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Watchman Warder (1899), 14 Nov 1901, p. 10

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SIGN OF THE MILL GUNS and RIFLES LOADED ‘SHOT ENGLISH and CARVERS Jlub IV. V Also ranche of distant, and clc For further P5 S. M. PORTER office, Lindsay- DO01.1.11!OOOOOiflOO€COOQCOQllQ at lowest cm I HAVE A est money 11 will give m thereof. EXPENS] down to the consistent ‘ cessary 112%! ALL B strictly prh J. H. 91 Kent-st», : 91 Kent- st, Lindsay, Ont. . OCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO .0 !____fl Oakwood, Single First-Class Fare and One-Third To Missanable, :10 60 Kent-st, down to the lowest possible point consistent. with accuracy and ne- cessary re%nlrements. ALL B SINESS of this nature strictly private and confidential. ‘south Bicycle§ cLENNAN00. “6 Banana Permanent. and “68156?“ Ganada M0 3 6 GOTDOl'aUOfl ">0 0 0. fl. HOPKINS, Agt. at Lindsay Money to loan at Very lowest) rates at any time, and terms to suit bor- tower. The Corporation being an amalgamation of four companies and having capital and assets of over twenty millions, is prepared to do business on most advantageous terms. Private funds if preferred. G. H. HOPKINS, Insurance Agent Issuer of Marrlage Licenses Conveyancing in all its Forriié gon. U000 gUlu5 Oct. 15th to Nov. 19th All tickets good to return until Dedember lSth, l90| .' tull particulars apply to yc ur nearest C. P. R. Agent, or to A. H. NO‘I‘MAN. A.G.P.A. Toronto I King-st East. Toronto Farm Loans RETURN TICKETS 30 0;;55‘ \" â€"' CLOTHES WRINGERS TINWARE ware and GraniteWare. and best Enid Welland Valga tutu. vaupuu .â€" number of gooci sweaind-hand bi- cycles in good repair. T. R. JAMES, MARIPOSA TOWNSHIP CIEERK MONEY TO LOAN ‘ Mice «mm. ' Side of 15de SHELLS 3H and CANADIAN POWDER will be issued at are selling agent? for latest IMPORTED , MATCHETT. Agent C.P.R. ZEucyc‘feei"in the market. handlinl the Cleveland . Weldon Heron Bay and Nepi- Good gOiBS- Kent'.t . . SAW CAMBRAY and The Great ' Sold and :- druggists in able medici: 'V'v'v Lot 1, con. 1, Ops Township, 75 acres, all plow land, nine miles south of‘ Lindsay. Log house, frame barn 50x30, cow shed, gran‘ ary, large roothouse. A good farm; price low and terms easy. 4 - .. And" 1n"! arr-n: of The Presbyterian Sunday School Ed. .. Pocket Edition. c‘oth Large Type Edition. . Bola Type Edition. . . . Extra 010' 11,911 t,_ ..... in'gé Type Edition .................. we Extra. Leather Gilt ...................... 900 Mueic Edition, cloth .......... . . . . .. . . . .900 Muéic Edition. Leather ............... $1.25 Book of Praise and Bible combined at desirable five years to pay balance. Eight-roomed residence on Re- gentâ€"et., north ward, one door West of William-st; cement cellar, $4 ward; two storeys and attic; 9 rooms; two balls; pantry, bath- room; good cellar with cement floor; high and dry ; 1,4 acre land, good well. Apply to S. M. PORTER, Watch- man-Warder Ofiice. Opposite Post Office, A Chatham Mother Tells how Her Daughter, who was Troubled with Weak Heart Action and run Down System was Restored to Health. A DAUGHTER’S DANGER. Every mother who has a. daughter droopo ing and fadingâ€"pale, weak and listlessâ€" whose health is not what it ought to be, should read the following statement made by Mrs. J. S. E Chatham, Ont: v n.-.-_ .“ Sonâ€"@é tvirizivevago I got a. box of Milburn’a Heart and Nerve Pills at the Central Drug Store for my dqm_ghgqr, who_i.s now 13 DEOI'B 101' my unuslunâ€"i, "uv n; “v" -- years of age, and had been amicted wit weak action of the heart for a. considerable length of time. ‘ These pills have done her a world of good, restoring strong. healthy action n.’ her heart, improving her general health and giving her physical strength beyond our expectations. -.- ‘ 7*,LA ___ mus FOR SALE \coum CORRESPONDENCE v â€" -v- ..‘.