~ We IMMENSE m, Blight/3 W, diabetes. mum nervous troubles. and 1.me complaints, and m 10: sale maximums-1166681- HAPPINESS INSURED by m ians. Write at once mdbe the ï¬rstmyourlocditytoemoneof these beautiful watches and claim: miaodwdwithyournmwdad‘i drenconaaour WW- Minmindthatyouwmnot be nakedtoaellanymtmth" 12 boxestndflDON’T WANT ANY, HONEY until dtar you have com! them. Wobeardltheexpenseand. manlymkingthisllmralofleras‘ .msthod of advertising Dr. Arnold’s WTouma. Don'tdehyJ :3 snaggï¬ndmmmflnm m rho Main Body of the w; you- twolvo boxes of those wonderful -! Binsoarth, Mam, Nov. 4.-â€"At 10 in Pills. Write at once md be the O'clock ywterday morning the Donk- nrst in your locality to can one o hobor Wanderers were resting quietly those beautiful watches and w; one mile west of this point. They As soon as we receive your letter or still keep up their custom of praying post card we will send you post “id and chanting. They have. no hesi- tVOlve boxes, together with our 11- tation in accepting charity; in fact haunted Catalogue and beautifully they are begging as they go along. calmed card with your name and ad-i Many were observed from the train dress on as our authorized agent. picking over the stubble in search mar in mind that you will not be f01‘ stray ears of Wheat. Last night lined to sell any more thm 1:110 12 W88 Spent by the pilgrims a. few boxes and we DON’T WANT ANY,xni1es east of Millwood. As they Pro- IONEY until m you have 9.3ml oeed they are becoming communica- , . ' and are certainly bound for no only making this 11mm ofler as; Winnipeg. Four mounted poiioemen a. method of Ming Dr. Arnold’s are following closely in the rear. m Toxin Ping. Don’t dehy,‘ To-day the women and children will - , ' bo~shjpped on a. special train of col- onist coaches home from Yorkton to 1m mom IEDICINE co, Swan River, thence to their vim-ages. Dept... B. o, 50 Adelaide-st out. Agent Harley will accompany them- Toronto. Ont. | There may be some trouble in en- itraining them. ' BAcLennan Almost unnecessary advice to mo- thers but this hint Won't do any harm. Our rpoSition in looking af- ter the Wee folk is in supplying pure drugs and medicines for all their ailmentkwhether on the doc- tor's order or your own choice for simple remedies. We exercise even more care in preparing medicines for children than for grown-ups. your muting. â€can“ Iron) Thu. Bull. Lima Issued either at Eb hous- nu Aiburtflpv pr "2 I“, 06¢! at 0. w. 5981} 3 â€snag-y Ito", Kant-.1... Lindsay System. MCLEWAN C0. Builders’ Hardware Tiuware and Granite- ware, Guns and Rifles. Loaded Shells, Plow Points, Scoop Shovels. Lanterns, Apple Parers Step Ladders, Clothes Wringers, Paints, Oils and Glass. OPPORTUNITY m u use mucus! CO. mt. Josepï¬iiéuene RELEASED PROM mumusm Snflcrcd Mun Lazy, fl]: Appetittc Failed, and ms Strength Left Illa - Hope For Simflu Sufferers Only those who have suffered from the pangs of rheumatism know how to endure. The symptoms often vary but among -them will be found acute pains in the muscles and joints, the latter sometimes much swollen. At times the patient. is unable to dress himself, and the slightest jarring sound aggravates the pain. Lini- ments and outward applictions can: not possibly cure rheumatism ; it} must be treated through the blood? and for this purpose there is no med-1 icine yet discovered can equal .Dr. Williams Pink Pills. When given a fair trial, these pills never fail to of L’Avenir du Nord, offers strong prod {Of the value-’0! Dr. Wiltiams' Pink Pills in cam of this kind.~ Mr. Rochette says :â€"-‘ ‘For nearly three years I was a great suflerer from rheumatism. The pains seemed at times to affect every joint, and the agony l endured was terribfle. Some- times I could scarcely move about, and was unï¬tted for Work. The trouble aflected my appetite, and in this way my weakness increased and my condition We more deplor- iadvised to take Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, and then relief came. Gradu- ally the pains left me, an: appetite improved and I (Became greatly strengthened. Before I had taken a dozen boxes my health and vigor “as such that I felt better than I did be fore the trouble began. I have not since had an ache or pain, and I feel convinced that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are the best medicine in the World for rheumatism." .-I.I :- every civilized land, and their enor- mous sale is due entirely to their great merit as a medicine. They cure all such troubles as rheumatism. sciâ€" atiCa, locomotor ataxia, partial parâ€" alysis. nervous headache, kidney. a l- ments, neuralgia and the Weaknesses that afflict so mam,r women. no not let any dealer persuade you to try something else which he my gay is “just 'as good." See that the full name “Dr. WilliamS' Pink Pills for Pale People,†is on the wrapper around every box. If in doubt, send direct to the Dr.W1:MS’ Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., and the pills will be mailed post paid, at 50 cents per box. .or six boxes for $2.50. Wdter Willis Puts 3 32-03110" nuns- Into Robert Adnms' Vitdiâ€"W. 3.0., Shocked by the Event. Rosslan'd, B. 0., NOV. 4.â€"â€"The Inâ€" ternational Hotel was the scene of a serious shooting yesterday morning. when Walter Willis shot Robert Adams through the lungs and liver with a thirty-two calibrg _ revolver. . The men had had trouble on Vari- ous occasions, and the hard feeling engendered culminated yesterday morning when a. dispute arose over a trifling sum of money. Adams is in a critical condition. md Willis is under arrest, Charged with attempting mUrdelZ- » ,jo The-ghson'e-râ€"‘is; mééphine ï¬end in an adVance'd stage of the habit. There was a very heavy snowtall throughout Manitoba 1am. night, th:~ ï¬rst of the season. The snow “ii' probably solve the Doukhobor p' w - W Sandal in lingumd Hi“ Those Prominent in :~.;ciety. London, Nov. 4.â€"The excitement Sunday over the reportai flight of .1 peer to the Continent was 11 igbtcnâ€" lem, as the marching have predicted all along an'd brjg ht. weather woul'd ti! they greached “innipeg ed yegterday by the announcumn, that a well-known Lonion society man, Bernard Fraser, had been sun:â€" enced at the Norwich assizcs, to ten years penal servitude. With him was also sentenced Arthur Thorold the son of a. clergyman, connected. as is Fraser, with one of the oldest and proudest families in the ‘L'niu‘d Kingdom. The prisomrs were chm-g- ed with haVing carried on a, regular practice to dept-ave the morals of youths all over the country. An ar- ray of prominent. King's counsellors appeared on both sida, but the pris- oners pleaded guilty of misdemean- ors, apparently with the idea. of get' ting ad“ with light sentences. Ottawa, Nov. 4. â€"-â€" Sir Sandforc} Fleming received a cablegram from the Bar! of Jersey, who presided ov- er the colonial conference inOttawa in 1894, extending hearty congratu- iatic n; upcn" the completion of the Paciï¬c cab};- AFIER THREE YEARS MORWE A'No MURDER. HAVE ENTERED MANITOBA. su- Eand ford Co‘ng‘ntulitod. a â€can,†Bullet enthusiaets thn‘ In srcvad un- Hits Those N0 APPOINTMENT YET mend Protonwno '37 B. 8'0“: «thorium-smut of m and m NowClorkoltho noun. Ottawa, Nov. 4.â€"â€"The Pmmier has not as yet given any intimation as to Who is to be the new Cabinet Minister. When asked yesterday morning it he had any statement to give to the press. Sir Wilfrid replied in the negative. It would surprise no one, homer, if Hon. Junea Su- therland were made Minister of Pub- lic \\ orks, and Mr. Raymond Pre- fontaine, H.P.. sworn o! the Privy Council as mm of Karine and No Announcement of a sat to Hon. Mr. Ta Mr. Brodeur, it would seem. does not want a place in the Cabinet. IIe prefers to remain Speaker of the House, for the present, at any rate, with the prospect ultimately o! o position upon the bench. That Hr. Brodeur molten on ideal Speaker, all will admit. A high†anthority said this morning that the present Speak- er Was the best we had eVer had in Canada. He is digniï¬ed, impartial and resolute, with a sweetness of temper which renders him irresist- ible. 01 personal magnetism he has an abundance, and he is deservedly popular with both sides of the House. Ilit be true that Hr. Brodem' has no aspirations for the Cabinet. the Government will lose nnd the House of Commons will gain. Nev Clerk of the Hello. Mr. Brodeur's decision to remain Speaker.if he has so deddod. is a; fortunate occurrence, in flow of the (not that the clerkship oi the House is vacant, and an appointment will soon ha.\'e to be made. With a Spenkp and a. clerk, both new to their duties. the coming session of Penin- ment might the witnessed some nwszmd blunders. With It. Bro- deur still in the Chair, Mr, Flint, member for anmouth, N. 8.. who is to succeed the late Sir John Bowi- not as clerk of the House, will have a. comparatively easy job before him. 5vmr0-uu-v-J -r, ,-.. - , The intention is to considerably enlarge the scope of the W and Fisheries Dopartment. when ï¬r. Pre- fontaine take- hold, so that it will be nearly as important a Public Rumored That Ind Mulls]! love. ~Britolu Advance 30v. .7. Aden, Arabia, NOV. 4.--It in ru- mored in native quarters that the Mullah has raided an advance Brit. ish outpost, in the vicinity of B0- hotle, Somaliland, capturing a. large camel transport. _ . Three thousand men w_ill begin to advance against the Mullah about. Nov. 27. This delay is due to the fact that. Gen. Manning is dispens- ing with the Indian tro'ops in the belief that the natiVe levies are more eflective. Col. Swayne has been recalled to England temporarily, where he will act as adViser to the Foreign Oflice. Gen. Manning has assumed command of‘the British Somalilan'd expedition. Non Soon. Wonon mod. Boston, Mass., Nov. 4.-â€"Miss Clare Morton, the laundress, employed at the McLean Asylum, who was asâ€" saulted on the grounds of the institu- tion Saturday evening by an unâ€" known person. is dead, and the police have no satisfactory clew by which to trace her assailant. She was un- conscious from the‘ time of the at- tack till she died. Miss Morton came from Nova. Scotia, and had been em- ployed at the hospital for three Windsor, Nov. -1.--.~\t noon yester- day DaVid Valztrdz'y was convicted before Judge Home 0! having comâ€" mitted an offence :nJer the Charlton Act, the vi tim bring a little 8-year- old daughter of 3 Sandwich South farmer. \‘ulandry was sentenced to ten yeaxs in Kingston penitentiary and to receive twenty-four lashes. twelve in two months from date and twc‘we in a _year from that time. years. Washington, D. 0., Nov. 4.â€"-The annual report. of Commissioner of the General Land Oflice, shows that the public land disposed of by the Gov- ernment during the year aggregated 19,488,535 acres. an increase of 3,- 925,739 acres over the previous year. Manila, Nov. 4.â€"D. C. Montgom- ery, Superintendent of Schools in Oniental Negros, was murdered Fri- day by Lack-ones. This is the ï¬rst instance of a. teacher in the Philip- pine Islands ‘being harmed while in discharge of his deï¬es. Kingston. Nov. 4.â€"While Abraham Patter, this city, was out shooting with his brother-inâ€"Iaw, William Co;- nolly of Pittsburg TOWnship, the gun was accidentally discharged. one of the buckshots lodging in his eye and several more in his chest. St. Petersburg, Nov. 4.â€"The. Nov.' osti says that Count Tolstoi in â€(.1 faring from another uttuk of “man. n‘ation d the my. ; Montreal, Que; No‘c 4.â€"The Hon- ttteal City Council unreservedly ac- cepted yesterday Mr. Cal’negie's of. fer Of $150,†for a. free library, it being decided to consider the ques- tion of books later on. alandry took' his sentence stoically. BRITISH OUTPOST RAIDâ€. my a. to the Bench. "W ICED.“ nuroeroo. Under the Chm-non Act. accepm cmcgle'a Gut. flit With Buckshot. 8:10 of U. S. Lands. Tonto! 111 Anita. r a Sucoes Tarts. KENFSL : ""1" ' ’ “ ". . LINDSAY u U'C mOrdcr your \A ~0vmoat now â€"The thirtyâ€"seven British Columbia. canneria, which an: at present out- side the combine, are hiding thon- ulvu together. Sydney, N. 8., Nov. 4.â€"'l‘he Do- minion Govarnmcnt able eteuner Tyriui left this port yesterday morning to lay a. cable from Gro 3-..- Ialeto Brynn 1313116,; distance 'ui ten miles. and (tom Brynn Island to Anticoeti. a 'distence of 110 miles. Government Engineer Keeley. who installed the wireleee telegrnphy etu- tion at Belle Isle, will have charge of laying the cable. He aid yester- dey that the Dominion Government's wireless station at Belle Isle was working perfectly and the system was soeesy o! operntion that the operators used it in prelerence to the cnble, which also connected the points linked by the Marconi eye- Niagara. Falls, Nov. 4.â€"-'I‘wo Ber- lin scientists, Prof. Herman G. Stoles and Adolph Mitski, accom- panied by two New You scientists. have arrived at Niagara Falls. to study that. portion of the Niagara River bed which. owing to the opera- tions of the Canadian Power Com- pany. is a present 'dry. Another Pnpcr for Windsor. Windsor, Nov. 4.4113105 nger. city editor of The Windsor Record has resigned to engage in a joh printing busmess in partnership with Joseph McKee. It is also Mr. Baker's intention to edit a weekly Conservative paper, the ï¬rst insuo! which will “incur in thrée was“. Pigeon. Long Fly. Ottawa, Nov. 4.â€"Chulfl Gallagh- erm.pajro!pigecns.nixmthn "I expect." said Mr. Keeley. “that all Government stations in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. thirtyâ€"five in Inm- ber, will soon be equipped with the wireless telegraph system." Said he had read seven! my: on milk. but the best thing he had seen on z'n: subjccr We feel the same way about Gough's Overcoat: and Suits fat Men and Boys, W: h we Hard" comphqlentg bestowed on them by good judge from town and country, but the b. 5: thing‘w = 3 subjedsthnhflandW’mta’slamflothoisphy of “C A Gough’s Cream of Clothing {SWELL UVEHBHATS. SHUHT and [BIG Hell's English Whi Pd] Overcoat with the wt box hock ha‘ linings. u umyuo Whipeord chm m tam. We t†"" an sell for ...................... . ......................... nae Swollen Sn er '1' Coat to bciound in Lind-3’ at 812. Gumbo All-fl 00! C!) t in on! a? Shades, Phin or W Effects. Fancy check or Ian“: Cloth nbp. Gnu or Sin-h Pocket; Silk Velvet Collar. fm’ched in t' top otyle. We an all flier ............................. mâ€... ...... . ............... 8.50 Ken's All-Wool Fine Bum Oven-och. Silk Velvet Caller. well 5‘75 lined end well uni-bed. The necel .8 Reeve: Coctefor. . . . Boye’ Blue Beever Ovu'etate in the pleasing My Front Style. Silk Velvet Collue. Tweed Lining. mbeetvelue we ever had a.†uflzweceneelllhie week for ............................ Baye' Werm Redeem ltnlien Cloth Lined. Grod Wen-ere, Smut end $vic:ble;otheuuktbfor eimilier Bede" we an eell 185 m ........... . .............. . ....................... Men's Business Suits, Tailored frcm AlloWoolTweed, inDsrk Pumas, "v and Plain Meets. Regular 810 Winter Suits we can sell 73 afar. .................. . ...... .. ....... . ..... ....... ....... Whole. Preferred ‘0 Cable. I-J Tobeappredatedth'nsmckm'mbeseenandvhmsemwe want - other stock in the son. We do what we canby lawnhg cost ofyohpvirfg. â€$53211; 3;:th :23 IS on ttobe curatorefordo and ' ' ' '53,: y m 13%“ savmgs counts the same as gatherm tnis oflemg should mt' «at you. Our gm: of , purchases uts d wn ' g WW.““‘“B“:“ t: gut paces onthe very threshold of the sewn. pand i3: nggicsxhorlf 3‘15â€.“ . W are no respecter of seasons. Such a one was prcscmcd at: 1?; lat _anc_lnowthatwemhposmionofmeplunnswedon’t propose to put them in cold storage. 'So here :05 : Will Make Things Hum at Gough’s This Week To Study River Bed. STYLISH SUITS, SACKS. HE. JOSH 00 milm Ill-w Form a propel“ for ex University, or T of Music. Sm The Wonderful Cheap Man Raul Death's advertisement “ensued MUSIC 1‘.“ On Thursday, Friday and F atur- day, 6th, 7th, 8th November 1 will sell 10 sheets of 10c. music 1'01 25c to any person brimng this adwr- tisemult with them. PolloVing are some of the best : listen- Johnson Turn Me Loose Frank: 0! Blackville, A My of Quality. Nadia Waltze, â€was, mlFindqnyllammThem, Do You lntznd For ale gt Hm Bros. drug start GEO. INGLE She In, Hm Seen Better Ba: Duke at York Waltzes. etc. l3: 3'. "' ' v "" beforc making contacts. My W0 AMI. turns out every- thing you require for House or Bun Buildmg, and thc prica are right. 111: best workmen, the cheapest lumber, and Wu mud in evcry case. may we [um-om I luv; everything_ you regain G.A.Litt!c’s m 11W -WA '. 1'3?“ 2.25 UNI AV“, - -_, Buildinfl. mp on WM Lindsay Mamie m ROBERT CHAMBERS LIFE an ’- :le romp“! RUB'I , Jr ".6 :9? Ml '5- W. 3E1 â€Mauritian. puma: 5i Comm-point h- w Form haunt: ‘W‘mm W ‘ Mrznubor 'm on: “BEAVE’! -BUY YO! anu of Voice “10M amt-u [lilti- no