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Watchman Warder (1899), 23 Oct 1913, p. 8

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SWMEEB mm mm «Mum. 9mm and mm: mus “112-. = Wfi'fikfl M {30 mm gamma! heme-am ha”: My am (“Mum‘s Siamm 1; miles Mam Cwm‘g mm station: flange and bans an M; wm he 991m eheaa. A991» ta he: fig Rah mm, em. I‘URFâ€"lillED STOUKMEN MEET. The annual meeting of the Victoria Pure-Urea Stock Association was hcld in the office 01 the Department of Agriculture on Saturday after- noon, October 18th. The officers elected were as lollows :â€"President, Wm. \‘ullis; Viceâ€"President. James Casey; Sec.-Treas., A. ’A. Knight. llircctorsâ€"Messrs. C. H. Mark, A. E. Swain, Chas. Jenkins, E. W. Green- away, Frank Graham, Thos. Cars- (‘uddom W. M. Graham, J. J. Cay- lvy, .I. J. Warde, R. H. Reid. John spent-e, R. E. Thurston, John For. man and Robert Hewie. The next Sale will be held on Tuesday, Janu- nry 27th. Those intending to con- trihute should hand their entries in to the Secretary on on before De- cember 15th. The number of en- iries will be limited to thirty-five. Young bulls of the beef breeds throughout the Province are already getting scarce and the Association is looking forward to holding the most successful sale of its history next winter. hwnm â€"â€" BROWN â€" At Kinmount, Ont. Oct. 20, 1913, by the Rev. E. F. Heckley, of St. James’ church. Margaret Almeda Bmwn, of Lutterworth township to no: mas John hwy/he; oi Enemy; Bun”! NUT CRUI‘ A FAILURE. 'l‘he heechnut crop this year is a complete failurv. The result is that the red squirm-ls which are almost entln-ly (ll-hemlmt on them for their winter's fnml supply are to he sven quite thickly in orchards nnllng np- plus. F‘m-nhmll; llam- will find iheir way lnln lhv lmmH. 'l‘ln- ml anmlt-rnl l9 :m Nli'l‘m‘lh- lllllo- :mlmnl. mu ('HMWU '1'" MN “RH TRENT MAY BE AFFECTED. Serious injury to the ten million- dollar Trent Canal may result thrOUgh lack of water. according to the invastigators, unless the rainfall is conserved through a. careful fores- try policy. Some reforestation may have to be done. The RL-V. James Gilpin, of Lind- say, late of Shropshire, Eng., and brother-in-law of Mr. Charles Ford, of Ops, has received and accepted a call to the pastorate of the Baptist church at Sherbrooko, Stromness. .Onm _ v. ACCEPTED A CALL. Mr. F. Bryant and family, 0! Min- er’s Bay, Haliburton County, have moved to Lindsay, and will reside here in the future. MOVED TO LINDSAY. BURIED AT WILBERFORCE. The remains o! the late Mrs. Fos- ter Gibson, who died in the R.M.H., Lindsay, on Monday last, were inâ€" terred in the Wilberforce cemetery. Amman, {Mn mum stubmmt mu a 9» Huh. 1."va mm «mm «- NM. NM Mann, MHHW m 5‘ “mm mm Wm». M Mann For wreaths, or any arrangements of choice cut flowers for funerals: etc., ’phone Hughan’s, 286, Lindsay. Prices reasonable. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23rd, 1913. CHOICE WREATH S. Toronto Representative- B. E Smallpiece, 32 Church-st. Any or the recognized advertising modes in Canada. are authorized to accept business for The Warden. ted Subscription Batu It. Daily Warder â€"- one cent per ppy. By mail to point; outside of Lindsay. $200 per .veu. The Watchman-Ward” (Weekly)â€" .1.00 per year in advance; $1.25 1! .3111 during the year. Postage to United States extre- DI-fly or Weekly, 50¢ per year. QAGE mam The Watchman-Ward" Had Bad Sore for Years WEEKLY EDITION ALLAN 611 L135, Ploprietor N MARRIAGES. TELEPHONE 97. arge mm mm .q murmumm m “WWW i Susannah; 3% th mm. \mmmam am May. 5 Rn Mucus === mam». £31199 was W 9%.; SEE badge at an new ts 1mm and gum. my am: new "$309 $1. Gym was mm mm m um‘ie tarâ€" mmwm‘ \\\\"¢l lh‘u HS A CHALLENGE. Mr. E. Flames, Mafiboéfi Battle king", and MT; G; MB. MEWBE‘B mama; who are the ehampien aw: thwm 62 mm are 613% for wants and would 39 91mm 19 heat m a m m; the namely 16 b3 bulked 98 at the V'mem eewnw 319m 35% ,The bride and groom were unat- tended. A dainty wedding breakfast was served, after which the bride changed her Wedding gown to her travelling suit of navy blue velvet, with velour hat to match, then the happy couple motored to Napanee with wedding party, and tOOk the noon train for New York. On their return they will reside at 271 Crew- fordâ€"st., Toronto. FLICTFHERâ€"DAVEY. A very pretty wedding took place at Enterprise on Monday, Oct. 20th, uhen Lillian Mcllbnald, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mr§ Geo. M. Davey, was united in marriage to William J. Fletcher, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Fletcher, of Napanee, the ceremony being performed by ReV. E. Rowland. The bride's wedding gown was of grey charmeuse satin, with corsage boquet of lily of the valley. Immediately after the ceremouy the groom’s brother, R. Wilson Fletcher, of Napanee, sang “Because." The wedding music was played by the groom’s sister, Mrs. Geo. Couch, of Lindsay. x unzm “mung “us mlsflumml M ax. Man": H. (1. church 9n W95- sluy h)“ Vicavâ€"Huncz‘zu Hasgy, whsâ€"‘n Miss Mum: Hutmu was when in We My hmMs m‘ mutmmmy m Mr- Nirhulus Shea. of 5mm; Ops. The happy young couple [cit viq (LEE. at 4.30 pm. for Tumum and inter- mediate paints wvst. On their re- turu they will reside in Ops. Mara: ‘ My 1 Hm w 5mm MM WEN-u § mm mums m1 HM mmm- ’\ {many mm; ‘ M rip. Mgry’a H. (1. c slay h)‘ Vifim‘fiuucrm ms:- Mmis: Nathan M My hmMs m‘ mutrim Sivlmlus Shea. of $9 .{xtttlxztttltttttlt “iwx HH1MV\V. ’HM HIM Mm”: ii HM 35L Essex County Council hns taken a forward stop in the mntior of good roads. and at a recvnt snssion preâ€" pared a by-lnw, which will be sub- mitted to the electors nnxt January, whereby tho muntv will ruiso nnn million dnllnrs for 15" milns nf rumi- wny. The new rnmln‘ny will connect nil towns, and will lm vmmlrnrted 0f mncrpte mnlnrini swim-1M m1 rncnm- mnndntinn of the I‘rnvlnrinl En- nlnm‘r, Mr. ilnimr. O‘¢¢‘;¢¢;“‘¢;;;§£§¢§o ‘ Such is the opinion of all persons ’who have really tried Zamâ€"Buk. It is a sure cure for eczema, piles, ab- :scessos, ulcers, scalp sores, ring- worm, cuts. bums, scalds, bruises, and all skin injuries and disoases. 50c. box. all druggists and stores. or post free from Zamâ€"Buk C0,, Toron- to, for price. In case of skin dis- case use also Zam-Buk Soap, 25c. tablet. “ My daughter, who lives in Leth- bridge, .