immuniiinn, Buns, Rifles, Bariridgejpnriâ€" ing Ennis, Lanterns, Pinw Lines, Haiteis, Enw Ties, Saws, Axes. Enains, [tn Lanyards Don’t Be Astonished 3168 0? m m - are proud Bargains that will cause them to remembu the WEST END Sh‘e Store for a long time. Good goods, right prices ard best treatment have made as friends of all wha have made their purchases here Call and get more bargains at cost and be- hw cost. 5. 5.1:0WE HOGG BROS. Remember the Follow- ing instructions: Head and feet off and everything taken out of in- sideâ€"7 cents a pound in Lot 1, con. 1, Ops Township, 75 acres, all plow land, nine miles south of Lindsay. Log house. frame barn 50x30, cow shed, gran. ary, large roothouse. A good farm; price low and terms easy. South of Lindsay, 173 acres of clay loam, about 120 acres cleared, balance timber. Frame residence and good outbuildings. Post ofï¬ce, stores, churches and schools con- venient. A good farm at a moder- ate price. ' Lot 3, con. 7, Manvers, 100 acres stock and grain farm. Frame barn veneered white brick house ; 6 acres standing hardwood bush ; or- chard, etc. Will accept good 50 acre farm in part payment. In the Township of Verulzun, one hundred acres, ninety of it plow land, balance pasture : good dwelling ; frame barn 90x40 with stone foundation, giving accommo- dation for 35 head of cattle ; stab- ling for 6, horses : large pig pen. Also ranche of 100 acres one mile distant, and close to lake. For further particulars apply to S. I. PORTER, Watchman-Warder The Deer season for 1901 ends to day, and the old hen '33,}? season at HOGG BROS , Oakwood, commences to- day. 0 HOGG BROS. have plea- sure in informing their many patrons. that from this date, 12 until further notice, they are prepared to buy all the o!d Hens for sfe in Victoria County. N . B.â€"â€"-Also all other kind of Fowl taken, and all kinds of Produce at market prices. When your friends rush in to tell you of th_eir good (organ: 0 Some have' one thing to boast of, some at. other They all tell of the great Values they have been getting Vialufs of which they FARMS FOR SALE Nov. 15th, OAKWOOD. ONT. CO. COUNTY CORRESPONDENCE LINDEN VALLEY The annual meeting of the Mari- posa Cheese and Butter Co. will be held on Thursday, Dec. 5th, at one n.m.- instead of Wednesday, as an- p.m., instead c nounced. Threshing -over sixty-two bushels of red clover seed in a little less than nine hours is a. record of which any- one might be proud, but that is what was done for Mr Wm. Edwards last week by Messrs. T. Squires and Sons with their new clover mill, and the seed being the product of Mr. Ed- wards' farm all concerned might eas- ily congratulate themselves on being “in clover." To realize about three hundred dollars from that much'land knocks the bottom out of the stateâ€" ment that farming don’t pay. and strengthens the reputation of this vicinity as being the garden of Out- strengthens Vicinity as ario. BALSAM LAKE Cunningham Bros. and company re- turned on Saturday 16th from their annual deer hunt. They were suc- cessful in killing nine deer and one fox. McNish Bros.. Greenly and A. Ferguson succeeded In getting three deer. Hoyle Bros. got a. ï¬ne share of the game. â€"â€" A .