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Watchman Warder (1899), 31 Oct 1912, p. 2

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amour; Minn-bl! To sun- GERY. AND mousse or , , , wasMr. CalltnS aro ‘ ol‘ths gate was up and some of the ever, we Comm,“ h' “01. sides men. ' Thou was no light made that M1; (11-111,, ‘18 ”Eng, on the car. '6 that I pl“ 012:- that road; the” . mldnot read the speedometer. but if Mrs Isaac “as S" ‘ "Inn a driver can tell by the spark and tomohile it “as n”, 1):; hi To_me1nanmsw couldhssesnforfully aqtnrterot Rgasahouthowfgstthecaristravel- auto. H1. ’~C1 1.. Sc SCOTT’S EMULSION is ~ .I patent medicine, but is nature’s W - Th0“- Im-«J' .00. “ES n(ll (lrix' cannons. mbRoivrd 11141111321151. . I "l - - 'M‘Zfi Mrs “It. ' mile. 1113- ' 068"“ sic d. " “an 190'3‘ with or we ' ~ 1 .r ted thatthebusheoreterredto were ‘ . as MS r-'1‘Y 9031057193 FOR COUN'I'Y ’ umg'pro es cl $11.11; ’m 3‘" 'vnn °°n‘ cut down this spring. and the road T0 111-. "“30“ 3" 3‘“ “M m J03 ”FARLA3E "8 “'5' “'0‘” 13 mi?“ ' ’OF VICTORIA ‘ ' Side! arable, owing to the fact that two 11“ .1136 , 1 that more care should be mind Mr Joe. McFarlane was the first It was a “High 1111 h ,- a drop of drug or alcohol. It con- been 8"“ “in“ 3'" “c ' ""‘lked ro Office â€" Ridflout-st 00171“ Kent tains superior cod liver oil, th "'8'!“ “"9 been held both entailing dent. “n the eyes of the auto by m “‘0 “PM” "‘9” Pan‘s "3"“ ‘°" a” dam ”d °n ”“3 has been 5"”“n that he S 111 “d LfidmySgS 1.11011? '45I e large expense.1'Barris-t'ers Thou Stei- party' m on the 1.01111 ‘1 w 1111,}, through this swamp, as the road was examined by Mr. A. ll Fulton. ota- for he saw and 11., 3‘ hypophosphitks Iof' lime and soda 1 S . ted that he cut down the treesalon Mr. lit if i i g’ly tine 511(1qu ymwagt.o tgwagt O'Connor, and could “any 1,“ our ‘84 1.11“. somewhat rough and narrow g t ()H, , W teen, ..C Toronto . . RUFUS ISAA.C the road in the winter oi 19-10â€"aiter Callan do ? “1‘. 1 Dentistry 1 . 1 emulsified that it enters the, system 1111. wt: guts“; . 35.1.15qu :1me mum" bu; 1' couldn’t be” ’ 'd' 0111 ”led 11th “1111’ u a rehash 01' evidence given by the co. the road, but in daylight. I never When sworn witness stated he saw the accident. The road at the time he uiliy 111-3 - ..m "3"”? w ' I wifhout digestive afloatâ€"builds, McLaughlin K. c. .,, 1.1111 A. M. Ful- 2:611:12? °,:,;::‘?,:'i;_ ‘Cm :3 Mr. (111111.11 going south in 111.: auto was rough. $118in owr .. r...',:;,""“' ‘h’°”r‘n':‘ DRS. NEELANDS 5, IRVINE} Den- tones and, sustains. ,1- 1; . ' ton, of McLaughlin, ,Pegl, Fulton 1115‘,” had an? busine‘oo' dealings on the day of the accident. and also MR. JAS. E. JACKSON. the drixer 11.1111 Felix IIIIriIlad 1110-1111,.z tists, members of ‘the Royal Col- . After croup, whooping cough, Stpoon, for the delendant. ,1 , with‘ him." . . . saw an 'utomobile returning in the Mr. Jas. E. Jackson, prom-1910,. of at the mad hm 0.1.1. 00111111111,N lege of Dental Surgeons. We’ have measles and other child ailments it At the opening 10! the {all using lb mugmmLI-ff she had, stay- evening about 10 minutes to six the hotel at Coboconk, was next son, Mr. (.‘allan 11,5 1 A“ M'- ”'15.; "h the latent methods 01' dentistry. i§ natures .ally In “Storing health. at the court home Mmday afternoon ed‘in wfih' you 8215 would have been 0 “00'“ On thetarrival home at six called, and stated he had driven a ter were “but”. If 11 S 111.1% Special attehtioh will be given to After- glippe or pneumonia it the case of Isaac We Canon was the perfectly s'afe, wouldri’ t else ‘1’" O'clock he helped to carry his mother car for three seasons. 