“. MAN. AUCTIONEER FOR I. Counti- o! VIM and Peter- _ In “000440.113!†P.0- m UNDERSIGNED I: prepared to lo.- money on tum. town and vi!- IcLAUGHLIN, PEEL. FULTON B'I'INSON. Burl-ton. Solicitor- cnd Notaries. Money to‘lou. Spec- m stuntion given to investmnu. one“: Dominion Bank, Corner of Man and Kent-sun, Lindsay. R. G. McLaughlin. K.C.. A. H. Ful- [EIGH R. KNIGHT, Barrister, Soâ€" licitor. Notary Public. Solicitor {or tho Home Bank of Canada. repro- Iutlng Waterloo Mutual Fire In- Iumco Co.. of Wutarloo; Federal w. Assurance 00.. ct Hgmllton. unplro Accident 3nd Surety Co. ., I! London, Ont.. one. our Home Bulk. oppooito Pout Dam. ITEWART a O'CONNOR, Ban-ï¬st.“ Iota-lea, etc. Money to loan at vary lowest current rates 'on best urns. Ofï¬ceâ€"corner Kent and Hark-at... Lindsay. I‘. Stewart. L. V. O‘Connor, B.A. m JACKSON. Barristers. Bun-on. Woodvillo omen open wcrywookntomaotc.E.Woekn. mt. Inner o! nun-1m 11m. Cnmudng in m it. tom. but. can, William-t†Lindsay. l‘. D. Moon. K43. Alex. Jackson. dc" solicitor: {or The Canadian Bunk 01 Comm. Money to lean - nortgtgu st. lowest current Dr. F. BLANCH-113D “DUATE TORONTO UNIVERSI- TY, CORONER FOR COUNTY OF VICTORIA m â€" RJdout-Itn corner Kent pl many-eta. Phone 45. IOPKINS a HOPKINS, Barris- ters. Solicitors, Notaxy Public. etc. Solicitors for Bank of Montreal. Honey to loan on warms to suit bonawer. Ofï¬cesâ€"6 William-st. S.. Mm And Phygisiaa 31': Hall: 54mg 3mm â€WWW? 9? WWW “‘0 WIT}! UNIVERSITIES. moul- A'I‘TENTION W sua- GERY um DISEASES OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN. “comm comm FOR THE COUNTY OF VICTORIA. Moo Hoursâ€"1 to 8 p.123. and by »R. NEELANDS, SPECIALIST IN artiï¬cial teeth. Studied adminis- tration of gas with the originator, Dr. Colton, of New York. Gold inlays, crown and bridge work in- Iertéd. ‘ Oflice, nearly opposite Simpson House, Lindsay. Induy. Ont. G. H. Hopkins K. F. H. Hopkins, B...A LLD. “Elm b. Money to Loan. Barristers, etc. township the merging of a large number of small flour mills, the company has been traveling a rocky road. "‘he blow comes as a stiff one di- the town rty With the closing up of the local mill of the Canadian Cereal Flour Mills Thursday. It is understood that seven other mills belonging to the company. and scattered about the country, also closed shop. This closure, if it may be called such. has been coming on for several months past. In fact ever since the organ- ization of the Canadian Cereal and The past season has been a. very successful one. and the proprietor is building upon making 1914 a. greater one from a business standpoint. The brick-making season has closed for this year, so a. thorough overhauling of the plant will be gone on with in this upâ€"to-date yard. Mr. C. Wagstatl. of the Lindsay Brick and Tile Works, is installing a new engine in his upâ€"to-date plant, which will be capable of doing much more work than the old one that has been there for many years. The in- crease of business demands such a change, that he may keep pace with his trade. FLOR MILL CLOSES. A GOOD MANY ANIMALS IN MIN- ING DISTRICTS. Cobalt, Oct. 16.â€"According to the statements of the stage drivers be tween Elk 'Lake and Gowganda, the deer have come back into the coun- try and the wolves have followed them. Several times in the past few days stage drivers reported the pres- ence of wolves and there is now as mongst teamsters some little disin-‘ clination to travel at night if by any means they can prevent it. Busy Season In MRS. FRED. GADKE. 50¢ a box, 6 for $2.50â€"tria1 size, 25c. At dealers or sent prepaid on receipt of price by Fruit-.