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Watchman Warder (1899), 17 Oct 1912, p. 8

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. l I l l The WatchmanÂ¥Warder my EDIT“)! ALL“ GILLES, Proprietor â€"-0 TELEPHONE 97. Subscription Rates The Daily Warder â€" one cent per copy. By mail to points outside of Lindsay, $2.00 per year. The Watchman-Warder .08in or Weekly, 50c per year. Toronto Representatives II. E. Smallpiece, 32 Church-st. Any of the recognized advertising agencies in Canada are authorized to accept business for The \Varder. ___________.._â€"â€" 'l‘Il!_’li.\‘l»\\', OCTOBER 17, 1912. W lll'lli}? (le‘l-I \tlllll-T. lro your (‘hrzstmas shopping early. “'9 said it first. MOVlVG 'l’l'l LINDSAY. Mr. 5!. 'l'homas and family, of (:ogie‘s ('rM-k. llarvt-y Township, are moving to Lindsay. IS lMl'ROVlNG. Latest reports are to the effect that Mr. .lohn Spratt itl improving rapidly, and will be in his usual fet- tle for sport inside of ten days. lNl ll'Tll ).\' ill“ HECTOR. Archdeacon Warren officiated at'10 good Halters. (brist (,‘hurch, llobcaygeon. on Wed- nesday evening, in the induction of the new Hector, Rev. Mr. (:reavesn. Sortices for the oCcasion were held, and the reverend gentleman was pre-l sentml wzt‘n the key by the wardens; rowr. srrrtcn. } 'l‘he annual fowl supper and concert under the auspices oi the Methodist (‘hurch at Salem, Ops; will be heldl on m- night of Monday, Oct. 21$t.l After supper, from F. to H o‘clock. a choice program will be rendered. Consisting of solos. rhoruses and (Weekly)â€" $1.00 r y at ‘n dvance; $1.25 if paid dtrijing‘ :he fivea: sale salm'da], Postage to Ivnifl'd States extraâ€" 20 Horses, all classes. PM“ Will, 1912 34 Steers, two year old and year- lings. 30 Sheep, one year old and two year old. 18 first-class Lambs, rising one year old. 12 Ewes, rising one and two. 16 Steers, rising 3 year old. .Four months’ credit on cattle and sheep. 2 good Brood Mares, not old. 1 Chestnut Mare, heavy in foal, First-class work- ; 1 .300 pounds. as. , [1 Brown Mare, rising 3 years old, ‘ 1,100, and only two past. 1 Foal, five months old, general- purpose. :1 new Milch Cow'and calf by side. 1 ' 1 LiVe Deer, 7 months old, any price. 4 new Cutters. Neckwear ible and wide end shapes. Regular 50c for .................. . Curtain Scrim 36 Inch curtain grounds with dark floral and borders, reg. 25c per yd., sale price ................... ‘2 secondâ€"hand Buggieril. 1 new Buggy. 6 new Robes. 1 secondâ€"hand Robe. 5 sets new Single Harness. 1 old set. 50 Horse Blankets given away. 6 dozen Sursingles, any price. floral and striped centres. Only per yard ..................... 24 new Rawhide Whips given away at the beginning of sale. Ladies’ ribbed underwear, (‘AMBRASL , , Cambray, Oct. 14.â€"â€"T‘he telephone we1ght, “'h'te only, V8“ and 29 Isw tch board has been moved from drawers. Special """""""" ' the post office to Mr. T. R. James' James will be râ€"" ' st ore, 'Miss EVa Boys’ tweed suits in brown diag- onal, double breasted coat and full bloomer trouserS, sizes 25 2 90 O to 30. Clearing price each... Men’s Underwear Men’s all wool heavy ribbed un- derwcar, all sizes shirts and draw- ers, regular 31-00, .for....... 85 ular 1.25, sale each ............ .......................................... . ' Men’s silk four-in-hand ties, reVersâ€" .39. cream designs .21 scrims, Reversible Cretonnes Extra quality reversible cretonnes, 36 inches wide, bordered styles with ~17 heavy Ladies’ Underwear _ Flannelette Blankettes 11-4 Flannelette blankets in white and grey with assorted colored bor- ders, regular 1.50 pr. For only ................................ ’25 Reversible Coatings Cheviot finished reVersible coatings 56 inches wide, colors green with navy reveres, brown with tan, grey with mauve. Regular 2.00 yd. Clearing at ............... 1.69 Tweed and Costume Cloths and Serges In 4-4 inch garnet, brown, widths, colors grey. green and navy. Regular 50c. Sale price yd. 39 I ......................................... Blanket Special . . 20 Pr. white wool blankets (ll'orn Bros. make), slightly imperfect (sin- gles) weight 2} to 4 lbs., price 65c to 70¢ per 1b., Sale price per lb ........ ° . Comforters 98c Sanitary filled silkoline coverings, ............... comforters with - Ladies’ and A new coat for regular two shades of colors of tan and full sizes, reg- 98 ial Sale price ....... . Silks (‘hifl‘on tafl‘etta silks, 20 inches wide, in colors tan and brown only. leg‘ular 506, sale per yd...... 39 I .................................... v..." School Dresses Warm and serviceable dresses for girls, ages 4 to 14 years, made of navy and red serge with red and navy trimmings, regular 2.95 to 3.50. Sale price only.........2 50 0 Ladies’ Waists A special line of ladies silk waists, plain tailored styles in navy, black, and mcrsalinc. (lthcr styles With three quarter or long sleeves, colors navy. King's blue and black, trim- med with blue in tall'ettas and mes- salines. Regular 4.00 and 4.50. For only ................... ' made of heavy reversible cloth in brown, with reverse roll collar that can be worn open or closmi, belted back-SP0? 12 50 C Misses Coats» ladies' and misses, lawn with new Kid Gloves Ladics‘ fine quality L'Ilal‘nlllr-o-ti till glcnes in colors tan and black two dome fasteners, sixw 3‘ to ,‘1’ Regular $1.00, sale price for .' pair....._ , '83 Lace Collars Special imported lace ('Hllnr'x, Hm. able for dresses and (vols, mm”; and pointed backs in colors “hm. and eCru. l’riccs 50c 10.. . 7 5 ................. . l ........................ - 0 ‘f’\ Hand Bags I ~ Largo Slde black i(‘HillI*1’ llrtl’lil l‘aL'F Will) hollows bottom. silvur‘l-d {ramps and change purse. Regular ... ........................ 1.50 switch operator. Mr. John T. Clark is erect ng a silo at present. Mr. Gilbert has his wagon on the SISTER 'l‘HEODOSlA DEAD. road gathering chickens. A'Bpsau,L 1.1"! .insnj uuompqoiv “um, Mr. P. .l. Wilkinson is erecting a morning for Peterbm'o. to be present ‘lncw house, r-adsngs. There will also be one or tWo add‘esses from interestinglspcak- ers. 'l‘lzis ITOHllSCS to he a. treat. l l Women’s Institute Rest Roomsâ€"sec- ond Floor. Comfortably Furnished, open every day during regular busi- ness hours." A pleesant place to rest DEPARTMENTAL at the funeral service of the late' Rev. and Mrs. P. Howard were in] Sister Theodosia, which nbok place Belleville last week attending the The above Sister was at funeral of Mr. Johnston, Mrs. Ho- Much sympathy is today. one time a teacher in St. Joseph's ward’s father. Academy. Lindsay, and acted as in- felt. for Mrs. Howard in her bereave structor for the pupils of the Con- ment. vent when the play entitled “Grand- Mr. Henry Avery left for Toronto at his trade. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Robins went , , , to Toronto a few days ago, after 'lhe regular meeting or the (am- _ , hr 'r ch of he “.0 11‘s Insti spending the summer in the Village. a ' (in t . ‘ . . '- _\ 0 mt School was closed on Thursday :tc was held at ‘1 home of Mrs. _ u u c . and Friday as the teachers were at- D. Gordon on Oct. 2nd, but owmg to the busy time for the farmers there were flat as many were as usual. Mrs. ll. Feir gave all in- strumental; Miss H. Mclnnes gave a splendid reading. and Mrs. D. Gor- DEATH OF MOTHER SUPERIOR. don gave an excellent instrumental. On Sunday aftenmon’ Mother A qm-stion drawer was then takenlq‘hoodosia_ Superior of the Peter- l‘hBâ€"Ffl‘ “5 1".“ Mr-‘V R- F" Tompkins, bore Convent, passed away after a ”1'5 f»...- mretml: clotlw'i h.“ singing long illness. The deceased entered Ut‘d 51"? the King. The “‘3‘“ 11‘9““ ,. church orders in Barrie her 'home mg “‘1“ be held at the home of Mrs. ! tnun. Later she went to Toronto, 1‘. “00d. on Nov. 61h. ileaving that city in 1889 for Lind- isay. Subsequently she became IMother Superior in Foboixrg, mov- ling to l’eterboro in 1895. The late lMother Theodosia was recognized as one of the best musicians in the the pista‘. clerks or the carriers. commgnit‘“ Many Of the children attending the Convent have develop- The cggv do not break and the hut-! 1 h _ _ 1 b'l‘t d h . . 9 us c l ' ter does not melt because or packing. 9‘ t m m l a a 1 3 un er er . . . :u ervision. boxes manutactures especially forl‘p Opera llouse five years ago. W. I. MEETING. tending the convention in Lindsay. OBITU ARY‘. Blf'l'l‘liR AND EGGS BY MAIL. in Germany, where the parcels post has long been in operation. the farm- ers mail butter and eggs to town wit..out embarrassment, either to pa's Birthday" was presented in the.last week, where he intends to “Cl. l a 3 Wedding Bells McGINLEYâ€"MALONEY . A pretty wedding was celebrated at St. Mary‘s R. C. church this morning by the Rev. Fr. Guiry, when Miss Susie Maloney, of Lind- say, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. Joseph McGin- ley, of Ops. The bridesmaid was attended by her cousin, Miss Loret- to Maloney, of Douro, while the groom was assisted by his brother, Mr. Daniel McGinley. After the celebrating of the nuptial mass the happy young couple with their at- tendants took a. carriage to the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. C. Mclllhargey, where wedding breakfast awaited the party. Mr. and Mrs. Maloney will reside in Ops on the return from their honeymoon trip. New Woman’s Institute Organized On Oct. 2nd Mrs. Cruess and Mrs. Birchard, district President and a sumptuous l LINDSAY STORE ‘ o o J. SUTCLIFFE SONS We pay freight or express charge; on all orders of $25 and over i in Ontar- io) One or more can club together and CASH AND have good: sent prepaid to one address ONE PRICE O Battle of Queenston Heights 100 Years Ago Sunday. I 4.00.06. . . .. o , A hundred years ago last week was men, .under Captains Dennis and \\ 11- lork "Olunteers," he was shot, and their boats. llut {M .M n.8,“... fought the famous battle of Queen- liams, drove the invaders back to the'fell mortally wounded, ston Heights. On October 10, 1812, brow of the heights, where :hey were} there was no QSCape. and the Ame- His aidedeâ€"camp, Col. Macdonell, ican General Wadswonh surrendcrétl an American '3 - wh a , ' r . . -. .