0n the day they could $1.1. 1-,,”I Infra 1111;,“ ogthodo’nia' Crown and bridge Imparts strength and health, rand first on the slate to come. before a Witnessâ€"Perhaiu ‘but thefe'w was from the rig to the house. of the accident the witness was with swamp 10 1h. (.11.. h,,,1':n",”'L'ae work The successful extraction of for colds, coughs, sore, tight chests jury. and a long,’ wearisome use it. great hanger a'nd she 100k a chance; 1 PRESCILLA ISAAC. Mr. Cullen, oicupying the front seat dark their 1%“ \‘:1'!1i1j'h.'f.","et teeth uddei‘ gas ‘(Vitalize'd air) and and throat troubles SCOTT’S pqoved to be. .- In an 13,111th 11." was 51,0111 dusk' when I met; the Witness told of her mother's illness with Mr. Callan. ‘f Naturally 1 {1110111111 111.. ”In,“ “If“ 111.1111 the insertion 0f the best artificial EMULSION gives the greatest relief were examined by tlv barristers for minister, and about five minutes be- after the accident, whereas prior to was watching the roadway ahead. Isaac 111111 1,” 1 .1 1::r1..1','.a"".h dentures continue to bé a specialty known 1 .’ the plaintifi, taking up exactly 51; fox-9' the accident occurred ~ 1319508“ the‘ accident she was in excellent Nothing was noticed of the Isaac oil the mind 1,913,... . II IIIII'M’ “We of this omce. Office nearly' opposite Scotti‘llliom Toronto. Ontario 12-59 hours. 1 At 7 oclock the first wit- nizet'l the two seated in the {rant " health and could do lots of work, rig‘." the 1:1 rm-r. (‘uiiun 11.1.1 0;“qu the Simpson H9088 ~â€"â€"â€"«-â€"â€"-â€" ness for the defence was summoned, M1- McLaughlinâ€"“0n your exami- wln‘le now she could do very little. To Mr. Watson witness said : "It car for six 11161111,. .1111 a1~1ar""' I . ’ I . A" Exhidit at . after which the case was adjourned nation you said you c'ouldnt recog- . GEORGE ISAAC. was a cloudy night, and the wind ing h's (mn my 1, 1.. “Mali-SHE". Barristersy etc, . . ' till '9 39 091°“ “Nasty morning nize which one sat on the right Isid'e.’ Witness, 3' brother 0f the Plaintifl Shie-d “88 up and being wet was careful than .1” £1 .us some .5?" . Teachers Convention Much of the evidenCe submitth was Mtnobâ€"“I have met other autos in part stated that the Swamp road somewhat blurred. However, With- person's car. 1}. r svlcp ""’ , , at the time of the accident was very out the headlights at that time of in letter, thai 111m: HOPKINS ‘ HOPKINS, . Barris- â€"_ same witnesses at. the formen trial pn'ssed Mr Callan’s auto Ibe'fore. ” narrow. In fact. too narrow in night it would haVe been possible to struck 111 1}... I . . dull. ,1, a ‘ ters, s°lidt°f31 Non"? PUblici etc. The exhibit of art by the different several months wago 1 . 'MRS. ISAAC. many places to allow rigs to pass. see. The lights were burning. “'0 sa.\s that from 1111- 11'111'11'?” "W" Solicitors for Bank . 01 Montreal schools of: the town and county was It uill be remembered that the case Mrs Thos Isaac. the next witness, 'Even in the wider places along the may have been traveling 12 or 15 c1dem 1111 (WI 1,. 