D’E’McEULLOUGH will visit Lindsay Every Wednesday at the 2:39;:3 “0}"; â€1:1“ at): 21312:: ing was spent. in music, games and advocated cold storage, preferential use we in ye, r. diseases -a- 1 yr. Professional of Peterborough, Men. It’s the constant strain and worry under which the professional man labors, the irregularity of ceptible to kidney troubles. \ First it‘s backache, then X I urinary difliculties, thenâ€" ’ unless it's attended toâ€" Bright's Disease andâ€" death. DOAN’S Strengthen and invigorate the kidneys -â€"never fail to give quick relief and cure the most obstinate cases. Rev. M. P. Campbell, pastor of the Baptist Church, Essex, Out, says: “ From my personal use of Dean’s Kidney Pills, which I got at Sharon's drug store. I can sav they are a most excellent remedy for kidney troubles, and I recommend them to wï¬exers from such complaints.†M LETTERS OF INTEREST FROM CORRESPONDENTS OAKWOOD This week ladies black and colored Kai (iloves. children's Hoods. fancy e derdown for children’s cloaks. glove-1y paiterns and under regular value). ll()lill BROS. ______...______ MT. ll()lll’.ll llof for ihe Tlli of November. Miss Scott. teacher in Mount lioref) is engaged for another year at .in‘in- This speaks well The trusâ€" crease ir. salary. for Bliss Scot? as teacher. ‘ fQS have done their part in {he right way. Farmers are about. through wi'.ii their fall \vork. ______..oâ€"--â€"' MANILLA flog}; l‘u‘os. ()akwood. are gaining torn-s every day. 'l'hey lia'fe lire. right policyâ€"-"l‘.oml Hoods ('hn-ap." They are ol’fering four specials in 25 cent, teas. .\'o. l special blend mived at 23c.: No. 2 special. all black. 25o: No. 3’ Spncial. all green. 2230: NH. 4. ) Special. uncoiored Japan, 23c. Ask for sample. See ()akwood corres- U‘fl‘l'rlil'c for further prices. -____..â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" T\l.\.\'.\'ll (.ilOVi‘lâ€"ELDON Miss I". Mclx’innon of Niagara Falls 1 wii'n la'r friend Mix“. SENTIC iilS‘- \‘u‘l "ie J. Sullih. Mr. ll. l'. Smi’l; of Slouffville visilâ€" . J". illg" 'llllt‘. (0 A ..... Ha ,- ’1 w . .._. . ,. I I Mr. ll. livid \,\:‘v-l ('l)l§~ti(,‘()lik re- l .\1r. \Vzn. Snzf'lL. lafl- of Vancouun. va\\' (l;i‘.f~ in our :ziillrl 312‘. end \lrs. (i. “mid: of Bro-cilia “'Coinpantwi by Miss Morrison of 1 ,4 liv-r‘v‘ for a short lune. Mr. llro‘wz‘. of Fem-ion has moved farm which ll“ lately pur- c‘HSv-d also \lr. llollinu‘sworlh has moved ?.o l...\ farm. \le wish boll: lizoso men s iccess in ‘lieir underlak in: Vi" uzelvrruzzlri Mr. ll. (f. llaul'rll has bought a farm .2? Islay and wil? be moving' there in ‘he spring. We are sorry: to lose Mr. llamill as l:- ':\‘ll be grcaily missed in our midst. _____a..___.. \'l(â€l‘()l:l.\ ROAD. Flrniers are busy picking and pack int; apples. plowing. threshing. ch Some of our young: men have made a break for themselves Lliis fall. Mr f'. llobinson has rented the (Jane-rm} farm: also .llr. ll. W. LyLlc has comâ€" menced work on his farm, east of the English church. Ed. and (Tliarlie are clever young men. and no doubt. will make 1heir mark in life. Mr. .I. lleliill having decided on moving back Yo .lanei ville. is at pres- em in Mauve-rs on his farm, plowing and makingr other necessary arrange- ments. Mr. and Sirs. Rehill have made many friends in our Vicinity. and will be greatly missed. .‘slr. ll. Webster returned home on Friday hav:ng spent a few weeks in Palestine. Miss Bella (’ameron spent. a. month in Toronto. Miss M. A. (‘ameron and Mrs. Jl Laidlaw spent a Week in Woodville renewing old acquaintances. Miss Maud Magwood who has been ill 'for some time is improving slowly On Sunday. 