may EDITION ALL“ (3le S, Bropriotor TELEPHONE.) 97. Subscription Rates The Daily Warder - one cent per By mail to points outside of copy. Lindsay, $2.00 per year. The Watchman-Warder paid during the year. Postage to United States extraâ€" Daily or Weekly, 50¢ per year. Toronto Representatives H. E. Smallpiece, 32' (.‘hurch-st. 'Any oi the recognized advertising agencies in Canada are authorized to accept business for The Warder. ..â€" W..â€" PRIZE i‘imKlN‘lz, Miss iii-arrive Robertson carried; aux-w the i‘. \i'. lict-d prize for cook- in: El? thu It:»lo('a_\i_'i-on l‘ail‘. Miss I{(Dllt‘l'l\llh.\ [il'S some of which had appropriate mot- to-ax upon the it‘ini. ‘ ()l’S 'i‘\\'l‘:f\‘. Ups (â€HUD 'il havo- 1his "war ‘0 add 2 per cent. to all tlixi'\ not paid on or before December if)? :1 - . ill! {luxuria- 1H1" at the .l.l.'lil.~:lj.. tin- same as last near. I’lll'll’.\l:l\1: ism: .\.\',\i\‘i-:i<s.xl:v. ' Charles Querry. bcinflrivedin the city yesterday to take “Md“ M â€W â€mph. “1. \alt-niia for. part in the Macdonald bye-election. l'rt-pzi :‘u t (ir‘v measures a H- t“ U. ml The l k.' riv'ri v servicu on - . ~ I: ‘ ' _ .' 1 “L 1‘ L l l until alter election day. l a; ausnicmrm may. ~ nnounce- ----.- ..- . ' . . THE MARKETS. moms Ill dutail \till he made by large pustrl's lute‘z' '1â€. ill lillll‘l_ Contraâ€"tile?â€" â€"â€". The Watchman-Warm ‘(Weele)â€"' $1.00 per year in advance; $1.25 if common. $4.75 to :5; _“'" ' I heavy ewes and rams. $3 to $3.50; lambs, 'l‘lll‘iLfliAY, Sl-ZI'T, 26, 1912. were attractive. “mt-y decided» 38-45 to “-85- 'l‘iie taxes this year will Standard Bank, 50 lump the date For Lindsay Armoury ('tt'qu, Oct. :3.â€"â€"â€".\ Contract has been awarded by the Government to James liouut', of l‘eterboro, for al .I drill hall at Lindsay {or the sum 01] and unchanged to M higher on corn. $35,777. 80 been Padgett, at Unit-me»; for the value of $8,325. Another contract has awarded to l'etc-i'horo, for a drill .lohn Summeriield, a. Michigan (‘en- tral lira‘m-man, was fatally injured in the yard at. “indsor. St-u-i-al appointments to the stail‘lDecember (if Que-en’s university are announced. I $223.? new. bushilel.......$gg§ to $390: 4!. 8 ) , ‘ ‘ ea . goose. us o ears HXMERLAL. Rye. bush. ........ ......... 0 65 .... ( y Oats. bushel ........... 040 0“ Barley, bushel ............ 0 60 ~ 0 70 l'.\'l"l'l-Il:.\'()Nâ€"MCDOXAIJ'. P838. bushel ...............100 .... _ â€"â€" 7 . ‘ ., , Buckwheat, bushel 080 00 .\ pn-ttj. wedding was solexnnizedl - - i ll ~ " vi - i \I " ‘\ n \lclionaldl Toronto Dairy Market. “‘ “ i“â€""‘ m ' â€' ') n ‘ 2 ~ gutter, creamory, lb. rolls... 3% 3g ‘ t R t R soc We pay freight or express charges on on We! E1051 ay. Sept. L5, at 3 o'- utter, creamery, solids .... m n'. Institu a as oomlâ€" ' . _ ,k . ‘ L. ., ‘ . , Butter. separator. dairy. lb.. 0 2‘! o 38 Wo s all orders of $25 and over ( In 0M3!“ (1M . “hm hm («lighter Ml» Lind: Butter, store lots .. .......... 021 084 and Floor. Comfortably Furnished, d was united in matrimonv to Mr. Al- i E883. nOW-lald .... ....... ...028 030 . b i I io).0ne or more can club togetheran . , . ‘ .. Cheese. new. lb 015 0151)! open every day during regular as - dt add ess lihlillsn Pallet-still m loronto. [her Honey, extracted. lb........ 012 ... t 1 it!) re“: DEPARTMENT CASH AND h‘yegood. gentpnpai oone r brim; llll’dlivililt'tl, entered the par- 301193. combs. dozen 2115 too nesshours. 