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Watchman Warder (1899), 26 Oct 1911, p. 12

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feel out classed in QThe new fall . . ~. "as... 'w' B. in.“ the new features. (ll See our special Better Service '1] There’s no overcoat more suitable for cold weather than one of our Tourist ulsters. ‘ll VVe’re showing a variety of these. coats all with convertible collars that can be worn in the regular way or buttoned tight and snug around the neck, protecting you from the rigors of Winter. They’re roomy, comfort- able and warm, just the thing for the autoist or the man who is out- of-doors a great deal. Made of Scotch Tweed and CheVlO‘s‘ in all the newest shades of TAN, BROWN. GREY, etc. Cut long, some with t'u:l loose back others with semi- form hacks. 500 of these COATS to choose frOm. Buy one of these ul~ters that will last you several seasons. Prices range from $6, 8, 10, to $20 Our fair and pleasing prices win trade for us while the styles and quality of our garments hold it. ______â€"â€"â€"-‘â€"â€"â€"______â€"â€"-â€"â€"a MAnniversary of 'l‘ he Battle of Balaklava. theltheir untimely fate saddened the Fifty-seven years ago to-day heart of all. famous battle of Balaklava was, fought between the British and Rus- . _ , troo at the l'ttle town of who made a brilliant charge at the 18mm ps . I â€" battery. cutting down the gunners .that name, and this memorable day .who Were spreading ruin in the will never be forgotten while Brit- ranks and caUSing them to retreat, on. sons hold prestige in the land. l . a greater loss might have to be re- ltendered to the new Minister of The field presented a sick- .‘Militia and Defence. Dr. Blanchard, 5mm.” out again after her 'ous It was at this historic engagement. corded. “The nian we CIOthe will never . We sell the sort ’of garments he can be "sure’df and. ‘ unusually‘at-tractive. q The rnOderated shoulders, shorter lapel, the higer cut vest and the pegrtOp trousers, are some of sue- $12 and $15. ‘ The Toulist Cant ! w 't t r the I - . interference of etilielFrneiich o:avalry N0 Opposition any company, doing,this the wheels would not re- volve and consequently the load could be backed out easier an no fear of the wagon getting beyond the control of the man at the ton- The hind wheels were chained . hat Switner was e hind wheels when some slight jar eu ed the wagon mOVing. Once the hind wheels bumped oil the barn load caused the wagon to sway side- the and it is surmised t suits. floor the momentum of the heavy Ways and careen over the steep gangâ€" Way. carrying the unfortunate young man along with it. The deceased was pinned down un- derneath one of the wheels and was no doubt instantly killed. His fath- er. who lives on the opposite half SOCtion. upon going over to his son's farm noticed the wagon load of lum- bet off the gangway. and upon go- f he could be of to ing over to see i any assistance he was shocked notice the body of his son under- neath the wheels and liieextinctx. The alarm was quickly given and it required several men with crow- bars to pry the heavy load on‘ the unfortunate young man. The late Mr. Switzer is surVchd by ibis sorrowing parents, a beloved wife and six children: also one brother Mrs. in Manitoba and two sisters, i Eli Short, of Little Britain. and Mrs. ’l‘hos. McMullen. who lives near Peterboro. In religion he was a Methodist. He was well and ia\'or- ably known by the entire community havin ‘ been born and brought up in the al m‘e neighborhood. The funeral will be held Friday af- termth at one o'clock. interment to 'take place in Eden cemetery. KICKED BY A fl0RSt OTHER NEWS ITEMS FROM PEN lb‘L. Peniel. Oct. 24.