.... a.‘ u. . .3 ‘ ) Q: 9! A» I <2 , ’7 “we; . _ . . , ,, .. Fog- ‘ A ' ‘ ' A .‘ “ ’ . watts «unamkc amâ€"w-.,.... . RAGE FOUR A HURUX’I‘U LIVE H'l‘ul‘K. I'nion Stock \‘urds, llctohcr Ifweillts, lti'.’ cars; 5511 Cattle, 516‘ hogs, 1772 shccp and lambs and 8:35} calves. An actch trade in all CIuHS-j Every da y an d the surprising es of Catll )ruVaih-d until all ollcr- . ings had “:0: taken at about steadyI truth '8 tha? m0,“ cases. are pre‘ pmw' ,.;x,,(,,., stem, so“ a, $7 to; ventable With timely, intelligent $7.50; choice hutchcrs' steers, 86.7.").f treatment- to £7.31); good hutchers' steers. $6.25; Theseappallingfactsshouldwm to 3:3.o1o; . mcdium butchcrs' stcci's,j us that after sickness, colds, over- 5530 to $012â€: common butchers ! work 01' any other drains upon $5.25 to $5.75; choice Cows, , I: 1_. h $5.25 to $3.07); good cows, $4.75 to, Strength’ Sec“ 5 mu blon S ould $5; Gunners. $3 to $3.75. Feeders : be promptly and regularly used be and stockcrs-llccvipts were large.‘ cause tubercular germs thrive only but, thori- ‘dl't‘ many buyers, and all , in a weakened system. offerings \\“-."t- rcudily taken at ï¬rm! The tested and proven value of thoicc lll‘zl\)‘ stccl‘s, SGAOI 1,..- Consumption Takes Bl GUYS, prices. , -- i . to $6.65; im-dinin steers, $5.60 to: Scott SEmulbwn, ‘5, 1’ gnlzed Py $6.25; stockurs 500 to 700 lhs.,I the greateSt spec1alists because 11;; Milkcrs and spring-I medical nourishment assimilates (-rsâ€"lvi-nmnd good and priccs steady. quickly to build healthy tissue; ““1“ 5““. 1“ aids in the development of active, “I‘mâ€"l â€fâ€: life-sustaining blood corpuscles; he a little caster. . strengthens the lungs and builds physical force without reaction. ' Scott‘s Emulsion is used in tuber- $l.7.') m $5.7m. at $.30 to 39“ cleh; $61) “(To (‘hoicv- hulls sold at $9 to $10 per cut; good. 5“ to $1); im-dium. $7 to to STU t‘iit'll. lll('llllt‘(l to $5; L‘fnlllllli)†rough, SIJU to $6.50. Sin-"r urni lambs-Slurp. 33-50 10: culosis camps because of its rare V3.25; mils and mins‘, $22.50 to $3 ;: body-building, blood-making prop- lamhs, ('Iltlll'z- t‘\\~‘>’ and \vclhcl's, erties and because it contains no $7.25 to $7.77) per cwt.; bucks, 75c. alcohol or habit-forming drug. ll r.‘â€"l’ Icc' )ts Icing . . . â€i“. “ II , ’ ‘ , Be sure to insist on Scott’s. light were firmer. Selects, . fed and watered, $8.70 and $8.40,, f.o.h. Cars, and $5.90 \u-ighcd oil! per hcad h-ss. prim-s Scott Bownc. Toronto, Ontario. G. T. P. ELEVATOR CAPACITY Cars. . At the present tune there are on Stock Yards, Oct. 16.â€"Rcâ€" IM ‘t b 0_ l . . . . ani .. v ceipts were again , o a o ee ators thh 8. these 1 . . . . C‘ ' 7'". . '- yard-5'. cspeclally of Cattle of “limb it. Iiatl-l? F“ iii 000 buikleés . in Sas looks like another record run this! a? “WT, 33280:: ‘d TMtLa cu- wcck. To-(lay's run was 150 cars. paCity o 0' d ’ . an m .lbeita elevators With a capac1ty of 2927 cattle. 1:383 hogs, 1233 Sheep .. - ‘ . 'l'radc ‘40,000 bushels, giving a total caâ€" of [Pacity in interior elevators on the was inclint-d to be low as many iG~ (l H . ) _ _ the dealt-rs had bought thcir supplies I )Ian. Vlmnk laciiic m the earlier in the week. Export steersI .rovinces Of (i,8;>...000. In ‘ _,wa were few of this class on gtion the capaCity of the Grand 'l‘runkl' IPacxï¬c elevator at Fort William sale. but worth $7 to $7.50. with 8.2 -(conceded to be the largest elevator few odd cattle selling 37.5“ to $8. I_ _ lift the world) is 5,750,000 bushels, I choice butcher's steers $43.75 to $7 ,, k‘ . 1 . , ..... nma'in ' ) 1' ' n goon butcher s stcers NLoO to; Lg a tota elevati r caplmt} 0 . .. . ., . . :the Grand Trunk Parade of 12,602,-I $6...) ; nindium butcher s steers St) a ' , . , 000 bushels. hutclwr s steers , l'nion large at 25 and lambs, and 269 calves. to Shh-10; common - r. . . ..._, â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"c.-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" 8.1.)†to b() ; ChOlt'C‘ Cow: ho to I \(‘E . - .- :s‘, $7) 3-1 ; good C()\VS ohm) to ho ; (:an- I ' ners $22.7)†to $23.50; iccders and , ,. 