‘ '1‘th 111:9; efilendid remedy. and to any one suffering from weakness, or heart and nerve trouble I cordially recommend them.” “Milburn’ 3 Heart and Nerve Pills am 500 I. box or 3 for $1. 25, at all druggists. RAG CARPET R RUR WORKS E“ " 7883 D5: ail druggiétfs, The undersigned wishes to inform the public that he has removed his Rag Carpet and Rug Works from Cannington to Lindsay, to, No.,.11 York-st., and is prepared to execute ' The Great English Remedy. ; , ' Sold and recommended by all ,1 ~ 1 druggists in Canada. On] reli- a e me cme lscove . n: M - bl d1 ' d' 5' , - _, t 1. packages guaranteed to cure all forms Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry. Excessive use of T0- 51' ”3353"“ “3mg?“ sg‘wo‘ifi 335%” $9110 30 age 9 X, - 9 dzwflwure. E’amphJets tree to an address. the Wood Company,W deer, Ont- Wood’s Phosphodine issold in Linda all ordérs promfitly and carefully. An inspection of my work is invited. Charges moderate. Robert Porteous. ,. TO SANTA CLAUSâ€" GEO. W. BEALL We give below a few of the leading styles : Please remember that our stone for the sale of Re- liable Jewellery and Watches is on the NORTH SIDE OF KENT STREET. .Iâ€"JALAu-u‘u v , 7, about 120 acres‘clearcd, nber. Frame residence utbuildings. Post office, .rches and schools con- A «and farm at a'modcrâ€" GEO. A. LITTLE’S THE J EWELLER ‘SfHeath, 39 Richmond Street, _'- "Nood’s Phasphodine, Book of Praise 17 3 acres 01 LINDSAY stock a. nice cutters, made Orillia. Ther cles made in t1 hope’s, and a every sale. 1 buyers to give Mr. Ed. Woollar-l of hunsford opens out in the drug business here on Tuesday next, in Vcntrcss’ (1d stand. He will have a compche'sLock of fresh drugs and standard patent, med- icines. Ed. has had large experience in his business, and is a careful and capable druggist. Our cheese factory closed for the season on the 6th, after a very sucâ€" cessful season’s business. There are four hundred cheese in the factory yet to ship. The increase of this year’s make is considerable over last year. The ploughing is all done in this part, although the ground was very dry. Mr. Spicr has completed his new building Mr. Tripp has put in a new tank lfor the use of his skating rink dur- ing the season. â€" â€"â€"--‘IA.~ ‘Anh‘finf 1115 Vllv wwwvuv Miss Finley, our popular teacher, is leaving at the end of the year. It will not, be an easy matter to fill her place. She is beloved by her pupils, and her teaching and order in the school is of the best. Mrs. Wm. Whitesides preSented her husband with a. fine young Sun a few days ago. Mr. Wm. Suggett, our enterprising mercgant, has purchased the farm‘ recently owned by Mr. ,A. Mark,‘ where he intends setting up his boys in business for themselves. No doubt they will be competitors at the next ploughing match. Some of our youths who no doubt have been loosed from the apron strings too soon, should be given ‘some sweets to encourage them to stay at home or should be accompan- ied to the house of prayer by their parents. as they are a source of an- noyance to the somewhat timid spirâ€" its while escorting their fair ones from‘ the ”sanctuary. , ~~ Driving out af yourrbest girl may y'our’ companion hind to await the icle should also bc sidcration'. blucx u mu“ . Mr. John Grills, who has served his time at Zion,‘ is now enjoying a short respite under the parental roof llis feelings, however, still draw him Zion ward. Mrs. Samuel Starr of this place hgppened with an unfortunate acâ€" cident last week.