7th ult... the Rev. A B. ('haï¬ee. B.A.. of L‘oboconk. preach-- ed a very impressive Thanksgiving sermon in the English church, after which was administered the Holy Sacrament. The church was beauti- fully decorated with the fruits of the season, intermingled with autumn leaves. Miss Twohey in her able. manner ofï¬ciated as organist. Thanksgiving day passed 06 very txeeperdozen...... ...... 34 5039 a.._ â€"- quietly. hunting, and in the evening a. circle audience. and Mrs. J. W. Lytle, where the even- other amusements. ments, also household furniture, was a decided success. beautifully clear and buyers came from far and near. well and a handsome sum was real- . habits and loss of rest that K makes him peculiarly sus- success notwithstanding the incl-:- THE WATCHMAN-WARDER; LINDSAY, 0N1. ............._-â€". .__._..- .â€" and a half held the attention of the He took up the question of friends gathered at the home of Mr of the public debt and the broken pledges of the Liberal party. He , _â€"-â€" -. _-.-â€"- -..- - â€"_â€"-â€"â€"._...... The boys spent the day in trade with England and without an interruption, except the plaudi- tory marks of appreciation from his The day broke listeners. the meeting came to a. close, but not without ï¬rst having given ringing cheers for Queen and Empire and our Col. Sum Hughes, after which the national anthem was The sale of farm stock and imple- Everything sold ized. ______.°oâ€"â€"â€"â€"- MILLERâ€"SMITHâ€"EMILY The Methodist anniversaty on [lie 21st and 221ml Oct. was a decided sung. .__â€"â€"o.oâ€"â€"-â€"‘ BU RYS GREEN “0 were treated to two good pol- . . . litical meetings last. week. The ment weather. 'lhc building was A grand fowl lirst was in the interest; of Dr. Vroo- man. Capital addresses were given by the doctor, Chas I‘airbairn an-l A. F. Campbell. The latter is an excellent speaker and is assisting very materially in the work of ti_r, campaign. The meeting in the. in- terests of Mr. McIIugh was held on Wednesday evening. Only a. slim filled to overflowing. supper was served by the ladies, which was indeed a credit to them. The program commenced immediately after supper with Rev. l\l. lleigli in the chair. It consisted of music, both vocal and instrumental, recita- lions. etc. and an excellent. address by Rev. Rowe. from Omemee. 'l‘o , , attendance greeted the speaker, 1.. J. McLaughlin of Lindsay. The audâ€" ience lisLened attentively and receiv- ed much information in the tobacco and coal oil questions. Much Is being said both for and against. boll. parties. and it. is only a question of a little lllllu when it. “‘lll be seen that. there has been a lot of talking done for nothing by .he defeated. Messrs. Walker. Armstrong. and the I’ogue brothers. are again organizing for a good hunting expedition in North llarvey and (lalwuy. Mr. Wm. Gamble's new residence, (‘onfraclor Kcnl, of say the least all were well pleased with the evening's outing. Another of our boys has responded to the matrimonial call. 011 ’l’uesâ€" day last Mr. John Elliot suddenly made his exit. returning two days after \\lll- a handsome. wife in the person of Miss Annie Mclllullen from Simcoe county. A reception was accorded to the young couple. upon their arrival at their new homo. Their many friends Join in Wishing them a happy Iuturc. lluring the past week tWo visit-ire have come to our section: one. of 111.. looms aloft. lair sex to brighten the. home of Mr. , . Lindsay explcls to have ll ready for Robt. While, while the other a noun- . ~ cinf: boy come to take. up his abcdt. l‘hml-‘v-Warmiin; 'ere lllc 8110“" â€I“? wiih Mr. \Vm. 'l‘liurslon. A trial trip. The Watchmanâ€"Warâ€" der from now until the. end of 1000 An old man named ilewey. llzore familiarly known as “Jimmy llon_' was found (lead on Friday morning for 15 c01115_ Send in names and in his lillle shanty .il Fell's slalion. money at once. two and a half miles west. of this ’ place. The Lody was taken to Fenc- lon Falls and it was soon realized. MlNlllCN that. the old man had suicided by taking paris green. lleceasi-d lived alone and war: about .30 years of age Mr. Wm. Fletl. jr., while handling some lumber on a \ery windy day was struck on the head by a board which inflicted such a wound that llr. (.