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W“, '_â€"â€"â€"I' - wâ€"_â€"n m i "am â€"_--uâ€"=-__â€"â€" fgâ€"â€"â€"-u -â€" . , -.4 Lv ___ - ‘ _â€" :â€" #â€" â€"â€".=â€"====E-â€"-â€"= l=_ ["â€" ===== =_‘“ 7.3:; :’_‘==fl= ..‘ =-â€"- _-== râ€" â€" -- 'rm- â€" lvA-_â€"._-=â€" * â€â€"lâ€"Iâ€" mg .â€"â€"_ â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"I#-â€"â€"_ -â€"- i \ ! l i l Ii ! II i I Iii' l Iil , 6: F ii I I i i i 0‘ tell of a place that is sim - ply di - vine, And you’ll up I am ng-ing is cer-tain-ly new,_ The ï¬n -.-.-..-- ' 3 0 ‘ii 5| ! l‘ l i I. l :.___':-.-;r- .â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" :‘=‘-‘-:'___ I 1- K h. K "ill ii ' '2 .â€" agh _ --' - _ -'â€"~ ‘ Id====â€"â€"â€"--â€"â€"â€" .\.,=â€"â€"â€"___, _ __... â€" ..._.... _.. -:=-=:r==:==zu .l_#â€" .- -.-â€" I York has its Con-ey and Boa-ton its beach ’11: ' - . , eyarever-y mce pla-ces butquite out of reach I will. ) may be to met-row, it may be to - day, And ig may be in Erie , co or on ’Gan-sett Bay, B,ut there’s who, 0 - pen your â€at In. _â€"--â€"â€"--â€"_ â€"â€" > > > amt-n â€" - I. â€" â€" râ€"I-i --â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"- _â€"‘ " A > mm“ - mm.â€" â€".â€" {\Dâ€"m"; :Lgi; =-:‘-" lg“- - - '=-'â€"=- 7-:r_â€"â€"â€"--â€"â€" â€"-.â€"â€" I- 'â€" > #1 7;.=.__4-.-===- ='-'-wi:-== râ€"=:EL=-m==:====== ===: 55:: m 5 rArrz-.-_- ' l *Fâ€"_'=__a-â€":E.-==â€"__ M an -:“I â€".-â€"Io"._-â€"â€"â€"-â€"-r .â€"Iâ€"â€".-1 â€"- â€" I ‘ __ nâ€" lâ€"-= :11 --â€"â€"â€"==â€"â€" uâ€"â€" -=â€"==:-â€" â€"= =â€"-=~;:â€"â€"‘1 :-'=Em I . . l ~ ï¬ _ â€"â€";â€"râ€" â€".-v _.â€"-- â€"_-â€"â€"â€" ‘ aâ€"‘ .3 mâ€"â€"-r£' E . €99,331†by “75155:; gACOB§, -MuSIC Publisher, Boston. International Copyright seemed. \ - ‘ ‘ i . I y permissmn, MURRAY. MUSIC CO., New York. Va. 198- \ Vanity Fair. -WMB- vade‘mm aâ€... ‘ No. 198. - â€â€"â€" Winners. at L. C. I. if; K' “’°°“S' WW- ..I HEADACHE 880 yd. race (junior)â€"W. Herlihey, â€"- O Fleld Day Of Sports Donald Lowes. C. Kerr. Time 2 Is quiclgly cured by FIG PILLS. The ,-..- . .. .. mms., 45‘} secs. Headache disappears after one or W ' - 880 yd. â€-09 (“anionâ€"Messâ€. two doses. They tone up the Mann, Marshall and Thorburn. Time STOMACH and cure CONS'I‘IPA- 44 ft" 3 ins.; F' Hart m' 3 ins. 2 minsu 30 8608- TION. 25 cents per box. or the (sem°’)"Mess‘s' Broad jump Union-Messrs. Mc- Fig Pill 00., St. Thomas, Ont. Sold by A. Higinbotham, druggist. friends at present. LIFPORD MAN AWAKENED FROM . ms SLUMBERS. “'3 mend†°° bund‘y' neighborhood is well advanced. Al- most all the ï¬elds are dark looking, whether ploughed or not. The pas- ture is practically worthless, and the The annual ï¬eld day of the Athlet- iarming. Welcome to our city. to Association of the Lindsay Colleg- 100 yd. race Shields: Keenan and Doug'ant Time Ilroy 14 ft. 3 ins., Heriihey 13 At. sister, Mrs. O. M. Wright. 6 late Institute was held at the Agri- cultural grounds Wednesday aiter- 11 seconds. 7 ins Coombs 13 ft 6 ins e/ , . . _____.._â€"â€"-â€"-â€" noon and once more proved rand . i arm - _ success. "Better than everâ€a 8were 100 Yds. race (juniorDâ€"Messrs. Broad Jump ( or)â€"F. Menu. 16 YELSER‘TON. f erd are hoping that the ï¬ne In Trouble often comes to show how um words used by the crowds which Stoddart. Kerr and McIlroy. Time fl" 5* “‘5" L- Keenan 7‘? ‘t- 5 Jim-- Yelverton, Oct. 24.