7 . . , IA dainty, charming- little miss stm-kwr‘sâ€"l rude aCllVC‘, prices steady | . _ _ r . i “cut tripping up the street, to firm as there were many buyers; _ .. , , lllut ere she wont so vcrv far t‘hmc.» heavy sti‘m‘s wolf) to $0.00 ; l ». _ †I hhc met a laddic neat. mcdium str-crs $53.50 to $6.30 ' . , . _,. _, . .._ 0.: : Ilcr little heart went. pitâ€"aâ€"pat, Slocknrs will to 41M pounds, 3.).-.“ , , . . A blush o‘crspread her face, to inicrmr rough stockcrs; _ 1 3 \l 9t \l'lk lsir'n .A smile, a how he made to her, - :.' .3. .. l. - ' i -. n J l -= ,_ S ' I h) I L ‘ I ( ,1 A I “1th SIiCh a courtly grace. crsâ€"Modcrate supply sold at >00 to.| . . . _ â€O cacl‘ bulk soil it Q60 to g_5 I leach wcnt their way. a ‘k " ‘ ( z " H In this small world of ours. .; ~‘ . I" v) â€"- cc‘n w )r odcr- I . . . . . cam :11 t5 Re ._ts c e m 1 "lheir youth m spring and love time . ' . ve I . ’ ate and prices ï¬rm f“: chotte 1 a2. Had faded with the flowers. - it '> -c ‘ oic veu s 5‘ I . . “h h were scai 0' h e 5 'But when in .ittcr years they met, to $10 per CWt'; gOOd calves 38 toI How Could- this ever bc. $5.17); C . ' , P- . S: ’ common to medium 34'â€) to :That he was grey at forty-one $" Sheep and lambsâ€"The lamb Still shc was twenty-three. market was ï¬rmer. Sheep $4.50 to I : $5.25; culls and rams :53 to $4 ; IVISlT UL" (ll-1N. \V. BRAMWELLI lambs. choice ewes and wethers $7.50 to $7.75; bucks 75¢. per head less. Hogsâ€"Market ï¬rmer, on light MOTH ' I The Salvation Army in e- Iwill shortly celebrate an event Canada: I oil I ceipts. nelects fed and watered lhistorical importance to that 01": av ' , . $8"3 and 88'40 f.o.b. cats and $9 ganization in the welcome to the' weighed or? Cars. Dominion for the ï¬rst time of their ' llramwell Booth , 01- late new general. \\‘. (lest Son and successor of the .(lcucrul William l‘sooth. founder of'I Toronto. 'l'IIEl R Cl').\1l’l{()MISE. Ithis world-widc movcmcnt. and Winnipeg.r arc the only centres to be visited by (lcncral llooth, and- for public t'Polly, put the kettlc on, We‘ll all take tea !" Bill of fare we'll settle on If we can agree. T‘athcr wants his ham and eggs. a rran gcmcnt s :mtlicrings are being extensive I and privzt t c Mother wants plain toast. made. The Gcneral lca\'cs South-l for a steak my brother bogs, humpton on» ()ctnlmr 23, and pro- his cngagements will kccp him from Nov. 1 to 6, altcr which he will go on to Winnipeg. David C'I Lamb, International Secretary. and: head of the Immigration Department, Commissioner John Lawlcy and tfol-, Ioncl Theodore Kitchint: will accoms pany General Booth from England. But. I want COld roast. ceeds direct to 'l‘oronto, whore [‘oï¬ce is the beverage My pursuit dcmandsâ€" (‘onunissioner Gives a mun m leveracc ‘ . his brain and hands. floodlutc is father's drink, ‘Milk ,will do for brother. These put mother on the blinkâ€"â€" I 'l'ca's the thing for mother. I ODD BUT LIKELY. (In?!) “hilt OI fthlfoffiï¬t ., ' E‘ll‘St Vacationistâ€"“d hey say there “hm “hat 0 t L . IiS just one ï¬sh in this lake.†“but 1’ 'l‘hcrc's no material â€for food or disputc '.’ Mother has her mettle onâ€" \\'ith her all agree. :‘l’olly, put the kettle on, '91 We'll all take tea . Second Partyâ€""110w do you ac- count for that one ‘2" First \"acationistâ€"“I have an idea it’s a sardine that escaped from some piCnic lunch." -â€"â€"â€"-â€"-.-â€"â€"â€"â€" ____o__â€"â€" AUDUBON 1-s-5-. women have no sense of humor. book and tell me who was John The average man expects a poundlllamcs Audubon, and when did he ‘of gratitude in exchange for an ounce die 9,, 0:, Charity , llover; I don‘t know when he died.†t‘apt. inch. or the \olturiio related I Johnnyâ€"“He was a great bird his story Ol the latest inniine dis- ! ’I‘eaCherâ€"“There it is before you, aster. '1856." M DR. S. J. SIM S, Dentist Graduate of Toronto Univ- ersity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons. All dental operations care- fully performcd according to the latest methods at modern ate prices. Ofï¬ce over Gre orv’s Drug Store, corner of illiam and Kent Streets. J ohnnyâ€"“I thought. that was his telephone number.