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Watchman Warder (1899), 5 Oct 1911, p. 9

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. tativoo Chm-chat. ' advertising authorized to Wax-dc. 5, 191 1.. ‘MEXT ‘3’? APER. thae a Court to The (in. by His Bon- nty Court of -. at ‘ Burnt - day of Oc- ‘clock p. 111., complaints 0? the \‘oters‘ of the Tom» I 911. oi October. Y. ity of the Ville. . ________â€"-â€" .'l‘OCK AND eorge Coad. township of cod. will take 0 Of OCtOberr -he afternoon. ‘- FOR GENâ€" oly to Mrs- word. high standard. . Tweed Suitings l'..~ in .-tyle, get“ a suit fill of our handsome new 'i'um'llb, They are right up- “. .lm- in weave and color- Suo our special 54 in. ill; '1'w.-o.l.~ at per yard 1 12..) I’ll“! IQQOIOIIOUI‘QII New Cheviots (‘hcviots will wear to the ' thread and never look ~>t‘5 slulllby. For tailored suits :Eu-v are unoxcelled. We ' ‘1‘“le an excellent assortment 1' imported cheviots in navy myrtle. cardinal, brown, ch-um and black, 54 inches wit,- :Ll per ~\nrd 1.25 $1 . v .11. . :i'll C AM BRAY. - Oct. 2.â€"â€"-\mong those llistanCe who attended Lind: spent Sunday with Cam- "mvnvis were Mrs. Jas. Coulter, {giant's}. §d :4”? and bu; of 11.,3‘3'pnolz Messrs. Jas. Han- c3:, 0'? Toronto; John Shiers. of B.“ 1.n1\rillge: and Hadley B. Feir, 0f 'l‘r':.".“. 1.!:.~'~:‘ lit-lx‘ille Robinson left last me. for ilatai'ia. He was accom- pany as far as Toronto by his {gilt-‘2‘. Mr. W. Robinson. and broth- er, 'l‘hos. Robinson. if :r: Louie Wood is attending Nor- .whnol in Peterboro. She will ma: xm‘h missed in the Sunday’school be :1 wvra 3,: i .x'L-mdge for a short time. Mr, Wm. Burton and daughter Miss QUALITY in DressGood _ Whether'th’e “Fabrics be mg}; 9; our aim when purchasing. _ season are exceptional Andi-the quality up to o the latest ,3 o . New ., Amazons Here you will and the most satisfying .assortmsnt of these popular fabrics for suits and fall dresses in all the wanted shades of navy, myrtle, olive, brown, cardin- al, bordeaux, mam and black, at per yard, 1.25, 81, 50c 75c aud.............. New San Toys San Toys make good ser- viceable drossses. ‘ Their hard finish make them with stand the wear and clean easily, We have them in a the wanted shades at per yard 75 and... 50c BRICK YARD REPORTS. Reports from Brickville are good concerning the season's output. Mr. of Frank Curtin informed our reporter at the home that the outside demand was ficient to keep the yard running at its highest tension. shipping principally cities east of Lindsay the past sum- nesday of l mer. WHEN RENTS COME DUE. This is about the time of when the average landlord calls up- on the tenant xarmer with a. dog and Institute will a. double-barrel gun. This is suffi- cient to terrify most men and make them look around for a place ll” (ll-orlro \Ianning and Mrs. Wm. Safety under. the M of. in the horse “ms? ,. have gone to visit friends manger, while their Wives pour out - A .. AA ‘ sorrows malady. 1.11: of Seabright, spent Saturday lords possess a. tender h ' wiii‘. \lr. and \Irs. Edward Burton. Th» farmers of this vicinity are bun-y :fiilin; their silos at present. libs Laura Bagshaw, of Toronto, is snarling a. few weeks with her. par-922's: here. Mr. (:eorge James is moving into the house recently vacated by Mr. Bi :1, James, who has moved into 11:5 horse at the west end of the vil- lat“ .‘slr l‘r'han White will occupy the hon» bxf‘iong'ing to Mr. A. Clark Burn; the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Newson and so: Paul, of Kansas. are visiting wl’}: friends in this vicinity. ______._._.