- While coming down stair she slipped and fell to the bottom, dislocating her elbow ‘and breaking her arm near the ‘Shoulder. Under the care of Dr. Hall she is doing as well as can be expected. Miss Lilly Swain of Lindsay spent Q s- und High Chief Ranger Robt. blllOLL and Supt. of Organization Ernest larting of the Canadian Order of‘ Foresters paid the local court :1 \‘i5- 1 it on Tuesday evening, Nov. 5th. The visitors were banquetted at the Northern hotel, where an excellent spread was prepared by mine inst Scott. Toasts and speeches were the order of the evening and a very enâ€" jezxa‘tie time vvas spent. Bros .lliot and (arting eXpressed thenfSelves as mmh pleased with the cordial we; ‘in which they were received. "The local court of the Canadian or- der cf Foresters have decided LO zurm a. brass band am! at the regular meeting,r on Friday last the following members were appointed a commitâ€" tee to purchase instruments : N. W. Hales, (JR; Gr. Train, F.S. J. R. Mark, treas. and A. Train, zed-sec. The above committee are now in communication with several firms who manufacture instruments and the band will be in good shape for work in about two weeks. \'--vv Flags were flying here on Saturday the King’s birthday. Mr. J as. Black has returned to Buf- falo to move his family here. They will reside on Wilson Avenue. Mr. HJ’J'.‘ Wilson has posters up for a. sale of"50 head“of stocker cattle and sonm sheep on Saturday, Nov. 16th. Mr. Neil Rivers has the contract for stumping the new agricultural grounds and is getting along firstâ€" class. mem made by Tudhopc 00.. There are no better vehi- ie in the Dominion than Tudâ€" and a. guarantee goes with ale. It will pay intending to give Mr. Arthurs a call. 31 X J ANETVIILE 1. Arthurs has just. put, in nice line of carriages and BOBCAYGEON at. her home here. out after service with girl may be all right, but panion who remains be- rait the return of the vehâ€" , also be taken into con- KINMOUNT DU NSF 0RD Robt. Elliott, Wharf. dition deer. . '. John Bell who has been 12nd ith a severe atâ€" . boots. shoes a Sons. Tall round'and see them. Mr. Bruce Bell is visiting Mr. Jas., A. Thurston, jr.,'for a. few days. I Mr. Jas. Kimble of Bobcayg’eon‘ spent a few days with Mr. Joseph hea'd the iist, but they are not sure of their victory until after Saturday, 16th. which is the last day for ‘de- livery - I am not a. candidate ior the reeve- ship of Eldon for the year 1902, but ' andidate for reâ€"olection as councillor. and will kindly ask my many friends and supporters for their continued support. If elected I shall always deal with matters af- fecting: the welfare of our township without fear or favor to any one. lYOUI‘ obedient servant, Colin N. Mc- Donald. .4110 UV VI“ â€".___ Thanksgiving Day, 28th inst. The program will be giVen mostly by local talent. Mr. Gilchrist of Glen- arm has consented to assist, in the musical part. Those who heard this gentleman here on May 24th will be pleased to have another op- portunity of hearing him. A full house is expected. Proceeds in aid of the public library. The entertain- iment will commence at 8 o'clock: ad- :mission 25 and 10 cents. The home of Mr. James umson n as made the scene of a very pleasant and interesting event. on Wednesday afternoon. the 6th inst, when his sister, Miss E. J. Gibson and Mr. Wm: Curtis of Mariposa were united in matrimony by Rev. G. Robinson. The event was witnessed by a few of the numerous friends and relatives of the contracting parties, and all .13....Am Ill!) vauv of the numerous friends and relatives of the contracting parties, and all partook of the sumptuous dinner with which the table was spread. The happy couple left on the follow- ing morning train for Niagara Falls and other points in the west. That their life may be happy and prosper- ous is the Wish of their many friends Rev. A. W. Coone of Bewdley paid his mother and sister a flying visit on Saturday last. ‘ Mr. L. Short of Toronto spent Sun- day and Monday with his mother , here. ,BURNT RIVER. “c are having bad weather for u change. ‘ .M 55 Millie Rettie of Toronto is visit ing- her parents for a. shoxt xime. Miss Bella. “indrim paid us :1 Lb- ing visit last, week. -. ‘. AA- v-.._- ..