The man who falls in love with a woman gt night by moonlight may {all in love in another direction by linking cm. George P. m m H Niagara. Ms. Ont... was my killed at Niagararon-tho-ukg . cur- rent of 12,000 volts passing through his body. Mr. R. G. Fisher, Liberal, and Ald. s. F. Glass, Conservative. were nominated to represent East Middle- sex in the Commons. Hon. W. S. Fielding is £0 be edi- torofthenontrulnnflyw mdPrddoidtiemrm Will visit Benson House. Lindsay. OVery ï¬rst. and third Wednesday of the month, from 2 p.11). to 6 i).m.. for consultation in Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat. Barri-tor. Solicitor. Notary Public Commiuioner. o. Successor to McDiarmid . Weeks. having removed their business to my own ofï¬ce, opposite Watchman-War- dor, Kent-st. Phone 41. Insurance and Real Estate in all its branches. Hopkins H'opxms. Bax cistern. Soliciton. Natal-in 0t Solicitors for the Bank of Mon- treal. Money to loan at lowest. rates. ()mces. 6 William-at. south. Lindsay, Ont. Branch ofï¬ce at Woodville. G. H. Hopkins, K.C.; Fred Holmes Hopkins. B.A.. LLB. Dr. T. P. McCullough Leave Toronto 10.20 p.m. daily Ar. Vancouver 11.30 p.m. daily T. C. Matchett Through Fquipmentâ€"Cnmpart- Inert Observation Car. Standard SIM-ping Uzu. I‘ourist Sleeeping Car Dining Cm .First- class Coashes, Colonist (Jar. Commencing Oct. 26th Leave Toronto 2.80 p. 11:. Daily Arrive Winnipeg 8.25 mm. Daily . (Socond Day) BEST NEW TRAIN FOR WINNI- PEG and points East thereof Vancouver Express Gate City Express Next: Boat! Building Ed. 0'. A HMNP’11111111‘F1...111111111 1111111 1.1111, 111111 11111111 1 9.11 1111111 11111111 1 .111 11111111 11111111 111111 1111111 1111111111111111111111111- 1111111 111111 111111111 1111111111111 1. 1111 111:1: 1 51111 11111111 111111;;1111111 111111 1111111111 86111111111111111111 1 1511 111 11.1111 Q1“! 111111 W111†58111111911111111513::::::: :::::::: 11; 1111 [111 9: 1111 111111111111LN11111111114.115111111111111 11111, 1111111211 151111 111111 758 1511111111111: 1111111111 13913. 11111111111 111111 1111: 01111111111111: UNDER WEAR OVERCOA T8 for Men, Young Men, Do You Need Either? We have the Goods! LEIGH R. 8816 HT Dundas Flavelles Limited TOP- WEAR ! We “hit out right from the shoulder†about our underwear stock. Every weight and size is ready for you. in such well-known ,‘makes as “Stanï¬eld’s,†“Watson‘s," “Tiger Brand,†“Penman’s,†and “Marley’s†English Under» ear. Pick out your favorite. Every one is a good tine. Combinations are strong favorites. Boys’ Underwear 25c to 1.25 garment. Men’s 50c to 3.50 garment wwh Allwnnl. «Mk and wool, anl and edttnn, "6660'“ M301, enttmn ribbed. Priced fur men and young man,. Prieml fur youths and boys".. . UNDERWEAR ! Agent ’rmatrong During the courtship a girl does a lot of day dreaming. 130‘ aftermarâ€" riage she cuts it out. Sir Stephen Fax-noes. head of the Fumes: Line, and Liberal member for Hartlepool arrived in Monti!“- Tha prospector found dead on the road between Deï¬ne and m'der LII-kc has been identiï¬ed a Chute. J.