â€"E\'eryone is _ _ . . 3 ds _ C. Shields 16 ft. 2 ins. , .- .f 1 week will,continue for a long time. . . came to see the contestants battle 1 secon ' . . - thoroughly enjoying the beauti u 011 Tuesday ni ht last when the lore h" 3"“ al. for supremacy. 'A large number of Nail contest for girlsâ€"Misses Hop- Egg race (8'11'13)-M15385 Rielly, weather which we have had this last rain was “11' sheavil and th â€"â€"â€"â€"--‘ " """““""" citizens were on the grounds, pr°_ kins, Hart and Marsh, Hughes and Haugh- week and are taking advantage oi night was “:8 u ‘ incl: albino: "' 3;.th 1000. Talk about your he“, Shot put (senior)â€"Messrs. Menu. May “we (sectmnsFQ Shims, it to ï¬nish their fall work. I, . -. a d n y . _ . . 32 it. 83; ins. Collins 32 it. 1 in C. Spence, F. Suggitt. W re thankful for the recent cats, Mr. Andrew Kerr was awaken- . sou sn am an a ow your "95"" they are relics 0? anc1enthdâ€" Dou 8,3 27 ft ’ 9% ins ' -. Tug of warâ€"A and C contested, . e we h . ll . cd from his sweet slumbers by the mind to dwell on the evil character- ply when compared With yesterday 5 g u - ï¬n a1 victory for A. "11.115 :5 9- number 0‘ t e “e 5 were noise of a would-be thief attempting istics in your neighbors. you wil- gomg W- to break into his dwelling. Forâ€" fully bring yourself to their level, and are associating from choice with tunately the door was locked. and was strong enough not to yield. Mr. Kerr came downstairs. and although unarmed succeeded in so alarming ing the good you may 3150 ï¬nd, and his marauder that he sneaked away. with less trouble. leaving no clue of his identity. Next morning two very undesirable look- ing strangers appeared and asked in . 220 rd. race Unionâ€"Messrs. Stod gunes. If you were ne‘er an eye 3 . . d 1 . . I†.witness to the ï¬eld day of sports dardt, K3“ and Herhhey. Time T01; _a't {our O Clock the once Thanksgiving service will be held , , . 29 seconds. of t e eyents will take place at the h r _ v in dont forget to put on your old . . . . e e on Sundax e en g. Exhibitmn grounds. . ,. ‘. . . h t In cOnclusion the beautiiul and Miss Alnna mee was t e gues of Mrs. W. Philp Wednesday evening. grey sweater and get there next 220 yd. race (senior)â€"Messrs. year Shields, Keenan and Doug-an. Time ch‘ ds d ' t°u mg “m °f L°r 3’78†Mr. Thomas Brisbin entertained a â€â€˜00 much credit cannot be given 25 53011113.. . . the teachers at the Institute for the 2'20 yd. Walk (girIS)-Misses Mc- might be appropriately appended . number of friends Thursdav evening K Cullogh McLean and Hughes I see before me the gladiator lie ; ~ . ’ . He leans upon his hand his manly of last week and all report g \ery ' enjoyable time. work they are doing for the boys _ ... mg“ . ., er c- . Thirty-four events characterized 11:1; ’ ms ) ey an Consents to death but conquers Mr. Thomas Henry has rimmedt a1- Ithe day‘s sport, and it is needless to Pole vault (senior)â€"Messrs. M ’ agony; iter an extended smart to tCe wes :11 soy that each event Ras Carried out Palen and Dougan. In this contest And his drooped head sinks grad- M13 Harry