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Watchman Warder (1899), 12 Nov 1903, p. 8

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ES vi q'uite as much interest to the aver- age man as how lawyers treat each r-rther at a closedâ€"doors ‘police'court‘ :ase. Moreover, by meddling in this- ,-ase council exposes the town to a. ansuit that will make serious 81% .l'itions to the already bulky deficit; There is little doubt that if. Messrs. Steers and Hopkins are fined. then-9 iorily defend itself. With this quite natural after-ttbeâ€"fact clamor for jus- tice we have some sympathy, but no action now can wholly redeem the situation. By ordering one of its number to lodge an information, council has shown courage, and an inclination to meddle that is worthy of pandering vote-hunters. If council wouldmind its own business, its business» might be better done; and after all that is That the Steers-Hopkins fracas was a disgrace nobody denies, or that it deserves punishment; that it has not been punished, justifies a good deal of criticism that has been directed against the delay. Col. DeaCOn cannot escape a great deal 01' the blame for the whole un- z'ortunate uccurrence. By allowing Mr. Steers to direct his irritating Banter toward Mr. Hopkins all thro- ugh the examination, and Without a word of reproof, the colonel failed to maintain the dignity of the bench or the decency of a court-room, and recipitated. the scene that followed. When the insult and assault had been exchanged by the lawyers, the magis- trate was again remiss in not fining them on the spot. Slunmary vindi- cation of 'the court’s honor is the only dignified sort. Going about afterwards for some one to lay an information in cold blood can never take its. place. The bench must not solicit defenders; it must peremp- gar-d institutions of that sort. A glance at the report shows further that oxer I“ per cent. of the total (iays' stay ()1' patients at the hospi- tal was ongoyed by those who paid nothing; 51 per cent. by thoSe Who paid only 40 cents a dayâ€"whereas the average cost of maintenance was actually $1.46 per day per patient; 3!) per cent. cost $1 per day and on- ly 7 per cent. the highest $2 rate. When it is kept in mind that the board has rigidly adhered to the ;po- licy of placing patients in the class- es that their ability to pay woul-dj warrant, it will be seen that the hospital is ministering chiefly to people whose means would not ordi- narily all'ord them hospital treatâ€" ment, and. thus fulfilling the purpose .)I' its founder and laying; heavy :laims upon the sympathies, appre- ;iation and support of the communi-o 'Ihe work done by the hospital is no less gratifying than its financial statement. To those who take only a passing intervst in the hospital, it will he a surp'l‘isc to learn from’the report. in another comma, that 148 yatfents were treated there during the past ten months, and that of thess only fin- d‘ivd. It indicates ‘ a 1. hut there was a pro- nounced unaasiness lest to maintain the institution heavy grants fro-m the town and County would be reâ€" quired. The grants made this year have been quite within reason, and that with them the hospital has been giile to meet the expenses of its first year gives reason for the hope that they will not need to be increased in the future. The balance on the right side of the hospital statement is. all the 111()re,gra1tifyin-g because it was obtained ‘without the govern- ment grant, which has yet to come. That from its revaL-s the Ross Hosyital has paid all the expense of maimr-nance for the past. ten months of its oycx'aéion. is a fair indication that, its suctcss is assured. This will cum: as ad-istinct relief to those who had four for the. financial features of the institution. There is no doubt Mr. Jackson, the new officer, comes to his position onjOying a very large measure of public confidence. He is a. man of sound. judgment, high ideals, and ample legal knowledge. By his service in the town cmmu'l he no doubt. got a grasp of public afâ€" fairs, and a place in popular esteem that. will be of great value in his )3 0111)! la.