‘ Danlel Brennan, of Charlottetown, second oflicer of the ferry Hilla- borough. in missing‘aince Saturday evening, and it is feared he is drown- "Limited trains leave Toronto daily, making direct connection at. Detroit and Buflalo for Florida. and at. Chicago for California. etc. Round Trip Tickets at Low Dates (Effective November 1) Full particular: from any C.P.R. agent or write M. GnJIurphy. Dist. Pass. Agt.. Toronto. Our new Christmas stock con- tains many exclusive pieces which we possibly cannot duplicate. Then, We have the time now to show you our new and unique stock of attractive gift things at “ your†leisure, which is imposs- ible during the rush days pre- ceding the holiday. Select Your Gifts Now .' Apart from the worry you save by making your gift selections now there is the added satisfac- tion in knowing you have had the time to see “everything.†6“ dual ‘000‘0‘5‘ T. O. MITCHETT con-cc. ooooo‘ Kentvï¬tn Lindsay Boys I 7.00 to 25 00 3.00 to 1000 -L'. ï¬ns mm m: Spur your mind it you must. but,“ the .‘w Inhalation-pout, ‘_ ,7 undue. AFedea-ul General. his-Mun! mmyaoldipammudbym- "Indeed," said the minister-inner. with‘ a. pleased look across the table at his wife. “Father, I wish I could be ‘a door- keeper 1n the house of the Lord,’ as you‘said this morning." . "Yes,†said the boy.. "for th wouldn't have to listen to the The little son of the minister at Sunday dinner. said '31: the family table: ‘ , Next Sunday, the 26th, and 28th, is Cameron's anniversary and fowl supper. Come one and all and en- joy 3 good time as well as a. hot fowl supper served. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Par-kins, o! Uxbridge, are visiting their friends around Cameron. Mr'. Jimmy Culp is again at the lake shore for the partridge hunt, You might easily guess Thanksgiv- ing was at hand by the look of Cam. eron station Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Perrin dined at the home of Mr. Joe Tamlin’s 0‘ Sunday 18.51:. W, WNW Townsend and magma Miss Thalmn. an: unending Thanks- givms at ma home at his tamer. Mr. Fairweatbev and Hr. White- sides are down (mm Tor-onto an a two weeks' lurloush. and are Very busy tallying with the bounds, Mr. Wesley Howie acting as pilot. Mr. Langdon Honey and family Vis- ited at Mr. Manly Maybee’a on Sun- day. i Mm assay ï¬nggm in MM In; ‘I‘hank‘ï¬smns #mm Guam». when: m in taking a mum in ma mm ludiaa' college Emma. EM; mime m in M! a! naming hue Hm Ma 9! ma Hannah: and my: F999?“ 91 m8 Hm: Wm mm, m ml mm. WW} Ha ha m: we nflvnnmsa 9? ma Hm: WHYE'EWOULDLIKEIT. MORTON’S STUDIO MMMtuN Eli Stouf. eighty year: '01 ago, was -..___.°â€"__ instanthkfllodwhflowdkingonthe Ammbflltthnthoheon- G.T.R. truck neu- Rockwod. plateâ€"our o! him-011 and not Mn monummunnndum undutobontofatunt. odtboqgltttonwnomm Alonmtdamtohgwmm BURNEI'I‘.â€"In 09!. on Sunday. Dot. 19th, 1913, Esther Burnett, bolov. It is reported that Mr. Thou. Col- lin. a. local horseman. has sold his valuable entire horse. Burden. to Mr. Morrison, of Klnmount. The price is around $500.00. ed that the eflect was not uniform. and vowed that he would order the men to be drilled until such time as they could push in and out together! SOLD VALUABLE HORSE. It was no good the handmaster-ex- plainlng that eachvman played a. dif- ferent note. and that each note was formed with the slide in a. diflerent position. The colonel still persist- "Why. sir,†said the irascible col- onel. "the men who march in the front rank and play those instru- ments they push in and out"â€"mean- ing the