" ' he d this office. oince nearly opposite the Simpson house. .‘.â€"â€Â£- #- Ito my work. Barristers. etc corms AND HOPKINS. Barrie we. Solicitors. Notary Public, etc. ,lot‘IOy to' loan on terms omenâ€"6 William street guts. Lindsay. om. G. a. flop- uss. K. 0.. r. 11. Hopkins. 3. a. â€M ' [MART O’CONNOR.- Barristers. Eateries. etc. Money to loan at very lowest current rates on best was. Daceâ€"corner Kent and York sts., Lindsay.. . ’1'. Stewart. L. V. O’Connor. 8. A M! â€ORE d: JACKSON, Barristers. $6., solicitors for The Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money to loan on mortgages at ï¬ve per cent. 0!- Ice William street. Lindsay. I. D. Moore, K. 0.. Alex. Jackson ____________________â€"â€"â€"â€" [£108 R. KNIGHT, Barrister. So- licitor. Notary Public. solicitor for turmers Bank. representing Water- loo Mutual Fire Insurance Co., of Waterloo: Federal Life Assurance Ca. of Hamilton. Empire Acci- dent and Surety Co.. of London. Ont. Office over Farmers Bank, op- Mb: post ofï¬ce. IeLAL'GHLIX, PEEL. FULTON STINSOS. and Notaries. Money to loan. Spe- cial attention given to investments. Oates: Dominion Bank, corner Gilliam and Kent-Sta. Lindsay. R. J- McLatighlin, K. C.. A. M. Ful- ton. B. A., James A. Peel, '1‘. Stimson. _________-.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"‘-J Whitney to Loan -’ I. g, WEIJDOX Mariposa township Clerk, Oakwood, Fire Insurance .g-ent, issuer of marriage licenses. conveyancing in all its forms. _______________â€"â€"â€"â€"-... {BE UNDERSIGNED is prepared to loan money on farm. town, and vii- ‘T'z'f‘e property, at Very lowest rates not interest. Company or private ‘ sands. I am always ready to buy good mortgages. I. E. WELDON, unlicitor. etc, Milne Block. Lindsay. __-â€"-â€"â€"-â€" â€"- CLOTHING A PPETITE No matter how p001 an ap- petite you have you’re bound to grow hungry when you look over our stock of euitings for this season. Lou Wickett 2nd door to Post Printing Oï¬ce William St. - Lindsay «on! a I of rheumatism. l \ | I l 338 J oliette-st. concerning Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. I suffered from dyspepsia and indigestion for five years. I suffered so much that I Could hardly attend I was weak and lost all courage. I enjoyed no restuntil I decided to follow your treatment. after haying read your advertisement in the paper- To my great surprise I mmediately began to feel better. I am now using the second box and I feel so well that I want to tell you that I owe this great change to your famOus pills. I recommend them to every person who is suffering from dyspepsia. Your grateful servant. D. R.‘ Larose, 338 Joliette-st., Mon- treal, P.Q. . Let all .‘who have weak stomachs, and those who suffer with indiges- tion, headaches, biliousness. know they can be perfectly cured by Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. Successfully used for many years, mild and sgfe. 25¢ per box, all dealers, or the Catar- rhozone (30., Kingston. Ont. words OBITUARY. MRS. EDWARD MOORE. A life-lcng and highly esteemed re- sident of the Township of Manxers passed away on Oct. {3th in the per- son of the late Martha Wilson, relict oi the late Edward Moore. The de- ceased lady. who Was born in Man- vers township on the old homestead, was in her 67th year, and had been ailing for some time past.’ Last fall she was taken seriously ill, tut recovered. However, about five months ago she was compelled to re- .rris r , l'citors, . - Bl “9 9 3° ‘ Itire to her bed with an attack of pneumonia, which was followed by At times she suffered greatly, and during that time her sickness compelled her to remain Esllying on her back, and she found it very difficult to eat substantial food. However. she was tenderly cared for up to the last, and although her death was not entirely uneXDeCted it came as a shock to her large host of friends. Having resided in Manvers 0n the old homestead for sixty-seven years, she was well known for miles around. The parlnts of the deceased lady, who passed away years ago, were from the old sod, Ireland. and the deceased lady had also many pleasing and happy Irish days. The late Mrs. Moore is survived by two daughters and four sons. name- ly: Mrs. (Barbara) W. J. Grundy. Moznt Horeb; Miss Ida Moore at home : William Moore in Ninga. Manj: Edward in California, and Isaiah and John at home. In religion the deceased was 8. Me thodist, attending the church at Mt. Horeb. Wouldfall ‘- in a Faint WHEN SHE ATTEMPTED TO WORK, SO EXHAUSTED WAS â€"â€"-‘ THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. â€"â€"â€"â€" THE FEEBLE, WASTED NERVES WERE RESTORED AND RE- VITALIZED BY " Permit me to write you a few . yeah?!†ink-“O" (9‘. ~.rm'§m.m’m- -rv pug». . . italic lllll Granite Monuments Dr Chase’s O / brill . f u g lusiri :s it il 9 sen 9 old ahead but not in the same old way. We ivance with the times and are in a Nervous prostration is a terrible position to do better work than ever. disease to all who understand its =91" designs, new granites, new and symptOms. At times the sufferer “Proved â€0°13 and methods. in fact feels comparatively well, but ' with Nerve Food , it“! 0109‘? â€PM“ Marble and GT3“: slight exertion the dreadful helpless- lfie Works .in this part 0‘ Ontario. uess returns and all strength and 0615 our WWâ€. and see 0‘“ d5 “8'“ vitality seems to leave the system. More purchasxng. This letter from Mrs. Martin very Shop ma show room lIw/g cam. well describes the terrible condition in which many a suï¬ererfinds her- ï¬idge St... iminediately north of Fire , _ 1,. self. She also tells how'shevregain- ‘fls-ll- ‘ ed health and strength by using Dr. Chase’s Nerve Food after all other Undsay Marble Works treatments i... need- _ , Mrs. Edwm Martin. Ayers one. 33. CH RIDERS. Pâ€? ing m. Chase’s Nerve Food 1m in a terrible condition from nervous ex- haustiOn and prostration. -Dizzy spells would come over me and I would fall to the floor. The weak- ___________‘__,â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" TT somuchassweepthhfloor without. fainting, but the nerve food helped ._ . ,' . Itha's' . . arecognizedas “Canadas High donewoadersin'buildilsupmynere (.mtm...‘ t me after the doctors failed. down. Cn Monday moxn'ng last he was working as usual performing his duties as foreman at the Baker Lunv her Company's yardS, but in the al- ternoon he suffered from severe pains . in the abdomin and was forced to leave his work and return to his home. . summoned and the case Was pro-, nornzed serious, so serioos in fact ‘ that the mediqu attendant renamed with him night 'and day until his death early 'this morning. Tuesday alte2nocn the: deceased became worse. and he was found out that be was suffering from peritonitis. He was removed to the "Russ Memorial Hospital, and a Consultation was held by the medical men. However. nothing could be dcne for the suffer- ing man, and knowing that his time was short on this (arth, the deceas- ‘ 'ed was-resigned to his fate, and bore his intense suflering with