foot the ordinary oiyt: rst Class Cruiser pped and fell with 'hich fairly frizzled n dressed my arm. wrong way. owing 1 the Pipe having g up b cod-poison. l underneath the was in fearful pain life you may be, for I ï¬nd ZamABuk is the '3 why it is so populnr handy in the home. abscesses, ringworm, ulcers, suppm'nting res, inflamed patches, 11 druggistn and store- ., Toronto, for price. ‘ FRANKLIN Oct. 17. -- Mr. and Mrs. ti Mt. Pleasant, visited ’ends on Sunday. They Ed the choir in the shy- ‘ h Gardiner spent part in Peter-born. Mrs. 'l‘hos. Id. Shea, of were the guvsts of Mr. ugh Stewart on Sunday; Spier is puuing a. cemdfl 1! his house. This m to the appearance of 1.“ William Wallet, 0! doing the mason M: Mrs, Wm. Kerr spfl’nt 33E- 9sts nf Yvh-m-m‘n IRE“: ream! (‘0 RP? Hm 7‘69 0! NoMn in Hw v-hni'i' m: mam J 9? M MM m W “was. t-mem m Mm mm; M» u h‘flg m: lat 'th‘l nsmm ui g: M j auuuitwd alngflhgï¬ m I #:huuld have km E- m :d, I got wors'e,vand I a. I th'rrefore obtained this was applied I got ng commenced ; and a uple'ely.†LODN EY M. LLOYD. Admiral. If Kidneys or m M vanish, and you will Lame Back, l'uinml SM Itilln. Nervous HM Sleeplecsness, WM '3 and other symptom. d Inwtivo Kidneys 33d Li" on. Smarting, W and all maddor Trail- 3 PILLS go at one. to“ kidneys. bladder aid '5’ In. and complete u 0'. know It. ible Bum. 5c to 90¢ basket. > to 70¢ basket. r.50 to 84 bar. 'MVM v :at British naval CT. 2-7, 1910. «Ilse a law Dam of she and Distrfl most reliable I: the relief of ski g Pills as the foregoing Sonar. u. Wt IRA1 QQMHQH “A ow a WAN b-v-MM‘ mnw Wm: mm in NW ’HHMQQ M Fund â€"_â€"‘__â€"â€"__â€"â€"â€"â€".-_-â€"â€"â€" Conservative in by~-Acc1amati6h]9rippen to Hang in Guelph, Oct. "21.-â€"The mm to ï¬ll the vacancy in South Wék lington created by the appointment;~ or Mr. Joseph Downey as superin- tendent of the asylum at Orflli'a, took place this alterndon ugd as was generally expected, MrfiJ. B. 'Hows itt, the Conservative ca‘afdidate, was returned unopposed. Since the Provincial elections 0! 1908 there have been three bye-elec- tions. In the ï¬rst Dr. Mason was elected by acclamation to succeed .Mr. J. H. Carnegie in East Victoria; and in North Middlesex the Con- servatives gained the seat vacated by Mr. Duncan Ross’ entry into Doe minion politics. The standing in the House is: Conservatives 87, Liberals 18. Labor 1. Mrs. Wintermute. an Orwell hotel- keeper, was ï¬ned one hundred dollars for keeping a. disorderly house. . Joseph Huston was caught in o 7“, Vï¬â€" _ Minden Girl Stnandepl pulley Peterboro Review : Without money or friends, and carrying a four weeks old baby, which was but scantily at- tired, a young girl of nineteen years of age called at“ the police station last night with a request for aid. P. C. McGinty, with whom the un- fortunate girl conversed, directed her to the home of Relief Ofï¬cer Miller? and there she said that her home was in Minden, but that she had been traveling in different parts of Ehglish Language Akme THURSDAY. (‘01. Sam Hughes Was in command of the militia camp at Emma last. summer. He gave both ofï¬cers and men a. regular back-breaking course of training, but so long as they showed intelngehc‘e he was not seen: omical of praise». one mush thank. get uï¬ the eat: owl‘s newer; and Brigadier Hughes tuned him 66% 5606 and meaty; rmny the muef‘a ewmwmu ar- Bet-Sf mmrwmi M‘- him With the gm gob how he mixed up that 65M: has mek‘mém mam“ «H m nutty had. m sen“: .u, __- â€h was are“; mu, m gnaw: 15969:†â€8% l“ muse 991-. Sam: “Que ! am Mom has 99% am; new! some u. know howï¬e wheat mm in a swivel aw? i“ THE GYPSIES ONCE MORE A large cmp qt gypsieq have :93; en possession at, a vacant add “9 - AL. I lndnu-flt. en possession of a vacam um“ awn-v the other side of the WM'“. bridge, south. there being Imam 0V0: tents and a hrs-e number ‘0! WW. It is said that this is the me ms that caused so much trouble in, P9- terboro last year. The Orange Sentinel, appropriately, devotes columns or its space this week to editorial comment on the Fallon controversy. Its im- portant conclusion is summarized in the following paragraph: “ We feel that Ontario should be preserved as a Province where the English language alone should be used in oï¬lcial life and in the schools. This will work no hardship to any class of citizens. 