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Watchman Warder (1899), 26 Oct 1911, p. 11

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in " Mrs. i . . mun v iwh - W at V ‘ ' Dose:- of ’ Store \ . "r “.5, it Mr. -. Ffiy' F ’d a M' Fupied by If , tic dwelling. 2: WOW in front. i Wt Thaw." fl. of Kirkfield '- ‘P' Levia's Sun- merly of Fem.‘ Esterday mOm‘ I church here, is exmed for "to the ground. to a. loss. 3. "'8 understm red . ell of Pictou, 'viere of Pro- --n called to ill not insist ing more than work. 001!) at the the fact that 1% in on the kpeWio -umatisn. t Vitality ' . Diseases bus but if impts nd two-cent Consultation to l and 2 to l p.m. . White Torontc 0nt\ . They save a give watch while fish- 1 expen _ “we ' g, boatmgand motor- fielding Rings Marriages Licenses ’ Jails prom tly DR. J. M. RIC veterinary Surgeon ‘p Graduate of the Ontario Vet. r133” College. Post-Graduate Royal ‘ ’ ry College. also of the Lond- Vegefina . . . on ngnul of Tropical Medicine 01509 and Residence Corner Rum and Cambridge-st" Lindsay Residence 337M Ofict’ Purine :i-S'TJ ___'______â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"' /_.â€"â€"â€"â€"- TORENT‘A LOB SALE OR 100 acres, 7 con., lot 13, fa. . ops. First-class house and good b‘m Apply to Wm. Richardson, 35 Alien-st, north. lb /-â€"-â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"" l LO-‘LIX’J’X 'l'lHIl’iSDAY NIGHT, AI 51,, and white hound (bitch), answering to the name of “ Nell." lyri‘ier villi under a. favor by 183V- igg ’ L svm at my place or noti- f': g :m- by mail â€"Jolln Brad- 1):; .Ianetville, Ont. I.“ _._â€"d __.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Eli-ill FUR SALE OR TO RENT -- LO’ ‘3, con. 11, Mariposa, 200 aCZ'L'S, l-lO acres cleared, new land Balance pasture and easily clea' ac, 2 good wells, windmill pun ,- wan-2' a? ham. 2 barns. 1 )g pen, Telephone connection, on- venfllt to school and church ForI ”the" F’“”iculars apply ”I d' A“ '11. Currie, pastor, will be in Bea or ton on Sabbath. McPherson, (‘annington P ,, on the premises. f __,__. am: For. SALE â€"- P his half, lot 20, Con tom of esteem and rogard It appears; that mas“ ‘Flrechette who has been a valuable mahber of the staff for ten years,‘is about to leave along with her father and oth- er members or the family to" Toron- to. where they will reside in the fu- ture. ’ Miss Frechette was completely tak- en by surprise, but made a» very suitable reply, in which she thank! her kind friends for the token of remembrance. The address. which was as fol- lows, was read by Mr. Geo. Way, 811d the presentation was made by Mr. T- Campbell : I a“ yw‘m’ 'about "to tnlle 'm' M 5‘ nass and friendship in the past, and W ”It you to accept this “flue clock 3-3 a. mall remembrance of the together. We wish you and your family ev- ery success in your new home: and hope that sometimes when you hear your clock tick in the still small hours of the night or in the more busy 01188 of tlfi day, you will think kindly of the many friends you have left behind in Lindsay. Signed on behalf of the stafl. Dr. Cleaver to Speak at Omemee Kinmount, Oct.. 23.â€"Partridge sea- school held no sesssions on Thursday and Friday, the‘ teachers being pre-) sent at the annual convention at Lindsay. The following teachers from points near town were present at the convention: Misses Balfour, Bannon, Bushnell and McConnell. Mr. T. A. Mitchell, an old resi- dent of Omemee, came down from Toronto and is renewing acquaint- ances. Mr. H. Beatty, of Welland, ex- ' ‘â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" w called on friends Thursday. Mr. Havelock Fee, of Lindsay, was home for over the week” end. Dr. N. H. Sutton us removingfrom Kingst. west to George-st. north, haVing secured one of the fine new houses owned by Mr. T. J. Parsons, and just recently completed. “W. The prindph'lécmf . .4: had at the home Mrs. Tennis, Ira. '1‘. Graham. senior. is winning .ttbhomeoer. John Cameron, of Eldon. I her. ~ The district school was closed on Thursday and Friday of last week, .3 the teacher, Miss May Tolmie, was attending the teachers' convention in LindSay. Mr. Thos. Graham returned from his western trip onbthe 19th inst. His myy friends were pleased to see him, and to learn that he was delighted with the future prospects On Thursday, Mt" A' Birch and “anticipated in that region. J. Worden of Toronto, were in town. Colds are epidemic in Omemee. Messrs. George Holdaway, of Port Hope, and Jas. McIntyre, of Peter- boro, were registered at the Com- mercial House on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hayes were visit- ors to Lindsay on Friday. We are pleased to report the con- l lnahager of the Commercial House, valescence of Mrs. (Reta) Earle. is in town on business. Mr. Barron was a visitor to Lindâ€" The anniversary services of the say on Thursdav. Presbyterian church will be held next . Sabbath. The Rev, D. W. 