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Watchman Warder (1899), 16 Oct 1913, p. 2

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mixing. 4 «3!. 1 1* 3:5 r ‘ A ~: 1".“ r . 5%.. X-msfl"." .. we...“ ‘ 3-24” mm ‘7; r, A . . «Mm... a..- . -.,.. a, . ’" ‘5‘ . ' m, in; .l. «3-315. m 5" " "m" fire-‘9 valla. ‘1’”. I“ car‘s . i f f ONTARIO. MM“ ”°° PARAlYSEii Little Britain . ”DUATE OF TORONTO AND . TRINITY UNIVERSITIES.. BUHLU HUI WAlK “CIAL ATTENTION T0 303' GERY AND DISEASES OF “Tulle-lives" coepithiy mu wom AND CHILDREN. OIATE CORONER FOR THE ”9° lies Brunswick ifmmi To limit. com or VICTORIA. one. Hoursâ€"1 to 8 an. end by ”ointment. W br. s. annual-man moons TORONTO muvsasi- ' 'rr. conosm FOR COUNTY or VICTORIA wee â€" Ridout-et.. corner Kent II Lindsay-eta. Phone ‘6. _____________â€"â€"â€"â€" DR. NEELAN‘DS. SPECIALIST IN artificial teeth. Studied adminis- tration of gas with the originator. Dr. Colton. of New York. Gold inlays. crown and bridge work in- firm. 03‘”- “afly °pp°m° Bums N B In? 25th 1 ' O I O 9“. Simpson House. Lindsay. "lam uneblethea e’nou h in favor or recto me to . w en yen MSW“, ato- up all hope and when the doctors had failed to do anything more for me. I f ‘ had a stroke of Fetal sis in March, 19x0. HOPKINS HOPKINS. Barrie- and this left me one o to walk or help m tary Public. eta. myself. and the Consti tion of the Solicitors. N0 bowels was terrible. Refining did me Benetton I“ M M Monti ' any good and I was wretched in every lousy to loan on terms to suit way. Finally, I took “Fruit-a-tivee” my“, ounceâ€"6 William-at. S..' formtéhe Copfilation,blang it noa‘gily {Many . mg, X. en meo ttrou e at grs ly ' Ont. 6' H Hap this fruit medicine toned up the 0's F- 3- Hopma. 3"" LL'D' nerves and actually cured the paralysis. ___â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Under the use of “Fruit-a-tives”, I grew stronger and stronger until all the palsy MART ‘ O'CONNOR’ I and weakness left me. I am now well 1m. etc. Money ‘40 1°“ '3' again and attend my store every day wary lowest current rates on best and all day.” ALVA PHILLIPS. lei-Ins. 0W: Kent and \ York-ate” Lhdsay. “Fruit-a-tives” is the only remedy 1‘. Stewart. I... V. O‘Connor. B. A. in the world that is made of fruit juices and tonics. -â€"-â€"-'â€"â€"‘_"â€"'â€"â€"â€"â€" 50¢. a box, 6 for $2.5oâ€"trial size, 25c. m JACKSON, W, At dealers or sent on receipt of price by is ’ solicitors for The Canadian Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Bank of Commerce. Money to loan â€"â€"â€"-0-â€"-- - mortgages at lowest current THE PURPOSE OF LIFE. Dates. Ofllcs, William-st" Lindsay. P. D. Moore, K.C. Alex. Jackson. In. use some: The sweetest song comes not from the throats F________________â€"â€" Of those who are known to fame, IEIGH 3- KNIGHT. Mt": 50‘ For ever and ever the wild bird's iicitor, Notary Public. Solicitor for notes the Home Bank of Canada. “PW Will put them all to shame. seating Waterloo Mutual Fire In- ‘ surance Co., of Waterloo ; Federal The tenderest heart lis not the heart Life Assurance 00-. 01 Hamilton., That makes the greatest show, anpire Accident and Surety 00., But the one that comes in the hour of London, Ont., Office over Home of grief Bank, opposite Post Omce. 'And helps to bear the blow. M I The greatest life is never the one IcLAUGHLIN, PEEL, FULTON That of wondrous acts can boast, STINSON, Barristers, Solicitors But the life that sweetens some other and Notaries. Money to‘loan. Spec-s life. - fol attentiOn given to investments. 