\lta., has also used Zam- Buk with the same satisfactory re- sult. 1' think it is, beyond all doubt. the finest healing balm known.” “ I know a. lady in theeast of the city, whose husband sun‘ered to? years with an open sore on his leg. On my recommendation, Zamâ€"Buk was tried in that case. The other day, when I saw her, she told me that it had healed the sore com- plvtely. I saw that it was going to heal the sore. In less than a month it was healed ! GOOD ROADS BY-‘LAW “ Each box did me more and more good, and, to my delight, before I had been using Zamâ€"Buk three weeks, “ A sample of Zam-Buk was one day given to me, and I used it. Al- though the quantity was so small. it seemed to do me some good, so I purchased a further supply. Mrs. Wilson, 110 Wickmu-QW" Toronto, says : “ About four year: ago a sore spot appeared on the right side of my lace. This' spot, increased in size until it became halt an inch in diameter and very pain- :ful. I went to a doctor, but the ‘ointment he gave me did not have anygood eflect. The sore continued to discharge freely, and was mostl‘ painful. 1 had it cauterized, tried poultices, and all kinds of salves, but it was no good, and I continued to sun‘er from it for four years !‘ ‘ I H Mm ZAM-BUK HAS HEALED IT! aim? \““HN"\ .v mmnng \\ flymeneal m \H H FINN; It th M: I HM WIN ”WWW N l-v Hm MWH‘ \\ Hm Hum} ‘i‘naaungu h! MP. mwmm HMWHH W nu business Memo m a M in me am School ”on M m M m m h m nu... “um. .. .m m M W W9 G991 "( m ‘ M “m .‘9 WIN at he mm. In M m _.â€"â€" 34;: 3322:9136 atria“! my»: fur ‘5‘ I”. Dr. V. a. than «I W mg 9' am§ mum and mugs.“ ‘ ” M‘ 0' m mm “mm M mkhwt “1:? :et:1u;:.tw ‘ ‘ '\ " the ‘m a. ' 1 Special services were held in the'eron. jMethodist Church on Sunday. Large. Mr. A. Laidley was a visitor to congregations listened with rapt at- Peterboro last week. tention to the addresses, at 10.30 Mrs. Elmer Jones and her daughter am. and at 7 p.m.. delivered by the‘ were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Rev. Mr. Cannom,. of Canton. On J. Jones. the afternoon of Sunday, raily‘ servâ€" Mr. Percy Pogue. oi Haveiock, was ices of much interest and enthusiasm visiting friends in town and the sur- marked the efi'orts oi the Sunday rounding neighborhood. School stafl. The floral decorations: Bliss Mays meannell, oi Keene, at the Sunday serVices were the sub- Visited with her push“. In. end 3901: of favourable eomineht. because Mrs. 'r. G. McConnell. of their beauty and mastic: arrange; mes, W spent the ’mnnhgivmg meat. 0n Meeting evening the in: at her home at Lindsey. . dies «at the ehuwh served me a sump: m. A. E. Byers spent the halides tubes supper. whim preeeded en in: at the. heme e! his daughter. Ind Meeting lecture by the flew in. White m. amm.wheeesub= be. Mum “who.” u Mt“! “m: mm* Meme pretensions! visit to ens-no mt: hummuhwm” lib _ ~ in mm of m use a m RIMES. oi the?“ bmmunmm. autumn-mum mm.mmummsmmamm hm mm,m a ”human“; I!!!" Omemee, Oct. 20.â€"Rev. D. II. Currie occupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian Church on Sunday even- ing and deliVered a Thanknging diS- course, treating the subject from the sub topics : National, family and per- sonal 'thanksgivings. While the of- fering was being received the c it rendered a very appropriate angina). Mr. Noel Clarke, of Pgfi'rboro, spent the Thanksgiving at his .home here. Mr. Chas. Lindsay, of Lindsay, was in town last week on business. Thanksgiving Personals from Omemee--Other News Items MHHn Hm tm-mm *" m Hm “mm Hush; MM MWHHNM mm. mm «Mm. um um w-mnw an nun-h 2" Hw thnm-a‘ “-th MHHW.