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Watchman Warder (1899), 26 Oct 1911, p. 4

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"I 'IIDSOR LADY’S APPEAL Tb All Women; I will send tree. withnsili-stroctwhs.myhometreat- aunt. whifi positively cures Lsucorro WW Bladder troubles where caused by You W peculiar to our-sex. can continue treatment at home at a cost at only about 12 cents a week. My book. " Woman’s Own Medical “finer." also sent free on reques . Write toâ€"day. Address Mrs. . Sumâ€" CY. CORONER FOR COU VICTORIA. ‘9 â€"- Ridout~st., corner m-StS. Phone 45-35. on. NEELANDS a IRVINE. 133n- “. members of the Royal Col- “. of Dental Surgeons. We have all the latest methods of dentistry. ‘IOPKINS AND HOPKI can. Solicitors, Notary Public, etc. Solicitors for Bank of Montreal. m to loan on terms to suit borrower. Officesâ€"6 William street mth, Lindsay, Ont. G. H. Hop- kins, K. C., F. H. Hopkins. B. .1. ’â€"_______â€"â€"/I ' MART 3: (O'CONNOR, Barristers, Fouries. etc. Money to loan at wry lowest current rates on best twms. Chicoâ€"corner Kent and Kerk-eta, Lindsay. “1‘- Stewart. L. V. O’Connor, B. A. 'M/ WEE at J ACKSON’, Barristers. we, solicitors for The Canadian flank of Commerce. Money to loan in mortgages at five per cent. Of- fice William street, Lindsay. 'F. D. Moore. K. 0., Alex. Jackson ________________._._â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" LEIGH R. KNIGHT, Barrister. So- licitor. Notary Public. solicitor for Farmers Bank. representing Water- loo Mutual Fire insurance Co., of 'aterleo; Federal Life Assurance Co., of Hamilton, Empire dent and' Surety Co.. of 1 Out. omce over posits post omce. which proved the most successful in ,“LAUGHLIN, PEEL. FULTON STINSON, Barristers. Solicitors, pond Sotaries. Money to loan. Spe- and where «rial attention given to .JdICes; Dominion Bank. William and Kent-eta, so)... “changmin. K. C., . *on. B. A.. James A. Peel. T. E Lindsay'. R l sap-on. ‘ township that are Fire Insurance ed with blood. / "fleck, Oakwood, agent. Conveyancing in all its forms. ________________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" .I'HE UNDERSIGNED is preparedto have proVed this. n f ' town, and “1- ed by the experience of others ‘? l _ ‘ . ciation on '1 oronto- at v lowest rates cry Mr. Thomas Pearson, loan money 0 lags property, not interest. Company or private Albert, Sask., writes: MCI. I am always ready to buy gages. I. E. WELDON. good mitt”. etC. Milne BIOCk. Lindsay- rece mort â€"â€" A PPETITE No matter how poor an ap- petite you have you’re bound to grow hungry when you look over our stock of suitings for this seaSOn. ! CLOTHING l f Lou Wickett , 2nd door to Post Printing Office ; William St. - Lindsay m- o- ’â€" , , 1 mm “6 “Willie "mnu;el'erything I tried failed to do me her to the Legislature and then To- _ _________â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" the as in ll e sane old '5 f... Still roiLg lusine J ournal should give'reason for hope that there will yet be a big indus- . try in peat at Lindsay’s doors “7:31:63 bjsct gating plant, which out of the vast peat deposits in the ed wuofie: d and “I I ly : ' Victoria county swamps. Says the method to @2310??? tit? Willi? J urnal : o ture of peat. minion Government Will Ship peat to those interested that the air d ' . rung this city at $3.50 per ton which has been manufactured at thc process is. at present the on". p05 strafing plant at Alfred, Ont... . Third. that peat could be manufac- Kent and be diSp ' ”M,“ been displayed and a large amount t , _ of capital invested in the develop- 5 and transportation without break- age could be manmctured. Acci- Vestigativn Dr. Haanel, Director 05‘ .ondon- Mines reco nmended that a peat bog Farmers Bank, op- l he Dm‘Cha‘ed by the Government! tors are employed and the output land a 5; those European countries i ada.*~ 5. M.‘ Fill-l issuer of marriage licenses. M rte u e Zam-Buk and found I Sta d to s and none but friends Md _ Mile Ri\‘er, Hunts (10.. l\.S., says: crease the strength ’â€"Mr. H. M. Mowat, KIT... 0 /‘ [pain at times being almost unbearâ€" ” loronto. The following story in the Ottawa rrhe Mines Department of the 00- - Second, to demonstrate to .al! demon- : side one. About l,000 tOns of this fuel are to t ed . . . osed of by the department at ur during the period 01 about 100 per year. this figure. For many years much interest has . Fourth, that fuel Of 300d heat- ing value and sumciently strong to ment of the peat bogs of Canada, _ s'.ace the Provinces of Ontario, Flfth. that .a market 101' such -a Quebec and Manitoba, possess no fuel could readily be created. coal deposits and no known lignite In addition to the above," the de- deposits of economic Value. part,ent undertook to demonstrate While peat has 1 manufactured that peat could be successfully and in those European countries simil- efficiently used for the generation of arly situated regarding c031 ,depos- power in the peat gas producer and its as Canada, little was known in gas engine. For this purpose a this county of those pro ‘8? lxorting peat gas producer and gas which. proved after long and costly .ngine were installed at the (no) experimentation successful an", csting plant situated on Division economical and which proved thel "d Dolly Varden streets, " Ottawa, basis of the sucCessful peat in dun: rv ..nd experiments carried on .there of -.Sweden Russia and Germany- .\thh were open to all those inter- On this account many of those who BSted in this question. interested themselves in peat in Since much misapprehension exists 13.5 to the purpose for which the peat some of the Canadian provinces dc- . _ their own plant was inaugurated it may be stated that the department had no intention whatever of demonstrating how peat could be made on a com- mercial scale, but simply the pro- cess which should be employed. of ‘ making does. on hand pended upon processes of or of those who vclaimed to Le in a position as regards the adcmate technical knowledge for the facture of peat fuel. ARTIFICAL DRYING A FAILURE. All the processes tried in the past of arti- l: .anu- The present method peat depending. as it digging will only be (e times stated asible. as was in te govern- on the subject, when t farmers who depended upon some method fiCally drying and bequitting peat which processes long ago proved un- successful and uncommacial European countries aboye man-y ment reports worked by a. group 0 Cannot obtain a cheaper to long haul, etc. REPLACE HAND EXCAVATION BY MECHANICAL. anufacture peat on p in the cation iii'él owing ed. DOMINION GOVERNMENT INVES- GATED. To stimulate activity and renew \ln order to m the confidnce of those who 105; commercial scale ' ' money in the peat industry of this or digging will have to be replaced by mechanical excavators and the country, the Dominion Govetnnent reduced as undertook to investigate' the state of the pent industry on the c: ntin- cut and the processes cmployed. After the completion of the report setting forth the results of this in- labor costs in general much as possible. Under the conditions at including all exp two dollars per ton s field, but when mechanical excava- tacked on the n experimental peat plant be one y large say 710.600 tons erected alter the pattern of the is reasonabl dependent fuel peat to be sold at a m to a large extent on peat as a the climate conditions and still alloWl’S , . investments. I were verv similar to those of Can those manufacturing and handling corner of. ‘ the peat W SUFFERS FROM PILES! War in Ontario Liberal Camp “-â€" ZA-‘l-Bl'K HAS CURED THESE! tion on the hemorrhoid veins . swollen, inflamed and gorg- '1 canto, Oct... . . is what causes the in the habitual camp In Ontario. The Liberals themselves terrible pain and stinging and smart- ing of piles. Zam-Buk applied at night will be found ‘11 . Thousands of ersons morm g p cord the Liberal caucu Why not be guid-. lheadquarters of the Re Fric lthink it worth: while truth. fore of Prince it possible for Hon. den t0 give Ontario a sixth po W of five. .3 orig- and 8130 paved the way ing in 0‘. Hr. Crothers. ambition?“ satis party WVices rewarded by his made a min-later without port! no m. 0816!? was honor, but declined. without portfolio is h than onerous. They Wi in deciding any large public policy, but ninet thework cliche cabinet- council is \ taken up with matters admnu' '8tl‘ation of one or departments of state. category. There would if Mr. Forget had accep Borden's invitation. ministers are successfu the above figure will be good profit for 2l.