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Watchman Warder (1899), 12 Oct 1911, p. 10

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" thatwecan %‘m ”M or 07°” If you are. aux M'fiwtorour hes" ‘m ‘ “mg“. .mfu. cat. Gen! usiness Coll route. W. H. Shaw, Pitirelcipfi snLLmo 'connwoo; a to make room. Call and g... of adjournment. they agreed to meet all . . Prices”, in one weal- f-«nn sate. During this Balsotmud. .interVal no' sales will be made for [I ”H ”mm! (0.. “MEI statunent, said he was credibly in- PHONE 77 formed that on placing cheese in‘ccld less money than 14c. The president wormed The Wanier storage..gaino!onepoundthenrst . woolr Was in evidence, but he did not that although Victor“, county chm Was never sub;ect to being called by say that it kept on increasing. , . At this juncture President Robert» inspectors previous to shipment. it was a fact they in most cases had to FOR SALE OR To WOO] Blankets Comforters V I ,. ~ , afiégesm 1W: sell at a less sum than their neigh‘ - We have a complete stock of all wool blankets and These are made with best fiilling. Sateen top, large iered 1310- The price kept soaring bore. 1 EASE 13§C. m 18% _ ' following factories were repre- m»- -- 7 , .s.‘ The Woedulle Coal , linsmess and Sheds . g P ME" Jillian/fin ‘1 union blankets, white or grey, all double bed sizes. Prices size. Also down quilts. Very reasonable. Special prices - The president at this point ad- ranging $1.75, $2.25, $2.75, $2.95, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00, 4.50 1.50, 1.75, 2 25, 3.25, $4.00 up. the b t to v monished uyers 0 come up '- Peter-hero prices. 5.00, 5.50, $6.00 up. Li T , l Shaker Blankets net-1' 0W0 S 7 . 7 The buyers acre firm. as were the Plain white or red border, size 18:36, English make. . sellers also, abough this was 1-16 .. .. p 7 less than Peterboro. and several nec- ’. . ' . .. .. .. . h5§:eté:u:tifioretlé3i'sgzfi%n:?e}:§?: '€:‘i\”1_, .7 i the middle of March u («ram ' ' ‘ ‘ , I ‘ .e: ou-z' «.ili”l\ huyer_to stock up while (44gb: ‘ , 3 old and - cheap in the Spring, Already Till . and pvt tons have been sold Lhir was“; and ' 7 77 ‘1‘" i'» “‘ i there is no a bad dollar on‘ o - 5* hnoitft Good money can t... mgr ' 7 . at 1111: business by a capable p95,; Special import purchase. This line comes in white This makes an extra nice bed 1'00!!! towel, per pair...22c 7 imal points less than Piston and only, all made single with finished ends, largest size, pink . . or blue border. Regular $1.75. See these per pair $1.50 Mill Ends 0f Shaker ' , Brahma- ' » . . . . . President Robertson did not Tish ' Heavy Loch Lomond quality, splendid .for sblrtmg , Pembom to give the “my board W001 Sheeting and underwear, lengths from 2 to 10 yds, regularly sells . the laugh. . for 121m and 15c, Sale price..............................100 U W Grey or white, 72 inches wide, close weave, will give splendid satisfaction. Special price per yd............75c Wrapperette _ 5 . . a... quality ... children's w... 1...... am... To Petition Government Shaker Sheeting 7 - 7 etc. Also good patterns for quilt lining. Good assort- Re Ne Temere Decree 395‘? quality, grey or white, 2 yds Wide- We 2;" ment of patterns. Reg 12cc, sale price..................8§c c . ' Kimono Cloth Shaker Flannel 1 One of the best selections of patternalight and heavy Full 36 inches wide, light or dark colors, plain or weight.