'Andgupplies its needs the most. Offices : Dominion Bank, corner of William and Kent-sts., Lindsay. R. , G. McLaughlin, K.C., A. M. Ril- one ton, B.A., James A. Peel, '1‘. H. That climbs to the highest deeds, Stinson. woodvflle office open But the one that helps another on, .7”, week at office of C. E. Weeks. And gives it the love it needs. And the life most needed is not the Of the things the world calls great But the power to help some brother on To a higher and happier state. be forwarded to Philadelphia. Money to Loan. I. B. WELDON, Mariposa township Clerk. Oakwood. Fire Insurance agent. Issuer of marriage licensee. . . Connyucing m m m mm. i-N MEMORIAM. - --- MITCHELLâ€"in loving memory of _________.______._â€"â€"- Sophia Jnnc, wife of Joe. I". “KHAN. AUCTIONEER FOR chcll, Lindsay, Ont” who left us the Counti- of Victoria and Peta- Oct. 10, 1910. We. 'P‘hone 440. Lindsay 9.0. Do not. ask us if we miss hcr " ()h. it loaves such a vncnnt plucc. E UNDERSIGNED is prepared to 0ft we think we honr llcr footstcp. loan money on farm. town and vfl- hge property. at very lowest rates of interest. Company or private funds. I am always ready to buy Yr‘tmnrtfu‘tun 1. ts}. kw‘lzil!:)Ns I\"(“V l'illN'l‘H IN !)I',mt/\NI). ‘ or, ., _ . ( . c 30 06 u “V Ni“ Millm‘m Myles, mnchiuo ngmll. ion \Vliiiuul st” south. lit the author- iin for tim utnimucut that this sum- "WAR? II. GRAI1". ”NDBAYI‘HU‘P mui rd” has been one of tho Ami soc bur im'imr incc. llusbnml nml Dnughicr. W (bi... euetlouae. Graduate M . lmn lm mm- cxlwriuncml. tho dumuutl 3". ”“9“ .' AW‘M‘I‘RJI‘M- plnw points being particularly w “"1" ”ml. ”Ilslll‘iill‘ifili. This is attributed to the d! 1'... ‘95lâ€" ‘ ,iu-t. (but there has been very littlo o.____,, .illmisiuro of into. the ground being limited. plow points wearing out, and Trustworthy Trusses riolllulllilt‘s breaking. in buying a truss the customer should l'ollrlillnl‘ several important things. l‘dl‘ni, the truss should be LITTLE BOY WAS 80 SICK Did Not Think He Could Live. of a reliable make, so as to guar- antee its. quality and durability. Second, selection should be made from an adequate stock so that a truss can be selected to meet the spatial requirements. Third, a. truss should be bought where skill in fittingr is assured. We have the kind you need and guarantee proper fitting. Prices always reasonable. A. HIGINBOTHAM CHOLERA INFANTUM WAS THE CAUSE. This trouble is the most dangerous of all the summer complaints of children. It begins with a profuse diarrhoea, the stomach becomes irritated, and the child is soon reduced to great languor and penetration. Cholera Infantum can be speedily cured by the use of Du. Pam’s Ex- mcr or WILD Snswamr. ‘ ' â€"â€" I ‘ h In this high-swung September sun. mmhigg‘nflmmmm‘sm NS With all the blaze of it, I'll walk beside the lonely shore, Whereriotseasarelit. â€"-' SEPTEMBER STORM ON OLD I'llmarktheseaâ€"gullswingandtoss andthefirstdosehelpedhim.snd_one In those great wind-whim: airs, I'lleeethedrivenshipegoby medthantoo.” mwmwws‘pl‘" "7 A De. Fowtsa’s mac-r 23m . . Snawsnnrsssrelnedytht been Misswildnessinthedeyp “amateurish-Events it i i g i. Septunbsr’s panopliee A _ . ,. om: I, m” m m. unknt any Mel-sum l; l 5 5 i . ___________..__i... ilnstructive Addresses at ' imprison. OCTOBER lg", ' 19“: l if , 4 l . ~ 2 i » i ii ' . i .