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Watchman Warder (1899), 12 Oct 1911, p. 8

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, These coats should appeal to any ‘ lady and will once she sees what good ' / value they are. - Ladies’ good quality black Caracul coats, lined with heavy mercerized sateen, military collar and trimmed with large fancy buttons, made, - in ladies’ and misfes’ sizes, very warm and comfortab e. Special... $18.50 ' Ladies’ extra fine quality plush coats, lined throughout, inside pocket, made with military collar and may be worn double breasted or with open reevers, trimmed with fancy - buttons. Extra value,at only $20 1' Ladies’ extra heavy weight plush ’ coats, lined throughout with best quality mercerized lining, semi-fitting style, with shawl collar and large ? fancy buttons. Extra qua]- $25 ity in every way .............. . I We are showing an extra choice stock of millinery this season and we want you to come in and see it before buying. 1 By so doing you will be better posted on what the Fall styles are. Besides this we will be pleased to save you real money on your Fall millinery. The only store in Lind- say selling Semi-Ready ‘ clothes We are pleased to furnish estimates on house furnishings of all kinds and assist you with suggestions in order that you may get the very best results in your endeavor to make home attractive. was like. ing, all sizes. Very ' Special .................. Women’s Institute Rest Rooms $1.19 pair 12 ft. long,6 ft. Second Floor Use Either Stairs Q-M~â€".-" wide, .11 complete, stretch 4 pairs at Once. OUR MOT'I‘O DEPEN DABILITY The man who invented the poor watch little knew what a boost he was giving the DEPENDABLE watchmaker. You can absolutely rely on what you buy at the GEORGE REALI- JEWEIJEIRY STORE The reliable and oldest established jewelery store in the county. You do not run any risk whatever in using our Flours-- the fullest guarantee of the Com pany is behind every bag that leaves the mill. The next time you are ordering Flour try a bag of King of Patents 0 Gold Mine and we know_ you will be‘delighted with the bread that will be on your table. ‘ “You try ourFlonr at 0‘]! r1; :---1)': CANADIAN CEREAL and MILLING 60., Ltd. J A Problem in Adthnietic The Dominion Life Assurance Company of Waterloo Ontario, has assets amounting to $2,000,000.00. The averag rate of interest earned on its funds during the past year was 7 1-2 per cent, as opposed to the 5 1-2 per cent., earned by the average Canadian Company. Find in dollars and cents why Dominion Life policyholders have That Satisfied Feeling Special-«$1 pr. These are Suede and Kid Gloves, wool lincd, dome fasteners, like cut, only with wind break in wrist open- $1 UTCLIFFE’ Town of We have endeavored ,to tell yo and show with exact illustrations just You will be well please we ask your inspection. Men’s Mid-weight facings full length of coat. Special ........ . YOU PAY LESS HERE THE ONE PRICE STORE LINDSAY 5 NOTICE TO HEIRS. Pursuant to the revised statutes of Ontario the creditors of Fred (3., Deacob, late of the Township of Ops, in the County of Victoria, sec- tionman, deceased, who died on or about the 2lst day of May, 1911, are, on or before the fourteenth day of November, 1911, to send by post prepaid to Leigh R. Knight of the Lindsay, in the Coun- ty of Victoria, Solicitor for the Administratrix of the said Fred C. Deacon, deceased, their christian and surnames, addresses and de- scriptions, the full particulars of their claims and the nature of their securities, if any, held by them. The said Administratrix shall after the fourteenth day of November next be at liberty to distribute the assets of the said deceased, or any part thereof, among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which she has then notice and shall not be liable for the as- sets, or any part thereof, so dis~ tributed to any person of whose claim such Administratrix has not If any person is aware of any heir- at-law of the said Fred (3‘. Deacon. deceased, full particulars should be handed into the above named solic- itor or Administratrix. Dated at, Lindsay this Ninth day of October, 1911. LEIGH B. KNIGHT. Solicitor for the Administratrix, Mary Jane Henry. ___________.