-___ Mrs. John Croft (nee Agnes Dood) is visiting her friends around here for a. While. Our fowl supper on the 7th hap- pened to be on a. disagreeable night but for all that everybody had a good time by What we hear. So much good stuff was left there that there was a social the ‘next evening to finish up. Altogether over $22 was made which was very good con- sidering the bad evening. "iiiâ€"End Mrs. David Chalmers have moved into the house which Mr. Robinson vacated by moving into his new store and dwelling house. Hallowe’en passed ofi very quietly; so thought, one of our eminent men until he was made aware that. his cart was on top of the church shed. Won’t tell what he said. Another wedding expected. Hurry up, Chris. The farmers of this vicinity certainly taking advantage of fine ploughing weather and praying for its continuation. We all sincerely regret the misfor- tune which befell Mr. N. Hart. He has our sincere sympathan his af- fliction. We wish him a speedy rc~ covery and that he Will soon be able to resume his work again. _ Then; is little or no sickness in this locality. Our little village blacksmith who occasionally resides at the foot of the Mount, was found mounted en a neighboring school house, this morn- ing. We were not surprised at, the movement, as it. was thought he would set. his affections on things above, not on things below. Mr. H. Lowery, brother of the blacksmith, passed through the vil- lage Sunday last. A thrilling ghost story is told by two young gentlemen while escorting two nice young ladies home last Sunday evening. While returning the gentlemen became suddenly alarmed to see that they were accompanied by a. large stone which 'seeming‘ty had no means whatever of travelling, and also a large ball of fire that was obligingly supplying the travellers with sufficient light to allow them to return to their respective home“. “like boys are keeping'better hm‘d‘s ;since. Both are in a‘ and their recovery r“ A. Thurston = John Bell, Wh some time W f bronchitis, 1 We; were very glad to see [Torch :0 we}! represented flat. the brick chuwch on -.~‘-‘.n‘.day. The visitors Wul": made cmdiglly Welcomé. ' No.1 and No. 2 are sold in Lind- say at all drugstores; _, I 7 ,, , . - â€"â€"--, .â€".. wca u;AAou CD. puns lulu. imitations-are dangerous. Price, N'o'.‘ 1‘, $1 er box; No. 2, 10 degrees stronger, $3 per box. '0. 1 or 2, mailed on reqel Q of price and two 8-cent stam s. The Cook puny Windsor 0;“. g- 05. 1 and 2 sold tnd recommended iv :11 reaponsible nmssmta in ‘ Is successfully 'naed monthly by over 10.000Lad1eg; Sate,e-flect‘ual. Ladies ask _ our dru gust for Cook's Cotton Root Cam'- ak'e no 0t er, as tn'liigttuxgg. p‘illlAs and ‘nhQ, I I": Ran nusâ€"aun- O'clqu'g‘gpygpg Rqot Compound OAKWOOD. MANILLA of Mr. James Gibson was cene of a very pleasant ;ing event. on Wednesday ;he 6th inst, when his 17‘ .T Gibson and Mr. MOUNT HOREB and serious con- is doubtful. :0 be given the evening We have the Short Jackets, Medium and Long Coats, Tight Fitting and Half Tight Back Coats in Black, Navy Blue, Grey and Fawn. are the Ladies’ Suits and Skirtsâ€"Every Style and Price in Ladies’ Ready-toâ€"Wear Suits. A fine assortment of the very Newest Goods. New Furs For Fall and Winterâ€"Ladies’ Astrachan Jackets, Electric Seal Jackets, Coon Jackets. iflobinson X Ewgn’ V““~“v~‘ “‘Q‘ . qu that we are so near the ‘Break LU)” which usual} wmter 1t ml] :92!) be an ABSOLUTE NI‘LLJ‘LéiITYthatygm proper preparations about MM P all and Win er 00mm Vlu uuuuuu vvuw-vâ€"r THE FARMEBS' FRIEND, and the great . introduced for Horses. Cattle. Sheep; Plgds' 2C Give it to any animal and at any season of the year money for you. We have made a special efi‘ort and have succeeded admirably in THE VERY BEST AT THE LOWEST PRICE. Men’s hand bottomed Fine flip Split LongBoo $l.75, $1.90 and $2.00. Men’s Grain Kip Long Boots, hand bottomell solid, “warranted,” $2.50, $2.85, $3.00. Men’s strong Lace Boots in Chrome Kip, waterpn and will never get hard, made in 3 stylesat The Canadian Rubber Co’s Rubbers in all linesl Right Prices are the best wearers and”e fitters. Men’s Armour Proof Rubbers are sold under N antee and will be replaced free,ofcllaf!e not satisfactory. 74 Kent-51., 0m tnécfiréfimgconmmon39M i .u Directly Opposite Post Office, .‘ HIGI-NBOTHAH, 3.: Don’t Miss Seeing The Elegant New .v "w, .._... .u, v. .... “mt-ion o‘the bi()()(i:-Bwi:k.h¢3‘vm‘hcfl ThrunuLUHu unw-,r W II who lent ten buxcs ((011! 33‘4““; a? 2"" 1"” h‘ESS W . w‘j‘rfl! GoldI Pl!) ”do“: most generous offer to fi‘fr‘dm this “immune ‘anifl‘ m man a u desired. This is no fake. me. Way-hes are 9“” L v N10” i3 ' life time. 3nd we will have if V‘ I“ wirh vnur Mnnnmm emu: Le a5 was! “fiw‘ my. sud onl intend to mlvémsc in {his way ‘0‘ ‘ “be?! :12; £1121 ‘ "bed. Sen 01.00 and we willsend you our mnasomc p m 361‘ 01â€",“ mad 9 m‘mu‘m.‘m pegboxmdsendulthotljoas. w m- 3‘ N we mumd "'1 9‘” ' W" “you with our oflcr n 0 m 0'“th 9 FALL ANNOUNCEMENT Thu 13 ‘3 mu m ' t we are only mine to mu: m :cfimfi' Nerve Tablets on the market. Inn-ans.- um" minim finalual ‘9 3 NWT". ma}: .5: pm to" - , the blood. sick hemlyhca. rhrunmu'am an f 2%- Wm n4.- n._ __ J :30 ”linen boxes of our :abh-u a . _..‘... “an...“ nfl'er to secure this ‘ er and (L up MEN’S SPECIALS HJH HM .ALLAN C0 tWh; {bx and n; L nf the 10“" m WATCHMAN-WARDER EVERY STYLE AND PRICE THAT ARE OFFERED AT CASH and ONE PRICE TO ALL In: nut. UIILREU Al\ El. 1.51;“ 11;}!!le Hush.- _,,, V" 1 «ram, e” “v ‘ w "Vi ave Vuu wi your.um< :- ‘ 5‘ i . ,5 ea- ' ,. ’intcnd to advérme {n this way for a shelf; :fiethe 10 Mxfl‘ 01.00 and we willsend you our 1131;850:1180}: In" .6“ M”, “250-333! bostendunbeflflfg‘ W I m 7 â€"--â€"- um send you __ HUBBEHS EEEEEEEEE Also a large and com 1e of Furs for nee: fig“ Gloves, Mitts, etc. ' etc. ”gm-“n“ "m ' ' V Lindsay, ’ In one ( W plots, where the ”a very little aim!“ a. total failur fl Sikh. y w;â€" an," Was the reply. “1 35,000 acres in beets 1: (y going. That; means flu-range for the proper ops. that you should 'n of 60.000 acres within ' ide the 5,000 acres am: :1 for beet production. vhitby and Lindsay dist r, they Jertainly ham: ; E 'table to the purpo»: not know but enoug be found to justify t fva. factory at each can depend upon hauling ‘ is the outside 1i: v pay to haul beets . _ ALA AF;Y'OY' Y be found to justify 1 {.a factory at each can bdepend upon hauling miles is the outside 1i 1 pay to haul beets ven then the driver V p on moving to get in a, day. The bulk of I ycase, will have 10 1) i1, an both Whitby a is the willingness of 1 ' engage in beet cultu! {of those whom I saw “- see a factory 51;. i1 a. few of them woui elves to raise a cell: rts But the majori would like to see t1 . because thev belie» 3 means of adding ‘u air promrt37. ' and i1 s over before hay sets are put in 2 . in proper condit lid is kept well C‘ jbevsuch a mass 0 517601: in Jul\' 111; bnwill be in-' . to the plants.S Wasting 601.10.? 0 {is over, " harvesting, if mood as soon . In that who there altogether to we is placed on gr. raiSing, with when lts, as it was “i. is a pretty slow \\ oney, and it is a do deal of labor, am complaint on this : is this advant ago red with turnips : : harvesting, if op.- a Court, 3501111, Of I'l:'.'3.<in;. ; L. Ald. O'lleill)‘ v. ' Several appeals :Itlt were heard. '1“: came from the Y [ars’s Han. Mr. 1:. . Poke for the ff'2rltscl' {art for the Emu-r. : “danghlin :Lrg‘u~:i '5- Was exempt up. iv: gmming plaCcs {maintained educati mmrporated educati 1141A. building v r . ~ and of educa‘ an mfnrlmrn f AA '1. LIAM. and St. Mar} Not Pay Taxes '“citpr “eweu L0 "f‘T' ; assess 1 £6 Y M'C'A- mm: 1e gets a. revenue. the , 3.5 the vie .- . Supplying recr tlve quarters for 5 an a“iiunct, of the THEY ARE EXEFE athletic ,4an 183‘ WOUIC

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