N0 VOTE FOR THE REFUGE ' ' We discussed it. 3 had our hands tied A _ L- -....nnnnf.itnants. We areiqpquciggly AWLâ€"ow 1, Mr. Geo. Johnson -1 am sorry we .....---_ has come up at this time. We discussed it before and some of us had our hands tied We are inprecisely thenby ourconstituent . ' We had better let the same position still. it stand for a time till the people get more information. It might some of these counties having Refuges and 3 see to what extent they actu pauperism. Perhaps I have taken atoo severely ï¬nancial view 0 t' I had changed my mind I would p eople and telling them so even to be defeated, than tqmisrepre- sent them now after t Mr. W. (Shannonâ€"I think it is out of place to bring the subject up at this time. Those of us whose constituents voted aqainst the Refuge cannot now favor doing , us ina VeIV embarrassing posxtion. My personal opinion is that in 50111 .4“, ....;~hr starve our purpose; but I do peopl opinion as always aw." We ---__o,, would hesitate to crowd it on the people. We want it to carry, but do not want it to appear that we are determined to press it against the people's will. It letting it stand for a time will help its ï¬nal prospects I will gladly vote to let it stand. Perhaps it will be agood thing to do. I am not sure. ._. -1__.‘.. In" 11†will like- members 31'? Council resumed at 10.30 on morning. In respon~e to a. requ the county 3f Yrork phat delegates be sent , __..4.:.... nnnnninnffl 16 an Ll": Ucucxru .uuvoy. w- A congratulatory addi'ess was presented to the warden while the chair. Council Dr. Wood occupled then gave an alleged renderinz of the national anthem and adjourned. 30113 CORRESPONPENTS WOOD VILLE A meeting of the creditors of T. W . Dadds, general store ot Woodville and {)sk Lake. Manitoba, was he'ud Tues- day afternoon in the ofï¬ce of Henry Barber. the assignee, Torontor†The liabiiities are $12,327.17, and assets. consisting of stock, are $8,200. It was decided to wind up the estate 3nd the stock was sold at 56 cents on the dollar. FINGERBOARD Benj unine, son of Mr. T. Tripp, is il‘. with typhoid £3391: _ - A r- Mr. an'd‘ Mrs. Wm. Rodger of Sea- grave visited at Mr. Frank King’s last Stbbsth. V..- . Mrs; James Rattanbury of Bethel is spandiug a. few days with Mrs. George Smith of PxeaSauu Point. in? kid Mrs. Neil McDougsu of LETTERS FROM .law will likg- year of 1900. Mr. James Wills of Pleasant: Point), who is somewhat behind in his plough- ing, had a bee on Thursday of last. week. The neighbors turned out nobly to assist him and ploughed several acres of sod. This will be a great lift to Mr. Wills as he is running an extensive business. Miss Eakins of Toronto is Vismng her cousin, Miss Lizzie Jackson. Mr. Thos. Hunter of Lindsay was in town last Tuesday evening. A meeuing of the Cambmy branch of the U. C. Bible Society will be held :.. Hm Mpbhodiet church, Cambrnylon in town last Tuesday evening. A meeting of the Cambray branch of the U. C. Bible Society will be held ‘ in the Methodist church, Cambray, on Monday evening, Dec. 11th, beginning at †r’0 Addresses will he delivered by Rev. A. B. Chambers and others. The north street of our Village has ' much during the summer by our hustling citizen, Mr N. Fanning, He has built a. ï¬ne new house and shop, Which, together with ‘the artistic fence, certainly makes the l village lookimuch better. ‘L A J A 170'“ ï¬zv.