â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Serious Charge Against The Globe The Toronto News says : Head the Laurier Government been continued in power on September 2lst the folâ€" lowing disclosure might never have Its publication would have involved the danger of such reprisals on the part of the Adminis- tration a8 would have caused any ConserVa ’ve newspaper to hesitate before making any public protest. Presumably the Post omce boring: to the people, and should be err-play- ed in serving the public interest with out regard to party advantages. or late this ideal has not characterized the conduct of the department As the facts given below clearly demâ€" onstrate, the Post Office was used during the recent electoral contest as a cogwheel in the Liberal party ma- chine. Such prostitution of an ‘ en- tire public serVice in ‘ vain endeavor to maintain a Government in Office is probably without precedent in the history of Canada. It will be seen that throughout the campaign The Globe sought and se- . Ed mailm’ g- privileges denied to N . ' 7 The ews ThsNewe “:10!”th moimumnyhdcbtwo. W pay extra postage on election. circu- to send out extra, numb“ in caring! d with every item and Over- coats of black Vicunna, silk 511' This one is made of extra quality, brown diagonal chev- iot with self collar. A very dressy c0at...... $1 5 (.‘REDITORS AND' notice at the distribution thereof. 1 lad while'rbe l l. on Gabewnsnlowedmu' untl l ‘31.", u in few words what everything The above illustration is an exact reproduction of a girl’s coat that we are giving extra good value in. It is made of all wool Cheviot, half lined with cloth, nicely trimmed with braiding. Colors, navy, 5 brown and green. Special at â€"Nethress Goods We are now showing a very’ fine range of the very latest novelties and the best lines procurable of general dress goods. It will be to your in- terest to see the great assortment to be found here before buying. lAGoodRug$9 Here you may buy a genuine imâ€" ported Tapestry carpet square of extra quality, big range of colorings to choose from in a fine range of de- signs and size 3x333,- yards for $9 only ............................. . Fit ages 4- to 9 years. These coats are made ex- actly like this illustration. The collar may be opened and turned down in lapel manner. The materials are Grey Tweeds and Chev- iot finished cloths, well lined and made to give £33515? ‘Zii‘igf’ffy335 Entrances on We are Sole Agents both Kent forLLadies' llone Jour- and William Ill hum; i. Li“. Streets 53, _ “The perfect Use Either Patten" m... One \\ e u l man-Warder WEEKLY EDITION ST. VITUSDANCE CURED THROUGH THE USE OF DR. WILLIAMS PINK PILLR. (horse, or as it is more gene'ally known, St. Vitus dance. is a. disease that usually at‘acks the young! child- ren, though older persons may be afflicted with it. Its most common symptoms are a twitching of the muscles of the face and limbs. As the disease progresses this twitching '1‘ Woodman-WINK (M) __ takes the form of spasms in which .1.” p. w .- “m .135 g the jerking motion may be confined a.“ dam “I. M. to the head, or all the ll'mlbs may be M to Unlud Stow my. an'ected. The patient is frequently M, or m 50: 9" m mine to hold anything- an the hands ' ' i or to walk steadily, and in severe Canes even the speech is alleCted. The disease is due no thevddbility of the inerves, and is always «cured by Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. which the blood. tone and stmgthen the soc-9t urine- for no Weider. nerves and thus restom the sullem __._____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€" to gOOd Mullah. The fon‘lowing is .3 THURSDAY OCT. 5 1911 striking instance of “Not Dr. Wil- ' ' I liams' Pink fills will ,do in this ‘ 1. Mr. . . ' "- troube s Chas 1h! ppe, PMlRunnaway Team on Island, Ont., says: “At, the age 0of Kent-St. I All All GllLlES, Pnprietci ‘l Illll' Subscription Ento- I‘o Daily Word: - one cent per copy. B, mall to points outside of Lindsay. 82.00 per your. Toronto Representatives I. E. Smallpteoc. 