trombonesâ€"“cannot keep time. sir 1 They never by any chance push in a‘nd out together. I'll have it changed. let me tell you I" Naturally the bandmaster, who was very proud of his band, was most in- dignant and demanded to know what was the complaint about it. The colonel of a. certain regiment sent for the bundmaster one day and complained very bitterly of the band, which he described hotly as a. â€dis- grace to the regiment, sir." "Will that savage brute of yours bite, boy ?" asked the old lady. "You needn't be skeered. mu’am,†answered the little boy. "He's too old to bite anything tough." ‘ A Chicago school teacher tells with great gusto of the shrewd little "col- ored brother" who once arrived at school provided with a most unusual excuse for tardiness. â€I couldn't help bein’ late, please, teacher,†he rubbled shrilly. "Sornepin happened to us las’ night. My mew, she went ter bed wit' a headache, and when she wakes up dis mornin', dere’s two little quins (twins) one on each side ob her, andâ€"she won't know nuflln' ’bout 'em till she wakes up. An' my mew, she so s'prised. she can't get up tar get me ready {or school!" ed wife 01m. John Burnett, aged â€Ah I†he inflamed: "I m 89 we" Nansen with ma summon um I should "Isa to negotiate tor a" 1mm ha“a.7' He was accepted on the spots ms BHHFHSAH Ha was 1; MW in a Mm whale- Ma hams», m m: was in We, 0m: Mam ha matched a may "dam I Mm ! Man‘s ham»! man anhMmu. My Mum: «emu-and Wu: mm mm mm: mm «H the wank!†“Una gnu um mu Mm Mm am Magnum; Mg mm W “am; In the “Man a? Mum†ï¬m‘s a “mm a! the “mum a! mu shew: “What mm Hm mm «mm W â€â€™}‘W8=3I§HEZHHK:1flflHIH:H MAJ. any: the Midland Argus. Mr. Geo. Crookeahualsoerectodunnenow home opposite -tho residence of Ir. I. 8. WM. who mt weak Ihowed thtthostmnadoonndcncolnl’ort During the past summer steady progress has been made along the line of improvement at Port‘Me- Nicol]. and while early in the spring it looked as though building opera- tions would be of a very limited character, this has proven to be a mistake and several new buildings have been constructed. among which? might be specially noted the new Quebec Banv building which is now well under way and should be com- pletedhythebeginnlngottheysu’. The entertaining part of the pro- gram was well received. A' vocal solo by Miss E. Spratt was followed by a. reading entitled, " Woman's Power Over Man." by Mrs. Geo. Mills. An instrumental duet by Mrs. '1‘. D. Carroll and Miss Carroll; 9. reading entitled. " Caleb's Court- ship.†by Miss E. 'I‘wamley; an in» stmmental by Miss H. Workman. After the singing 0! God Save the King a. social half hour was spent and light relreshmenté served by the hostesses. IS STILL IMPROVING. On account of this convention the date of the next Lindsay meeting was changed from Nov. 21 to NOV. 28, and will be held at the home of Mrs. H. Webster, William-st. The appointing of delegates to the annual convention of the Woman's Institute in Toronto on Nov. 20 and 21 was quickly gone through with. There were two appointed, Mrs. Milne and Mrs. W. C. McGrogor. The subject of demonstration class- es was next. discussed, a great num- ber being in favor of having them during the coming winter. A Com- mittee was then appointed to secure members and also ï¬nd out. which lessons were