†. Fortunately for the style factories. Teacherâ€"“Look in your hlStOI‘V} The United States has sent a sigâ€" niï¬cant notice to General Huerta. Children Cry ron FLETCHER’S CASTORIA ALI. VISITORS LINDSAY are invited to visit our store and inspect our line of ‘STOYES AND RANGES and ask to see our special value~ in Pocket and ~ Table Cutlery. I Cinnamon’s Hardware St, re mus-form and deare. nut-st. m 'i’.‘ Hundreds of People Ithe Grand Trunk Paciï¬c Railway in] I V ‘ . . m 1m. m WAmflMAN-WABDERJ masavMN'mmo. .,.__._â€"â€"-â€"â€""_â€"'#â€"' †â€W The Three‘ Guardsmen . o . By . o . ALEXANDRE DUMAS I “Ah. traitor," cried Buckingham, “thou I hast killed me!" hand pressed upon the wound. P .r. lcort of twenty musketeers only. no 1.0 . rushed into the closet. He found the ’ de 'h’eville ï¬xed upon our four friends addl" duke reclining upon a sofa with his . to form part of the escort. portâ€"the one- bearing. as‘we know. mi- lndy. As to the second vessel. we wfll- tell hereafter whom it carried and how it set sail. During all this time nothing fresh ocvr only the king. who grew weary. resolv- l ed to go incognito and spend the fes- ' tlval of St. Louis at St. Gormznn‘s. and asked the cardinal to order him an es- M. The four young men heard the new: “Luporte,†said the duke in a faint f a quarter of an hour after M. de Tre- voice. "Laporte. do you come from, her?" “Yes. monsieur." replied the faithful cloak bearer of Anne of Amstria. “but too late perhaps." “Silence. Laporte! You. may be over- heard! Patrick. let no one enter! Oh, I cannot tell what she says to me! My God. i am dying!" And the duke fainted. In the meanwhile Lord (18 Winter, the dcputies. thc Icadersof the expedi- tion. the ofï¬cers of Buckingham’s household. had all made their way into the chamber. Cries of despair re- souuded on all sides. Lord de Winter tore his hair in ago- ny. He had learned of: milady’s escape. bad remembered the verbal his messenger. Dad trembled for the duke and had gnllopcd on :it full speed. The duke. however. was not dead. He recovered a little. “Gentlemen." said he. “leave me alone with Patrick and Importe. Ah. caution . I I D‘Artagnan had transmitted to him by ; I l I v I I I I is that you. De Winter? You sent me ; a strange madman this morning. See what a state he has placed me in!†“Oh. my lord." cried the baron. “I shall never console myself forit!" "And you would be quite wrong. my dear De Winter. But leave us. I pray you.Ii The baron went out sobbing with grief. . “What has she written to me?†said Buckingham feebly. Laporte broke the seal and placed the paper before the eyes of the duke, but Buckingham in vain endeavored to make out the writing. “Read!“ said he. Laporto read: Mllordiâ€"By that which since I bavo known you I have suffered by you and for you 1 conjure you. if you havo any care for my repose, to interrupt those great arma- ments which you are preprlng against France. to put an end to a. war of which it is publicly said religion is the ostensible cause and of which it is generally whis- pered your love for me is the concealed and real cause. Be careful of your life, which is men- nced and which will be dear to me from the moment I am not obliged to so. an enemy: in you. Your affectionate ANNE. yourself, Laporte?" asked he. i I I I I . shall present this note to her the novice ville. for they were the ï¬rst to-wbom be communicated it It must be admitted that their impa- tience to return toward Paris bad for cause the danger which Mme. Bona- cleux would run of'mceting at the cone veht of Bethune with mllady. Aramis. therefore. had written immediately to the seamstress at Tours to obtalu‘from . 31'9" animated by degrees and smiled. the queen authority for Mme. Boua-I persecutions exercised by the cardinal cieux to leave the convent and to re- tire either into Lorraine or Belgium. A week after Arnm‘m received the fol- lowing letter: My Dear Cousinâ€"“1th this you war ro- celve the order from my sister to with- draw our little servant from the convent of Bethune. the air of which you think does not nnrce with her My sister send! you this order with great pleasure. for she is very partial to the little girl. to whom after. I salute you. MARIE MICRON. In this letter was int-losed inn-order conceived in these terms: The superior of tho convent of Bethune will place in the hands of the person-who who entered the convent upon my mom- mendatlon and under my patronage. ANNE. At the Louvre, 9.33;. to. 16:3. The escort paswd through Paris on the 23d in the night. 