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Watchman Warder (1899), 27 Oct 1910, p. 13

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‘; newest silks, correct n for Skunk" Fcking Stiff or wed you. ANTED see that you get just right, proportion just :kwear L an Italian camp o! ”as. m! lbmcem ls olonged to the black had. returned a \‘rrdirt 0: not ‘tate Ernie: and Rock Insurance Co. 8 nd. issue an Extended nlicy. giving 83.00 per week for can-ed by forty prevalent dio- 050000 for parable: of two otal blindness caused by any mium Only $3.00 glad to than you the galley. coats include the very Ftfles and stemi-fitting military and shawl (.101- Kersey diagonals and nuns, black, navy, green, blue and grey. Special H. KIDD SCIAL OFFERING LA 0153’ COATS Furnishings 1| Insurance 9.95 AY, OCT. 27. Insurance. «Mr Hartley. Oct. 13‘ a man Hum mtwr. of Mangrove. Ewen. ms H19 guest of Miss mm Sm on Hnndav Mr and Mrs ”BMW. 0’ HM» mam! m m village Rev. 1». herd; of Mfl NM MMMM QM ”Mp“ in mum 9W Mr. and ms. mama Wicks, have moved back from Cobamnk to If. 'I‘hvs. Wicks place. a short ways tram the Vinage, Mr. M. Greer, in, has imprOVed his residence by building a new kit- ?hen and repainting. We are sorry to hear that Mr. Al- die Le Crow is on the sick list at present, but hopé for his speedy re- emery. Mr. G. W. Allely, general merch- ant of this Village, has repainted his more which makes quite an improve- mcnt to the place. We are sorry to hear that Mr. Matthew Greer, an. pasted aWay Irom this world to a. happier home. The death took place on Sunday. the 2'3 in the afternoon. The bereaved (-nes have the sympathy o! the com- munity. Nommm) .\ Nor-land. Oct. 24. - Mr. Richard Day and lamlly have returned (tom the power house when they spent Hm summer months. There friend: were all glad to welcome them once more. An account of accident that occur- red to the inmnt chfld of Mr. Ruth- odor-0's will be (cum! in 830th.“ CO)- umn. The success of the fowl supper was due. in part to support given by Fen- elon Falls people. It is said that over fifty from the (Outcast Village were present. Conpaflaons are al- ways odious but Just count up . the Cameronltea that were present. church. Messrs. S. Bea]. F. Care'w, H. Woods and M. Moms, of Lindsay, attended the fowl supper hero. firs. R. Cooper. of Lindsay, is via- iting ”fiends in our vicinity. bor hood of one hundred dons}; This should prove a. valuable nest~ egg in the treasury ‘0! Victoria. On Tuesday eveningzu fowl supper Was served in the basement of the rhurt'h. The whole neighborhood Hm (I shoulder to shoulder to make flu.- ufi‘air a success. as that the immense crowd was well erVided fur and enough was left to give abundance to the crowd who attend-‘1 c-d tho social the following night. After the fowl supper a. program by singing “ God Save the King. ” The net proceeds were in the neigh- Dr. Redditt, of Toronto, preached an eloqm-nt sermon here in the after- no.1}. Special music was provided by the choir and Miss M. S. Powles rendered an excellent solo. A large congregation was present and all seemed impl‘eased by M. ice-(Nuts rerun-ks. POWLES’ CORNER Powles’ Corner, Oct. 2-2. -â€" On Sunday and Tuesday last the annual anniversary services were conducted in Vutoria. church. On Sunday ReV. WANTED. - HOUSEMAID AND cook to go to Toronto. Four in ramly. Uespectable referenges. Good wages, good home. Apply 100 Spadina. Road. Toronto. Druggist, {Lethe very best that moneys“ buy. For Itrength. purity. delicacy and unmi- mess of flavor our extract: cannot be ex- celled. They cost no more than nanny imcrior extracts. If they cost twice as much they would be the cheapest to buy â€"thc_\' go so much farther apd prodpce so much better results. ~ : - : Vanilla, Lemon. Stre- , Pineapple, Almond, etc. We prepare a. line of flavoring extract: :2: at every good cook ahead-how at. These extracts are the finest that I mud care can produce. “the hxredieutdmed ar e the very bet; that money can buv. A. HIGINBOTHAM Flavoring Extracts ‘ HARTLEY THURSDAY, OCT. ‘27, $919. my: Kobe! Lindsay; Ont. l was would extend a eordlal welcome -r> Mrs. Norman rem.