preferredâ€"Home nursâ€" ing, sewn'ng or cooking. "Pha mwlnr wanna m’ the HM any Wamm‘n inunmm mm M H»: ham 9! Mrs, 0: Tuner, m1- 1?, was opened W “mum; " 'Hw Mum»: MM Veteran†‘Hw “News Oms- mm were; Mrs. u. mm. Mrs- 45- flandmnn. Mrs, W- t’rnmluu. Mrs- H: MOMHIM. Mrs. his mum. Mrs. ’I‘. Winnmn. Mrs. W. Hungertnm. {each swing than and intern-tins papers on the tnpica, " Laundry Wart." and " How to make our In- stitute a Success." In regard to making our Institute‘ a success there were diflerent objects‘ spoken of, which we might take up and thereby centre our combined in- terests in one direction (or the bene- ï¬t of ourselves and others. i Interesting Meeting of tho Institute 'l‘ho l‘rmhytorlnn fowl nuppnr. holcl at Rnnmlalu on 1“"‘Il'lly «waning. was a grunt guru-n. 'l‘m was norwwl frmn ï¬ve to M‘Vl‘n. nml thu numul- amt: wore kopt Very busy supplying lha mum- of a hungry crowd who mm pmont lrnm Fonvlon Falls. Lindsay and l‘nhnmmk; alto-manh- u good "mm-am mn- nth-on In (he; church. llov. Mr. hung. at 'l‘nrnn- tn. gave a lpchm; m1 (ha lnmnml “l‘aanlnh May." lllunlrulml with Mom. than Alm- Maulâ€. M llml- dnw. 1mm lumml lhn umllrhm wllh 0. hold. "‘1‘th “My 0103-.“ Mrs. M. A. ï¬rm-{hm- 1mg Nahum! M Hui Mandamus madam rm ML BUFHMt; (a MM. Am. “mm M 1‘"- mm. but human; M Nun-Mn mm. Mr. John Anntln. or Klnmnunt, «wont, Sunday at his humv In Fonoï¬m Falls. Mr. Rmmigk, n! Hminny. mm In the village for n. fmv hnurn on Wml~ nmdny. Mr. 'l‘hon. Sprntt. of Lindsay, was In tho burg on Saturday. Mien Mabel Howe. Mr. Perry Sharpe and Mr. Russell Howe. of Lindsay. were in town on Friday evening. Mr. Archie Menzies. who has been on the lie]: flat for a few weeks, is improving and at his duties again. Mr. Mtckle. Jr., of vaenhurst. was in the burg for a. few days tyis week on business. Mrs. Routley, of Coboconk, spent a. few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. '1‘. Thompson. Mr. Thou. Guy. of the RNA. Bank stun, is visiting Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Graham. Messrs. Hoflatt. of Kirkneld. are guest. of their Meyer. Hrs..Jo.a. Dan- iele, for e few weeks. Mr1 W. Scott. of Toronto, passed through town on Tuesday en route to visit. with Mr. and Mrs. “Ken- dry. at the Loch. Hr. Hun. of Coboconk, motored to town on Wednesday. Hill Lillian Warm visited her friend. mac Powlea, at Powles' Cor- nm. over Sunday. Mon mm. Oct. 1?.â€"â€"Nr.~ and Kn. John (Shockley and chfld. 0' Toronto. motored to town on 85n- day wd visited with Mr. and In. W. L. Bob-on. )[lu Cecil Swunton and all“ Phyl- lil Novuon spent Saturday in Lind- mum FALLS. Mr. Thou. Johnston. wine home is in Rochester, N .Y., is enthusiastic over one Caudinnyrodnctot least. He says: I ‘Wueilvigx ' in Millbrpok, 3“" m o enng e spanned cc. and could get nothing me untfl my ftther gun me a bottle at Liniznent which relieved me in: minutes. Imhnduvthinz hnfewmhmta. Imhadan in; toeguditinm life. Imam: you: Linimeotwu noduecdtomgpeople o¢_Roche|tu it would I311 like hot at. Stratford. Owen Sound Board of Education decided to establish an industrial school. The Onurio Women's Christian Temporal†Union m in convention . †I don't know why they should attack me in that way. The men in this house have always been very kind to me and have made it plea- sant for me here. and I cannot be- lieve it wan any of them." mm. ,u.v.. In Foul smut-x . Good II can: " When I recovered my senses, I found my captors had_ run away. About midnight I found my way out of 'the grounds, and after walking about an hour to ï¬nd my home, I ï¬nally reached the Chapter House. NEVER HAD ITS EQUAL " Again I pleaded with my captors to release me. but they only struck me with a. belt and answered. ‘lt’s just a little fresh medicine.’ I kicked one of the men and he return- ed the attack, kicking me in the stomach. I fell to the ground and We insensihle. " l was next ordered to mount. one of the monuments in the cemetery. Belting me with the strap. the men forced me to climb to the tap of the monument and dance .there. This continued for ten minutes. Then I was ordered to jump to the ground. " Just what the liquid was I was unable to say, but it. tasted like turpentine. a! bitter liquid was given to me to drink. New: in Walnutâ€"uh. HH ‘Mmm' um: um; Mum a mum! um um up 04.:- mm mm striking me 9W1" Hm hm! with his ii“, 1 amwmmi, um um prim: were not mm. The mun placed his hand aver my mnmh m “9.4 my mum. A mend man man appeared and amazed me the Monks m the Oukwuad Summary. " Taking me to the cemetery. they blindloided me and tied my hands. Then they smeared me with whiie paint, snaking it into my hair and letting it drip over my lace, hands and clothes. The cloth over my eyes was then removed and'a glass Mlltumm Andaman. 52‘ ommnym M Hm PM MIMI ‘I‘HMu than!» hum. ‘Hm when me «warm: Um m: {M Na manmum Mm cm «mun-M- M Hm gamma mmmm «ms «0 Wm «Hum! m 944 u PHNEMH “mmâ€; mMmmuw; mmm nu Hm mm M MHHHWF “mm; \MMNH In mm m Now MHHWHM Hui «MM: Hm Ii Mm Andaman umn : “ l mu in ma Hm! M m» Humour Ext-acme. NAM Uct. 17.â€"â€"Hnggml, ï¬lm-arm with mum. draught! by (hp hair to :1 (50911040033 much- !" «Imm- un ï¬rm-mum» um! "um kirkml mm ihnrmlhilny. Rum mun (ho. n-rrm- mg and lmmfl o-xgwrmw M pro-Hy Drag Her to Cemetery, Make Her Dance COLLEGE HAZERS BEAT YOUNG GIRL " I kept nuns damn. . Ointment. but m not cum SomatJmm tho romodlel would help a "warm I Nume- true from it â€Coauthor. I m um way for nine yum W everything. I hoard or Cutlcurl. Soup and Ointment, and sent; for them and before I had mod them half a down time- I noticed an lmpmvnmcnt. Dy Min. with tho Cuucuru Soup and ap- plying tho Cuticum Ointment. flwluvnm I wuscumdln thmomonthn." (S lmwm \: Ins Flomnm It. Sandman. May 20 19!: For more Mum nmmormion (‘mlmm snap and "Immune hnvu ummdwl Um mm}. wu- nomlvul mutmont fur nm‘mlonn or Hm Md" and truly that. bomm'. awn. hum. mum and dmm yllmp. A Ilmtloawblnoflvn mulch-m. (‘utlvum Sun and (‘uuvum (â€an9210 um mid by drum!!!“ and dmlvm m-vrywhvm. Fur a “Ix-ml {mo ammo of «win. W“ h 32-". hunk. m-ml nub-(In! to PULW Druu d: Chflm. OWL. mm! D. “(In)". ‘1. H. A. l Gum. Hannahâ€"“A banking out “mummthothublo. It mmlwhyudupmdmmyangerups m the nulls. 10 ï¬rst append In usury busters and they was no intensely Itchy I watched them and lot the nu!- out making amen. They would sum up. Itch and burn and ï¬nally we nulls would loosen and come 01!. I spent mam slooplmn nlghta. l dld not due to put my hands in wow:- exccm to wash them. Between Fingers gen. Sp readtoTlp s. Would Swell Up, Itch and Burn. Did Not Damp Put Hands in Water. Cuticura Soap and Cuti- cura Ointment Cured. WATERY BUSHRS INTENSELY ITBHY Minimum Secure your {101v WWW. mm mm GRANDTRUN E's"??? Thanksgiving 06H FARE AND ONE-THIRD 0°04 going Oct. 17. 