14.1 i "'6 ' Money to loan on terms to suit a very interesting feature this y'ear. is one in which the plaintifls (Mr. when sworn said in pm;"1 saw road two rigp couldn’ t pass on 8. miles an hour " struck. I“). cxlvlarxznumm': M borrower. Officeg,_6 William- at s The ,method now adopted in the Thos. Isaac and his wife) are Quins an 111110 pass down the 1:01.11 1n the trot. The trees were perhaps 10 or To Mr. McIAUghlinâ€""I have no looking back and t 13,,“ ’hel" La: Lindsay, Ont. G. H. Hopkins, K. schools at the present time, is that Mr. R. A. Callan for Wages caused moi-111113., but do not know whather 15 feet high. Some time after the special recollection what 'speed we the auto 51,1. '3'”! L'Hl frightened .1 C. ' F H. HoPkins’ B'A" LL'D' I'hurt herself by lnr frit'm ' the latter asked how Mrs. Thos. To Justice Cluteâ€""I have no re- ed 11 has bun «11.. in an accident on the Fenekm- -liose- dale road, which the plaintifls allege the children are required to draw pictures- as described to them from, it 'was Mr (311111111 3 I01- not I was accident witness: met Mr. Conan and were trawling. " born and raised in that neighbor- unfl jam “n that .1 STEWART O‘CONNOR, Barristers some ‘Of the masterpieces of the “‘33 03‘1"?“ by their horse becoming hood, and knew the road well. I Isaac‘s was, and invited him to ride collection whatever of any accident 11.1., 01 S. m“ Mr, 11““ 10111;; Notaries etc. Money to loan at great writers. The course of draw~ frightened at the. defendant’s 1 auto-l héard no noise or warning, but on home with him in his car. on that night.” fto 111,111, 1, 1 re“... n «1111 in II very lowest current rates on best ings shown by the collegiate 00011- mobile. The accident occurred onl turning around I saw the auto com- 'llo Mr. McLaughling witness stated ‘ Well, what would have been a 1)“ng ll: Fallen “3: \er1 ram: terms. omcHorner Kent and York-ate. . Lindsay. pied first place. ' The Lindsay pub- NOVember 28, 1910,0111 what is ing. and said, ‘here it is.’ I jumpâ€" that the road was bad. reasonable thing to do before turn- and the aCCldtllL \1. s 111,1 (mm. II lic schools each had a r00m devoted Claimed ‘30 be a Very narrow piece of ed and fell on my left side, and the 1 ' ' ing that bend to give a warning 1'0 any neglictnc' av. 11; e part. "(‘11 T. Stewart. L. V. 0: Connor B. A. entirely to itself Ior the exhibition road the plaintiffs claiming that auto passed me .iUSt as I wds down. DR JOHNSON any person ahead and around Di the1 mg to the s1..11.1. 11 is 1h. (1'11, ' 1 of its art. Garden seeds were pre- they had t0 take to he ditch ‘30 get My hUSband shouted twice." Dr Henry JOhD'bn 0‘ Fenelon turn 1’" I the auto mxnrr in x 'tnal that be " MOORE it JACKSON B . t pared and classified among the ex- out of the road of the auto cOming Referring t.° the result of the acci- .F-alés. stated he was called on to at- Blow the born, but there was no abOUt 1., pass d1... 1,, 1h, Pit-".1: . ,‘ I ‘ ‘ ' ""5 eIrs, hibits; also pencil, crayon and‘waâ€" up behind them, andithat becoming dent and her injuries the witness tenI MH' 15"“ on the night 0‘ the occasion to do so, as \ou can see the bugm' Should 11.4.. 111.11 10!- etm. solimtors for The Canadian ter color work frightened at the actions of. the stated that she never fully recovered, accident.I "I found. Mrs. 1w apâ€" across the turn." 'auto to 11915. l~113'1§..S Sims, :: IBank of Commerce. Money to loan The country schools had a room frightened animal, Mrs. Isaac jumped: was nervous and 0911111 not sleep. Patiently sufl'ering much pain. I up MRS. R. A. CALLAN i a wise and Ilrlldi-ln 11.1.1. 111:. 1 on mortgages at lowest current for their exhibits, which consisted of out... She either broke her 198 in To Mr. McLaughlin witness stated ammed the injured 198'- and on mea- The next witness Mrs (Jalldn wife ' out 1’" ‘ "4'" rates. Office, wanton-st” InndsY- water color war-k Iof scenes, fruitsI the fall getting out so hurriedly, or that 1111111 the n'ight of the accident ourmg it found it to be 3 inches of the defendant, 'staxe'd . “w; “II 1”- “III S, . F. D. Moore, K.C. Alex. Jackson. flowers and some pencil work. Some was struck by the auto. Cline fact she was 110'}, afraid 011310 horse. "I shorter than the other. Dr. Graham ' 1 . .. . I. 1.