[are this oï¬tr agam. Address :orivhora rut Whitish dischargm - ....... Wmmmm" for Iment Hr Falling 0f the Womgf'l’lgfefuse 56“,“. ninlul Periods. Uterine or OVIthn Tu‘m vths. TAN) pains In the had; bocklnd have: in down feelings, nervousness. c plugged. up the spine. melancholy, desirerec hes. weariness. kidney and Madden; m rc caused by weaknesses peculiar to aux-sq, mm to “-211! java 3 complete IO days' tr: an {tree .,Ui.“)rm.fh _to you ithat you can Cure b, H. .«t ‘ â€UNA“ umly, quickly and sure] [‘rnrwr 13.: It will co_st you noflllngtogive é an :1, a. rte-.11: wall cost you only about ,3 ‘ 71:)! in!»~â€" -"v- «~th “A..- "A_1_ -l istimeoftheywmm' w avoided by calling 0“ "‘1 in waterproof style, 0’: '1'“ : guaranteed watel'Pfoo‘ W m .L‘m Lindsay Stfle‘ Ch: " t‘V‘V'u v.-7- v a surrounding conntry. This because we haVe what 139°!"1° nt and give mail orders prompt d careful attention. W 3†.nd Killed {fa-Suicide Pact flu Ucu CLuA an“... u-v-. t by next mail after. receipt 0‘ rder. {Postage paid on ’DCC .1 â€"wu. 5‘ no: mtrrlcrc with your work or occupation. vou suffcr, if you wish, and I Will send you the 'per. by return mail. I will {also send you DVISER" with explanatory Illustrations show. 8 themselves at home. Every woman should an the doctor saysâ€"“You must have an - ‘0an have cured themselvgs With my home of mugmenJ wxll_explaxn a simple home .eucorrhma. (Eruia‘chkness and Painful or ~24 and health always result from its use. mm- own locality who know and will gladly :ures all woman's diseases and makes women oddr , and the free ten ' gm - '1- “53%;..- M..- r .....E"5 “11mm VerSes I Quickly Follow 1 FREE TO YOU AND (var-w sus‘rzn sum :NG FROM WOMEN'S mutants. .‘E' AND WINTER srmcx. ‘j human, I: UY DRUGS BY PARCEL POST Into the Mg!“ in THURSDAY, 00mm nd The Pay V0 are constantly sending 800Ԡ'i prescriptions to all part3 . 'l'hxs » surrounding country. _ Met 1 had Laying complaints. S? mu: you tree BIS. Ellis, who will recover, l the pohce that business (1 brought on their desire but after insxstent quea- made the statement that. nu-(l his wife from Cin- ï¬nding a. letter from 3 >11. of the ï¬rm of Caudo wkct, of Brantford, Can- :xid Sh». admitted that she . t‘uudwell, and that they i.- «m the anniversary of '11: nicht. :n rL'Cr‘iVCG from the an. H, m-antford says that is not been away from W en t, rdcr drug store goods mail 01' by telephone I'wm delivered by Par- 19D 1mm, in .n Inna. qgi Dmrimhlo pining fl an. working l‘ m mini occupation W altry pay. hm‘ grade m '51 NH"! nddl‘m glad in nature mun tor N 4.: might. with th. and half the m. mum-y honestly. - suuw with crime. 0 arduous and dug s, and none “In; unity and skill. thu '5, and yet the pron urs who ever not Pin Vi‘ hours after they hid room before the outside r intimation of the tel" that had been done. nmm toâ€"day, Mr. Eber- Y'Illis at the hotel to t n luncheon engageâ€" )t Ellis on the tele- e latter‘s conversation *ntm‘y and wild that 1: alarm. Ebersolo , manager I‘m-uttering. nd asked him to in‘ doni d found t, herself,†gasped Ellis ive came. “ We had * together. She killed ricd to follow her.†W h!) I during Wednesday b0 known. Ellis 2 have in his own recollection of what me. If he knows he , reveal the whole ('v deflate that Ellis and then attempted D in " The Vic†d hu waga con «heating his hm m a debtor’s prise. t man, though mm.r robbed, Steam)! )und life easy. small par “19' It. isa Id TCSI: WINDSOR? I page from with the exact equivalent in the moneys of the principal countnes stated on the t: we of each cheque. They are economical, absolutely safe self- identitying and easily negotiated. Lindsay Branch, H. A. HOLMES Manager Jag 222% is b. Oucabzumazdr ‘ft‘v’l‘l‘lzv 14.08 cilia],- I!!! m E|\\ï¬f?otï¬uur 11' OOOOOOOOOOOO THE: BANK OFTOROKITO Omemee Branch, A. C. Hodgetts. Mgr. Ready Mixed Mat McLBNNAN Co lssued by The Canadian Bank of Commerce enable the traveller to provide himself With funds without-delay at each point of his journey in a convenient yet inexpensive manner. They are issued payable inrevery country in the world m denominations of DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN RIGGB OLD STAND Special Prices in A new and very special stock just arrived. Switches, Hair Nets, Barrents, Fancy