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Watchman Warder (1899), 30 Nov 1899, p. 10

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SIGN OF THE MILL SAW‘. South Side of Kent St. LGWBSE PHGBSM Razors Table CutteN The Festive Season will soon be here, and we wish to assist you in making you selections for Xmas gifts. Beautiful new goods are being crowded into our show C3885. Carpet Sweepers Mltts Clothes Wrmgers Meat Cutters l-ruit Choppers Thermometers We have bought for cash and intend to sell as low as we possibly can. Ve aim to sell only such goods as will give best satis- faction Our aim is to please our patrons. We will not be satis- fied unless we do so. Brigg your repairing here; done qulckly, properly at mod- erate prices. Piain and Fancy Window Glass Fine Builders} ngdware Engiish and Belgian Portland Cement Glazed Sewer Pipe - Scranton Goal Two thirds n ‘rYnu Life McLENNAN EU. This is an important consideration. It meanSf that you should clothe your feet in only the ‘ best Shoes, that will give you comfort and health. I keep a full stock of the leading makes. Below are a. few prices : Men’s Boots-a large range-from $.50 Larrigans ..................... SLOO Up Women's Strong Shoes .......... 150 up Women’s Pebbled Shoes ........ 150 up RUBBERSâ€"A large stock. Agent for the famous Lumbermen’s "stub-prod” Rubbers â€"the best made in Canada. See them. Boots and Shoes made to order. Trunks and Valises An Internal and External Remedy 5 DROPS 5 An absolute cure for Rheumatism in its many forrm, Sciatic-.1, Neuralgia, Nervonsness, Sleep- lessness. Nervous Headaches, Nervous Dys- pepsia and Nervous affections of every descrip~ tion, 150 for Asthma, Bronchitis, Catanh, Heart \Veakness, etc. PRIGE, One Dollar P6P BOBBIE isSpentinYumShues! H. 088%?! HELM, Con fectioner and Fruit Dealet, {our doors Wes! ui Gaugb’s, Kent-5L, Lindsay 35 0E“? The U5: fuzmt’dh pen ever sold for the money. Writesm words with one muggi- . . Bard mbber holder. highly polish “ax-ranted. to gwe entire saismi‘ou. Your money back if on want it. Agents can make :uzzney 3e thispcn. Sample. .5cents; one dozen. $350. sen: L.._.stpaid. :21 our mu . Johnston a Winks. 71 Yonge St, Toronto. , Chains Halters Carvers in Cases Scissors cLENNAN 8180. Guns and Rifles Skates 77 Kent- LOWEST PRICES li'thrfie fissortmenn . L. WHITE Stable B'rooms Whips 51,, South Side. - SOLD ONLY BYâ€" Toilet Clippers Pocket Knives Scales Mitts NEAR THE JUNCTION ON THURSDA! NIGHT. 'lhe second biz smash-up just outside the northern limits 0: this town occurred on Thursday evening of last week. About six o’clock one of those monster double header trains of forty cars, laden with 'Manitoba No 1 hard wheat, was coming around the sharp curve this side the junction when the twentyâ€"fifth car left the track. In a. moment nine others had fol- lowed it and were smashed to kindling vv vvu- With Conductor Quinlan .in the van and Drivers McMahon and McMillan in the cabooses the train left Midland at. ten o’clock in the morning and [came along Without mishap to the junction. The throttles of both engines were thrown open as usual to make the grade just south of that point. The train was making good headway when the curve was reached and then came the crash. No one was hurt and the damage was all to road, rolling stock, grain and con-I venience, for the trains had to go around by Blackwater for a day or two till the track was cleared. Gathering up the grain and corn was a big job and when it ;had been roughly done, Mr. S. Oliver bought the balance for $16. Driver Mc- Millan escaped from the big wreck west of the town last summer. A Lindsay Youth Murdered at the Central Prison At hail-past four o'clock Friday after-l noon a Central Prison convict named 1 Arthur Cardinal, now serving a fifth term, 1 having been sent from Ottawa for a year in May last, concealed himself in the cell of another prisoner named John Hughes, a lad of only 16 years of age. who with his father, James Hughes. was sent there from Lindsay for six months on a charge of vagrancy, and with 