25c. 'T Yâ€"a ~â€" 5â€": D OVERCOATS Fan’s Felt Slippers, Fur ‘5?" p, 95c, $1.25. 3H,, :n’s Felt Boots, Button “to†:e and Congress, $1.10, $1.15, $1.20. :n’s Medium Heavy BoOts, $1.10, $1.25, $1.30, $1.35, 3’ School Boots and Children’s, 5 5c,65c, 7 5c, 80c,8 5c,$I,$I.Io IEQ’ it!) :n’s Felt SlipperS, 55¢, and 7 5c. 7‘ f8 W'mter Goods are ï¬rst-class. vames for the least money of Mn Lindsay. ; Ladies’ Mantles, Corsets, siery, and Ladies’ Underwear. ress Goods, the best in the n’s Heavy ERA? L 0F EEITSmâ€" ‘Discovery, 1’ ge. R 5: (30., kherry Pactoral me h Dilly House at). Post Ofï¬ce. Lindsay :fEVRRAL PERSONS FOR DISTRICT '3 “gets in thi- secti n to reprgqut me 53mm Wrouuuxuz (aunties. Minna to I 'P‘Fade Week]., Datum: mph, ‘ï¬ï¬l °Pportnnic’es » eurenceo ex- ‘30 â€EU-ad“ seed stamped envelope. cMon Bail-Jug, Quasar-48.5. HWBUTHAM, Siiverwaro we are giving‘ 0 our customers. 1 Pills. . as coming to hand. off regular prices. 33.1 $1.25 â€"Women’s Overgaiters ife Pills. L Pills . . >anila. .. GABDIGAN OVERSHOES -â€"-Women’s Cardigans ....... â€"â€"Misses’ Cardigans ......... â€"Chi1dren’s Cardigans ....... 20TH, I 399 5:, 65c, 85c, 90c and 95c. 3E 5am. . specially Good ..0VERGA|TERS.. Old Price Our Price .$0 25 $0 20 .50 4o N 50 -â€"â€"-Misses’ Overgaiters â€"-Children’s Overgaiters “ There is nothing that will stand like leather When it is well put together.†ARE THE TALK OF THE COUNTRY And they should be. There is no Boot made in Lindsay that equals them for wear, good ï¬t, ease and appearance. They keep your feet warm and dry, and you don’t require to wear rubhfrs with our boots. ,#-___J 121-11. f‘_~ Forbert’s Boots We also make 2. Covered Felt Long Boot that is superior to all others. They are real frost protectors. Call and see them. No matter where you buy your boots bring your repairing to us. Sltisfaction guaranteed. We have secured extra. help and no one will be kept wanting, 14 \Villiam-st. North, Lindsay, 2 THE LOCAL BUDGET. (II‘IIII E HAPPENINGS ABOUT TOWN IN BRIEF. WMMMW m -â€"â€"At- the foot of Kent-st. Mullett, the furrier. How about your furs.â€"48. ‘ â€"Stove coal sells for $6.75 a ton in Orillia. â€"â€".\Iarriage licenses issued by Mr. THOS. BEALL at his residence, Albert-st.. also at G. ‘N. Bean’s store. Kent-st.â€"5-tf. -â€"-The ï¬rst instalment of Inspector Knight’s report of the Lindsay public schools will appear in these columns next â€"’.'\L u. Acucuu vu..uuuu...=,., _ . While the minister was making out the certiï¬cate, he forgot the date, and happen- ed to sav. “Let me see, this is the 30th '6†“The 3051: l" exclaimed the indignant mother, “indeed it’s not, it’s onlv the eleventh." â€"Our annual clearing sale of all kinds of winter wraps for women and children begins on Dec. 4th. Big reductions. DUNDAS FLAVELLE BROS. -Mr. Sam. Rowland, formerly of Emily, who is now farming at Deerwood, Man., has evidently struck it rich. A vein of coal, pronounced ï¬rst-class by experts. m“. mama-Iv discovered on his farm. and “no (I I luvâ€"'- . coal, pronounced ï¬rst-class by experts. was recently discovered on his farm, and he has refused $9,000 for a portion of his property. - .1 . --£ r__ â€"On Friday, Dec. 8th, the ï¬rst lecture of the Collegiate Institute lecture course will be given. “Canada’s Debts to the United Empire Loyalisrs" is the subject to be treated on the occasion by the learned Clerk of the House of Commonu. Sir John Burinot, K.U.M.G. This is no small honor for Lindsay to have a parliamen- tary authority and the secretary of the Royal Society of Canada, lecture on this patriotic thvme and we hespeak a. large audience. Ask for illustrated booklet of the lecture course. vuv -- â€"Price cutting in the Mantle department Notice the date,Dec. 4th. Any ladies or children’s Winter Coats will be sold at the following reductions : Under $5â€" 50 cents off any garment; under $10 $1 oï¬â€˜ any garment; under $15â€"$2 off any garment; under $25â€"$3 off any garment; DUNDAS 8L F'AVELLE BROS F. FORBERT, As a. recent christening, near Barrie, 7 -.