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Watchman Warder (1899), 14 Nov 1901, p. 6

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If we haven‘t got what you want we'll‘ get it for you on short. notice. ALL THE STANDARD LINES in To- baccos, Cigars, Cigarettes, Pipes and Smokers’ Sundries of all kinds. COME IN AND SEE OUR NEW STORE. next door to O’Loughlin 8: Mc- Intyre‘s. Kent-Sm, Lindlsay. J 05. Carroll. {Con’rfinenr ‘ 1- , ‘ Putting off In- surance is like waiting for a ris- ing river to run by: the longer you wait. th e smaller becomes the opportunity to cross. See our V rvn~â€"---- Compound lnlveélmcnt Plans. In 10 years we loan you the remainder of the premium and carry your risk. Call and see us; it will be a plea- sure for us to give you all informa- tion. J. l. GIRVII. Lhdsay Mamie kas‘ I. prepared to furnish the people 0! Lindsay and surrounding countr} with monuments and headstonesboth ‘ marble and granite. ‘ Ebtimates promptly given on al' kinds of cemetery requisites. Marble Table Tops, Wash Tops Mantle Pieces, etc... a. specialty. Being a practical workman. a.“ should see his designs and compare prices before pruchasing elsewhere. WORKSâ€"In the rear, of Market on Cambridge-at... opposite the Packing Van-m ROBT. CHAMBERS ROBERT CHAMBERS LIFE Peter-born SIIIZENS, BOARD 0P IRADE SSS COUNCIL DISCUSS SHE HRE HMS SHE (Continued from Page 5.) Hence I urge the change. I have authority to say it will not cost the town a cent to fill in the excavation that has been made. That site was advised by the Board of Trade last summer but it seems these man have 'changed their minds. 1 hope the council will see its way clear to acquiesce in our wishes and change; the site. . 1 Thos. Bradyâ€"I am not in favor of putting the hall on the market square at all. If we crowd the mar- ket and have no place for produce to stand it will be our own fault. It is a mistake to put up the building now anyway. Tenders should have been asked. I would rather see it 11L Ulla v vw-v‘ square will be needed. I think the hall would not hurt the park. We have afair amount of park room and if that ground north of the new park is got we shall aIWays have enough. I strongly favor changing the site; Yet I do not criticise the céun‘c‘ll.‘ They hiWe done Las intelligent men should; they con- Isulted the Board of Teade and care- fully considered the matter. Mayor Ingleâ€"Why didn’t you say that when the site was chosen. Mr. Flavelleâ€"Exactly, but as l have told you I have changed my mind and take‘ my full share of resâ€" ponsibility for the present state of affairs. A -1. “3,!” W. Flavelleâ€"-I think the west sxae would be a better place from the standpoint of appearance. I do not think so much of the market quesâ€" tion. We 'could use the road on the _‘ A. UAV;¢. -.‘. -_ south sidef it is wide. I do not feel strongly anyway. I disagree with Mr. O’Leary. Practical men say the work can be built in Winter and be all right. ‘ (Mr. Flavelle here again explained What the underwritâ€" ers had tc 1d him about the insurance rates of this town and proceeded) _1 think the damage the hall will do Mr. Sinclair has been magnified. Where the hall shall stand is not so ‘important as that itshall best-art- ed this fall. 7 i “ ‘7 4":4__ signed the requisition for this meet- ing and are not enough interested to come to it. I am sorry too that some citizens say they did not even know a fire hall was going to be built. . ' I would much prefer the west side as a site. I have seen a good many 1halls and they can be made Orna- present a better appearance ..with the hall on it and'the hall will be shoWn ofi better in that position than around the corner on Cambridge street where it will seem a back kitâ€" chen to theinarket. -‘ I should be glad to see a change. Of course you cannot get a site that will suit ev- erybody but if you cannot gotta cen- tral one, use theatoyvn property that best answers the purpose. _ Rev. J. W. Macmillan .when' called upon said : . I know nothing oil the injury the. hall will, do Mr. Sinclair on the present site, 'nor of tranSplan'. that. case the pres_ent market ' COULD NOT WALK. Somat‘people become so cripplea’ with rheumatism that they cannot. walk for month; at a stretch. Mr. J oh}, Connell, Bedfofd Mina, Ont, not walk for two months. Four bot'tlesh' of Dr. Hall’s Rheumatic Cure 111$sz a} well max} of‘ him; This great blood .puxfifiep is put. up in bot- tles containing ten days’ treatment, -I think the west side better place from the :nnpnrance- I do not ting it across the street but I do say “Leave that little green plot alone.” If this was an evening in} spring I