-‘ l‘ --' 1r,n I understand that MI. Moore 01 Ops sold his farm at, Cooper s hill to Thos. A Greaves. \he price paid was $5,000. ,A ---. “.:ll \V u¢ LVU,VVV- Our church annual anniverSury will take place Jan. 19th to 20th. Our present t'eacher Miss Thorn- hill of Lindsay not wishing to teach next year, as per advt. in the Watch- man-Warden the trustees received several applications, and have sec ured another of Lindsay‘s young lad- ies for 1902 in the person of Miss Iray of the north ward. They have a preference for Lindsay teachers. This is the third in succession. Mr. B. J. Woollard has gone to Bobcaygeon to open a drug store in the Reid block. gone to visig friends on the north ,1.-.. 1..“- E. Woollard Sons have the best showing of winter goods ever 0an- ed out in Dunsford and are doing a good business. DVIDV ~\' »â€"777_ Mr. Jos. Kelso, cheesemaker has side of the lake. Joe is a ï¬rst- class cheesemaker and we hope to see him next spring hearty and thoroughly recruited after his heavy summer’s work. Report of Dunsford cheese factory for season ending Oct. 31st. 1901 ‘ Total amount of milk received at factory. 1.138.686 lbs; total amount of cheese made at factory 109.105 lbs. : average lbs. of milk to make lb. of cheese 10 23-100 lbs.: total amount of cash received for 109.105 lbs. of cheese $10,066.05; received from Dairymen's Association $12.50; total receipts $10,078.55. Expendi- ltureâ€"â€"paid for manufacturing at 1c. per lb. $1091. 05; sec-o-treas sales- man and accountant $60; inspector’ s fee 310; Board fees $1; market fees $1. 25; envelopes $2. 50; drawing milk 393 .44; total expenses $2 0,97.- 24. ' Balance paid to patrons $7,981'31. Average price received for ll) of cheese 9 22-100% cents, ' average price paid to patrous for 100 lbs of milk 70 1-10 cents: avoi- age price paid for drawing milk per 1001115 8 17-100 cents; total milk received for season of 1900. 950,161 lbs: increase in milk sent in 1901 over 1900. 188.525 lbs; total cheese made in 1900, 89,502 lbs; increase of cheese made in 1901 over 1900. .19.- 603 lbs. Echoes From the Different Services of Last Sunday â€"The usual Thanksgiving service will be held at St. Paul's church to- day. â€"-Rev. Mr. Manning B. A. preached to young men in the Cambridge-st Methodist church on Sunday night. Elsewhere a brief outline appears. The solo of the evening anthem was sung by Mrs. Manning in good voice. â€"â€"At the Baptist church Rev. Mr. Hughson, B. D. preached at both services His subject in the evening was ‘ ‘Prayel.’ At the Queen-st Methodist church Rev. A. J. H. Strike preached the sixth of his series of sermons to young man. The title was : “The Young Man: IIis Dress and Religious Life.†The congucgation was large and listened with great interest. These sermons are proving very help- ful. Next. Sunday night the subject will be “The Young Man: His At- titude toward Woman.†This will be the second last of the Series. â€"â€"On Sunday night Rev. J. W. Mac- millan announced a. serVice for Thanksgiving Day (today); ' He would preach on “Ancestral Patriot.- ism.†and there would be special music. The departure of Miss Ross who for more than a year was orâ€" ganist at. St. Andrew’s, is much re- gretted. Miss Ross is a skilled mus- iciau whose work on the splendid instrument at that church was among the strong features of the services. As a member of the con- gregation and among those who were acquainted with her personally Miss Ross was held in the highestesâ€" teem. Her successor, Mr. Hamilton appears to be a capable organist. Report for week ending Saturday night, November 13th 190] . Highest ., ., ., .. ,. 31.60 Wednesday Lowest .. .. .. .. .. .. 11.00 Wednesday Warmest, mean of .. 