â€"Mrs. Rich l’ir- mnn. of Wick. spent a few days with her father Mr. lly. Whetter. Mr. Robt. Bagshaw spent Wednes- day last at Lindsay visiting his brother Herb who is in the Ross Memorial Hospital, and who we are pleased to hear is progressing favor- ably. Mr. Wes. Budd, of Bolsover. spent Sunday with his uncle Mr. Wm. Wil- B J G O U G H . . Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Webster. of Mr. W. J. Oakwood. visited at Wr‘ I: ’ - WHERE THE GOOD CLOTHES COME FROM, LINDSAY Mffhfnest and Miss Lena Wright spent Sunday with friends. WW Miss Cora McLean is spending this week the guest of Cartwright friends 0111’ schools were closed on ' ‘hurs- day and Friday as the teachers were attending the convention in 'Lind- Mr. Will. Murray who has spent a few Weeks With his father here re- _..â€"â€"- turned to Coboconk this week. Mrs. H. Brentnell is spending the week-end with friends. Mr. D. McNevin met with a ser- l0 COL Hughes ions accident on Wednesday last, . -..._. when he was kicked by a. horse. and 3 _ . his face was badly cut, having to ()n the day of the big reception have several stitches put in it. We are glad to see Mrs. George of which authors wrote volumes and. _ _ l _ enlng and heart rending spectacle, preSIdent of the Liberal Association, illness thro I l I oi d iev er poets song. that the great and never , _ there a mass of bleeding. mangled :to be forgotten charge of the light h brigade took place. History is full deaf!) 0‘ confusion lay man and horse of reports on this memorable event,l ymg .together. Gr 08'“ and ,1m- precations filled the air, the battle but perhaps the most authentic work, . on this dramatic scene in which ,ended. The noble 51" hundred came bloodshed reigned supreme was writ- lfrom beneath that bloody fire, not ten by Russell, the historian, and all of themâ€"198. .at one time W8? °°m°ndent °f Russell in his history says of the the London Times. ‘60? Light Dragoons, Lancers and l Major J. Martin and Mr. George iHussars, who rode so gallantly in Jordan, of Lindsay, and one or two the storm of battle only 198 could others. are about the only residents be mustered at 2 p.m., and above «who possess such a work on the 400 were killed, wounded or missing. .complete history of the Russian \w'ar. Th9 Moons were led by Lord It is a vain endeavor to depict the 52“?“ who 88:33 umn:ured.1t ‘ ' of those soldiers ho dashed . . minister}: on 0 ““3 daring w which caused the blunder and left a through the Russian linosnnder a . name in history for those noble sol- murderous volley of shot. and shell di h , , . $th ers.wosodanngt1mewill never almosttoogreatforcrm.br0h"rhere is one'Lindsayvetsl-on. Mrwaythroughtheeolmsthatsmmm,whom well in the course of his speech, stated that at the bye-election there would spent this week at Mrs. George Mc- be no ‘Hughes in this riding, but of course at the time nothing ofllcial could be nington were the M3 of their announced. A ' the Reform Association held last Saturday it was decided not to con- spent test the bye-election in this riding Shaw's. Miss Lulu Raybee. oi Cannington, opposition to 001. Sam. mm“ Mr. and Mrs. R. Hall, of Can- . daughter Mrs. Robt McIntyre on At a meeting of the executive of Friday - Mr. Thos. Lore, of Cannington, Saturday at Mr. A. 38' on Nov. 3. m, 'llecl from Garden has noted Oakwood, Oct. 24.