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Watchman Warder (1899), 12 Nov 1903, p. 6

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E Anynewspaperwishingtoruntheaboveadforae,or12 monthswmbeentertainedbyamdingoopyot papa. circulation and lowest rates to above address, a. c. 8- Constant coughing islike scratching a. wound. So long as it is done the wound will not heal. For coughs, no matter how stillborn, a few doses of Electricity Cough and Conlumption Cure will stop the trrit'ar tion, andacureisthequiokrmlt. Price 250. perbottle or5bottles for $1..00 Sent on‘reeeipt ofprice. ELECTRICIANS c. sumo, - .- ' um”. opt, No discovery in medicine has treated one quarter the interest that the Electricity Cough and Consumption Cure has canned. Its severest tests have been made on hopeless cases of consumption, Asthma, Pneumonia, Pleurisy and Bronchitis, thousands of whom have been restored to perfect health. It cuts the phlegm out of the throat and bronchial tuba. For Coughs, Colds, Asthm Group, Hoaraeness, Whooping Cough. Le..- Grippe. It cum more giickly than any other medicine in the world. (ONSUMPHON. MASIERED M lASI on the gloss and beauty of youth, while gradually but surely the hair re- turns to its natural color and will forever alterwards re- tain it. Such a change is not brought about in a day or a week, but as the roots of the hair absorb the health-giving elements iron the herbs, and the wonderful electric strength the Electrocene contains, nat- ure gives it a fresh lease of life, and soon ten years have been lifted from your appearance. The hair goes back to its natural color, becom- ing soft and silky, with that lustrous gleam of youth that is the envy of all beholders. Electrocene does not stain the scalp or clothes, is NOT A DYE, but whatever its color was at the most vigorous time of your life, it’s color will be again after using. A little patience will bring you the rich reward of a head of beautiful, healthy, natural hair with the softness and lustre of youth; The growth is promoted and the grey, faded or streaked hair springs again into life and the colors of life. The Electrocene will not rub off, is not sticky, dirty or gummy, and will not stain the scalp. It prevents the hair from falling out, promotes its growth, cures and prevents dandruff; does not wash off, keeps the scalp clean and healthy, produces the most luxuriant tressos from dry, coarse and wiry hair, and causes that turning grey to assume its original coho:- and retains it forever afterwards. ' Price $1.00 per bottle or 6 Bottles for $5.00. Sent on receipt of price. ELECTRICIAN S. C. SMITH. Tbgn, in the fal a. higher pean and hence does low tenuwratures The price was 10%, and at that. price no other factory would sell and the board adjourned for a week. At Mondax’ 5 Cheese Board 2251 boxes w ere ofl'ered, but only 325 were sold. Then came 210 from Reaboro and 115 from Maple Leaf. ELECTROCENE id the product of certain herbs, barks and plants, which by long and careful experiments have zblaen found to contain all the; elements necessary to the life, beauty, color and health of the hair. They are not a dye; they contaiél no vile and deadly chemicals to destroy the hair’s life; but from t eir first application the hair begins to take A Guaranteed Preparation to Restore (trey and Faded flair to its Natural Color, and Retain it. With the powerful aid of Electricity, grey hair can be restored to its natural color by natural means. The herbs and plants of the mountains and field have in‘ them all the elements of life, health and beauty that. the grey hair requires for its restoraticn. Cold Curing Process Will Spoil Cheese Made in Cool Weather-- The Board Adjourned a week ELECTROCENE YOUR GREY HAIR brought back to its orifgfinal color, and. forever re- tained. Positively not aZDye, but a Purely Natural Growth. FA LL CHEESE NEEDS WARMTH It surpasses all other remedies in the wonderful power it posseSSes over Paralysis, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Fevers, Chronic Lameness, Female Diseases, Sore Throat, Stifi Neck, Catarrh, Consumption, Coughs, Colds, LuGripp, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Asthma, Inflamaition, WhoopingCough, Diphtheria, Measels, Heart Disease, Congestion, whether of the Lungs, Stomach or Bowels, Burns, Scalds, Eruptions, Chafings, Insect Bites, Frosted Feet or Ears, Sore Feet, Bowel Complaints, Cramps, Spasms, Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Diarrhoea, Colic, Wind in Bowels, Cholera. MOI-bus, and many other ailments. For horses and cattle it is equally good. Pain may be called by the name of Rheumatism, 'Neuralgia, Paralysis, Consumption, Lumbago, Pleurisy, or from Burns or Bruises; no matter what names the pains are called, or what the causes may be, what the sufferers want is RELIEF. This the LIQUID ELECTRICITY, being a magic remedy, gives at once. ~ 7 .,- - AA ‘A H n , !,L ELECTRICIAN S. C. SMITH, ouubov - V..