“ returned "‘- lll'r Ullcnmt or to on the rest of the good people of mm home on Mt)!!!” of la: week. but formerly 0' MI). dl field to come and dwell wlth us. after a week‘a.vigu um, Mud: in mm and m hurled I Milan. Mr; Dan 5mm! was e business He: 'l‘oronto. 4 that afternoon a an." Mar to the county town on Wednes- flfl. Inloolm mmllum and «lich- Rev. A. J. I“. W mm; day 5! am week. ~ m mule, «mm mm mm in Mad am am. Sun. X12 J, V. SKI)!!! It“. on Mfli MW!“ “It week. \ M m, M m -- . «M W: in. and m. Jul»: mm- and du- the more!“ ml mug. We learn that Mr. Hector Cams» ban and familyof Kh‘kfiefid am noon move to Woodvme. We will gladly welcome them to our midst, and would extend a cordial woleoma ‘o the rest or the good people 5mm field to come and duel! with us. Woodvnle, Oct. 24.-â€"Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDonald visited friends in Lindsa‘y last Weeki ‘Mr. G. F. Leonard, superintendent of representatives of the C. B. (1.. Toronto, was a visitor here last Fri- Partridge hunting is the order of the day, and reports are that thure are Quite a number of the birds to be had. . Miss Bertha Beech. teacher at Miner’s Bay, paid Kinmount a.visit last Saturday. Continuation service will be held in the Roman Catholic church here next Wednesday. ’ Miss Moore, of Lindsay, visited at Mr. Levin’s during the week and. Sneak thieves fluted the chickens belonging to Mr. Beech and carried on‘ a. low fowl. Rev. Mr. Currie. a! Toronto, was othe preacher in the Presbyterian church on Sabbath. He spoke from the words, “Bear ye one mother‘s burdens.” He is out in the interests of the Dominion Alliance. KINMOUNT. Kinmount, Oct. 24.-â€"Last Friday evening the‘Rev. Mr. Sweeney. D.D.. Bishop of Toronto Diocese. held con- Ulrmacion services in St. Jamee’ church here. He gave an address on “He called them by their name," 'He was assisted in the service by the minister from Hallburt'an. and Rev. Mr. Lawrence. About a dozen young‘ peopie were confirmed. The many friends of Mr. J. Brown will sympathize with ”him in ms affliction in the "non-use of hfs hand." ‘ Mr. Swain, of Lindsay, passed through the village this morning. Mrs. McFadyen and her tum daugh- ters, Mrs. Buir and Mrs. McMillan, spent Saturday in Lindsay. Miss M. Morton and Mr. W. Barker spent Friday in town on business. Mr. and Mrs. .Rob. Spence enter- tamed a. number of the members or the choir Sunday evening. Mrs. B. McArthur visited under the parental roof. Miss Jessie and Mr. D. McArthur, of Mansg-rove, Eldon, and Miss An- nie McMillan, of Palestine, were the guests of Miss VM. Campbell. Miss Nellie Kidd, of Toronto, was the guest of Miss Nellie Brown over Miss Ella. Moran,.oi Palestiné, is visiting friends and acqued‘htances. “or to the - undisputed repetation which it attainea in previous years. After supper the many friends dis- peljsed to the church in the expect»; tion of an excellent progrem. Dis- appointed ? No, just the reverse, fsince it far surpassed shy ever given in Hartley. Rev. Mr. Whatham, pas~3 tor, acted as chairman. Miss Lapp,‘ of Little Britain, favored us with a; number of readings, which were en: joyed by everyone present. Great ap- ;p1-ause was given Mr. Weeks. of Wood ville‘, and Mr. Plank, of Lomerville, who rendered excellent solos and duets, with Miss Hancock as accom- panist. The choir likewise contrib- uted much to the eveMng's enjoy- ment. Interesting addresses were de- ‘ livered by Rev. Mr. Steele, of. Glen- arm, and Rev. Mr. Elliott, of Oak- wood. Ltev. .llu'.