-iâ€"Sn0wden' preached a very able sermon last Sunday evening, his subject being “The .war between the hosts of heaven with Christ at their head, and the hosts~ of hell with the devil at their head for the souls of men.†His subject for next Sunday evening is, “Islife worth living,†and no doubt it will be worth hearing. Our popular business man, Mr. W. A. Fanning, purchased no less than twelve up-to-date cutters from the ‘Hamilton Carriage Works. Lindsay, this week. Mr. Fanning is nothing if he is not “a dealer†and in his own words he will “dispose of all h. .e rigs in short order for cash, cattle or horses.†His large stock of harness and rcbes will go the same way, cash, cattle or horses. I "U EV. â€"â€" â€"~ , .. _, milk, 57,752 lbs.; increase in cheese, 5,166 lbs.; woman In cub, $2,644 81. TM Lom expenditure for the year was 5131368, on increeee over last year of only $139.64. After the treuurer’e report had been dlapnsw of a general dieoneelon taunted 0.. rue wisdom ohputtlng in a i I ,I_.. AV" . ~ t. .roxnrï¬iï¬n forder that winter dalrying wuld be carried on until the cheese busi- new again neg 2n. The meeting then came ,1: LL-_L- s... Ll... LIV“ wbmâ€" -v' - to a clone withâ€"'votee of bbehk: to the chairman, Mr. McFettere, and the popu- hr maker Mr. John Reid. FENELON FALLS Mr. J. Naylor of Fenelon spent Monday iapd Tgesdgy in town. , L 7 Mr. 'John Ausbiï¬ of Kinmounh spent Sunday with his family at the Falls. â€" “I‘Vlt’eck’s Bad Boy†was presented in Dickson’s ball Tuesday evening to a fairly good audience. Dr. and Mrs. White of Kinmounb came to the Falls last Thursday on a shorb visit; to Mrs W hite’e parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Clark, at. "Mr. A. Webster-came to the Falls last week from Lindsay, where he has been employed during the summer. He lefb the following day fo_r Deseren- too where he has secured lucrative employment. Mrs. J. R. Graham returned home last week from nursing her only son through a severe illness. His many friends here will be pleased to bear that he is again ab his duties. “ Mr. E. AVery came to the Falls last; Thursday to make arrangements far Mrs. Avery’s departure from our town to Deseronto, where they intend residing in the future. He left for than point; on Tuesday and Mrs. Avery will follow in a few days. Mr. A. A. Wright spent Thursday and Ftid sy at the Falls, closing up the business at the mill here, which he had conducted for the Bank of Toronto; He and the book-keeper left. on Satur- day morning. I .l “I 0‘. n The performance of the Philips Co. “Uncle Tom's Cabin†in Dickson’s nall last Friday evening was very good indeed. The characters were well sustain ed and the play as well staged as was possible in a small ball. ‘Their band was also good and a' large house grated the troop. ~ The procession I30 WN E YVILLE CAMERA Y their mother, is visiting at noon was a: the little folks. .uv -â€"â€"v~- __ it Mr. John Aldous had a. had rung‘ away last; Sunday. When? 'oub’ driving with hie wifel‘an‘d Youngest son! behind hia‘ spirited lihuleuhOrrse, the animal hock fright and ‘ rundown Francis=sb. east at a. great: rate, throwing all the occupants to the ground. Mrs. AldOus escaped with slight injuries and the child with a cut lip, but Mr. Aldous had his shoulder sprained. In acountrv post ofï¬ce, the other day, a farmer received with his mail a lame cardboard tube about two feet long. On examination he found it contained the two beautiful premium pictures, "Battle -2 A1..