HalloWe en was celebrated in a. te-iahd George the light-weight ï¬gured ï¬tting manner by our junior citiâ€" l(an Monday night was a grand suc- zens Saturday night. The outrage cess and considerable money changed was not very terrible. Likely their hands by the ringside. In the ï¬rst fathers recalled the more stirring do- round George reached over Bob's ingsoftheirowntimeastheyrode 'guardandgavehimaiabwiththe to ehnrchSundayma-ning with thoufleï¬t which n; M am Those who had the pleasure of be- 'Mrs. Evans. ing present were unanimous in their! Mrs. Oorbeï¬t praises of the function held. at her many frien ihe '1 ownship Clerk’s home on sat- Our". blacksm 11rdav evening. There were about in Toronto la: furiv pic-sent including a small num- Mrs. R. Eva: Yer from Little Britain. After the visiting in Oz tempting dainties had been disposed month or two. of amuSements and games were inâ€"' We notice R dulged in for the remainder of the nice Muckle W exenin-g . [as though she Our Sunday schools are preparing lion some day- for their annual entertainment. } The boat in; The familiar ï¬gure of (1mm Shields Was seen in the viRage last week. Messrs. ‘Wm; Thorm'lyke, W. T. Hog-g, Rev. Websterand ‘ Dr. Climbs bers are in the iiorthm‘1d country this u eek chasing the deer. A court of revision was held inthe willage Thursday last. :13 W 01113 for a short time. Many from this vicinity went over day and Friday at 6 p. m. 10 the plowing matches 0n Mr. W ' J ' . I' B. Graham' 3 farm in Ops on- mess. - . dav. l YELVERTON The sacrament of the Lord 3 Supâ€" Weather is fine and farmers are per was observed in the Methodist' doing their plowing and getting in church on Sunday. ltheir roots which is avcry good 1115. (Rem) Webster is Visiting in crop Toronto this week. ., Mr. Ed Evans happened with a The news comes from' Taylor's Corners that the dog. owned by the Lindsay citizen has become so skill- ful a piano player as to render the familiar tune “Can’t you forget.†lindsay Post please copy. " The lecture on J amaita by the Rev. Mr. Peckovcr of Sunder-land on Friday night was both interesting and instructive. The attendance was not very large. One ‘who Would; enchant an Oakwood audience must learn the word “Befmhment.†Miss L. Jenkins and Greenaway of Little Britain spent Sunday at Mr. J. B. Weldon’ 3. Mr. Yarnold of Port Perry :‘was in the village a few days last week.- Mr. “Mesa" Silver of Lindsay was in the village last Friday repairing the telephone. ‘ WOODVILLR‘ ‘Drs. Nee-lands Irvine, dentists, Lindsay. One of the above dentists will visit Woodville at. the Queen's hotel, on Tuesday, Nov. 10th.\ Miss E. Amey of Canning'ton was the ruest of Miss L. Oameroh last week. and 8th. The attractions on both days will be good and we hope and iully trust that the congregatons will be correspondingly so. All music lovers' are‘ keeping néxt. Thursday evening, Non-121211, free for the J arvisâ€"Smily concert, which will be the musical event of the sea- son. .7 The anniversary services of St. Andrews’ church will take place on next Sunday and Mon-day, Nov._ 7th Capt. Banks, ‘who has 133011 in charge of the Salvation Army hen; for some time, .left last weekqfog Bowmanville. ' ’ ' ‘ ' Mr. A. Holmes, who has been in Mr. Wm. Burgoyne's store for some years, left on Tuesday morning, hav- ing obtained some other situation. Mr. Holmes and 1.1;: family will fol- low in a few da3s. Mr. Holmes and 1am-in will be missed by the many 1‘ri1nds they have made in Fenelon Falls, but who wish them success in their new home. A splendid supper and good musical program will we feel sure, bring a. crowded house. The attractiod foFto-night is the oyster supper in J ordan’s hall in connectiOn with St. J ames' church. The annual fowl supper of the Bapâ€" tist church was held on last Thurs- day evening and was a mast success- ful meeting. The turnout Was un- usually large, the supper ï¬rst-class and the musical program splemlid. as he le’aus Eenelon Falls (or hi; new charge about the middle of NO.