'l‘hc king thank- ed M. de Trevme and pcruiitted him to distribute loaves of absence fix-four days. ' The four ï¬rst leaves granted. as may be imagined. more to our four; friends. Still further. Mbos obtained of M. de Trevino six days instead of four and introduced into these six days two more nights. for they set on! on the 24th at 5 o‘clock in the evening. and as a furthec kindness M. de Trerille post dated tn.- leave to the 223th. in the morning. $id D‘Artairnan: “In two days and by knocking up two or three horses (which: I care little about. as I have plenty of money» I peuszouer of your». has she endeavored am at Bethune. I present my letter ' 1., fly?" from the queen to the superior, and. I bring, back the dear treasure 1 go to): some Ioro amm " I seek. not into Lorraine. not into Bel: slum. but to Paris. where she will b! I she is in "We sue ls not altogether much better concealed. particularly while the cardinal is at La Rochelle. I act afterward. She began to tell u ato- 3 ry. obscure at first. but very circum- I lating the «mean: 0‘ the minister. sccn." she rcnnirkmi. pulecd beyond Theabbess listened more attentively. exprcsskm. That night Il'rmiz appuurl-d :.t' the 3 I I I I I she intends to be more serviceable bere- J l Remain. then. where you are and do; u not exhaust yourselves with useless , Have 5'0“ nothing else to say t0 mo ‘ fatigue. Myself and Pinochet. That is all that such a simple expedition as “She charged me to tell you that sho ' this requires." still loved you." “Ah." said Buckingham, “my death. then, will not be to her as the death of a stranger. Patrick. bring me the eas- ket in which the diamond studs were kept and the sachet of white satin upon which her cipher ls embroidered 1n pearls.†Patrick obeyed. “Here, Laporte," said Buckingham. “these are the only remembrances I ever received from her, this silver cab- ket and these letters. You will restore them to her majesty, and as a last me- morial"â€"he looked round for some val- uable objectâ€"“you will addâ€- His eyes. darkened by death, met with nothing but Felton’s knife. “And you will add 'to them this knife.†said the duke, pressing the hand of Laporte. Then in a last convulsion he slipped off the sofa on the floor. At this moment the duke’s surgeon arrived. He took the duke’s hand. held it for an instant in his own and, letting it fall. said: . “All is useless; be is dead.†“Dead! Dead!" screamed Patrick. As soon as Lord de Winter saw Buck- ingham was dead he ran to Felton. whom the soldiers still guarded on the terrace. -_. - _. . “Miserable wretch." said he to the young man, who had regained his cool. nose and self possession, “what but than done?" “I have avenged myself," said he. “Avenged yourself!" said the harm. “Rather any that you have served a an Instrument to that accused woman. Butlsweartoyou thatthlsorlmeshan be be: last crime." “I don’t know what you man.†:0- plied Dalton. “I killed the Duke of Buckingham because he twic- m touyouudftbmmpum I _________________.__..._.. I I I Tl. this Athos replied quietly: "Consider. D‘Artagnan. Bethune Is a city at which the cardinal has ap- pointed to meet milazly. If you had only to deal with four men, D’Artn- gnan. 1 would allow you to go alone. You have to do with that woman. We will go." On the evenlng of the 25th as they were entering Arms and as D'Arta- gnan was dismoundng fat the inn of the Golden Candlestick to drink a glass of wine a horseman came out of the posting yard. where he had just had a relay. starting 0! at a gallop and with a fresh horse and taking the road to Paris. At the moment he was passing through the gateway into the street the wind blew open the cloak In which he was enveloped. although It was the month of August. and lift- ed his hat, which the traveler seized with his hand at the moment it had left his head and pulled It down eager ly over his eyes. D’Artagnan. who had his eyes ï¬xed upon this man, became very pale and the door. but was stopped by 1118 friends. ‘ “Where are you going to now In this fashion?