~ . . . _ P3. 0 h d crossed reinforced by more men fom acrossl soon armed with 100 more militia, the whole ,fOrce of mmdvm I.“ the Niagara River to the British the river. camp, reported to General \‘an Rens- General Brock, at Fort George. and the whole, about 200, charged ! Americans who laid doun 'hvzr arias up the heights, but had to fall back. numbered 931, including 73 others. selaer that Sir Isaac Brockfliad hearing the firing. gaUOped to thej'l‘hen arrived General Schcafl‘e with They acknowledged ., 1W, 0. (4 moved off toward Detroit with all scene, arriving about daybreak. 'l‘hefabout a thousand British regulars, killed and loo “hundrdfl.um“. , Americans were then coming Up the_militiamen, and Indians. Van Rensâ€" considered under the mark his men. Thus deceived, Van Reus- selaer ordered a detachment to cross the river, but the boats \Vl'l'e carried .astray in the current.~ At three in the morning of the 13th a crossing 'Goorge for more men, and led the was efl‘ected by several boats, but others were sunk by the .lrilish guns zat Queenston. Three hundred Brit- ish regulars and Canadian militia- I'Shuccessful l Tea and Concert Hartley. Oct. 15.â€"The anniversary Lindsay last week. lservices of our church were held here Mrs. Jas. Walker and Mrs. W. J. on Sunday, and large congregationslSkuce, of l’etérboro, the pi:r;~<\st-, which can be had in] this co::nrr;., unassemhled, at froml $23 a thousand for butter to $45.21 thoustnd for eggs. Joy over the] convenience of the inventions will beg chaste-nod by an application oil their. e-f‘fe.‘: uric-n the high cost of eating. ‘ Hunting Accident And Fatality Sault Ste. Marie, Ont, Oct. 14,-â€" Aiter killing his wife accidentally in the bush this afternoon while hurt- ing partridge, Thomas Leishman, a Tl‘fi‘lCRl‘rl‘RO CHEESE BOARD. .. . vii-(ham)!!! bid, propelled by ‘.!:- ‘xluu'ttill. quickly decided the sale lfarmer, 60 years of age, resuling near c:' 1.343 ‘r-oxes of cheese on the l’e-uIl‘Ol’l Bridge, committed suicide, and ‘er‘ cro -. heese Board Wednesdaylthc bodies of both were found in the ~~~:.irc. who week ago the Board woods by those who became alarmed lby their absence and made search. l:.¢'f, (31:1 acifourned, when the highâ€" est luti .1.d not exceed 12 15-16c. ll’.-l'i:i.-_<tin~., morning Mr. Morton ven- -:;red 2. ‘>l.\'¥€‘t‘nlll of a (‘ellt more, Port Hope Man’s making: :1 standing bid of thirteen . l Terrible Death l l l --~n:.~_ tint: swept the entire Board. «:f.~~.-ning bid was madc- by Mr. "v'x;‘.'...,!‘.> :1: 12:0. Mr. Gillespie in- _, . . . .‘ . . . Port Hope, Oct. lo.â€"Ernest Ram- . '.;\r(‘. the lid by a traction. and _ , . , son. an Englishman, of about thirty \ A :c o .o bv -ir. Morton, With. , , ‘ [years of age, met with an awful ac- : rs : a< stated cident at the Standard Ideal Co.'s LADIES, ATTENTIOX 3 works ,this morning. In some way A lady representativ9 of the firm ‘ his arm became entangled in a belt,l (..