Tinney, of 11‘ 32V! 8. ,3n the most amicable way by the the bOys stood in the above order ually low, has purchased a nunmer of. bettvy contestants; and the parties who having vaulted 7 it., 8 ins. 1311- And through his side the last drops draught horses from the neig or- acted as judges. Some of the events! fortunately the pole broke so the 3m" ammg “5 well 8“ inte’eSting- contest remained unï¬nished. From the red gash fall heavy one The egg race brought forth cheers Needle raceâ€"Misses. M. Ray, C. by one, Like the ï¬rst a! a. thunder around the previous night. to hale nearing completion. They are all shower, and heart . ï¬ne structures, and add greatly to Mrs. Malcolm Emerson was the NEWS WERE scan: ere... H... Mrs. w. .1. Mklligan visited Beth- . . Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson I Lifl‘ord. Oct. 23.-â€"Plo hing - - ° Ug m the Fleetwood. maved to Liï¬ord last week. Mr. Robinson has given up the worst that you can ï¬nd in them dian summer weather i the l 0 past ‘much we had to be thankful for be- ‘instead of dwelling with and assist- Woshington Shoe Store, Lina? .. â€d 1's. l I l .â€" l I l l 1 i m.â€" --_.... Hill Eddy. Orono. is visiting her I ebbing slow, hood. The houses of Messrs. Galloway. . Mrs. J. M. Porter has returned Lethangue and Lowery are rapidly Thm’d be No Tailors M u well as a con'mnlenoe my living on that street ‘0’ - Hr- Rooert Boldt has mow the Vii-1389 and OCCUpjeS the him “Se formerly owned by Mrs Watters. A“drew Hr. “M711 and Miss u ‘. burg. “whites in our school at - ed the teachers institute al'] ' m last week. "“5561: Mr. M. Sisson, manager of visited at the home of Mr, a Gordon Hopkins last l-‘ridav The masons have 1 - _ 8.10 a walk in front of their hall on screen.‘ st... part of which is 0"Cupied all: 3‘ . DOEmkS'. merchant. Hr. Dawson is making dellicna' mprovements to his dwelline 11‘ e b. -.. has built a cement platform in 1,03: of his house. Rev. Mr. Hickley spent Thur-sea \' last visiting his l’arib‘hloners Burnt River. Mr. and Miss linen. oi Kit-keg visited at Mr. and Mrs. l.(’\la'5 :. ‘v u. day and Monday. all buy one of ' little watches a m POPULAR WY STOR 111:: Price Is $1.00 Halli-8 “.25 . Manages L1 - a " w. r. uccan'r ax. a b .3 mama specialty. Calls â€tended to dav or night. L‘ moderate. .c‘_ DR. J‘ M' R Your-inn" Surgeon Graduate of the 011m. nonor Gollege. Post-Grad ua Rev. Mr. Fmser, X'Ormorlv f ‘ . lon Falls. preached yesteraa: :3 mm College, also oflth 'ng in the Presbyterian church her: a; School of Tropical . Rev. Mr. Patterson is expected :5. mndnoaidonoe Corrie next Sabtath. ' and â€bridge-at... Lin On Thursday in“. in the 339mm. once Phone 387 Rani» the house owned by Mr. A\, 3-1 1.30;, kins. and actupiod by Mr. John Cooper, was burned to the ground, Mr. Cooper suffers quite a loss. 39 had some insurance. “1- understand the house was not in<urmi. â€"â€"â€"- Messrs. Adam ('. l‘u-El Iic‘r‘g N.S., and J. A. Lal'iivioro 03' E‘ro- blank and uhnv ;».,,,,; vencher, Man, haw been called the Senate. A considerate wife “ill not 3.5; upon her husband's doing more-[ran twO-thirds of the h(lll$€“urk. There is plenty of rOum at L03 SALE OR '10 R “an. 100 acreS, 7 con., L ms. First-class house -, m, Apply to Wm. lil‘ .5 album-st... north. mST.