“ main, he has Coming to the 'An efficient police magi force that makes for rig Of Mr. Steers, the retiring Published Every Thursday CIRCU LATSON’. ‘estraimng ma wmnnwmfifi mst . A position. 0L ic RUDD F. R-{ESS THAT COURT SCENE hospit THE PCLIGE MAGISTRATE to the position when its was not of the highest, he mod his duties as to make rc court the cora'n-ctivo and tr: amncy that it ought, to EIGHT MEMORIAL HOSPETAL its rewmzvs the Ross the retiring is not such a por- as many people reâ€" n All: in «.8. u Died PARKER.â€"In Lindsay, on Nov. 11th Henry Parker, aged 66 years. SCULLYâ€"In Emily township, on Nov. 8th, Isabella Teressa Scully, wife of Dennis Scully, aged 60 years. ME’I‘HREILâ€"At Lindsay, on Nov. 6th, Mary R. Methrell, aged 76 years. KENNEDYâ€"On Oct. lst, in Bobâ€" caygeon, Catherine Kennedy, aged 64, wife of Wm. Kennedy. BELL.â€"On Oct. 3rd, in Boboaygeon, George Ernest Bell, age fiVe months son of George Bell. KRAGEB.â€"On Oct. 4th, in Harvey, infant son of T. Krag'er. DONNELL.â€"At Beaverton, on Nov. 2nd, James Donnell, aged 61 years. VEALE.â€"At the family residence, Beaverton, Nov. 2nd, Flora. Jane Veale, aged 2 years, 5 months. HENDERSON.â€"In Lindsay, on Nov. 9th, Charles Henderson, aged 59 years 11 months. . HENDERSONâ€"TUCKERâ€"At the re- sidence of the bride’s father, Abel Tucker, by the Rev. J. P. Berry. 13. A., Mr. John A. Henderson, of TorOnto, to Miss Marion L. Tuck- er of Beavertbn. Math-er of New Lowell N. Y., and Miss Annie Carter of Lindsay. ISLESâ€"éLTllURSTONâ€"On Wednesday Nov. 4th, at the residence of the bride 3 parents, Valentia, by Rev. W. G. Clalke, B.A., Walter Isles of Oshawa, to Martha Jane Thurs- ton of \alentia. LOGANâ€"WHITEâ€"At the residence 0; Mr. and Mrs. Leake, Cranbrook, B. (1., on Oct. 4th, Miss Jemima White of Been erton, to Roderick Logan of Cranbrook, B.C; McHAT’I‘IE.â€"HURRENâ€"At the re- sidence of the bride’s father, Phi- lip Hurren, on the 4th inst., by the Rev. J. P. Berry, Mr. Francis S. ' McHattie 'and Miss S. Eliza-l bpth Hurren, all of Thorah. "if WOODS SIOVE (0. Eavetrouih: and Ti- wk of all kinds. Part-ta "medal new mint-lied. Hail; and Eating in an in bundles; RUSSELLâ€"At Lindsay, on Nov. 5th, to Conductor Fred Russell and Wife, a, son. CUTHBERTâ€"In Lindsay, on Friday, Nov. 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cuthbert, a son. GRAHAM.â€"On Sunday, Nov. lst, the Wife of Mr. John H. Graham, Lutrterwor‘th, a son. McGOWAN.â€"At the Royal hotel, Woodville, Oct. Blst, to Mr. and Mrs. McGowan, a son. C'UTHBER'I‘.â€"In Lindsay, on Nov. 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cuthâ€" bert, a son. BRASSâ€"At Lindsay, on Wednesday Oct. 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Brass, Toronto, 8. son. . Married MATHERâ€"CARTERâ€"In St. Paul’s church on Wednesday Nov. 4th, by Rev. Rural-Dean Marsh, Mr. J. W. EDETGREAL NQI‘ES THIS IS THE FIRST TIME coun- ! E I I ’ ordered legal proceedmgs fcil has Hvithout the town solicitor’s advice. ! THERE WAS NOTHING rottener lin the State of Denmark than exists 'to-day in Ontario politics. Gamey [swore that Stratton paid him $3000 ' bribe; Stratton promptly ,as a {swears he never paid him a cent. SCrossin makes aflidavit that Gamay s'mutil'at-ed his account book and chao- gged dates in it; G'amey flatly denies 5the charge. Now a new man, Callaâ€" Eg'hvan, takes oath that he arranged fiwith Stratton and E. B. Johnston ilto put $4,200 into the Crossin Piaâ€" Imperial Oxford Ranges Ideal Favorite Ranges Cook Stoves, all sizes Heating Stoves, best mad no Company; Mr. Johnston declares that he never spoke to Callaghan of such a transaction, and knows noth- And yet there are people ing of it. who are impatient With those who are not enthusiastic over