'Best, of BABY’S OWN TABLETS, USI’L' St. Andrew's, Beaverton, will preach FROM BIRTH“ W J ’ at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. There will Mrs. H. V. Ossinger Tiverton \' be special music and a special col- S. says: “We have, used flab}; lection at each service. On Monday Own Tablets since our little be evening, Thanksgiving. the story of was three years old, and know cyf Jean Val Jean will be givemby Rev. S. Cleaver, D.D., pastor of Trinity Methodist church, Toronto, in the Presbyterian church at 8 pm. Ads miSSion 2'5 ccnts. Dr. Cleaver has a peovincial reputation as a. lecturer, and a. rare treat is in store for his audience. Rev. D. W. Best is well lnown here, having been born in 'Monnt Pleasant, and we bespeak for him large congregations. Rev. D. ver- taking Rev. Mr. Best’s work. The Methodist church , , has withdrawn its morning service to AC: ODOU‘ enable its members to attend " Manposa, Presbyterian anniversary service. the nothing to equal them. He is now twelve months old, and has always enjoyed perfect health. Baby takes the Tablets easily and we alwavs keep them in the house.” Mrs. Os- singer's experience is that of thous- ends of other mothers. An occasion- al dose of the Tab-lets wi,l keep the well child in excellent health, or if the baby is ill with any of the many ailments that afflict little ones, they will speedily restore him to health again and make him thrive and grow fat, rosy and strong. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or mail at 25c a box from The Williams Dr. 'J)‘ our community at the Medicine 00., Brockville, Wednesday eve Mr. and Mrs. F. Pethick has been visiting friends and relatives in the north for a. few days. Mr. Sam Copp was UanSacting business at the Cataraln Village on Monday of last week. Mr. W. Carmichael has now return- ed to the parental home near Cam- eron after cornipleting his term of service with Mr. Dave Graham. Some of our culverts require to be strengthened considerably, as there is great difficulty in getting the threshing outfits to their destination without mishaps. Miss Velma Christian recently spent a few days the guest of her sister, Mrs. 'l‘hos. Ferguson. Master Claire Spence was spending the week end at his home last week. Quite a number of our residents at- tended the social function at the church and school room at Zion on Friday evening last. They much en- joyed the address delivered by Mr. C. Hibbcrt, who, with his wife, are de- voting their future lives to mission- ary work in China. 'l'hey anticipate proceeding hither ment 0f the new year. That they may have a. successful venture is our devoted wish. There was a good attendance of prayer m'eet- held in the district school. on ning, under the super. .Glen- ing intendance of Rev. G. Steel of 100 acrf. :1; cleei 8::ept will? Messrs. S. Thompson, of Peterboro Ont. ares - n ' an x ‘ ~ ‘ . . a , ua . 2 . and J. S. Burnham. 01 Toronto, arm manse, whose t . lugs were m- cem-nt “0°" and at” taps m were visitors to Omemee on Monâ€" - . each 9 - r ' 30 nd . BURRT RIVER. structive. 5.30“. I tame 159 20 x a dav. Burnt R. ' O t 28 Mr d M I c N v1 r has returned from 1-3 x 24. Dril well and younrr .7 , - - t th t “e!" c - ' '.-- . an 1'. sea - a. o . orthord ’1‘ miles from Mar: lhb follfw‘isghgotiiie ‘::lglge:ns its Mrs. T. Petdue have gone to Baddow Michigan, where he has been hailing - l .i . r- 0 k- our new 0 . . to spend the week with Mr. Henrv a Vacation for some days, “Siting P098- StENO Ad ‘111389 0‘ a way to completion. The notice ex- Per due . ' br thar and friends who reside in "(’4' 1‘“ diate possession for plains itself: “Don’t Care whether ‘3 his 0 .., . . plm'hlnr F 01’ further portion- 1d “oung handsome or _ MP- and Mrs. Johnson. of Toronto, the Bay City district. . LLâ€" ‘ . . to J F and Oak. ~"°“ a”? ° '1 °r 3 c ’ 6i soprano are visiting at Mr. T. Brisbin’s. Mrs. Cowieson. of this district, 3 '; ' . - v ' r . u too‘ ‘ otherw‘se’ 1 3;; afounfre asked Mr. Brismn and Mr. J ohnson, are welcomes her friends to her home to " “m.” i “1:" (it ""4 is; the openin of enjoying partridge hunting. take part in a (willing bee °n ‘h" "â€""'""-" to J" ' t '6: l ‘ ‘ n hall Pliase Rev. Mr, Barkley, of Kinmount, afternoon of Thursday next. 1‘0 , .. 