-â€"l[rs. B. Cam- eronand MissPearlProusespathaMMA.E.wm at Wednesday of last week in Lind”. Mr. G. 13.an atmdod the tee- convention in may“ i .3361? d.m nth gas-trot . l M, 24. .. I". ”I“??? {is “ f ~ ":4 i ' tension sans. COW . , I” w Won archaic- no. .ng nu. w, ‘ " ‘ ' mean. . I ‘~ ’ V 03 Toronto on Friday. . ' hr. H, Coup sisl‘ed Cam “'1 . . . , , .. my he? 0;? .. ......, W a.” w;- rt- ....... ..... - . 2~ ....~ ale“ .4... ~ a in... ~ ...~ < E» s ”*3 .5 imomen , . ‘ . ..- Q ~ , ~‘-.-"l.'- mym“.as m ; . ”Imam 1“ lat . i 5.. ‘ ,. "‘ mt" ‘L‘ i, : :1 . 9 ‘ . ‘ - lumber, probably 700 M". m “3"“? the sum. the guest of her dough: “av-- ' ‘, ' .' I” ‘3 III: 113' a 7 moved out and Swill?r h°m of “'9 ac. Mrs. Robertson. . mt 4“?" W n ”It How 7mm" Gm“ “"ht- . . tongue and backed it to the 618° °' mandamus Powers. 0! Cutouts, «by in W M 0', Toronto and “”32 ?Jk.2“l‘lil;ti:zz:::‘3Â¥ ”r Sillt models are the floor space at the barn 500'- and‘ m min pom. 0' nom- Dr. A. . f ' low ”a. bua‘l‘ni ............... 01'. °" when evidently he thought it best to ville. "e in the m the guests of on Fenolon Fill friend! of a mmcyf“: “3 {:1 ----------- :52 _°'~ chain the hind wheels to the 9“" their sister. Mrs. w. McCarty. hours on Monday- ' Wheat bum'l' .............. .f. i'! ./ and slide the wagon load out. In Work on the .m ch ! m_ F. A. W "tum homfi m bushel .............. on .: no" I“ a Toronto Dairy Mullet fielleville on Santa!!- is rapidly nearing mklidfl; ”‘d , - Butter store lot- - llrs. Harry Hunter. of mucus. 1“ Entree. "mm. ding-,3; :g u the congregation expects to be able to hold their opening eel-vines early spending a few weeks in the burg. in Novunber- A fine poll has been Mrs. Geo. A.tJordan and children I mambo. dossn ...... :9 II ' ' ‘ ' are ' ' in 0W“- - attracted. lb " purchased, weighing 220‘.) . mn is. “31th . ' It“. can ....... on M Mr. Moran. of New leil'nd. spent 31"- W- Brandon “ in LW’ Em newâ€"Iii: .2222: """" 3: Che-a. new. lb ....... Ln; 3' a few difys in town the guest of Mr. , this week. and Mrs. W. Campbell. l Mrs. B. Dohorty. Mr. Dan Doherty Mr. W. F. Junain. of Toronto, and Miss Greta Doherty were guests Called on town friends on Monday. of Glenarm relatives last Sunday. Mrs. Nugent left on Tuesday to Mrs. Robertson held her reception the marriage of her niece. in her newthmnc on Colborne-st. on attend which takes place on Wednesday at Friday afternoon. Mrs RobertsOn l’eterboro. l was assisted in receivmg b." her Mrs. Baker. of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Spiers and bah} arc daughter, ‘ Sues“ 0‘ Patti"!!! this Week. 