Pins, Etc. CAPITAL, $15,000,000 REST, $12,500,000 A savings account in the names of two or more individuals fre- quentiy possesses elements of considerable convenience. In an ac- count of this nature funds may be deposited or withdrawn at will by either party to the account. ran his or her individual signature. Interest is added to balances half-yearly. A SPECIAL SALE HAIR GOODS THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE ‘ V CANADA PAINT co's UQ'J'DIW SIR EDMUND WALKER. ~C.V.'O.. LLB†D.C.L. Preddent ALEXANDER LAIRD JOHN AIRD General Manager Assistant General Manager DI 1n to 3 o’clock. Sagurdaya 10 to 1 o’clock. Joint Savings Accounts “my. nv'l‘OBER 93rd. 1918. TRAVELLERS’ CHEQUES EANK 0F MONTREAL POSITS ncorpontod by lot Daub}! of Purlismern A. D. Lind-3y Branch enablhhcd 1D. 18£8 have a nice book of post cards, 24 for,†Ofï¬ce Hours : Paid up Capital ..... Rest \ Undivided Proï¬t: branches an every Province 0‘ 'he 00- minion. every important city in the Damm- ion, )uwfoundland. London. England, New York, Chicago, eta: Every description of Bankmg humus transactad. bavmgs importmgm n. every Brunch $10, $20, $50, $100, $200 41,000,000 ....................... .0.- 00.0.0... .00... .o...-... .. L. MORGAN in All Lines This Week. Be Sure to Visit Us. ..u.. ....o- 1361’s; Boot Pills 'm m u m m gm. "You seem happier}! “Yes," responded the clerk in the department store. “I’ve been trans- ferred from the silk counter to the grind-stone department. ‘And very few viromen out shopping insist on pawing ever thatâ€"stock." Joeâ€"Is Gill a. good judge of cigars? Moeâ€"I think he must be. He had two last night and he gave me one. He must have kept the beat one. Any 1601 can“ ask questions that will make a. wise man back-pedal- Regular“; Manager Lindsay Bunch $32.802,000 -816.ooo.ooo $16,000,000 . Black, 802,000 .. 10c Establlu bed A. D. 1 81': $58,000,000 cases with the demure 8918-3931011 flat they are mother’s. you my a: well ï¬nd out at 0200' WM†“'9 pater: cut glass or silver. Guessing on an auction is intraut- mg. but a nut. you-'- stnw 179th no more standing than a. last youâ€! Whenever a young lady starts to embroider a. set of sheets and pillow QUITE RIGHT. Justice Winn, of Haverhill. Mass., has given ample notice that all per- sons convicted in his court of having operated automobiles or other mo- tor vehicles while under the influence of liquor, shall be sent to jail. The Gloucester Times says : That is just right. Soak them ! A man who joperated a car while he is even par- tially under the influence of liquor is a menace to himself and to every- body else who is using the same road he is on. Moreover, he helps ‘ to bring into disrepute every decent, self respecting, lawâ€"abiding autamo- bilist. The latter may try ever so hard to use the public highways with a full sense of the rights of other people. But all his efforts go for nothing, so far as much opinion is concerned, because of the frantic ac-‘ tions of his muddled brother. Gentle measures have been tried for a very long time without success. The day has come when =severer treatment of drunken auto drivers is demanded.‘ If all other justices would follow the example of Justice Winn a sore abuse would be quickly remedied." The concrete curb edges on the new paved streets have been chipped and broken in many places through the the boulevard. Such’unwonted des- tzuction should cease, as much havoc is wrought. where grass seed has been sovh to beautify the streets fronting citizens’ homes. careless backing up of rigs and driv- ing against them by teamsters on many streets. Drivers seem forget- ful at times and run the vehicle on CARELESS DRIVERS. Accept only the best men as your husbands, paying as much attention .to their character as to their per- sonal appearance. Choose the best. companions and read 1the best books. Practice housekeeping and domes- tic hygiene in your own home, re- membering that a. good daughter makes the best wife. Attend, if you can classes in per- sonal and domestic hygiene, includ- ing a. knowledge of the fundamental facts of life. You can be innocent without being ignarnnt. Remember that home-making is the' most digniï¬ed and important profession in the world. Learn about feeding and care of childhood :7 this knowledge does not come by instinct, as many suppose. JACKSON, Auctioneer. TERMS. Two months on cattle and horses on approved joint notes on all sums over $20. $20 and under cash. A discount at the rate of 7 per cent. will be allowed for cash on credit amounts. W. A. FANNING, Prop. ; GEORGE 1 second-hand buggy in good re- pair. 75 cattle, must be sold. 1 bunch of ï¬rst-class sheep. 