‘ ---4- ï¬kn Little Local Lines A Knock-Down. m Boots and Shoes We have 9 large Shoe Stores in Ontario, Lindsay, Peterboro, Brockville, Woodstoc ...... London, Barrie, Guelph, Stratford, Brantford, and...... ....$125 .II... I 10 â€"If vonr furs need alteration or repairs consult Mullett, foot; of Kent-st.â€"â€"48. -â€"Do you want a cross-cut saw cheap? See Lennon‘s advt. on page 11 of this Issue. ~Minister: “My boy. I’m sorry to see you flying your kite on the Sabbath day.†Boy: “Why, it’s made out of the Christian Weekly and it’s got a tail of tracts.†-â€"Thursday Frank Duke of the east ward, fell from a load of wood on W11] 1am- st., fracturing a rib and sustainincr other severe injurles as W811. â€"4OO garments in the mantle department to be cleared at special reduced prices. The sale starts on Dec 4th. DUNDAS FLAVELLE BROS. â€"Donald Varcoe of Maripoaa has appli- ed for administration of the estate of the late John Edward Varcoe. murdered on the morning of Nov. 90n Queen-at, east. Toronto. He left property valued at $2,910, of which $1,600 is stock in trade and $1,000 in life insurance. â€"Mr. E. Tangney, furniture dealer, is giving up busxnes in the Keenan block, and will offer all kinds of furniture at greatly leduced prices. This is a great, chance to secure parlor, dining-room and kitchen furniture as your own prices. 0311 and see goods and learn prices. Re- member the place, opposxte Graham’s clothing store. â€"43-tf. â€"-You Wish a ï¬rst-class farm and home paper? Then see the W'eeklv Sun before placing your order. A post card request sent to the Sun Ofï¬ce, Toronto, :« ili Statue for you four successive numbers of Lhe Sun, free, and if at, the end of that. time you do no: wish to subscribe 3w name will simply be dropped and there will be no charge whatever. ‘ -â€"The proprietor of an up-town hustlery and two of his sanding guests-avian imple ment man and a druggistâ€"all mm of peace had rather an anxious half hour with a drmonstrative stranger last Sun- day afternoon. It was the corn iuice. By some means the visitor had obtained a supply and dropped in at its worst stage. His appearance and mode of attack led our townsmentotake him for a Boer at large and they acted accordingly. From places of concealment they exhorted him toremember it was the day of rert and that they were all non-combatants. Finally a text of scripture from the imple- ment man put him to flight. } â€"â€"Messrs Grieves and McInnis t“- ~3~hed i threshing for Mr. Wesley Welds: ‘ ‘(x‘pst :Ops mi Friday week, and rer-cr » 7 vue =lyicld of grain. They were MI fun‘ annr and One half days and my mom bushelsof grain. Mr. " ft ms- tn-.. Luv†â€unuun, -_ r, approaching the prairie far: ' :iu-l West, in grain growing. In in; grain he has some sixty tOns oi‘ ._ iy'~ ; hm‘n. He has also 100 cords a '. i: l re-mly ior‘market, and will i . tn- rc-muted by the high prices 7 . 2" sw‘ same to town in order that ii; at wood trust†may be broken. ' ll -â€".\Ir. H. Harrison of Wise“ ' ed vi‘iring our county fr- ‘~ . and Sixorthorns in early Dc: )3 account of recent sales of r. : l able stock he he» not been » (-ume. Prof. Shmv. of Min , 'I- I tural Station. fo'merly of 4. ' y», I inlr-oming with a friend i. . 