party poli- tics in this province. WOODS STOVE (0. Eggs; Stoves rant t council. u-n-vâ€"‘r ’sume a tasx 01- {may auzo . is something to be said for the spiâ€" rit of justice that may have animat- ed the aldermen, and the moral efâ€" fect on the community of having punishment inflicted, but the results are not likely to be such as to war- will be an appeal or two apnea-13- Then council will either have to back down or put up the money to fight these appeals in the higher courts. Does- the town want to as- sume a task of that sort ? There is something to be said for the spiâ€" rit of justice that may have animat- nd the alderman. and the moral ef- HOUSE WWSBIMIS the risky officiousness of the Have a full line of IIIE... Born THE WATERLOO MUTUAL, noted for its fair dealing and prompt jet- tlements : also the NORTH BRITISH AND HERCANTILE. and other reli- FOUND. â€"On July Ost.1903,be. tween Lindsay and Cameron, La,- dies’ Cape. Owner can have same FARM FOR SALEâ€"East half Lot 10, Con. 2, Eldon, 95 acres ad- joining village bf Argyle, 95 acres, 60 plow land. balance pasture. Brick house 30x40, known as Royâ€" al hotel, frame barn 30 x 50, frame driving shed 25 x 65, frame stable 30 x 40. For further par- ticulars apply to P. J. CAMP- BELL, on the premisesAâ€"46-3. FOR SALE. â€"FirIt-clau Millinery and Ladies’ Farm-hing business, established ovu- 20 year-3.11:1: is an excellent opportunity to ac» quire a. good business with a first- class trad. and good stand. For further particulars apply to MRS H. SILVER, 27 William-at. Lind- lay. FARM FOR SALEâ€"Lot 20, con. 9, Cpl, two miles east of Lindsay, 100 acres, 40 acres cleared, balance valuablo tamarac bush. On the premises is a. good frame barn ; good well. For further particulars apply to MRS. HUGH MORRI- SON, or L. V. O'CONNOR. Bar- rister, Lindsay P.0.-â€"43â€"4. FARM FOR SALE.â€"In Mariposa township, 125 mm, 90 plow land, 10 acres first-class hardwood bush, 25 acres pasture; soil rich loam. Good frame dwelling, bank barn 45 x 70, other outbuildings good. This is a. firstâ€"class farm. and will be sold on reasonable terms. Ap- ply to S. M. PORTER, Watchman- Warder oflice.â€"44-tf. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.â€"33 Sunbelt-st nortlh. double frame ban». 8 rooms each. summer kit- chens, Itable. etc.. good garden. Will be sold very reasonable. Apply to MRS. D. CORNELL, on premis- HOUSE FOR SALE.â€"In southwest part of town; solid brick cottage, 5 rooms, good cellar; two acres land. Price 3750â€"1 snap. Ap- ply at this ofl‘lce.46â€"4. by proving. property and baâ€"yij'g' expenses. HRS. JAs.POWLEs, TEACHER WANTEDâ€"For 1904101' School Seetion No. 13, Somerville, third-class or permit. Address all correspondence to' WM. TIPLING, TEACHER WANTED.â€"For S. S. No. 7, Verulam, for 1904. Ex- perienced teacher preferred. Ap- ply stating salary expected _to GEO. BROOKS, Sec.-treas., Bu- TEACHER WANTED. â€"-For School Section No.1, Mariposa, for 1904-. Apply stating salary to JOHN STACEY, Sec.â€"treas., Little Brit- TEACHER WANTEDâ€"For School Section No. 4, Somerville, for the year 1904. Salary $275 per an- num. Apply to JAMES FELL, Bad-dow, Ont.â€"45â€"3. T )ACHER WANTED.â€"-For School Section No. 6, Bexley. Apply stating salary and qualifications to EDWARD LYTLE, Sec.-treas., Vic- toria. Road.â€"-46-3. etc. , Lindsayâ€"40th TEAOIH’RS WAN?” TEACHER WANTEDâ€"For School ,Section No. 10, Manvcrs, for 1904. Experienced teacher preferred. Ap- ply stating salary expected to SAMUEL STLNSON, Sec.-treas., J anetville P. O.-â€"-46-3. 0‘! Lot 24, in the 8th Con. Ops. For full particulars apply to A. E. VROOMAN, M.D., Lindsay, or to McSWEYN SMITH, Solicitors, STIMYED.â€"â€"From the premises of the undersigned, just. west of Lind- say, on or about Nov. 4th, one steer spotted red and white, with heavy horns and marked‘on right, hip with shears. Finder will please notify the owner. M. . O HALLORAN, Lindsay P. O. â€"46. Died STRAYED STRAYED.