1 doz. lined dash rug-s. Don’t miss this sale. 1 nearly new‘ Gladstone in good re- pair. 1 1 black mare, middle aged, driver. I 1 bunch ï¬rstâ€"class pigs. 4 setts new single harness. 1 sett double team harness. 6 dozen 22-inch sweat pads. 1 dozen new rawhide whips away. given iMWNG’S HORSE â€(MIME 20 horses, all classes, workers and drivers. 6 three-year-old noon in good con- cation. 44 yearlings rising two years old. 10 cows, all in calf. 75 cattle. w smokers. 25 2-; «Fold steers in good con- dition Sale Saturday, Oct.25,1913 75 cattle. Runners, don’t miss THE WATOHMANe-WARDER. LINDSAY, ONTARIO. nour make- a. bid for :19- Mas. Dunn. Damn, Mineral, N.B., wï¬tstâ€"“I take great pleasure in ex- pressing myself for the beneï¬t I have obtained from your wonderful medicine, Mnnm’s Hunt m Nnvn PILLS. Ihadbeenasufl'ererforovetï¬veyeus, and took doctors medicine of every kind. I would faint and {all wherever I was, “WannumNnvpms mn'ped‘ï¬e‘gotanm-downmand A_AAALI_ 4' __.!AI_ A‘._!_ TRENT CANAL TENDERS CALLED Tenders were called for Wednesday for the Nassgu dam. Trent canal, at Peterboro. Tenders are to be in October 31. Pearl McGumn's idea or taste is to hurt somebody’s feelings in such a way that they can’t resent it with- out seeming Terribly Rude. We like to point to the mistake which a. Respected Person makes. No " Whether he had made my bed that morning I did not know. There were several other guests at the ho- tel. and I guess they had the same experience. It gave me laughing material for the next three weeks; in fact, I'm still laughing about it.â€â€"-" The Sample Case." to think he's human. a tow minutes the bootblack came in with my meal. He served it well and didn't wait for a tip. Later in the evening he brought the ice water to my room. In the morning he served my breakfast and about noon he made change from his trous- ers pocket when I paid my bill to him as he took the role, once more, of clerk. Then he hauled me back to the depot. the bus driver, attired in a. white jacket and waiting behind the chair. ’Too weak to laugh, I lounged into the seat and prepared for the ordeal. The wagon driver gave me the best shave I ever had. Then I said I would like to have a. shine. You know the rest. He shined my shoes. He was sole proprietor, barber, and porter in the barber shop. " It was supper time when he had ï¬nished brushing my shoes. I stroll- ed into the dining-room to eat. In be'r shop was located. He pointed toward a. dark corner of the little lobby. I went in the general direc- tion indicated and found a door leading into another dark room. I entered and spied a single barber chair, but no barber. " Thinking the barber was out I sauntered idly about the place. I he‘ard a. step behind me. There was I couldn't keep back a. gasp as he empties the water into the pitcher and turned silently away. After cleaning up I Went back down stairs and asked the only perSOn I saw, the same old bus driver, where the bar- Would Ealnl and Fall Down Wherever She Was. Hear! Would Seem All Gone. " I looked around for a clerk. but saw none. Then the bus driver hung up his hat and went behind the counter. He dipped the pen in the ink and oflered it to me. I register- ed and he assigned me to a room. I told him I’d like to go up and wash right away. He left the counter, picked up the baggage once more and showed me to a room. It didn't take me long to ï¬nd that there was no water in the big pitchâ€" ’er that stood on the washstand. The sign that usually instructs patronsi in the country hotel regarding the use of the electric bell stared me in the face as I turned toward the door. I pushed the button twice for hot water. I ï¬ve or ten min- utes there was a knock on the door. “ As I called ‘come in' my erst- while friend, the bus driver hotel clerk bell boy, turned the knob and entered with a tin pail of hot water. By this time I was becoming rather accustomed to his company, but still I Yâ€"â€"-. It dldn't take me long to spot it. let there was only one other vehicle in eight.