1P1°°m p STORE L I N D S A Y ONE PRICE lor to the strains of the wedding monérulhcgzi" 3-2:“ Produce‘ I # ,.. . ;. .. . . - ,' MONT EA t. 1. ables on Man- "Hl‘h' “h“h “"8 \ory bl‘llmll} l toba wheat came stronger at an advance __â€" play-d ii); Miss Jennie (ilendenning. l offsd. with a sagdbdeimand. consdeiquently ..- ......â€" ,. .. ‘ .- . . . . a at amount 0 us nesa was one. A , - a - 11"“ "“‘“‘ ““3 M‘mmnï¬l.‘ atllrf’d 1“ l strong feeling fontinues to prevail in the ULL o 9 the Public spirit shown by the “0' LITTLI; BRIEAI? I . z 'nwn i ‘miit blue :‘1k and wool 0081 market 01' oats. but the volume RED BY 3- . . . - - . _ Little Britain. 0C1. ‘..â€"'l'ic name ‘ ‘Lz l) i 7( . ‘1. lo! business doing is small. as buyers GO 1 ren S ay a . mans Institute in the north coun ‘ _ ‘h-v‘c‘r ‘re'e in...“ trimmed with brand and car- . seem to be fairly well supplied- for the Wm. Nill, Sn, 3. well known farm- , trv. 1n the evening a splendid con- Aid of the Methodist L 1.. .. ... After the ceremony was met the guests sat down to a. The presents were numerous. among their number being a handsome secretary and b00k case combined, presented to the bride by the Manilla Dramatic Club, of which she was a member, and by the Methodist choir, having been their organist for some time. Mr. .lewett Dixon, of Cannington.. conveyed the bridal party in his auto to the evening train for Toron- to, where they will reside. The bride traVeled in a navy blue serge and white ielt hat trimmed with white feathers. l‘lt'll a bouquet. sumptuous ('Olaliol'l. KINMOL'NT Kinmount Oct. 1.â€"Mrs. W. S. Craig and Miss M. E. Craig oi Gow- ganda are at present visiting iriends in the village and on business. They report good times at low-ganda and at Wigwam where they have a store, post office, etc. They will,return‘ in about two weeks. Instector Broderick‘ is visiting schools in the district this week. Mr. Lionel Train is on his again after a two weeks holiday. Mr. Stubbs of Peterboro, gave an entertainment in the C. 0. F. Hall here last. Thursday under the auspi- ces oi the three churches. The pict- ures shown were good as well as the address, stories, etc. of the said gen- tlcman. Mrs. .7. R. Mark and Mrs. Rert Hopkins spent some time in Toron- to last week ml this. Mrs. Levis. Visited at her parents horne- in Kirkiield during the week end returned on Sunday with Mr. Levia who drove across. Last Sunday children's dav was observed in the Presbyterian church here. Iion't‘ mention rain it it, does not rain. it pours. Mr. R. J. Graham has sold his house and lot to Mrs. Christopher. this week by Messrs, BurgOyne sr. and intends moving his family Son to Mr. Parker to Toronto - where he himself is at caygeon. present. Mrs. John Austin came up from Pension ,Falls last Thursday to visit over the week end. friends here. I l-‘itzgerald and hall al-I job! as to 40 lbs., 693 6d; short clear backs. a ""' ï¬ï¬‚lIRiRKER ‘ , l ‘ â€â€œ5119“. Yam .~ . ii TORONTO, Oct. I.â€"Receipfs of live stock at the Union Yards were 151 carloads, comprising 2737 cattle, 85 boys, 1499 sheep and lambs and 150 calves. - Exporters, ~ The export cattle were again dull. and only no of the Hvexpool class of cattle wcropurobuodforexportbythesnft~ Company of Chicago. as follows: Ninety. Outddo of ono‘or two loads of selected heifers. which brought 86.40 and $6.50. the choice butchers sold at $6 to “.5; load: of good. $6.76 to S; ) Demand good and prices firm; steels, so to 1450 lbs. at 5.40 to $6.75: stockers, $4 to 86.5: distillery bails. 