‘ Dupraq. of Martina, who conducted V both'annivei'sary services ihere on Sunday, was favored with ‘an exceptionally large audienqe. In1 connection. with the anniversary, 3 fowl supper was given Monday even: ing in the hall; ‘ Its success was- WOODVILLE. Mr. and ma. 8am Epth. of Goldwater called on Mada here In“ m. to attend to Ms large interest: at that place. Mr. Dan Jameson was a business vtaotor to Cannington . last week. due, Pure bleached Table linen, 72 in. wide, double Damask, in hendsome’florel and conventional designs. Per yard ' 75 2.00, 1.50, 1.25, 1.00 and . . . . c Pure bleach Table Linen, 66 inches wide, in fancy floral design; an excel- 50 lent cloth for the price. Per yd, c Half bleach Table Linen. double da- mask, all pure linen, 72 inches wide, in handsome floral patterns. Price 75 per yard, 1.50, 1.25, 1.00 and 0 Half bleach Table Linen, 72 inches wide, woven in fancy floral patterns. flue th d. P d 50; 33:".nff ...... if? ....... .c. 350 Half bleach Table Linen. 56 in. wide, good weighty cloths in ‘pretty floral designs. Price per yard 25C Table Linens ghter Douala called an friend. here last week. ' Mr. A. E. Bubbuck “MM the at'home given by King George the V. W A. r. a A. a. u Coho! com: on New 0: Int m. um lit-y 0mm» 0! till. plm. huh formally of fishy. 1ch m In» May and m but-M lut mm» m amt-noon u mourn. luv. A. a. tum M u .H‘ Mud Mu MAM. Ammmmm as“ Come and see the best value in Roller lowellings yuu’ve ever in plain and fancy linén, hematitched, some with drawn work. A (mt variety. Price each 1.00, 75c, 50c, and 25c Fine double Damask Linen Table cloths, 2x2} yds. and 2x3 yds, to pretty floral, and conventionaldesign a. Price 2 50 each4.00, 3.50. 3.,00 2.75 and Fancy hemetitched Table clothe 2x2§ yards double damask’ beautiful!) finish- ed an pretty floral patterns Price each 5. 00 and ........ . . ”4 no Pure bleach Linen Table Cloths. 2x2} yards, in fancy floral patterns, 2 no hemmed ready for use. Price . Table Cloths THANKSGIVING . SALE or mums p w % ECLIPSES ALLLi Tray Cloths 7' FORMER EFFORTS . --vw u-w~-u' “Ir-cu. . 'V' ' an of Ikme members the “undue. my lunch 3'; m“ by a.“ M- bun. Bob I! A name. mnotIaI-m‘nm-L Map. mmmmuuuupu mam-u. mam-um- u: mummmmudt “musmhomotm.mlm ~ union by .n mum on the Nb- W W. mumâ€""mu, mu m M o! Intuit m mum W- m a» bum." All [um mum. w Am. in. Smart. or newsman. ....._ “M him-cu.“ Inn“ “mum-smutu- lemma-o muchmmmmm in. u mum. «at. his um- mm In. M. It. - has. m. but m an u um. “ [Mutiny meet!“ at the homo at m. n. mer- on Thur-d” “- Ouneron. Oct. 24.-â€"'rhe Cameron M o! the Women's Indium: hold CAIERON. in plain Linen Btttenburg embroided gffectsfinpd drawn gag-k. A great collec- tion. Price 3.00, 2,50 2.00 1.75,l.,501_.,251'.,00 75c and doz. 5.,00 4.50, 4.,00 350. 3.,00 275and ooooooooooooooooooo Extra. fine quality pure bleach Linen Table Nspkins, 24x24 inches and 26x 26 inches, double damask in handsome flare! and ‘cgnvensigna! designs. Per jA_ inn Pure bleach Linen Table Napkins size 22x22 inchei, fine even weave in floral and conventional decigne. Price per dozen. ....... . 2- 00 oooooo Pure bleach Linen Table Napkins, size 20x22 inches, fine soft finish, in floral and conventional patterns. Price] 35 per dozen ........................... o Five O'clock Tea. Cloths to u» m- “Table“ Napkins ed encouraging to an present. lWindrem and Hut m It. was “a by vote no; to send stroke of work than u mu mvdnmuon In more» b to from the bunch. but um five an Inna-nun” from the dim-m h oyr. In. new Name I. dwnnpmuoomolmnut- ouubyuqudu Incl. Anathema-flu and ‘ run under it. Bola h In ’: 2.50 50c and in Turkish Loco, pure linen and Bataan- bnrg, 3" sizes all prices from 50c 5 each down to c oooooooooooooooooooooooo Genuine Old Black Huck Towels, 23x 45 inches, hem-titched with fancy ucin finished borders. Price each 1.25 50 1.00, 85c, 75c and ............. c Linen Runners {mm it. lithium MOM “bulging.- m-‘VM mun-me I." 391970» w. \th my 0.- It. Rom Numthlnprofl-‘m hon-W‘h-nrdmnnm Table Doiles ammed, resdy for use. 50c

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