‘raham of Fenelon Falls was A very successful political meetingr was held here on the. evening of th" 23rd inst. ii. the. interests of Col. Sam. Hughes. The town hall was packed to the doors. a number of the people being unable lo obtain seals. ) dilllld llllun l'Olllld ()f rousing cheers called to dress it. and has confined Mr. Flelt to the house for several days. lie is now recovering and greeted the colonel's appearance. and ill a very short, time thereafter Mr. “Ill. Gainer was called to the. chair. will soon be himself again. Word has reached here from our boys who went norlli some few weeks Mr. James Mortimer. reeve of Anson. Mr. ll. ll. Baker of ingoldsby. Mr ll. B. McNabb of Sir-)wden and (up- ago to work in the woods for the “U†Sillllhl'ï¬'v Who was recently will. Standard Fuel (‘o. in the township of ('ol. Hughes in South Africa, “pm. Longford. The boys are Well suited -- with llicir place and will) their cook Mr. \Vm. l‘rior. who went with them Mr. 1’. ll(i\\‘kiii.< of \Voodville, rep- nazned to take seals on the platform. l‘-ilL‘ll in turn was called upon for an address: the first two only takingr ti Iew minutes each. Mr. McNabl) l)" . -.. '1 - I “ ‘ ’ V‘.‘ ' A l T in}: called upon announced himself as "H “1'ng â€I. Rapunu 1““ ( 0' INS-W" “H1 â€in: a politician nor the son through here last week and at many of a pnlllieiun. but, 1“. bad Um“ places left a good cup of tea. llr. Mc- \x..-*cllin}_r =11“ public life of lxay. and while In believed him to “'35 person by; ihe peopl.. â€f .\'or1h \ictoria. lie Akisler has tendered his resignation had been \Veiglnrd in 311,. balance and as Ieacho-r in our School after three found warning; “,1. llughes (1%“, years successful leaching. ml the voles of the plump. and anâ€. Mr. Allwynn Newton, from North coming" in tin battles of the 13“â€,in llay. is spendingr a. few days with his in a foreign country ought, to be se- “â€â€œlh‘ Mrs. lloskins. Mr. and Mrs. llopkins of llurnt [nth-d by a<clania.lior:. Sm'crul lef- lers were read showing the lrickerv lliver have been \'i‘qi'i"": friends m of lln- Liberal PM“), as they now “1;†lliis place. They are always wel i‘l’d’". all of which llad caused the come. spodkpr I†denounce llr. MCI\.“\,.; Mrs. lloskins spent two wwks wifli - . ~‘ ;‘ ‘ z' 7 .‘ 4' prowlll. polny and WW? lllS mu“ lui plrlnls Mr. l,ll(l \lrs. .imliu. ll‘lleclion talk is all the go around here. Just now ils"llurral1 for \'rooman." hearty support, to ('ol. Sam. Hughes. OWL. Southey recounted in a most... inieresling manner. several instum-pslsum. Hughes and llr. 'l‘lr‘y are. the men we should vote for by all means. We think Mr. lluglics might give us a. meeting in Howie's We would all like. to and adventures in the South African war in which (‘01. llughes took an “PM"? part. Ile gave llie, colonel school house. (‘redii for much gallantry as an oili- hcar him. cer under Gen. Sir Chas. Warren, and said his men had placed the. highest 1" has been ‘L grand fun for gather- ing in the root crop. 'l‘urnips ar* the order of the day just. now. commence in ('ol. Hughes and Would 74" NYLV Whv'r‘c_ and do any possible ’l‘he Wat.chman-\Varder is improving Last Week's issue, of 1(1 thing at his command. The colonel was again. greeted with cheers and every week. after thanking Capt. Southey for the wellâ€"edited pages. including the splenâ€" kind remarks and compliments len- (lid report. of Sir (Iliarlcs 'l‘upper's dercd him, Look up the political, great speech, was read with interest questions of the day and for an hour here. FARMERS. DO THESE PRICES MAKE YOU RICH? * The Liberals are shouting loudly that the people are a great deal better 03 under their rule than they were under Conservative. The following ï¬gures will only agree with what they have already found out and prove that the burdens of getting a living is heavier than ever : Prices Under Conservatlvc Rule in I895 Prices Under Liberal Rule in 1900 Galvanizedwire.................... 