‘ When I started tor the bus on elder-Ly mu approached ‘me with the usual hall, ‘Hotel, sir ?' I answered in the afï¬rmative and handed him my grip. He climbed on the seat and we rattled up the hill to the little in. When the steel-tired wagon came to a. stop the river climbed down. took my grips and lugged them into the hotel. “ I we. celled upon to spend the night in ‘tho mus town at Yâ€", Penwlvenle. not. eo very long ago. The village in loceted high up in the Allegheuee. “ A: I climbed on at the station phtfom I looked around for the bus from the one hotel that I knew of in Whats. Tho how that was not no peculiar u the net mt. than wu Q gourd (“comm :bom. the plum. and ho uh everything. from bun boy to accord nugget. But. let. tho traveler toll th'o story : A traveling an un- g story in the " lid-Wont Hotel Reporter " :bout : how he chucod upon in A ONE-MAN HOTEL We was practically reduced to splinters. Host of the victims were traveling in theee can-ingee. A further disaster was averted by the promptitude oi the ï¬remen of the Continental Ex- ‘preee, who, hearing another train ep- 1mounting the tunnel. ran along the tack and placed detonetore on the refle- The driver of the oncoming train pulled up in the niï¬ a time. Two 01 the killed end e. medority o! SIX PEOPLE KILLER, THE DEAD Mrs. Owens, London. ( Miss Edmundson, Liverpool. Otto Gotham, Christianiu. Nor‘ Hans Olsen. Christiana. Bishop, a guard of the Great Cen- tral Railway, Shemold. ... Unknown woman. supposed to be Hrs. Owens' mid. Mrs. Owens was a. daughter 01 the late Sir Charles Scolter. The cable between Dover and Calais. opened in 1850, m the ï¬rst submarine cable. London, Oct. 15.â€"Six were killed and twenty-two injured. some seri- ously, in a. train collision near Liv- erpool this afternoon. The Conti- nental Express stopped {or some un- explained reason at the end of a tun- nel. It ls believed one of the pu- sengera pulled the communication cord. Atewminuteeletere see- ondexpreeeduhedintouheree: of the stationary train, telescoping the last two counsel. The woodwork St. Martin's church, Canterbury. is said to be the oldest. church in Eng- land in use to-day. A jackdaw, pure white all over. including the beak and legs. has been shot on Mr. liuckenham’s farm, The Firth, Billericay. The Jews in New York number! about 900,000, one-thirteenth of the. entire race. I Among person: over 80 years at ago one in ï¬fty is blind. The skeleton measures an inch less than the height of a. living man. Iron is seven times as heavy as water. bulk for bulk, and gold nine- teen times. » There are twenty-eight pounds of blood in the body of an average grown-up. person. The electrically propelled naval collie: Jupiter was recently com- pleted. This is the ï¬rst large ship to be driven by electric power. Any electric current of sufï¬cient volume to be used Commercially is capable of causing death under' very favorable circumstances, according to recent conclusions. In Russia, only 11 in 10,000 peo- ple are mad; in England the rate is 32 in 10.000. Water stermzation by ukra-violet rays has been adopted for European armies when in ï¬eld service. Mns. Jacob Cass is dead at 102 in Bristol, N.H. At 99 she was tak- ing in washing for a living. Mummwamm Edward Munroe has celebrated in London, England, his 104th birth- Robert H. Ingersoll, the millionâ€" aire “ dollar watch " man, worked his way to New York on a cattle :train with only $10 in his pocket. The introducer of Mellin's Food was obliged to mortgage his home to se cure funds to further its promotion. Eastman. of kodak fame, was a small dealer iii photographic sup- plies. Heinz started truck garden- ing and selling his products to neighbors. Day laborers in Bombay. India, av- erage about twenty cents a. day. Chinese tailors in Manchuria. work for forty cents a day. Austrian‘salt mines employ 7.000 miners. Britun produces madly over 2.- 000.000 hundredweight (112 pounds) of patmeal. valued at over 86.000.- Portugal’s continent“ iron. is shout. 