83.75 to $4.25. Milken and Springcrs. About fifty milkers and springers sold at 850 to $16 each. There were two cows i that sold at $90 and two at SS. Veal Calves. Veal calves sold at $3.50 to $8.50, with a few choice quality at $9 and 89.5 per owt. Sheep and Lambs. Sheep. light eWes, sold at $4 to $4.50: , gï¬ to 86.5, the bulk selling around $6 to l Hogs. The hog market was way at $8.75 for selects. fed and Watered, and $8.40 f.o.b. cars at country points. Chicago Live Stock. CHICAGO. Oct. l.â€"Cattleâ€"Receipts 4500. Market steady. Beeves. $5.65 to :11; Texas steers, $4.50 to 36.10; western steers, £6.90 to $9.10; stockers and feeders, $4.25 to $7.70; cows and heifers, $2.90 to $7.80: calves. $8 to $11.50. Hogs-Receipts 12,000. Market strong, 5c higher. Light, $8.30 to 89; mixed, $8.50 to $9; heavy,'$S.lO to $8.90; rough, $8.16 to $8.30: pigs. $5.20 to $8.25; bulk of sales, Sheep-Receipts 45,000. Market strong to 10c lower: native. $3.30 to $4.95; west; ern. $3.45 to $4.25: yearlings, $4.40 to $5.25; I lambs, native, $4.65 to $6.85; western, $1.85 to $7.15. l Liberals to Aid Richardson. l Winnipeg. OeC. 2.â€"J. L. J. Gauthier, .' M.P.. Boyer, M.P.. and Quebec Liberals, ar- Gustave The visitors will remain in the west Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Futures Close Higherâ€"Live Stockâ€" Latest Quotations. I CHICAGO. Oct. l.â€"Nervousness about the war scare in the Balkans I gave wheat prices today an upward ! slant. The market closed steady. 1-2c l to 3-4c higher than 24 hours before. Corn showed a. net decline of 1-8c to 1 3-8c, oats ï¬nished unchanged to 1-16c off and provisions ranged from the same as last night to 20c above. I has seen them. They are The Liverpool market closed today 16 to 1d higher than yesterday on w' t, cloths. Antwerp wheat closed unchanged. Berlin %c to axe higher. Winnipeg Options. l Prev. l . ill 9. cal to on in WI: t Op. High. Low. Close. Close. them they W P P y eaâ€" , 83L ,,,,,,,,,, 858 885 838%., 3,7? 348% gill every way. Come and see the . c. 'b 7 b . May ........ 89763 90145 89% 89m: N values we are offering at from Oatsâ€" Today. Yest. , igctobeii) ....... . .. .......... .. 35:73: g1 ovem er ..... ... ........... . ................... 8334b 3354i $10 up to $25. Toronto Grain Market. present. The local demand for flour (on- tlnues good and a fair amount of busi- ness was also done for export. Demand for miilfoed is good. Butter is fairly ac- tive with a strong undertone. Cheese '1 very quiet with prices somewhat in buy‘ ers’ favor. Eggs active. American No. 2 yellow, Sic to 85¢. tsâ€"Canadian western, No. 2, 5436c to 560; extra. No. 1 feed, 54c to sue. Barleyâ€"Manitoba. feed. 60c to 61¢; malt. ins. We to we. Buckwheatâ€"No. 2. 74¢ to 75¢. Flour-Manitoba. spring wheat patents, firsts. 35.80; seconds. 85.â€; strong bak- or". 5.10; winter patents. choice, 85.5; straight rollers. $4.85 to “.90; do.. bags, $2.25 to $3.80. """‘_â€"'""" Boned oatsâ€"Barrels. 85.6: bags. 90le Mrs. w_ 1), Williamson, of Guelph, .40. . . "mllfmwm. 323: shorts. $17; mid- [expired suddenly in the hospital after leating a hearty breakfast. dungs. $28 to 880; mouilie, :30 to :35. Hayâ€"No. 2. per ton. car lots. $13.50 to _ _ Harriston ratepayers carried a. by- law to raise $11,000 for installing 614. an electric light plant. FAWNG’S HORSE fifflANGl WT breaking a. rib and piercing the un- in a critical condition. finest easterns. 