ï¬m Limited. Ottawa. Before taking“'Fruit-a-tives", I was constantly troubled with what is com. monly known as “Nerves†or severe Nervonsness. This Nervousness brought on the most violent attacks of Sick Headache, for which I was con- stantly taking doctors’ medicine without any permanent relief. Constipation was also a source of great trouble to me and for which the Doctors said “I would have to take medicine all my life", but “Fruit-a-tivu†banished all these trou- bles and now I am a well woman†35¢ wants to keep herself in good health. Lunar, 01"., my 12th. 191! “Kindly publish this lettet of mine if you think it will beneï¬t othet women who might be afflicted with the diseases I have had in the past, but am now, than ks to “Fruit-a~tivesâ€, completely cured of. It is my ï¬rm belief that every woman should take "Emilia-ï¬ves†if AMESSAGEFROMA WOMAN IUWUMEN DEER ARE PLENTIFUL “Every Woman snow m- “Frult-a-tlvas" the Brick Yards m WATCEHAN-FAEDEB; Iguana. ONTARIO. The pride of autumn fades away on wooded vale and hill, The days are growing grayer and the nights are growing chill; ‘hen. hey for home and happy eves, 1d joys that never tire. 'ace the frost that winter a with love beside the ï¬re. New York, Oct. 18.-A report was circulated yesterday that Charles Becker, formerly commander of Com- missioner Waldo's strong arm squad expected the court 0! appeals to sus- tain his conviction on the charge of murder, and in that event he would be willing, in return for a pardon. to tell District â€Attorney Hitman all he knows about the man "higher up†in the police; department. In the district attorney's omce it was said yesterday Moon that the rumor, so far as the ofllce was con- cerned, was absolutely without foun- dation. No attention wastgiven to it. " The result marks the complete loss of Sir Wilfrid Laurier’s.influence on the people of Quebec; it indi- cates that unless the Liberal party makes radical changes to its direc- tion, its program and its tactics, it is doomed to impotence for a. period of at least ï¬fteen years.†Thus concludes Henri Bourassa, the Nationalist leader, in his com- ment to-day on the. results of Satur- day’s election. His article is head- ed, " A Well-Ikserved Lesson." and he writes : BECKER MAY TELL. BOURASSA SAYS THAT LIBER- ALS ARE DOOMED. Montreal, Oct. 16.â€"" The verdict given by the Chateauguay is the answer of the Province of Quebec. to Mr. Laurier's two-squadron policy.†I Mr. John Jordan has a piece of ‘white rock on display in the meat store of Mr. M. O'Halloran which he picked up in a ï¬eld north of Cam- bray one day last week. The rock is of the Huron kind and appears to be rich in grains of the glorious. If on being assayed it proves as valu- able as he anticipates he will enâ€" deavor to purchase the property up- on which he made the valuable ï¬nd. (Special to The Warder.) Chatham, Oct. 17 .â€"Millen Knight, while in a. fit of temporary insanity attempted to kill his wife yesterday afternoon, and failing in this set ï¬re to his house on his farm near Snye, outside of Wallaceburg. A brother, who lived in Chatham township, committed suicide a. few years ago. MAKES' VALUABLE FIND (?) CHATHAM MAN TRIED T0 KILL 7" ' HIS WiFE Doyie marries Mrs. Berg's daugh- ter and several months ago she was found dead. He is accused 0t haVo tug murdered her. LOVE BESIDE THE FIRE. the door against the blast cart the cheerful blaze, us sit, sweetheart of mine, talk of olden days, when ï¬rst you woke in me item of young desire, t I hardly dared to hope for beside the ï¬re. x. McCarthy, in Pittsburgh )nicle Telegraph. I Murder Wm Dies :12 against Reginald Leamy of abducting an heiress, beth Phyllis Campbell of iue., was withdrawn. i, a. farmer, nee: Aylmer, \red to death by a. bull. ions and social service ed by the Presbyterian into. Tax-din, M.P., was con- :at for Richelieu by‘ )urt's decision on the petition. of Alberta. propose- -d increment in land ged when sale is as youth the springtime Id fair were summer’s bow- glowed the pageantry of 1’s golden hours, 253 from the hills we saw mlit days retire, c brings us back again to :side the ï¬re. Alberto. proposes "â€"0â€" Some women never settle down un- wrement in land Anglican? in °°nV°nti°n in New e11 am:- the earth is eodded above 1 when sale in York condemned the " ritual mur- them. . e on increase in d†" W“ at Kiev- 3mm Harry Flasher, an old resident of . The story published by a. Toronto 011mm,. died of â€38190188 from Holland’s great "m8 â€Per “1“ H011- J- R- sm‘" blood-poisoning through a. burnt 311v- the ander Zoe ton is seriously ill has no