3:5" l ll 1. _â€"- l l i ll ll . “..‘i .II' ~1 \\ \l'wpt't". \\. lawlyozi- .19 Flannelettes in stripes, checkaanri Will. ',34 inches......... . . . . . . 10c Flannelettes in pink, blue and whitestri and h cl: 3% ' pack 1 2 Heavy Shirting Flannelettes....2...‘.‘..-...:.I.’:s......f. ems, ..... 31%;; 15c andllél: Narrower Flannettes in all colors.-........ .... ...... . .. . 7c and 8c Grey Flannelettes.......................... ..... ...15. 20 and 25c Red Flannels and white F lannels, c ial er ard - w... .2 .... Ft... 3...... p..E"’§....if....’.’........:::.:::::::.::::::::::::::::3.-‘?§ Flannellette Sheeting, grey, 54 inch. per yard....... ......... 35c Fancy Flannel Shirtings.,..........-......... ..... 25 35 and 40c Men’s Underwear, Penma‘n’s fleeced, each,50c Heavy Wool Underwear......-. 75c 1.00 and $1.25 Bnys’ fleeced-lined Underwear ,330, 35, and 40c Sweater Coats, Men’s.................. ..1.00, 1.50 and $2.00 Boy's Navy Sweaters...... .....50 and 60c Ladies’ Knitted Underwear, 3 leatiersn2.5.,â€35 and 40c,nheavier......50 and 75c Ladies’ Natural Wool Penman’s.......................... ......... ....81.25 and $1.40 Children's Vests, 15 ...20c, 25c, 35c. Childrens’ Vests, 18......25, 35, and 50c (‘lnldren’s black Tights, all sizes . Ladies’ Black DraWers and Tights....................................50, 75 and $1.00 Plannelette Sheets..... . ..... 10-4 $1.00, 11-4 $1.25; 12-4- $1.65 Bed. Comforters,...1.50, 1.75 and $2.00. Bed Spreads ..... 90c, $1.00 and 1.25 White Blankets, Fine Wool...... 3.00, 4.00 and $5.00 Remember we carry a ï¬ne range of Ladie’s and Children’s Fall Mantles aesasaslnsss no cases... s seesa- E. E. W. MCEAFFEY .. “...“--. "as..-“ -.. ..-.-.“ _.,A_7..- . . .-... .. . . L‘ U “LING CLUB. The annual meeting of the Lindsay not have been made. in fact, on ’ihe ('urllng Club was held Monday in Wardcr pointed out editorially never- THE NEW CABINET’S OATH were gratified as it Was conceded thot if there was any one man in the House who. (1m the appointment on his merits and also for long and ‘ble service to his country and . . fellow countrymen it was Col. Sam - 7808â€. He has brought honor and dis'inc- titn to the good old town and his fellow townsmen do! hate to Colon- el, the Honorable Samuel Hughes, Esq., M.P., Minister of Militia, and Defence. The news was ï¬rst received early Sunday morning but it was thought wise not to publicly proclaim the ' appointment until the names. of the entire cabinet were published in the Toronto press. Bunches and knots of people were to be seen on Kent-st. yesterday and 10-day. all discissing and talking on the one subject ; cheer was on every [309. (‘ne and all expressed their apprec- iation at the appointment. made by Premier Bordon. The town has been makin; strides which bespeak :n'os-| perity of late. but to this is now added honor. which the representa- tive of our county has alWltps brOught to Llll'lï¬â€˜y .nd the penle of this county. Col. Hughes in ‘ military men of the right stamp. clear cut and de- clsixe and a butter selection could electorateofthisriding and in f lngeneralhonorhimandtrust him because he is not an opportunist W‘W’. Col Hughes asomcmberof Pre- mm,ll’lnlllimf ‘ manna-dens Cabinstwilll-eg 5 help to make up a strong. honest, capable and patriotic Government. As stated before he is well up in military matters and even during the Hoard regime, the ex-Minister of Militia recognized Col. Hughee' 3M1- ity on several dilfmt occasions In not he has always been recognized as ._ very emcient man in malte‘s pertaining to the militia. and he will undoubtedly ï¬ll the responsible posi- tion with credit to himself and country. Col. Hughes as a Cabinet Minls‘cr will still be . manber of the respon- sible government, for the Ministers in accordance with whose advices the aflairs of the country are carried on must reflect the opinion represented by the majority in the House of Com mons. Thu-e are now fifteen depart- ments and each are presided over by a Minister. Besides the heads of ne- partmcnts there are three Ministers without portfolios. . «em ~ ism- « *‘rmis as :22: After accepting once, all the heads of departments who are not Senators will ofl‘er themselves as Candidates for election in their several consti- tucncies. 