(. ' , ‘ ' . If there ls‘ono thing above m all to“ . dim ‘ ” mm or that it is necessary fer amau to mom x’l‘hst b~theworse have. if he is to ascend in lifm’it is with “I“ WW, it. w . andforthiareesonwetimee goestoeeador‘worlcetoo ._, Mporated by backbone: commend to our readers without much the wrong way. Then are a . P I' further cement, the following arb great many yew men who. do not ' 9' ar lamel. Lindsay E . getalonginlifebecausethey are ticle from the Christian Guardian: .. There is a great multitude of waiting foe some one to help them contradictions in life. You see then into-”momm- Theatre 0. mt 5““ ‘1” every day and at every turn you many Christians in the churches who tm““"":"d' make in every day. And there are do not get on at all unless some one . 5mm" is continually'holding' their hands branches nllflluli. c\‘(' lOD. .\\7“'l‘ll York, (inc many things that look like contradic- tions. but are not. It is a one thing laround than, or proppin‘lm up for you to get into the way of help- with this. or that. or the other. A in; other peoplf‘. to develop yourself measure. a good measure of fine. into a regular booster. But it isn't healthy independence is a splendid so good a thing for you to got into thing." . the habit of having to belholpod too There is a world of truth in thieâ€" Pa‘d up C much yourself. in fact. it is very and it might profitably be taken Rest bed t t into that condition that horns b me of us. We so - ~ ° 3° y "y “" Undnnded you can scarcely get into anything times are all too afraid of shadows. without being boosted into it. It is Sometimes. even. all too afraid of all right to give a stow. fat boy a our own convictionsâ€"though time shove up into an apple tree. but for 'may prove them to: be right. In the yourself. if you area boy. it is far last analysis the world hasn't mudh better to be alert and active and use for a coward. What there is to Show For It ”â€"â€" .Liberal critics of the Borden Ad- The Naval Aid Bill (defeated by ministration have been carping about the Senate). the increase of national expenditure The Highways Bill appropriating since the Conservative party so rude- 32.500.000 for road construction in [- ly disturbed the White Plume dream two years. (Defeated by the Sen- - Office Hon 1') no 3 o‘clock. tater-days 10 to i o’ THE CA OF I i am EDMUND w There '- a Cased. of power. The increase of expendi- ate). ture is accompanied by corresponding The Brand Railway Bill. providing MEMu. Ma- (M dealer m you mum LAIRD justification, which is not shown by for the acquisition of-branch lines M ‘C 3 ‘10. 0°!” d W "youdo i the Liberal press. Following are in Quebec and the Maritime Provincâ€" i ”W a” Fm c“ not know his. Will! in - enumerated a few of the things that lee to build up Intercolonial Rail- I Do Will m. B m CAPITAL’ $15’O. have been doneâ€"things that Canada way. (Also defeated by the Sen- 5 would have missed had the Laurier ate.) \\ Government been returned to Office The bill to establish parcels post FORE . . . . .1- . .-____. . _. .-. . .- ..- __,â€"â€"“ eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseoo..,,..T. .mg‘:_g:a::u:g:rsmll m l is. e ‘ e . - . . . . . . _ WEATHER REPORTS FOR ‘ .A GOOD 5' (.(ul..‘ l I“\_ e we of Sterhng and other in 1911. Mr. Borden's Administra- system, which will be inaugurated tion has a record of achievement for shortly. " BY OUR HAIRDEST THINKER ' its two years of Office of which it The development of national hurâ€" can well be proud, and which is‘ un- bars at Halifax, St. John, Quebec, ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ° ° ' ' ' ' " THE FARMERS '4' ' ' ° ' ' ' ' ’ ' ’ ' " fers and for the finamirl" Paralleled in Canadian history: Montreal, Toronto, Hamilton, Port l. ' ' ' ' ' ' O . . . . . 