â€"â€"â€" ’1 he Methodists raised $650,000 13.»: year for missions. / of profit to a Life Insur- ance Coinpony consists in On its total invested maths obtained the high 1910. This means thingsto enough ? hold ? Thean Source the rate of interest earned on its invested funds. those soon disappear from the roll. Dominion Life Assurance Comp_a_n_y average rate “7.52 per cent. during the year mo} RETURNS To Power HOLDERS Will not a few dollars invest!!! in new live withâ€"New Chan's, Tables, Beds or even Kitéhen’ Furmturcultie‘fli; wisestpoambl' ease. samemoneyj now ,’ Haven’t some of the old‘piecec servcdlong ’. Wouldn’t Something Now” be aired ey’ov ”j, 1- comfort} to every member of ‘ your in ' . ring/‘15,. ) 4‘, the best that we can offers-rt the price has .Taliiay‘s‘yrb‘fe‘éujf‘ T/ :.: _ The'ii’aluéswe offer-You "till? my noted ‘ He has been | the summer mon to towns and , urn - . home ret ed to Toronto on Wed And the coffee m the. cup du- Thinner gets as days go by. _â€"-â€"I- w‘y‘ 9 New ma. ' on-..“ sun-â€" ’Nothing is flier. or more serviceable rchildrans dresses than Plaids. We have a handsome range of imported Plaids and Clan Tartana' at per yard 75c, 60c ‘nd 0‘ ‘0... I I 0 I 0.0.0.... 25c In Shepherd checks we have a large range in differ. out size checks at par yd 1.25, 1.00, 75, 50 and...25¢ so in. BLACK PAILLBTTE Hare is a silk opportunity that does not come your way every day. Good heavy black Psillotto Silk, full ‘0 ins. wide. soft and very high- ly finished, wears wall and will not out, a most service- able silk for coats, dresses. and waists, per yd only...“ 5W0 1 W0 havc’aomothing extra in wide width Back Velvet for coats and suits at per yard $2 00 ‘l Hill 0) Velvet M New Delaines Pure Wool French De- laines imported direct by us. These wash and wear exceed- ingly well. We have them in stripe, polka dot, floral and bordered patterns, beau- tiful fabrics for waists, dress- lotthatwc‘havoavu‘“ shown. than direct on- ablaauato oflar you those atrcgularwholamhpnoaa.‘ mixed coloringa. Those \C c any costs for the little girls and are made to with- stand »tho wear. Economic cloths for school coats. Bng ular 31.25 value, spe- I cial per yard............ . Dressmaking Our dressmaking depart- ment is still in charge of Miss Ingle Suite, dresses, waists, skirts, etc, made up in the very latest styles at 08 “d Kimonos. per 509 ‘moderate prices. ISLAY. Islay, Oct. 2.â€"Mrs. Willie Green. Sugar is ten cents a. pound .l‘oronto, Spent last week visiting Eggs are almost out of reach of her father-in-law Mr. ' . . ' ' Th char n , s I ve found, sui- George Green, of this district. ey are g: g o GOING UP. Three cents for a single peach MISS Rosy Elford, who has spent Ham’s a food we've given up ast week to resume ties as dressmaker. ths at the maternal Just because the price is high, , Mr . - ‘ Mr and 9 Dave Graham recent Beefsteak is a luxury- ly spent'a couple of days with year latives in the township of Brock. The Islay branch of the Women's. hold their October reâ€" Pork and veal we scarcely touch ; Roasts are things we seldom see 'Cause the butchers charge so much. t‘n h . f d, mee x g at the ome of Mrs E1 or - Coal's .a thing that keeps me broke, on Wednesday next, 1-1th inst., at Coke won’t doâ€"we heat 'by steam ; 2.30 . . This eetin ill of p m m g w be Cost of living is no joke, special interest, as the district pres- Nor is it an idle dream. ident, Mrs. F. Webster. is expected to of dry weather potato , . - ' be present to give an address. Other . bhght and the Mt horse dying of papers will be given and music Wm Ex erything is higher now S°m° land’ be furnished. A cordial invitation is . n cow but extended to all ladies to be present. mm