-qu , D“ â€" v- â€" v__ _ P11ce50 cents per bottle, three bottles for $1.00. Sent on receipt of price. There is nothing in the W0] gress of disease as quick, no as Caroline Street, T’AGE SIX LIQUID ELECTRICITY DEPOT Electricity Cough and Consumption Cure. Address all letters Kregistered.) or 6 Bottles for $5.00. Sent on receipt‘ of price. Address all letters (registered) E. SMITH. - - , Linsday. Ont ILLLLAU ‘V--v -~ An island is a body of land entire- ly surrounded by water. This is the strict definition, according to physiâ€" cal geography; but for moral, so- cial, ethnological and political pur- poses an island may be any spot of earth that is fenced in from the rest of the world. whether by water, mountain-s, clouds, or prejudices. The main thing is that it shall be, vallated, removed, detached, and withdrawn from the communion of a continent. For instance, Switzerâ€" or M. n. n. Una-”VJ "J .__V , Gadsibb’ of the Toronto Star is as follows : Late one afternoon Robert Roswell Gamey woke up, and after dinner he found himself famous. The evening papers had published citrus about him and his thunderbolts. ‘ The thing looked sudden enough, but events had been leading up to it. for the thirtyâ€"six years of Gamey’s' life. Fate, circumstances, the man’s impatience, his readiness to hazard all on one cast of the die, had set the stage 'for this startling eclai‘fisâ€" semcnt. 1t arose, as one might say from his having been born and lived his days on an island. You don’t see. the point ? 'Eh, bieu 2 The arguâ€" ment follows. _ ‘ ‘ " 4‘12..- The thing lookel but events had be it for the thirtyâ€"sinI life. Fate, circum ISLANDS PRODUCE GREAT MEN; MR. R. B. GAMEY IS ONE OF THEM The Man From Manitoulin a. Text For Entertaining Stuff on Islanders body to seethatMr.1â€"'um0w‘zuw his work. In the spring When I ob- jected I was told not to squeal till I was asked to pay. Now when I am asked to pay there is no time to squeal, but just to pay. I consider that our factory has been just-gulled year is pinching Bobcaygeon1 Red Rock and North Ver’ulam factories, which have none to pu ' in. The first half of a recent write-u; E Mr. R. R. Gamey by Mr. H. F. fldbiHV of the Toronto Star is as Lindsay, Ont. Lindsay, Ont. Publow (105 When the little ones are ill the sen- Bible mother no longer doscs_them with nauseous, griping purgativcs, nor puts them to sleep w‘th the so- called “soothing" preparations which always contain harmlul (.piatps. Baby’s Own Tablets have been used by thousands of mothers who cheer- fully testify that they are genlte in "their action, absolutely safe, and 'make little ones shop éoundly and naturally, because they remove the trouble that made linby irritable and wakeful. 0n ths point. Mrs. T. Watson, Sarsfield, Ont. says :â€" ‘-‘-]2 have used Baby’s Own Tablets and find them a. very suitable medifi cine for young children. When baby: iscross orfretfullgivehu-a‘rab- let and it Soon puts her right.” v . These Tablas cum all the minor ailments of little ones, v'lhey am good for all children hom:hrtham The chorography of islands encour- ‘ages bold dreamers. The eye seizes everything, to the last tumbling wave against the horizon No is- land, unless it be Australia, is so large that it cannot be comprehend- ed in its entirety. This easy com- prehension sets up in strong natures an idea of their own strength. They learn to be daring, because they measure forces with what is circum- scribed. They long to have scope for their tendencies. They learn to Ibe fearless, because they do not esti- imate the vastness outside against which they pit. themselves. Asaboy ’Napoleon conquered the world from Corsica. He had been born in Par- is, and known his Europe, he might have recoiled from the task. But is- lands are exclusive. They give time; to perpend. They allow purpose to, concentrate, ambition to harden. In this Way they produce’giants. It may. be that Gamey did not come to his stature beCause he was not born in Manitoulin. He came there after he had grown up. If his great scheme fell down anywhere it may be ascrib- ed to the fact that his insular train- ing did not begin early enough. But inevitably, the island arr affected his mind and wrought on his soul. The Great Scheme began slowly to em- erge. Often and often as he sat gazing on the ravcning hillows he wondered what was the matter with him. He thought, perhaps, it was his liver. It was really the Great Scheme, inchoate, amorhous, but persistent, chafing within his bosom to-break into the light of day. and become a Coup d'Etat. Gamay took pepsin tablets for it, but it would not down. - lands. "At least two islands claim Homer as a citizen. Napoleon w-as born in Corsica. Josephine, who made almost as much trouble. hail- ed from Martinique. Alexander Hamilton. who drated the constitm tion of the Unitex States, spent his spent his youth in the West Indies. Hall Caine is nursing his peculiar talents in the Isle of Man. Sir Charles Tupper had