- Hallâ€"Bochc-rt will be in mu. store i and he was whirled around the shaft on Monday and Tuesday next. Oct. body fell to the floor. The injured 315: and 22nd. inst., demonstrating until his arm was torn off and the their famous adjustable dress forms, ,1 man lived but a few hours. EV“? 33d.“ Should have one of these} L A 1 t t - . os - n s consum wo ons {L'm>, as th93' are a decldm boon to 9 88 e es . 7 , . l ‘ - v - av. home (ZI'K'SSYHHKQI‘S. Prices. $1.00 talcx honey 8 91'} d ‘ $15.00 tab. Come and see them] , I"undas Flavelles, good bargains were also secured. Thirty-five head of choice cattle were disposed of, but prices were not as high as expeCted. Farmers who pur- chased cattle got themmt their own prices, and went away well pleased. Next large sale October 26th, when there will be offered for sale 34 head of steers. 29 sheep, 14 horses, 1 live deer 7 months old, also robes and 100 horse blankets, at any-price. .. -. demons: :‘e. t i‘kz. L.mited. PANNIXGS OCTOBER SALE. Horses were not in very good de- mand at Saturday‘s sale. but several were disposed of. Amongst the pur- chasers were Messrs. Duncan Tolmie, reeve o lFenelon. who got a fine horse iour years old, of Clydesdale bred, for $80.00: John Tolmie, Min- den. purchased a fine driving mare, for which he paid 8225.00 ;\ J. Winn, My, bought a. dandy worker at a _â€"9 Child en Cry FOR FLETCHER’S secretary of the West Victoria “'0- men’slnstitute, organized a. branch institute in West Ops. was held at the home of Mrs. Wilson, there being 25 ladies assembled in the afternoon and even- [farmer's The meeting 1 ing. when two ispiring sermons were‘ here from Friday to Monday. '1‘. lpreached by Rev. J. l}. Robins, of preâ€" Little Britain. sent. Officers were elected as fol- vailed, and as a result the seating for her. lows : Presidentâ€"Mrs. T. Wilson. Viceâ€"Presidentâ€"Mrs. W. Curtis. Sec.-treas.â€"Miss Edith Hopkins. Directorsâ€"Mrs. George Darke, Mrs. W. Stewart. Mrs. A. Newman. Auditorsâ€"Miss Anna Murphy and up to that of former years. the pro- Miss Gladys Stewart. The first meeting of the West Ops lars. its utmost at both services. The, fowl supper and entertainment on Monday evening passed off pleas- antly and successlully. Supper was served 1" the ha“ ‘° ‘ “W" fun-V Sunday at Mr. J. B. rowles'. capacity of the church was taxed to' ceeds amounting to one hundred (301‘ .from Peter-bore on Wednesday Institute will be held at the home season in this part Of “1° ““ntywas last week attending the Teachers' of Mrs. Dennis Murphy on Nov. at 2.30 p.m. A cordial invitation is extended to Was gchn in the chiral. 6, certainly well attended. After sup- Co per was served a two 130“? program Mrs. Greaves. of Palestine is Helpful ' any woman of West OPS wishing to addresses were given by ReV. ‘7' Itibia. John Powles. '\ become a member. â€". ‘ Glenarm. ‘ S. . S . . . 'RObms and Rev. G teale Of: Mr. and Mrs. lLd. Sims and chil- Miss Bernice Greene, of James :00er died at Belleville, and the Ontario LadieS' College. Whitby. m .3”, Bvrnell Thomas Harding, held for assault, elocutionist, and Miss M. A. Welsh, may face a. more serious charge. , Of Woodvxlle, “OllniSt’ me very Herron and family their sincere sym- Codfish. dried and pulverized. are Popular with the aud‘em” sew“ patl.y Ln this their hour of trial. made into bread in Iceland. Stallion Inspection Under Ontario Stallion Act .I Route for Stallion Inspectors in District No. 6 ‘ I encores being granted. The various memhus of the local choir, including those of the quartette. desrve special credit for preparing the quality of music rendered by them. M MOUNT HOREB. Mount Horeb, Oct. 15. â€"‘Many ‘Cr‘e'é‘?skand “9‘15 °;e:"s:e:°b’°w’:; funeral or Mr. Peter Perdue, or Pene- or 1c , an ex-teac . lon. M Friday. , bank in force, and they captured as selaer crossed the river with more The British 10-5 ammmm ‘.c ;1 t» ( gun and drove back the little l‘artyémen. so that the Americans num- killed and 60 wounded, the onlv od- of British. Brock sent to Fortzbered at least 1,500. cers lost being General llrocll “,3 The British charged the invaders Col. Macdonell. little body on the sceneâ€"about JOOIwith the bayonet and drove them Such in few and simple words .5 strongâ€"against the 300 or 4003imck clear over the heights. Some the gallant sum- of (mecm‘J; Americans in the battery. Then it" threw themselves 0“?" the WWiPiCe Heights. the hundredth (tlllllH‘Tthfi' was that shouting, "Push 0n. the'or into the river. Others rushed for of which was chart-“1...; _\,,,,(1,,., . WWW still unable to work. KIRKFIELD. a few duvs with them <1<Yl'l' Mrs. A. Mrs. Flctt and children, of ()ak- Kirkficld, Oct. 15.â€"Quite a numbcrlh. ~ k - ‘ wood, visited her parents. Mr. and from town attended the dance giVen' aser, last “I“. ' Mrs. Wm. Skuce {or 3 {CW days last by some of the 301mg men of ”81-! Mr. Iioidge and \l'w Fix-..klum..gt. At Hartle week. sam Lake, in Victoria fload Hall on tended the Teachers cog-44,1.» r. y Our teacher, Miss McKinnon, at- Wednesday evening of last week. Lindsay 1351 “-9.3“. ...... tended the teacher‘s convention in They report an excellent time. Quite a Hummer nth-mim? rat-:1": Rev. H. H. Turner Visited in Toâ€" service in l‘valsouu‘ j':~.-£;._\’.(u'.rl- ronto last “'eek- church. as there ‘,\.:\l.‘l7 any sir-~59 visited the Mrs. McFadden attended the Beau-Ii in our church. parents and Other friends champ-MacKenzie wedding in 'l‘oron-« Miss Kate llclnnw, o" "fr-3“?"- . to last Thursday. lspent the “‘Pl-kâ€"Hxll “11}. in.“ pant ‘- ‘l he neighbors had a bee on Satur- Mrs. \'. Ashman, of Lindsay, spentl Mr. mans,” “flag..- 55 taking Fine weather pre- day and dug Mrs. Colwell‘s.potatoes the weekâ€"end with Mrs. Jas. Daniels. :charge of \ him-... limtd dull”- MT“ and Mrs. L. MacKenzie. oliwhile Mr. Angl.- ix \_~.:-_v._â€" lbs :05. . Winnipeg. are visiting Mrs. MCFad-i' who is Very ill. den. ~ I Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sm?" ilerticfi .7 POWLES' CORNER. Mrs. COWIGSOII. 0f ()rillia, and Mr. Mr. and Miss Hell, ,\‘.-.:m:..:, 119’“; Powles’ Corner, Oct. 12, 1912'_ John McMillan, of Queensville. spent Mr. and Mrs. A. ll. Sui-its. l-‘ndfti Mr. Dan Sinclair, of Cambray. spent “ "r‘ 'M Miss Hattie Powles returned home ’ The firSt fOWI supper 0‘ the] Miss S. Francis was at Lindsay D o N, T l nvention. [spending a week with her daughter. 0 o dren spent Sunday at the home of To VlSlt our Store 11:. community extend to Mr. M. We Will be glad to see you and you , . can have your parcels sent heie BI‘RNT RIVER: mY ...... ...... .... ..