fonnda- or 01'. ‘ "It! null. m. tlon. chuuthil'omOthPetfl“ mum “3|!!!th anybothoroot b°’° ‘11 d†"1‘1 1°“ °3 the "'9‘ momtundmiflndmthc nawwmm'l‘omh- .mpmimhctohdp? â€m Agoldchdlawumud tom 1mm1mRIV-RMMMSt-m’l mnm m in In. "Take 03 the Slit skirts 01' quit Who knows enough not. to go in teaching-" When it is raining kisses. : The trio promptly quit teaching. ' â€"-oâ€"â€"â€"- pa The Principal explained this stand The one objection to music is ‘the Hi ‘ by saying that he would require 1'93" fact that it words an excuse to so w! sonable dressing on the part of his m people who like my kind of a Si: pupils. "If ' girls 681111!†81'“ 3 noise so long as they are 11193138 it be satisfactory reason for wearing an “myâ€, st: extreme fashion oi a. freakish inno- A gm doesn’t mind being called s V6: vation I an; oppoaed ‘0 ï¬lm" “id peach. but she'll balk at mbspple. V Burke tO'dSY- "W11“! these 8313 Four Germans, accused of making his Come to me to explain why they counterfeit United States ï¬ve-dollar I should not cease to wear slit skirts gold certiï¬cates, were' arrested in cos I may reinstate than u tesehers." Iontresl. V}. Principal Burke asked them whe- ther they could give any logical rea- son for wearing the parted skirts. Their answer was silence or some- thing to that street... The principal was insistent. The maids in the slit skirts were obdurate. So the ultimatum was issued : “Student teachers may not wear Balkan blouses, nor middy blouses, nor slit skirts. Skirts must; reach below the ankles and sleeves below the elbows. No diaphsnous'sklrts or waists, nor extra. low-cut waists shall be worn.’-'- When the new rules were read to the student teachers they blushed, stamped their feet and refused to So the following reading was post- ed'on the school blackboard : CLING TO SUIT SKIRT. San Francisco. Oct. 16.-â€"Three student teachers in the San Fran- cisco Normal School, pretty. viva- cious. and attractive, wore slit skirts. 2‘ Now they are no longer teachers, but just mere students. Their slit skirts are responsible. The whole student body saw them and disapproved. So did Principal Frederick Burke. Principal and stu- dent held a conIerence and decided that a reduction in rank 'was merit- Ottawa, Oct. 10. â€" At present the minimum salary to rural postmasters is $85 per year. Hon. Mr. Pelletier has decided to increase this to $50 per year. Repeated representations were made to the old Government on behalf of the rural postmasters, but were ignored. Since assuming office Mr. Pelletier has done much to improve the postal semice, and ‘ at the same time has also improved the conditions of the employee in this work by increasing- the salaries of the letter carriers and the railway mail clerks. He has now granted this increase to rural postmasters. 0n article four, which charges the respondent with violating section 814 of the penal law in practising '; (mud and deceit, threats and viol- ence.†an attempt to prevent the Frnwley committee from procuring true testimony, {arty-three members of the High Court voted guilty and fourteen not guilty. 0n article three, which charges Mr. Sulzer with violating seetion 2.400 of the penal law in attempting to bribe Louis A. Sarccky and others to induce them not to give testimony regarding the administration of the Sulzer campaign fund and the use of said fund for stock Speculation. every member of the High Court voted not guilty. I’OSTMASTERS INCREA S E. On article two, in 'which Mr. Sulz- er was accused of perjury in sweat- ing to the false campaign statement, the vote was the same. The action at that suited tribunal to-day in ï¬nding him- guilty under three out at tour of the eight articles of impeachment on which a vote was taken clearly toreshadows the poli- tical doom 0! William Sulzer. The High Court of Impeachment will convene again to-morrow to bring its labors to a close. At that time a vote will be taken on the four re- maining articles in the impeachment against Mr. Sulzer. It is predicted that the verdict will run against him on article 6, in which he is charged with the crime of grand larceny in diverting thousands of dollars con- tributed to his campaign to stock speculation. RESULT OI“ ROLL-CALLS. The result on the four rollâ€"calls taken to-day were as follows: On article one, in which Mr. Sulzer is charged with violation of the cor- rupt practices act in ï¬ling a false statement of campaign receipts and expenditures, thirty-nine voted guil- ty and eighteen not guilty. F AW‘MYQ NW1? 