3.39:- ; ily, for Shorthorn cows :2 - . .. r l dvised not to entry on: :Ii-. «1 liuvm of coming to Fairview V k n, :5 n m» load could not be got. Th‘ - ,' i‘ making Shorthorns and the 1; um. ,»}).U«lu('- inn: Shropshires are in mm‘n :3 wand all over the continent. H ;w pro.:u.11)1y it would be had we scores of herds and flocks of good qualitv in our midst. to in- duce wholesale purchasers to visit. us to secure what is in some†a. demand. How few are ready to seize the golden oppor- tunity, and why? Little Local Lines THE WATCHMAN WARDER, LINDSAY; “The Great Shoe Man 01 Ontario, buys for them all to W11 hostlery ished West 1:;1‘g8 -§ for 0111:. â€"Are your furs up to date? See Mullett manufacturing furrier, ' for repairs and alterations.â€"-48. â€"Prof. Dorenwend of Toronto will be at the Benson house to day y. Thursday. Dec. 7th, with a full stock of his celebrated Art Hair Cm erings for ladies and gentle- men. Don't miss seeing his goods. ~Remember the date is Dec. 4th for our Winter sale of child- ren’s coats at reduced prices. DUNDAS FLAVELLE BROS â€"The P. G. Pilkie dwelling at the corner William and Glenelg-sts. is offered for sale. It is a very desirable property. Convenient to business part of town and also to station. See advt. on page 9. â€"The Esturion failed to reach port on Monday morning. Capt. Diament decided that the season had expired and if it had not turned cold yet that was no business of his. â€"â€"A break-down in one of the twin ergines at CareW’s mill cauaed a. two-day shut down at: the end of last, week. Mr. Carew does not, expect to get all his timber cub although the season has been of such excenbional length. â€"Miss Bannon‘s winter millinery is now complete in every detail, and com- prises all that is new and u -to-date in ladies headwear. Ladies of indsay and district should inspect before purchasing elsewhere. Prices, as usual, will be found right. -S. Paisley 8: Co., the new Ladies’ Furn- ishing Store. are offering something new in Stamped Linens. A large assortment of Pin Cushions, also forms and materials for making them. Prettv novel 'cies for Christmas gifts. See our stock of Ladies Underwear and hosiery. Remember the place‘ one door west of Gough’s, Kent-st. wAttention is directed to the advt. of Messrs. Finley Chantler in this issue. This enterprising ï¬rm have openec. up in thw- premises one door east of Black“ ell Co‘s, Kent-st, with a. new and up-to-date shock of bootsgud shogas fljgtp all the) lead- EU'JUB UL vvvv Wu“ ~___ ing makers. â€The stocl'râ€"vvill be found very complete. and prices as low as the lowest. â€"â€"Graham the King Clothier ofILindsay is doing a rushing business these days, and every customer leaves his store satis- ï¬ed. He has but one price, and that is the lowest. Don’t buy your winter suit or over-coat until you have examined his stock and learned prices. No trouble to show goods. Mothers, bring your boys to Grahams. His assortment of boy’s cloth- 411;: is very large, and the prices are al- l in 4st Your own. -â€"The meeting of the Model School Lit- ! try Society was held as usual on Friday ; lmxcrnoon, Mr. McQuarrie in the chair. ‘ l Hbdï¬h v. ‘AMA.FO Some business was ï¬rst transacted and v , :u - question as to the holding of the cus- which consistrd of an instrumental solo by Mr. Morrow, a recitation by Miss Wil- ism, a reading by Miss Barkley and a l ghouls by six young ladies. Mr. Honey . ave a reading and Mr. Morrow closed the I pp gram with an instrumental solo which ’1 NH Well received. The meeting closed n :th the national anthem. ~Reduction in Ladies’ Coats, Capes and suits ; on and after Dec. lath starts our cleaning up pro- Hcess , Every garment in the stock‘ to be sold at reduced prices. ' Coats and Capes at $3, $4 and $5 ! â€" 50 cents off the