1116 men returned on the 21st are expected to sit in the House as the deputies of their sever.) tidings "nd to act generally with reference to what appears to be the sense .nd de- sire of the mass of the people there. When a, man thus returned as the representative of ‘ riding weepfs the odor oi ., place in the Cabinet he is lound to obtain the consent of his electors. it is for them to say she- ther or not thiy will pennit the man _‘ l they sent to Parliament as the repre- the rink, and was largely attended. at days ago he was fitted for the between sixty and seventy-five mein- position. in militia matters he is .. hers being present. The meeting was man of big intellect and is also well a most enthusiastic one. and from equipped loth mentally gnu physical. present indications the coming soa- ly to assume the duties appertaining son will be the banner one in tho lo the float of Minister of MUN. history of thoclub. President Jan. “Id Defence. lloxull occupied the chair, after Th0 0010301 ll“ been in the pull‘lc scntative of 1.er interests to give ‘ large part of his time our! aflllts’ ’o the service. not of gay one riding but of the whole Dominion. It is but fair . tht the constituents should be con- . .2 sulted in this matter. As . rule they consider it a cowllmcnt to â€who selves to have their MMta‘ivo .g .l H.1{h OF SECRECY AND LOYALTY .1 l\lHI\ ‘ ,.~ xxr‘l‘IIlHK lvlmv lmcomuug ummlwrn of the clilor not to disclose what happens ...z,.m~-: l‘mlncll. it was memory in the Cabinet. touching any other m.- m- m liunlvn. as well as for those Councillor until the King has given or or in. Maimtv'n Privy Council "or lllfl authority tor such revelation. on i..l llll’l‘l ‘\ ill g-i‘i- will .«.‘~, lu‘nl. -l.nm'r‘ g 4 Nllll\\‘l‘r l‘ul'uui i tr". if“ .m lllt‘ mnl. .murmi. “r. I) has “Hutu“ in momma-1 ..r previous Dominion (fab. several occasions this permission hail um. m in! sworn inns members been asked in mynrltaln by Mar of HA ‘lales’y'o Privy Council for lstcrqsgoslgn their positions in the (3....4... on ahlch occasion they Cabinet owl g to disagreement “1th war: mu'h required to take the un‘h their colleagues on important ques- ng-n lmluw. 'lbis oath in the same, “088 of DOUG,“ 1. Canada. in such wul. the necessary alterations re- a ease. the Governor‘General. as re mom; Canada, as the ancient ..ath presenting his Majesty. would have :.i want form taken by the ‘l'rivy to give his consent, but the Gover- tj..:;n.~.llors of Great Britain for nor-General is not mentioned in the lugs Centuries. It binds the Conn-oath. octod : Patronâ€"John Car-cw. Presidentâ€"J. D. Flavelle. Vice Pres.-R. Butler. Secretaryâ€"J. M. Knowison. Treasurerâ€"J. D. Flavelle. Asst. Tressâ€"E. Gregory. Chaplainâ€"Rev. J. W. Wallace. Managing Committeeâ€"The ofï¬cers core and Messrs. 'I‘. Burke, L. V. O’Connor and G. A. Little, . Representatives to 0. 0'. A.â€"J. D. Flavelle, and Rev. J. W. Wallace. Finance Committeeâ€"J. Boxall, T. J. Tilly, L. V. O'Connor. l NEW MEMBERS. Some thirty new members were ad- mitted last evening, which gives the club the largest membership in its history, as very few old members have Iropped out. Following are the new members: J. A. Law, B. A. Scoots, Geo. Low, 13. Somervllie, c. A. Bryans, W. E. Baker, J. Cudda- bee. E. Robson, A. Palen, W. Mc- Lennan, H. Brimmell. H. Fee, G. Hendersan. M. Moynes. W. Kirkcon- nell, Jae. Graham. '1‘. C. Matchctt. W. Bresthour, A. Cuthbert. H. F. McLean, Dr. Colllson, J. Carroll, J ,. A. Darch, C. Hall, M. E. Roberts. D. W. Fraser. N. McFadyen, I". 8. Hopkins, Dr. Rich. ().\1‘H Oll‘ MEMBERS OF I’RIVY COUNCIL. ‘ i 41' do solemnlv promise and swear that you will w." 9 his Male-st}, truly and faillliully in the place of his Council in 121.4 his Majesty‘s DOMINION OF CANADA, you will keep close and ...-cm: all such matters as shall be treated, debated and resolved on m Privy Council Withfl'l'. publishing or disclosing the same U.“ .m'. part thereof, by Word, ,1. citing, or any otherwise to any Der- ...n ..‘u. of the same Council. but to such only no be of the Council. mil .»:t if unv matter so propounded, treated. and debated in any snub Privy Council shall touch any particular person. sworn oi the same Council. upon any such matter as shall in any wise cor.