- 1! -nA “Dnacv Winan n Thev of Alma,†and “Puesi Willows.†Thev were greatly admired y all present and the farmer made the remark: “I have beer. a reader of the "Family Herald and weekly Star†for ten years; it is the best paper printed and well worth ï¬ve dollars a year, but I get the paper and these two pictures all for one dollar 1" He induced four others right there to subscribe, and they too will get the pictures. GRAIN . Fall Wheat per bushel. . . . 0 00 to 0 65 FyfeWheat do do.,.... . 000t0065 Spring do do 000b0063 Goose do do..... 000 60065 OOABSE GRAIN. Buckwheat ............... Barley, per bushel ........ Rye .............. . . . . . Oats ............ . ...... v Peas,small. . . , ........... Peas; Mummies. . . . ..... Peas, Blue .............. Blackeye peas ........... Potatoes per bus........‘ 0 25 30 MEAT, POULTRY AND DAIRY PRODUCE. Chickens, per air. .. ... . . . 0 36 to 0 45 Dnckl,per . ....... ... 046w060‘ Geese,perl .... 006w007 Butterperl’o............. 017w020 Eggs,perdozen.... ..... .. 015 mo 16 Turkey: per 1b ............ 0 09 to 0 10 Lamb. per 1b ............ O 00 to 3 75 Hogs live weight: per. «wt. 3 50 to 3 90 Hogs dressed per ewb ...... 4 80 to 5 00 Beef ................... 4 00 to 5 25 Farmere’ Hams per lb ..... 5 00 b0 6 00 Hay, per ton ........ . . Lard per lb............ Straw pal-109d ......... HideeéBoef ......... CATTLE. Shippers, per cwt. ........ $4 00 to4 5O Butcher, choice do ........ 3 76 to 4 25 Butcher. medium to good...3 00 to 3 50 Butcher, inferior. . . . . . . . . .2 50 to 2 ‘5 Smokers. per cwt .......... 2 25 to 3 00 SHEEP ANN LAMBS Ewes. per cw: .......... $3 25 to 3 50 Lambs, per cwt ........... 3 25 to 3 66 Books, per cwt ............ 2 25 to 2 75 MILKERS AND (‘ALVES Cows. each .............. 25 00 to 50 00 Cnlvea, mh ............. 2 00 to 8 00 3008 Choice hogs, per out ..... 4 00 to 4 25 Light hogs, per cwt ...... 3 00 to 3 76 Heavy hogs. per cwt. ..... 3 75 to 4 00 \VANTED-SEV’ERAL PERSONS FOR DISTRICT Ofï¬ce Mun-gen in this section to represent me in thelr own 5nd surrounding cou..t.leu. Willing to pay yearly $600, payable weekly. Dealnble employ- ment. with annual opportumtiee. References ex- chnmae '. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. 8. A. PARK. 3990 Cuton Bulldlng, Chicagoâ€"45. SLLE OF THE HOMESTEAD The Late Hector Grant, We are instructed to offer for sale By Tender the following splendid farms of the estate of Mr, Hector Grunt, deceased. PARCEL I. The touth halves of lots Nos. 11, 12 and 13 in the 8th concession of the Township of Thorah, County of Ontario. containing}! udr‘neaisurement. 216 acres, more ..... 0r less. t’Soil rich clay loam in a high stgte of cultivation. There are about 200 acres under cultivation, about 12 acres well timbered with maple, beach and elm, the remainder is pasture. The farm is well fenced, well watered and has an orchard of two acres. There are erected on said lands a commodious brick dwelling house, containing 1 3 rocms, with a frame woodshed and summer kitchen attached, a good rough cast dwelling containing 6 rooms with summer kitchen attached, framc barn I3ox4o feet, good frame horse stable with a 8 stalls, warm frame cattle stable with accom- imodation for 50_hcad’,‘_‘besides 9th" outbuild- Toronto Live Stock Market PARCEL 2- Lot