2; 15 inch bladed knife, obtained by stealth from the kitchen, stabbed him so furiously and repeatedly 1 that his victim's life has been undoubtedly l sacrificed. Cardinal was employed as a cleaner in one of the wings and young Hughes was a messenger. Earlier in the day there had been some altercation between them, Cardinal alleging that Hughes “told lies about him." At the hour named above, the prisoners go to their cells. Cardinal slipped up quietlv and entered Hughes cell to await his Victim's arrival. When the latter came the other leaped upon him and stabbed him twice on the be ad. and again I on the neck shoulder and back. Hughes‘ screams of pain and terror brought the guards on the run and Cardinal was over- powered, disarmed and placed in solitary confinement. Dr. Sloan, the prison doctor, and Dr. Harris were summoned and Hughes was put in the hospital. His wounds are terrible. Une gash had cut outapart of the skull and exposed the brain. During the night he began to sink: uâ€"°_v_ _ wounds are terrible. Une gash had cut outapart of the skull and exposed the brain. During the night he began to sink: and Saturday morning when Crown Attor- ney Dewart and Alexander Downey, oflicial stenographer, went up to get his anti-mortem statement he was nnconsci- 008. A- . g ,. wounds. TEN CARS WERE WRECKED In 1397. while serving a term at the Central Prison, Cardinal clubbed another prisoner and for so doing was tried and sentenced to Kingston Penitentiary for two years. so Theré i3 practically no hope of the lad's recovery, and if he dies Cardinal will be tried for murder. To the Editor of the Watchman Warden Sm,-â€"Your report of the case of Calvin vs. Lethangue in last week's issue. is most unfair to the defendants, and while you make no direct charge against them is calculated to cast a slur upon them, which is not at all borne out by the facts. There was no evidence given at the'tria‘ whatever, all the allegations of the plain- ‘tifl‘ were said by defendants to be utterly untrue. On the plaintiff s own story, as told by his pleadings, he had no show of a ground of claim and his lordship so held. The case was, as you say, dismissed with ‘ costs, the defendants undertaking not to‘ collect the costs unless the plaintiff pro. ceeded further with the litigation. His lordship said he was ready to give judge- ment in that form then, without taking any evidence, or to 20 on and hear the evidence and then determine the question of costs, and both counsel thereupon con- sented that judgment should be in that form rather than prolong the matter. Cardinal confessed that he inflicted the You can see the manifest unfairness of publishing an account of this which would seem to assume that any of the plaintiffs allegations were true. The only alleqa. tion which the plaintifi‘ placed any reliance upon was that the defendants, Lethangue and Messrs. John Kennedy and J. H. Sootheran of this town had entered into a fraudulent conspiracy to keep down the .price of land. This, we understand, is‘ denied by all the gentlemen mentioned. and their high character and standing is such that no person would believe such a charge, and we know ourselves that it was groundless. Yours truly. MCLAUGHLIN MCDIARMID. [Our report of the above case was re_ ceived from a legal gentleman who attend, ed the court. VWehknow nothing of the merits of either version.â€"â€"ED. WATCBMAN- WARDER] TO THE DEARâ€"A rich lady, cured of her Deafness and Npises‘ in the Head by Dr. Nicholson‘s Arbitical Ear Dfums, has sent .9 1,000 to his Institutefigo‘ that deaf pecple unable to procurg 0119 Ear Drums mav h av. them free. 'Ap'pu Lfo 'D'epnrnmenc A.T'I€ The Institute, ' “magma," Gunnérabury. London W.,‘ Englan'd;â€"22-1‘yr. ‘TO'CURE .A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxatnve Bromo Quimne Tablets. Al druggists refund the money if it fails” to cure 1 <1. E. W. Grove’s signature is ca each box COMMUNICATIONS Calvin vs. Lathangue as a. cleaner in THURSDAY HOW many buttons are missing to-day‘!