'I he tea room. which was prettily Master Gerald McCallum met \\l'h arranged with a painful accident at school on 'l‘ues- ' dav while wrestling with a chum. (inn) S. He fell. apraining the ankle. Dr. lllckacn. assisted by Mi Johnstone was called and the injur- Miss Annie 120an an ed member .ttended. to. ' Kendry. In the evening a . Miss Pearl R;lis, of Sturgeon Point; young people were entertained is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. it So- progressive enchre. . well. 1mkagh-ing and communal! ser- Miss Martin and Mr. Norman illnr- . vices will be held in St- Andrews tin motored to Lindsay on Saturv church next Sunday evening. W W MT. Raybee. of (‘annington, spent, S" f“ Sunday at Mr. Thos. Osborne’s. very ccess | o . Barn Ralsm The ser\'ice at our church next Sunday will be a special one. a Sunday school. special sermon and thank offering being taken for the One of th'e best barn-raisings ever witnessed was that. of Mr. Percy (I. EEdgcrton's on Wednesday, Hot. 18. jl-‘riends gathered from far and near. special music. __.__..__.___.â€"- . ‘ TORY KILL. from West Ups, Lindsay. North UPS. 10F}: 8111' OCt' 16'_A most enjoy Emily. ()memee, Downeyville and :31" 3:2: “'a‘:a:pcn;u:bel::‘:?§“:::' IReiiboro. to help Put the frame work pezple g‘achred 5: Mrs. Wm. Bhvce': i” “3 "mp" pl” or “mess the for a surprise partv. Thev were all stalwart men of the district work. cordiallv received .and best of all . The barn when completed wrll _he . i. ' . ' of the best in the surrounding were muted back some other time. as Martin. (1 Miss Mac- number Of '.0 one . u ' and is built on solid ce- Mr. Allan. of Bancroft. was in our co ntry . . 1.! ment foundation with a line cement town n business for few davs l t o a ‘ as door. The carpenters were losers. week. i . _ g' ' ~ ; )0 ._ Mr. E. Finlay and Master Don paid Sullixan .and ( ooselau. of l’ wney l \ille, while the cement walls and. Bancroft a. flying visit last week. . . .. Mr. ”1d Mrs. McNess of Hotspur cement floor were built by Mr. 1. were the guests of Mrs. Thos. Duck O'Neil. 0‘ Reaboro. and the work on Sundav last. monship is of the very best- Mrâ€" J- 3- Finlay. “'3- “Ne-‘3 and Following the raising. Which Was Miss Warde visited White Lake lri-‘ E N out to . ‘ comple- en'ls over Sunday. tion with no accidents to mar the ML?" Manghan spent Sunday. un- day. a sumptuous repast was serv~ der his parental roof at Elsomille. ed bv Mrs. Edgerton and the ladies. Miss Ayotte, (“.09“- Lake, '5 the In fact this spread was one of the gust of he: CEUSID.‘ 9 . big features of the day and was t r. 101:“ :21; of 'loronto. was in hugelyenjoyed b_\ all. Mrs. Edger- own as w i . ton deserves the thanks and com-l A number of gentlemen ham al- . mdv arrived for the h u ntinsr sew Initiation of all present for the son, and are staying at our most "“9“" '“ “'hICh she Prm‘ided for the esteemed bear-ding house run by Mr. guy“: _ . _ R. C. Short. We wish the strangers “'8‘: ;p:.:\e:ing 2digttful tn tin: every success. 3 _ - . 58-. unp . Miss Anderson spent Saturday with If?" ”a" inst-Smut“ selectmns Tory Hill friends. l ‘5 s?“ .‘ e830) . Master Bert Short visited (louder-l ham friends on Saturday. I Till-I YOUTB'S COMPANION. 