35.00 Monday Coldes, mean of 21.60 Tuesday The week" .. .. .. .. ..27.86 Friday. Rain fell on 1 day. Total rain fan 0.05. Precipitation in Inches 3reatcst fall of rain in 1 day 0.05 AMONG THE CHURCHES DUNSFORD Temperature The Weather THOS BEALL. Mr. Moore , Cooper’s m1} Tuesday, Dec. 17thâ€"By Elias, Bow- es, auctioneer, farm stock qnd im- plements, the property of Mr. Jamâ€" es Brown, west half. lot 20, con. A, Mariposa. Sale at .one o’clock. A1,- vw w_.. .7 A, Mariposa. Sale at one o'clock. As Mr. Brown is leaving for the Northwest everything will be soldl Without reserve. ‘ Monday, Dec. 9thâ€"By Elias Bowes, auctioneer. valuable farm stock and implements, the property of Mr. John Barker, Hartley. Sale at one o’clock sharp. on the premises, 101:, 6, con. 9. Eldon. The live stock offered at this sale is remarkably good. Wednesday. Dec. LILâ€"By Peter Brown auctioneer. credit sale of farm stock and implements, the property of William J. Copp. south half of lot 14, con. 10, Mariposa. Sale at one o'clock and Without reserve. For list of valuable stock and imâ€" plements see posters. DOWNEY.â€"â€"At Reaboro on Nov. 26, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Downey, a daughter. ‘ TOMPKINS.â€"â€"â€"In Lindsay on Nov. 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tompâ€" kins, a son. ('orneilâ€"In Emily, on Saturday, 1\0v 16th, to Mr and Mrs. W. G. Cor- ncil. a daughter. Smithâ€"In Eldon, con. 8. townlinc, on Sunday Nov. 17th to M1 and Ms. John A. Smith, a son. O'BRIENâ€"BELL.-At the residence of the bride’s parents. on Wednesday. the 20th inst., by Rev. 'I‘hos. Man- ning, B.A., Odessa, eldest daughter of Mr. Jas. Bell, and Mr. Albert O’Brien, both of Lindsay. McPhailâ€"Taylorâ€"At Victoria. Road, at, the residence of Mr. Alfred Tay- lor, clerk of Bexley township, on Nov. 19th, by the Rev. A. J. Ter- rill, Mr. James A. McPhail to Miss Ellsworthâ€"In Lindsay, on Dec. 25, Charles Edward Ellsworth. aged 7 years and 6 months. The Lindsay Markets GRAIN Full “heat, per bushel OO( Fxfe “heat; per bushel“ 00( Spring Wheat, per bush. 0 0C Goose Wheat per bush" 0 O( Buckwheat ........ Barley, per bushel Rye , .................... Oats .. Peas, small Peas, Mummies Peas, Blue .......... Blackeye Peas Alsike Clover Red Clover VEGETABLES Potatoes, per pusbel O 35 to 0 4O MEAT, POULTRY AND DAIRY PRODUCE Lard, ï¬er fb. ................. o 12 to 0 13 Beefâ€"Hides .................. 4 50 to 5 00 Wool, unwashed ........... 7 to 8 W001‘ washed ................ 121/2 to 14 Hogs, live. per cwt ...... 5 40 to O 00 Hogs. dressed p01 cwt, . 6 00 to 7 00 'Hay, per ton 5 00 to 7 00 Eggs, per dozen 0 00 to 0 17 Lamb ............................. 0 07 to O 08 Butter per Ib. 0 15 to O 17 Chickens, per pair ......... 0 30 to 0 4O Turkeys, per Ib .............. 0 10 to O 10 Geese, per rb. 0 O7 to 0 07 Ducks per pair O 50 to 0 60 Export. Cattle. choice, per cwt ...................... S 400t0460 Export Cattle,m edium; per cwt. ..................... 3 25 to 4 00 Export Cows 250 to 3 50 Butchers’ cattle, picked 4 00 to 4 4O Butchels’ cattle, choice 3 65 to 3 90 Butchers’ cattle, good 3 50 to 3 75 Butchers’ Medium ........ , 2 50 to 3 00 Butchers’ common, per Milch cows . Sheep, heavy cwt. .......................... Feeders, short keep ..... Feeders, medium .... ...... Feeders, light ............... Stockers, 1 ,000 to Bulls, export, light, per cwt. .......................... 27 3to 300 Sheep, bucks ................. 2 to 2 50 Lamb, per cwt ............ 2" 45 )to 3 00 Calves, per head ...... ‘ m. 2 00 tolO 00 Hogs, choice, per cwt.. 6 00 to 0 00 Hogs, light. per «:Wt .. 5 75 to O 00 Hogs, fat, per cwt ...... 5 50 to O 00 Dressed hogs ................ 