â€"-O.\' 'l'llL lisp \\ ,\ l answering to the mum .. Finder uill confer a .4. ing the same at m} plum tying me by maii.â€".l..5r:. burn, Janetville. «m: #- _â€"--â€"' â€"-â€"- FARM FOR SALE oi; '14: top. This is due lU lhva 53(‘1 ‘C'c'. ' I wt» 9, Con. 11, Marigu,l>a, most people want in cm in on ground floor. D R. s o P EZR pa. Telephone Connr-ctm. Clix; Tl acres, 140 acres clwarwz, Balance pasture and easd ed. 2 good wells, windm’ water at barn. 2 barns. Veaient to 5011001 and further particulars avg-.3. McPherson, ('annflgtt‘m on the premrseS' . ._.____. :l ___..__â€" {ARE FOR SALE â€"â€" .\' his half. lot 20, (‘0: 3% 100 acres, all C108; excl acres. Bank barn . x H: meat floor and aw-r l sable. Frame~ im- 2-! x V - ‘16 x 24. Dfll . \\C.. 811i ’1'!“ follow!“ dim‘of m“ - orchard. '1‘ mi... from Piles Epilepsy IEczema 903$ Statio‘ .nd \ imp, ‘ ASMaï¬yphilis Dyspepsi. .Stricture Rheumatisn. Ru tare lEmiseuiunsLou Vitality Dia .VaricoceleSkin Diseases Iced. 1m diale ersSf'SSj 91"qu; For furlhvr 3 late a _, to .l. l-‘_ (m Kidney Aileetions wood One visit advisable. but if inqts Bible rend history and two-cent â€"â€" ..â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-'â€"â€"--- ctamp tor free reply. Conultanon 1'01 .11 __ 100 Mill)“, free. OFFICE Hour: 1‘; m l and to 6. Sundays lo 3.11). 101px?! -) ’ Jariposa. 175 under Cul‘ I remainder hard and so Dre. Soperg- and White ‘80 brick home. and t 25 Toronto s" Toronto Ont‘ barns with Concrete floors. tor system throughout ; t1 arn and tl ___‘____..__./ .................. ...,. .....- ““h 13:23:33.3: 2:2; Hui: [)ARTICULAR MEN Would There? the appearace o! the 10th line of There are tailors because some people in- i‘i.‘he.§.°“$f§?2? 3.321.25‘ $23 mush in" “a“ 3...... a. n... .sveregconsequeniily diSQualiï¬ed. _ Mfg-zyggbiffbguidilflEZL-mlgseszsi The arena swims around him; he €195: Oihhe“ math; Mrs. Wm. Philp, xvï¬- When I“ Wes. Galloway - . The Walking race ‘0’ Ems Was it., Grozelle 235 it. ‘Ere (1:: i233. inhuman shout. “IZFN. 31:;; has threshed and no $1t£§iiozxgnfhzf 31123:: seat on havmg madeofor-themselves clathes. mu be. the best built one in the And as for youâ€"Do you belong to the class reports a ï¬ne yield. another feature that the crowd Throwing baseball (senior)â€"Messrs. Which hailed the man who won. Mr. and Mrs. G. Porter spent Sun- enthused over. Little Miss Palen 294 ft†7 21118., Mann 278 ft. Your correspondent 3Q. been in- township. - of people who insist upon good tailoring? It costs no more to wear clothes made .was .Wood won this. her style, and pluck 440 yd. r ace (junior)â€"â€"Messrs. . made her the idol of the crowd. Heriihey, Stoddart and Mollroy. g ‘day at Ballyduï¬â€˜. ‘ . While all the boys showed gooii Time 1 min 6‘} secs . Have as little as possible to dol We are sorry to hear that Mr. loaned that a number of our young ., ‘ with people you cannbt trust ; when Toicler is recovering very leWIy- people are contaminating matrimony. We 1’ being , . are 18 attenthely for the for you, and In my instances you save CAMBRAY. merry ring of wedding bells. Cantatas. OctOber 28. â€"- Miss Elva HP. Patterson, our worthy young James returned home with her cons. minister. announced on Sunday that o! Lindsay. there would be no service here in mm and an “my °‘ pram 440 yd. race (senior)-â€"C. Shields, _ l! ' Keenan, Shields, m L. Keenan w. Marshall. Time 59 on marshy ground tread lightly, ' get over it as rapidly as you can. Palen and Heriihey have a bright d future ahead of them in the athletic sec†5' . 