do not think there would be so much applause at suggestions to put the. fire hall there. The prettiest thing in Lindsay is that plot and if your hall was as orna- mental as the cathedral of Cologne ‘I would not see it there. The public library is to be mOVed up to the old council chamber. The west winds prevail in summer. The odors from the horse stable of the hall will be ofiensive. Don’t put it there. Mr. Anderson and Mr. Flavâ€" elle like green grass around , their own doors; they both have nice lawns, but they are not so anxious about the people who have no grass in front of their houses. Dr. Vroomanâ€"l can’t see what. you '1 will do with the farmers if you put; the fire hall on the market squarc.‘ All the space is needed. :It might: be well-to go east and=get a- more central site. 41f the place was kept clean there would be no offensive odâ€" 4 017.. I would not hesitate to make it change because the work has heâ€" gun. . Now is the time to make the *change for if is‘done wrong now it will always be wrong. R. Kylieâ€"I was in favor of' that site but if it hurts my neighbor Mr. Sinclair I would be sorry to see it put there. If We need more room outside of the market; we shall also need " more inside for the sort of- market produce is changing." Hay and wood are nearly done. I don’t think the market square 'will suffer but if it will hurt Mr.'Sinclair I would be awfully serry to see it done. l l i Jos. Staplesâ€"We should not, deface the park. The 'markct squa'rc will not; be‘ hurt. Mr. 'Sinclair will not; be hurt by it. Farmers will g6 thcré to get their horses shod. ‘ D. R. AndeI‘SOnâ€"The fear of often- sive odors is unfounded. In the city they have'no trouble‘of that. sort. R. J. McLaughlinâ€"The hall shouldl be built at once. The Site is all right. We can’t tell whether 1mg Sinclair will'be injured or n‘ot. For fear he might I am willing'for coun- cil to change the site. I believe in green grass as much as Mr. Anderson ‘afld he as much as Mr. Macmillan. but it is easier to get park room in Lindsay than it is fire hall sites. In the p'ublic' interest the present place is' all right. No damage will be done by changing, so it may be Wise to put it‘ at the west of the market. Ald. Robsonâ€"It is proposed to put the " cells under the hall. It should for that reasan be nearer the chamber where court is held. There will be no et’fluvia. Fire haills m... not kept, in SllCh a. condition t6 al- low that. We have ample gmg; space.‘ vTo get the hook and ladder. ‘trucks into the hall if it is'hfiilt on the market square, we shall‘havc to go on ‘Mr. Sinclair’s property. ' A. D. Manonâ€"If tenders had'bcien called ‘for the people WOuld have known that the work was about to begin and could -have raised objerfâ€" tions. If this town is going to ‘be any good we shall want the market The. west side will not do ket for it will be too cold he winter. It is not the best place for a fire hall but of two evils choose the least. On a busy day there would be a great danger ‘from'the fire team coming out. The pulse of the people should haVe been felt before the work began. I. am sorry for the council and for the rate payers whom council has got into such a deplorable and despicable posâ€" ition. _ u." , ,_ ‘ «vi-mild “'0 square. for a. mar there in t st 1am LUL u --.v __v, . . V :ihpmoom..,%9.lefit. On a busy Continuing from the here would be ‘ a grea . 9. day t team coming out. The for that Site because it. w I Vow! ‘fthe fire 1 ~ 3.31:; of the people should haVe been one and I will stand by lithe best. felt"'l$éfd’ré‘ the work began. I am it drop altogether. We couldr n1: - ‘ the rate go on before fo~ . sorr for the canned. and for - . . ‘ “1L” “'0": s Daygrs Whom council has got into and the ”“01“ f0!‘ the wallcame such a deplorable and deSpicable POSâ€" burnt only last week, We did Were ition. ‘ » I know What the bOMS would sellf Mayor Ingleâ€"Whep _ would '~ W0 till a month afler 1h” “Flaw or build the hall if we Waited for' all passed. he would have had was to be satisfied with the Site? Bot Siders to do the work and I W0 ‘this century. We thought we werv not do that (Ztllliliillst It is “m carrying out the people’s Wishes and as well to build in Winter, ~. . . -ng of council and Mans10n 30.115“ Was l‘uill, Wen-11h Board of Trade. In 1899 we found often do it 111 Toronto, 1 feel “at? we could not build on the south Sine about this matter. William“ 3, unless we bought more land there. corner ha: been “1'7“111‘HHKI; that: v31; Thenthe bylawwvas voted down. I cost $2.00, 11M... Wu get that, don’t care where the hallis put. 1 money to spare? If 5., give it to us am a friend of Mr. Sinclair. .but he la‘nd we “'i.