13560 to 1334c. Butterâ€"Choice» creamcry. 27%c to 28¢; seconds, 2650 to 27¢. Eggsâ€"Selected. ac to 80¢; No. 2 stock. no to 23¢. Potatoesâ€"Per but. our lots. 63c to We. Dressed hogsâ€"Abattoir killed. $12.50 to 812.15. Porkâ€"Heavy Canada short mess. bar- rels, :5 to 45 pieces. :28: Canada short cut backs, barrels. 45 to 86 pieces. :13. Lardâ€"Compound tiercco, 375 lbs. 810.3; wood polls, :0 lbs. net. 810.75; pure tlerces. 375 lbs. $14.60; pure, wood pails, 20 1b.. net, :15. Liverpool Provisions. LIVERPOOL. Oct. Lâ€"Porkâ€"Prlmc mess, western. 1055. Hams-Short cut, 14 to 16 lbs, 63:. Baconâ€"Cumberland cut, 28 to 80 lbs" 713', short ribs. 18 to 24 lb... nominal; clea! bellies. 14 to 16 lbs, 655; long clear mid dies, light, 28 to 34 lb... 71s; (10.. heavy. 16 to 80 lbs, 65; shoulders, square, 11 to 18 lbs., dis. Lardâ€"Prime western, in tierces. 573 8d: American, refined, 588 3d. CheesHanadian, finest white, new, 65: 8d; colored. new, 665 6d. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. a.â€"cxoseâ€"-Whea.i- ...â€"w Sale Saturday, in. 12,1912 40 head young Cattle, mostly steers. 26 Head two year old Steers. Dec, 88%“ to 88%“: May, 99%0: No. 1 - ' , ' , hard. 897;“; No. 1 northern, 86%c to 88%0: 20 Head yearling Steers and Heifers No, 2 do., 83%c to 86%c. 15 Horace, workers and Drivers. Cornâ€"No. 8 yellow. 69c to Gal/so. Oatsâ€"No. 3 white, 30c to 3055c. > ; RYPNO. 2, we to 64¢. Bran-$19 to $20. Flourâ€"First patents. $4.35 to 34.66: se and patents, $4.20 to $4.56; first clca $3.20 to $3.50; second clears. $2.40 to $2.20. Duluth Grain Market. DULUTH. Oct. l.â€"Cioseâ€"New wheat- No. 1 hard, 8954c: ."o. 1 northern. 8836c: No. 2 do.. 86%c; Oct, 88c bid; Dec., 88c bid; May, 93c bid. 1 Span Matched Mares. 1 Chestnut Gelding, .11 years old. 4 aged workers, about 12 hundred. 20 first-class yearling Steers. 4 Cows, consigned, all milking. 12 new Cutters, .go. 5 sort Harness, new, best leather. m 75 Horse Blankets, all kinds. STEAMER KAWARTHA SOLD. 50 SurcingleS. any price. got to so. The steamer Kawartha. has changâ€" 10 Robes, best m market. ed hands, having been dismsed of 14 Month’s credit on all Cattle, 7 per‘ cent. allowed for cash. 40 head Cattle to be slaughtered. ' .20 Pigs expected, about 601D. each. Davis, of Bob- - " 10 old Halters, any price. got to go. ‘ 2 sett second hand single Harness. No.12. Somervillehassecured g 1530m60dsyfbmdfli', 5" l .l-. l V . , , -. .I ~ .. /‘ . -,‘ . ‘- ' .. .‘1‘ . ..u ww‘m l i at . ' it‘s. ‘l :‘i . STORE, ATTRACTIVE 'IN s Ladies’ Coats at Popular Pn'ces. Our Coats are meeting with the approval of every lady who in very popular styles and splendid You will like them and at the prices we have marked er residing on the 10th line of Gavan was gored by a bull and very aeri- ously injured last Friday. "Mr. Nill was leading the animal through the yard when in some manner the bull got loose 'and rushed at him, knock- ing down and goring him, one born boro, fortunate man’s lung. Mr. Nill is ‘ were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Martin friends on Friday. Durham friends in Toronto last week. ing his absence Mr. T. W. Pearce, of Hastings, relieved at the G.T.R. de- consigned. got to pot. town on Monday. pied the Maryboro lodge for pied the Maryboro lodge lor the summer, left on Thursday for St. 