\. rived home about 10 minutes to 6; Mr. G. H. \l'nISnn 111 part adviryeg. o'clock. I do not like fast driving, being nervous, and we were not driv- ing fast that night. Except for one: rig (the minister's) we did not meet . case for the plnimiff. .1 case 11:. or p88!) any other when going; out any mmrmcrsv in ”'“a’"""-'-'-‘ through the swamp." essential points 'l‘h151 autom-ble iine exhibits of “Prk were shown by remains that she .I'Iwas seriously in- I fell on' my left side, but my right leg No. ‘ 3 Laxton, No. 7 Marip osa Jured and maimed for life The deâ€" was the' one broken. I do not know Omemee and No.1 Harvey“ The fendant and his party claim no whether the auto stitck me or not. . the Home Beak a! Canada. repre- drawings Were Idone by the different kn‘mledge “hate“? 0‘ 11¢“ng 0855M " ‘0“ ha“? imPTOVed finite a bit c.0'em ‘3“?! we" 8' brea'f' hm the seating Waterloo Mutual Fire In- grades from primary to entrance Mr- 13m 8 rig. chiming hat their since 1011 were here before ?" ' hm? mama. 81w?” ma'med' The “an“ Co. of “’81”,qu Federal 'cless. .. I lights were burning brightly and that WitnesIsâ€"“I am “still unwell and ”an?” "mam“? ‘” bed ‘°’ “me 10 , weeks. The pain very. often kept her 1,310.11 R. KNIGHT, Barrister, So- licitor, Notary Public. Solicitor for ther examination, and found the leg ed the jury as inflows: broke in the hip. The patient re- .. The .13, is a Comparatiu-lIx mmplv and Heir Life Assurance Co. , of Hamilton, Mr. Wilkinson of the Toronto Nor the plaintm must have driven .h‘s have B 800d (3931 0' difficulty in from sleep at ni his d h v 11 To Mr. WatSon witness said: " I are a standing om curse 1., 111.111 4min" Accident and Suret Co.Ima1 school gave three interesting horses “P into the buahes as they Walking around. ' , 1 g ' an er ner OI 8 could see e\er)thing in f1ont of the! limb to citiu ns \xhn i‘se the 111,111,: 3' never saw e. ,si of. him Mrs. ‘I'Yee but on r tt e11 f condition “"18 very poor. She “"11 " ' otLon'n'on, Ont, once over Home lectures on constructive work which 1 28:60 d d ' ’ 3 ”'8 Re 3' w or not recover ady more than at pres- w" ' 1111111111115 ”w m” "' '5 ""‘ ‘“ Bank, opposite Post Oflice were much appreciated by all. .- Ilsaac '2 aims $ I amages an a wOman of 60 3m8' i eat and t resent h h t f . MISS CALL-‘3'- l Outlaw. bl” ”9‘1”" is 1"" dm” ‘3 Mr. Isaac 81 000 ' I RIEV. JOHN BEDFORD. use'of h a 1:11 :9 as no rec Miss Winnie Callan folIOwed, and' owner of the mmor a noble. The . . AL the last hearing of the case the! Rev. John Bediord, of Fenclon Aw “Id-I81.“ 1" T e swamp rand on being sworn stated. "I was in statutes are fair to the 111010111111 . STINSOV’ I3 at 8. Solicitors HYMENEAL . case was dismissed, so- that .the hear- Falls, was the next witness sum- ‘3 reg ire more care in driving the back seat but could see perfect!) .and also to the gnome lo M11111 .1»: 1 arri er i118 Monday was an appeal Jus- momfid-I On the night of the acci- °v°r than on an ord‘wy road Two “d Notaries Money “3103'” Spec- tice Clute presided, with Messrs. dent he was returning from a visit or three days alter the acmdent M” l HQLAUGHLIN‘, PEEL, FULTON 51. well, and could haxe seen any per-ihighway rightl; l1clun1;.