100 ACRES SOUTH the " " “'u‘ ton; W G Steph- made pastoral calls here last week. Miss ‘ Grace Metcalfe has returned , â€" . ‘ ' . sen' ”u" r *0 ' ' ' . Mrs. Albert Stead arrived from to her home after her absence 1!! h. as 7 and 8 in the Township ensm, :ccrelur), Must. start practice England Tuesday Lindsay locality ' r "' 1 'vation. .. ,.. . s'c." ' , ' ‘ "”1998: 1‘; anegcgog wood 5°. ' to“. get the mu 1 Miss Parish, {Powles' Comets, has Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Green were vis- -’ "‘mdm er at an ' (518115” 1" J‘ Mu 13“ ‘ been successful in securing a. class in itors to Lindsay on Saturday laSt. Aug;- brick house. and two bank biz-as with Concrete floors and wa- ter system throughout; two wind- m;ls.â€"one on barn and the other on well; drive house and large d wells, splendid Mr. W. J. Woodward, of Cannmg- music. She teaches Tuesdays and ton, was on town on Tuesday. The following gentleme made business calls on nesday: Messrs. G. Rudolph, J. Littler, W. E. Page n from To- Wed- trand W. S. Mc- Wednesdays. The threshing season last week, 886.8011 . Jones Bros. finished their after having a. very buy and successful Mr. Day, from Powles' Corner. was the district on Friday arrangements for the c with some of visiting in la8t. making wintering of his cattl the farmers. ho; pen. three goo water, first class land, close to TaV'ish. Br . g, . . Mrs. own Rent to Lindsay on Mrs. Thos. Fer . . - ' lton, . ' wheel and churih- $1: 3:; “:2 Mr. Ed. B. Fielding. 0‘ Ham! Thursday. . friends north of Islay on Friday 1’33“" need app y. ' L ‘ _._, ~---‘"' M" """’ Miss Lena Boldt went to her home last. at Kinmount after spending the sum- _Mr. E. Oliver and Mr. W. H. War- ln-yre, Manilla, Ontario. ___'________________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" VARM FOR SALB.â€"-LOT 6. CON 1. in the township of Eldon, 100 urea. Frame house and frame born ’ further - on foundation. WFo; Max- Our Seven Colleges have been melm apply to ' ' established during the past 30 ”11' Grass Hill, Ont. wars. The largest trainers in ______..â€"â€"-â€" Canada. Owing to our connec- tion all over ntano, we do arm ' dings!“ ' . u ma._ good 2’ land. bull in good any otner school or partly at ”pair. good mile from Lindsay. 2‘.‘ $2. Lawrence-sf... Lindsay. M’- MST. -â€" IN THE VICII‘TITY 0F the work; faémous h h is un â€"- . kee in s cm. w 1c . Ea. .. a. black coat con?ainlng a equfillg‘l. It is Actual Busines- an tbs 8311 watch, chain and charm: 813° Finder 1'8- ; clinical will be suitably rewarded by turniazr the same to R. A. Byer. .3 ‘13-. Woodville, Out. __â€"_â€".â€"_â€"â€"_â€"â€"Iâ€"-â€"'â€"'â€" WANTED â€"- A REPRESENTATIVE wanted at once for work in your locality. Will guarantee 82-00 to ‘3-00 per day. Opportunity 7 to Will pay W KY for spare time. Work not dif- Experience not 1-9un . International Bible Press, Toronto. . “Vance rapidly. lculz, Dita-lo. M I"Manic-rs: apply to Mrs. W. Glenarm, P.0. Pccasionally NOm by acting foolish. A“ ounce of flattery is betterthnn ‘ +2 ‘ toll of tombstone obituary; He is a wise man whomever ‘3‘. ms ““1 PeOPIe he is fond or; ' well. farm about on! For further particulars apply to MIS. T. Men-y Donald 8- man proves his stud all at home how: and finish at the College. Affiliated With The commercial Educator-8’ Association of Can- ada. It would be well for you to investigate before choosing. a ' e right for Ontario of Ex lusiv Bliss Book. from Start to Finish, student keeps same books so o I ,‘s _. I‘,‘ ’ 'i1.;ii . .. '.‘i .- . ,3 - l 0 1M 3 4 i mer here. from 8,week’s visit at Cobourg.‘ at the home of Mes. Wesley Pogue. Did‘rrh‘oed D ys‘enter y AnOurohlebytthseof Extract of Mr. Thomas Nelson arrived home The next meeting ov the Woman’s Institute will be held next Tuesday. ._’- DR. FOWLER-’8' Wild Strawberry ’ * wick were transacting business at Fenelon Falls on the 20th inst. fowl supper given at day evening of last .week. oughly enjoyed the feast, also entertainment, of whom our old en- tertainer, Miss Storey, was the chief and thor- of by seine alsam lake district, who intends raising them to the re- quired standard 10“ tle were handed over to a. buyer at Fenelon Fells for ship- m- wire-max...