82 Chum-st. fourteen my eldesy daug‘ffteqr mu, became very much run down, ammo trouble developed into St. \itus dance. First her left arm became af-' fected, then the left leg and entire left side. She grew so bad that she Mr. James ’l‘horndyke of actually could not hold am'thing in Wednesday and if a man received or bravery none merited \bcr hand, and could ”only go 'ahout'a reward I /~{ ~) ‘1 \-, .4- ~\-â€"â€" with a sliding, jerking motion. Not- the some better than the above hero. withstanding that we were giving her It was a few moments previous to she seemed to be growing the rounding of the great procession re-from Lindsay to Kent-51., when socrowds of humanity lined the. pad e- ment that a runaway team came up York-st. from Russell-st. They were attaChed to a farm wagon and going at a ferocious gait. In their wild run it was i...possible for them to turn. Shrieks were heard on all sides; they were making for the sideWalk ; but Mr. James Thorndyke of whom too much cannot be said, at the risk of his own life, seized one of the animals by the rein near the head and brought the foaming steeds to a. standstill. medicine, worse, and finally her Speech came much affected. We became much alarmed about her that finally her father got a supply of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, and we began giv- ing her these. In the course of a few weeks she was much better, and be fore all the pills were gone she was again staying perfect health. This was in 1908. and as she has not had a. symptom of the trouble sinle 1 feel justified in saying the cure is permanent." _ Be sure you get the genuine pills, which are sold by all medicine deal- ers 'or may be had' at 50 cents a but on six boxes :or $2.50 from The Dr. BrOCkville, If it takes two to make a quarrel. and g husband and wife are one. what is the answer ? Williams’ Medicine 00., Ont. _â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€" ACCIDENTLY SHOT. Peterboro, Ont... Oct. 9. â€"- Bruce Hampton, aged 22 years, received the contents of a shot gun while hunting with his brotliers, one of whom mistook one of his boots showing through the bushes, for a rabbit. He had to be carried a long distance through the woods 'to a farm house, where an ambulance took him tofithe hospital. He will recov- er. CLERK’S ADVERTISEMENT 0F COURT IN NEWSPAPER. Notice is hereby given the 0. Court willbo held.purnunntto'lba (h- tario Voters' Lists Act. by His Hone or the Judge of the County Col-Col the County of Victoria. at ‘ Burnt River. on the Sixteenth m‘of Oo- lots without actually putting up . a cent of excess money. ,As a result, Post Daceâ€"tint 1. to whim.“ _:_" ‘kaence the worthy representative of LUaSIOC for this . . ' ' or i» , ,1 position ,‘of [mister °:‘ Hilltio ”a, News meets with the “’0'“ 0‘. even our com. the M. Wm 1108 been lmockhc the Colonel roundly formM- Infect «everyw- culon possible our com has bad ad with the large maiorlty champion: the stalwart repmenu- tive of the Uberal-cmativc gnu-â€" ty in the riding of Victori. and Hal- iburton. countryneededtbeverybectmenat w ., ~ W‘ ,., ‘1“ A" mass w" “*"Vd‘fla‘MW’ ’ ~ . z ' " w rw“ ‘ 'mSDAY. OCT. 12. 1911. put, so that the following editorial comment which appeared in the issue of the Poet. Manday, the first, favorable editorial comment “Duh has eva- appenred in reference u, He recognized ”any of Colonel, the Hon. Sam Bugh?s it is worthy of be in; reprinted. Here it is : u'COl. Hughes appointment ‘0 Hugh an important portfolio is an honor to the constituency he represents as well go a tribute to his mm}. a, all It had to be and when thelauthority on military matters. , . His ability along this 1.1% gas the helm to run at! govern the of- Eon more than one occasion, been ;e_ fairs of the people, the best were selected. Premier Borden has gathered around him in the Cabinet some his men min; who laVOf worked hard and who have meriwdI cogniled by the late Liberal Genny- ment- Sir Frederick Borden, In, I late Minister of Militia, om. mm. .0 recognize Col. Hughes abafiz,‘ on on military matters and as a few: promotion. As there was only on: out .appointed him to positions of J,” of the several applicants fully qualified for the responstble position of Minister of Militia, and Victoria and i=1a.llburton received the appointment. Honestly. Col. Hughes nor his friends didinot for an instant dream . of receiVing the canmendation of the W who was penance. in Whld‘ he “Wm“: ’ “L" self with credit. Col. Hughes .