‘liiphwaj.s Son or vehicle on the road." are not made for men who rush ’31 attention given to investments. A 'SPRAgIlgE-HJOHNSTONI. T1108. Stewart. Lindsay, and Mr. G. when he met Mr. and ms. Isaac 0:32: called ‘thmy 0m and on- Mr. Ryckman and Mr. T. C. Bin! across the country at the 11111211550 OficeS' . Dominion Bank, corner of quiet w ing was solemnized a; H. Watson, K C. of Toronto for the drivthIg home. “Mr. Isaac spoke to q as o e extent or Mrs. chard “80 gave evidence of 11 501110.; 1111195 an hour {or pltaslil‘t‘ but for ,Wmihm and Kent-eta, Lindsay.R the home of Mr. And Mrs. Geo.’ Har- plaintiff, and Messrrl R. J. Mc- me and I replied. I' 8135 saw an Isaac's injuries. He said at the what minor nature. i the benefit and 1.1mm“ 111‘ ah 'h . G McLaughlin, K. C., A. M. Ful- die Johnston, Francis-st.,' on Wed- LangBIin K. C. find A M. IFulton automobile on the road two minutes time that he did not see Mr. or Mrs. “F Court adjourned at 12.80 o'flclock poor man as well as the rich 21.11:. , ' to meet an hour later, when the lawâ€"i I claim in this case it ~an W 0(- yers delivered their addresses to the. fondant s machini- that caused this tén. B. A., 3311193 A. Peel '1‘ H nesday, October 23rd, when their for the defendant. ' Stinson. Woodville office open eldest daughter, Nets, was united in eyery'week ”I ofice ‘01 C. E. Weeks. marriage to Mr.‘ Arthur John Spra- I’latcr. The lights were glaring. . I I‘m .1 Continuing hisI address Mr. Watson did not know whose auto passed, as To Mt McLaughlin the witness sm‘ said in part: “A' man must not be I had plenty to do lookihg after my ted that the broken bone is now .. jm‘v. lacc'dmt. It is 1.01 2. (1112511011 ‘1 gas, of Belleinlle, . the Rev. 0. H. reckless, careless or negligent. . It horse. The auto stopped, .. . well knitted, but there is a stillness Precisely at 1. 30 o clock court “as what time he 19., Lmflga} or 1.“... Marsh otfimating. ' ' was also stated, acco‘rding to law, . MISS BEDFORD. ' in the joint. The?" was no appear- resumed, and Mr. R. J. McLaUghlin, : born, but “as it hzs machine 1hr 'Money to Loan. MI. and ms‘ Spraguo 18ft 0n the that in the cese OII 811 acc1dent, the M155 ,Wrd. was “hen examined by woe 0‘ the patient having been K.C.. addressw the jury_ In part 2' caused the injury 10 lilt‘ hol‘Sf' and 'J. B. WELDON. Mariposa township G‘T'R‘ for Bellevme, whereIthey will ,motorisIt must give his name to t'he'Mr. Thos. Stewart. and stated tfi at struck by .an auto. Clerk. Oakwood. Fire Wigwam“ spend a. few days before leaving for party injured and in Ic'ase of acci- she was with her father on the Inig‘ht ' - ROBERT MILLER their home in Edmonton; Alta. dent the owner of th'ei autd must in question and passed a'n auto after The witness was at. a threshing at QUIBEILâ€"LI'ITLETON . proxe that the accident' or infixry passing Mr Isaac's rig. M" Mason s house on he day Of the ‘ A quiet wedding took place at 'the was not caused 11110118.], any négli_ MRS. McFARLANE. 7 accident, and on returning home met f c . hOme Of Mr and' MYS- George Little~ genes on his part. The accident When sworn Mrs. McFarlane 'in an autOmobile about a mile north THE UNDERSIGNED is prepared to 1011' on Thursday, Oct. 17. when referred td occurred when Mr. and part said she li’deI on. the Rosedale of Rosedale. . he Said I "You are here to do IwhatIl to Mr. and Mrs. Isaac. I think 1‘- is fair and right, to examine close-1 was. Mr. (‘allan should hawtam ly and give a Verdict fairly. Autos '. certain precautiomâ€"‘ne should hare are getting numerous, and are no ‘ blown the horn 11(‘fore rmmrlim: the doubt here to stav, and man must ! corner Tilt-W u .1; chruliberg' 1'. exercise a. reasonable and proper - both sides of 1:121. romlna)‘. liter? agent. Issuer of marriage licenses. Comeyancing in all its forms. _ _. . care in driving motors. A man is. has not been :1 hr? .1 “13111111 FM 1°“ money on farm town and .vfl‘ their youngest daughter Pearl was 1113. Isaac were on their way home road, and stated that while visiting ' -' RICHARD WEBSTER. not liable for damages except he is? on the part 111‘ 11:1: .g.