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Watchman Warder (1899), 27 Oct 1910, p. 1

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CT. 20, 1910 lte lves on their wear good~ irmay now seeing the the newest hey will call The first; report of the tests of the Lindsay ozone purification plant made by representatives of the Provincial ' ‘ was adverseâ€"the ozone process was not the entire 3W3 guaran: ' teed by Mr. J. Howard Bridge. the inventor. The second test. although not yet in' print. also be adverse. ' it is expected will suit of the tests just completed, have stated that there is only one outstanding fault of any in rtance, namely, the water is not re? ceiving the quantity of ozone being generated and which it should ‘ceive. The experts admit that if the ozone can be applied proper- ly. that the system will be " All wool and a yard wide,” or that it will be 0.1:. They admit that the electric system of purification as exists in the Lindsay plant would be second to none in the world as a purifying system if the electricity could be properly applied. or if all the ozone could be commingled with the water. The filtered water at'the present time is good, the excellence or purity so far obtained being-the result largely of the filtration and aeration processes, but yet the water isnot entirely or absolutely freed from bacterial germs. ' 7 . As a result of the tests made on the first day it was found that the raw river water, as taken in at the intake pipe, contained 97 per cent. bacteria and after passing through the filter was reduced to 84 per cent. After passing through the aeration stage. which includes the ozonization this percentage was‘reduced to 11. ‘There-is not enough ozone forced into the water to make it absolutely free from bacteria, but yet it is claimed that the water is lit for drinking purâ€" passeâ€"that there is not enough bacteria to do any harm. Chlorine will disinfect the water, but will not cw its color ‘ .5 or rid it of the bad taste. The next best step to be taken towards 1y pure water. suggested by the chairman of the 0‘ Commissioners and approved by the sntireboard. is to employ acorn- petent expert to visit the plant with the view to ascertaining . just how much horse-power would be necessary to pump enough ozone down into the flared water to get the required wholesomsness. The result will be awaitedwith interest. and the all-important " (‘an the ozone be so applied as to wholly purify the Ii so then the system will be an ultimate success. but if own into the water or cannot be pro- promised by Mr. J. seasons are 'ace and of .t every Suit ’Tis the take at this season of the year. We naturally get ready for the cold weather, isonothlng more seasonable, than See our Ladie’s Golf Coats long t as well and there woollen wear. and short, they are exceedingly smar In every color, pattern and as comfortable. style from $1.00 to $6.50. Ladie’s wool knitted underskirts in grey, grey ' and black cardinal and white, $1.50 to $2.50. Dress Goods Rough goods are the proper thing this season, and the diagonals take a prominent place among themâ€"leading colors are black, navy, grey, is four in-hand tiaa - choice 25c question is water ? " more ozone cannot be forced d perly applied, then it will not be the success Howard Bridge. at al. flellliln'l for that -pell seamed black lllpcls and broad ing length. $20 least 12 feet in his opinion to known it would require a head of at head invest the water with sudlcient osone by suction. tlie present Os ............. itll imitation lupcls‘ W . 