“ ‘ Hun Hm gums MM mm “mm. H mm Ii that in mm. Mums mu any» N m-h‘ieugmh- Mum-a HM- hum mar- Ii mu, m hhmm; MM mi in mum“ at “mum? NW Ma H mm“ mun um 1W mm: H "mm M: M Ma mm; mu mm hug 1mm»; Hm mum-a MIR 5mm mzs' Mirma HMH mu ha Mm: Nth? MN mFfiHHfl mm MHHMZ; mm via u Mitififir hm M‘- n “WM: mm 31 mm HHmm mm: mum; w M‘- huiémt Mmu m fl mmms‘q hm; Hm mm- mmma Ma» mui Hm H mun-4'- “er 1‘- smwnnns ӎ HMH \a m M WWW HM m; u m mm» mm H: M mm mm mm N u MW in; mama; w mm nu Hm Mmuuw m‘ Amsul- WWW m Mun-Hm mm 99 NW A W mam mmmwa‘mufi am am! mm mm: mm m 5% MM» mam- Haaiatm is. mam-M mm mm Mum Hm (mm W mmm as the um; Mm is m Mum» rm- Hm man wean. 'J‘Mv Ii‘flHMM-‘n Am-mm, m Lummn; gran-Lu H mm nnmmn- Hmâ€" Hm NMUM m " mm. mum; Hm hwnww‘ m Hm mum Mm». um um w-mhw an nun-M In tilsfl‘iisslhk the bust hf 1mm: {herb is n-muant Mam-mum m thu rnmm us: the my Mm is m Mum:- hw Hm man Wm. 'Hus MHm-w These are an imported line that will give extra good service large double bed size. Heavy twilled weave and finished sing- ly: Speeml per 1.45 0811‘ .............. Extra good qualities in good large sizes. Our special prices 2.85, 3.49, 3.75, 4.50, 5.50 and 6.00 per pair. Excellent Flannelette Blanket at 1.45 pair Woo! Blankets for Winter Nights Ladies’ and Misses MotorHoodsâ€"An ideal cold weather head dress. All best colors. Extra good value This should be your shopping place if you desire quality and value in knitted goods. Ladies’ Sweater Coatsâ€"~Our range is very complete. All the popular styles and colorings. Specially priced at 1.50, 2,00, 225 up to .................................................... 10,50 This coat is specially made for us and is the best possible for the money. Good quality rat linings. Extra good wearing shells. Large warm Sable collars, semi- 50 00 fitting styles. A wonderfully good coat for I There is a snap in the weather that brings to our minds the memory of winter and deep snow: Our stock of Furs this season is very complete and buying as we do from the best and most reliable makers, we absolutely give you the best style, workmanship and quality for your money. There are beautiful sets and separate pieces in Mink, Pers:an Lamb, Sable, Coon, Wolf, Mole, Hudson Seal, Fox, Marmot, etc. Our Special Ladies’ $50.00 Fur Lined Coat Select Your New Furs Now There is a “Snap” in the Weather That Says “Buy Educating the Farmer LADIES’ KNITTED GOODS Mrs. Elmer Jones and her daughter were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Jones. Mr. Percy Pogue. of Havelock. was visiting friends in town and the sur- rounding neighborhood. Mrs. J. J. Nichols spent a few days the guest of friends at Cam- eron. Miss Roberta. Mahood, of Reaboro, was the guest of Miss Thins. Currie. Mr. Hancock, or Peterboro, was a. business visitor to Omemee. guest of her niece, Mrs. Magoo. Mr. Ed. HAdams and party motored through town last. week. Mr. Alvin .Courtnuy, of Havelock, spent a short holiday with friends at. Lindsay. A number of our citizens attended the fair at Post Hope. mm «umâ€"1mm n pnmntflvt um! nut mm-v MUMPS: mm amen mm the nmwtwml Mm! ! In {in ms «Hakim M mm rm. Um Hint at In. my: in HM ! hut Mun mm M” It Hui-a rm Hm mm M hn-m w-miuwi Hush; MHM “mum" Hm‘r. mum Our range in this winter headgear, is very complete. Styles the very newest. Prices 5111)], Cl'b, L"Li “CD, llllllllllll y'all-x, vav..u 