“ 31,...“ it. The lot acre will not be hurt'and our market Will the road 1?. 1101mm. Wide nor , a; be bigger than ever. I feel like enough. '1th muym' um I and the. dropping the Whole thin". . reporter for the pot-g “Wm LO ()rillia Mr. Flavelleâ€"-No, no. at our own expem.._ (:1) there t 1151er Ingleâ€"â€"Yes, We had bettef' is' only an eight-{90“ till“) L'Qtwheee‘re' leave it for a nother council. ' the hall and a private home, There Ald Jacksonâ€"4h 1900 councxl and i; no odor from the hall. 1 do“; t‘danger 'above, Aid. O'Reilly gaggm‘t left l 5 Board of Trade agreed on'the present think Mr. :“incluir xvii“; l... hUrt any > site. So one dissented but Md- (J‘é'fn’ I am making no “pinngy and Will 9 dell. This year the bylaw to raise stand 'or fall by in}: choice. It is > the monev carried with that underâ€" that sue or dropvrt. ‘ ' standing: We could not go on SOOD- Ald. Robson \ on say the Site was :< er by we could not have got the lsettled- 0,“ “long new. It Was not 5- building up for‘the $5000 when qu- settled till Houdini lllL’llt that you é es were high, ‘xVe could not afford were gmng F0 hm}? U“ This Sm; Q to buv a lot. We. mustcut 0“? garâ€" Aid. O'Ileillyâ€"l‘i you had been as ° menthccording to our cloth.,I would solic1tous about in; Liam's interests . not favor building on the park: “"3 as you were about getting “Waiter . to stop that. going on a tour of inspection around could et 1000 names 2 So whit are we to do? In October town you “(mm mm: known it. 0 we decided on the present site. We (Cries of “Personalf'l 0 have waited to get men and if we Geo. Lytlewlt might be Well to 0 have 10 davs more of this sort ref discuss this nuttteaniimy in com- 0 weather we shall have the building mittee. . 0 closed in by Christmas. If we do D. R. Andersonâ€"lulesg mum . there we‘shall drop it will agree to Sm}. "l"3rzit.ions till hen the old hall and that can be done. 1 will move thatin les are removed Ml" l’the opinion of this “1‘14.ng the fire a better position hall should be built at the west d hall is put there the market building or at the norm ; if at the west If council will not stop we can only a .- n”- dkic hnildâ€" “Mflmhm- “mm in Januarv. ition. Mayor Ingleâ€"When‘ would we build the hall if we Waited for- all to be satisfied with the, site? Not this century. We thought we were carrying out the people's Wishes and of the joint meeting of council 'and Board of Trade. In 1899 we found ‘We could not build on the south side unless we bought more land there. Then the bylaw was voted down. I don’t, care where the hall is put. I am a friend of Mr. Sinclair-but h( “1-“; .rHI ”0500 In U)“ Uu; wwwwwwwww iot build it there we‘shall drop 1tlwm agree to step "Writtions til old hall and that can be done. ] will mm: than; altogether, “When the the weigh scales are removed Mr. l’the opinion of this . . . . . . - I "f Sinclair Will be in a better posxtion hall should be buih”:fl“:fi trail; than now. If the hall is put there . - -H _ strangers can see it; if at the west §?ec:;::l;ft“,ri)fil1:31:3er"tattle north. they cannot till they pass this buildâ€" remember them in inhu-xrv can only ing. Next year a lot must. be bought Ald. Jackson __ ’l‘he‘ quest’ , for stone-crushing purposes. The “Shall we go on or not"" Thm {8 time is coming when we will, need onlv about a week toga”: ere '1 very little market. Wood and hay ‘ . ._ . _ ‘ ' are about done. Other produce can JE‘LO Leary You knew that 133‘ .be backed up to the platform. ” . __ > , , Ald. Robsonâ€"Is there any other aéldc'oggghsofis Mggf‘figgjgg’ s m“ town in Canada that expects its never asked a manifor a "0t:rya.;1d‘ market to decrease? You must deâ€" don't know who is unions to . cide whether you will have hay and here next vear I hat‘ve‘ tried t 2 straw littered over the market my duty ahd made gnomi‘fi 0 square or over the parlf. Jas. McWilliamsâ€"I second M125: Md° Horeâ€"-I am am?“ to put derson‘s motion. It is not new the hall in the right place. I was sary to encumber our li‘tle m the one who suggested last year that square with the hall I ”n v we ask the Board of Trade. This a town with the ‘f‘h; h‘llle gt 5‘ site was decided on and thought we market. It will m; d'm‘ n u were carrying out the wishes of the teams and people. '11:“ $11328, “h I would be 5°"? ‘0 one is likely to be killed win??? " ratepayers. > turttfilr- Sinclair for We were boys fire team comes out. Why are t oge er; Y_ ‘kmm mnm f0 . Stones that Were laid down on I r a. Imm-ct south being carted backh togeuiu. Jas. Markâ€"Is there room for a; hay rack to pass a wagon in a 16-ft ‘ i Ald. Hereâ€"1'. was in favor of mak- ing the lane 6 feet wider. Ald. O’Reillyâ€"We have not plung- ed into this. The fire hall has been long talked of.