0n the contrary, it will be a boon to the children of French-speaking citizens who are today denied the instruction that is necessary (or them to succeed in life." * - AAM alt the Midland elevator 27, 1910. :Aï¬d. Without Friends 5°- anyâ€"vâ€"7, Should be Used in Ontario Would Not Be Without Baby‘s Own Tablets Mothers having once used Baby’a‘ Own Tablets for their little ones Would not be without them. These Tablets are a. new ranmg remedy for the little ills such as constipa- tion; cone. worms. colds, etc“ that afflict so many little bales; And that. a Government analyst» to taught» as opiate 6? other harmful Mug; Goa: wm‘mg thém am. Chas; motley. Petemem. out, when “i .havs um! mny‘s 6% “mm my my m: He gm and. have taunt! them is B: ‘ Dï¬hnra in mhm "IE Elf! uuu . 9% {Heat value! 0mm $9 when I have memmmlefl me mama my they wanna net he withem than.“ ï¬eld w momma, mm 9? by mm M 215 mats in hex tm We 9% wmima‘ mwm Gan Emhvum 0“". THROUGH TEE 1.99m The Arthue 0-. mm Waugh the locks on Monday on it: way to soum Lake when: a m at man will be omployod am out the channel. 1:; order to get through the Lindsay-at. bridge without winging it the amok. stack and whistle were taken at! 9mm oomo deny: The ' Sault Ste. Marie Roman (â€themes are suing that gown 101- the return or _I_I n n J . RANSOM HOWITT. taxes paid 03 Guelph. the the old R. ofmurderbythejuryandwas at once sentenced by Lord Alvistone to be M - mite Jury after being addressed by judge retired at 2.42 o'.clock ‘ and returned shortly alter with a verdEt o! guilty of m‘hrder. The court roam was crowded when the case was remained this morning. Dr. Crippen was as usual carefully dressed and to all outward appear- ‘ance unworri’ed by the seriousness 0! ms position. A sensation was [created in court when the judge. first asking the jury if they had seen yesterday' 3 Evening News, directed that an order be is- sued tor the attendance before His Lordship in time for the court of the day of the editor of that paper. His lordship, addressingm . muu', chic! counsel for the prosecution. said he had received a great many communications, some of them entit- led to respect. 'y . a 01;:an m WWW I“ “l n ï¬end at work in a'dm‘k‘ slum m cellar as his dissectlnl mammal"! n he had administered a mm“! W a to his wife and victim. pg ' W to CRIBPEN ON THE mm: '° London. Oct. “la-Th. plum mm- of Dr. H. H. Grimm. mined. eel!" damaging and WW b0- “ need: e. pitileu rein of (mention. 01 while he slowly saw his case totter- D- lug before him, tenured“ hie enu- tlonel trlel tor the murder‘o! HI l London. Oct. 23.-â€"-Dr. Crippen has been sentenced to hang on November 8. It is possible that the case will be repealed. The trial established a new record in English criminal pro- cedure. It lasted but ï¬ve days. Miss Ethel Clare Le Neve. for whose love Crippen put his wife out of the way, will be placed on trial on Tuesday charged with being an accessory after the fact. In passing sentence. Justice Alver- stone asked Crippen it there was any reason why sentence should not be massed “pen him. Crippen replied “I implore you to make peace with Almighty God." Crippen seemed suddenly to realize his predicament as he was led from the court room and seemed dazed as he was escorted out by warden. As Crippen was being assisted into --- vâ€" _r the prison van to be talien back to Brixt0n prison. after he had been sen- tenced. he collapeed and had to be assisted. His face was blanched to the color oi chalk, and he was trembling in every limb. A warden practically carried the little prisoner. A vast crowd had gathered outside Old Bailey. and when Crippea ap- peared he was greeted with hoot. and â€â€˜1’; Crown Prosecutor mm palnted a graphle picture oi the case in hit: address to the lei-y “m which he ee- eiered that lust and greed M men; ey were the motives let the murder el Belle Elmore Gflbpen: _. 