No. 10 in I Township of measurement 1 The Lindsay Markets Tenders addressed to the un- dersi ned solicitors and marked “Ten ere re Hector Grantâ€. will be received up to the 28th day of December, 1899. The highest; or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. vvyvvuo TERMS:â€"One tenth of the purchase price cash on the acceptance of the tender and the balance In one month thereafter without inter- est. The Vendors will not be bound to sup- ply any title papers, deeds Or abstracts other than those in their possession. For further particulars apply to Iohn Camp- bell, Esq., “Fairview Farm," Woodville P. 0., Wm. M. Grant, Esq., “Inverurie Farm,†Woodville: Donald Grant, grain merchant, Woodville; or the undersi ned. Dated this atst day of ovember, 1899. Township of Thorah Greatly Admired WATCHMAN-WARDER : LINDSAY. ONI’ . . . .DECEASED, IN THE. . . . also good and delighted STEWART O’CONNOR, Sulictots, Lindsay VEGETABLES. 10.0-00.0 .00 --uo gong-o. .00....oo sync-coo, coo-0.... loo-OFO'OO I n 908t0010 700to 750 50to°50 09t0015 What is One Man’s Misfortune is oiten Another’s Good Fortune EH] 25 Smoke damaged the Whole stock of Macnee Minnes, Kingston. .We were quickly on the spot and secured many seasonable bargains. In addition we picked many 5% Snaps from the Cousineau stock of Toronto, bought by 53] our Kingston ï¬rm at 500 on the $. K. § To beneï¬t by these low prices is your good fortune: § 36 777 W raï¬ferefles 777 77ew Plaza! Efleeis, regular - frzee 19c yd. - - fOI g Heavy [77d7go Sflzrtzngs, 77413771777: ï¬rzee Ice - f0} % 72 777 W /777‘e Skeetmg, regularjï¬rzee 506 yd. - for E v. 27276152576! ' ' ‘ - f0r15c g H eavy [7222'ng 5222/22th, reg22lar przee Ioe - for 8 g; 72 272 W ï¬zz‘e Skeetmg, regalarfrzee 502 ya’. - for 39 gï¬â€˜ F272e Wool Blanéemf, 68x84, reg. value $3 .50, for $2. 4. Q [0/4 Skaéer Fla7272el Blaaéeï¬, - - 65 Blzzsara’ W l222‘e W eel Bla72ée2‘5, - - - 31.1 97333 % Laa’2e5 Mereerzz ea’ Sateen Sé2r2‘5, reg. value $15f01“ 1.2 El Dre55 Plaza’s for Bloa5e5 a72a’ 2222222272 5 wear, regular 352 and 402 yard, - - for 25c Laa’ze5 H ea 72y C 02‘2‘072 H 05e, 5ea772le55 reg. przee 156 % pazr, - - - - for 101 3. These Goods are not 1n the least injured only discolored by smo‘m THE REASON IS ........ W6 dI’B 56113181160 wnsn Small FFOHLS? CLEARING OUT OUR. â€" Hanging Lamps, from $1 99 up. â€"â€"No. I Daisy Chums for $2.75 each, worth $3.75, __No. 4 Daisy Charms {or $3.50 each, worth $6.00. â€"â€"I Bushel Baskets for 15c each, worth 20c and 2 5c 15 Trimmed Walking? Hats, Tam Crou ns, etc., 1 eg‘ular 7)] ice $3, $3.50 and $3 .95, for............u...°.... ......... ...S.1‘ 12 Trimmed Dress Hats. stylishly trimmed ...... .. . i ; ‘ . . . . . . I. 3 dozen Sailors and Walking Hats, slightly imperfect ..... . PETERBORO all and see for yourselves that WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. CINNAMON EVERSON, J. SllTL'LIFFE X SONS Motto, “GOOD GOODS CHEA Millinery Stock. Lindsay’s etc.. etc.‘ 5 for New GOOdS. we will offer the following Bargains “hilc our ‘ C‘C' AMON 8: EVERSOX ’s New Hardware Men, can sell STOVES, HARDWARE 5 . so much cheaper than other dealers V“- # a ‘ , LINDSAY â€"â€"2 Bushel Baskets for 2 5c each. man 5; â€"Washing Machines for 33-50 €3Ch‘ “Om ~Granite Pie Plates, 3 for 2 5C: worth â€C U â€"Butter Prints, I 5c each, worth 25C 63m NovEuBER 30TH. THE NEW HA KENT-5T9 KIN GSTOF b UPPL 1L