~‘.. ”Mm "m" be ' lage property, aft Wily lowest rates umted to 11“ Arthur QIuibell 0f Fe- itom PenelonI Falls on the evening 8- neighbor she noticed Mr. Callahan On being sworn Mr. Webster stated in the wrong There must be some ' Igaxe a “11mm: 1” 1 “5 “5‘ 11.16.. of interest. Company or ‘priVate 'nelon Falls. The happy couple, who of Nov.' 28, 'on what is known as! going by in his auto between 530 that he was at Fe'nelon Falls 011 the brbaCh of the law or some lack 01-191 1111. 111,111“ 11. )1. .. 11.1 rim that to funds I am always ready to buy were unattended, entered the pr'ettily the Rosedale road " and 6 o clock 1 '. day of'ths accident, leaving the vil- Care. and the jurv must find that M13 ' notice (,1 11-11mm: a. 5:11.11. if“? good mortgages. I. E. WELDON, arranged parlor to the sweet notes (301111391 stated that there were To Mr McLaughlin witness 33,111 lage after Mr. Isaac. On the Way (fallen has been guilty . of some 3 making 11.10.11,“ 1... .11 a: the ooh/”chm, etc., Milne Block.I1.indsay of Lohengrin march skilfully plaved trees on both 'sides of the road she did not hear the auto. home an automobile passed him He wrong or improper conduct, and If same sneed 'l'itoz'o ms 1-. 09713“ ' ' ' 'by Miss Martha Quibell. Rev. John where the accident' occurred. The , MISS VIOLA McINTOSH. did not recognize the occupants. contend we haxe abundantlv shown sleet and 1l111'1a<~ *5 ' w" . . Redford, pastor ~°f the Methodist horse bolted, and on lookmg back fiiSS McIntosh stated She liVeQ at ' that there has been no negligence on ';ered no slw 1. 11¢ '.:' ~"~'5~‘ 7““ “m" TENDERS - church, performed the ceremony. Mrs Isaac saw the motor coming Rosedale, about a mile and threeâ€" Court House, Oct. 22 930 o'cIOck Mr. Callan's part. 1 do not think in; “hdie‘ul. .1: I: :.-, 1,. 1.11.111. The bride fooked "cry PrettyI in ‘ aftér them. Mr. Isaac could hardly IIguartei-s from M1;.Isaac's place.“ I â€"The cos; of Issue ”is. Callan was the recollection of the witnesses is Is this persislum ': ~' ' '\ 5"“ Sealed tenders will be received up ’handsome dress of cream crepeI del control the horse, and he shouted saw Mr Calla}: passing through in 1 resumed ‘this morning, the defendant, until 12 o 'clock of the first day of chene with lace OVerdress and car- back twice for the motdrist to' stop the morning in his car I also Sa-W in the ho 0 â€" â€" October, 1912, for the stock in ried a. handsome shower bouquet of but the motor neVer stopped. AS an auto returning. in t,“ evening, x n MAYESCAPE GALLOWS . being sworn he said in part to his trade and book debts of the estate white carnations fin auto appr’oached Mr: Isafac turn-l but I could not recognize who was counsel Mr McBau of J. W. Anderson, I of Wilberforce, At the close of the ceremony a ed 1111'; horse to one side and terror-I in the car, but it was before Isix general merchant, insolvent. ThIeseIdainty lunch was served, after which stricken Mrs,’Isaaé’s jumped out; and .1..,__..____-.__ Itored from Coboconk 30 LindSAy. 1,1133“le“ ANI APPEAL consist of hardware $399.19, gro- the happy pair left on the exéning as she fell the motor wh'jued by ' Toronto hews: -It 1s poss1ble that and' returned in the afternoon, leav- ceries $443 38. 