price. Coats '1 and capes at $6 $7, $8, $9 and $10 _ ~--«$1 off the price. Goats, capes \ and suits at $11. $‘2 13, $14: and _ ~31 off the price. and suits at $11, $72 *5 15--$20 if the price. Little Local Lines chums .FLAVELLE BROS. § RUBBERS AND E _..DVERSHDES â€"â€"Rev. T. Manning, pastor of the Cam- bridge-st. Methodist church, preached a powerful sermon to young people on Sun- day night. Mr. Manning has been invited to remain for the fourth year. â€"Rev. J. W. Macmillan preached his third sermon on “Fools†last Sunday night. The holy communion will be dispensed next Sunday evening. â€"Very successful anniversary services were held at St. Paul’s on Sundav. Rev. Septimus Jones of Toronto preached elo- quent sermons morning and evening. The collections for the debt were large On Tuesda night Rev. Mr. Jones lectured on Oli‘ er oldsmith and an “At Home†was held an the school room. â€"Miss L. Paul of Lotus left on Satur- day fox 8. visit, with Kingston friends. â€"â€"Mr. J. H. Williams, station agent at Port Hope, was_in tovgrn_Monday. , A- -~-- I , J A :Mrvï¬iï¬va-i Wtiéï¬ï¬‚vï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬; returned home from the N orthwesl; on Fridgynlasp. I‘vmv -_ v-â€" â€"Mrs. MéGilvray of Fene1on Fills is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wright, ngrbh wa_rd. _ n. A .- __ v, -, Alej‘ohn Coinstock of St. Catharines, spent several days in town this week, the guest; of Mr. and Mrs. J 05. Brown. â€"Miss Stratton, daughter of F. B. Stratton of Colborne, is visiting friends at Little Britain. â€"Mr. and Mrs. James Carroll of Toron- to have taken up their residence in Lindsay for the winter. â€"Mre. Platt and' her daughter Base of Bobcayzeon have been for the past few weeks visiting with Mrs. Fowler, Victoria- ave â€"Miss Niletta Loyst of Napanee left; for home on Tuesday after spending three months with her aunt, Mrs. 1?. Mitchell, Wellington-st. 4R9; H. P. Neville of Minden, passed through town on Mondav on his way to attend the Theological Conference at Victoia College, Toronto. â€"-Mrs. Caldwell of Toronto, Mrs. (Dr.) Higinbotham of Toronto, and Mrs. R. J Matchett of Alpena, Mioh., are in town visiting their father, County Treasurer Matchett, who has been conï¬ned to his residence for some time past. The Omemee rifle match took place at the ranges, south of the Village, on Tues- day. Nov. 28th. The weather was favor- y able, and a large gathering witnessed the C contest. There were two entries, one for the military and one for citizens. The shooting was excellent, a remarkably high score beinz made, and Omemee has reason to be proud of both her trained and natural l shots. In the evening about seventy-ï¬ves c iauests sat down to a dinner given in the' ï¬ , Commercial house. The dining-room was‘ ‘ appropriately decorated with bunting, if Union Jacks and Canadian flags. The 3 excellent menu reflects credit on the pro- prietor, Mr. Graham, as a caterer. This event will long be remembered as one of the most enthusiastically patriotic meet- ings in Omemee. Capt. W. Neill acted as master of ceremonies, and proposed the toast to “the Queen," all heartily sinczinsz . the National Anthem. Then followed l “Canada and the Empire,†responded toi by Rev. W. M. Karmawin, B.A.; “ The Militia.