is origin inFNova Scotia. Which names Ming us down with a. tremendous hop. skip, and a jump to Rob Roy~ Gurney, who lives, off and on, in Manitoulin, the home of the Great Spirit. and the stamping ground of another aw- ful creature with horns, red eyes, a club foot, and a tail, one of whose duty it is to ‘father all the lies con- ceived by mortals. But Gamcy’s fame is his own. He acknowledges no supernatural assistance. insula. The Roman and Venetian. stories demand no other reason. We understand at once those consume mate codes of law which underlie Christendom to this day, the noble self-reliant philosophy of the Stole. the solidarity of organization, whe- ther for war or peace, the stern re- publican virtues which burst out in unexpected places even when the em- pire was choked with vice and luxâ€" 111y.No one wonders why Virgil was a great poet, or Cicero a great orator, or Ceasar a great general : why Curtuis leaped into the abySS. why Luc1etia preferred death to dis- honor, why the Gracchi had a mothâ€" er like comelia, why Horatius kept the budge why Cato “as :1 nen and Nero a monster, why Petrrm and Dante sang, why Raphael 1nd Michelangelo painted and the Medi- cis and Borgias wrought for good and evil. Islands and peninsulas breed such people. The outer world is kept at check until the islander has use for it. There is room for la1ge thought and spacious dreams. A 1111n develops what is in him of independence, of genius. of mischief. The salient angles of character are not worn away by indiscriminate contacts. Nationaility has a flai'or of its own, not abated by extran- eous influences. Greece is a peninsuâ€" la. Are you surprised now at the valor of .the Themistocles, the gran- deur of Pericles, the loftiness of Pla- to, the r iginality oi Socrates, the acuteness of A1istotle, the superb ar- iogance of Alexander? Spain is a peninsula. There was a time “hen the name of Spain made the earth tremble. Holland “as once a pen- insula. Her supremacy has not been dead much more than two centuries Scandinavia. is a peninsula. Some fourteen hund1ed years ago these genial pirates promoted themselves to an island Their blood flows in the two master nations of me world 10-day. One might almost lay it down that the world goes forWard because it is pushed by its islands and peninsula. Many of the great personages of history came from is- land is an islandâ€"an island of reâ€" publicanism in an pcean of monarchâ€" ism. The statgs of _g_ncig_nt ‘Graece ,www wuuc an we minor of little ones. They are ‘ all children from birth om iii! W. F. MCCARTY NOTICE in harebfy given that the Munic' Councilo the Corporation Corporation of the County of Victoria. Owen J. B. Yearsley 35-4 Euclid Avenue. Toronto One 3000.00 machine tad one 3811.00 machine for-ale fully summed. Iomntu AUIOMOBilE M19. (0. LINDEN VALLEY W. Gilbert, the leading merchant, Cambray, is oflering great bargains in new fall dry goods, wall papers, etc. Highest prices paid for butter, eggs and poultryâ€"454. HEH WEDDING EIH Repairing'neatly and promptly done In silver will uny- be 1 man- ento 0! one o! the happiest event- ot her liteâ€"doubly I0 it oh. have thet they can: trom lcCerty'e. tor our nme in I. synonym for merit end value. The buyer,too . who assured of getting full velue for the money hue. We have Silverware. Cut Glea- Flu Chine, beautiful Clocks. Gold Wetchel, J ewelry. etc. m ment and Wedding Rump. popular Jewelry Store. Forputiculanwrite 28 Daliolsle Street Forfurflm pufiwlars call at the oflnce, anode the Market ‘W. “:22.“ MS. LOW. ‘ Hunger Em Srerhl Agent. fled Ollie: . Lindsay Ont. AM“ Cult-l 8".“ THE VICTORIA [BAN AND SAVINGS 60- You have a choice of 50 different styles and sizes of Wood Cook Stoves, Coal Cook Stoves, Coal and Wood Ranges, Wood Ranges, Wood Heaters, Coal Heaters and Combined Coal and Wood Heaters. H ave a look at our stock and you will find both: and price to suit you. KEYS MORRISOI T !- Umore years. lntemt paidlnlf year]. high Lon on Buy eras . G. EDWARDS a 3:: i P’AINT TRUTHgélg Come in and let us give you morethananntxhcn of truth a '4 \ O The fall a a splendid time to paint. We'can tell you why this is particularly true of IN A NUT SHELL When you paint your building there are two kinds of paint to select from: ratâ€"Good prepared paint ready for use. andâ€"Lead and oil mixed by hand. You should always choose the good prepared paint. It costs lees, wczrs longer, and looks better. -a o / Aflowcd on deposits of 81.00 and up- Onrd, compounded half yurly. Paid on debentures drawn for one or SHE]? mu- WILL/Ans PHI! 7 STOVES TEE WATCHMAN-‘ ‘gcmv YOUR NEW mm CORDWOOD. W000- the best minéfi First Ween the antiqum po_ I“ ._. {or p- Ii“ under can â€" mg the Old hfiwo new one. MMy of lumt Gilbert Mic n I.“ the ( m Traiin o: r goods Johnstc nort h .uya on Thursd: build a larg of t! “1pr Bin went KI NM l‘L‘CO‘N 10! It WE can! m0 (If W84 n0 th “’0 11¢

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