from 3““ ’1 comma Than it’s ever been‘"1iefore :' ' Every morning costs us more. Mr. Alex. McFadyen has rented Mr. . Higher, higher prices mount, Hugh McKinnon. Mr. W. ‘3. Warwick. who has spent 1: weeks in Frontenac county some si in the employ of the railway |struction company, returned to this district on Thursday of last week. Potato picking is general in district this week, and the potatoes are a ,fair crop. Several from this district a Oakwood fair on Monday of week. particularly good features. E supper, followed by side talent. ingattheh turned to the city yesterday. day. Tom Currins’ farm at East Inlay, for a. term of years, as the present occupants, McKinnon Bros, are All except my bank account, ing to the farm of their brother, The Hartley Methodis' t church is to on Sunday, Oct. 15. On Monday ev- citing, the 16th, there will be a, fowl i g. i i i ram, contributed b local and out- a y yo the construction of the new C.P.I7t. ' near . . rails all has here The are now in putting a good fast team on the I P. A» Ferguson. District Hunter, moan, ' llai d. . Mrs. Russell, of Ingersoll, is vislt- , . 1: next and willrcon- one or Mr. A. McMillan. 0’1 MW 918” The known a “Tm. Miss B. McCuaig, of Toronto, re- , Valentin, Oct. 4.â€"-Hr. Wilmot Sug- »gittloftlastTucsdnytoattcnduni- Everyth, ing is up in town, j mOV° Mr. And that's daily slipping down. _â€"_â€"-â€"Iâ€"_‘. LINDSAY MIDGETS. One of the most enthusisatic hoc- key meetings ever held in Lindsay ltoOk place Monday in the Butler this l House parlors, when a. junior 0 H.A. hockey team was organized for the coming season. Between fifty and con- ttended sixty followers of the game were last ' present and the greatest enthusiasm was shown. Mr. R. Butler acted in the capacity of chairman after which the follow- ing officers yore elected : here Patronsâ€"Col. Sam HugheS, 1.3., J. D. Flavelle, John Carew, Feed last week. Reports go to show that this tale was in unqualified success, ”firth and :03sz ulera the lady driving Ming one of the on. has. - ~ q . Presâ€"A: L. Campbell. ‘W and Trainerâ€"A. Gamble. catchaplaco . Road running will commence . ice sufferer from the terrible disease tinue till the ice comes. Mr.;A.RoBS “Womm . - urposcs. Aconca- edbusinessinthcvillageon..llon- ”Mao“ p wMidi”'°"i°““m'flflm°°t"myToronto.,oncofthooldcstand best Lindsay Man From All of last year's Players are avail- ..n excellent pro- . _ abl as well as a la: number of d e . 8‘0 are sol on without Catarrhozone, l c t t. ‘11 who are usurious to (1 credit small degree the team and with 3:1; is no ‘ their have been Md out in dividends, in theforenoon. to hear and determ- Good progress is being made with °n cm W Md WMW’ 01 h . their too the ain ' such a largo field to pick from Man- tone to its influence. 5W m 195 mm! more than 2 several comp! to or. errors agar Gamble should have no trouble . ‘ tionwastakcnupattho gifting, ,- pmas Helen Ferguson has retumd which. was lira“! ream. by “w“ “a" ' umbcroltag! thatonowhohdbcncundofthisdis- , . W‘ thamvaatorwlth mall, "or -Sunny Altaly says That Present War is Justified In an interview with Mr. S. Fus- of age. After that milestone in life co, the Italian fruit, dealer on Kent- is reached they are placed on the re- st., regarhing his opinion as to the serve force which means that they present trouble which has arisen in remain at home and guard the city. the far east, says: It has been the On reaching the forty-second year eV‘olution of a long series of petty they are exempt from all military broils between Turkey and Italy. He duties. Mr. Fusco stated that is not in sympathy with the Turks according to what he