~~ There are wheels, Within Wheels. rings within rings. A l year ago the Wutchmanâ€"Wurdcr said? Wilson's corner was the only place that would do: now it is pressing,r for another site and next week it may want another still. (Having uttered this unfounded cha- ‘rge of inconsistency in an excited way the alderman proceeded to single out a member of the Watchman-Wander staff as the ofiender and to exonerate {its proprietor. It was at this point. gthatwthe alderman began a series of lpersonal attacks that marred a lspeech fairly well begun, and were Babies and children need 3 proper food, rarely ever medi- i cine. If they do not thrive : on their food something is Iwrong. Jhey need a' littie :help to get their digestive machinery working properly. M.- I 4 - "\ ,fim LIVER on. WWW/2110591117235 ”iv/£6004 will generally... 9;on , this. If you will put from one? fourth to half a teaspoonful in baby’s bottle three or four times a day you will soon seei a marked improvement. For larger children. from half to“ a teaspoonful, according to; age, dissolved in their milk: if you so desire, will very soon show its great nourish- ling. power. it the mother's {milk does not nomish the “3m. She “ads “R mu“ sion. It will show an effect at once both upon mother and child. scan a some, “imam. Canada. {hing vfifiposes. The l g when we will; need eret. Wood and hay me. Other produce can to the platform. lâ€"IS there any other nada. that expects its Lecrease? You must de- you will have hay and ed over the market wAmâ€"WARDER, NOVEMBER 14th greatly regretted by a alderman continued .until stopped by cues from the meeting.) .. Ald. Jacksonâ€"Mr. Anderson’s fling Lher at. council is not. necessary, 1 its never asked a, man for a vote and! deâ€" don’t. know who is anxious to he and here next year, 1 have tried to «b rket my duty and made encmiw. Jas. McWilliamsâ€"I second Mr. An- put derson's motion. It is not. new was sary to encumber our little market that square with the hall. I never a: This a. town With the fire hall next fl! we market. It will be dangerous, win I the teams and people am there. some- remember them in January, Ald. Jackson â€"â€" The question is “Shall we go on or not?" There is only about a. week to spare. H. O’Learyâ€"You knew that 133: July. one is likely to be killed wheat]; fire team comes out. Why are up stones that, were laid down on Wil- liam-st. south being carted backhae now? Is it. just to give somebody *work? Who is running the townany- lway ? Mr. McWilliamsâ€"You charged I too much. Ald. O'Reillyâ€"Only $2.00. Mr. McWilliamsâ€"And it only cost you $5 and you got it second“ D. R. Andersonâ€"Another planed! ‘be selected and work proceededwifl in 48 hours. John McLennanâ€"Will the comdi change it if it is shown that MLEI' Clair is injured ? Jas. I£nnonâ€"â€"â€"'l‘h.wc has been aid of '-bungling with tire (lepai'tulalts matters in the last 26 years. It'll be a. mistake to put the hall on ti! market square. It will greatly 1r terfere with improving it. Conn1 did not think it would meetthe 013' position'ofv the Citizens; it knows I‘ now. The matter should be W considered. 9 .211.“ A'ld. O'Reillyâ€"That man took our scraper Without leave and W when we charged him for_it.. g W. 131331110â€" 4101: amportant on this fall. i any willAbc i ison is likely } Retest. .éinuation. at fix st. I vélle. W. B. FCC’UY' stubbornness of go 011'- in a ncW- I J I).Fl;ch11tl- that“ it, iS' de rather than t! keéfie chosen ’ T3: Brad) -â€"â€"1 where it i ‘ p. Sincl mass as 1 P. Sinclairâ€"alt will in inoss as long as we afe Richard Sylvesterâ€"1 t Clair will not behurt a in amendment that the oeeh at the present site. Mr. Anderson a vote of some influences in t men need is not , lled rehg" but clean literature. ‘2‘ ’ 50' érs. despite the littie bit v. tionalism that 0C ' are' a, gregt 130 e influence wield mm- , grei‘ of men than the pulpltf a this used to be 3- moo .‘ : Metal”. ‘the old-time debafing 00 c ' H-.. nrawn t an“ Subscribe for song. .e pres‘cnt sue. . b! .erson's motion earned ' some 12 to 40. Win?“ ight that ya ,1 this sitg. )u had been as mm's imam. s “e are in to“ norâ€"1 think “1- 5" ‘ that the W0 ompareu (3 attack: Pers onalll .1901 1112.1. re there betWee‘ . There I don't nan took om' 5d with g0“ that m .er of Site 3 .000 000. *0... 9009 At 8. 60 .0. .... 6690 6609. Men’ At 9. At 7.! At 61 At 4'. At 3. At 3.! ‘ file] At 6‘ At a, At 4 At 3‘ At 21 (ion At 1. At 1‘ At 2. At 2‘ At 3. Chu

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