†cried Athos. “It is he!" cried Dix-lagoon. “Let me overtake him. That cursed man. my evil genius. he who accompanied the horrible woman when I met he: 5 mmmuoua likelytomakaaplayforboth. you condom-a ma by’cnnhg _,,. 1’ h.‘4‘:â€.~v'. A} .'.,<§l m!" . m" _.dl Hm 91-h! r I let hls glass fall. Then he ran toward I disapprovlnk l .' Iknowu': I am about. wrung» to dis curred in the camp at La Rochellerlspfead 0"?! be? "how â€PM" nwnsmv. (mum... L.“ fast the nbbcss came [0 pay on a visit Mlludy wished to please me nbhess She was charming. winning the good superior by her varied countrsation about the court and by the graces But she . was greatly emburmsscd She did not know whether the abbcss was a royal- ist or a cardinalist Sb» therefore con- fined herself to a prudent middle worse. But the nbbcss. on her part. maintained a «save still more pru- dent. ,vOu artr sound and safe. and you can i tell them that Gmustark soldiers shall be instructed to pay no :itrmlion to thorn whatever. They shall not bc dis- enthusiasm. anger conversation with kiddos she had almost betrayed the fact that she was not the princess. Some of her expression- were distinctly unrcgul, all some of her slips were hog-clcss I as she viewed them in rctt'ospo-ct. "What an; I? Only thc humble- goat .buntcr. lmntud to death and mgr-r for a short rospflc. [to with Inc :is you likc. your hidmcss. M'llsdy began to concave she strand soon grow «wary of a convcm life. She resolved. men. to rink somctMug I in order that she might know now to at Icnsl." Iic said, sighing. "i'crhnps it is f0! the host." standal afterward. or the cardinal. re Milady then went on to describe the dos for .lll'lllblll‘ .ur morc. In-chcv. tlicm no outsidcr kncw, though rbcro wcrv‘ team in the cyns of both at tho parting But l-‘i‘:n:z didnot upon his enemies. The nbbess only crossed herself without approving or Tbis-contirmcd‘milndy in her opinion that the abbess was rather a royalist E than a minimalist; ‘ "I am very little acquainted with alt land he hung about; (hull-ml; until bud cxpucn-d. ‘lbese matters." said the tibiae-5s. "but tmornin: uninc. (‘ilg'l‘l‘ to ('illl‘ll the our . of his lcu-Icr norm». it was mu Itllo. 'l'bc conch was drawn up in front of non of M. to (‘ardinuL Lunu'imumcut. tho hospital :it 91- sfwlock. :cw-riy t‘riâ€" iuenaces. lll trc:irmcnt~i~bv up: still†nmphnnt in. command. came ed everything But. nine-r ml. .\1 It- ‘duwn Illtr'sthps' slowly. (alrufully. ft:- (lfl'dlnal Ila-‘3 Perhaps. Dial-Willie w“ {vorlng lllc'llcu'h' lll‘:ll"tl lizunu-nk in Lives Turin-ting mus" ibis lcgs. She smilcd clan-lily at him. I one of our pensioners bus sntfcrcd much from the \‘Pbkeum'c and pm‘sw-u 'IlllIlH\' "Goodt'saulmiludv rebel-wit "Who and lie-swung bfs rakish but 30w. There was no sign of the black patch. Suddenly he started and pol-red in- tently into the little knot of pcople rovw suuwthmr. here!" "M. :9 Cardinal does not almys pur- sue crimes." sarcastic "Then-“W “’7 near the couch. A look of anxiety mm virtuvs than u" â€Mm“ more 5“ crossed ins face. From tho cmml 4d» WM! than 09'1â€â€ U““""-’~"H vunccd Sr grizzled om owggur. who "Permit 019- "1008th W “9“?“ m? ' boldly ektcndcd his band. Baum surpnse." N'd'u‘e noun-33. )ou don: grasped the proffcrcd band and then speak well of the cardinal." I b t his friend.†I stcpped into thecoach. X0 one saw the "That is «nose I an; no I bit of white paper that passcd from Franz‘spalm. into the possession of Baldos. Then the» coach was off‘ for Edelw'etss. the people of Ganlocll. en~ Joyiug the unusual spcctzicle of a myo- terious and aplmently undistinginsbed stranger sitting in luxurious case be- side a fair lady in the royal coach of Graustnrk. â€Oh. you know be‘mcn-tbat lovely and noble queen?" cried the novice warmly. "I have not the honor of knowing her personally. but I know a great umber of but most ultimate friends. 