“ , guson was visiting the next year. Also II'HE 45-inch raw-edged melton coat made with double stitched lap seams, inlaid velvet collar, stitched cuffs, box back, fly front. An exceedingly warm, stylish, and se rvice- We are showing two lines in this make of coat that are exceptionally big values at prices for - able, overgarment. ” IF YOU WANT ONE, DON'T ASK E GREGORY ABOUT PARIS- IAN SAG ‘. If Parisian Sage won't stop that little bald spot from spreading no- thing in this world will. Baldness, thin hair an! falling hair, are caused by dandruff germs. If you have dead-:31 kill the germs at once. Parisian Sage is guaranteed by 5. Gregory, druggisr, to kill dandrufl germs, banish dandrutt, stop falling hair and itching scalp or money back. It is n dainty hair dressing that will make the bait bright and fascinating. Large bottle 50 cents Sold in every town in Canada. The g 1'1 with the aubim hair is on ev- ery carton. \ E. Gregory." Agent, Lindsay. M LEAVES FOR CALIFORNIA. ReV. Father Phelan, who has the past ten years been parish priest of Lakefield and Young's Point, and who is well known in Lindsay, has retired on account of the unsatisfac- tory state of his health. lie left on Wednesday for Mount Clemens. Mich., Hot Springs, from where he will go to the south and California and spend the winter. It is to be hoped that Rev. Father Phelan will realize the expected benefit from his Visit abroad. He is succeeded by Rev. Father John O'Brien of St. Peter's Cathedral staff, who enters upon his new duties next Sunday. NO CHANGE IN ROAD. As was stated in the columns of the Daily Warder some time ago. that it was very unlikely any change would be made in the roadway at Pottery Cornea, Mr. AgneW. town- ship clerk. informed The Warder that a. decision has been given by the board of railway commissioners to that effect, and no change will be made. The crossing is not consider- KIRKFIELD. Kirkfield, Oct. 23. â€" A very enjoy- able evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kng, where they gave a dance to a number of young people froxn our town. All report having had a splendid time. Dancing and games were indulged in until a late hour. It is rumored now that we are not going to have our “ Inn ” or skat- ing rink as expected. The people are over the rink. Mr. A. E. Smith and daughter Miss Edna, spent Monday in Lind- say. \ An improvement has been made on the north side of Nelson street, where a cement walk has been laid in front of three residences. The song service which was to have been held at our Presbyterian church on Sunday night was past- poned on account of the disagreeable weather. Thanksgiving services will be held on Sunday afternoon next. Thanksgiving services will be held in the Methodist church here on Sun- day morning, Oct. 5th. Mr. Jack Mosgrove, of Trenton, is spending a few days with his par- ents here, before leaving for Ed- monton, Alta, where he has accept- ed a position. Mr. Bonny and Mr. Stacey. Oakwood, spent last Tuesday Mr. Connors. Mrs. Neil Campbell and daughter of with Mary returned home last week. M Think About Itâ€" About what the Home Paper means to you and yours. I means all the interesting news of the community, our neighbors and friends, of the churches and schools, which you are directly interested, y of everything in , h d' 319:: and teaChers 885.000, Sunday school my m“ ”up?” scholars 3,000,000. mealbcrs and ad- Don't you think the Home Paper is a | have? _ ' CL01'HIER.AND FURNISHER .â€"- FOR SALEâ€"A NUMBER OF PURE tr bred Leicester ram and ewe lambs, "g Sired by a. Douglas bred ram. at prices you can afiord to pay. Ap- ply to J. Casey, Valentin" r A BIG INSTITUTION. Stocktaking at the great Ecumeni- cal Conference showed Methodism to be a great force in the world. It has : Ministers 55.000, churches 99,- 000, Sunday schools 87,000, 01130ch hex-cuts 362,000,000, increase in the last ten years 4,000,000. ‘4 ‘;, smart. capable man. at good salary or commissomto sell our well known ' ' ’ in fruit and ornamental We pay ac- trees in your county. _ cording to ability. and desire the best man procureble. 000 lore- of fruit trees from which to fill customer's require- meats. Our salesmen areabsolute- I sure to so. 1 reliable, satifact- oiy pgtablished over 35 Write Sales Manager, Pelbam Nursery 60.. Toronto, Ont. N. B. To Customers! If our re- tutives have not called,write * preach . for catalogues and prices. of good thing to App-..“-

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