1912. ‘LKIOJ NWO No other paper is quite like The Cameron Palm. Get. 24. â€"- ‘F‘all'Yomh's Companion. It is take- in ploughing is the order of the day. half a million homes. where the Master Harold Pear-n is visiting choice of reading ‘5 made with as his aunt, Mrs. J. McFarland. ‘mucb care as the choice of friends. Inspector Shavers paid his semi-iFor years The Companion has enjoy» annual visit to the school on Mon- :qi contributions by distinguished day. men and women of Great Britain The young people 0‘ WWltm and Canada. Among those already entertained by Miss Edith Brook! on'engaged to write for the 1912 vol- rmesday evening oi last week. and urns are General Baden-Powell who in spite 0‘ the inclement weather. has something of interest to. aav there were new Mt. “'3 ‘1‘ ’°' about the Boy Scout movement sir port 9, very enjoyable even-11%. Harry J ohnston, who recalls the WatCh your Thamm‘s “mm," last at tho Great South African . lie circles lb“ lb" R -' ill- I! you don't my 9‘” wm‘ hunters. William '1‘ Stead J president 0f the Camom 0‘13”“ To THE GREAT More few and price! Ms!!- K J ' ' "one tension and editor Cl ”‘9 “a l . creme. Jane Barlow, Frank T. in“. would be 1).. next HM ' 3'30 of Toronto. The leaders all” â€"â€" - OurteacherattendedteaulIeI’s'coli-Buuan a“ w ' - -"J.DawsoniRichard Ts I ventlon held in My on ursdoy m . Sir J Crichton- . m-“dthenukeola u”- .mnaac.whobrokclis . my.o legmaanctknsogo.huaofar wmwrwofcmada.m proved that he is now able to ex- moi-tom do”. which follow one u” “MW. will be worth 31.50 each what published in ' “form. Byuking‘rbo Com- IDRNEVIILE. Mum“ m email-n mm gets mummudmnavmmmml “with Articles. m‘mmmmuwdlm' INF-Girl- Peso. m«m.' m ..?98'-0tc-.putln'xor mammotvrm,mmmb%‘w»3?smum t. immune-W _ instant. a. Mafia.” 1. ion, Wearaplcaocdtonaythat “unlit. .1 ~'inho ad- . m m Kc to lie loweri‘m'“ we nous ao a wet blanket on the of the cereal. closing t‘ M‘ M lower on corn. My - ”'8'. Berlin *0 lowfi'tpwmfi lower. and Budge“ “c 10'”. by Women Optlom . memory. lb. roila.. . ereunory. solids... :: :3 Liverpool Grain Prices, LIVERPOOL. 06!- 34-â€"C ‘ .39“ nominal. Futures film? 0“. Igcpl‘lna slog. May Ts 51w ' 7' . Cm liea y; Americanm “a, “tum stead - ' . u “a, y, Jan. as Rd, 1. mwwnner patents. 355 3d Hopsâ€"In London, £10 103 to in Montreal Grain and Pm MONTREAL Oct. u-Busin ' hobo spring wheat over install.“ very quiet. owing to the fact that'- decnand was poorer. and bids in in cases out of line. The local inn-ken: American corn is much stronger o. to the mall supply. and prices his-cu vanced. Oats are quiet. but firm. A «u mg. to passing in flour for local .11 country account. but ll'lc export am in quiet. There continues to be a M enquiry for bran for export 30001”. Choose is quiet. and butter fairly my. CATTLE MARKETS. Toronto Live Stock. TORONTO, Oct. 24 «The railnn reported 78 carloada of live stock} the City Yards. consistinc 0i lll'l cattle, 1189 hogs. 1669 Alp-9p and hmt)’, 116 C81Vt> and 3 llUl’:~35_ Butchers. Geo. Rowntree bought 290 cattle forth Ham. Abattoir (‘0. as follows: Butcher meets and heifers at t" to 56: cows] to 85; bulls. $3 to $4.56; Carmen d cutters. 81.50 to 2.75. Stockers and Feeders. 1] Ladies‘ fur-Emmi l and American ll .3 ill] Mink. Alaska Saint; :4 q Ladies. fur-ll'illlllw Feeders. so: to 110) lbs, sold at a.“ l- i - ' .; 'll ‘10; feeders. am to 91'. lb"... 