@@@@@@m6xs ~@«é\@©@©(m" 66in CORRESPONDENCE WOODVILLE n, dentist, visits Wood ville, (Queen-s Hotel) the ï¬rst three Friday’s in December. heft visit, , _ - ,-_.1- Anna af 10W Dr. Bowerma Dec. 6th. rates. C J ANE’I‘VILLE A meeting of the patrons of the Janetville cheese factory will be held in the Orange Hall, Janetville, on Friday, December 13th at two o'clock p. m. Important business will be taken up as well as winding up the season’s business. A full attend- ance of all interested is requested. The collector for Eldon township will be at, the following places on the days mentioned to receive tax- es: Balsover, Thursday, Dec. 5th ; Argyle, Friday Dec. 6th; Kirkï¬eld, Saturday, Dec. 7th; Hartley, Monday Dec. 9th. All taxes remaining uni paid after the 9th will be collected .with costs, Whiie Mr. (58' working in Craig on Saturday 1415'0 contact with a. 5: cut. It is not e: any ï¬ngers. Dr. wound. Messrs. Dartneu anu Ul‘Uwuoi. finished their contract of ven rapidly pushed by LancaSte with brick the residence of Dr. Frost. The carpenter work is sons. All True Blues are requested tend the annual meeting on De! Election of ofï¬cers. erboro and Toronto this last sum- mer, continues to make regular week 1y shipments of live hogs to the Pet- erboro market. John is ,a. regular buyer the year round and stock in abundance and right quality is his ideal; the same and fair prices that of the farmer. Tnmmsting is the phenomenal ad- Interesting is vance in the P' owing mainly t corn crop in th LIL vv- Viv -â€" vance in the price of coarse grains, owing mainly to the shortage of the corn crop in the United States. On Monday evening of last week Rev. Mr. Wishart, of Beaverton, en- tertained the congregation of St. Andrew’s church, Eldon, or such number of the same that were pres- ent to an interesting and instructive ments. The rev. gentleman delivered an able discourse, giving much in- 5 111 J'Vvvmw v- . 1. Careful work done at low Come early. collector 101' Lluuu Wham-“ at the followin laces on . ““““â€â€˜â€" , g p The anniversary services of the .. ,,, A, ,_ 120:2}ntlloï¬isgsggyreggve 53);; 'Bethany Methodist church were very Friday Dec. 6th; Kirkï¬eld, satisfactory and most, successful. _On ‘ 7th- Hartley Monday Sunday at 10.30 am. Rev. Dr. Briggs ' ' ached from Isaiah, the iy, Dec. .h. All taxes remaining uni 0f Toronto pre iter the 9th will be collected 60th Chapter and 15th verse- AS â€3" osts arranged, analyzed and unfolded this ' I beautiful text all were delighted and KINMOUNT ' edified. At 7 p.m. he again occup- ‘pied the pulpit, taking his text, from At a Mr. Geo. Cottingham was John 4th chapter and 4th verse. ' C' ' A ‘ ’ '1 1g in “mg and ustin S ml-1 2.30 Rev. Mr. Courtice of Denners- Lurday last. his hand came 1n . d :t with a saw and made a. bad‘vnle a former and much belove pas- tor, preached a very acceptable ser- It is not expected he will lose. mzers. Dr. Frost dressed the mon iron .John. 12 chapte _ lverse. Miss Fieldhouse, soloxst, 01 n.;_-..4n cunt! Au: ELDON requestgd to at- {work is being full attend- : -equested. ‘ 'se grains, age of the . 5th. The congrega- THE YOUNG MAN MAKES 0R MARS formation and data. tion was ediï¬ed and gave expres- sion to its well-wishes for the W .F.l Hi5 SUCCESS IN THE WORLD M. Society. and its success by a â€"â€"-oo-- heartily-given collection at the close He “35 Been Cured For and Coddled too of the meeting. Those who were abâ€" _ - sent missed a, rare treat, that of hue" Sï¬aBninge; if“ Thos‘ giving, but the ble and At the Cambridgeâ€"st Methodist se who church on Sunday night Rev. Thos. Manning preached to young men, ao- announcement. His ‘hearing, learning and 'latter of these is yet recovera .it is to be hoped that tho ' have not as yet given to this worthy |and deserving cause may be able to cording to do so before the year is out and thus text was ' . have the joy and blessing of having “Wherewithal ahall a young man shared in the giving towards the cleanse his way ‘2 By taking heed spread of the gospel to the poor. thereto according to Thy word.