750 to $2.00 Mufflers, etc. This Store Should Be Your Headquarters for Knitted Goods J. SUTCLIF FE SONS [AN-WARDER. Women‘s Institute Rest Room 2nd Floor ' Knitted Hats Ma» mw Um Hm- u=a WM m; MM H W Wm: Mum uu-mn mm MM Hw m. «M M ii Hiram m-Mn m 1- w HR 25c Mr". J. ’1‘. Benny. ear-Reeve 010nm- men, and Mr. W. G. Stephenson at- tained an indignation meeting oi the Lam at Melon mm. on Mess can The object of as math; m ts pretest against $59 named as MS 8i! 9! ISM 99W fl“ mum admonish”: has as tn an on“. 3 In Won. 9t 09!. III and Mr. H. Hayes, of London. has been buying cattle for shipping. R”. C; Carew was the guest 01mg Mother. Councillor B. Camw; Mr. Wm. Lnidley, an old town boy. has been calling on his friends here and enjoying an outing on the river. He spent the summer at Toronto. for which city he left on Saturday, in- tending to can on friends at Lindsay on route. Miss E. Bradley was home from Peterboro Normal for Thanksgiving. Miss Gladys Henderson, of Toron- to, spent a few days last week visit- ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs."l‘hos. Henderson. The l’reshyterians will hold their anniversary services next Sunday. when services will be conducted at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. by the Rev. P. B. Thornton. The next evening (Monday, 27th inst.) a fowl supper will be served, and this is to be 101- lowed by an interesting lecture and addresses, quartettes. etc. Mr. 11.193168. teller 0’ the Bank 'j‘huuksgh'ing Day. of Toronto. (linemee. was the guest: Rev. Mr. Line was in town Monday 0! friends gt Reuben-o Sunday. {renewing old acquaintanceships. The Anglicans are arranging for a: Mr. Sam Skuce ,came home {rom grand celebration and supper about, Toronto tor the holiday. the 9th and 10th 0' November. l Mr. '1‘. Shaw, of Toronto, called on The Presbyterian will hold thelrtmends in Omemee on Monday. and anniversary servtces next Sunday.7wan the guest of Mr. Sam Skuce. Mm: 1mm WNW-gt: M Hmnhmt mm Mama M'- ‘l'hmuhwh w: MP Ham mm M WM‘hm was: Hm gum at Ma MM», W- 2195' Marsha: Mm: Mm We- «mum Wm M “WW WMRHWMW Wm “Mr am» Mr- WWW, Mm is a atmm m Tu- mnm Unwmw- Mr- slam “army, at Bum-hum. 51mm Sunday with his parents. Mr- Hanan Tuompaqn, of anaum. was the mum at his parents. Dr. and Mn. J. N. Thompaan. for the holiday. dress by RM. D. H. Dun-In, and a talk by Mrs. L. N. Menmmré. Mm chant fifty years ma n, mlnsInhm-y :1. mm; um wnmm n! mm. 9hr mm thd Hm Mary at MN m» «wk «- mum-t Hm mum“; mum: at Hm ”Humans at Murnunn mm Hm pqu m that Mindy mummm “Hum mum. Hm mt m “mm M MM «mm m mMWii-I mm mm mi km H mm M NH mmm‘m mm 'Hm hum mum WHHSNWHMH mm Hm mm” mm mmhmm m Hm mam-a Mummuu; Wu Mun» mm mm mm: LINDSAY Pure wool hosiery. mitts. gloves, bedroom A special_linc ( slippers, toques, aviation caps, Clouds, at sale at We. Mufflers, etc. sizes at “Hound Ti. and blue colors, Ladies’ and Children’s Knitted Underskirts 4,, \172/ Special values in Linoleums and Floor Oil Cloths , The quality that wears well and at reasonable prices. mun mm.oaxm. «unnumumm In “human. The initiation was put on by the Barrie Council oi Knights and sixty- iivs member: Joined the society. The £0.19. hall was used on the occasion am in the emailing on eisbomte banquet m given at the in oi c. an to the visiting brethren by the m ML over three mm m Knights were present. coming m MOI. m 0! Ontario‘ The following members of the Lind- say Council of the Knights of Col- umbus atten'ded an initiation of Knight.