! Severe Pains In The mat. twvv â€mr.mon0o.muwm1 “Stung!" he laughed. "Thank you. Beth! Won, you know cup and I won golnztomnkentrlpntevery portot all the Latin-Amman company bu. but when we got to Gnatemnln wo found out that n couple of those don- ‘down there. being out 0! john, hnd concluded to pan: the time awn: by pulling 08 one of their monthly mo- lutlono and. among other thlngl. were sewn: very w m 9'" "QM-'7- look all right in that dress.†he broke off. contemplating her with admit-snob. She stamped her foot Impeflonnly. “Never mind me. Talk!†“And please say something." added IILBUBN’S lAXA-LIVEI PILLS Beth. W reputation? Pretty good. eh!" ‘Bnt 00min Williams and tho Ito- ryf' urged Emma. “What I not to know.†chum! hot mother: “h. Did the captun com: with you!†“So do I." and Brook; with hardly conceded anxiety. “Well. you know It took no two months to do all this. and you can’t folks will lit 6 story or my u Mn: only when my annulled ml! Beth. muted good. eh!" ~You look Imam)..." . “I'm better than tut. Now. I: you folks will sit down I'll all you tbt story or my wonderful adventures, lying only when necessary to protect my unsound reputation. How u that. “Lulu. I with M unturnedmmodlmmhodo! cm! can earn! 3nd tat udlu warm; mulla- to. roam m'onl'dou 01 ' 315°: Jun: Ho'- :- In" I" '0 Imus" tanned Both. mm m ' comm hand-ban. “Wheu’u Captain woman!†and “All In dufflm when I IN! N m†1|an limit. a. vent our to Brook- ud about and: with him. “Glad to no you. u..- M 0M- "rank you. Jim. 83m to "It Awmmcmmms! LMVIALSO’ Had Several Doctors. “howâ€"iii mr NM hi taken comm): MM a: n ma unwind tor We! inn" demanded Beth. you Mr Jack Lynch. of South Ops, mtakingaloodot _ha.yto the hm House stables through tho haCk Ian.- v-n ‘lh'u'sdny when U» m upset lowing the whole load on the slaw-1k. ft m that the pavmt in n littlo mined at that 'ldon'tknowwhatmmdln.â€ho Minuhonngvou “The money you've taken.†“I! you In: I've taken money. you’re 1;eran “(haunt- unpt at Bum Migration. But the wand- cuno mm between an NM. mind up!» “Joe. Joe." abated his friend stern- U. “thbgln‘tnoumomtonrnmhwltn Ina. ruthMyoo needono “How found out?†demanded Brooks. m up and racing him. very seen the play. and we've got the Inst two out." Emu nccompnnled her mother 10¢ sister to ‘ her bedroom to help them do‘n their hats. When the door had cloned upon them Smith‘n attitude changed entirely. me smile vanished tron an ace. tad he went over to Brook: and plied! both hand! on his shoulders. “Joe, yon'l'o found out.†he “00Ҡmutations I will have to have tho details to your Imaginations.“ ‘1‘ consider that a moat mum In: story.†pouted Beth. “OM. beside: you’re keeping us from the theater." “All going?†queried Smith. ‘75:; New? Orient. and a couple or an has I came direct to New York.†"rhea he is here?" said Mrs. Buds wrecked on the m." “But yen haven't told us anything thou: the m," Beth reminded him. “Wu it exciting!†“Wen. :- the only things that wave shot oi! were even! hundred mouth “No, 'Just' Beth and me." explained Kn. Han-ll. “Emma and Joe ha" “Wen. Beth. I've known than grea- u-Idown mwmmu m tdlowg'md It I and them mthlnxclurmammrdhsvetobe «GENUINE: GASTORIA ALWAYS The Kind: You: Have: Always Bought Rheum, We in a W substitute ior Cantor on, Pam. Judo. Wald 8m Syrups. It is Pleasant. It Mu lather Opium. Morphine nor other Sarcotic Moe. its use is its guarantee. It dash-ow \\ 0er and alien Famine“. It cures Diarrhoea and \\ ind 00110. It relive Teething Troubles, cures Constipation end Macy. It Mullahs the Food, regul.m s the 'Stomach-and Bowel“, giving healthy and natural sleep. "The Children’s Panaceaâ€"The Mother’s Friend. item You Bowman-glut. and which has been b no {or over 30'1â€â€œ, has borne the signature of W “a m boon made under his pen. shah! 'wldon since its infancy. . â€"110 one tn deceive you in this. An Contaieith, Imitaticm and “Just-as-good†are but Eminent- W trifle with and endanger the health 01 [m and CMW against Experiment. What Is CASTOR IA ln{Uso For Over 30 Years ‘I'III WI â€.257". 77 IUIIAV m. I" 70' cm. .50â€. â€"iiulâ€"by and by his earnestnws and mat um devotion to the cause of (‘th (r, 1:. “ml. men. did much to stimula'te and -: n'ain n "10Mâ€? mun-st in this noble 30?}; km: 1. l Smith. out the county. In this our first [(131.6 saw conveguon since his death, xi=s :‘n 8°C the last .111: kindly museum and msk w. rt press our high appreciation ,,-_ '< r " “w “Resolved that we, the membw: if I†m Chip- East and West Victoria ;:‘«:rs' Association assembled here In :I‘r.‘ In W vention desire to place (z wan: minded Mm. our deep sense of loss susta‘nec‘ the county in the death cf tine 1232 F mt m J. E. Knight. For many j.'-?ars,1.'r. m m Knight went in and out among as t: mmï¬ .‘doing his work faithfully an'3 (550'? juring Hrs. Redman and Gilloway. Douglas was jealous becauso m not invited to the dance vv LARGE SHIPMENT. It. W. B. loom shipped ; .a‘t‘ge cu- load of flu stock, mm: 3w“. â€an W03 Falls (0 Tune.“- “"53' Inc-day max-nix. KILLED SWEETHEAR'I‘. Columbus, Ohio, Oct. 17:.â€"â€\ r' :- ning PiStol battle between 1w"? Jmeï¬, Creedon. Zetty, mu? (mm: M133. a South Carolina retro, W in the policemen gettin; tin-i: man ï¬lter wounding him. m ï¬ght occurred early (his My ":1- ing ‘11 the darkness. Dough“ :Lud Mt up the home of Mrs. W. killing his 5“ ('0‘- 1‘. (:2 Y“ ' , “v“‘fC‘ :A Resolution ““87“? and ï¬delity as a citizen and a public omcial will be long ' 'ET: remembered by the teachers a. county." no resolution was carriei mommy. of Condolence . his swmthea r? . years old. and In- Oct. ‘14.-'.\ yr" between at?“ 422‘s Etty, and Hourge [1 Carolina negro. man «of tiny their 25 cell’o Simpson :tor. His nam- THE Lindsay Bra: msm Y OCT PAID-UP CAPITAL. LONDON. ENG.: 2 Lo MEXICO In addition to £11 in every Province 01 and in the principal an“ is thoroughly other banking bUSiI Capital Pa Rest Undivided THIS 'r' transacte Savi Bran Provmce < Ihe m 10 u. 3 ()‘clan- “tux-dogs 10 to mt. per anumq Ins been declar‘ the same will S‘turdayy the The trin- I Septem‘xfl‘. b sun EDMUND Ofï¬ce H‘ once OF ES'