‘_._ tue of his long military execs-ye, is qwell qualified for such an ,3 ; ._,,_ tent position and the Post unne- .h. tingly extends its congrats): -:.._ May he fill the position with cozy, to himself and the constituer, m. represents.” The People’s Premier Premier Borden has officially an- nounced his Cabinet and public ox- pectations have not been changed in the slightest degree as to the ablill)‘ of the men be selected even before the names of the members were made known the people were sure that the aliairs of the ‘co‘mtry would be ably and honestly administered and that the Premier-elect would secure the Very best men available for the hood of the various departments. 'lhe is the character of the man at. the head of the Gov- ernment. .\ very large factor in the .makmg of the great lnujot‘lty on the side of the ;'pposition In the elections “as the personality of the leader. Mr. Borden's unsullied reputation, his his proved construutwe Courage, Those who know Mr. statesmanship. Borden best, feel every that in [u insight and cleainess and keenness of mind will serve him much more to the purpose than Sir Wilfrid's YuC-ll- od of setting his sails to the po‘,u- lur breeze. Mr. Borden is a deep thinker, and a great student. He does not go in ‘ _ (as say, the people are assum: ‘ha', '.‘: for polished cratory. He is not (.119 paper put it) inological exaCtitudeS . he does fit the phrase to sonoroun euphon- He speaks plainly. directly, sincreiy. find St8t$m8n. And as a business man, serious purposeful, Mr. Borden will an impression on Canada in confidence‘ liver, his breadth, his keen a juggler of term- _ . not my expressed. by the (-O'»t'rl‘.‘.l.v[' sm 1 will be an honest. n‘uke Some 'like a plain spoken man, a ; ,1; ,5 serious endea-or, and in" a»: . using his best ofiorts to (1,1: .,, affairs of the country as tin. . .3 be conducted. I Benz-e, irrespectixe of “‘21... '. flow-Ministers one the progn: n . . advance Confidence in h.: a; ment. They knOw it will be: .. 1' .r. den Governmen: as emphatma..; a. the Government now ruling 1r. is the Whitney Gowrmuenz. J runes Whitney has mcn (A ;.'v_: and of administratiw l’dlvf.‘ a~ "g colleagues. but it is his our. Lg: personal qualities the promo 1,; L. uie to his Gowrmnem nm, :19: _;.:- lLiCS of any other Slimmer (My; '4'. an ecleCtic of .ill the other 51.2151. ‘5' “qualities. We nme “hut i~ p. ;n...;' iknow‘n as Whitney rule, in 1%.»: ~le1- ‘lhat Sir Juno's Wham-3's HEEL; and r.’ (I) r :10 excellent Chinese-r is lht.‘ (Lou. IL; ._ force in the Ministry. In a dc. ”n- ment for “hzch a. man film: . :- James Whitnev has to “Raw"? 1. 'e could not well be anuhzw v.7 ._,_-, at “11 e\ents, not for an, ..-.._ . Hr. Borden “ill. be sixnzlar" 2g and righteous. And, no Ar» , -C will be. His will be lht- :mzl'. 4 carat}; mg 'l.’ ltriotic Government and ;a:' ‘ c We repeat, the new «:o J‘TY ii will mic a Borden (:mrrnzxwri ‘ full meaning of. the torn. \.', ”2.: A serious accident ri‘xiu-k pgssibly a loss of many lives was avertetm.“ by mine host and nostal- m 0akwooa’~j degree like that Sir James Whitney has made on the people of Ontano. “hat the people want in an admmis- trator, after all. is not. the graces of shapes his C(i‘l.“‘~e in ,(‘l‘omrrsw polished Speaking, the fine art of the right and reamn. and at! “r. manipulator of words -â€" pleasant with him will haw to nflvfl' thongh they may be. The people rule. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Collins Celebrate T heir MI. Borden is an ubslimi'v 1.. r. the contrary, he is 3 mar. wt Any “them-um enrich whom." authoflndto .ar shell; Mrs. lzl. Llunnzng, c1: dozen coflee spoons; Mr. ..r.«: ‘ I). Farrelly and Mrs. M. L‘ag. Calif? basket ; Ales M. ‘lassu‘r... g ;:. of salt and pepper shakers. .