- cl-rn his loyalty and ï¬delity to Ihe King's Malest'r. you will in no em,- open the same to him. bu. keep it secret as you would from “nv person: until the King's Majesty‘s pleasure be known in that ...-hall. You will in all things to be moved. treated. and debated in lmv such Privy Council. faithfully, honestly. and truly declare your mind and oplninn to the honor and beneï¬t of the King's Majesty. and the good of his subjects without partiality or exception ml persons. in no wise lorbnnrlng an to do frOm any manner of respect. favor. lo-vc. hired. displeasure, or dread of any person or persons whmtsoevor. in general tyou will be vigilant. diligent. and circum- spect. in all yrur dolngs touchlr; the King's Malesty's chairs; on ubiCh matters and things you will faithfully observe not! keep as . quad Councillor ought to do. to the utmost. of your power, will. use discretionâ€"S ) HELP YOU (mil " through the Province a Demonstra- M 1†Borden Announces . tion Car. exhibiting samples of the Personnel of Cabinet :33: .. 22:“ ...:mm... ‘12:; fremlekamlug Lend. , In†car will he in May- on Nov. u' a...“ Uri. 9.â€"The Borden: cabl- 22nd. Kiamount on Nov. 28. Gelcrt no: will be sworn in at noon to. . ' ’ ' "l “1 Nov. 94. Woodvule Nov. 91. .I'he cams in Mm! two. at- DEMONSTRAI‘ION CAR. The Bureau of Calculation of ihe Department of Agriculture of the Province of Ontario is sending which the followlhg officers were 01- 05'. as l member of the Canxullan . fluentlalcitlnens chthe town where Parliament for 21 years. during which time he has served his coin- try well in various lines. No matter what question came up in the aim for debate Col. a- Hughes attrsvt- chosen to be ‘, member of the Gov- ernmcnt and both for that reasoa and because of the desire to ovoid tho cx~ pools and disturbances of a semnd election that is nearly always certain, to more than conï¬rm the ï¬rst. all ed by his strength. He was never the answer dictated by conscience. great the political advantage his parties in the riding let the serund afraid to lay “No†when that w,s no matter how many votes or how straightforwardness might cost him. election go by acolamation. W ' COL. THE HON. SAM HUGHES. THE TOWN IS YOURS Cicero said honor is the concur- ° rent approbation of good men. This MonSter Reception expression was fully veriï¬ed on ' Weknesday when citizens of the town 0f Llndsay and and general public met at the C.P.R. station on the arrival of the 12.30 special which conveyed Col. the Hon. Samuel Hughes, Esq.. M.P., Minister of Militia and Defence and party to be honored and feted in his home town. of Honor It was a. rousing and elaborate re- Somchille and McDougall. caption of a military and civil na- lthe Minister reviewed and amidst ture combined. The public were hand shaking with the crowd he then to present in an abundant pushed his way to the carriage which pointed Minister of Militia who now manner their kindly expression of V“ ll! “Ml-1n! to â€0000“ in the feeling that good will could suggest Emt procession. from the vast assemblage. The parade proper was the best Never was such a mopuon ever ever witnessed in Lindsay. Besides witnessed before by the citinens of the large number of cabs there were Lindsay. The progrnm you go well a large number of automobiles which arranged that there was not a hitch lwm Well decorated. from start to finish. Verlly. the thief of Poliie Chilton acted as keys of the town were handed over Grand Marshtll at the head 0! the to the stalwart and popular ropre- PWNG- He was seated on a royal sentative of the people, to the new and noble looking grey charger; in. Cabinet Minister. Everybody enter- manly CW Wl‘vh hi. military bear- ed heart and soul into the aflalr ins in the uddlo mde one think and made it a huge success. 0‘ WOUlfls'tOn or such like heroes, A special train was despatehed to riding any to conquer an enemy. Burketon conveying a number of the H9 performed his Part in a creditable prorninent Conservatives and in- “(1 becoming Way. THE LINE OPrIARCH. Tendered by Citizens ,' 31:33; 33:31:32: “3: Vicinity to New Min. m“ °°‘- â€â€œ2 name 9...... Hughes. Minister of Militia nt the isteruTown Decorated as Never Be» ZZ?.I§°ZI...?.1‘§‘.§.°.§.°ZZ§L‘.