“ Best wearing qualities. Prices ranging from the Ne stripes, free from dressing. Sale price per yd.........10c 10c to 25¢ per yd. . mOVement to I We invite your inspection of our FUR DEPARTMENT, where you will see one of the best selections of all Government was mausuromd Ride: ; . ' . . . ‘ by the Evangelical Alliance of Can- "“classes and nothing but the best quality of far, at prices to suit all. an at a meeting held in this my - of Enquire of DR. )1.“ KAY hm‘"”»"-”7 mmiiEv ll: Woodvillg . , g ‘v . ‘ provvl idll W .‘l a .. OOdVlLG F.h.14lh.l.‘lll. I. ‘ ‘" (il'nnl'r i~ *- _‘. ‘1) Shine! 1 ';« White Bronze Duraoiiity. Arman-- AN INVESTMENT ' 8“” aficafior. Igalvays pars the - .... . t tenet. (Hyeu‘b‘feh ~ g... m... . m... “1;; Arthur Graha the commercxal World. An in- r LEETWOOD PO crease of ' 119 0/0 Agent for the Monlllllell: ii. p of Bridgeport. (,7-‘l‘." making a very special price per yd...... . of such ‘ nature that many members the Roman church will subscribe There were present representatives or to its contents and ultimately sign fthe petitions ‘o Purliamalt. The 'contentiou is that the decree is an assault upon the civil rights of all was mapped out which will be unâ€" ‘ branches of Canadian citizenship is paralleled in the religious historv of most strongly set forth and is n-ade Canada. To place every Pro/testant the chic! note of the message 'l‘wie preacher and editor in possession of is printed side by side a formal fight statumnt of the Canadian marriage all vital, facts concerning the ; against the Ne Temere. a document . law and the amendment made by was presented to the conference after , the promulgation , oi the R0 min church. How the decree has walked out and will work out is clearly and forcefully described. in attendance over that of last approves the gruwin u- ._-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€""â€"â€"â€"â€"""_ rarity of our school. vi“ hi1)? Fire have done for others We can do for-you. HEW SEASONS ST 30': STUDY COURSES ‘ of Dania}: ”We. Tub” H“! Brakes, Pumps. 3mvfln. .li every denominational section, Angli- can. Methodist, Presbyterian. nap- tist. Congregational. A campaign 4â€"â€" Lind B , 7 V7 7777 Vâ€"7- , fijwd Bries.ILargv blm‘k 4,: 5 . an it-yc 0' ‘. Full \lnvh say llSlllCSS College of all kit as relish-d. Hiram n (Afiiaated with Dominion ground equal to m-w. lio-ln'l Correspondence School , pairing at Lindsay Bicycle and Gen A. I. SPOTTON - President [aniline Works 11 Set. 4 an)” ros'r BUILDI having first passed the, examinaticn Geo. W. Shepherd Pro 0! a number of leading counsel. A significant leature of the sum- W A R R EN Piano and org... ll. ll. CRBSS‘W Dealer . m: LINDSAY greets you at the nearing of Ess- ' ' “MUMEN TS W tertlde with a number of good practical opportunities to buy either a piano, organ or sewing .â€" - machine of the very best makes CLERK'S ADVERTthMl \’ that can be procured. We are LOCI-{T IN .\‘l-:‘.\.~2‘ \; l l not selling goods at costâ€"no Notice is bomb.V '4“ "3 h . body does that in staple lina It“ be held. 93’5“)“: ‘0 '3‘” -‘-. __ WW msrnucrivn‘rarnns AT w. I. NA-DRU-Co Tasteless ‘ 325:1...” 5’” 2Eonfirmeol 0F SKIN [HUPWN Cod leerOilCompound a ~ "H K Y .. - , " , A ”p" °“ W m ”p “ng' Every available space in St. FourChlldranonstanfl Scratching. There is no question as to the high value of Cod Liver , was read by me. Annie Ferguson . _ . Oil, properly prepared and madedi ble, sea “builder-up" for . . p - and w as full of 800d “flee. Miss Mary's church was occupied Sun- NearlyTore lebso , Curedm convalesceutsorthose whoarerun own. , J W ts then d a paper on day morning at nine o'clock mass a Month by Cuticura Soap Ns-Dru-Co Tasteless Compound contains the valuable proper- . ‘ °m ” on res ,, to witness His Lordship Bishop 0'. . " Harmony in the Home, which and Ointment Connor. 