â€" \em‘ber. The services in St. Ari-- drews’ on Sunday were very largely attended, there being an unusually large number of communicants at the morning srrx ice. The music was, as usual wood, and Mr. Morden render- ed a very beautiful solo in his usual pleasing and effective manner. The preparatory service lipid in St. Andrews' church 02?- last ,1?!de evening. was pretty well attended. and a. most. beautiful address d'elivér- ed by Mr. Davies of Fenelon. It, was a matter of regret that the church was not crowded, as this will in all probability be the last-time Mr. Davies will preath in this church mon. The.-ipduction of Rev» A. S. .emckc' ton to tpe mtorship 'of St. .Ja'm'eo' church. took place last Wednopday. and was witnessed by a. good au- dience. Rev. Mr. Marsh 01;: Hyde†performed the ceremdny; and Rev. Mr. Laugh-Mt of Pcter'boro preached R50 of Toronto. 1‘22:wa FALLS V Mr. Ed. McKendry of um. spent Sunday at the Falls. ; .. Mrs. J. H. Brandon. nu. WC}; Robson, Mrs. H. Austin spent Mons day on Grand Island. going .upng} ‘»‘Ka.wartha," and Spending a. most delightful day. - Mr. R. A. Robinson, manage? of the B. N. A.. bankkleftmmsmwyl for hisï¬vacwtion. Hisplace-Ji -be- ing tilled during higw Mrs inost. impressive and suitable OAKWOOD AND VICINITY RAGE :EIGE'T I: 'lhe bout in which Bob Fitzunmons 13nd George the ï¬ght-weight ï¬gured I We notice R. B. HcGiIl driving a nice Mucklé Wilkes mare that looks fï¬g though she might be :1 Lou Dilâ€" Mrs. R. Evans and son Harold are visiting in Oxbow Hanitobg for a month or tWO. * _ ..Mrs waan and Miss G‘olville are Spending a few days with zllir and Mrs. Evans. , . Mrs. Corbett of. Midland ismpaylng her many friends _here 3‘58“»; uBu:"1:1yaci-nsnntï¬i spent a We? :days in Toronto last-'3 Weekf'U '~ 3:1: Kr, Andrew Kerr. who had his foot amputated a short time ago, is do- ing nicely - . Miss Brown of Toronto‘ is the guest of Mrs. R. B.‘McGill. "Mr. Ed. Evans happened with a pamful' accident last week. While wok-king at a; horse’ 8 foot he fell over and. fiaetxired his with bone. ‘Mrs. (Dr.) ~McPhai-1 and Miss Jen- nie Glendenning sang at the post- poï¬ed Thanksgiving eutertainment at Sonya on Tuesday evening last, and were well received. Miss L. Coone our popular music teacher acâ€" companie d them. ‘Anything you want at. the l Jwest prices for bat value at Comm 8. Store closes every Monday, Wednes- day and Friday at 6 p. m. School was closed for a. few days this week on account of the illness of the teacher Miss DeLury. A \ery sad accident occuried on Tuesday at Mr. Wm. Mathews- when Robbie MCKay was kicked On the head by a horse with such violence that the skull was fractured and the ’brain exposed. It is feared that fatal results will follow. Much sympathy is felt for the poor little sufferer. All that medical skill is able to do was. done by our Dr. . Mcâ€" I’h'ail assisted by ' Dr. Henderson of Cannington, but at the time of writ- ing his chances of grecovery are very slim. The unfortunate little fellow was like a great many of his age, too risky in going around horses and though _rwarned failed to appre- ciate his danger. Messrs. N. Hunter and L. Higgins have gone to the Highlands of On- tario to hunt deer. On their suc- eess m that line will’ no doubt de- pend their success with dear of am other sort on their return. * The best quality (and there are many) of American coal oil, 25 01:5. pe1 gallon at Coone’ a. , v--‘v â€"._â€"7 0 After a severe illness of several month-s. duration, death relieved the sufferings of Mrs. McInnes wife of Mr D. McIiinis of the 8th concession Mariposa, on Wednesday 'mmning Oct. 28th. . Six children are left with their father to mourn their sad loss and the sympathy of the com- munity is extended to those who are bereft. The remains were interred in the Scotch burying ground on Friday afternoon, a large number of friends attending. the funeral. are-3:61:16 POOP!e “2197““ 't .