1 know M. (‘2 Trevino." said. she. Signing. “but his victim!" “Well. but this letter"â€" "ls an order rm- Iur to confine ny- sel: to a son or prison. from which be was release me by one of his satel- lites." , "But why have you not bed?†“Whither should I go? Do you be “We there 5 a spot. on we earth which the cardinal cannot reach? This young ' .\0; she is detained in France by "All. said untidy, with a sigh. “if wretched.†“0h." CNN the novice. “we shall 'Tben.“ said the abboss. looking at 5°03 be well acquainted. almost frlonds. If you know M. de Trevino her with increasing Interest. “l behold another poo: pvrsH-Iuvd woman? You are not an enemy oi our only faith?" â€Whoâ€"l?" crlca milndyâ€""l a Prot- estant: on. no. 1 am a fervent Catb one!" “Then. madame." said the nbbess. animus. “be reassured We will do all. in our power to make you in love with. your captivity. You will bud here. moreover. the young woman of whom. I spoke. She is amiable and well by baved.†“What is her name?" we must have visited him?" "Often." said mtlaay. “You mm: ha ve met some ofbts mus- keteers. Do you: know a gentzeman of the name of Atbos?" Mllady became as pale as the sheets in which she was reclining. I “What is the matter?" asked the poor inovlce. "Have I said anybbing that has hurt your feelings?" "No. no; but the name struck me. because I also have known.that gentle man. I. know not only mm. but some “She was sent to me by some oneof 0' “g friendsâ€"1:151, Portbos. Aramis / u", m .. high rank. under the name 0! Kitty. “BY 3233““ . m Om ( I. .. I l have not endeavored to discover bet on now 5" dArtagnan. cried Marble and Granite! u; by orber name " the â€Vice. 3:103 her eyes upon Inl- ' ENTS‘ if . .1 . i . . - ’ lady. “85 what title?" '3 3' HOW m " 1’ c led mlln to herself. To . M N I I NI : . tbohdgtgpsq :1..- sma- dy “ka." replied milady. considerably ___9____E_____â€"-â€"â€"â€"-'¢ ed anv mun-x ; ‘ this nun embarrassed. “why. b, the title of “""'* ' â€mum: at .1 . - lad??? When can I see 8 friend." . - | Still “in!- business in the fl; the aC('ltlo-!.l ‘I . ' 0 9 same \ "Why. this evening." said the ab‘ To be cont‘nnnfl )ld 8m? bUt' net 1:7 i the Ii†1h." adminâ€... bees: "today even. But you have been VGY- We advance. “-i mediatcly \\ ..- , w traveling thesc four days. as you told Mr G Isaac has .ugt com ‘e‘ed and are in a posuicn tc- do be“: . hand “‘1‘! ;..,.- me This morning you rose at b ' ' 1' p‘ ' rk than ever. .Ngw designs. hands. ,. ., . ' a. ï¬ne new cement silo. â€0 _ ’96 took - «mu n .v oclock. You must stand In need of .m’ new and 2:1er I" load and mm“ repose Go to bed and sleep. At din- ner time we will call you.†Mllady was awakened by a soft voice which sounded at the foot of her bed. She owned her eye- and saw tho ‘1) man how ms , mm 10 mm. Sh. Doctoral For Three You! But Was Finally Cured By Mllburn's "out an! Nerve Pills. â€" Mas. Josxrn Sin-m. Box 25, Creel- man. Sash, writerâ€""I write you these few lines hoping they will be a help to someone suffering from heart and â€"-â€"â€"â€"*â€"â€" THE KING AS A HUNTER. While the King and the Prince of Wales were out. deer stalking in Glenâ€" gelder, near Balmoral, recently. a small herd of deer was sighted, (but suddenly took alarm and bolted over the hill of Orange. Ghana. . The King trouble. I doctomd for three years but hastened to his hill motor m, which 3’3““?1†3“ :13“: a 11mm 1' £13; waninwaitlngnearby.andafterg, futrunofsevenl miles succeedme heading of! theherdandsecurfng fourflneheads. 01185011111: “I. an: vehemlgotuut Prineeoanlaa wellncmu'chm gin. Oglyvurheg moutdeerstalkfng 011001311391: “3- m, "m Craig. ThePflnoomud for-5% y “I‘m'fln‘l thmnhgilndnr~.0hmm for mm 11:10:51: fanninolndinxonowitha titular Mike» 1'0““ / turhed.“ He laughed outright at her ' Many times during hot . You shall be my , ; prim-(«s and novcrr-ign for six months I “Yoo'nre thcsrmntr'st man I've ever , hospitn‘ and was left :llonc with 8211- : \\'Ii:lt passed ' start for tho pass that night. :is they I Strung-V xiv-\Vs had some ‘ to the cars of U103 :;Eiizhfnl old l‘ollowcr, , ll, “.18 an“, n, . , . .. ,- an“). .. __ ., M w. _..-.n A.~-.dv»â€"~_- WT“ .. - “u w .7...