99": Wa’WiWï¬m Samar, me am Gnvemnr P! the sum 9! New Ym‘k m M mmcm. will be removed tram naice ta-morâ€" tow, unless he should resign betoro the High Court; of Impeachment has ï¬nished its deliberations. . Sunzer mum of Gravec urges Her share at least of Misses. Who knows enough not to go in When it. is raining kisses. Here's to the girl who’s bound to Here's to the rose that buds and grows, Pluck it and call it your-own, For the rose may fade, and so will the maid If she lives too long glone. Here's to the girl that's good and sweet, Here’s to the girl that's true. Here’s to the girl that rules my Here’s to the girl 1 love. And here’s to the girl who loves me, And here's to all those who love her whom I love, And all those who love her who love and which have made the most rapid growth. A good mash for pullete about to lay is composed o! wheat bran, mid- dlinge and ground oats, mixed equal- ly. by weight, with two pounds of beef scrape added to every 25 pounds of this mixture. Dampen it so that It will crumble in your hands. Get the poultry-house into goad shape as early as possible. Fix bro- ken glass and putty up knot. holell to prevent draughta. It you have open iront houses, do not put down the curtains until it is absolutely necessary. Choose the birds from which you will breed next season. Select those which are now in the best condition Weed out. your flock this month and get rid of the weaker specimens. ulttabettertohaveusmu ee- lectod 101: than a lugs lot of drones. If the pullets are slow in com- mencing to lay, it. is probable that they need a little Ireah meat or green bone. Commence feeding grain in the lit- ter when you put the {owls into their winter quarters. which should be soon. It is best to get the pullâ€" ets, for instance, acoustomed to their new quarters before they start to lay. Straw makes a good litter for scratching also, but experienced poultrymen prefer rye straw to wheat straw. In other words, .hene's to you. If you put up leaves for the scratching litter, be sure to keep them in a. dry place. Small potatoes my also be used for poultry, provided they are cook- ‘ Some of the vegetables may often be obtained at very reasonable prices in the fall, and, suecesstully stored for use later on. I! csbbages can be had, for instance, they can be kept by spreading them out on the north side of the house and covering them a foot or more deep with leaves or hey. ‘ Octabar u a good month in which to lay in a supply 01 leave. for matching purposes, dried clover and lawn clippings, and also some vege- tables, such as mangola. turnips and cabbages, for green food during the winter months. May we live to learn well. And learp to live well. Man an» FM»: am mm put w a sand RHPW 9! mm 9m, m In m 19? 9mm awn»: by m WWW “W"! W WWW: Twp 9: mm W910 mu ha mm to be m m We» a patients-sized am, an 3“!)wa Lite. 1: road dust is hard to chum, flue loam will do ; in fact some (owls mm to prefer it. IN NW 999%??? YMW: girl that's good and Port Hope's new Carnegie Library. 693th 810.000, and containing se- ven thou-um volumes, was {ox-many opened. William Sulzer will probably know his fate naught. be considered valuable enough to stand a chance or getting into the venison class. Si Simiin went out with e. hunting party and got mistook {or a deer. Hie wile was real cheerful and happy while the was nursing him around. She says she never expected Si would It was thought that the nurse went to bed early on Wednesday morning, but on Friday her body was found, complewa dressed. lying in sixteen leet of water in the asylum pond. . Miss Melrum was very depressed during the whole day, and complain- ed several times of being tired, while several'times she was seen to be in tears. She had been at the asylum for three years, and was in charge or a. ward. Miss Melrum received a, letter which threw her into a state of dejection, and which she destroyed at once, so there is no clew to its contents. Miss Melnnn, it is stated, had a; love romance with one of the attend-i ants at the asylum. EverythingI seemed to be progressing smoothly] for a time, but about a month ago; Miss Melrum's sweetheart left Roslyâ€" j nee asylum to take up a situation; elsewhere. ! AFFECTION FOR HOSPITAL AT-' TACHE ENDS IN NURSE'S SUICIDE. Edinburgh. Oct. 16.