0! Peterboro, administer ties of the Cod Liver Oil without its disagreeable flavor. In fact, , . . this preparation is decidedly pleasant to the taste. With Extract . had many good suggestions. A 80- th t i c fir t'on to ‘ .. V w A an; I ask e 33"“an 0 on ma ‘ “M of my daughters and two of m sons 10 was rend by Miss e ' girls. were enacting {loin very bad hcads, in: doc- of Malt, Extract of Wild Cherryisndmphosphites of Lime, . ron . tmakesacombina- . ‘ . ~ large number 01 boys and ' 1 several rams hone selections a so g p High mass was celebrated by His “3,5,03me as) ,1,l:3.,,=,:,°,,,":;:;",,,1;;:; Soda, Potassium, Manganese and ateâ€"dd. (i-ieimionâ€"ufigomu ' ‘ 8111 ed Thi bein the Oc- . . s were oy g Lordship, assisted by Venerable . ‘11 0"” We” < heads. and to tion that puts an edge on the up e nervesâ€" ievee and helps to _ . ‘ pure “fatigue 02:11:: tgrofismd , . ‘ . tuber meeting the rest room dues uugeâ€"an ‘gen 1 m up : ' ‘ . - . meetin | ngthandrestoresheslth. .. , . y para paid. The Noxember M 8 For puny, delicate children there ~. 15 to be held at the home 0‘ ’9' is probably no better “builder-up” Melville Gllson, where a demonstra- tlian Ns-Dru-Co Tasteless Cod . . ti an on candy: making is to be given altar where the solemn sacrament of .‘ . . gum. Which , Liver Oil Compound. 102 z . . p by Miss Webster. 0! Oakwood, ignilrtatllin wisdsislldmlnlstered to , ‘ , ~ , ' ‘féfiai‘f‘éfig‘é I '1 mar nut-1 wears a Mo.“ ' ’ . . M em y is 1' ip, , .7 .- .3 . ~ _. . . sores. ens at-nsu-eonnemc nusmevmn m“ and “emu! c0. . . ' ’ ‘ -’ =‘ " 90” started ”Mons in the Va”; rues mass. as: TNA'I’YOU arrrr : . $25,000 INSURANCE. f . A pianist’s hands are not common appearance, being neatly dressed, the l m - which got at the mummy" 1.7 " 7 7 . - ' Is in um white with 1011 veils "86' 1' had then burst and spread #7“ 7 7 7 7. All. persons hating bustle.“ garden hands. It the business man. 811‘ D g . ”We, their end _ their backs and midis";1 u’l’hsgndbctor 33%“: Wm. WARREN M ore ”(wired io 8"“nd \\\\\\\\‘f“h\\\‘\\\ like ours. So don". lislen to ," by His lluno." fake ads. but Come and see hon- I the County Co :r: 0 t.- est goods at honest prices and of Viewing a House in l..z.-. y. see how close we will sell you an luau-amen. or a machine on time why of Ut'lOln-l'_ 12“.: if Your time required is not too Unlock. to hear and dv'nrm . owe you ”It! complazn’s e-rrn l Archdeacon Casey and Fr. Guiry. ‘ ”no the mat ‘v 01 the trouble At the conclusion of mass forty-five .- ~ . g in order to be boys and forty girls marched to the . ‘~ . aisle to rub . . some oint- long. In short we wi'.‘ cash prices if paying in good in smald Payments on short time. The children presented a . unique ‘ . blotches the lawver or doctor loses a finger, and the boys in black suits. Their _ - . . _ , , , . was ecnem but it JPP. . A) W' C .CE it interferes little with recelvmg the eflicient training was_qu1te ootice- min: wage. nef2§r§°$$é°lfi°e (111:3: “0.8:? DRE S ' ‘ hid time and place. . . . annual income. But a professional able by the able manner in WhiCh like aliw'rié? bnclchtrtneé'allndiniiflg 1817L Box 1‘ ' “7 J77 7‘ AH» ' -. ,, . . , es . th D . . H 1' 1 pianist l Whoop la. ! they manhed from their seats to the 3333mmfi'gi‘5t’é thgfirliswmbgccrgnanuy Lien oi the 5..., \. .n, . - , . a ff -. 10;: . e omlmon ouse are as 0 His fingers are either all there or altar and returned Without any con- £331: “W thfi‘dmiier Sorted sneeze: 31$ - e e . ' . . the income ceases. If his salary is fusion, which speaks well for their and at thugs to pix: Signing 333$? . ’lul'\ 'll' ht Dw dl Liberal seats untario. Dominion , , , the “mm“ mm to]: , OVER 65 YEAR: . , OVCmmen In 6 Re resentative *1'000 Per “‘8‘“, it ‘9 ‘°“ 9‘ ten'fing' teachers “11° spent many “W’s °‘ dissing into the! flesh. ’and guilt}??? iii); sxpcmcrlc: Tory Hm, W .. .. ' p , ' ered entertainmentâ€"and impressarioa late in teaching them, especially our- would nearly tear their limbs 03. The , busv mm ”a .~... If Electon Were Called We 1908491911 . . . m, bommu.m............w . a . ,. . . , Bruce \Tâ€"C M Bowman Lib Con do not give half price for half as mg the past w . mm” Illerswould notletthem attend ‘ l in m" “Pm.” ,. . Bruce Câ€"R E. Truax Con. Con. much music or cut off 10 per cent. Alter confirmation His Lordship 3:03:13? $435“. Embapmded inssmons ‘ _ .- : [ rs are PM NM ' ' ' ' ' with every digit. It must be all Bishop O'Connor in an eloquent ad- Cutkunmwhkh l :Juna‘i’o‘e'iné'éi . - was getting scar... my children greatly. I continued with the ' . ', - ' . ’ Kr “n"! r V p . ‘ Lu ‘.-))o‘,-~,. ‘ - Gre N.â€"Hon. A. G. Kingston (W. F. Nickle, Con) :71wa Con Con digits or none. Dr. Pachmann came dresa congratulated the children up- Cum,“ Soap 0mm“ Ointment for . ' to Toronto to play in Massey Hall ong their conduct in receiving the gaggponth. and the result is u: mugs: , . g . to the clip anvr .. “W V 7 7 7 his brother Mr .l.-~ \' There are nine constituencies in Lib. on. , C Haldunandâ€"J. Kohler Con. Con. . the other day with his ten fingersâ€" sacrament. He also congratulated upland Common. . Emmet" an. 1911. g _ ting: Amsterdingtskelrhxzzu .o<c.r .‘ Hrs. R. H. \wwrm. the province not represented in the legislature. Eight of the vacancies were caused by members resigning to run in the Dominion elections, and one is owing to the death of Mr S. J. Fox, the Conservative member for East .Victoria. The members of the legislature vho Contested Federal ridings were : . ( Ottaw W. A. E. Fm , Con. . a. ( pp . ) Huron C.â€"Wm. Proud- , , le. Con. or, to be precise, with eight fingers the pastor, Archdeacon Casey, Rev. though .. . r u , F‘ath'er Guiry. the Parents and tea- each w 7“ mm“ figgfiof‘lfimn Jormm m A. ‘7-1. ”days with ln-r :z. ‘ 2.1- p .:i‘v.l:;blc. \ . book on skin W uomnqc" v .1 "1 f‘ 5‘ . room “at... HM..,E.,O.. . ' ;. m ’ "*""“°’ a m, of Hulslullr. foot and two thumbs. He had.an insur- Port Arthur (J. J. Garrick. Con.) , Lambton E.â€"-R. J. Me- , ance pollcy covering the immunity of chers for the able manner in which 0" W100 111 tier . . Gentiles. Oldest .-t‘lli\‘ fur mn'url ‘ 8 Patents user. '.. 'ua'll Liam; o; Lu. {W . without charge. lnibt Quite a large “mm,” Li-b. Con. - mack . . Victoria/W (S. .1. Fox, 03:1): Con Middlesex W.-â€"I. C. the two hands-from injury, tor the the children were prepared. The ' Woman. . Wentworth (G C Wilson con) ' \ Elliot Lib. Con. amount of $25,000. He pays about speakee addressed the children briei- ' wnfl'ic flmerlcan. M a“, “awn”. _ . . ,Lib . (‘ n Northumberland W.â€"S. $b00 annual premium to the Na- ly and warned them against the GOOD SERIONS .._ ‘ ”my mm” mm" . . h: cursion was run M CHANGES IN SENTnIOENTf ' Clarke . Con. 1303- none! Insurance Company of .Au. many evils and temptations beiore Rev. Ir. Howard of bray - flgegaggygflygua railway. 