â€"Came onto the premiâ€" ses of the undersigned, lot. 28, con. 1, Fenelon, one aged cow. Owner is requested to prom; proâ€" perty, pay expenses and remove animal. “HECTOR McKAY, Glen- ry’s Green P. O.â€"45â€"3. Fl RE INSURANCE ain, Ont.â€" WM. _PRING_LE_, ”Principal Our Fees Are Very Reasonable for the Course ASPEGM COURSE flag Been Arranged for Farmer’s Sons and Daughters at the .â€"treas.'. Fenelon Falls Out.â€" Write us for particulars. Opposite Post Ofilce. FOR SALE >. P. CUNNINGS NOTICE TO CREDITORS.â€"In the matter of the estate of Archibald Campbell, late of the Town of Lindsay, in the County of Victoria, merchant, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0. 1897, Chap. 129. sec. 38. that all creditors and persons having claims against the estate of the said Ar- chibald Campbell. who died on or about the 5th day of October. A. D., 1908, are W oxi‘or before the 20th day of November, A. 13., '1908. tosend bypost prepaid or: mmes. addresses and desvcgiptior; lull particulars of their claims and accounts, and the napure of the se- D.. 1903. EDWARD BUTTER- WORTH. Township Clerkâ€"454. And further take notice that all persons whose lands would be pre- judically afiected by the expropri- ation of the said described lands and the passing of such a. hy-law are required to attend at the said time and place, when their peti- tions will be heard. Dated this twentyreifghth day of October. A. TAKE NOTICE that the Municipal Council of the United Townships of Laxton, Digby and Longford, at the meeting of the said council to be held at the Town Hall at Head Lake on the Fifteenth day of De- cember, 1903, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon proposes to pass a byâ€"law for diverting a por- tion of the road allowance between the third and fourth concessions of the TOWnShip of Digby in the Coun- ty of Victoria, by empropriating the following lands, for the pur- pose of theasaid diver-tion, name- ly: All and singular that certain Tract of land and pre- mises situate in the township of Digby in the County of Victosia and being composed of parts of 1 lots numbers twenty-six and twenâ€" ty-seven in the fourth concession of the said township of Digby more particularly described as follows : Commencing at a point in the cen- tre of said road allowance distant on a course of south seventy-seven degrees west along said road cen- tre eleVen hundred and fifty and seven tenths feet ll'om the westerly limit of the allowance for road be- tween lots numbers twenty-five and twentyâ€"six, thence north sixty-four degrees and eleven minutes west two hundred and forty-six feet to the line fence between lots twenty- six and twenty-seven in the fourth concession, thence south seventy- seven degrees west into lot twenty- seven, a distance of ninety-three and onehalf feet, thence south twen- ty-eight degrees and seven minutes West. two hifndred and four feet and eighth tenths to the said cen- tre of the road allowance between the third and fourth concessions, said bearings being magnetic and the said deviation being composed of those portions of said lots twenty-six and twenty-seven lying 1 withn a distance of thirtyâ€"three | feet on each side of the said des- ‘ cribed line. a Iv 1-.qu vuv.’ __v._,- Dated this 2lstâ€"(iay of October A D. 1903. lied. And that after the said day the executors will proceed to distribute the assests of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto having only regqnd to the claims of which they shall have notice. In the matter of the estate of Matilâ€" da Lees Playfair, late of the Town of Lindsay in the County of Victoria, widow, deceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to R. S. 0. 