'Cotharines. - guest of Mrs. John Austin. Grove,‘spcnt Sunday the guest of, Romania Country". Rev. Mr. Walker Baptist minister teacher aMr.Mc1anan.~HecommcnolHorses Mums]!!! W991! Mm -' V ' ' as: is .Henewar. new: resets. ’ as! his duties than .19.“. . iii-enlist... - Attractive . Sweater Coats We are now showing a very complete range of popular sweater coats for Ladies, Misses and Children. Most all colors and combina- tion colors are ’here, and it will be no trouble to select just what you know will suit " our requirements best. Rides range as follows :â€" Ladies: $2.25 to $5.75 Children: 506 to $2.00 Pretty Coats For the Little Girls The little Girls’ Coats shown here are such as will and please every father made mother and the little girl will have a. coat that will give her service, look well and at a price equally as attractive. Even these little coats are chock full of style and priced as follows : ' $3.95 to $7.50 YOU CANNOT FINDA MORE ATTRACTIVE SHOWING THAN THE ONE AT THIS TYLE, IN PRICE AND GENUINE QUALITYTHROUGHOUT YOUR INSPECTION INVITED. ' Good.warm Clothing ‘ , for the Boys In Suits and Overcoats for Boys we are showing a particu- larly choice range and you will save money on the boys fall and winter outï¬t at this store. Small prices are attached and it makes outï¬tting the boys 3 sav- in;r preposition and we ask you to bring in the boys and see the suits at from $2.85 to $9.50 Overcoats from $4.50 to $10.00 Men’s Overcoats These are in popular sty.cs, male of excellent ma erials, and priced within the reach of every man, for we have a coat for every pur- p0=c and priced according to that requirement. You will study your best interests if you see our range before buying. The prices range from $9.00 to $20.00 Andrew’s Church, F enelon Fenclon Falls. Oct. 1.â€"Mrs. Thos. Rednor, Mrs. Edmonds, of Peter- were guests of Mrs. Rednor friends to pretty home on 0ak-st., on h-iday last week. eVening, and as usual a most enjoy- Mr. Foley and 50:: Sherman, who able evening was spent by all pre- sent. Mr. Harry MacKendry. who has been on the sick list for the past few months, left. on Monday to resume duties with the Dominion Express Co., of Toronto. ' Miss EHnily and Alice Hand Visiting relatives at Toronto York Mills. Mrs. R. N. Mitchell left on Monday for Toronto. Mrs. B. Wills and Miss Alit‘e Wills, of Montreal, are guests of town Sharpe for several weeks, left on Friday for their home in Dearborn, Mich. Mrs. Bart, Mrs. Russell Jackson and little daughter Audrey, of To- ronto, are guests of Mr. H. Sewell. Mrs. McCarty and Master Billie McCarty arriVed home on Saturday, after spending a. short vacation with relatives in Hotspur. Mr. Sandy Warren returned to, Win- nipeg on Tuesday. are and Mr. A. Spotton, of the Lindsay friends. Business College, was in town on Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jewell were Friday and enrolled Mr. Ronald Mc- guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Bur- gess over Sunday before leaving for their new home in Red Deer, Alta. Miss Fanny C. Brandon is the guest of Peterboro relatives. Mrs. SeVern, of Toronto, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. L. Town- ley last week. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. McLean, who have been guests at Hotel. Ka- wartha for the season, left. on Fri- day for their home in Montreal. Miss Pearl Auscin, of Toronto, is spending her vacation in town. Mr. Bert McCarty returned Montreal on Saturday. Miss Alice Quigg, of the post ofï¬ce staff, is spending a vacation with Toronto friends. Mr. Geo. A. Jordan, of Lindsay, spent Tuesday at the Falls. . At the Haliburton fall fair be] last week a notable feature was a special exhibit of home-made cook- ing, pickles and candy by the Wo- men’s Institute, of Haliburton. The .. district president, Mrs. (Dr.) Gould, Mr. Greenwood, of Toronto, is the of Penelon Falls; was present and sctedasoneofthojudgesolthis‘emâ€" Intosh as a student for a. commer- cial course. - Miss Agnes Potts and Miss Madge Halliday returned to Toronto on Monday. Miss Genevieve Twomey left on Monday to resume studies at Loret- to Abbey. Miss Agnes I. Dickson left on Mon- day morning and will sail from Vic- toria, 13.0., on Oct. 7, to resume her ,missionary work in South China. Miss Mabel Sharpe visited Lindsay from Sutherland visited with Dur- Mr. A. Mr. Laking, of Haliburton. was in the ms; Km. mm, ofï¬ighland the‘In‘stitutd hopinmind“ (U >' 2 tertained about seVenty-i‘ive of their a. corn roast, at their I St. Paul's church. Master Percy , '5001:. Place on Saturday when Percy sycunssonotur.Jomx.nmm ,mmcothuhuiogoonghe n. W'mwbakndmmm , oouldbo'stoppod mu. ' mssBirdieArchce-istboguest of hibit,which woos cuditto thombwyman M.†12} dozen rawhide Whips given away. friends at Warsaw: are arranging for the chnt of in? season, on Oct. 16, namely a Lat: fowl supper, Concert and lvajaar. The event promises to be exceeding- ly interesting and entertaining. The bazar will consist of a sale of an assort,emt of staple and iancv cord! homeâ€"made candies,etc., and mil c0mmence at. 2 o'clock. The sun†will be served from 5. to s o'cltck after which there will be a big cor.- cert to the auditoriuni of tho chuna when some of the besx talent from Lindsay will be present includmg lthe following: Mrs. G. F. Black- well. soloist; Mrs. (Dr.) Irvine (reader) ; Mr. C. E. Wet-ks, and Mrs- srs. Ford W. Moyncs and H. M. cert was given under the auspices of the Canadian Order of Foresters on behalf of the Woman's Institute. Mrs. (Dr.) Gould addressed the large audience for a few minutes, giVing an outline of the splendid work done by the diflercnt societies throughout the country. The annual children's day service was held in St. Andrew's church' on Sunday morning. The pulpit and chair was beautifully decorated with cut flowers, vines and grain. The children occupied the choir loft for the ser\'ice and sang a chorus, “Give me thy Heart." The service was conducted by the superintendent, Mr. A. Sutherland. Rev. C. 5, Lord _ ... addressed the school on character- M05715" A“ address “"11 be N“?!- building and ‘he seeds that are ed by Rev. Mr. Morton. sown by the teachers in the minds of the Sunday school pupils. Presen- tation of diplomas for scripture memorizing were made. Books were presented to Verna J enery, Mura Johnsone. J ack Walsh and Donald cogâ€"â€" Noncr T0 CREDITORS Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the Ontario statute, 1. George V-. Robson :s also to Master Charlie . Chambers and McLean Lord. Beau- Chapter 26, section 55. that ad Pei†.tifully framed diplomas were pre- sons having claims against the 95‘ seated. During the offering Miss tate of Eliza. Truman. 