°’ ‘h" '°"" fore-Military Escort and Body Guard ‘ AT VICTORIA PARK At the park the band stand was crowded with gentlemen while the park proper was a mass of citizens who had gathered to hear the speak- These glcd and fought their Way to than“ M °‘ “'5' “d '9'“ ““11 the 'not permit of any long account suf- fice to say that everything passed off won. PRESIDENT DELAMERE. Major .1. H. Delamere, of Minded. President 0! the Liberal-Conservative Association, acted as chairman and Mr. Joseph Brown. merchant on he complimented the people of Lind- Kent-st., was designated to take say.on the magnidclent turnout and charge of the decorations, on a mo- splendid decorations. tlon being made by the citinens, at DR. BLANCHARD. l'l‘uosday's meeting. The time was Dr. Blanchard. as President of the short. Mr. Brown telephoned J. J. Liberal Association, brought heart.- Turner It Sons, of Peter-born, and lest congratulations from the Liber~ inside of three hour. a gang of men sis of the riding of Victoria and from the latter arm's «amalgam, lHaliburton, stating that all joined Wore on hand. hoisting all manner of in honoring the new mm:- of Hil- l‘llcs indicative of the British Ern- itia,‘ who had brought distinction Dire. Decorations from the can," and honor to the town and cty. where Col.. the Hon. Sam Hughes, Premier Bordon and made a wise se- u.r., Minister of mum, arrived, lection indeed in appointing Col. street to catch a glimpse at smiling and true-hearted newly ap- is made a ruler of the country be- cause he always obeyed it. THE DECORATIONS. moan“, as follows: . , war. 60.11“ m m street Hugh“ to the . . , tendants who will supply all infor- the met Col. the non. Sam Hughes The lure condo mwmd the fol- - and Leblan- l: L. Bordenâ€"Premier and Pres! mation. the farmers 01 Old l‘n- 3’ ret w“! him. lowing streets: From C. P. B. sta- lrom every conceivable place, 5‘88 Mr. Manson, moot-.919“ of we“ dezi' ill the Counc11. Mo Md m it a â€in t0 Vlï¬lt no duct “d m from the vast “on ‘10“: Caroline-st. ‘0 KW'Uto. “d 1’“th were dltplnyed. Down Northlnnberland WIS next bend minâ€"rm liurrell, B.C.-â€"Minister 01 Agrzc iliure. ll:‘_ p. Reid, Ont.â€"Minister of thecarendseefor themselves the resources of this Land of Promise. throng. on the arrival of the train King-st. to Lindsayast†Lindsay-st. would make the sound of Nils." to Kcnt-st., and thence to Victoria Caroline-st. to King, up Lindsay-gt, Ind briefly extended congratulations to Kent. thence to the park, was the to the new Minister on behalf 0 the line of the great procession, which maple of West Northumberland. The Fm. fade into Mam_ It was Park. Following was the line of cheer after cheer tint revel-berated N “no.“ the honorable minister. name of C°L Hugh†"'3 ‘ houseâ€" all.".‘)l...~. V». 1‘, White, Ontâ€"Minister of Fl- 1“ MR 01-†my through tower and hall in a deafen- Hannahâ€"Chm Chilton on ham Suitable mottoee were suspended hold one throughout the whole Do- n“... l . ing never to be “much fly. back. from wires, across Kent-st... bearing minion. Col. Hughes had brought V» :2. Nantel, Queâ€"Minister of In- The- blowing of the Wm on the The 45th . mm Band under the follow“ minions .- honor to his town, but he had al- land Revenue. "W9 1“" 80‘ I “all: for you.†ways been honored by his fellow- incoming train and on the M en- leadership of Bandmaatcr W. H. Robert Rogers, Manâ€"Minister 01 W- gamut“ you "W' you ""9 in d0“ 9““, m Interior. ' , YW'II dead. you're dead ' J. H. WK. 'l- C. Doherty. Queâ€"Minister 0! NS" . ‘11 OW-"v? " 2 2 " ' Mr. Burnham was introduced as the Justice. ' mm 0‘ Mom. Sun. We m , I P , Halor " n‘“ 'w- â€Mlle“: Ontâ€"Minis†°f On to. nrrival of the train Col. J. n. Delamere. of mace-n; r. "‘3'. . - - - , Labor. gum; aw, up; Blanchard, 11).; J. n. Flavolle, , Em noon-.um honors the old :0ch reception He commend Hon. J. a. Hazen, .N.B.â€"Mini9t°r of Marine and Fisheries- ' Col. Sam Hughes, outâ€"Minister of Militia. F. D. Monk, Quebec, Wt 0‘ Public Works. ' Hon. Frank Cochrane, Ontario. Minister of Railways- Hon. George E. P051130 03mm Minister of Trade and COM‘ -‘ L. Pelletier, Quebec. POW' General. u . Dr. w. J. Roche, mutate. 9"†tary of State. ' ‘: 3 Without Portfolio. A. E. W" †drum the “t". w t devils and "1 Ontario ; George Paley. w‘vl‘ \‘u Secatot Lou'gheed, Alberta.- , _ "