â€" , W†uh‘mmmmmmï¬o, m â€mm-um“ ' ' ° “ ‘ ' ' ' SECTION TWO ,. mum- wntb umtpmuun. Ban . , “3%.“. u no . 3â€â€! m “M n [0 “'“Ex RSI“)! I II . ' v . . ,, intu- ultovtu sodium†I a. ‘ I- . . fli’.‘ ,-. while the voidin- board Futon. 0w m'â€..",‘-f".?.'.l 3":3"»:.'.“.: Tho nbbvu mutilation touch I, . . . . L‘ Q“: I aim-1m: thin. clone. h‘""‘"' ""“V ' ““40 :uw the yard :1qu u‘amnan on "W' Than. . w a. lo 0",. of u“. I. ' ' . . W m. â€â€œld bm' or *‘Ouon. ‘t CV†“â€0," {DP â€um Oh. I.“ a. t" 30!!" "m ‘ DI. .Lm . i]! Q silillls lltli‘. 1‘ “ll ' ' I l"" W t ‘ 01'! Doll. be heard the simple Puritan "1‘0“.“ mu â€m, “my said no . :f‘bo novice out down}. am" said u“ I2! (I . x; on... .l. ill.» mammal meld ho Recruited tho mo and "in: ma Annals. "but out On! 3°“ "“‘°"‘"“"‘ . ' a an no ‘ W.â€""‘. "“"’ “= m.“ l. m o , a co as 0 use our mace ‘ m- m in- onâ€. vote of um (I: ml t that! word is the name at W town or "3 9 war may to: 0 ghost tn l 1.. l... In“ W“. mm. V V“..".' mint“! comm. .fnd ' expectv ‘C‘ l‘rop tlll‘l!‘ (‘llI\i-_\ 1' I!“ l l ('mrs “1 I“ °3°° “9 "an“ a†970' 50' "Armtlem" ma Poi-than 00mm '0 all â€NWT" "a: ct: d-ntugc m“ llll‘llu'l‘\ l.“ .‘rl"_m. can. fixed upon . "on" 0' the '9" E. “And '“t "I'm? "7‘ 3' ‘0'†0" ""1129 luau)?! m "101th to a." of thc sprint: lllllllll.'\ «in In lug, “W the “1' 01 the “009- which "I In wrltten m her band!" cried “boa vent. bad suffered practice 01' hum," W; ' ‘ “"""‘ the directed toward the 0°33! 0‘ Franco. "Come on. then: come on. then." “I think l learned â€mm I.» n- during:' that wk“.- .. I “A“ {I'ï¬lldl He grew deadly pale. placed Mound um D‘Amxmn. “Let us keep that â€mum from the c ‘ ¢° ~. u .- . -‘ - - ‘H- or l.-~ .. L... h ‘ . upon his heart, Wm“! was breaking. paper cant-Hy. 99mm 1 can not “â€1100 INN!- †“" "fâ€â€œml Hun Wm. Ladles and at once perceived all the trench- thrown away my unit plmle. To “What I In" â€mi the" "0'†°“’ that rr'm‘m- Univ «.1. pm... "Lg cry. Mindy had advanced her do- borne. my menu, to mmr- good mother tattoo-you 08†likewise, and Iui-ttcr at 1..“ WM ‘ â€â€œIk L i. , Damn by In [1001‘ and l half. A8 And the four friends gnmpod‘offn been ' victim of that “1‘:st â€me“? than wnth un‘. owl-r .\\\Y m, .pnund (’1 H 5 soon as any heard the cmm wmcb the ma to 36.009. â€8‘18!!!" 88“ milady. 1ft “8 n0! CO\\'S uh‘a lllt‘n nil llll\ll'l‘. ‘18 Ill? 1 announced the fatal event she bad or- even here speak that 0‘ him. mom,“ alflt‘f f“ . ‘ ‘ "-' "“cral I (“170‘ dered the anchor to be weighed. ° ' ' ' ° " . “Bl" you. madame. you appeav t° be . k.“ m}. r}... h \fljcfm‘“ “"7 mime A ‘ ‘ Mllady landed‘ at Bonlogue after a five. and if you were inclined â€'3’ It " ‘ f. “ â€m â€m“ u... mm, CHKPTER xun two days' voyage; She only remained .1 only rests With yourself ‘0 do 804 "“’f‘"'*- . BUVS. ' F ‘ . long enough at â€'0‘“? m pm ‘nto S "W‘hlther W011†you have me. ‘0. _ l‘()r H llllt-llu'r Hi lI‘L:\v|?:,\_ I "ouw ' 1 E n "f ""°°' the Don this letter to Ric-belles: [without friends. without money. in ' I? W.“ WNW I " \VOOI (lllli H ~ PSI 91" 0f the King 0’ “magnetâ€. ‘91 you eminence )g regg- lpurt of France with which I am unac- lcmnc l'l'csh (lLl‘it: .. M hngland. Charles L. on learn- wrm. an “no. the Du“, 0, 55cm“, Iquainted‘! 1 am alone or being perse- ‘Lms â€w H W .. \ , .. . 1,, I , tug of the death of the duke nun will not set out rm France. rated." I '“_~ I I . - I., _ CI] 1 ll 1 I p was that such terrible newlf' “NW†DE â€"- "I ha rful friend ho fie! '" “r ““"~‘ -"~5 1*" ~ . Baum. evening oft-he 5th. '9 powe 3' w ' a _ .. H - -. , . ~ ' might discourage the gmhe'm’l He P S-Accordinx lo the desire of your having exerted themselves on my ac4 :Tmlmr’ Lim‘ "' . 1» 1.... tan ~ I l, I ;endeavored. 58581310119119“ in hlsmem- eminence. A an) xomx to the mow-It of count. may also exert themselves for I “‘ â€â€œâ€"' “""" V‘ â€' "J r ‘olrs to conceal t from them as long the carmemu 0* Bethune. Where A will . -- laud Il:i\ :1 z ._ . , , ‘ 7 I ' )0“- . 