7 50 to 7 75 Peas Wheat whi Wheat , re( Wheat , g0 Wheat, sp Barley . Rye ...... Buckwheat Oats ....... Hay . Straw Alsike Clover . Red Clover ....... Maud Taylor. , ~â€" c- --------------- . - ----- :“u' “MW"! at; repri-somed' Our customem write us they are delighted With their premiqms ard Cannot :u-e . how we can give such lame nemiums for such little work. Vi 9 gm; dCternf red . to introducqour New L110 ‘11:: into every 1201158110â€. and this. 13 the way we | ,‘\ are advertising. . . _ ‘~ Samples of the hundreds of testimonials we are daily receivmg : MEDY (IQâ€"M any thanks _to you for the lovely presents I received. the . . y are very in a. some. I beg you to accept my tha . Your Pills are a splendid medicine. and I will do all I :1 them. can to ' t . '1 . MRS. BRUCE GRANT. Canterbury 8m, York 00?? 331““ NEW LIFE REMEDY CO.â€"â€"I received your beautiful pmemaand also the second lot of Pills I 314de you for. I showed your presents to my friends. the v thou gm they were splendid. Your Pills are ens t ii, and they are doing a great deal of good in this neighborhood. Yours we trulv. 7 ° 9" lï¬â€"Don’t mmmisopmnitymmetommiwho hvaifge 122$: . méfï¬agaï¬â€™m “Adam: new LIFE REMEDY co., 301L706 . 10 euro. _ .............................. ............................ small ........ Mummies .......... Blue ...... . rye Peas Clover heavy ewes, per oaoocoooc-unoo-ao-n.-ouuoouo 7880 55550 444L77678w 0000000000 0 oo mmmmmtmttm 55 i O O 44mmm7m0 0000000004. â€1 m†u â€e u. u Tm. . m â€u m srm b 1 “WW. Cw“ RMWPOW COARSE GRAIN Toronto Live Stock Sale Register. Married. Births Deaths 7 00 to 7 50 IWp od 3 Phosphodine is sold in Lind- ...... 4 50 to 5 00 I say by all druggists. ....... 3 00 to 3 40 ........ 35 00t050 00 Don’t pa out good money for a beautiful Fur 00“!!th them any recto audiokly introduce our Now We Pins. exact] e say . and devery honest person who will sell only 149% (a grand remedy for all impure and weaken indigestipn. stomach trouble. headache. construction.on m "s7- _ ___ .._ aâ€"wuâ€" -vmvu; nu uu uupuuv nun WWI oonGltions 0f the bland. indigestifon. stomgï¬h troublea ‘hmdflï¬hoft $31831 lillt'tnwgervous disorderhrlwuf- matlsm emmewe nesses an uregu at rece , our generous 0 or 0 this bel’tutiful Fly- 00% made, of glad; Baltxe Seal, yoke of Black Astrachan Fur. su: Marten Taxls. satm lined. thh pus halt dozen lovely white 'handkerchiefs’ trimmed with valencxennes laco thh scalloped edge, and a beautiful Ladxes’ l’ocket Boo . all leather. handsomely decorated. thh coin compartment and‘sxlver metal frame. whxch we give absolutely Free for selling the 8 boxes of lels. We ask no anon we trust on it you agree to sell only 8 boxes of our grand rqmï¬ Y. Now 8.1!. Se 5 at once your name and post oï¬ice address plainly and we send you8 boxes 0 our Pills, poatpaid. Sell them at 25cents a box. These are our regular 60 cent sizes. they are easy to sell. when sold send us the 1110215553211). and we guarantee. ifyou comply with the offer we send to every one taking advantage of “1:3 advertise- ment. this beautxful Pu:- Comp wxll be ngen absolutely free. The Pu:- Conaretto is exactly as shown 1n pxcture It. has high storm. 0011:: r. six 1‘! ans Tails, is handsomely trimmed. wlth satm linings and nicely padded. We are an old and reliable concern and guarantee all our premlpml exactly as renrpslmvrul '- Andaman Ive-{on no slurâ€" __._ _ :_I_...A; Â¥73AL A. Fui‘Coll-arette Free \ 300to340 250to325 375to400 300t0350 250to325 “ out good money for a beautiful Fur Collarette when we are givin. eeto quickly introduce our New ma mu. “7.. ... .