- at Barrie on Monday, Oct. 20: Mauro. F. McClory, J. Rogers. J. Dwyer, f’. Kennedy, D. Twohey. M. HeGeongh. Senator McHugh. Jan. Cain and A. Gasman. The Rifle Association held its last match of the season on Monday a!â€" ternoon. Mr. J. A. Wylie, pharmacist, of the T. Eaton 00.. Toronto, spent Sun- day and Monday at the home of his mother, Mrs. L. Wilson. K. OF C. INI‘I‘IATION. Mr. Noel Clarke, of Peterboro, was the guest of his parents over the weekâ€"end. Mr»: V H‘ hmhhza ma m Ma mm m hmhmu hu' {Muhamm- Aha‘a \hmh'h \qu hm‘ hhhm m Mum's; WW RYH‘ uh: “RNHNM- MM 'Hhh‘amh ha“ M Uhhfimm m shy-mt uh: TMRWMVWE ht hfir haw. was kWh-59h wvm m her hum m 'l'umhm (M We hhlhhw- Rehwmtmr the High Schhhl cumâ€" muhcmhcm in (inrhhmihh Hall an the evening at 94th infit- There's a treat in sum: {or those who amend. Mr. John Palmer. at Peterhoro. visued- his who and childrcu on Thanksgiving Day. Our stock for winter is now very complete. wise in buying your supply here. Per garment Hs At $1., 82, 2.75 and $3 we are showing some bun nel materials, made up with soft collar and cuffs a An ideal cool weather article. Mlnn mu mm. 90"th M \Nwfl t'nflm‘h, tfivi‘uvIfifih, mum 'i‘hnhkngw my NM NM- gmmu. Mr. mm M”. “m. mm; at {IHIMMML MM. Md. IMMMM. M Mmmm‘. mm a, mu M NH mm; MN. M ho-MM. m. mu Minis; m mm“; mm Sutclifie garments ‘" have been particularly popular this season. Our styles embody the very latest modes and the 35115 are in the newest weaves and of the besz qualifies at are-different prices. We are now showing sumo x”), at- tractive coats at economy priCCS. tor. firs. Bach. Misc mm "alfnur, M Limkny. mu: Hm mmt M Mm mun» anh m-m- mu wank-Md. ‘ Popular Styles in Ladies Coats HM MMENMHH my mm Hm 1 M Kent and William Streets Lsdies’ Flannel Shirt Waists mm“ mm a; H? Mommy»; § humm- M M LADIES’ UNDERWEAR WWW mum M‘ NH 250 to 500 ar mm m kWhâ€"9M “mm m M «at Munc- lwr hum M mm 1 u m m; Mt m 'A successtul Capt. Thom -â€" 4 Pte. G. Wilsonâ€"3 4 0 3 was uu'eatenmg ra members turned 161‘ the MaSOn cup and N. C. 0’s.) Pte. Cottingham. the coming yea score: are as {0110 yards, possible 50. Sergt. L. Brooks 'l‘hunksgiviug club muse. .1 target installed was used for u worked perfectly. .1 was threatening rain {Change in C. P. R. 1 Time Table ”WWW. Gamma: Lieut. Sherin â€" 4 Pte. A. Brooksâ€"22 Pte. Cottinghamwi 1‘1 In all the new weaves and special prices um. 2.0m 2.2.7 t1) Very Cwmplcte Showing of New Coating Materials Teddy Bear Crib and Carriage Blankets 5H I") u \ll {0110“ year In: Rifle Match (111m rm ‘Ckct M)’. Mr “‘6. in; W“! in!“ M uh “(mum‘s mt Um. “lacs mm mm IM‘ ~; William of IdThomas, who M are : _ M: Mrs. 1s: M ”Id Mrs. .L Fume-a] was h“ M thévmtnux km mum m Ladieo' 10m: coats. lined 1! extra quality R: with the new dthfl‘! W1“! 000d mvit‘on'. each W0 many from 9‘0 the English Ladiea' long mtg. beautflul]; out With A1 ‘3”? tened with 'lur ornament. Rom Prices oath Ladies‘ km: from camfully (flan muskmt throughout vm satin. We ofier pfioeu $55.00 11 LINDS m E “Wm Mr. Jos. U (ad Nor! Mt 1-1-10 1! and OBITUARV house w EM Fur C9 m qmmmmj * in “mu- .m MI MI. 001%!

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