11,-1.5 goods 81, 699. 53 train for Toronto. The bride's tra- . Mrs. Isaac was injuted,‘ but the "Hooplue 0 ”6"' ing the Simpson House about 10 Arthur 1" EH'S' convicted 0" murder wall 1184198128 $40.09, toys, notions, \eling costume was a blue tailor- motorist did not' stop'.' Mrs. 133901 minutes to 4 o'clock. It is 26 miles at Lindoay, 0111., and “m" undci‘ S‘m' etc., 3,200 17 boots and shoes made suit with large white beaver had 'sufiered food is still sufiering . . irom Lindsay to C'oboconk while the tence of death, will escape the gal- ' $388. 25 and drugs $134. 62, and hat. On their return they will re- pain' as a reshlt of the laccident. LEFT A NASTY, . plaintifl' liv’es between 7'a,;1d 8 miles lOws. Mr. T. C. Robinette, K. (‘., book debts $1,713.941. Tenders wiIl Side 111 P91191011 F8115 I . The expense entailed has been enor- 'DRY COUGH . frOm Coboconk. On the way hOme counsel for the prisoner, will appeal I I 9 be for the stock separately and , V , mous. The defendant flatly denies we saw one rig backed into a fence the case on the ground that 1.31118 comer (Rev Mr. Bedford s). We confession of the crime should have book debts separately. Arrange- , 1, ' . Iexen thingâ€"EneverI eVen saw the Isaac _ 1 . ”Octal: tall“ ’0 .0 EOOJ. stopped: and made enquiries, and as been excluded at the trial. as being ghlin, K.C.: “On . ‘ _ ' the morning of the “Cident I ma“ ARmI I: .A. ILI.LIS. LA‘YXER mentIs can be madeI to lease store. Her Husbandâ€"”IThe census officials party on the road. The highest or no tender neces- Stat“ that the average family C011- ' . . MR. ISAAC __ . theyl'were all right 'we continued. 1 induced by the earlier ”‘1 inadmis- sarily accepted. Dated at Lindsay Sis" 0’ four and a mien” p356“ . Mr Thos. Isaac was the first wit- was not driving any faster than .10 Bible statement. ' 13111015 this 161h day of September. I. B. How do’ you account for thé frac- ' Mrs.A. Mhinwfight 811- W910!“ 2 Failin i 111' Mr ROb' t ‘11. It'HheCl-EANESLSNPH’T "”8 Wm Weldon assignee . 't1 on ?" . . : Iness Examined, and in part said’: “I writes :â€"'“I feel it my duty to write and 1'31.th miles an hour theI arolaId was 0 to Ogtt: '8' t ' km: te W1 '1’.” 3:: extixh'y'i'gzhfbyw €8.31: ’ A . . _ W ‘ o 0 VOL. “ His Wifeâ€"" Oh, that is the hus- saw M". Callan and his party gOing tell you the W YOUI’Df. Wood’s Nor- 0 g ~but i't-ozen The r 13 xery $16 Wa next; wee o integ- 01:51: Mieulses .rexmpossltxr Metal 1 . band. ,, .‘ 1 II dOWII' the road in ‘the morning I "way Pine Syrup did'for my fifth boy 2:170W, and I was driving Very care_ JuziHon. .31; J D0 erty. Minister OI mézsrgfifi(121.3,,12'I'SrmuW . 1 Col. Roosevelt's Condition" is un. left Fenelon Falls on the way home 'He had whooping cons“, Which left him . I" and watching the ”And Icould 0° w1 a View to haVing the TheJOKNSON' Ricnumsox' c0 M Consczerce keeps almost; as. many 1 changed.' -, 1 1 .1 -' about five o'clock, the Herse- being with a. my; dry’ hard tough I m 559 333“? 300 {99$ ahead, and could sentence commuted ‘0 life imprison-f ' ”mm CW“ men straight as does .the fear of ""___ . - . 1 - One that the women were not afraid him to'sevei-al doctors: butthey did him not have helped seeing a buggy Mt. Crown Prosecutor Meredith , . .. 7 A. .m made mg 'ound 0‘“- ’ ' to drive. ' I'rhavev driven Ithe horse no good, and I could see by little lad “head if it was on the road. The is Md to favor commutation, and warning that threat 11m. ~ ' 1 . ' 'for 141years.