‘ nobody knows but mother. How many playthings are strewn in her way? Nobody knows but mother. How many thimbles and spools has she missed? . . How many burns on each fat httlo fist? How many bumps to be cuddled and kis, Nobody knows but mother. How many hats has she hunted t’o-day'.’ Nobody knows but mother- Nrnlnaclv hiding themselves in the hayâ€"- Carelessly hiding themselves in the nayâ€" Nobody knows but mother. How many handkerchiefs wilfully strayed? How many ribbons for each little maid? How for her care can a mother he paid? Nobody knows but mother. How many muddy shoes all in a row? Nobody knows but mother. How many stockings to darn, do you How many Stocm-ugs w um“, w , __ know? 9 ' Nobody knows but mother. How many little torn aprons to mend? How many hours 01' toil must she Spend? Wha:t is the time when her day's work shall _ end? Nobody knows but mother. How many lunches for Tommy and Sam? Nobody knows but motherâ€"â€" Cookies and apples and blackberry jam- Nobody knows but mother. Nourishing daintics for every “sweet tooth." Toddling Dottie or dignified Ruth-â€" How much love SWeeLens the labor, for- soothâ€" "vvv How many cares do a mother‘ Nobody knows but mother. How many joys fy'om 1101- mm , LI- A.- l‘UUOUy KUUVVS Uuh AuvuLnx.-. How many joys from her mother love flow? Nobody knows but mother. How many prayers by each little white bed? How many tears for her babes she has shed? How many kisses for ouch curly head? Nobody knows but mother. NOBODY KNOWS BUT MOTHER. More than 70 years ago a. man owned a jackâ€"knife. which he sold {or a. gallon of rum, and by retail- ing it: by the glass made enough to buy two gallons, and by Selling that he was able to increase the quantity he purchased. He got, a barrel, then a cask, and at last a. large stock. and having a turn for business and industry he became richâ€"~and whom he died left. $80,000 to his three sons and one (laughter. The daughter married u mun who spent her money. and she died. The sons entered into folly and extravagance, and two died of dissipation and in poverty. The last, of the family lived lor many years on the charity of those who had knOWn him in his prosperity. He died a. short. time since. sudden- ly, in a barn, where he laid himself to take a drunken sleep. ()n his ‘ pockets being examined. all that was found in them was a string and a. jaCk-kllifi'. So 11. jack-knife hogan and ended the fortum- (if that family. This is a true story; and the fath- er who bought and sold rum, no doubt had plenty of it in his house and on his tnblv. In giving and recmmnendim,r it, to others, his sons learnod to like it. They \vvru like the little boy who was following his fnthvr through a field of potatoes. The father several times cautioned his son not. to tread on tho. potatoes. At lust. the boy said, “Father, I am walking exactly in your foot- stops.” Lot, ovary father ask himself, "no I-‘wish my son to walk in my foot,- steps?” and let, every boy ask his father. “Do you wish me to Walk (ex-- actly in your footsteps, father?" A lesson in artistic and commerâ€"i cial honest» calms 10 us: from Japan,‘ from (mu whom We “011111 be quick 10 term 11 l1o'11l1vn.An English Inor- chant, inteniouing ()ka, the grout mmiern Japam-so curvm‘ of ivurivs. said 10 111111: \\'l1_\ (in V011 “1151c vour time 011 can i119: 1111: undvr part which is ncx or soon? You could work much quicker and make numey far more rapidly if you leave that part. plain." And the carver answered: “God, who gave me skill and taste. can see the under part. I dare not iezwc it uncarvcd." ~ ~ That is the spirit, in ~which the work is done in far Japan. Small :wondor that it excels in beauty and i iudixi duality. 11,, Keep Gilt Frames Glenn. To clean gold picture frames. beat the white ‘of an egg; add to it one pint of cold xtvaier; moisten 13mm ‘framos with this mixture using a sponge . Then with a soft flannel cmciully wipe. Take a second cloth, perfectly dry, and give the frames 3. light rubbing. 1f the frames are not clean and bright afttr this trea‘o‘ ment you had better take them to a. gilder and have them regilded. -â€"I..