†needy and benighted. Let none desâ€" An outline of a helpful sermor ' pise the little that they may be able might be as follows : Young people are the people of in .vto give, for the little supplemented d terest today; and of the young peopl by many other littles makes a goo amount, and under God’s blessing the young man is the most interest good. ing. In ï¬ction, on the hustings, i1 lwill prove a power for much the pulpit, everywhere the youn; 58V. Ul. 'Ivv-v‘- -, excellent lecture on the illustrous a William, Prince of Orange. As inâ€" l troductory to the lecture Mr. G. R. Graham, recited the closing of the ¢ Gates of Derry. Dr. C. Brereton most acceptably performed the duties: of chairman. Mrs. C. H. Fieldhouse and Mrs. C. H. Shield of Mount Plea- sant added greatly to the evening’s entertainment by their solos, assist- ed by Miss Clancy of Millbrook and Mrs. W. R. Shield of Mount Pleasant as accompanists. A special feature of the anniversary was the gift of a beautiful hell by the Graham Bros. of Bethany in memory of their par- ents. The bell was manufactured by the Blymyer Manufacturing Co. of. d weighed eleven hunâ€" The Trust Board of _ the church asked for the sum of ; $800, which was realized. The pas- , tor, Rev. C. Brown has been untirâ€" . ing in promoting the best interests of the church. The most pleasing feature of the service was the help ï¬nancially and otherwise of the dif- dred pounds. of the church. The feature of the servic ï¬nancially and other ,terent. denominations Piles! Piles! Itching Piles ; SYMPTOMS â€"â€" Moisture ; intense itching and stinging; most at night: worse by scratching. If alloWed to continue tumors form which often bleed and ulcerate, becoming very sore. SWAYNE’S OINTMENT stops the itching and bleeding, heals ulcer- ation, and in most cases removes the tumors. At druggists, or by mail, for 50 cents. Sample free. LYMAN; SONS . CO , Montreal, wholesale BETHAN Y .vv ._v _v seek his life. There are the school and library; but there are the saloon, the theatre and the dance. Angels and wicked spirits wait upon the young man. ,- -__:I----‘ __.,: JV“'-o His prospects are perilous' and promising; out his dangers are more mental and spiritual than physical. His worst .foes are in his own breast. Outside assault can do nothing if not reinforced from Within; but when iattacked from within and without Cambridgeâ€"st Methodist, Sunday night. Rev. Thos. preached to young men, acâ€" to announcement. His th: tine 82:12:31; } flow to Cure all Skin Diseases It upon the Simply apply ’V‘SWAYNE’S OINT- MENT." No Internal medicine rev )erilous' and quired. Cures batters, ewema, itch. is are more 8-11 eruptions on the face, hands nose an physical. c... leaving the slum clear, white and own breast. healthy. Its great. healing and cura- nothing if tive powers are possessed by no other in; but, when remedy. Ask your druggist for and without 'SWAYNE'S OINTLIENT, Samples tree how often is the life taken by storm. There are no dangers without, unâ€" less a men seeks them. The time has come to stop coddling young men. To warm young men against the saloon and vice is good but, we - â€:1! nnnnn 1+ [1215 Dunn; vv .4 ..-r men. To warm young men against the saloon and vice is good but we must not treat them as milksops. it is better to put tnem on their own resources and let them feel that they must for themselvesavoid evils Withâ€" out always being held back by someâ€" body else. The church has been too ‘much like a foundling home. One place is as good as another if a man thinks so. What is the saloon to a man who realizes that he is building himself and - making his future ? He knows the danger, or if he thinks there is none he is as good as lost now; but for him the evils are as if they did not exist. 