9 'row many ““1" 3 ’i"“Y1Uldornu ,Commercial credit: The extension of the boundaries of Arthur, Fort William, Vancouver ROUGH ON HAROLD. It will be good news to the farm- ' put your hand in 5mm imi'ai‘l and Cheques and Letters 0!" Cr Ontario, Quebec and Manitoba. and Victoria. _ ”My love." are and others whose work depends produce a coin in own”... ,0 m world. The Aid to Agriculture Bill, ap- The ‘ completion in such a short "Yes. Harold ?'i ,to a considerable extent on the “gentle touch" of .‘:’*:;.;.;.. (um) Collections efierlc; P propriating ten million dollars overs. space of‘time of the National 'l‘rrns- “What did your mother say wheniweather, to learn that the Bell is selling (‘ollrf plow". uor‘hless . PGriOd of ten years for agriculture in- continental Railway. you told her you were engaged 10 'Telephone Company has made arâ€" lead pencils. m‘ "w‘N Wr u: a 1:111de B PanCh struction throughout Canada. The construction of the Hudson me ?" irangements to give weather fore- dirty card 1’ \m: -. I'm 1: 15 The West Indies Agreement with Bay Railway so far advanced that ”Said she knew the silly s‘r‘aSOn’casts to subscribers of rural ex- chmpor and l«-~~ li'i'fl."\lf;vl-:.JE.11.¢S "WT improved steamship service. 150 miles have been graded and one- was about due.’ .changes. The show was the gist mm- any cum. in.” ,._ ._,,.,. .0 a ~ ’ ’ ‘ I Z 1 I I 2 1 The reduction of cable rates to the half the w ' ' i _ ’0! an article that appeared in the (““‘H‘T' -‘“” iii-"5' W"; n. 21.9mm . West Indies and the British Isles. 1914. ark ls to be finwhed ‘n -THREE O'CLOCK A-M- local press several days am. but ap- your nor-km. 1m. «a; % WARREN ’ The inauguration Of a greatly im- The contracts awarded for two out "I'm afraid that young SM“ parently the farmers did not my ,Wilh 1M8 l~ni‘iii"-i'-:'.3 spa Proved tri-weekly mail service be- Oi' three sections of the Welland isn't going to turn out “en-n lmuch attention. or were ten busy, ’civs of mwndir-nn'. Headquan‘?” "if 13-‘72'5 tween Canada and Great Britain- canal, with two more sections to be "What 'makes you think that i as few calls were made. The moat» Towards m»- l-mi -' .- .31? ING MACHT-Vl‘ m :. i The new arrangements in regard to called for shortly. “The time he usually turns “L corologicai department at 'i‘oronlo nu“ nwvl llll‘ Hymn .~’ -. y 3...”... oflers just new i. . " marine insurancl: on the St, Law- The construfltion 013 Government- ' .. is now furnishing the weather fore- Sflllf‘lllldi‘ and ~ll::l‘~ ~ my”; [KG MACHlbiis‘ .- rence and reduction of ratios to Hali- owned terminal elevator at Port Bren-"That? the hurry ? {casts to the company and they are out of some mlmm n: ”:22 a... p room 5' " ' fax- Arthur to handle 2,500,000 bushels smithâ€"“I "8 ”St mug“ " halthired ‘0 a” the asi‘nts of the Comp" load in“ hm imvw' ‘ ..r «(axe EVERYTHlXi; The magnificent dry dock under of wheat. 1°" my w‘lfe. and I want ‘0 get ”lolly at 10 a.m. every day. All sub- and mine. lin- .~ 1.x uaj. construction at Quebec, with similar The establishment Of a policy of home before the fashion changes." “fibers have to do is m fin“: Up . 1“ :réil'iwl 3" h“ H W H E’“ â€"â€" __, ,, _........ dry-docks proposed at Halifax and interior erm' ' the information operator and the ill- Iwzl w ‘m )0” fur :. Esquimalt. the Govctmmelstlfsielzfi: 53:61:: Johnny:"Pa, what's r‘onticunyglormutiOn will be furnished. The i> mm as imlup-Ir-w” :-~ lungs wm' wane: The bill to provide for pensions to tracts have nireadv been lot at Sas- knavery‘l Paâ€" What the Othcrlmrecast” Shnw the probabilities for ”L the Fenian Raid veterans. katoon and Moose“ Jaw. Side 3 doing, my son. two days ahOlld so that tho innoâ€"I liiti lull mm 11- l . ' 'EM Werâ€"t-j¢-.:.p ration should prove a great boon ‘ wallnivl‘ulu lu"._'zlit‘> 5.x} g .‘.~I..'J.'g .._._.. - , ._.,-. ._‘ ‘ Landladyâ€""You believe in mustm‘dito the people living: in the rural (115- as fixc and <i\ duty. ~ -- , '- ,_ .. 1 plasters, doctors 7" MJ‘Lâ€""Ruthcr! ; tricfs. There will be no extra charge it only lulu-s ml} .. , .- li..:.\'" a. ' I always order them for patients"tho company giving tho WNW“ fry-l: i‘m- Spotâ€"um! H f\ 4 .' ;;«.u1e ‘ l Who call me ont‘ in the middle 01.:for the benefit of their subscribers. :‘hitt W'i “h" .z' " "3743- HE \ o . .._ W. Epworth League Lonventlon i‘?§.ۤf’::..‘;"?.‘:.T-’T°’” 1 -â€"-~-â€" if: B ANK . 'Colli-(‘il’olls q Lord’s Day Alliance Active i Lindsay delegates to the Ebwortthnkc the Week Night Service Go.” The ”039“” 0' mind 0‘ a“ “W“; -=â€" } 'i'rw ~.\l.-,..z..-... v. \ , - , my League Convention of the Lindsayfdclivcrcd by Mr. F. Riches, of Cam- cunious lover was "I“Stmti‘d "‘ci‘ni'l \‘cry busy with the good work, but aim, .11....“ .H. h.” p. ‘ .. . HZ... of J . t S 1 DiStl‘iCt. which was held at Omcmec bray. ly at a bazaar, where there was "'no more Mlleipm, than u... 01.] reliable ”pry WWW“ P p Wm” 01“ a M1" Wednesday are loud in their pruisos "The Challenge of Our Fourth De- stall 101‘ the 81110 of watch-charms. lurinmn's Corn Extractor, “‘hicb “(mm ”1. WNW .1,“ A 3min , u u u , , ' . g.“ ;.. ' of the manner in which they were cn- partmcnt (Citizenship)," was the Oh, George, said the lady, bu) run-s corns und “arts m on» (in... ”mum 1....“ M4,. 3325- qucntiv ' ‘ tortuincd while in the Pigeon Crock topic of an interesting address do- me " charm l" "SM-“h". ““S‘VNMJ’WN‘ .Vi‘m‘r‘ "50 i‘i‘O‘t“ ”10 ”Wm M ('i‘liiilliiiln L'H.‘ , ""5” count lofyl" . ~ 1 village. and also state that the Con- iivorcd by Rev, 8. .1, ’McMuuon, of he. "you have too many already." ilnlnuun's. 11w no oilll-r, 25c. at all m... .~...,. ..- _ - ~~ "ms; M 9mm. I ‘ j wntion proper wns one of the best Queen-st. (.‘ilurch, Lindsay, which qhmiws. {M ”I.“ .4 “mm“ m m 1;“ch ‘ ' ‘ ' ' ful srnrv ; H , ,. a“, .l .s . . eicr held. Bxcoodlngly gratifying (ms followed by an instructive talk 0 Clara, so had (I dread i .bul Imumu .-1 H _ . ”I” .reports were presented by tho vnri- on "A Silllly in Committeesâ€"What this morning. i! buriflm‘ 8mm! NW“ ‘ ,H.‘ “M.“ \ in.“ g. ASS?” Mrs. Fink. “There was it rrmmruli llii.ii. lwm 1. ~. . " ' l'l-Ii‘()>'i i - ‘ ions Leagues and departments. while! nnd flow," by the Field Secretary. . i the addresses delivered were lnstf‘llC-l Sum-mum", Ri‘f‘V‘i‘O \ms conduciod by noise about two o'clock, and 1 gut "â€" .._( p...” .â€"- 'i‘mlnxblpfl (‘iil'L'i'lCllsâ€"ln \limlvu thee Ill WO“ no interesting. "0\._ John iiodford. 0f li‘cnolon Falls. up. I turned on the “Kilt. and llluk ’ . ‘ ‘ . Olin“ morning “0“th opened “'lilll in lilo N‘l‘nlm: "0V. .1, W. Whvtc. Ml down, to R00 (1 mnn's logs slick-i ”.1 \lmlllwmlny, ()(‘loiwl- Hill, l.‘.il:i, . (bugs-u n I: .: l . ' Omernee Int.“ {1‘ 80m? null ili‘lil'i‘i‘. conducted ll." ”“V-lof Mimivn. (lollvorod an address on in}: out from under the boil." “In“‘i'i- “it”! 