75 yd. race (girls)â€"Phyllis Ed- ____ FOP-Id“ wards Miss McLean and Cassie . ’ The school was divided into four Haugh m'Anm Greta M°:;e'N rth El tw t N 5 being sect. us, A. B. C. and D. which in , . , _ _ S if MP fl expertfrom e 0 am ec- 0 weeks. owing 0 av. i .. 10 Throwmg discus (senior) L. Keen u e tom er tric Telephone (30,, Toronto. spent Sacrament Sunday at Fleetwood. We W ' ' Lad' ‘1 part of last week working on the understand that special aerViees o! . G. Half 8 n “5 an I {10’ turning the same to R. an evangelical nature will be held ' - Gen flemens a .73.. Woodville, Ont. brs : ' ' â€" witch bray. {The pomts attained by any contes Hop step and jump (juniorirâ€"Herl- 8 board at Cam credit i . . 0 they. 31 it., McIlroy 29 ft... Stoddart their home last Kansas,‘ returned to week after spending some order represented the following «301- an 80 it., 7 ins., J. Collins 76 it. red, blue, old gold and green. 2 ins., H. Mann 68 it. 9 ins. ‘H I C “1d Not tent being placed to the the section represented- " ‘ 26 it. THE EVENTS. Hop step and junlp‘ (senior)â€" Mesâ€" 3‘ i eâ€"s‘fr;~__._k_ [Te-g“ m, J. B. James spent part of last in poor health- 531 audition ‘18 . Throwing baSket ball (girls)â€"Miss srs. Man 38 3291} 1113-. Keenan 35 Mrs. may Smith, 31 Eagle Av... week in Toronto- rather serious at present. but it is I -. . . mph†64 “v 3 ins" 1" wads ft" 4 ins" Shields 34 “3- 3 in Brant“. â€gm?†1“" “'5' m. Wm. naming. of Hartley. to be hoped that with «rem nurs- é' » Potato race (girls)-Misses Reyn- £231; â€y my mhde‘li M ‘ Mr. W. 'J. ing he will soon be his former self 7 1’ ea 3‘ ‘ olds, Haugh, Euwards. . “Mm m M, â€d h. - »- ' High jump (junior)--W. Herlihey 1301. to 4 it. 3 ins.,_E. Monroy 4 it. 2 ins, however‘a' to * Greet Northlmd. mums . loo timehere. tywillregret tolearnolhisbeing _ money in the long run. â€"-â€"-â€"â€"-â€"- Thede of the Department 0‘ mm of Ontarioâ€"- has ï¬tted up ‘ We“. exhibiting the grain, roots, i " MW *3" my in New Ontario â€"-Thc nu.’ ls.â€"one on b on well; drive house and Mg pen. three good wclis,‘ Utter, ï¬rst class land. cld acknol and church. Cal} {14 taunt need apply. Mrs. S lazyre, Manilla, mama. ‘ .________.___._â€"-- lam! FOR sansâ€"LOT e, V. in the township of Bide Iâ€. Frame house and‘ turn on foundation. For‘ Wulars apply to W. J ‘ well. Grass Hill. OI“ ‘ i _____._â€"-â€"â€"--â€"’â€"-â€"-â€"-1 than FOR SALE â€"â€" 95 At good term land. building ‘ Mr, good well. farm ‘ Ills m Lindsay. F0 particulars apply to Mrs." '7 St. Lawrence-st , Linda n""193. a black coat co I’Old watch, chain and ch t clinical thermOmeter. 1 near. â€"- IN THE V1034 'ill be suitably reward Mr. and Mrs. Thea. Newson. of later in the season. nemanyiriendfldllr.Jothetr M .' % tamâ€"nannies‘ V we at once for work ’ “Q. Will guarantee ' M pt day. Opport flit-co rapidly. Will it tor spare time. wq Wee-131mm Idem-Lorie. d