â€". A- heroic. Forman, Mary Black. Jr;- fourth-e.- Florenxbe Pmington, Ammo Hol- 1mm Mum Wait. Sr. second-Allin? -Foman. ‘Junzop‘ ‘ School report. {or the mouth of October: Fifth clamâ€"Flossie Rea, Jasper Fox-man. Fourth dass~ 83,. die blaék, Alice Parrington, Willie Forman. Harry Bea, W Rea. Sr. thirdâ€":Hag' 1!. Wu. Lizzie ' One of the ï¬rm of‘Dre. Neelhnds a; Irvine, dentists, Lindsay, will be at the Campbell house on Wedneed v Nov. 11th. Kegp the date in and call early. mind have organized a social club calléd the “Victoria Glee Club. " The president is His Annie Russel. the monetary Miss maï¬a. Martin, and the treasurer Miss Lulu Adair. Much sympathy is felt. for Mr. and Mrs Albert Thompson, in the loss of their little son, two and a. half years of age. Mrs. Wm. Boadw‘ay is spending a week with her daughter, Mrs. R. E. Wager of Feneion Falls. _ The young W‘s; this village GLENARM W. Gilï¬ert, the leading merchant, Cam-bray, is adding great b'argains in new fall dry. goods, wall papers, etc. Highest prices paid for butter, eggs and poultry-e452. NORLAND The funeral 9f the late Mrs. Wm. Ward, sr., too}: place on “may, Oct. 27th, and was largely attended. The revival services at the brick church are still going on. A number of people went from this part on Sunday to hear the Rev. Mr. Galbraith of Toronto preach. At the evening service the church Was ï¬lled to its utmost capacity, and many could not get in. He took for his discourse the ninth verse of the ï¬rst chapter of J ob, from which he made a. very-able discourse. The cheese factory will close for the season on Saturday. after one of the best season’s, both for maker and patrons, it has had. » Mr. Herbert Fallis of Petel‘bbro, ‘who’ bought" out Robert Touchburn, Blacksmith of Betli-any, has commen~ ,ced work. - Mr. George Shields and wife en- joyed a trip to Beavorton last week being the occasion of the marriage of Mrs Shield’ 8 brother. : FRANKLIN The farmers of this part of the country are all well phased with this season’s cr0p. In coming to market they 'all carry a smile on their faces, as many of them have received in return $35 per acre. The snow of last week caused a The snow of last week caused a huxry in the root crop, which is also good. Potatoes are of great. size, some weighing two pounc_15_. LINDEN VALLEY W. Gilbert, the leading merchant, Cambray, is oflering great bargains in new fall dry goods. wall papers, etc. ' Highest prices paid for butter, eggs and poultryâ€"45.2. On Tuesday night the OM English church was crowded to standing room on the occasion of Col. Sam. flu-ghee lecture on Omngeism with special reference to South Africa. The lecture wés given under Orange ausgices and was greatly enjoyed. -‘vvâ€"rv Stephenson‘s mill is overtaxed grinding all sorts of grain for stock feeding. Two old residents were buried at Emily cemetery this week although not lately residents here. Mrs. Murphy of lfldland and Mrs. Geo. Wood of Peterboro. Both of the deceased ladies had reached an ad- vanced age. wuâ€" '-â€"vi 7 There have been large shipments of Frankie Christian. stock this week. D. H. Rea took __'.._.4 26 head of cattle to Toronto mar- FINGE] kets. , _ gtjh agdrééed By Col. Sam. Hughes, Dr. Vrooman, Rev. Mr. Whitelaw, and others. “'llrn WU yevauâ€"u. . The waives-say service. in con- Report at S. 8. No. 2. Mon tor motion with the Wanehurch u†month of October. Nunel in .were at the moat nil-tutor)!" order order 0! merit: Senior {outbâ€" in every respect inch“!!! “m Juggle Hon-ow. lhy Tohn.e. Birdie by Revs. White!