Christian fortitude. His family were with him, and he was able to converse with them intelligently until within ' 11in an hour or so of his deaths The late Mr. Blewett, who was in his 56th year, had been a resident of Lindsay for some thirtdesr. years. He was torn in Smith Township, Coun- ty of Peterboro. his aged mother still residing on the old homestead. The deceased then took up farming in \’erulam Township on the Scotch Line. where he was widely known. Afterwards he moved to Bobcaygeon, where he entered into business La- ter he received the appointment of lockmaster at Bobcaygeon, which position he held for four or ï¬ve yea's. when owing to a change of Government he was replaced. Mr. Illewett then removed with his fam- ily to Lindsay, and engaged with the Rathbun Lumber Company. laâ€"l ter with the Baker . ‘Bryans Com- pany and again with the Baker Lum- ber Company, he having been Con- nected with the above three com- panies for upwards of thirteen years. The deceased gentleman was an active worker for the Conservative party, and was chairmay. ." No. 2 division, east Ira (1. EV was veiy amongst his friends and ac- quaintances, and highly respected and esteemed. lie was married Some thirty-three years ago, and is sur- vived by his loving mother and wife, four daughters, three sons. four bro- th‘3s and ï¬ve sisters. Following are the members of the family : Mrs. W, .'. Milne, of Chicago; the Misses Mimi: and Florence illewett, of To- ron‘o: Mrs. Percy Menzies, Detroit, and Messrs. Coleman, Ernest and All!» 11. M SIGNS OF HARD WINTER. Farmers are preparing for a hard and long winter. because the ' red squirrels and chipmunks haVe becomt Very busy laying in their winter food store, even going to the extent of collecting green chestnut burrs, breaking them open and hiding or future use the unripe chestnuts. The natives declare they never before knew the squirrels to open green chestnut burrs or to begin storing food so early in the fall. A ’l‘HRESI-IER’S OPINION. Mr. Robert Montgomery, the veter- an grain thresher. is still’making' the farmers merry with the music of his machine and his promptness in ful- ï¬lling his promise. No night is too dark or dreary for him to fulfil an time appointed. He yield of grain much inferior in qual- ity and the bushels per acre much less than other years and says tak- ing the most brilliant} outlook of the Result of L. C LREl-ections‘ l! {1151â€}; xiii!†-.___â€"â€" a For Literary Society'â€" A Wild West Parade A demonstrative crowd, made of students from the LC. Kent-st. on Tuesday. They were ’ ;., noisy bunch of pupils, will be boys." and no offence taken by any one OVcr the para The howling mob, with the dates seated on the hurricane of an old hotel bus. bearing wor " Wellington " on either sides. ' was the mode of conveyance. Thel with motive power was in keeping the outfit, which was pushed and candi- st.. deck ‘trundled on and disappeared for an- | the lother year. The following candidates were suc- l lowing ofï¬cers “ ere eleCted: cessful in being elected its office: up The boys thanked their nominators, 1., paraded‘and considered the trip down Kent- " st in such a conveyance was wort h but “ boys ,more than the ofï¬ce, and a recalled. wasftion to be cherished in the cells oil ' de. imex'nory for future yarn. Cp lieut- south side, they once more. President â€" Barkley Mason. 1st \’icecPres.â€"Miss~ Gertrude (fa- pul‘cd by the students. rew. (me got ithe idea that lluï¬alo Bill's Wild. West struck the town and was parading an ant quated style of | stage coach. 