18, 19. 20 Return limit. Oct. 22. 1913 Betï¬'t‘on all stun . \ in ('nnudfl 9““ 0f Port Hun-n. M ‘ i... szflnln. Black Rock. leiy‘v- i“:fil~ and Suspension Briduv. \. \‘. SINGLE FARE GOOD GOING OCTOBER 20th Roturn limit data of issue on]! “Wham: m H Hm «Mom 1 NW wommu was M um "33 “Bulimia Wmmaman-Wn mm m be hen Dated at October. 1 W. R. Widdess, Agent! A. MacNabb. z'hor WWW M1 Hm “mum mum m ¢ ‘l‘lw «law I“. [mam-cl rll M 1hr ' ow M New mm- «H- h hflHNi Hm! mum: {H F th {Ho-Hm “WM! Mn;- Ho-‘Mmu 4m Headaches and Eyestrain‘ Eyesight SW 92 Kent-st., over .\’u I‘M-ml at III: of thnlwr. IHI “any uho {nr ycura have Gutier- 0d tram chronic sick headaChes us- ing drugs of all kmds without banaï¬t have found immcdiate and permanent remedy in properly ad- julced glasses lmCauBe eyestrain was the cause. We remove the can“ and our cure is lasting. Sat- lllaction guaranteed. Low prices. tmpnnml. ani-m and nlmw‘ nll land In I'm-pm- mom-y shall I‘ Im- H10 [nu-luv Making fund, (‘11,. the corporation of the Said putty such sums of money. coeding in the whole $5,000. be decided by the said (‘our my, in manner hereinafter 9 issue debenturps of tho said. tion in sums of $100 ouch amount so bor‘l‘uwvd; the s Dentures t0 hnu- l'nupnns ‘ as provided in 80011:â€: 5 OP Act. M. B.ANNIS 1- That the Rom Township of Ops um time. subjecc to thé this By-law. borrow ‘ 7A BYâ€"LAW TO RAISE 0" “5000 TO All) m S'I‘RUCTION 0!“ '1‘" on 'l‘lllBER mmxs. The Municipal Council icipality of Ops, pursuam visions of the Tile . Drainage Act. enactg .0 ‘Y-LAW No npm'lnl 11,13 ham :1 u Ho“ Charge 256 I‘M Brampm gent PhODO 11‘ U!" ’I'ILI BRAINS ll nrrow oe Store rlfl l '\\‘ Ind Ouncil sh Iuflkm ""Wt ." n the." “PM! um. a†Mid "nu ma M! m. Mluuol 18's!“ "t Said It!“ “V My MM £¢5 lm J. G. Edw Paroid Roe flAb STOOU um Wm: M! A mum": “M W?“ t mum H mt? M u 9.“ MIN†"W HIM I mama W" Phone 27 DOCAL (11111-35 SI'RA.\('l-I Below will he fun “tuber of local r.‘ “003' in the Angln mace Compan). Government hlm- nu. Lindsay (10 Shaun‘s; Mlon Falls (5 sh “9 (20 shares) ; l‘ (10 shares) ; I‘IM-m W (10 sharvm ; (40 Chutes) ; Rev. *1“); Thos. l‘ M (5 shares) ; \\ “mmâ€"acxxxx In the British .\IH “9 blue book my“ gnfllowing Lindsu Giro course. in all Busing 1000. leading to pOBitIOIIb I hope" or utenographq (or Cum gun-rice and Cuml hitch ex: mination.) â€hool- include the Cent" nun College of Toronto‘ ‘city branch schoms si any Outer any Ume fd cont-m. No vacationgu‘ {or [of W. H (aha ‘ . '395 Yonge-st 'l comprising mum! : in Triv’poï¬table Department Iofll- " w' W f. 0‘"! . In “mum! ‘Ioppmlliuh m 4. A Ill E. C. Marsh «2 b Pan-id; (12 shun-s h M0 by Rev. .rlulmj . 'My, OCIObt-r 13 “lights of Mr - vâ€"vvâ€"u u .1, V‘- 1‘- Mum to Elma .lun it mu! H 3098‘s I'Olllll) mmtional I'« 303"! Purple l‘ Pratt's Poultr} â€up (‘ures Hen Charcoal DUNOON '3 attract Some Sharehold SHAW! SCHOOL o! the bride's pal The Test of Time-- u.- no my girls W makes the ‘l'wu nm Lu! w it the I" 1 will incro wonderfulh Appl W, of Kin: iew days among I! «M hnrn tmIm I}l(11(: HARRI l-Il Poultry Suppl“ llm OOH oowawn H†SUI! A'I John J u‘ STU] Poultr} oulu IUII ;)x)