5.....AJ ah“ ll: unav- v â€"- '1' 0| _ -, A!) the “Kama! euntinued the when» niaehea at times, but usual: 13 19am the steieism whieh has marked him at same at the â€was: Meet! at the max: M times he leaned tarmrd the better t9 but am! 19% and 31mm a me? um um his he! seemeanw‘ The 96%! new new! mammnea a death-41kg sflllnesm Mama 9an by m mes at the museum? as in eemimm Ms seaming dmmetlmem E9 waisted mm as in em. 9mm «Mahmud mm wha was: an his mm m mummies! know-- ledge to evil min m to am! am m: am am‘ ‘ 7- -â€" -mh- this afternoon found guilty :31:th wife, Belle Elmore Crippfll. xin Old Bailey court toâ€"day. Under the merciless cross-mm! tion the prosecutor mm m Crippen rapidly changed from self-complaceqt and dapper prisc into an object o’! abject pity. Thus read the special despatch day. A further aespucn saws u-uv Crown Prosecutor Muir was merci- less 0! crippen. The questions came like the snap- ping of whipsâ€"hurtling and tumb- .â€"â€"° v . ling upon each other's heels until- amuement of those in the court room gave way to sympethy for the accused man. 1 "Do you know 01 any person who‘ has seen Belle Elmore Crippen or heard from her since her disappear- ance?†was the ï¬rst. guestion shot ut the prisomm. after he mounted the witness chair _!or .the cross-examin- ntion. The witness {altered and looked startled. "I do not." he replied. "How can you “‘ prove that your wife Mt your home alive or that she ever lelt et all?" mpped out Ptoe- ecutor Muir. Crippen poled as he realized the damage to his one which these quee- tions entailed. - “Answer my question," thundered Muir. shaking his use: et ol'ippen. "I cannot. " replied “the doctor. "How do you know thtt H11. Crip- pen went to America. to join Bruce Miller, as you stated on direct exam- ination?" came next. Again Crippen hesitated end looked towards his council with appeal in his eyes. "I only supposed so; she seemed to be very friendly with him," said the witness. Crippen clutched the arms of his chair. Perspiration stood out upon his pale t was gone. men made “P “10 ALL miss ON THE rmsoxmj The women W Mank- «m we the prisoner. and†usual. woo ‘ man mnda “D the bulk of the nud-‘ ionce. Some 0! W brought opera 81-80“ ‘m‘ an; better to I00 the WWâ€- . The crisis seemed to come wnen Muir walked up close More the prie- oner. as naming a the meager 0! ‘crime In his buck robee, and naked. ““h' mm make any d'loru to and your um" "Did you Crlppen started to mly. then checked himself and said in 13 ml: voice. "No. I did not." He was attired in his grey trousers which looked so though they had teen newly pressed. end hle stylish (rock cost ï¬tted Mm Ilke s stove. cuppa! gimme mm. m room and tucked Nth a «may 0! KIWI!" at the rows 0! handyman m nun-Ix. ly mowed women who (“ted the seats; Ha mapped his brow with a silk nmmma and mm his any hulk uneasily in the chair; AAAAA The withI’u mm was sum luv. ed M mm min plunged in with. “vim Megan um yew wits mm ï¬ gunman um, am yen think u music um die sheuld so m yea but! and 19 m mam. when! as! as man WI jun when mu wow w W. hm he thought. it. w tween us." . ~ At. times Sanctum Tobin and. In- oflectml “tempt- to .m a» tide again-t. cuppa by W to "That '“ wife alter she tuï¬her desputch states tint. mnecutor Muir was mad- forehead. All his assurance merciless cross-examina- .secutor Richard Muir. mm mm mm wont the room even for tho mponry momenta of relief given him during the interruption. a. had grown exec-lively nonoun. Bo dunk down mto his choir and at. time- wormtho look of . hunted on- m1. At our umoo ho glued with {eat an! annuity in hlloyol utho ptooocutor clovorly led him into M!- minim. w--ï¬, "Wu tho collar In your homo in mndrop Crescent disturbed 1a in way during your rddenoo more 7" "It. wu mum, mum-bod. Io fault-ow. during my Mom mm: were.†" 1 pm. than. um you did not know tint mu m u human body batted than.“ and In" with . but at may In MI voice. "I? 13W to!!! me um tho roâ€" utine! shun“ Hukï¬m N 89 {I an annual“ m an an» 1 new at It." mu m Hw‘ - ....... n thus mg fl: Q‘nnruu... .. nu Ma‘s \M ‘at mum «m an m W†Mina ()emny‘a works and m badly mm, m Va! am. draw. 9! auction 991135“. 01 mmmd. (3M2. The new Company will continue to oper- ate the Flour Mill, Oatmeal Mill, Chop Mill and Elevators, ' as well as the outside Grain Buying. Sta- tions. The local business will be carried on as formerly and we respethully solicit a continuance of the trade and loyal support so long enjoyed by the old ï¬rm, er nun nun omen yr ransom h mduomwewith a nice we in tho uggmmmd‘i'x 1312;. an well u the newat pattern ad color- i|gl in twoodo. Gone in and no us about your madman. ‘ A - I ---'A-- W. G. BLAIR SON i. BLAIR SON 13%?- I‘kon of clothing built to lat.