5.00, 4.00 2 50 sssssssssssss . We call your attention to our assortment of , Dress. ’Nevertheless, the experts, Dre. Nasmith and Argiihald. as the re- Dr. Nasmith says that while it is the most perfect puriflcsnt remits maria From . -0 latest shark-s in wisteria, amethyst and brown, these goods are uh on sleeves nnl - ' 1’01“..qu “no“ 3.! Q. ‘l i III"; ' I I ' “#‘I i ‘ . ‘ priced al’. .500, 750 and $1 yard. . Lindsay plant. ‘ 5". “z ‘ ‘ " ' ‘ ‘ q " ‘t We “ rest on our oars “ and await the result: of the next step. - Dom: GOVERNIEXT BLAM- ED 1'08 STATE OF AFFAIRS The failure of the 'Dominlon Gov- ernment to take steps to ameliorate the conditions among the Indians of Alma reserve by‘putting a stop to tbs spectacular parade- of. the In- dials at Fall fair! was condunnell atJthe closing session of the General Board of Missions of the Mist church in Canada yesterday at 1'0- ronto. W mule. CORN ER' â€"PEA‘RSON. The residence of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Corner. Wilford, Ont., was the scene of n pretty wedding on Tuesday afternoon. Oct. 18. when their daughter. Gertrude. was united in' marriage to Captain Pearson. of the‘Otonabee Navigation Company. The ceremony «as performed by Rev. Mr. Johnston. in the presence of re- latives and intimate friends. Miss Woodard supported the b ids, fir. Will. Corner acted a man. Captain and Mrs. will reside at 576 Stewart-st.. terboro. O LAMBâ€"LEA . day afternoOn in decorated with ferns. mums and gladioius America. The brill: was bro ht in by . aifi as“ v. while ture there Was for a fellow grooms- salary. The marriage oi Miss Estella Marv ‘ l f r. Lea. daughter of Captain and Mrs. 8.“ nong so E Charles W. Lea. and Rev. Percival Korland Lamb. B.A., fifth son of church, Leaside. oi which Mr. Lamb is curate in charge. The church Was chrysanthe- The Rev. T. W. Paterson. M.A.. rector of Christ church. Deer Park, officiated. her I l‘ji ‘ ii In. curate of St. Mary Magdalene. ’l‘o- ihe wedding. march. was caught with a wreath of lilies was in the city yesterday and gave an interesting talk to the students of the Federal College. The prin- cipal, George S. Houston. is an old friend of the Colonel's, both haVing been school teachers in the east. Shortly after eight, when “ fighting .. . msnt, there was scarcely a problem Sam walked ““0 0" Mb“ conceived of the human genius could room of the college. he was warmly not solve wm; the splendid ad- apphuded by the ““6”“ “d ‘ “"5 vantages. they had in this are“ 0‘ their elder lady friends. Ml" country he did not heSimlae to say Houston extended him hearty greet- that they could womplish mm. logs on behalf of the instittdlon and they set themselves to do Income former residents of the Victoria fld' regards th were handica- pod lathe which the colonel represents in west 'l‘heeyy had" their longp ’ w ing. 3 .1 We": . .22: .. m ....... m .. w... ghee Spo o no we 0 of the world. but with the opening and himself as bosom friends both ' oitheHudsonBayrolItetheywould liming been teachers in the old days be! it to the front I of the when teachers had to exist on 0"" whet o: the world. ary of $400 or $500ayear. He used to wonder. he said, what fu- FACTORIES IN THE WEST. on. that One could not afford to buy Be him- day was fast approaching com- The when the cities and farming munities of the west would not be content to .have their manufacturing done in Eastern Ontario, but would have in Regina manufactories by the He had, while in Winni- peg. been informed that a factory was being established there for the tures and gone into politics. there was even less~ money in that. However, he had been able to mull- He went on to the value of encouraging the boys and girls and military career be it a safe principle instead t and that they them in Winnipeg just as easily as in Toronto, Montreal. New York, Paris or London. Why couldn't they have such another factory Regina ? he asked. Take for speak‘ of words to stated that in his had always found to trust his fellow man, and of threatening condlne punishlnen for wrong-doing to leave it to their manhood, self respect and regard for the good opinions of the community to keep them straight. It worked suc cessfully in camp at Kingston when he had three thousand men under his .39 that the amber 9! «- linquents had been ”doesn’t. two during last yur‘s camp. He refer- red to the many opportunities the young people in this city and in the west generally had to succeed in life. ” And," remarked the speaker. " talk as you may, we want to get “1. as well not Oshawa the Eaton Co. had in stance. the .blue jeans which the farm hands and laborers wear. Why could those not be manufactured here as in the'esst ? One factory in New York alone turns out a mil- lion women's blouses, and that was the fiftieth part of what was turned out in the United States. In hund- reds of hands engaged in the manu- Empire cloth for the making of Kimonss, r-Sacks, etc, they are Persian designs and very the and she wore we have a lllli‘ line of the valley. ts with cullvge col- l‘°‘.’:“...i‘.