‘ilr v; Mrs. B. J. Cough, 8. brunt; "1 A \ery pleasing event took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ch; 8. (ohms, of Ops, on Thursday night of last week. The pleasing event which brought so many friends to- gether, was to celebrate the Silver Wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Collins. 1n the (“'83ng wri‘ges dI'OVe up to the house where the guests were . ' cordml‘ ly and Wm welcomed by Mrs. J. Johnston, a ML hum Jackson, a sugar shun . . wmutifullv decorated, Ind al W. “819110!“ it “‘a‘pm in: up? i . “>1 lg. .2 Pleasing some oflm' A' and Mfs’ 1'" JU” . them now and it be”; M" ”-31 M” 1" h n»: “ womanhood, showed that W biscuit Jar: 1"“ and 3”" f. l was not stingy in its distribution 01 Gin-arel .’ butt {1" dish. Mr. : ;:.L. that which brightens and cheers our M- Hugh-r . a billion“ knife 2 i llves. nr shell ; Mrs. '3: 1mm anti. 5 ‘ #- shell; Mr. and lirs. .x Murphy 2-.» Mr. and .\l::' ' 9: '. l; Silver teaspoons , Mr. Gunn, a butter dish; ilz'. ll“ 1)- urdson, a meat for ‘ \lr. and MK? V r; Mr. T. a... tter knit. . 1?!- H. brcad 't: 2 Short addmsles by some of the gentlemen were delivmd, expressive a sugar shell; of the welfare they wished Kr. and Sputt' a table mirro Mrs. Collins, and trust that they Miss E. Spratt, a bu may live another twenty-five years “a Mrs. J. lrevin. to enable all the party to meet and Mr. Collins' pr esent to his “3‘3 celebrate their golden wedding. a, gold watch. ed about eleven o’clock when the ______....-â€"â€"â€"---â€"-~"’ guests did justice to a meal that w-is A SALE OF FARM STOCK '3“? A most sumptuous repent was scrv- implements of Mr. George We“; "lit for the go-ls." After this. dnn- lot 15, con. 8, in the township ‘ PrOgressive eudne was enjoyed by table spoons ; the many sucks and mirth and um O'Neill, a meat lork: Mrs- I» f “a 75 preVailed throughOUt the night. {a sug‘r bowl ' Mr. and MEX 3* W‘ ' k ; bliss K. >‘. cing W indulged in by “'3 youngerl Man'POsa, near Oakwoml. “'31 "'4'" member! of the party. At . proper pl or on the 19m dao of October. 3:16.11th hour the guests said good night to at one o'clock in the J 3. Collins, Detroit, m, l doc. SALE REGISTER. diverteoknlm- Hamlin. W . ‘.;};:;n, ' ' '1‘le t. 31,â€"By G90. dé Beet, a bottle tub; Ir. J. not. one ay, 0c 1'. v Auction sale of ,..:n be pro; w." CL L ‘ ' lustioneer. m and implements, t of Alex. Logan, lot a, .. Sale at one o as... P-m. and without reserve. must prove Propefty. paying to,” ; p f _ _ amp and,alsopa.vingf01' amuse. mums-o ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_, , QUALITY i word. Whelh the best that \\ our aim when season are 6ij high standard Tweed Snitin Be in style, go". a length of our imprison». Tweeds. They are: r14: ‘. to-date in Weau- and «-. ing. See our specie“ '4 Twecds at pr 3. n. 1.25 and New Chevmt Chevioh wifl u . , last thread urn; shabby. For 1.1., they are tun-Mm have an ext-vllvn‘ .-., . 'nf inipnrtcll cl» .i mvrtle, (famine, cream and lvl'cC:~Z wide at per “Val”; and......... 11- ,.; The following disease= of Piles Epilepsy 3:. .4 :- . Asthma lsyphllls ll} ~;n~:~ Catarrh ‘Striclm‘v l1} .. - Rupture'Emia-sioy» f ‘ Dmbeoes‘\'arimn . 5.. . Kidne} Af‘mn' one Vii-Tit ali'-.‘i1l’_l. ' _‘ sible rend histul'y a: - stamp form-earriy. L. ,. free. OFFICE Hours to 6. Sundays 1.; . Dre. Soper and W 25Toronm u l ‘mflsixfi-l-i- - - -: 3 Keep Your Windows 0 Will! its?!- - I! Don‘t slew,“ Fresh air __~ 4. good heaitl. breeding [vign‘v . The lungs" Lhey breath. , ties in 30».r Within an , all the ox .0. If the down and 1'. 1st he that.» : than u ~ RUral (‘03.- ‘ . an of nalxn‘... tically lump": Plague tux. greater perv": unong lul‘ulr-f'r " 0f people. “ho isn‘t ‘.-.'.l'. .9 minor “‘llh .': 5'. “here for: (laps c' 3 ~ , generations “1' ““11.qu ' ' Mittfli to lhl'hlx‘v Week often pass-e v. SiOn of sunlight. A: ‘1th in 8. .uuo‘m»: M in such a pest ~ 0pm the win lows, .~ « n "ffil’ better to spoil ;. ;. lacecurteins and - ,- -} than leOPardine ;. our hvn." . Til-lie this prescription 4» Cmm‘e and 51“.) i ‘ h“ 88 My from }c Jug ' ”Walters World for .‘v' ' Washin The New Cent AT $8 and $8.50 The Juhil . .Eoch machine 11» me am. But we gurlrnn to be the best in t “Wanda the w.

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