1897, chap. 129. Sec. 38, and Amending Acts, that all persons having any claims against Playfair, deceased, who died on or about the 28th. day of August A. D. 1903. are required to send by post, prepaid, or deliver to Rogers Stewart, of the Town of Perth. County of Lanark, Solicitors for William Andrew Moore, James Allan and Barbara J. Taylor, Executors and Executrix of the last will and testament of the said deceased. on or before the 23rd. day of Novenm- her A. D. 1903, their names, addres- ses and descriptions and a full state ment of particulars of their claim or claims, and the nature of the securi- ty (if any) held by them. duly certi-g ROGERS STWICRAT Solicitors for Rxwutors m'htmummstockofamm and $05“ch NEXT To a d m mumpcmnscsN me thego I I 2135' “I r ' for a Ignited 5 l W bemhdionyoufllxd- Swen: Cub. " °“ ‘ _, . Maw mm- m w "U ”W‘muvuuw-w-"r A 5:000 stock to Great Sale of Riots and Shoes LADIES.â€"If you”h ’bte the added charm and the 5" pearance lent toth yhavin beautiful hair, do r ‘11 the and assortmentof Swatches n Pomp ldOUI‘S. \\ and igu. which Prat. Domwend wi have with him *1 tions entirely free and demonstrauons given reg arding i fix! conceptions m mtnral hair. uh Wm»? “71;; bioc- .. 1908. mmna tb Town of Lindsay ,, L!) of ed a tober, sun; PROf. DORENWEND 3%” a; mum! Boleros, in cream and lack, re gular price 31!), 2.50 3:3??‘1P‘tff‘fifft‘f: 98c 98 Battlttenbergi hoe, at Collars C omen 31. 1 b styles and colorings, also fine embroidered muslin sets of Col- lars and Outs. at prices 60c, 59c and 38c. to Sat. 25c urday .................. .. I,,, -_ D-LA..I...__ time 0! Inch Win. One P1 ice [nfmfs’ 25 Infant’s all wool B o n â€" BOMCtS nets fancy colorings of pale blue. white and sink, regular prices 45 canto and 0 cents. Saturday your 250 ChOice-. 0.0!.00000000000 Children’s Children's Toques IOC 3313:? white and fancy colors, two dozen only, mgular 20 cents, (fifhfi’f’..§".‘..f’.iff7i 106 ed Cashmere and Ringwood Gloves, aomeare silk lined and dome fasteners, selling regularly at 35c and 25c, to clear 1, Saturday ................ C Children’s 0 hixdren's T oques IOC 3°22 Ff}; Cashmere Gloves con." [Dc v a. r iety of styles and coloringa, also fine embroidered muslin sets of Col- lars and Cums. or prices 60c, 59c and 38c. to Sat- 7;, OF TORONTO h “an. y Prof. Dorenwend will Lake men: demanme the merits of his Wigs. WNW FORGE! THE DAYS AND DATES. J. SUTELIFFE SUNS. Ladies’ all I 9 wool black and colon- : ms! Bingww} m WATCEMAN‘ T597919 a protection to chrome coldin the head a M90311 fitted to the bread antic-cl Who Are Bald. Evgn th “'6 bald or partially so you can regamyyo“ Wee by wearing Dorenwend s "" A 3- L- monk :mv dude LINDSAY BENSON HOUSE TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 2411 Men’s fine Whise Shires, puns linen bosoms, closed or open front. a few full dzess fronts, sizes 11, 15.5155,16,16}.11§,regu- lat price 1.,00 Sbcurdamy, half price. ....... .. M 5" $1.00 So led White Shirts, Half Price, 50:. 25: Men’s 10C Hens Silk SI" Ties flowing 0 end, four-in-hand. strings bows, .. knots and puffs, balance of 9 some of our best selling lines. 9 regular prices 53c and 1.5a, to make room for Xmas [0 Stock, Saturday to clear 5 ‘ Suits 0-0 $2,“; ed Suits. straight from sty well trimmed, regular price 8.00. to clear ..... ....... 58, O .OOOOOCOOOOO... ........ at. ””O.‘ $8.00 Men’s 'VUUI' Worsted Suits. in green mix- ture, Italian lining. piped fag. ings. an excellent wearing S ' regular price 11.00, Sat- ult. urday................... 70,5 He will be THE GREATEST HAIR GOODS ARTIST IN AMERICA is coming to match any ' 1 to the hem d and mum mad and [’93 cc Window Display 5.89 Ia 18 , “In Lindsay 0” {a M Examination fr ‘ t occurred < Pam's, Mam id son and 9-57 m at the whim exploded in and his sistc! gel. as to be in d , He. ”I now D 1! Herald a ’owers “9.83:1 Shouid 1w in Canada. It, in “my 0 nimble wwmimus g‘ Fat paper this year. it and. Can-0M "Hank-n, In 5, a. PHI. at 2.75, 3.50, ”nub. .' ”UUJC FM 1%! DeSilberg'e, t, will be at Mansion House 1- Ho 001103 Mm 5‘3 fro Lu Little 140631 U m .ugg \V e ins brain 21$ Ul‘h

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