1 At Brittoo's corner speeches were indulged in by the ofï¬cers elected. 2nd \'iceâ€"Pres.â€"Clsrence- Fisher. Rec.-Sec.â€"Reg. Martin. L‘or. Sec.â€"Miss Mary Canton. Curatorâ€"Stewart Flm elic. Asst. Curatorâ€"Lloyd Nesbitt. W A Wonderful Discovery ! An emln nt scientist, the other day, gave his opinion that the most won“ the discovery of ‘Zam-Buk. Just think ! As. soon as a single thin layer of Zam-Buk is applied to a wound or a sore, such injury is in. surcd against blood poison ! Not one species of micmbe has been found that Zam-Buk does not kill ! ' 'lh-n again. As soon as Zam- Buk is applied to a son. or ‘_ cut, or to skin disease, it stops the smarting. That is why children are such friends of Ram-Butt. They thing. All they know is that w- carenothingforthescieneeof the thmg' . Alltheyknowisthat Zam- Mothers crops at best than will be a short- ' age in the farmer's ï¬nances. NEW POLICE QUARTERS. pennenant. _ Only the othfl' day Mr. Marsh. of 191 NO! â€.‘.-“vein Wâ€! t“ 9““ upon the min-But Coï¬'uny ’9“ ton is nearing completion. Painters told‘them that for over twenty‘nve 0116-. writes :â€"“ Before I began us-' andpaperhansm havebeendiselu- yeanhehadhOQ‘aWtYl'lo w ‘by no THE PENDELCM Oi“ PROGRESS- There is ‘11 old saying, “Why. 9 .7 ' a f . derful.discovery of recent years “-3.51“an ‘ .which WI) aptly de- scribes the big overdo“ mec'mg held. A meeting 0‘ the library boar'l “.415 by the citizens of Lindsay in which citizens prominent in the civic in thg"‘¢m. The president and sec- life of the town gave utterance their honest thoughts, the bone 0" : r: :: '3} =1} W “ viz-taliiniiim -- "in!“ “.'.. U. "Q HYMENEAL. ‘ ‘ wusoxâ€"n \(;l- C l‘ Llle:Agm{ The marriage of Miss. ll'ilfi Nap- los, daughter of John u: seams, iii-n â€1'" gof Red RoCk. to Mr. “3:! Bobcaygeon, Oct. 5.-â€"’l‘he annual. gWilson, took place on In" .'.i'n, at meeting of the curling-club was 'nrld' _ . , . . in the Mossom ond Co.y's ofï¬ce Ln the resxdence- m the lvl'lt‘i‘ s tuber. Monday evening, when a gown), The ceremonynvas. spasms...†m in“ number of Knights of the stone and nOon. the Rev: \v. (i. >-:..;‘n. lumx besom turned out u, organize tcr church, ofhmatmn, 'l‘lu- “muting was very quiet, only we xzwxnhvrs of the coming season's sport. Dr. 2. al-i _ . ‘ lis, president for the past two v-arS. lthe famihes._uiteros:.s “"1“: EIr-N'nt. ' he “.00." ml . occupied the chair. The finances, 33"" .were taunted 1., be in good run-ii- Jgroom, was brides-mum art-i .\ir. Lion. ‘n jmygm being Mom-1 ianhOS. Staples, of 'l'ul'mn‘n, ".‘.;ex lu'hl nearly every dcpmmenp The {01-inla‘n. After a \erv «:Ai-v. :inmer llon. ithe happy couple Ic-t‘i .mml u shower Pres., .1, '1‘, flashingâ€; Patron nnle‘ confetti for a mm in 'l‘nmmc Patromss. Mr. and Mrs. M. m_§and Hamilton. and (w “W" ““1â€" Boyd; Precise-t, R. J, Green ; ’\’)oe-iwill reside at Ill": 'nz. v ur the Pres, Andrew Braden ; Secretary and P‘enelon road. 'l‘rt asurer, E. J. Broad; Executive ----'"'-“ COiumitm, ‘3'. B. Mm, H 0.' ‘YllJil'iiil H“! l: 805d. M. A. tall“ and RObt. 548': “ilberiorcp, (iv: 3' M l.‘ , . lold: skipsâ€"AV. A. Davis. R. J. thing seems prei'} q...†.‘.â€... s; 'iirS Green. A' E; l’ottum, 1" A' FNIE' 6; Lander closed to vln their iixi‘T. IL mrk' 11' (I. Boyd' 8‘ Sid‘o‘s' \V. Zhe much 'll\‘?ll oi ll?“ \\lli>l'tv on (3. Smith. G. 3. Moore. and E J. the Virginia (hay-hm (1.,‘5 plant “'0“; tall's'ard' skips, l'n'~'isg“ns blown for lilo zusv 1mm nit and Broad: district skips. Moore aid “e“. Mark; Chaplain, Rev. W. G. Smitn.* Mr. Chapman “ohm-s mtg tn“. Everything rd†to another tuc- pit-ted the rem-gm o-liar of his 035%“) 39mm house, and has inc-- :mrn rclzr‘w‘i lo the farm. . ' the held in the library rooms on Monday l. 'l‘here is some mm 01‘ um... J35. town council chamber last night. at evening. Dr. '21. 0;“ Boyd, Presit'ert, in some of the slot-cs, “v ..... It} need them. ioiretary was instructed to purchase .0“ the WM ‘3 â€mm“ â€10,0413: new books. and ‘ W 0‘ .ccounts night, the 1f 1.. it n. topic» (v) were passed. f-‘ome vacancies were named to (“ten 3 mr “1 wax . When is the grupimu llllll gun: to that contention being that the citizens as a whole have been rather but in the past in any effort to boostl Lindsay. but that the time is oppor- tune for a revival. and that just because matters have been allowed to. slip along haphmrdly in the past. is mean: a reason why there should not be a. change for the better- Lindsq are alive tit-m town's un- andthatanewlï¬isdawnlng for them â€one weaker .ï¬lled. on the library canmittee . . The Epuorth League opened icr M? That is â€W WNW) st .u» an and winter won’t... iron- W ‘° "“1““ “r" ‘ â€9 hm 3†day eveniw. with Pres. Miss $.11. . Wright in the Jail. summits C9?†9m" , are under way for ., successful new enquiring 3“" “"119“le 1 ma. work. like hunting season is 9'1â€â€œ C "’0‘ . Rev. Mr; W, a returned van-donate. gave an illustrated lec- 0x15 MAN KILLED. l“ in la? M8. bl! on Monday A terrible accident occurred al- Tmm’ which m WM "075' Port McNicoll, between Midland and much. Victoria Harbor. “1 (Jill. m ‘I-xe Mid" idocks, When one than. was 'ousl); injured. “8 at th Buckle“ Home. It now two were sen . m ‘ my m vmv '3‘ ll William Hall, who. has relmhes m Quite . â€one building. , Lindsay, and who. mg. and...“ on “'3 Sta-IO! l'arht’s â€.m. a steam drill, was. handling a stick «I i. *‘LTMO FIDO“ 1m val. Of dynamite when it c- h ‘5 mm. Wt ing of! mm hishimde‘. we now. people 1 ,c oks / M m'm‘nm in Harvey, body (rightfully and LU ‘ I Two. men... Mr. "F‘ “.W emanates the game. stnntly. “PM asst-uses: Bell an.- inn and iildliooii~ ,m .. it; .. .. . Flannel Flannel Heavy Narrow Urey l‘~ Red F1. \Vllitl Flanrw ham-y Meir» Heavy Buy~' 1i Surat» Hwy} , Lenin! Iï¬i‘llt‘; - w (Wm-ï¬r» THE NE OF 8‘ Before becomznn zzmn Cabinet Councxl, ll \~. for Mr. Borden. 11‘ “0 3f his Majeetx'r l'r..j members of pre-._.ms l inets, to be 0! His May-SE}. Pink} Canada. on were each nurtured to given below. 'Ihzs oat '1'“! the Messy.“ iii Ming Canada. as :h in quaint form .am'n . Councillors of Urea: m‘ny C‘ellllll‘lv‘.K if h S\' Urn 2 “incl, ( I; \ i 11' iii" “YOI' â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"~ d 89!“? his 513%“) {in this his 5183'}? 's H) secret all sui'ri ma'lv in l’rhy inunvzl 01' an}, part Ilium-’1: l Son out of “iv sum:- and yet if ,yn‘. ll;.17i¢‘f' Such Prhy (ham-ii 5 the same Vo‘nt‘fl. up oer-n his 10} an; and wise open '11- same i ‘21}: person -.:.'.ii 1h.- behalf. You Hill ll. , any such l’rlx) ‘(l'u a mind and opini. n 2., t and the good at h» 5 persons in m, “':M' "1) faV-‘or. io-xe. turd. ms whatsoexer. :1 gvnr-r spect, in all x-(ur llCi which matters and 'h good Councillor 0night discretionâ€"5 i Hlilm Mr. Borde Ottawa, Uri. tl.â€"â€"'l‘lw at will be sworn in ' louver, as follows : B» L. Bordonâ€"l'remw Gut of the Council, Martin Burrell, 84’ 'Agriculture, Dr. J. D. Reid, (mt Customs. I. '1'. mm», Ont â€".‘d lance. '- B. Nut“, Que).-