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Watchman Warder (1899), 21 Nov 1901, p. 1

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17 20.95 45 7359 :I42 L31 .95 0.43 Patented 31.39 Patent/ed 26.58 Patented 10.34 Patented 6.43 Patented bit, together ,s are sooner r": '3, said County 0’ Vlctorréb' ;e Eighteenth day at ‘ .48 .13 SOMERVILLE 4.38 18 21.26 Patented .95 5.21 . 95 5.21 F40 30.30 Patented LAXTON, [.95 8.88 Patented {.95 7.73 Patented- .95 6 .33 Patented 'A :11 .11 12.02 L9 0 19.37 Patented 57.60 Patented 33.56 Patented 24.35 Not Paw“ soonel' 0‘: 2*2*:4°1*2*2*3'O{+:Q’{'93'0’363'0‘2'0'2‘9‘2‘OéO‘2'O’20“ 2. 52 Patented 3. 98 Patented 2.02 Patented 5.85 Not Patenwfi Patentedz Patented Patented Pate“ Patented Patented Patented Patented Patent“ ' -‘ "“‘e iculars and iv; wl‘lglVe 0 pm 04-04» 3 3 g I very fashionable. A e qualiti 37-50, SING, up to $35.00 96, es, as well as the comfortable, warm and stylish \, w v;lvuulu o I o. i In Grey Lamb, Persion Lamb, Electric Seal, Bochearn, Astraclian, . Russian Larnb, Coon, Wallab , Greenland Seal, etc Our Jackets are C ‘ ' ; lined mtli FmeFumers SatmnBrocade Satins, Italian Clqths, plain or 6d f ca - ’ ’ :aéfiywfiéé‘a ." $25, $27.50, $39, $35, $41550, $75, $125 .:~ See our SPECIAL ELECTRIC SEAL JACKET of superior 3 value, 24 inches long, lined with heavy Furriers’ Brown Satin $40 00 3 tnmmed with natural Alaska Sable collar and lapels. Price, . .2. \\ Bear cxtra .arge assortment Plain Hamster gem . _Prices moderate. w" ’ 91' Wnte particulars and we u quotations on u Ork. sizes, Prices $6 MUFFS flhm “9°93 and colleagues. Drumsémings for Jackets, and c t t. 1 Subunit!“ any 3 y e 01‘ Pattern \ D Fur *8 Of all Kinds Extra guaranfee anything we make. manship guaranteed. Extra Values in Ladies’ Underwear from [SC to 3125 Extra Values in Furs. 1 Extra ValuesinBlankets Vol- XLH. No” 47 LADIES’ FUR LINED CLOAKS Robesâ€"Special Valli“, large range, made in three sizes, prices $6.00, $7.00 and $9.00) ‘1‘ .99." “.999 $9.”.9...9.".9...9...9. ..9.u.9....9...9....w W m: glut;- Eguu can... . O OOOOOO‘OOCOCOOOOQOOOO .17” Extra Values in Men’s Underwear -â€"Fine Scotch Wool Shirts and Drawers 7 75¢ â€"-Fir_u_r chtch Wool Shirts and Drawers. -â€"Heavy ribbed Shirts and Drawers, the 50c quality for â€" - - 37k --P1ain Scotch Wool Shirts and Drawers 50c â€"Double Breasted Frieze Suits, plain or checked - - - $6.00 and $6.50 -â€"Double Breasted Tweed Suits, good patterns, heavy weight - $6.00 and $8.00 â€"-Double Breasted Serge Suits, all wool Irish Serge, - - $8.“ and $9.00 â€"â€"See our Celebrated $9.00 Nap Serge Salt for - - - $7.90 â€"-Very heavy Frieze Ulsters. large storm collar and corduroy lining at - $8.00 -â€"- w: “V's-U shirts double breasted and double back 1.00 Heavy Wool Fleece Shirts and Drawers, the 75c quality for - 50c v “â€" ---v--w. 'e you more superior value than the We make everything we sell and zke. Style, Fit, Fmish and Work- Extra Values in Men’s Clothing. %’ JACKETS.... " vuvlb $15, $20, $25 up to $50. ‘. l:.. -’.lr~_,, Our FUR exper’énce at your dispOsal. Au Furs sent, If no: patiefactory, may be returned and money will be refunded. MAIL ORDERS Receive Special Attention Blankets at $2 50, $3.00, g3 50, $4_. 00 and $5. 00, Manufacturing Furriers and Hatters, Lindsay. Cash paid for Raw Furs 0.8:“ O O {:3 45. 5 99¢. ve sell and and Work- tm, Astraclzan )ur Jackets are ;o::.o:o.o:o.o:.. .:...:.. .9 12$ linings of 9 Thibet Sable O ; medium '1 O a Stoves, Pipes, Stove Boards Fire Shovels, Lanterns, *3 Granitware, Oil Cans, Pumps 3 Sinks, Tinware, Ualvanized 3 and Tin Pails, Stove Polish, 3 Stove Pipe Varnish, Nails, 3 Tar Paper, Glass, Paints, 3 Oils, Rape, Sc00p Shovels, 3 best Coal Oil, Cutlery, v Spoons and Forks, Scissors, § Etc. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GEO. INGLE Do You lntend Building ALI; BUSINESS 6': this nature strictly private and confidential. â€"v -vu ‘vuml , ~ ~ “V at lowest current rates of interest. I HAVE ACCESS to this cheap:- eat. money market in Canada and will gtve my patrons the benefit thmf. EXPENSES 0F LOAN kept down to the lowest newbie point consistent with accuracy amino. ”’1‘!!! mqirmvnts. Heating. Plumbing and Ventilating Engineers, LINDSAY. Boxall 6: Matthie m WY mum: FACTORY 3mm 1'0 LOAN ”Mortgage ‘-“L -fi, lhave everything you” require. and it will pay you to consult me before making contracts. My PLANING MILL turns out every- thing you require for House or Barn Building, and the prices are right. The best workmen, the cheapest iumber, and satisfaction guaranteed in every case. i LINDSAY. THURSDAY See them before orderin; Prices right. Fit and P hi: tee J. H. SOOTflERAN, LAND, AGENT 1:111. NUJSBY TAILOR, Little Bn' tain, has a complete assortment of up- to date imported and Canadian Tweeds. Overcoatings. etc. Farm Loans CW6 GILLESPIE 6: C0 The Cheapest Place to Buy Come in and inspect these goods: Sequin Latime Co., J. D. King Co, The Tetrault Shoe Co., The McCrady Co., Winn Co , Harvey Van Norman, etc. All our Footwear is up todate and unsurpassed. New Boot and Shoe Store We have passed into stock this week many kinds of RUBBERS, inc'uding the best Lumbermen’s put up Our stockis now com- plete, and as it is all new and made by the best manufacturers in Canada everything in our stock is a: bargain. 0 Jo RICH orfigring elsewhere. , but none of them anything like as much as the Shorthorns. Comfort and Feed One of the valuable lessons learned in this contest is the necessity of giving the cows the greatest pt ésible comfort. This is a point frequently touched upon by writers of dairy lit- erature but we do not see the force of it on paper as we do when we see the results of it right before us. The effect of extreme heat are among the ; most difficult to cope with in the summer season and which have a very great influence on the milk pro- duction,’ decreasing the quantity and also the quality of the milk. It has also been clearly shown that the Special dairy breeds are the most per- sistent milkers, which, in a dairy \cow is a very important point. The fact has also been brought out that ordinary farm products with the addition of bran and oil cake furn- ish a firstâ€"class ration for oroducing milk, while for roughage there is : nothing equal to silage as a portion --- say-v“ . The Shorthorns made the greatest gains, 803 Ibs., which at 3c per lb, gives them $24.09 to add to their “Total 'solids” profit. Several of the breeds made substantial gains but none of them anything like as n“--‘l_ - - A" The Brown Swiss did not distin- guish themselves in any particular and from the comments frequently heard from visitors, they do not make very favorable impressions by their appearance, They are sluggishâ€" iooking animals with very course bone. They are very good milkers, however but their fat test is very low. If they have any special‘ characteristic they tend ratier to- ,wurds the dairy than the beef type. Judging from the weights of the cows when they entered the contest and from their weight at the cfose it would seem that they were fed a ration rather in excess of what was required to sustain them in flesh. .......... uv vvl 13- 5 tic fairly well established, the breed- ‘ ers are turning their attention more ', to vigor of constitutionand milking qualities of their animals. With the exception of their polled head their principal characteristics are similar to the Jerseys as they are an of?- shoot from that family. The General Purpose Cow i The Red Polls have made a good impression by their performance in the contest just closed and they seem to come nearer to the requirements of a “General Purpose" cow than any other breed in the contest. This breed, however, is no exception to Ex-Gov. Hoard's contention that “a dairy cow must have the dairy form” to a certain extent, which these Red Polls certainly have and more es- ‘ pecially Mayflower, which was the ‘ second best cow in the barn. Their persistency in milking, however, is ‘ idoubtful as they were falling of! I considerably before the close of the dry oil and did not go completely dry before freshening previous to enâ€" tering the contest. Canadians Ahead The Canadians had the most able cows it is true, taking t a. whole. but. the best dairy were not represented by the States. They brought out breeds which Canada could m duce, viz : Polled Jerseys, Red But-Ch Belted and nrnnvn Câ€"-:_ States from whence the Gucrnseys came, which will be benefitted. Like- wise the Holsteins, which won the Total Solids prize. The Holsteins, it is true, were Canadians, but Amer- icans Holstein men as well as Cana- dians will claim honors for their breed. Many have been the things ( terest which visitors to the American have had the pleasur‘ Were the agricultural classes i ested in it but people of all cl; showed their keen interest in production of pure milk, The dairy barn was a model cleanliness and the cows gava g evidence of the care bestowed 1 them. ‘w {GUERNSEYS AND HOLSTEINS I wm AT BUFFALO mums TEST L ucweu nave some good b there seems to have Mention paid to the pro- “belt” than t2 develop- test, but it is the Guern- 's on both side of the line, Eone those of the United 21 whence the Guernseys h will be benefitted. Like- Tolsteins, which won the the most profit- true, taking them as be best dairy breeds outed by the United 3en the things of inâ€" sitors to the Pan- ‘ least among these cattle, but hag-béé}; 1 against breed. The men winners in the eems to have in high estee )aid to the pro- County. Ian to develop- Recently it was announced that fies. Everything Peat had been discovered ~ the “belt” and ton also, and would be astitution. Iéecause little had been he vere handicapp- Victoria Road concern for ; they had in the impression ‘ old heifer and It had failed to meet expectations been four or and might be of Jittle value. Some There has been local tests of the [(1411 breeding hftps helped to strengthen th f this class to mon so that aad, and now the Bea-V9110!) [is characterisâ€" tenest. '5’- Thousands of daily thronged it, Kt some not pro- not only sses inter- all classes SYMPTOMS â€" Moisture ; intense itching and stinging; most at night; worse by scratching. It allowed to Icontinue tumors form which often bleed and ulcerate, becoming very sore. SWAYNE’S OINTMENT stops the itching and bleeding, heals ulcerâ€" ation, and in most cases removes the tumors. At druggists, or by mail, for 50 cents. Sample free. LYMANJ SONS CO , Montreal, wholesale] _ But it is still being pressed for fuel and answers well. It does best in a. cook stove grate made to ‘burn coal. There it is crowded together in a small sp'ace, and after it gets well lit, it can be banked up and gives out a very strong heat, and holds the fire for a long time. The: Gurney stove company is making a special peat grate thatgis expected to answer the purpose perfectly. There is such a. demand for the peat that I have been unable to get a car of the pressed sort, that I orâ€" dered some time ago. They find that the further do‘wn they go the better the peat is. I understand the Beav- erton deposit is not quite as good as that at the canal, but there are big ‘ possibilities ahead of the industry ‘ at bothe places." “It is all right, but it is beingr largely sent to Toronto to make gas. It yields twice as much gas as coal will. The Toronto Gas Co. has in- stalled a. gas plant back at the can- al works and it drives the machin- ery, dries the peat, and lights the premises. The gas furnace overcomes the old drying difficulty. [They get as much for the peat shipped loose for that purpose as after it is pres-1 sed for fuel. 4 ‘ west. nere. They are about the only ones I know of. When they are done you will not see much nlore hardwood sold here." That led our reporter to ask about the peat supply to which Mr. Bry- ans replied ’ "It is all right ‘hn+ H h. Luna“. scarce anyway. I think there will be t any guar- 1 tried to bind a man to send me 400 cords from the north by train but, he would not do‘ ‘it. There are Spratt’s woods and Isaac Reid’s and Ray’s out south- west here. They are about the only ones I know of. When they are done you will not see much nlore hafdwood sold here." Piles 1 Piles I Itching It turns out, however. that idea. that the peat industry at ' , is a failure is a. great take. On the other' hand it 2': veloping most encouragingly an mises ' . Spa Of the fuel SUpply of the count 0th,“ day Mr. Robert Brvnnc m . a. protes 's entered against computing the 3- cd butter for the first three ' .e I! the protest ‘ ‘ ;, land the Jerse complete plan}. for develo big peat deposits near Vict at Valley canal while the plant W‘ 3 ed by people from different the province, and fuel was used to :5 ome ext‘ the vnlue of the deDosite The New Fuel is by no Means But Provides Both Light an a Failuer d Heat m VICTORIA COUNTY PEAT YIELDS MORE GAS THAN COAL French - banadi Polled J cal-seyS Dutch Belted ‘ Holsteins Ayrshires Brown SW Guernseys Jerseys AYI'Shires Holsteins Red Polls at 25c., value of ’the feed and t] not profit. The Guernseys star first in this class but the Terseys 3.1 only $3.85 behind which is less the the amount cla' on 'Rexima (Jersey) during the fir: ten days before she. freshened. Butter Pat Test of the coarse feed confined in the stu Ways eaten with g even the green fat" 5 ...... ....4742.57 $262.69 3 ................ 4185.30 235.83 Swiss ........ 13943.92 207.67 ‘ns ............ 4086 .18 205 .57 is ................ 3773.73 201.61 .................... 3769.98 201.55 s 3664')? 191.44 Canadians:....3287.36 182.76 ferseys ........ 2831.67 145 .38 Felted ..........3066.47 143,71 peat industry at that runey canal. For a was frequently visit- om different parts of 1nd locally the new :0 some extent, while Ie deposits was held by the people of this 75c. a Year in ving table will h: each breed from May ber lst giving the totâ€" Forestalled in milk I?) . ‘- , No. fl -unvuucr ooy named Teevms hes K been located near Downemnlle Fat ~ SAT 0? at he is not. . With a desirable family. From that D Means a Father . standpoint Inspector Knight will Light and Heat look into the case and remove the [uite a. sensation boy if he thinks best. instalation of a The question came "P as to what . shall be done with a boy who Cunâ€" developing the tinues to run away from a place. Lr \ 1ctona Road Mr. Hughson said he might be sent. canal. F0? . a to Mimico but having in mind a. frequently V‘s”- certain discussion that occurred in fierent parts of the county buildings not long ago, bcally the P9“ ventured that the county council 1e .extent, while might kick over paying the expense. osxts Was ”‘31.“ Not knowing the energy that is :3 people Of “Us lodged behind the pedal extremities niinQ-r hnniinnhA 4’ ‘ 0f P table will M: £01: h breed from M; lst giving [Le tc :, ms. of fat. val great mis- d it is dc» Ely and pro- W here ('0 w (I: that Esta; 5:001 11 the at do and Sal outh~ tellig only of 1:: are mg j [11ch unse; feriOJ bout used, BIZV- to th What wing that gas- or Ca 77V»--- -JI tion; also the Companion Calandcr for 1902, Iithographed in twelve col- ors and gold. THE YOUTH’S COM- PANION, 195 Columbus Avenue. Bus- ton, Mass. hot ' leath- It Was £11 v e7 ’"r v‘-‘ in; world have been enlisted as con- tributors. The work of an unprecâ€" edented number of new and promis- ing writers ,has also been secured. Thus the constantly increasing de- mand for the best reading suited to all members of the intelligent .Xmâ€" erican household will be fully met. A twenty-eight-page prospectus of the 1902 volume and sample copies of the paper will be sent free to any address. Those who subscribe at once, sending 81.75, will receive all the issues for the remaining weeks of 1901 free from the time of subscrip- churned any For seventyâ€"five years the Youth's Companion has been published every week as a family paper. In these seventy five years the paper's con- stancy to a‘ high standard has won the confidence of the American people :It has kept pace with the growth of the country. Its stories, its special articles, its editorials, its selections represent all that is best in the Am- erican ‘life. For 1902 the foremost men and women of the Englishâ€"speak- ch 11 rn- chks . will ._-...° “.vnu ll Acuua than ever befo'ref'r'fl was strongly condemned in the speeches at tho Dairymen’s Associa- tion last January, and reported in these columns. Now the complaint is urged against butter boxes. It is A,__ l _- v..- unawwu MIDI! to the lime wasking in the factories. Whatever the cause, we feel sure that this hint will lead to a remedy, or Canada's high reputation for butâ€" ter will be lost. This would be a. great pity, for the Canadian product has been lately gaining more friends JLA_ -â€"-7 - Says the London Commercial 111-- telligenceâ€"“We hear of complaints of mould on Canadian butter. aris- ing from the use of boxes made of unseasoned wood, and from the in- ferior nature of the parchment paper used, or possib y from inattention f,‘ 4].. 1:-“ 7 ‘ been done before with only 3 presâ€" ent. While brows were still con- tracted over the problem a piano be» gan to play in a. room overhead and Inspector Knight regaled his anxious colleagues with the story of a. Scotchman who was very sick in a hospital. The doctor ordered that. the bagpipes be played for him every day. In three days the Scotchman was well but all the other patients [were dead. Forgetful of the quor- thought that they were doing a good work. than fu rn- '“I‘V u due to the views entertain class of society concerning magistrate. v" ,u‘uus uu: 0X Not knowing the energy tln lodged behind the pedal extrt of county legislators, In: Knight rashly retorted, “Let .kic ,” and asseverated that Tofficials made fools ithat resolution condemning 1 Steers. He would say that all one of his own friends was a to the motion. Mr. Hughson said that the I able scarcity of tramps was 1: I]..- J» â€" 4‘ are ThreeQurtersofaCcntury an example will found to have away . It is against the law. Another bov 1two weeks could not his guardians. At found north of Sturge was brought back bm A _dvance '01 u- m The Children’s Mould on our Butter de fools of themégl'ves by ‘tion condemning I’ . ‘ would say that alth M. ough on friends “'83 n nnrftr have incited It is a gel 3 law. ns. At last “h; 0‘ Sturgeon lake. ame up as to what itn a boy who con- away from a place. id he might be sent. having in mind a. n that occurred in ings not long ago. WILL BE BROUGHT BACK if not so Paid that although was a party the notice- e and for located by police

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