-â€"it is open war scarcely to conceah the to g'n'e case be- . ' Probably for the hrst time on re- 5 held at the st. was not at- ember of the ”folio inally intended for the tall- Mr. Kemp's lied and his long also altered a a liar In reality the position of minister onorary rather 11 have a 833‘ questions of affecting the other of the FOUR MILLION AIRES- have been five ted Prowler Nearly .11 the 1 and wealthy business or professional men. There are eight lawyers}. RELIGIOUS BELIEFS There are eight adherents of tho church of England in the new Cab- inet, five Methodists, four Roman Catholics and on} Baptist. The church of England men are Hon. Borden. Hana, Parley, Rog- Messrs. ers, Roche, Burrell, White and Loug- heed. The Methodists are Hon. hers, Kemp. MeSSrs. Cochrane, Crot Hughes and Reid. The Roman Cath- olics are Messrs. Monk, Pelletier, Nantel and Doherty, while Mr. Fos- ter is the Baptist. TAKING THE OA‘TH. The swearing in of the ministers took place at Ridcau Hall. The min- isterial deputation was a, decided mixture so far as its clothes went. Seven of themâ€"Messrs. Box-dew.- Cro- thers, Rogers, Kemp, White; Monk and Fosterâ€"wore ordinary felt hats. so ocrary of the ocCasion was apparent. EA S'l‘ PETERBORO S ['0 G ESTI'L I ) It has been suggested that East the Minister" oi Peterboro be given up to Mr. J . A. Sexsmith. the present: memLer would have to consent. It; elevationl I would probably mean the of Mr. Sexsmith to the Senat I’c'orboro would be a sale and Mr. Cochrane's election by .ac- n would practically be as~ clematis Silnedl. _______.___â€"â€"â€"-â€"- Liberal Leader Will Remain Toronto, Oct. 20. â€" At a meeting. of all the Liberal members of the- Legislature candidates who eleCtion, confidence in the leads Mackay,~ and he wil the forlon hope in .. I ust ten ed th nk you for the benefit I have party from l'l’oronto The conference a . ed lrom Zam Buk I ast sum- was of a secret nature called by the ._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€""‘" iv - . J - . . . . ~ . leader or the Opposuion in the On- re tlv trom piles. BIRTHS mer I suffered g a ' tario House, Hon. A. G. MacKay, _ I - attended. t TULLX _ To 50 I continued lt.‘ that the leader 0 say it has efiected a . party ,in Toronto. and I am pleased t local men who have been fig complete cure. ' ’ Mr. G. A. llufresne, 183-185 St. _ _ J oseph-st., St. Roch, Quebec, 1’. Q., cause 0f Liberalism for years, writes “I can hi ghly recommend invited only outsxde members to the ' Zam-Buk‘ to eVervone who suffers conference: AS a result the meeting from piles.” ' was a quiet, peacabloaafilhir, and tyres brought to a conclusion by a Magistrate Sanford. of Weston. _ ,. - , unanimous vote lIxing’s Co., NS” says 2 ‘ l suncredl _ . . . . -those present in Hon. long from itching piles, but /.am-. . . ,, whose leadership was endorsed. Buk has now cured me. . .. . . _ -. . - . . .. home influential gentlemen Mr. “ illiam lxenty, of [pper Sine . been working lately piles, the “I sullered terribly from ,. , tlon. able. I tried various ointments, but .. ‘ “Let loronto send a L 1' h d. t' ed f . . . . the-s 1g icst goo I was 1r 0 kronto Wlll be given a vome m rying v rious heard of Zam-Buk, and thought as a. . saying who stand but not in thesame old way. We last resort 1 would give this balm' and proper person to head We with the times and are in a a trial. position to do better work than ever. (I Zam-Buk effected a complete cure.” ~ eral from the country. Sew designs, new granites, new an Zam-Buk is also a sure cure for ________......_.â€" uproved tools and methods, in fact skin injuries and diseases, eczema. BOUGHT DAVIS FARM. the most upâ€"to-dste Marble and Gran- .lte Works in this part of Ontario. “1681's. Varicose veins, cuts, burns. Mr. Steven Nevison, of town, has bruises, chaps, cold sores, etc. 500. purChased the “Davis Farm Get our prices and see our de signs box all druggists and stores, or post Township of Ops. The property before purchasing. Hollâ€" fi/I" ACCEPTED C ALL. ‘ . ‘ ”Lindsay marble works son Graham, whose home is if: a”: 3:315 $12M will be done A ROOSTER-DUCK. free from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, for situated on M...â€" The Toronto Globe says : Rev. Lindsay. has accepted a, call to a Presbyterian church in the southern part of the City of Vancouver. " Oi seen at Mr. the graduating class in theology Mr. has few fol- W it gave me relief, appears fter singr three or four boxes and a u lowers left among the leaders of the he overlooked ht ing the of confidence qy Mr. MacKay, have with aims to in- oi the Opposi-‘ iberall mem- ed‘ , wh I . rem ies en {question of electing the leader and of is or who is not a fit Gunitovilb, YLâ€"“l was m the After ' ho '3 t‘ ' a yery s 1' mm I part y_"â€"-Ret0!'t Of a MacKay 141b- "inthe the middle line. in the Shop (1 rows Cam- . an show ll____l§____ Pm’e- Rem“ harmful imitations, 6th concession, contains 100 acres, ' farm bulldmgs' . 11389.3“ immediately north 0f-g.£° Try Zam.Buk Soap, 25c tablet. f # Vegetable Command. through the ChangeotLifeandsune .r on is baited with item: taste and its tendcm’ have been done away with e - to the palate and the stomach, "Egg; and curdhfe properties of the We the addition. in ms! the right Proportions of Hypophosphua of Lime. Soda. Potassiiim the the nutritive. mills-ed Wild Cherry. oougb “hangs m. “found-4t 'NrDm-Co Tasteless Cod Liver m c and 31.!» bottles. 1 ompm’fgé all acne-He by and on". will.” with: child 0 ‘ Start fight in with a bottle of Nagging: will quickly build up the strength to “W n a cold or rl. don‘t take c Codleer Oil 00 c cough or col t about tâ€"in a throw all th Ask your druggls He lullâ€"or can get i [l USE WILL YOUR I'IO OIST AIR 65‘ WI “i M ’ Examiner : citizens will be grieved to learn an at his residence of one of the oldest hly respect- \Ir. Sewers at, H! O'CIOCK Peter! arc the sudddl do: Mr. John Sawers. best known and most hag °ed relidcnts of the city. , from all a!" :1 slate Mon- In the s vcr, ill and the pearpnms, had been dea day nigh of this week. :sence OI his wife, who i the care of a nurse, at r. Sewers had He was last wen Growing been life all- intier home of her brother. M been‘ living alone. down town: on Monday. alarmed because nothing had seen of him. no been obser ved arc the past two- days. ed his home. and, door bell» repeatedly ' any response, open and gained an: entrance Sewers was night apparel- Dr. called to1 natural had not been in time but his cause tailol- thst oncdl so suddenly. were r head signs of und the house Iol' MeSiirs. Carey and Sanderson visit af- ter ringing the without eliciting ed a window. into the house where Mr. found dead in his Greer, the Coroner, who- was due the traditional pronounced death causes. Mr. Sewers robust health for some Condition Was not su any anxiety, he would be summ Few citizrns better known the Rail. aye and Canals. Of course. ' _ was born in this City md who or part of his life here. (11' as to. or any expec of l’eterL-oro 11‘.th dmflsed‘, “lho hurl spcnt the ma} His genial qualities, e. East riding, encrally- rs was 67 years ml was born‘ in Pcierbofm he late Augustus former proprietor of 0 was Ma} or and liking of the citizens g The late Mr. Saws .of age a |' He was a Sewers. a "Examiner, and uh l;l’eterboro in 1860. lo! Wales visit ceivlng his son of t Edmont- {medabedutelytight pineal. The keep out plum totherwhe :Jnsbeen un- load 1m disdained-inks. CLARE BROS. O (30.. LIMITED. -' ed the then. toun, education here, Mr. Sew- ers left Peterboro on Illood's estate and wen established! a t. ‘ o- grocery “here successfully business which he most for years. after which be where a situiil» )1. equally great ve years ago businessend where as well as the Liberal. hm'e been chOsen to.Ccn‘lucted contest seats in the approaching: removed ‘9 Lakefield, held yesterday afternoon, a» at “lawns" met w“ resolution was passed expressing,- rship of Mr: M 1 continue tolleadf re the next eleCtioxn. success. Some twentyTi r. Sawers retired from turned to Peterboroi d Continuously ever si took a keen interest in. municip issues and was a nanni- Council of he has live nrc. He Parliamentary ber of the for some yearS, Mr. and Mrs. perms deuce which his fellow ci on