1 “What,†, exclaimed the preacher, “are the saloons of Lindsay to me, or to Robt. Smyth in the front seat, or Elias Bowes in the back seat, and all between those nien?. What are they to Edward Thurston over here, in the front seat or Jas. Bryson in the back seat and all between those . men ? They are nothing; they are as ’ if they did not exist.†-,_ _-.....-.A a. man’s dignity when another asks him to drink. Boys say, “No, sir, I am above it.†Vice leaves it scars. You can pull the nails out of the posts but their marks remain. There is the agony of the seams in a man’s life. It cannot be removed. Religion can? lnot stop that pain. Be warned. I 'have found Leviticus, Proverbs and .Eeclesiastes my most helpful books. The last two are to me the young man’s manual. Boys, let these be your guide and they will bring you to glory and honor. FUR GOODSâ€"Ladies’ $4, worth. $5. Our $I2 and $l2 50 Caperina at $10. Ladies’ Astrachan Cons at $25, worth $30. . Ladies' Astracban Coats at $ 3 5, worth 340. Ladies’ CaperineS, Caps, Mufl's, Mitts and every kind of Ladies' Furs in stock. Men’s Fur Coats in Coon, Wombat and other makes. MANILE DEPARTMENTâ€" Ladies J ckets ranging in price from $2.50 to $12, and every coat a bargain. Every s'yle in long and short Jackets ' DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENTâ€"â€" Our sales have been very large in this department, but we still have a chr ice stock of every make of Home Spun Dress Goods, Cheviot Cloths and special Goods for rainy day skirts. Also Indies? ready-made Suits, Skirts and Jar kets. , Some bargains in our Stap‘e Depart. ' meat. ‘- Table Linens at 2°C, worth 25c. Table Linen's at 2 5c, worth 30c to 35c 1 8m W. Ski-3'6, Joiste. Sash, Door and Mouldings- flududSoflWoodforule. sending RobinSon Ewart. for repair:- your boots and shoes PLEASE WATCH OUR PRICES ...... F033,...“ T0 BUILDERS “Mm Dromptlv ï¬lled. Phone Ahmahckdmwh‘n" m wumanw mmnm, GEOSJ. BRUMWELL. Directly Opposite FOR THE NEXT MONTH north 149 Table Linens at 35C prices from 25¢ pet will} 3 Sheetings, Towelling. Good Flannelette Blanket! per pair, Wool and Unit!†hats at all prices. . A tew prices of other W‘fl Good Flanneiettes at 4C p“ Fd‘ Good Flannelettes at‘ 56 PM“ Post Otf ice, Lind“?- all {mg-gsâ€" {1p to 121$. ‘ Gaod Factory Cotton at 4““? Cambridge-st“ 308T: WMnst 0N we WHITE WIN on BY WAR‘: On Sunday after people were at the . to by: Mr. John England, lecture on Jas. Lennon was in years old of slight than average height well-built. His d2. natures are adorne and surmounted by black hair. He wax int the Bible Chris $11 as he himseif (one of those preaj clung to him. 1‘ minds one of a ï¬ucl tion Army speaker \ “Inflation and rathï¬ â€œSula!- recurrence 4 11‘ rather monouj of the voice over a ‘ 0‘ tones. Yet it. With Plenty of em} Paired by sustaim-c: to litter well-consq ornate sentences ‘ He talked of So Mamie. ethical k '5' Shall come I “H“Stice of tomor except. in connec in the hands of < To make it W Watchman-Warder “"5": is an adm Pl; 01381119 univers L-‘f'ffï¬mmtion ins It will be Wort! ations and c delight all_ our. fa To everyone : Warder and the 1 we will give :1 Ct Canadians in Sou dians," by Stank. The book W8 It is 71/2 3: 51,3 i! It tells how to I value about the be made by the accompanies the of three hundrcc colored desigif‘ by Canadians in from Montreal it ing. It is a Vivi warfare. The tit it contains. The On Act?» e Sm Stay in Quebec. " “Sardinian.†A E Town, A Night 0 of De Aar, Oran: mont Garrison. '1 Spirit of Unrest, ed the Winner-â€" Weekly Mail Arr: erts’ First Visit. Pom Tuesday.†A surrender, Paard‘ Stay at Bloemfon Shell Fire. Headi The regular P Evgeryone gets a Watchmanâ€"Warden mbscflber. who manâ€"Ward“ for dollar. New su The Watchm: contain local an to all matters 0 and its editorial every man in th ï¬shes a. continw modem ï¬ction. newspaper- For the next at newspaper of] with it high Clas‘ , We publishing bong“- When you 1333‘ ContrivanceS" an him to take the 51 till The To every 116“ and 8L the next It sells the er oï¬e‘