£ip idies' Home. Journal ASBESTOS’ MANY USES- THE WATCHMAN-WARDER: LINDSAY, 0N1 Story nf u Jack-knife. The Hnnmlt J up. Make It. Deslr ublo he ’8 heart know? :1 m1 ended It»: Story as Told in the United Statvs This plant is called spurge, myrtle spurge, mole weed, mole tree, Wild caper, caper busli and springwort. "IT‘- Description This is :1, sm USCl‘lyl/Jun w..- This is a, smooth, juiced perennial, high, with a. stiff erec posite fourâ€"ranked leaves, the lower of which are thick and oblong, the Upper, thin, broad and heart~shaped. The flowers are greenish yellow and rather small. The threeâ€"seeded fruit herbaceous,milky- two-to three feet t stem and op- f) "The government is trying to find a co 'nin $10,000 greenback. the only one ex mtg Illds‘it searched all the European ten- or and violinist: who have been in this Co..;xtry lately ?"â€"Lite. A Mild Explanation. “Your meat seems a little rank. Mr. C1; lets." “'It s all the fault of the iceman ma’ am. He was 15 minutes late this morning.’ ’â€" Cleveland Plain Dealer. THE CAPER SPURS Not the Important Question. “How do you like your new girl?” "Oh. that is quite immaterial! The im- portant question is. How docs she like as ?”â€"Chicago Post. CAPER SPURGE. Agriculture- .. i-cl’:: to r'lna 1!- bafid Where Foundâ€"- in Bulletin No as Department called also garden purge, 111016 plant, tree, gbpher plant. r bush, wolf’s milk, '7. 0. of b mv fat I conducted ~y ‘ nee: busines‘3 f‘gfigAyTLY REDLCED P urchafied the 33:1: In all lines at I have p ith a new 6 at W opened 0 m ”0 ‘ ' Ri'tt . at” ya Ck at (3'5 Robes. Whlps’ 1 S an e he 9 Blan her. an RICES er sem H or 5 ani ______ rm +_ Fa To 911 P.S. --‘ FOR SALE CHEAPI A Brick House, in one of the best localities, centra gocazac' between the G.T.R. Station and Market. Also a number r: seem. hand Organs, which have been taken in exchange for Pianos and “.13., go at a bargain. Two young horses are also offered for sale, Term to suit purchaser. I70 Kent-St. West. in dsay, Ont. The End of the Century Remedy for the End of the“ her. i may; DB H OPE S This are“ Remedyk - until , been obtained only £1; fizc no 1 patients of an 6.141.116)? t j “ 5p lst. A scientific t'fl’"”:1: far , OPPOSITE DALY HOUSE ‘]:have bought the Book Debts, and all accounts due my father must be paid to me at one The most “liable remedy in the make! for COUGHS AND COLDS. PERRIN’S S. PERRIN, Druggist, 73 Kentâ€"sh, Lindsay, Sole Proprietor. Also BICYCLES. Knou wnsazn and TYPEWRITERS inrstock. My motto: Best Goods, Lowest'Pxiocs and Bus Terms. APPLY TO CORDIAL HERB. LITTLE Tea, Tea, Tea ! BRADY’S New imported Japan all others at 25C. We have just received a ton of Victor Chop, Wthh is the finest 2 5c. Japan Tea to be had in the market. Try one pound. That will convince you. When buying ask tor Victor Chop. Sold. only by INY AB LETS FOR IRED W. W. LOGAN TH OS. éBRAD} â€"â€"__â€"___ cents, or by Mail from: 129 72:. H: N ERVES Medicine Company, Lid, 731': :19} Q Sold everywhere. Victor Chop '. \Vetherup, Dealer in the best Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines on the Market. 15:. A screnrmc treatment for New. 0118 Exhaustion and its awed €Vi§s Headache, Dizziness, Wearis ass, 8:35p: Iessncss, Indigestfcm M 531a! Depress. ion, Irfitability, etc. Tiny lights will positively care [62.33730 US Smog. TRATION and loss 0? 1352335592] and Mental vigor. At Drrmm'vr far 50 ~ "b.b-~~-â€"' cents, or by Mail from :. e 7?. [fog PIANUS, DBGANS am SEW} MAEH HS for sale}: my new Show Rooms, coxnastsa . . . .and Peel-$15. . .. TELEPHONE 31. Box 415 DECEMBER I II-- I ”Hf sun: 01 ourmn-ulnd Linux 3'1"“ 3‘ 10 cents «ch. Fine 8‘) 5 wmmrnnmgzduxâ€" wt" mt daumsm‘ [r11 3: sie‘“; . No WM "'9" ‘ ‘m write and we send YUP! P05 Bentham. return money we mu your m tron. Unsaid U0!“- ”tumble. LINEN DOYLEV CO- iINo I and]: sold in my Dmglst Kmlfi m - 1 ngHFH. 20.... n. I - mwnum w“ â€"A full stock ofâ€" BOX ‘4“ mm 30W 9 Wealthy '3 Special. LINDSAY LIFE FIRE 4.901" five 3“ :14 worn; a. opp 3: P999“! .itt‘

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