‘ The: trees on both failingdaybyda.‘ l‘wssadVisedtovta'ke rig referred {'0' in the accident, it this is 11.130 the attitude of Mr. Jus- against him by 1‘1 rue? '. 31%ngth 'sidew'of the road were within three £51330 another actor, which I did, and therefi was never visible. It was ,1; tice Clute, who presided at the 11-131 _.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"I- . IthIhIi’: 1033: feet of the wheel tracks on._~the road. lewtgd me he‘imgoinginto adedmmdo o'clock emctly after -I reached hOme. CommutatiOn is urged in view of Little Girlâ€""Arr: SCI” 11:?" WANTED 3ft 12:31:13- :N°' The defendant was quite; familiar 8 ’1! put cart by garage, put lights oIIt a doubt as to what happened at the. ..nUrse mother 5a 1: \1"::- .1 93.231112â€" atlgn required. with-'the 'road. When'the auto ap- 1Norwa Pineto give ‘ “him and returned to house. Going at scene of the murder, and also of the‘ Nurseâ€"“Yes, dc...- . . 12"- ~"‘ ‘ Men or women - fiawflasmnmantwmwmnm proached the horse began to'bolt.= I Y- ,Shefihedzot to tell mehqw 15 milca' an hour and with tour in fear in Eilis' mind aroused by the ed nurse. to look mer as certainly cure min weenox all . . much I t herein 1”. the their hens or chickens and see gm"£fi?§3§'mn mqfi'en'fi’ 3919' m ”t a 135‘ 'd’im' ”“3 was gomg 'bOttle,‘ ' and gave it“) myldfl I could amp shad m 25 M w-/’ if they haven't any to spare, mmm‘mmm!‘ ”Mum about 5 or 6-miles an hour-.1 IMy I - , with . , . v--. - If they have they can deliver Wife ‘3‘" the auto “Elmira“ ? . - them to our poultry depot turned and seer it dlso. an yelled for the motorist to Stop. " 'I'ha'cIIare 10 Queen Street, 1:... 1153" Farms: To Rent or leave their order at3A. Apple- met, th of m. ‘m It. baum’s Store, where a horse PM'“ °h the lat March, 099 Cohan 91 mfiam. WhmItumedthecu-wasmw’. and waggon will call for any 1 3' m-c'éssmpmm - . quantity and receive the high- est prices. Don’t Ndelay Do it right now, and secure the highest prices. '. rained '7 and needles. . blic .. . to. We the Pianoâ€"buying purists “ ' madeinstrumets ”of!" the vulth' ‘ "the high dc quait? . ,1 at" “of 118.1%: when “(lair , . .1 The-e837!- V “I." of the nose, throat 1“. member of the l‘. Nli W by ' of Parliamen Lindsay BI Every 13o transacted. Branch Branches minion. 0'1: ion. .Ncwl'rn York, Chica‘ Paid up CI Rest ........ 1 Undivided Office H [0 no 3 o’clock. “till-days 10 to i A FAR The money afar-n11.1- other pro-151mb, shmzid' P‘thg ()‘f hll.\ iilltl l Mac 01' drnn . The Bank 01 Turulev i1; every attentiim and "cut 2.,- "yon are nut 1131'! miy 11 THE B]! You attainv11'ml'1.up.11 upwu'ds receivvd. im. 1. -1 Tue stink 0f Jillil'i’u h, .11, “easemoooooo 'CAPIT - V M 0 11 1 Issued by The Canadian Ba. inexpensixe method of xemil ayable without Charm :1: a crritory) and 11'. the przzm 1;} the $0110ng rates : $5 and under . Over 5 and not ech J‘ 10 u “ 30 “ REMIT’] ' Wheat-dc b} means (i "J Issued wizhout rieiajI Lindsay Branch.“ __ v .7, . Didit Ever (I) That insuraz’m on I only when you rude 2) That land 1:.~11rwi b you incrvasmi Cash 1 3') That the [11.111 .111: p is returr‘n: 17.13171”. cent. 111-1I-x'nr ' (4-) That cemvn? 1:7... 111 perfeu i-anli i11~ 5.1111 The National CU m 'M! Board 071': 1.- 4"." “Of “'3’ 0' be 4-1 1 h Wymewhuh -...;...~ : a - “Innate ru i: He. .1 - ”kWth’ .. ...'. c udwuwasrvpu‘n r. h,“ .0 have” a “l .v inuN-ii. . h u .ekes (loamy boner? Willa, special attcnzh n or Surgeons, London, t special attention to s M of women 1.1.. ""1 .WI hanrightasat "'kthsdoesn’tlooki 01.

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