1819 0f the Mary Chambers sang a solo in her usual sweet voice, “ Will there be any Stars in My Crown ? †Miss Marjorie Austin returned to St. Hilda’s College, Toronto, on Monday. Rev. Mr. French spent. Sunday in Lindsay and conducted services in Village of Kirkfield, in the townshil’ 0f Eldon, and county of Victoria, widow, deceased, who died on the Sixpeenth day of May A.D., 1912, are t° send by post prepaid or to deliver. to Mr. Samuel Truman, Kirkï¬old P. 0., one Of the executors named in the Will of the said deceased on or be- {one the 111W day of October, 1912. their names, addresses and descrip- tions and a full statement (If the particulm Oi their claims and the nature of the security (if any) held by them duly Veriï¬ed by statutory. declaration. After such mentioned d3“ the executors will proceed to. diltribute the assets of the deceased "no“ the parties entitled thereto, “Vin: hazard only to the claims .0! which they shall then have notice "“1 they shall not be liable for the m ao distributed, M thereof, to any person of whose “new than not have â€â€œ0- st the the of the ascribe tlon. , , -‘ ._ ‘ rooms Jncxsoii. . “it ' mlortbemocutora, u!†Kellett Broke His Thigh linden- Oct. loâ€"A â€to“: “Mt any. . [And-g , Sept» , . 10, 1912. J Big Sale Saturday cl Fanning’s Retest-er. A sale (if. litii‘xt'r .Fanning’s l{(‘l‘(l.\'litil"‘. ‘on Saturday Sept, '_'~ .3 huge were was success sold. The llt‘Dug‘uï¬ (God. and liq. All horses on that commission and farther. -. ~ .. lll'.ll*\ \ (l;: them in.were well pleas". secured. Amongst, Wm. bought a very fine ;x:::i' l. 2 year old mart-s iur Broom Halihui-tun. 1 $3 00.00 ; .l. the puritani ~- ("lands (if "1‘â€{2 Elliot llallllflhf'i, , .Xl'l-.c'3i.;. ‘ \_ mart-s $425.00 ; A gelding $525â€, ll'd‘ l;.:\ ‘j-'. ‘ le' brown gelding 91.7,:sz H†handsome brown niai‘r '21 77.3% ,l Tee line buy guiding .877. : . i farmer pUrt'huM-d g, L'fliinf $54200. There Were sch-ral wit-w veil. Nit-diam“ Sale Hi i , ..c ‘luring i'l yous horw's. .nrut " '.,.l mashed. .Né‘ __ 1: F.\Mlll{.\\ H Combray, Supt _ 26‘; i" 2 "~ M ’Rich Blight of Myrtle. as} ., i Of his sister Mrs. ll J;~:~ ~ . w: , \ll Sunday. on The S. S. rally and "I“. e"'.‘. \' taken as announced~ in; :21:- x. .5; ‘ s ..I Men's Volunucr Hanoi and . we jol'ed Very much. ii 10". J88. Rich returnc-d limrz." ,,..- r .n week, from an extendmi \ lkï¬ 1. i - \1.: brothers in Vancouver la, 1‘, _ i Pomtoe digging is me ..m... ..: . .- - day, and the tUbers are rolling pm: \11 ]y. ML ThOS Parson “hill" tutu: t: . 1 his found 90 potatovs in llllt' : .1. Who can beat‘that '2 t The flag 9059 at lll(‘ H‘lAHil ‘ - put up 18-81. week. - -. i‘: M"5-‘H- B. Feir and (‘hiltlr‘i-r. .22" 1 ’1'}; â€biting Mrs. W. B. Fair at prove-71' ,.. mg On My evening (lt‘l. ML, i‘iuW (3 Gummy Epworth League :ii‘m .; 7.1' i hmg 3- missionary rally gr. ..i .. ~. I, ,1“ 0’ a. Japanese evening. . \‘ij Jm special program, .iapm.» Nations and Adnï¬WiOn will be two cents .1 f- 4‘ in Mght. including huts. .lapanosu this" --â€" hi] 5. ‘ \ â€I PC‘WLES conxlcizs ,. Powles Corners, 501m 2,,_.\,_\ q John Giuis returned from .\l'..l~:‘ivr. M m: “here she has horn ‘~ > 1113- her brother, who is Very iii. A “’89 number from around "'W the Lindsay Fair. In 33:61 Boyce Halibut-’0'. u: the M Of her aunt, lire. Si... JOHN C. FIS Presents the greatest musics: emu-q since his “l“loroiicra.“ -â€" g “The Red Ro’ By Harry B. and Robt_ B. Smith. . Robt.._Hood Bowers. I ' ' -â€"VVlTHâ€"â€" gZOE BARN r .