â€"Miss Jane Melrum, a. nurse at the Roslynieei asylum, twelve miles from here â€" a! strikingly handsome girl, described: as the most beautiful woman in the, Lothlansâ€"wus found drowned in a! pond in the asylum grounds. ! It is believed she committed sui- cide on account of a love affair. ] Chicago, Oct. 16.â€"Aft,er celebrat- ling their tenth wedding anniversary William C. Ellis and wife, of Cincin- nati. he n wealthy busineSS man and she a woman of social prominence, went to their room at the Hotel Sherman shortly after midnight on Wednesday, one to death and one to spending his remaining days in re- morse. Mrs. Ellis was found toâ€"day dead, her throat cut and two bullets in her body, while her husband paced up and down the room with a bullet over his heart and deep gashes ac- ross his throat and wrists. .37;Ԥ:l;;}a:e‘lTâ€"';uâ€"Iixérl’can reï¬rwyou to Iidiesbf your own locaiiuj'ï¬-ï¬Ã©â€˜Â£Â§L§ï¬v¥§§133vr§fmadn- ) . . tell my sufl'mr (but this no... W rally cute. all woman‘s dlst‘nscs‘ and nmku mm.“ «manning. plump md n'md. Just and no your “lyre“. and the free {on an“ 1,0“me fours. Also the book. Wnue wily. u: on my not see um can 33am, Adan-5;; . Demented Husband Killed His Wife-Suicide Pact {SHEGBQEFwaéi-fï¬a'hav Iag‘cia‘édï¬ig-ï¬ié thi-Egeh-es 3! 505,21" 1“,}. “‘13; have it. and learn to think tor her-d1. Th’n when the doctor saysâ€""You mm 21“ tion." youcan decide for self. Thou-nos of women have cum! thtnhcivts with vented . It cum cl or . To Mothers of DaughtersJ will trim): a m matm’ént which ' ' and 33mm cum Leucorrhasa. Crua‘ SiCkx’u-ss and 1 1“ Maxim ionin Youn Ladies. qumpncss and health always rtmull from m- I'; hen-vet you live. I can r: cr you to hdxegpf your my}: locahty who know and ‘ )vuin aw nu.» .v mas. M. é'OMM'éns.†Box i-i. '235â€"1 Remember. that It will coil. you treatment a complete trial; mad if you should wish to continue, it will Cm: cents: week. or less than two cents: as? It wil‘ not interfere with your “ Just send line your “and cddmo._te 1 age hov. you suffer. if you wish. and treatment for your cue, entirely free, 1:: plam wrap r. by retup: mail. l mu 9! cost. my bookâ€"ZWOMAN'S QWN MEDIQAQ A \_’!SER". thh explanatory FREE T0 YOU-MY SISTER Fall is Here! Winter will Quickly F allow! The taker, binding his arm to his body and displaying an appealing empty sleeve, stands all day and far And he who gets a dollar for no- thing .in this world has to exert en- ough ingenuity and eï¬ort to have earned it- twice over. It. is harder to frame a. plausable lie thwlto tell the truth ; harder to appeal to generosity than to busiâ€" ness sense. It. is harder to beg a dollar than to earn one, says the Montreal Mail. But. thatchwcaa are that to catch hi0 ‘v'auckm " he has had to work harder than many an honest man who we. . good living. And now he is in the poor house. year are 11105“-v mmmmcpmdlutthistimootthe and by M M Ind‘oould be easily avoided by calling on “s M 15"“ your old boot- ropdred in waterproof style, or What ' I"t“? m I now pd:- of our. guaranteed waterPrOO‘ b°°w and “:4 a! tin. an. o! lo an†annoying complaints. We ‘1' to 1013!. On and. d m 3006-. 39 ms 4 profmional beggar who tor years has played my “ suckers" and. as he Wines, without work- ‘ †MW m work: m a mm a 9 "mm:' A mm! mm Mk “an! m M now an m street m um..." OALIJINANDSEEOURAFALB The Work and The Pay JV , ,.â€"... â€"-vw-â€"-- u an..‘ I am a woman. ["5 I know woman‘s sufferings". l have found the cure. I will maii. tree of :mv rhnr'x' M with full instn:cu’m:~ ;, women‘s ailmcnts. I wan! to :. 