has read from papers that Rus- by any mans and claims it is justi- Italian liable war on the part of his coun- sia and Germany will remain neutral trymen who he claims were denied during the trouble. It is probable the privileges accorded other nation- that Germany may bring about a alities living in Trlpoli. .The law recohcilliation. . of Italy provides that all males must 0n Mr. Frisco [fling asked by our serve two years in the Italian army reporter as to whether he would go unless through physical incapacity home it called upon or not, said he they are hindered from doing so. would go to fight for his parents They can be called for the defence of who are still alive. He feels that their country at from 20 to 29 years Italy can defeat the Turks easily. WWW My AUCTION SALE OF PURE BRED OFFICE Hours :' 10 to l and 2 .to 6. Sundays 10 mm. to 1 p.m. Dru. Soper and White Toronto Ont. Gregtm ‘nvenfion 0' Age lenahlc Pollllel's stock and grades and form imple- For floamness, Weak moat __ ‘ mm, m, mm o, m. cw,” â€"â€" (From Hamilton Herald.) :Vfioggpfifi,?x;:asc éfi will take place end of the month. Watch posters for further announce- mcntS. _ . _ ‘ NOTHING SO FAR DISCOVERED While the speculative issues in the IS SO BENEFICIAL TO PUBLIC, mining market are generally the (.1- SPEAKERS, MINISTERS. FING- vored ones, a. cerium element among ERS AND TEACHERS AS CA- investors is turning its attention 1:»; TARRHOZONE. the DQPOI’tunitics presented by the vid. ' ' . ' ' use of its at ning in- di. end paying securities In factut Be“ lengths might be said that this class of in- fluence upon the vocal cords. 011- to . dl t rrhozone cannot be too hignl re- “8 m is gmwm‘ "m y' ”in“ 0"" a .y doubtlessly to the fact that during cultivation, good barn with stone commended as a wonderful value 1111- _ . prover It almost instantl removes the s or ion prices have huskiness 3r hm {bus insur- dropped far below what mine values that particulars apply to S. ' warrant. At the same time dividâ€" Body, Beaboro P. 0., Ont. lag cleanses and brilliancy of tone. - Catarrhozone keeps the mucous sur- 3 , faces in perfect condition and its bat "wk“ prim in "t low CLERK s ADVEI‘HISEIEIV II on ’ ebb. With the market in this con- . COURT IN NEWSPAPER. regular use ableutely prevents colds ditlon close observers are enabled None. is hereby given that ‘ court and throat irritation, thereby remov- ~ ins the singer's greatest some of ‘° 9‘“ “9 '”° “”3“” in "3“!" "m ”H" ”mm“ ‘° ‘1” "V°°“-' “‘10th d was The most dividend paying securities. Cobalt List Actr” by His Honor, the Judge ' mines have the distinct' ion of . being of the County Court of the County eminent peak rims. on. nu '5 an “m p d the best dividend paying mines on of “de Klrkfield. on the 11th dollars day of October. 1911 at can o'clock 1 total Capitalization. ‘ occasional ahu'p speculative rises of the Inniclpality of Garden for Singer recommends Catarrhozonc: “For many years I have vbsan a the phase of specgatlon in Cobalt 1911. ' hasceasedand now mines lathe Allpasonabavingbusincua‘t the moirtrict are dowmgbedrock court-1° Wu'toprlmmpmentuod addtimoaniplace. h” £130 W W “ad “in 1” " . professiondl singer you . ' weather . . ’ mirabm paying investment. Charles Dated the 25th day of SW. main”! mm mmwmmtc‘mha.smaco..mw., 1911. JOHN WALSH. mammograms-inflow!“ meg-karma.“ municipality. "OlloyearagolroadinthO'Pro- and’l'orontohu_1ssucd.,drwlarre- fromg’oterboro,whereshewasvisit- The WMW‘OJIOMsupâ€"guu mg ° pliedwlthan V‘VAIENTIA senior ”untouchwhlchthsyaaaathroughuahgyour " ' ‘ wmwoftothopubllcforthslnm '- ‘. ~ 4.. s

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