-“... Ed... OUR TEAS-WE LEAD IN QUAL- Tinney, of Lindsay, is visiting her sister. m5. Chas. Reynolds. II Y AND PRICE Mrs. D. Lovely spent a week in Lindsay. the guest of Mrs. Dunn. F , Mr. and hire. Perdue attended the Our thna Hall Offers SpCClal' bal- gains tl’llS week. i l . 'd pleased to see her In 0‘“ "1‘.“ “‘3’ m. Wm. Dodd was in Lindsay on Time inspection Sunday. Miss McCordick, who is business toâ€"doy Place. commences. Date. gulf: i: Nogelfingrsfk' {2:31. Bil: Kr. and Mn. Fred Lovely left for Blackstock ...... 91.30 a.m...Wedl., Oct. so “55:1,; ‘3 v tion yum visited Lindsay. where they are going to re. Bethany. ......... 2.30 p.m...Wed., Oct. 30 :11: “w“ “no Saw,“ to side in the intro. Omemee ........ .9.00 lun...’1‘hur.Dct. 31 limo: day 1° here m y Hrs. D. Choker-taper“. a few my. Lindsay ......... 2.30 p.m...Thur. Oct. 31 ‘ . 31111de last week, the guest of Oakwood........9.00 a.m...Fri.,Nov. 1 M" “d ”’5’ Skuw' “ Fm” her sister. Mrs. Emphriee. F8118. visited Wim‘fl‘iw‘ he" flies Goveolock. teacher of S S Woodville ....... 2.00-pm.m., Nov. 1|1 Kirkfiech ....... 9.00 a.m...Sat., Nov. ,2 “t "“1“ No. 2. m in Linn-a, My ...: Melon: Fallsfifiogamulon" Nov. 4 reasonable figure. Several other c A s T o R [-A 30W"..2.30p.m,..1{on.,1§9v.4 I will lung to be out w. #39“?! Vaitioi.‘ “$13:th Coo- - Phone No. 10. Table Linen llalf lllt‘aCll lulu. Wide, in “Oral um! w terns, good \U'IL-‘Iij . .- (lay USP. l'rél‘ .2 : :_ Pure bleach :ul.;.. wide, in floral and m: . signs, damask : mm, 1h? pl‘iCP. pot‘ kitl'll 72 ll’ll‘h imm- (luulllc Damask " conventional rm' 'v‘Y» . l quality, but ti; inipvl‘frx‘liull‘, \vtv . ' . - per yard... .. l'LVlra dimly.» tailllv lim-n, 7‘.‘ .1; .,.\ Hil'ilw' llztllstullu , - patterns, 1;”; account of s: ”3,1. FOR SALE OR 'l‘(s i:l-‘,\ !‘ Lot. No. l-‘i\v. in . ccssion of the 'l'm ; (partly in the \21l21g. containing in all Mr:- Iifty-fnur acre? on good stun- of c Cleared \\ i1 h the 4-,\cw; ‘ . twenty ncn-s_ A and thrt.‘ l‘r‘uzivc r: . lirerniscs. l'or Yv‘l‘“ ~. lars apply on il... write \\|llium J. “v; Umanw'. (mt. â€"_â€"â€"â€"-â€"___â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"_â€"â€"- â€"-o If you want jumpy a take notice. shop}; ; ... like a hullllrwlvtlnl'n: A six»_x‘¢~uz‘4iill slvi. oz llurdmillv, died iron. ‘l falling lYllU :1 luniv.’ Blue, Surge ‘l.l" 2 ‘ have thr- nionqx, >... Blue Surge Kim», “ cred Cllllhl'S, 31:...2 .‘ must huw- Ii." nu Tweed Shil‘a .. must hqu only ............ Tweed 9122‘» have the morn: _- , a. Tweed Shir, ha“: the roomy, \. ..-r-‘ Overco at Spring and {.6 r .. 1 patterns 2:;.'f , . must llil‘~l' '2' I ‘ l Orlly .. , l O O O O O O O O O i 0 g g 0 0 g 0 g o O O O O O O 0 O O O O . Spring and in; . r; 8 :15, must. l.-'.t\" ‘7 1 . Price . l g Spring and 21.. r‘ 0 $18. mUst Luv: 3 price. g Winter Uvur -: n: .‘ yOU'll need if H I: must have '1». only . "L..- .El Winter mu": hai e i: # C‘.‘(-rccr.‘ ~. . l must hal'e the ii.’ In ' 1 Winter {)‘veycc :3», . ' 1 1 Only ., 1 , Underwcai The Fleeoelnned 50c :.:‘. 1:". must have the money, sale ; 1.0". .. Penman]; Wool l'nrjvr‘zwrr, ré lat-iv sold for $1, nr- n hi ~ the money, sale price . . . . ..... .‘

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