3“ “min: (P ,. . .11 Ins possible. closing out the ports of his "we" â€it or“: t ornln vb -vn “Oh. when I said I was alone." said . rmdc, in “mm. ., 2.2.: 31 l ' ’ ‘\ v kingdom and carefully keeping watch 5‘ 5mm" ‘ e m" m g ‘ e ' mllady. hoping to make the novice nms mum-n .i: .., ,6 "HIV u f I that no vessel should go out until the‘ ("“0 Bethune. She inquired for "b" speak by 311! â€I,†of bemslf. u" is not - «.m- W Luâ€, W ‘ .2.» « » . x . l army which Buckingham was getting. convent of me Carmemes and went to for want of some “mm, placed friends. I mv. -. .. sup L'lll , r L together had set salts it '1‘:mmtely. t m h" Mlh- but "I?†friends themsmvï¬ tremble ‘l'iuttl-r “M L , . . , . ' But as lie-did not tbmk of givinxthll ‘9 3“er ““9 â€â€˜f ,5 rd‘ below the cardinal. "be good quccn .7 .L ‘ , ‘ ‘ "1W CI]: . order till the hours after the eventâ€" “57 snowed D" the wrdma s o M herself docs not dare to Oppose the ter- I "'3 ""1"“ ' ‘ “‘ c 2m: ‘ I ' that is-to 883.1111 2 o'clock. in the after The “â€0935 ""Sig'wd m" “‘ "mumâ€? rlble Wet." _ Ԡ"'â€â€œâ€œâ€'r “I"? ' ‘ ".wiv (K I I I noonâ€"two vessels bad almdy left the and bad) â€"9"â€! 33W“ 5"" NH" ' “Yotr' can send word tm them that . cut‘ml :‘m- .lzm ,. .7 ..-. “UL: « ----- {mun-rs ('f'!‘ mu \5†-.. I)“ lat-1“!) t'ula- fl):- ‘~.-v ., g. a,†) w li'l' {H’uv'lrlt‘is lllgl .v _r , \ :3'.':.->: 3".1 I)‘ )\ _\ â€sun râ€" , . '. I v '. r 2' . .- l . , .‘ , / 2 ll( I « .\.~ I; IN II. (N, .I .. ,I,,. t‘nw' l) . .. H . ‘l’ FIJ" Zl'l-'\"'I'l.~' . _ l . ll MIC ‘llkllllldi "Jillâ€: I: 1. which mils h. «4.2. . .._.‘L â€M ‘III'I'IK .I‘" a :~'4_"‘ .‘l ' . » . IIIr’Wl \\IlI‘ll Sill" 2\ 1m 5?.“ . H'..';A' d...w.rl “qu .i lung-V "NW : .» , s‘o-Hlur .. ,-_ "XV](l v 7r- 'H‘Y‘~I~ v'.“ > .- ..-|‘ ., k. In - .‘ . ...\l.1;; ‘ ll“ lrlll‘ui'ht'il Ill‘lix Ilvi‘ . . “guppy†. l - :L’ i. 1 '. â€- Sezvizg Mocha-,9, ling rcpaxf‘d. Gm- w. SHEPHAED'S “Eu-n \m- as m: --.. 1711» . a. 23: ll.“ spring ~-;,- I. . :imi \ 1'. â€1'1.†>. , . â€W. ' "‘ H ‘ h L- o o ‘L , ‘1 ‘11-"! . . . . - ' i .. H“. " - ~~ . Suulde at .\ . i." “luv : . .Irx ... 4 3...“. .. , . ‘1 L L . .*'~ 9 1“" ‘1 _,., \s' u -- o u .<’.,:. "\ ‘H _. W I, Jclé. .)H,__: I (.“Hr'm'dï¬ï¬; “w 3‘ stuiillpuim .1' if 3m l‘uiwn' 1.) â€,w .' . w... ‘, (Im‘ium «tn-Jpn" ,y , .U . f-xll, in :‘43' ..~-. ;-~ ........ \2. _ milk llllll cram, .l' - L L} {In} ~ ‘II:" lirs' .:\ - .1 f 11:. tI-r‘tt 'sl-rlngt :1!.-- 7m. ._ ,~ ._.., .0 .3 Jam - 'ISL' L'l'Lvfl. '«v l"i""‘ “ . ._ 72...“!1 w I'll: l- ‘v Ilwn young-r. R . J" , 'Illc‘ It) llyl"\r~ .‘u "w‘ n Uh: l ‘lmril, than 3‘1." z..:_ .:.-r.- in_ n l « 'llh' hot s n. .mo " W~ .. .w a bi“ ‘ ‘ i smn‘i'n- 1 :' mni‘r; .11“. . z " 1. .1, .‘w I I â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" .11“ s I Muzzv .'.. 5.'.>i..:vl: . ux- 1h.) I l'.‘ll'Il('lH." “I“: « ,n . I bli. l‘ . l I 'u ' ' ' d i \i‘n-r‘i- o ‘1 . I grlc. 1.1m: , I ï¬t tk" BCSIC It 93 SI †1'. \W . ‘V ) o . I I ‘ . . I I‘:»‘ ‘1'.» > { C F L . ELLIOTT . ~ \xas' . ~ [if , a ~ _ l TORHVNTO 0N1. gtx‘w- I_.zv. 7'. I an; fruit. I I (llll' 5-..',ln- how .n, z, ‘- :Ii , 1‘ .\ .zu.) ‘«. I lili>‘l.l"“~ .litll “‘ ' . I I“. 1. los . - : Cairn" I'lr‘w' ‘ I“: i . i “iii: 'A'. mini" 1w 1â€,: m“ I l ‘ . I ’Cor. Yang. and II. J ELIâ€"l0“ . n" . Illexandor St. Principd 1iâ€, i ._ ’ ,l 371' .v“‘n . llU'u' f;-)‘ râ€... 1‘ Agent for the Massey BicycleI 31.. New Staring slot". \ ‘iï¬c‘iclc 511'," my 5......- ,. .. . I plie-s. lhililoi) .‘z'ncu 3:. lire" “1 - s. 4 Tim‘s, Pumps, 3.2. '.--x'.\'.f‘> I193" WW“, , for the Slnsscy, I mild 3'“ v .. , ‘ Il""8m - Peifvct -i(‘_\(‘lc- H .~- All - i L l and) Mown-r 3x3: :- Sh-x'iKmd' o . ,4: l W'll' -St. North I Neat Pool éï¬din‘ Lindltl I .“1 \‘.t'w',l ,, l â€"- . Hal. urt. . ‘ k. 1!â€, »_ “a Dr; Neelancls, Dentist m ‘ -""“ ddllldg. Smafully pracnsmg ltd†°I Stock, u. - umd ’11" ll‘.i!.. bound .7... , gave! Spam Killer 3 SW Imitation Froe. 11-19,.)0I6 ‘1‘- ‘bled Cal‘S ivdt‘i‘ and methods, in fact. 11‘“ â€1:“ W01“ tr . aï¬lc “as unlu- y-_ in this part of Ontario. ' u prices and see our dais†be“. purchasing. $1101) and abs-w rooms .- Cnmbridge-st., immediauiy 0° \â€" â€"_â€".- The Bureau of 8 FOR .\ ‘s l? {TLâ€"‘1 ‘1 M ’ “ié Five registered 1’... t- .. . Undsay Marble Works ‘° ‘W ye... om. ., .. R. CHAMBERS. r n .. / WOOD Lamb-r. Shingles. 5%.... Como“ an Factor! 00" t ' ' ' '0 years. the Baker inn (0. W gag-m... a...