215 Galvanizedwire ...... .............. 410 Manila binder twine ...... 6% Manila binder twine .......... 16 Slzal binder twine................. 05 Slzalblndertwlue........ 115 Glass ................ . ..... 1 15 Glase.... ............ . ......... 200 Mowers .................. ....845to 52(1) Mowers .......... . ..... .....$48to 5600 Reapers..... ............. ....$62to 7100 Reapers ..... $63to 7200 Binders .............. .......$ll5to 132m Binders. ..... ..........8l‘20to 13700 Stoves ............... Wu 1050 Stovee.. ...... .. 1350 Putty ...... . ............... ........ l 60 Pntty........................... .. 175 Horseshoenallsmwt ...... 925 Home shoe uaila,ewt ..... . ..... '.. 1035 Horseshoe,cwt ........... ,........ 350 Horseshoemwt†............ 390. Barbados molasses................. 30 Barbados molaues............... . 38 Browneugar,1001bs..... ......... 850 Brown sugar,100 lbs............... 385 l‘wllled cotton. ,. 23 Twilledeotton.................... . 25 Grey cotton....'.................... 02 Grey cotton 06 Canadian prints . ............... 6i Canadianprlnte........... ..... 7; Shir-ting cotton............... 4cm 6% Shirtlngeottou................50to 08 Bed Ticking...... ..... .. ....100to 15 Bed ticking..................ll§oto l7 GreyFlaunel..................Scto l7 Greyflannel..................120to 20 650 Axesperdoz............ 56.5060 900 3‘ . Miss Jessie Lamb visits a couple of . weeks with her brother Wilson. of lie a, good (loclor, he also believed lurnl liver. lliai llt‘ not ilie “um,“ \\e are sorry to stale that Mr. ('. IS s woon AT $3.00 PER corn Gentleman’s Furnishings Political Rallies are poor drawing cards compared with t crowd-a.ttra.cting powers of the tempting Bargains at this sto . When we glve bargains everycalgï¬pgws they are GENUINE BAR- ,1 LITTLE PRIEES llll lllll EBlGHlEN Yllll HERE . GRAHAM IS SAFEâ€"hundreds know thatâ€"we have no broken promises. You have faith in us because we don’t do business on Misrepresentation. What we sell we endorse, and what we en- dorse the public are learning to have implicit faith in. i V l; l: Graham is Growing all the Time Winter is just about “up to you,†and you need winter Clothing. Underwear and Hats. You may be too busy with politics to think of these thingsâ€"but “a. visit in time saves nine.†Look to your bodily health and comfort ï¬rst. A visit to Graham’s will help you to a deci. sion quickly. Give Graham your trade. and then give the best man your vote. he r. l THE ONE-PRICE KING CLOTHIER Lindsay and Fenelon Fans l l {Eel avail - lair . ‘l "E! GOAL AT $5.00 PER TON ' ‘ â€"â€"-â€"ANDâ€"â€"â€"â€" 7 jllri fell l'. l. ""lll‘3.‘l§?2‘i‘.%ll is) 3 Qty 4 ell H. Xi half - - ;\ __) dike er; - would seem very cheap, would it not? Yet that is about what it would ask if you comoarcd Err-15 your present coal and wood bill, with what it would be, if you used one of our '53 33‘ u " H T F CHAMPION 0R PENINSULARQ†S'IOYES 0R RANGES / l of those people who are using them -â€"they are delighted. T" g which requires so little fuel to do the work. Call and see them and read the list of names See our large stock of AIR TIGHT and BOX HEATING STOVES Your olcl g g stove taken as part payment for a new. Every stove guaranteed to give satisfaction 9; money refunded. gCthNAMON EVERSO Kent-st, Lindsay mmemeemeema? 01‘. i: 1 in in :1 know see fun iron; v1 iull. l “e, ‘ in corn A-~FE