†was well looked after by Majori Evans, Reeve Stephenson and Mr. John ‘ MacCrac; then followed “The Navy†by Rev E. Roberts; “The Learned Professions" by J. S. Cameron, M.D. ; “The Canadian Contingent†by W. W. J ardine, BA. :; “Emily and the Corporation of Omemee†by Mr. S._Couch, Reeve Adams, and Com- missioner McQuade: “The Press†by J. J. Morgan, B.’A. ; “ The Ladies†were eulo- gised by Messrs. Thornton, Johnson and Curry. The speeches were Ferspersed with vocal and instrumenta music by 'â€"~iu ' '- â€"Rubbers from 25c to 95c, lined and unlined, Men’s, Women’s and Children’s. â€"Overshoes from $1.10 to $2.50, Men’s, Wcmen’s and Children’s. GUM RUBBERS â€"Boys’ Oil Grain Peg Soles, $51.30. â€"Boys’ Spï¬t % Seam Peg, 95c. â€"-Boys’ Split Blucher, 95c. -â€"-Boys’ Split Lace, 80c. ocal talent. Omemee Rifle Matches Church Notes. Personals 85C to $2.00, Boys’ The above is the title of the laughable comedy that will be presented by Lind- say amateurs at the entertainment to be given under the auspices of the Children’s Aid Society on Fridav evenin 2’, Dec 15th, gin the Academy. There will also be a number of lime-light views and a brief lecture by Mr. J. J. Kelso of Toronto. The attendance will no doubt be larce. Admission % and 15 cents. Ste posters. Wood and tallow wanted at the Lindsay Woollen Milkâ€"463 Ontario grain=.threshed and in straw,are wanted by the Dominion and O ~tario De: partments of Agriculture for pxhihitiwn at the forthcoming Paris Exposition. Earn; ers having a good arLicle of grain of any var- iet-y should communicate at once wiLh the department at; Toronto. Although steel and iron have advanced in price I have secured a special deal on Straw Cutter Knives, and am prepared to sell at as low a- price as ever offered in the town. Evegy_kni_fe guaxanteed. Trunks: $l.75 and up. ‘ â€"Sa;virs of alf kinds Keeding gumming, put into as good working qrd_¢1‘_ as when newt mï¬aï¬wï¬ié feoairiné ‘of all kinds promptly attended to. Isaac Mckee, proprietor Little Britain Foundry and Machine Shop. Instead of attempting to raise any sneciï¬c century fund,the Baptist churches of Ontario and Quebec are increasing their offerings to the various missionary boards thirtyâ€"three per cent. The Liz=d~ay church made its Home Mission offering in October and advanced 55 per cent. on its average giving, and 75 per cent. on the previous year. Next Sunday morning the Foreign Mission collection will be made. Rev. J. G. Brown, B. A.. recently of India and now general secretary of the Foreign Mission board, will be present and speak at both services. A rare treat is in store for . those who may be privileged to attend. The following telegram was received yesterday afternoon : CAPE TOWN, Nov. 28th. “The Allan liner Sardinian from Montreal with the Canadian con- tingent, one thousand strong, has arrived here, all well." This puts our men on the ground while 20,000 British troops are still upon the sea. The New South Wales Lancers have 1 already been in action and our fellows will 1 shortly be under the deadly ï¬re of the Boers: WEDNESDAY, Dec. 6th-By Peter Brown. aucEioneer. Credit sale of farm stock and implements, the property of Robt. E. Awde, lot 7, con. 12. Mariposa. Sale at one o’clock and without reserve. WEDNESDAY, DEC. (Sthâ€"By Geo. Mc- ‘ Hugh. auctioneer. Unreserved credit ‘ sale of farm stock and implements, the property of James Henry, lot 2, con. 3, Ops. Sale at one o’clock sharp. .MONDAY. DEC. 4th.â€"By Geo. McHuzh, auctioneer. Unreserved sale of farm stock and implements, the property of :Mr. Andrew Robertson, lot 16, con. 7, Ops, three rnil‘es soqth of Lindsay. Sale 9L|, -__A. “‘-‘__A Ontario Grains Wanted at; one o’clock and without. reserve. This is an important sale and the list; of stock' and implemengs is very large, For full particulars see posters. Important to “My Mothcr-in- Baptist Century Fund. Canadians at the Cape. â€"Boys’ Medium \R’eight Boot, $1, $1.10, $I.15. M573 Hsi ï¬ï¬‚Ã©ï¬ Â£22.. In Congress and Bal- moral, $1.25, $1.35, $1.40, $1.50. Sale Register Wanted. Van'sâ€, 50c and up. Farmers and M< n's. 13