___‘_. vvuwnu unlu 5“!thth “ll uus: â€meme “mly as reprpslrn'tï¬ write us they are delighted thh then- premxnms an! c ' - 'mu 5‘ ‘ ‘E‘ACh lame premiums orsuchlxtt‘ewnrl: mu. m.» 4,1 0t. " 8 pqulony nun-ounce our now me Pills.‘ W3" 2'“ ““’ "'"f‘ and every honest person who will sell onlyï¬ Boï¬dgzi'gg? {seas rand remedy for all im mm and weak ' nach trouble. headachof constmtim,mnâ€"Emgl§§3f_t.h° blP‘Mv 0 . tious friends might as well try to stOp the onward flow of our gagging. Popular ana “6118019 51109 Stor e To-day the business is bigger, bri hter a To the thousands of customers new argd old 31381033; 21:11; ever 1 r n tench thanks. ' wussézmt‘ The N. HOCKIN SHOE STORE FELIX FORBERT. QLIJ’1 w'v-vv tarmac 893m. Wgaknm. We ï¬nd this in the funnv column of the Montreal Star of Oct. :31: He?! hath no fury like :1 woman who paid $20 for a hat. and then "mcfs that her hired girl has gone wild copied it. Null ï¬uth no fury like a. woman ahu paid $20 for a hat and then “ll-(Es that her hired girl has gone 21:1 copied it. Ifnll hath no furv like a. couple of managing: crlitqrs whon tlmv ï¬nd {hut their funnv men have been stv-ulinL" frnm the same plucc.-â€"â€"Ih:m- Hum S];chut0r. 1. \‘ .5 Major-General Smithâ€"Dorricn. who cmnmamded the 19th Brigade, of which the Canadian infantry formed part. and under whom the Canadian mouniml troops also served, has just. rcn-ivi-(l from the inhabitants of his natiw- town, Iki‘khmnpstcud. .L scr- clr» of silver pin?!- in recognition of H5 work in South Africa. Mr. T. l". i'u'svy. M.P.. in making the prvscn- lution, said that. every memlwr m' 'l:«.- (:encrul's family now belonging ito the army had won the “5.0 (tunrral Smith-Dorricn attrihnt'rs his success largely to the unselï¬sh (to votion of the nzcn ho had under him 'l'lrmg‘h often in tight places. an' 'rmmontly on half rations, they nr‘Vo or im'rmurcd. but. surmounted m’vr) (iiiliculty. One of his nicknames rm: "Half rations and full Congrumlav tions‘." in allusion to the Pl‘iliM‘ in bestowed on thmn whenever 11 smart pic-cc of work was performed. Am! “0 ï¬nd this in the funnv colâ€"' 2.211 of the Montreal Her dd of the :m:- (1.151‘ The Flavelle Milling Co., FOUR FOOT DRY TAMARAC We are reminded by the Census- oflicials that, Ballin Land is in ('am- win. It is said to contain 670 Fski- mos and one SCotclunzm. which re- vives the old pt'ndiCtion about a Scotchmnn being: found at the North Pole. We: \vm'n all those who urn. inclined to scoff at Bullin Land that good crops of wheat have been growu at, lreut Slave Lake. and that Fort, Simpson. still further north, has an electric limit. system. $3.60 Per Cord Delivered to any part of the town. or exeess, mantel Worry .Mve use of To- â€â€˜Â°Â°Â°: as? â€â€œ3“ °’f“m%“3“£‘“o%3 33:12sz 0 p on 3R0 x. titanium". 39mm mp hlets freeman address. The Wood Coup-y. Windsor, Ont VMrs. Douce â€"â€" And i1 win in socie ty that he got acquainted with you! How odd. isn't it? Mrs. Smarte -â€" No; my husband never goes into society. Ho actudly seems to have a grudge against it. 48 3. The Flinn." Mixed Wood lie Commzmdcd Fanatlians. 1ho Hummus Hay Census; The Great MM Remedy. ’43 _ Sold and neonunendeq by .11 (- Wood'u Phosphodino, 'opular and Reliable Shoe Boston Ma! runs. Leading Salesmanâ€"MATT SISSON, FELIX FOBERT FOR SALE Men of Montreal. mm "â€"to'cim iii an. all eflects of at)!†:onrro. ‘oN-F‘,‘ . White’s Old Stand, Lindsay, 0m LIM ITED. Costs of Advertis- ing and Part of Lot or Street Lot Con. Acres Arrears Conun’n Pt. N. of Lake Shore ‘ Road... .. 