‘.‘?‘.’:. 5.00 . l . . have a hue line of Brownsuits in the ‘ l'lCcs ii 50, 2 15 b. ........... . lug, fashionable at 12§c a yard. brooch with earrings to match. She 34w” «co-W .WWWWM carried an ivory bound prayer book. Unfeigned regret reigns over the lung continued arduous tolling in the news that partnership which existed cause of Christianity. He has been Her codain Miss Constance Hundali for 26 years between Messrs. Cyoss- in Lindsay 'during his campaign and gem as. bridesmaid aw . ley and Hunter. evangelists. has had his illness is much regretted. white silk “wider-ed. mull to be dissolved through the physical The‘Christisn Guardian in its cur- pink trimmed with chiflon rose bein ' ' gs disability of Mr. Hunter. _ rent issue expresses regret that Div- The names and evangelistic '0“: leaves and buds. and large rose 'e the billc serge and - ift th in a position in life that will bring steam s g . an we yst and pearl u. Mr “and“ “mm“... TRANSPORTATION l-nbnnmis. - The colonel spoke of the transpor- in tation problems as being among the we" most important to a country's well- and referred to the fact that bk“ the haulage of charges on coals from inc Providence has at last parted . . . Mt 0‘ brocaded satin with “1‘“ lLlethbridge and the mountain region to Regina were greater than the cost lecture of similar gaments. Why pay freight on these from Canadian and European centres when they could have them manufactured at their own doors ? ' AS To HIGHER POLITICS. Introducing what he termed higher politics, he said he hoped to see Canada and the other nations of the finpire enjoying the fuller partner- wllich are rice 3,; and 5.00 ‘ of Crossley and Hunter are as fam- from mp 15. "1' ' 0‘13 in Canada as were those of men. The mum tribute on on... I _. ” , ‘-~ ”h ‘ Moody and Sankey in the United Guardian will and a responsive note bw' Sh. “1 Pink amnion" 0‘ mining “‘9 ‘uel- Th“ “and“ ship with the mother land which ()l' Without hummer Qt tee R v Mr Hunt has fall and wore "19 8700'“. 81“. a period c PM the poo 1,, in W8 10am to reastul variet ’ of .. a : e . . er on of sympathy wherever the works of brooch. Rev. Au” new,” B.A. 8P P 1! they were entitled to. While Can- _) " g n 3 M a victim to palsy as the result of Crossley and Hunter are known. N eastl ' ' a considerable extent. There were ada had the governing of her own - to 3... _ °‘ 9" °- w” b‘“ m“; “d ‘h" two ways by which they could {we forces she still lacked that of na- to ' ' - the issues for the remaining weeks of - ' ‘ ' “ ““ ““W “hm were M" “we" ”urn-V °t the railway 'companies to haul “on“. manhood. At present she from fine anrlish Stones at Less - fl...- WATERS INSPECTED. with the rise has come correspondin mum" “d I" cum.“ sm‘“ cheaper: by the demand for 6» grea- had no right to make a declaration . ’ ‘ a 1910. . _ .5 of Tomato. During the signing of , it Without Hoomer . , P°Wb°r° Review. “1" J' H- MC benefits. - the register the Rev J F W1 ”mm :W' “PM? and by comwillw- of war. It was his most went 9 9.0” “m Than Cent Ap'ece THE YOUTHS COMPANION. Clellan, superintendent of the Trent The fish he. come back to their curate of 1301 fi‘gn’; m "(l ” Whoever lives to see Regina twen- desire to.see Britain and her colon- 3. 144 Berkley-st. Boston, Mass. rolley canal. returned llfotltex‘doy old haunts, and this in itself is a PM“ Love .. yum 9.00;... gm ,0 ‘3’ 3'9“" "‘0'“ “41‘3"" he Imam“. lea still more closely united in one """"""" ________..