1 this cute â€" you, my f¢:.’.'317, . daughter. your mother. or 30:: tell you how :0 euro: yoursrlu» ; the he! of a doctor. Men Cannot 1.“ en'- ï¬ll criugs. “'21.“ Wt: vu - ~ ~ . we know better Hm: am. my homc wnuncm i5 :1 5; ‘ ui Uzr. â€WP-J, WOT hiï¬shdlschlrges.blc r h ‘3 placement or Faun: of 111: Womb. notify: or Puma Periods. Uterine “r Ovarian ram 0% MI. 8150 pains In the head; back and to...“ heath: down icellnzs. nervousness. creepingled: ht up the spine. melancholy. desire to crv In Mes. welt-Inc“. kidney and bladder L " where «used by weaknesses peculiar 1001;: I want to send you a complete 10 days' u“ “lard? free 10 prOW: _to you that \‘uu can (11': .“mu’se f at home. casxlv. uliï¬kh' ‘ rnn' mu: 56X. i It. was twelve hours ax’ gone to their room hofnr world .had any imimutm zrible thing that had 'Shortly after noon m-dal {sole called up Ellis at t 'enquire about a 111m! meat. He got Ellia m phone, but the lattor's t was so fragmentary and IEbersole took alarm. lthen called up mannuvr {of the hotel and asked l {vostigata At ï¬rst. Ellis, who will recover, .tried 'to tell the pence that business \everaes had brought on their desire Dr death, but after insxstont ques- aoning he made the statement. that. i had followed his wife from Cin- mti on ï¬nding a loner frum a It. Caudwell, of the ï¬rm of Cand- HI and Becket, of Bramford, Can- “. He said she admitted that she mired Mr. Caudwcll, and that they greed to die on the anniversary of ï¬eir wedding night. A telegram received from the au- charities at. Brumfm‘d 5:1)5 that Caudwell has not, been muly from gthat city for months. What happened during night. may never b0 km may or may not haw in brain any clear recollocxi‘ was said and done. If h. may or may not. reveal truth. The police .loclarg killed his wife and 1110!! suicide. order. Postage paid on 51118 We are constantly sum and prescriptions to a}! the surrounding countn‘ BUY DRUGS BY PARCEL POST is because we hm'e want and give mail m and careful attention That in order drug by regular mail or I and ham: them deliver eel Post. decided to die togmher. She killed herself and I tried to follow her." when the notice cann The old scamp in ' Wakefield,†who \\ tricking and vhmn neighbor. went to u . while the honest, man and Constantly ml prospered and found I Only ï¬ction ? In every day life. It is the same with crime is no more arduous and . occupation, and none (3 more ingenuity and skill, 1 o! burglary, and yet the p a! burglars who v\‘ur get precious scarce. The higher grade begg malty. good adders m: 01 human nature 58612“. poor living might, uuh qualities and half the twine the money honest] mm W mm in an an or (or 9 Manama pitta m Wv Wnrking a m menial occupatiu Pi.†#87 Paltry Pay. ‘Fï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬‚w, m FREE TO YOU mo cvcnv Sls‘rsa 3N6 FROM WOMEN'S MLMENfg n a woman. . " She did it herst, by next mail after 1'1 EEINBOTHAM wgll cog! so}! mailing; Hun mud“! [ï¬n-SS : WINDSOR,.onL “‘85 Franker‘. The Vicar thong} 3 page telephone gasped Ellis m: floods W I] M r. Ebc' nf the tab Wednesday m. Ellis he W10- versation 1d that Emma†ankefinlv Work its as We COT. â€I Whole an ope mv ho: mss n sh €35" 38 Lindsay Branc vith the exact equivalent on the face of each chequ “unifying and easily neg WARREN Issued by The Can. 4di. 1: provide himself “ith Iund noonvenient )6! im- xxw n: country in the world m d CAPITAL, 315,0 TRAVE] Omemee Bran DRUGGIST AND Wm. Warren Special Prices 1' We also have a mic 'A anï¬ngs amount in quently possesses don count of this nature 1 by either party to tht Interest is added to_ I 8.11qu for HIGH ING HACHINES in ad 06'! Just now a good we MACHINES at l room for more EVERYTHING GITA new and Very SIR EDMUND V‘ mNDER LA! R I) General M. 10 to 3 o’clock. “ï¬n-«13y. 10 to 1 ASSETS DEPOSITS 3“; 1â€".smuâ€"«w .52“: tumâ€"n.“ "" ' \. QW -‘ ï¬pDnWâ€"nw flv'mu no 0" BANK Joint S maternal Parliam 2 PAINT CO'S L10 SPEC Ofï¬ce Ho Paid up (2 Rest Undivide‘ lmmnu. c1 ion, hcwf York, Chi Lindiay Every transacted Branch branche $10.