6 N.W.B. 58 $10.83 31,97 :1 East Part West Half Fm Fine Job Work tIyTheV‘Jatchmanâ€"Wafdfl South West qr South Half .. - North Hall .. o. 31 ..21 North Half .. .. Sub. Div. Lots A, 1. 2 South of King-st. East of Sturgeon-st. : S. of King-st....1 N. of Mary-st .. 1 S. of Mary-st., W. pt. 17ft. frontage .. ,. A Sub. Div. Lot 23, 0011. 5, Block U., N. W. Pt of lot 4 being that. part not heretofore sold to John Carew Jab Tyrell Thos. Truscott .............. 4 North qr. .. . North Half Queen-st North East Part, as- sessed to Hart Nich- olls in 1895 .. .. ..32 1. James Richardson McNeillie, Treasurer of the Count} Victoria da directed by the warrant of the Warden of the Count's 01' ‘ sell each the Eleventh day of November, A. D., 1901, will proceed to ~ar5_° every of the aboveâ€"mentioned parcels of land for the am now due upon them respectively, as above sets ““3 (unless the said arrears of taxes andn co the Court House in the Town of Lindsay, at Eleven o 'clock in the forenoon on 'I‘uesdaz}, the may: A-D-1902. ,4 _ '“ “UV“ ‘_ Treasurer. Johnston Estate in 1897, w: =.. Cameron-st... S. W. Cor., assessed to Mur- dock Campbell, Black . Cameron-st .. TREASURER’S___SALE 0F LANDS For Arrears of Taxes â€"-â€"-TO BE HELD IN T117“ COURT HOUSE LINESAY K'flilia â€"â€"0Nâ€"- Tuesday, February 18th, 1902, at 11 0’Clock u ll v: vi- _" _ J . R. McNEIIlIE, ggunty Tr_easurer’s Otï¬oe, Lindsay, November ( lrst. pubhshed in the “Watchman-Warder" N Lime-st I ........ Half s... o- OUNTY OF VICTORIA ........ 14 2 50 17.24 10 9 200 54.54 9 10 200 31 .08 . 3 14 100 22.1 1 u f E GD [*1 0 ta: 0 O t3 0 O é) 2.13 19.37 Pa 3.06 57. 60 Pa‘ 2.48 33. 56 P8 2.25 24.36 NO v 7 1 O 11' Ea}: - VILLAGE OF NORLAND IN LAXTOX 18 1/4, 6.93 1.95 S. 41 M 5.78 1.95 7.‘ ll . .....,13 I. m HAWâ€"WARD“ TOWNSHIP OF VERULAM ..4 11/2 19.08 2.13 21.26 TOWNSHIP OF SOMERVILLE mw. NN 78 TOWNSHIP OF MARIPOSA TOWNSHIP OF DALTON' 1 50 50 3.90 13.93 1.95 ¢ 2.05 TOWNSHIP OF DIGBY . 1 149 10.07 1.95 12.02 Patented TOWNSHIP OF ELDON TOWNSHIP OF LAXTON TOWNSHIP OF BEXLEY L 9 1/; 4.38 1.95 6.33 VILLAGE OF OMEMEE 11 11 12 13 13 TOWNSHIP OF OPS 877.98 49234 48484 22 1-32 M % M 3-16 $4 .57 2.03 1.95 1.95 Vs -1 (I: Patemd Patentai 2 2.20 1.95 4.15 Patented “a > 18.78 2.17 20.95 Not Paw" 3 70.14 3.45 7 59 Patented Treasurer of the Con . ' . Men of the County of Vicmrw’ â€a 1).. 1901, will proceed to 9911 MW 21s of land. for the dim t†»â€"_.-.â€"- 13.93 2.05 15.98 13.77 2.04 15.31 12.96 2.02 14.98 16.45 2.11 18.56 16.45 2.11 18.56 28.79 2 .42 31.21 11.57 1. 99 13.56 11.11 1. 98 13,09 gIE. 00W 1.95 1.95 95 95 31.02 Patented 26.58 10.34 30.30 Patented 4 .38 mm is is Hr-t v T1935 Not Paw Not Pam Patented Patented Patented Patented Patented Patented Patented Pa? ented Patented Patented Not Patented Patented Patented' Patent/ad Patenbed 93°92~O€°O€ 1 I 50: Black Rem for 25¢ Black Serge for 306 Black Serge for 35¢ Black Serge for 40¢ Black Serge for SI Black Serge for - 50c Black Broadcloth 90:: Black Broadcloth LSD Black Broadcloth 25c Black Fig. Dress 40c Black Fig. Dress 50c Black Fig. Dress 75c Black Fig. Dress 600‘: 2+: 1.00:. (M U6 Some of these goo can :25in secure 1 damaged spot. Ex be marked down. KENT=ST., The wisdam of buy apparent. We 06:: Worl Fur; 0f ail kin‘ Dre: “15.90418 in ï¬Â°Â§Â°2°§°3°§€°§¢9~1 w Jackets m E Coon, Walla Lamb, Persia: XLIJ. No Plices $25, ’2 35.00, 40.00, up to 125-00. Kamb= Green}; Our Jackets 2 with patent pr< Jackets are gu to tip and to present SL"