196‘ mg a, Messrs. W. J. Paul, Addington; .ino. Th ch ‘11 the litical 3 ti Ottawa E.â€"D. J. Mc- “‘5' in Wm“ J“ Kubellk is m‘ them in this world. preached ‘ v slo ° t ' ‘ ' N Y it tuning a‘ 9 D-HL e “89 1 P° '3“ ' 'Do . . ed in the same way for 8235 000. In the afternoon at 3 o’clock the cry on to 00.“ ' 8W lies Edith \miw-w: ment or the province is even more . “3‘1 . L‘b- (4°11- -‘ , ' the months of the QI ~st Metho- armebmman . Oxford N.â€"Dr. A. Mac- Should an accldont Wt him "Om Children assembled invthe church it E £3! 1 on S _ must. The ham, spent a ,1.“ .1... -. appearing secowljhe oom- Where benediction 3a,; celebrated. a!- “11308031011 mummified and mu , “germ. E. Finis l...- 7 '. Mr. Grant, u: i.‘w--:v-‘r. Fisher, Brant: H. Clark, ,Centre Bruce; W' 1'7" hickle. Kingston: A: striki l exem lified in the constit- ‘ n8 y p Kay ., Lib. Lib. . ' Dam] ' ' ' hich peyahim 3500, which is hp: 3%" v .. they were enrolled in giously althused by his fitting dis- Just received 3 my 0, To” “m 13' Fripp. Ottawa West- J, a, c”. , m th “I - ' ' uencie‘s 939m? 1 ed 11 e cons tucn ‘ y liberals in the (.1. Oxford s.â€"'r. R. my. , . -. Posed to cover the hotel hm £29 scapular. by m Lordship. ”(I 51cc“ . . I oal cars Chestnut (.031 ma“? aummw H Li fwd v rick, Port Arthur - and G. C.’ Wil- '~ 1 ' cies now helu J son, Wentworth North, Conservative t rl ’ “ . Mrry Lib. "‘ C . *0 House. Perth Sci“ steel; . . any little extras. ‘ ; J; Li?" newed their baptismal vows. -â€"'-'â€"" - - - ‘ .. . At 7 wheel: velvet! was said .by " Best Scranton at fl“ @3212: brindle) f- . . 0 ,Uai «‘f.’ mommy, ‘11 0‘ Whom. except Mr- 3“.- srrl..l-o '.‘ .: . . . Carriek. were elected 1.9 the W -ue Provincial Opposition consists Renfrew “‘41” flood ‘ 7 N“ . '. w . .on House. “ only eight“ mm 0‘“ 0' a Russellâ€"I). Racine film .tebee from the laun- Rev. Father cull-s. alter which His death some «ice to heart trouble. Coal 37-00 per 10“- ‘ y. R E Tm“ the Liberal em- total of 106 seats. 0! these eight- Simcoe EHJ, B, Tud- , -_'2 One 0! the two was an en- Lordship dellv'ed an 3103th and The W lawpwho was in her P ur order at .. . .th Br . h a in gen tidings twelve sent ., Liberal re- hope. ' fig. hm sing,- “a h, “a worm out by impressive sermon to the 1",“ c0!“ and year. was m '. in a... to“. lace Yo E13230“ for “53; gogeralsofioug7 pmt‘tm to 01%“;t: 110:: l SWWW'. ll. lites-t {pun ton. intricate calculation the erect ensio Wflon 'hich thin-iced the edi- this 0! moo-s ne'er Oakwood. once and 5““ “Sb )8 . . . ' :lnfi , - . 4. . ., 7s;- seieateniig. :mwfemmted during mainstlw 339;: “M“ “'3‘ .1“. c giggling mm should be drop- nee. Them dock his sermon , , _________.â€"â€"-â€"-" a I" n. 0. Short. ‘, SIX (3:187)?ng {31:13:}.- three years c! the Laurier regime by - Wehtworth 3...”. Reid Lib. (on. tunnel was found a ' marriage ' y C AR WINDSOR SALT . Dack. .. anl m ane dings ~ , . . p . ., _ , p In .11 ' ~ ' . . ~ ‘ i ‘ '~ . Five Roses Flour$2.85 cwtz‘cas of e convict firth sentative in the Federal Parliament. "'3 . is a Conservative. Previous toul the recentelectlo'n sixoitheseconsfib. , p. , bendes had Liberal representatives 35! m - - . - ~ , ' ‘ . . p _ . . . . . . ,, -, . a 3‘ y; . ‘ WW ‘ , ‘ .. '1 n . ‘ k I |.’. . A}.0t“ I 7 ~ . - Emud Findl a Conservutive. The other riding. Centre Huron, has no seat com? ‘ pending exactly in the magical Puri Flour ...$2.85 1 _ ty . . ., .whhen IIIâ€"Gerald 7 ,. who. Cecil OtiaiV ‘L " .' ~ 7 . ‘ . . ‘ f. v, ' ‘ u ‘ .. ,. .. ' . 0‘ . Wk Hope.

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