â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"- rom an inspeCtion triptof t e waters 5’00 asset slun- ' ‘ â€"-great as the develo ment has been gm. In the fifty‘two issues 0‘ a year’s _ , between Linden (1 Port Pm no, t .to Port Perry 38 a' the best man W“ a watch lob with d i ll! t f p ‘ I t Whale' CONVICTS CLAIM “gash th tri. b mer m”. That, too, the water ‘ 80” cm” attached and to the urng '3 P38 our years Once In conclusion he issued a warning was accomp‘ on e p , ' was here, in fact I scarcel know the y facilities in conjunction with the ca “u” I gold monogram tie pins. Afâ€" pl will not be able toy its is: the boxing. had 1:; :3 3:01; Coal willobe brought here in- of liquor that he thought it was safe Companion volume The Youth’s = A short time ago a rather unex- prints mni‘htwo tailpiofgricem: pected maidzzlt ocgrredt WM Mr. :gushafiowfiebein‘gmgleazlypfi lion to and from the town ter stories. 9 811 9‘: William u e. a ings on convict. ' . . - - er to Canada. is but 81 So wrote to the authorities of the Big. “tested and “orgasm: 91"9’ m to. The“ hi“? bull many complaints held ‘t the mm“, mum” on Lee finitely cheaper and I do not doubt to always give it . m Mb. the pap ’ _ w t the W t 1'“ l‘ bl mt side ”Ed. the house being dOCUfCtOd u, can, lish church claiming the authorship 8 ° . a e “.9 P “ 9‘” about the low water in this water- “,1 I d I t n m but “fit mine- '1“ be operated near Speaking for himself he mu that the SM” m: leis in; m of that beautiful hymn “Just For m “‘5. “NW?" "m“ Wt; 11“ chum. but the dam and locks at :m :13; fidcxtzrr'mahr" wk “- W 90 thtt 10“ will be We to both tobacco one atom... wen. apiece, without rec on he a To: , .il. ' confronting it. ‘ _ many is new fulfilling “I W90 . , run your city by the electricity do- they should not be M to lacs rest or the achiehtHhe-cdotes, hum; Lord. M tomorrow “a its was marathon? was at ii! height “a ”we. being buoyed. the m“; xfifllfityzm gums; 03m: velopéd‘ at those mines. This will danger or mutating, .M‘ u M w ,x .. w W, . . some: so...“ .. “w ...... m ... .... e. .. w. - .. my “memes .3: 3...... w .. m w -- M Ll d article; Beliefs 6“ popular “’9’?" ' keep. in” my sell. from “an a! by to that piece. and later a lull? attention by the department. ‘ 3'99“" ”‘M‘ was “l black 9"“ styling: that “would you harem 13.321333: thin: auwmwm n my , (muons fliéfi fifld Wflfiléfi: m _ . lien W8§ Buiifi‘ Whig}! fifiVfi the W EA!) fAmifiQfl; WW I”. am: ever taffeta Gil“. Will “VG 9W Willi the WW . . . u - _ , -f diifit i8? tS-M. , . W'gmugflmmgm “0 W5. m m H’S- 3 v9‘”- Athens-disses“ stones east as little. they are B9§ $368 by m. J. E, 39mg and a 569893; “V9?! “3 1% NF M m it “a.“ mm ”m k M “m. 3% “a we" a fill“ Mi" . In? all Dinnin- lil the dust.” , ~ ~ - cheap stories. in variety at 56868: eemmuaieaties was received from 39““: ezhewmfi?‘ and ever. 3‘" lows. on Nelly air. has. Sis: .x .4. «new... mam neurons 9! incident. skill and mill} 1m. Khakis, Wife of the comet. 3:56: the dam ad “£5 995“: 9W 9W“ the «grim MW ,9... "“ "r' be» " B: Wilson in «:iult‘eelefidepiellflfil 635“ stating that fills has in her possess: 3 I “99m es gamma” my,“ m “a t:- u .. - e 9; m eflgim by threatens Government. M a». 1‘“ "‘ KleikWGBd: “5 "QW’lled: m a 88? W gm “”4”“ at ’3“ a: ‘9 m . m “m m m - _.-. 3.. ‘WS Announce?“ its; 19:19; 89859: $31M” 9! W. s. filiélileu : ‘9 “m a“ set “finkx . . is: than. - w *;"-â€" mull; illustrei a 5" E z = - " , = l and!!! that daisy the any E RiGISiER on... particulars 9! these steamed is the Sands? fishes! W: With the semantic“! ml”; minimum the am has an ._._ other new features . Emil? the same of E: .3: “190“?!“ ’9 9““ ‘ V“ _ .. P" was the bullies W s m elar wiiibemt .letsehsdtetilehymnss new. ism. as ,. . o 86 increase g. . .M‘mhefl.‘ “I! m. 2..-... Falls! any MFCQQ is guacamole .006an the. W. ,9 . .. y. 1 “elements-m ‘tioneer, credit. sale a! sample coping 6‘ sunset m: .; . w ' ‘ » ”" Every new Willa Am ceives it" “0 Scapulars WM Calendar for 1911. twelve 00m and “d, ”a“ rim subscription ii i m Mi Mo and implements. the a”! Olin McEvoy, lot 6. 3" sell ale at one o'clock ‘ 'â€" V0. nal will allow of cheaper transporta- ths ceremony a reception was it. - :WM w o e.-.

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