8.181.501 clOth’ pd “ A” :3; stacker-e. am to 7qu lbs, at 8.5M revel-3, l lilkers and Springer; Receipt. of mllkers and stringers we! 5 moderate with prices hizzz for choice quil- fty. Good to choice cows sold at Slim so each, and common to medium. Wu 5. each. See uales given. Veal Calves. Prices for veal C;:l\":4 ranged from! to a per cwt. Sheep and Lambs. Retelpta of sheep and lambs were lites n1. with prices abou’ steady. Sim. was. sold at $1.3M to ’ "lms. at an eWL; lambs. $5.25 to {am cwt: soled. ed lots. of ewes and women solid 3“. Hogs. Mr. Harris ducted selects at 86 Mull watered. and $5.75 to drovers, for bad lob. can at country points. Occasion W No to 13¢ pe’ cwt. more wupul for extra choice lots. East Built-Ir C-"lo Market EAST BUFFALO. O-t. Mâ€"Cat'le-lb celpts. :00: market slow steady; will otters, $7.25 to $7.65: butcher grades. 32! “.fi. Calvesâ€"Receipts. 10. market and". steady: cull to choice, $7.75 to 39.2.5. Sheep and Lambsâ€"Receipts, «on; no hot slow. steady: rhrv‘ce lambs. 5.5 “.5: cull to fair, 34m to :6; yearling: m “.25; sheep. 81.50 to $3.5. 033’ 2-; ark?! slo'v lager: $361223. gfifilifbnfiU: “I“ The subject n; a ; .w :...ll to $3.50: pigs. :8: named. 5.70: ”0‘"! (or large cities .‘ 1...: 1 “.U: rouglis, 5'50 m 55' tention of null‘l' s.l'.".~ .ilrl "W York U" Shek‘ scientillc men llmtl .11.; ..':.«~‘ m YORK- 0‘3- 3‘-’B°9"”TR'°M Of interest to manual; '17 ._ hood. No trading 10-day, figationg of tilt-1“,... .“12 .01 ‘Ctlvuâ€"Recelpts '35. ma'fikel quiet beginning to cllllll;l;1:‘w i M. Veolo. $6 to $10; culls. $3.3m have discoxorwi that :‘m- bl «other; and in'esgzzifi «into 35“ meat enters s.) lurco’l l.‘ 1 P . . . “mtgrédy' mt !m§9' 'zMy; item that ll Clinlltll ln- s.‘,_.-{ slow and lower. Sheep. an to $4; a!“ laboratory. “3 At the llltcl'nul.ntl.l; \lm. ASSOCia'tiun at )lilwau‘hw, I 32: lambs. 36 to slim; culls. u to . Hopâ€"Receipts 4:21 head; w " ' A. Amyu, uf 'l‘urnnlr . 1 Jill! lower; heavy to light. $6.50 to ‘1‘ to 8.40. . m Vincial analyst and bar'wl‘mll ChICSIO LIV. St ‘. ‘0 far as in ('l‘wlli len' gurl CHICAGO. Oct. Itâ€"Hogr-Rek‘elm I.” .5 (lt‘alt‘r< “ .t '2: lip-”q, ”: market slow; mixed and N g. '. 5.“ to 8.60: good. heavy. “1010' When methods am: rim-l. \ ll 3'00“. he‘vy- 35-“ i0 ”'20; light. " lidered. l’mtll ll? ,\!l.'~(|'. 8.5: pits. $3.50 ‘03,?537 mm“ Charles l-‘._ Nor-Kt. ..; \e gflzngiilpiztsi'mla and belt“ Sanitar} experts, \\.-:~.- ivy;- to I: Rockers and lfl'dt’ri “5 to in their (‘UUL'lUSlUllM mm. [In TM a to ’6' Qty denlandmi lllt‘ llrllln-r [)1 Shaun :d‘mbrâ€"l’.» elpu, 3),”:W tioh oi (fiery tll'ull H‘. :ll'il ‘ IO! may. native. 82.13 to @753 Ml“ lnarket. “illllur ('. l’!l1l;.p:§ 3.0 to $3.6; lambs. u to ””3 wankee, Social lit-formt-rx sp “ to 810. I' Some Social .\.\lu-\'7,~ of â€"â€"â€"-â€"' - n , ~ . . . Q‘lestlon. llle hertl“. 4'l Nay Be Rev Dr Burke. h ‘ r I“ " "' w~"’ WV V‘H thus “a: 0M5 MORE ADDEI ted lb" W80 ARE SHUl'lle 'l ill b! g be ’t 8 in t cl y 51 Chm ES 0F l'Ul)ll'.\ l\l1‘\l'l had not been advised that sud! the case. m“ . “Rev, Dr. Burke's recent " . ‘ - ‘ ' ‘ ..... m... cmsm _ .1- V , . l the fathers o TROLBLL, MW 1.1m h the way one 0 church viewed it. RHEUMATISM. \\l=' INTO DI:\Bl<Z'l‘l-l>‘ -, .\ .G.C.8. ' HIS COMI’Ll-Z'l'l’. "1 11 Earl GM 5'" Kl Gm, on”. Chiswick. 0111., ()m. 27 â€"Rheumatism, which am.- to ‘Di‘vbetes. had mud:- life to WVe Labracquc Hi i I Md's Kidney Pills can u is added to that urea Mans who glory in t “(fibers that DOdd's K m the one sure remedi f I' ~. . ”Xv limbs would swell ‘ “ ducting sensation a d oods Con“ter At our busy 3 R. L y our anniversary 8319- got little ml to use Budd's Kidne

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