2 5"‘“‘"‘" "M H MW” T”: "In“ H" W ‘ A ‘ I. i W. ll. Hulyiil. of (llflmill‘o, offer "Our (‘uii to the Home Field." the "Mercy. how (”MM'”! Th“ "”V'l sou M M'“ m"! MW‘ “m3" “ML ”1 ”‘1'“ m' x ., ' "‘ J which the imports of the individuul ’i-‘ivld Socroiury giving it in"; on lul“r.s 7" “No, my door. my hm" 1”" A I“. .l...» _..._ M 7 ‘ Longhorn worn rm‘oiVOll. :‘(lur (‘ull lo the Foreign Fluid." “und's' u" had mm”! lllll null-am: . .. .(aâ€"â€"-â€"â€". “mm”; ‘ r * "““' ” l llov. W. W. Jones, of .lmloivlllo, 'l‘ho followlnl.v oillcors were elected "’0'” ‘ hum" “mm“. ,‘Jm'hvi‘lw "WWW" “WWW E. I . l‘rcr’lillvni. dolivm'mi n brief address, for the mailing your :â€"-Ilon. l‘ros., â€""'" _ ‘dmm ”W" “in!“ “' "”"" "“ “ “"' ' "Y ‘ c n :. after which licv. J. l". (lhopluun. of; “P. S. .l. ‘horoy. Lindsay: l‘rcsi- JUST ”ER IlllSll.\.\D. Emu!” “r ”W ““me ”1 Wm" “Hm” "1 Y ‘ A L.) A; . (a Onwmce. gave an address on " 'l‘hoi (lent, llov, W. W. JOnoa. Junctvlllo; A woman mounted the steps of llI -____~____. __,_- ,- -...-â€"â€"' CM. carrying an umbrella like u re- versed snbrc. The conductor touched her lighiiy,’ saying, “Excuse me, madam, but. you are likely to put out the eye of} ; the man behind you." ' "He's my husband,” she snapped, with the tone of full propriotorship. O '4" l < .‘2 “LA Call of tho Couununity and llow thoi ’lst Vice-Prom, Frank RlChos, Cam- Imuruo may Respond." “may; find Vice-Pres" A. Allin. of Field Secretory Farewell, who has1 Lindsay; 8rd Vice-Pros.. Miss M. been making: a tour of tho Various? Littleton. of Pension Falls: 4th ~I“.pworth League districts, was prom: Vice-Pres, Rev. J. F‘. Chapman. of out and delivered an inspiring nd-meemce; 5th Vice-Pros, Mrs. Chap- drcss on “God and I, 'or the Waste. i man, of Omemec; Treasurer, Miss A. Conservation and Use Of Human and Wright. Lindsay; Secretary, Miss Divine Resources." iBirdio Mark; Lindsay: Convention In the afternoon song and praycrjllepresentativo, 89V. 8. J. McMul- exercises were followed by a talk on‘ ion, of Lindsay. ' Ilr- Thompson. of Omemee, 0n the! The Lindsay delegates were: Rev. subject, "The Hill Difficultyâ€"What. s. J. McMullen, Miss A. Wright. is Yours ?" This was followed by Miss B. Mark. Miss E. Webber and an address on the subject, "How to Mr. Cragge. A new 'ilixl Wz' , ‘ Lat-‘Ollll‘w . i Special Price.» at! TERRIBLE. S if Mrs. Heighoâ€"“Old J onas Hards- crabble fell plumb off th’ roof of his house while he was shingling it." Mrs. Whysoâ€""Didn't his wife feel awful ?" ' _ Mrs. Heighoâ€""Awful is no name for itâ€"he 2K1} right into her bed of Traction Engines Still . "’°°‘ W" - , R.‘ DRUGGIST AND . ontreel, writes-"‘1“! Travel» the Paved Streets ”T53 mu... Afi‘fizfififlvfimfié ~ mammuwumymmmaMfm . McLAUGHLINâ€"In Woodville. on Friday, WW 3rd, 1913.t6Mr. ”Ibetherteadeetorwhe’veneskind oflotlon tome“d Themwmengimmwu' pm-”wti'vm'torepairminus-null«revises eners.A.W.Manughlin,ason. I-ed mama-mm mum maltheflmeweweredoctorinsfmn' ing and repassing over the tawn’s and after nndsay going to so much â€"â€" they do not come maul”: lea'mheo,” it should be up to all who use. . in __ Luafi'MJmfi' w 'm I “med‘ m a” an theomcials. and uaresulth-town to mmMWWGEARDâ€"nhum Mrs. loovlngtheirmarkaanthopavomomwonklbodonew‘Itmwbowllto Blanchard.on Sam-damoa. 11. ineveryinstance. Indentures that muthttitispsrniuabletoma 1913...”. ‘ win'nevereomeout aretobesesnmnmlom thepavunnt â€"â€"-oâ€"-â€" 03mm“ sw‘mwhceuoothwhedsmmm ‘ mm, mthhkinglymmtomormmtmmm . â€"â€" rutenodoubtanaecidntwouldre- Ana-“mm“ townsâ€"In Momma-loamy. salt. summoouwhuomwkmmwfi-WM Octoberdth,1§18.nisabeth le- mmammmmm-‘MN'MQWM ' ‘ mm caesium

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