“ and Youuw- The Cowieoon. Junior tombâ€"naval. "attendance was very large at each Brokenomm. Senior turdâ€"cue service. The collections were very Spence. Tom narrow. Junior liberal and the church choir added thirdâ€"Chm†Spence. m Smog, much to the interest by rendering Robbie Morrow. Second ... Carl three appropriate 810510“ selections Moyuea. Alma Cowleeon. Elmer C. at each service. ' Christian. First part secondâ€"Jack L. 0. L. No. 294. Switzers, intend Naylor, Maltlend Wells, Ross Cowle- holding an oyster supper on NOV- son. Willie Silverthorne, Max Mo- 5th addressed by Col. Sam. Hughes. Fadyen, Dan Moore. Bertie Chris- Dr. Vrooman, Rev. ML Whitelaw, tian. Lillie McFarlan. Noble Silver- smd others. thorn. FirSt part Iâ€"Johnny Green, 0mm ’ The weethet 18 Just- decent to: ‘uving ol the Mince of the root crop. and ..never before was more. . better time for mu plowing. The Char-.1. Soctety concert w u. great success lent. Thur-thy evening. The citizens a! Omemee end sur- ,rounding country were delighted with the progrm. BALSAM LAKE KIRKI‘IELD DUNSFORD for m m: d ‘ um prompt | tlemenu ; also the NORTH â€"vâ€" râ€" v.“ HUGE: o 1.315231.th citor for the executors. Sale on Sat’day, Nov. 14, ’03 _V At L30 pgm. - ‘100 a mush-cast. building 18 x 80. 1} stories high: also fume wood- shed and stable, all in (air repair. The property is within ï¬ve minutes walk of the corner 0! Kent tnd Wil. [ism-eta" town of Linda“ “At-tho same time Ida-nona- I am instructad‘by"the executor-a 01* the will of the late Wm THORNHILL, “enquire, to sell the homestead, being the south part. 0! Lot No. 6. north ot'Welllngton-st. and lateLy occupied by In. Thorn- mu. This lot in splendidly amt,- ed either for residence or business baring not having been cancluded. So far not much eVidenee had’been adduced against him, when be ruined his cause by breaking jail. was a member of the ï¬rst Canadian contingent. In a drunken spree. one of a party. Joseph Andre. was knocked down and kicked. his spine being so badly injuned that he is al- niost certain to die and should he live will be a. cripple for life. Moâ€" Mullen is amt-reed. the preliminary â€"While the prisoners at the jail were having their exercise in the yard, at Owen Sound on Friday, Thomas McMunen, accused of the brutal, assault of James Andre at Depot Humour. made his mpe and has not been recaptured. McMullen rule. year will equal that of last year. Mining this winter will be very ac- tive, and the oflicials look for an output of $12,000,000 to $14,000,- 000 next season. The river is a very bad condition, preventing the arrival of a large amount of freight. Perishable goods are very high al- ready. Potatoes retail at 15 cents per pound; mutton, which is very short, sells for 75 cents per pound, and will go to a dollar. Living promises to be ver high this year Feai is also short and high prices in forty ounces of coarse gold and nuggets. The largest nugget is worth $18. and another stampede is on. It is now certain that another large camp will be opened in that region. The output of gold this There has bben another strike in the White Horse district. Yukon Territory. The discoverer brought p.m. Rev. Wickett of Victoria Road will preach a. missionary sermon at the Point. Service was not conducted in tho Pleasant Point church on Sunday on account of the Quarterly Meeting at Little Britain. Next Sunday at 2 ' Miss