85,490 aqua miles. at which 56 per cent. is under cultivation. Nuremberg. Germany. will next you spend over 62.000.000 on pub- lioo improvements. contain deposits mung â€$00,000. Kom’u {om trade toms 811,600,000 g yen. MWWKWKW‘MN‘WKKW «W‘sWX‘s‘sfg [ Chile's government caving! bunks )0 You Know THAT 0"" Miss Campbell left Montreal last week against her father's wishes to meet her lover in Ottawa, where they had arranged to get married. The irate parent caught her at Vaudreuil and sought to detain her Ithere. She, however, escaped through a trap door in the station floor and after walking for miles, {selling her gold watch to get moâ€" lney for her trip, made her way to [Ottawa by a round-about way and was married to Mr. Learny as ar- ranged. The young husband was then arrested on a charge of abductâ€" ion, the withdrawal of which charge this morning by the father enabled the young couple to be reunited. ‘ Johnson bought a motor-car, His pride in it was great, He ran across some broken glass, Billâ€"$16.28. Southern California's output of circus fruit thig season is estimated at 30,000 cal-loads. Secretary J. P. Ryley this: morn- ing expressed the hope that the new annoury building would be in shape for the big event. as it would give the Society a chance to make a proper display 01 the birds. "With a. good manbership, hundv‘eds of birds. good coop: and good prizes, the 1914 show should go down into history as a record-breaker.†stated Secretary Ryley. Our‘ idea. of a. trouble maker is any dual! or citizens with a nose {or new: and the gift of gab. The annual show of the Lindsay Pet Stock and Poultry Association will be held on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, January 20th, 2181'. and 22nd, arrangements being under way already to make the show the best in the history of the Society. POULTRY SHOW. thcmvmbcpqlblcutbowOï¬uinthhdtyudin Mmdmm,h may cl November. 19“. deMdlï¬ldW,†31¢“th Nodahhucbygivuthataflvflndatthcnudmm PBRCENT.PRRANNUHwthacapinJItockoftthankhal beadeduedï¬uthtmdngShtofOctoba, 1918.131 that Your opinion is a" right in the esthnntion of othersâ€"l! you happen to think as they do. Montreal, Oct. 15. -â€" A relenting father and the “ bless.you my chil- dren " act took place this morning at court proceedings in the case of Reginals Leamy, of Ottawa, who was to have appeared on a. charge of abducting Elizabeth Phyllis Camp- bell, daughter of James B. Campâ€" bell, 169 Lafontaine-st., Viauville, Que., a. minor, who is heiress to a fortune estimated at $75,000. I-‘LEEING HEIRESS. HIS SDfl’LE LITTLE CAR. JOHN DENNIS Low prices, I have no middlemen’a commission to $32,123: 3:322:12: PUMP MAK P R RUSSELL-ST. LINDSAY ONT. NEXT T0 CREAMERY OF CANADA Quarterly Dividend Notice No. 92 Exsct Copy of Wrapper. HELPING THE CAUSE DID IT. Mrs. Gossipoâ€""HaVe you any ides" why the Walkers don’t get along ?" Mrs. Knositâ€""It was a, dispute as to which swsttaed the most flies last month. '5 t The Canadian Baptist makes a Vigb jorous declaration against the recent appeal of the Methodists and tho ‘Anglicans for religiOus instruction in the Ontario Public schools. The editor of the Canadian Baptist is Rev. Dr. McKay. He says: "Tho place given to the Bible as repre- senting ‘a large contribution to the sum of human knowledge and cul- ture' is not to be disputed, we can- not prize it too highly. At the same time we protest against Bible study and teaching in our public and high schools. Let it be read more as it is now supposed to he. The resolution is mistaken in saying that ‘the present public school curriculum does not give any [)1an m the Bible. ' " 1 Mr. John Hogan, of Ops, who was iseverely injured through a fellow workman named Brien falling upon ‘him from a barn plate to the base- ment of the building, where the for- mer was in a stoqping position, is slightly improved to-day. Mr. Hog- an received a great shock. ham; some bones broken and received oth- er injuries. He will recover from the effects of the blow which he sus- tained. Mr. Brien was also badly shaken up, but escaped injury. Many tomzspeople when they heard the news thought it .was Mr. John Hog- an, of Hogan's Island, which is not the case. 030. I. mom AGAINST BIBLE IN SCHOOLS. WAS BADLY HURT. THK Pumps, Wind Mills Gasoline Engines .t.0 [(0) ll! .>8(tcu°0 [Stillo PAGI