Thursday, Oct. placed in. him by his cond deliberations of the civic body- For some years. too. he w e Central Charity Board. of. tb most l‘eterboro justifying the cold- tizens had not in the as chaimmn recent years he was one efficient and capwle deputy returning the municipal elections. (1 by his wife hild, Hhrold Sander- nslnp‘ . Three one sister are also left officers at The deceased is survive and one grandc son, brothers and to mourn his; loss. J. ll. Burnllam M. P. . Visits Nurtllctn Burg msafe by Ly“ am" Minden Echo : Minden was honor- ~ g 7 _ ’/ IHVest Your Money Guaranteed 6 per cent Smith: Tow about 1.59 ed on Saturday last by a visit fro J. H. Burnham. Eng" the newly el- ected member of parliament for West hero, who had been nvited by Mr. McClellan, superintendent of the Valley Canal. to accompany water- nerv nd other 3:3?me Peter . ‘ . Trent E- him on a trip viewing the ways and power conditions developed by the Trent Valley Canal waters in On this prospecting tour they were accompanied by Prof. B.-_E. Fernow, Deana! the Faculty of Forestry and member of the Commis- sion of Conservation. who . is inter- ested . in the forestry conservation problems. '- ~ -’ ' It is a well kn m« It tho this district. _9wn fact that large‘_ Vr-Nafimaliliinance Co., Limited _. ”‘""'"':'.. m. . ' . an t ‘ ». . q‘ .- ‘ . at M. m ”‘G‘I‘m us. .7. M ' 00- 00 mean? .Uhun ' Moist Heat is the Natural Heat ~ I‘EEL " WARNER A; than AT 70° mm my Adding moisture to the air in your home will give you the same heat for less fuel. A consideration, no doubt But that is not all, Warm dry air, however pure, is not healthful. The human body demands more moisture than is carried in the winter art. The “ Hecla " supplies this morsturc in plenty. A large circular pan of water is placed where it will be easy to fill and where it will not b. overlooked. SAVES ONE TON 0!’ COAL IN SEVEN. By actual test the “ Hecla" save one ton of coal in sEven. Thalia. it is so constructed asio givethe same heat for six ions of coal :1 you ever got from seven. It tells a b o u t heating («Health aswellas Comfort. It is yours for the asking. W'ritc is: '1. D. CINNAMON, - Lindsay. I Inuit-Cmdutlhm drawnbynwown h as: St. Lem Sugar Refinmg' Co’s EXTRA MU LATE!) SUGAR, indiscriminately taken From {our lot! 0‘ headteachers! six lots ofaboutesobags all)“ ame' and find than uniformly to contain 99:99]“? to loo per cent of pure cane sugar, with no nnpuritien whatever. H upon each. I lit" m5. Wm. “iisuu. ' . temper mum. 1n;- Of the “’t'inlun's lgu; PRESTON. 0M ’ _‘j‘-’_;.a_,~..omiar¢ '1th lullu“ :n; throws us 211'. ., Z>Al bOde all >I!."7“ 17‘ “ “hf. (in . cannot help 1' “ YOU wmlia my place." HOW marl; ‘.‘..l~‘~ h, con‘versai 1' vii ’m -r. : friend (“hiding zilliv’lle cred brow and rv- in mood O'C <1t'lv"~-~\. 4!; . weariec‘ var-"Alwb \Wi bOd} tngP'll'". .1101 Of “Orrv '1" ~ ‘ to one win ,~ , .l-l dens sue ;\ v._ 1 make ho-z' . .w y, j knOW> fins ..»' on“ tha’ 'vVul‘rfx' 1‘ int; n On as if shu . ni slippznu lmw. ing thrutgg- ,. ~» _ 1 free hem.“ , w “i of iht~ .“Ylu, ‘ ’l‘hrw-T‘unrré‘x ..; "to: float: .r; .1 v""".:lfl WE’F'? salt: f.~ l1.<.’~-‘ T0. bid stetl- mm in. ms: ant)? thrumcll 1m» will “"67" :- I‘v-zlll u 351‘ DPT'~'.)J> ',.\.\Ul-~ ~ :14 pin?» and ;v!‘l ii 'v'a’l'wr. n: 9.: ' may: be about u nifuro: \u- unrr‘ .- a SbO‘Aiil lliid’ 'r""'. ‘L'l ma‘ in". ..~ Ill-MSW sill. Vt.- \xurr‘ . u: 1,] over or unilwxu- if 1 we an: as zuurla lli‘ ought in lw . nil had talk-r. \\.~ up.” ther. fur \llfzm l" as} tOO in)? Ur In. ‘ .‘ drj. “a "wra . w-r bore thznk. .. us, or ll children or -‘:..~ .:.q among in» slr'm-v I We worry: .1 ' ‘ transient lliS'I." .t'A'i Indeed there l.‘ luv . that march ;:1 like When once a luthvrt begins to indulge ;1 about the uncnmivu A good physuwan let yourself WUI‘I‘X is the nature of d» This was good cuun Now let me tell _\ the crime of worn" on“ said in his di sidering all conseq hesitate to affirm harm for a mother 1 "out. By worry circumstance in hid We doubt God's W! title dishonor our do“ that delicate brain which he in m to the noblest Mt abuses. th phes. 'lVlll‘ inuqs‘ .‘..l be the adhim'nzn ”.1 ‘l l ”mu-unable to m if m as

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