Clara Western is absent visit- ing friends in Toronto? Miss M. Mark is said to be recov- erinb after a short illness. _M}. Allen Bond of Heanrd was the ‘gpest of his cousin Mrs. John Mane last week. Most of the farmers throughout this neighborhood have completed bringing in their turnips and man- FINGERBOARD Mrs. Frise of Peterboro is visiting her sister Mrs. Henry Manse. Hallowe'en passed off very quietly in this place; only a. few gates were misplaced. ‘ y . A . . and formerly lived in Cartwright. He {a a bmther o! Wu'den Bailey. oi. Tuesday m o: 1.» week If; William 133119; on. did .‘t'. his Executor’s"! “Bile; FIRE INSUPANQE ,7 , ‘. Mai-«W I". TWICE TOLD TALES in the 3.110! «new; “3' . Vaqd ï¬thputv'relerva J. Pbcm‘m Forâ€" HWEEmmmREALE.â€"83 w tort. doubt. tune “amount-unmat- named tit- 21.: (lay at October A D.1908. . . . ROGERS a; STWERAT 44-4. Sonata-a for Executor-s. titled thereto “Vinsonlyngqrdtbthec whï¬ch they [aims of mu hi. notice. 77 And that after tho said day the executors will proceed to distribute the m o! the odd deceased unu- oou is, W Apply In the matter of the state at Matil- da. Lees PW. In.“ of the Town at Unduy in the County of Victor-is. widow. deceased. Notice is My given»; pursuant ofm24.1n the 8th Con. 0P3 Fortnnpurthuhnupplyto A. E. VBOOHAN. 11).. Lindsay, or to mam a; snirrn, Solicitors. Pupil ofllr. H. )1. 81:11, late Principal Toronto Collage of Elocndon. Emanuelâ€"61 Cannon: 81-1331. Tenn. nude known on Won. Open for Engagements: Concerto. Roda At Homes. Em. TEACHER 0F ELOCUTIOI. “CE CULTURE, PHYSOCAL CULTURE, FENGNG. ETC. MISS MYSSIE NEWTON Isn‘t Wm Chev- RWmemflmflyhmmlwflmu xusInMV ï¬g; 0 q lining. block mohair 31m: lininf. each “Md.“ velvet c 0! a. r. st'y'te. plain black mgbody linings, fancy sleeve lin mg. fly fmnt, 36%†4.75 One Price wd blocks. extra. rawgdg'efly ï¬nely. ten, Rusâ€" Hon'l black Cheviot Ovemoats fly front, four Wide pockets, new stylolike illustration, twill- ed black body ' ° black 3?ng «my; me Men’u dark Oxford grey Mel- ton Overcoat. fly front. exactly agrepmgeotod in_ at}. four out- side pockets. velvet caller. ex- tra. ï¬ne quality plain black body linings. (gncy stripe mohair sleeve lining. t“an extremely dmy 3031:. an! to tailor usually I33! “we ........ :n 00 In connection with our Men’ a “fear Department will ‘e found smost complete assortm‘ent of Men’s Furnishings. Special atten- tion icpu'd to our Neekwear section. "If you see it here it's new.†Ian'- sll wool Guard M 0m velvet ' 1-13-01. M W-W"« The [west New York styles and blocks. -3!!!“ 3194519! 33‘“ 0.0... .0... MEN'S HATS OVERCOA'I'S. Mil-907M; W“ .32“ 2.00 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO m IA'rcmum. J. SUTELIHE SUNS. for the ordi found in some stars- Pay no more for, that 3°“. “ °'.".’ 8.†MEN’S FURNISHINGS. Recitals, on: -00000. This the latter a mid: white marking“ - o M ï¬lth mama no ‘ must!“ Good frame a 45 x 70, other 'nlisisaï¬fs“ Equally low priced and in great variety will be found in our Children’s Clothing section. You will be well suited with your purchases of Children’s wear at this store. Boys’ Children’s Garments raw: a. roadster, . Toronto gent (sand 41‘! person who t( Outta! House, ,, in mistake, m the same 111 this save troubjk -â€"The ï¬rst lect course ' Lâ€"Col. Den for Toron Nov. 20th. a-Bflum of year ire .» u'der will be 8€ ‘Vithin 20 mile now until the «ea ems. Outside f-Llst week Mr. Ge . had his rig at the Raven Lake 8', works, Elliott :leizht falling o: MGM ( 3 CH 811m :13! L. 0. L the council at 7.30. if t“ 8' o'clock In ’78 then -_ Flue ‘4 .‘I i W“; t8 ; chi Opt} «:1 as! 8.1 mt“ , Little [ma .0! WANTEDâ€" Mer route- mdinir gauged Sincunr old show room‘ Three new I Bowes O “1 $011 ti: